HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-2-6, Page 80**.l'0+*•ha4+P0+tiel•e+4++10+4•h44'W4r•t••3•F•u•1•4+•l•+440Pel eelabe $4.40•F®•Fd•F ei ee .t, 44 4.9i-04 34..+8.fe*-74+0+03 Family Interest The last word Ina high grade Talcum Powder A fine Powder with an ex- elueive end lasting Perfume, • It has trot to be about the big- gest selling Talcum at the present time. Price 35e. We are agents. MelhodA t New Hymnal '1',1 be useel in Bun a''s begienieg with let Santee in F,biva'v. They are to be Ita,l at as low a price as 40c each, or if some- thing better is wanted they are to be bad in different bindings and types raining in price up to $4 00. Hymn Beek with Tunes ')t'I 50 and $3.50 each. See Them Bring your Films here for good results in Developing and Printing. Prompt service, KODAKS EASTMAN FILMS SUPPLIES Spring Number Pactorlal Review Quarterly Fashion Book 1s here. 5. Price 2 c and it con- tains a coupon good for roc which can be applied on the purchase of any Pictorial Pattern chosen. We keep Pictorial Review Pat- terns. They are easy to use. ." store l(lenio Tooth Paste A nets Dentifrice — Whitens the teeth. clean and refresh- ing -35c. Maltese good com- I bittation with a Klenzo Tooth Brush Price 35,c I lfutax Tooth Brushes 35c Other Tooth Brushes ise, 2ot and 25C Druggist and Stationer 0 4. 4, • A • • d ••4 0 H• ▪ .03.0•1.0.5. 7-e04.0 t-G-1-mese•.+44e. i.O.ete 4.4.+0-14+0+ SCI ! etas 4thrts FEBRUARY. ADVERTISE, COUNCIL met Monday evening. Tim bear saw bis shadow Last Sunday. MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of this week Cgaerre 2I'A Festival dates March t8. 09 aura ao. A number of new books have been ad- ded to the list fit Brussels Public Library. GEo E. MICALL captured a fine white owl Tuesday of ' h.s week on Robt. ltXc- K innon', farm, 7th Con. Grey township. Bakeerets IN CrTreas.—OWing to the "pen Winter D, Ewan is reedy to give special bargains iu cutters and sleighs to clear out stock to make room for bug- ;ies. See him it you have any notion for a good deal. ANNUAL Rural Telephone meeting of urussels, Grey & Morris Company edit beheld in the Town Hall, Brussels, Tuesday afternoon of next week, 1 rth inst., at 2 o'clock, There should be a large tutu out. OLD TIME DANCE—Tuesday night of g next week an Old Time Dance will enc b e e'd in the Town Halt Brussels, by the Welcome Home Club, Cortese Bros , London, will supply the music. Dane - 'ug at q p. m. Card games for those not tear u' to dance. Lonch served. WARD I)RAD.—Last Sunday Bishop 'lard passed away at his home to St. 'Phomas, survived by his wife, 4 s las and s flatlet tern. He Was a former well known resident of Brussels. 'lite boys are Will., Frank, Sydney and "Tem" and the daughters, Mrs. Fair- Lrother and Miss Ethel, Old friends here sympathise witil the bereaved in the death at hatband and father. TrieerlaV ot this Week Rev. I. W. and Idis. Pietro tmil 2 children arrived in rnu n al .c.i a long and very trying ex- p.y iet,ea io Turkish imprisonment, They left Canada in June 1914 for the Mission fields in the far East and had an eventful history since then. They are very welcome. Mrs, Pierce is the only d;tughi.r of R. K end the late Mrs. Ross, formerly of Brussels. The visi- tors expect to Lome to Brussels in their boliday. MISS MARGARET C. S'TEWART CALLED AWAY.—After en extended illness, borne with patience and resignation, Miss Margaret Stewart, only daughter of the late Alexander and Annie Stewart, geese etre:•t, Brussels, passed away 10 Iter reward lest Friday in Fergus boson- al, where she had been for treatment for s+'verel months. She was born in Morris township and was 47 years, 8 months and 11 days old. The casket was brought to the home of Peter and Mrs Stewart, Brneeels, from where the funer- al took place Monday afternoon to the fatuity plot, Brussels cemetery. Rev, Mr. Mann, deceased's pastor, conducted a suitable service. Pallbeerers were Jae. Fox, A. Strachan, ino. Crerar, P. A. McArthur, Walter Yuji!, and Wm. Armstrong. The surviving brothers are Peter, Brussels ; Alex. F., Maid- stone, Seek., W. J., Manager of Stand. and Bank, Parkhill ; and Duncan in California. Deceased was a flue e.pirit. ed person, a devoted aid efficient work- er in the church, Sunday School, Youug People's Society and the choir and whose piece WEN never vacant when bealth permitted her attenrtsnce, Her life was a worthy exempleof Christain service and she passed away to the House of Many Mansions with the happy trustfulness that "Ere doeth all things well." Beautiful flowers were placed on the casket. HAvs von ordered that wood yet from • the local Fuel Controller, F. S. Scot.? SEE about the range Demonstration to be given at Wilton & Gillespie's store Saturday of next week Tali, stove sup plies a real honsebold need and every housekeeper should see what it will do and how well it does it. Read the advt. this week. ' 16 YEARS OLD —It Was 16 years last Tuesday since the Metropolitan Bank opened its doers iu Brussels, A. E. Miliish, new mareger at Weston, Ont. ; F. el Gilroy, pre.enr manager at Brus- sels, Bank of Nova Scotia and George Thompson, now in Vancouver, constitut- ed the staff. I Ir you want anything ahoioe in Shorthorn bulls call on 0. Turnbull & Son, Lot 10, Cmt, 15. Greg township, Brussels R, R, 2. Phone 9914. Ir yen wish any work done in the Planing mill kindly get it at once. P. AMENT. Pnc Sale,—Two year ofd Shorthorn bull with roglatered Grey, Phone 2310, YORE/MUM 1400 FOR SEteVIDE.—The under- signed will keep for service on bot 20, Con, 11, Grey township, a thnro' fired Yorkshire hog, Terme r1.N), WILL. MITCHELL, Prop. Sano „ ..Ems Berle No. -Y for Sala Phone na P Barley, .9. A. NWHOL, Wln ghan P. D. 6O Acne form for sale, ,4t0e Lot 10 Con. 16 Grey township. JAMES Penang. I THmiiEREt Yorkshire hog 4 months old for sale Price renrnnable, R. B. STEVEN/MX, Lot 18, Cnn. 12, Grey. Phone 4225, MAtiorte seed wheat for sale. ANDRInw LA)IoNT, 10th Con. Grey Township. Phone 2314, Eliot/Ewe market price paid for hides by I3A tam Sims., Brussels, PURE bred young Shorthorn bull for Saler R. L. McDonald, Lot 18, Con. 10, Grey. Phone 248. Roo FOR SERvtCN,—The underafgned will keep for servioe at Lot I, Cnn. 10, Grey town. ship, a thorn bred hog. Terms 01.00. P. T1EitMAN, Proprietor. A YEW choice front quarters of beef for sale at reduced prices. BAEKER Biwa. COMFnRTAnt,E house and lot for sale. Queen street, Brussels, the pr•e eerie of the late 'Mre. W. Newsom. For taut'ulttrs apply to .1, It Cooper for the coming week 01. b. H. Seoit, thereaft r, MACDa C. Bnvaxs announces she lies rte mimed work in her office. (Mire open every day. Hours 10 to 12 a. in„ 1 to a p. m. aloe Saturday evenings. WANTED.—bend Florae; and Animals taken awns promptly within n radius of 20 miles. Will pay from 3'3 to $5 Por ]fee animals brought to factory. No animals removed without hide. Phone, clay 12. Pham evening 178, The Farmers' Fertilizer Co., Ltd„ Wingham. DR. PARKER, Osteopathio Physician, visits Bruesele Monday afternoon of each week. Chronlo and nervous diseases successfully tweeted. Visits residences. Consultation at Queen's Hotel, "THE MAN WHO CAME BACK,"—The interesting and amusrhg play will be presented in Brussels Town Hall, Mon- day evening next, February loth by the well knnwu Marks Coy . iu which Miss Arlie Marks and the redoubtable "Tom" goan nstrt mt. Ilay ndrawn od hoin ToutoMontrealand other cities. Plan of reserved seats et Fox's Drng stole, See advt, CLose, CALL. ---At Miss Muriel Spar - ling, daughter of Mrs George Sperling, Brussels, was creasing Bloor st, Toronto, Wednesday evening of last week, hurry- leg urryleg to catch a street car, she was struck by an automobile that had just turned the corner. She was thrown to the street with considerable violence but fortunately was net rue neer. Her head was injured turd -she received quite a shake-up but no bones Were broken, The nervone shock wait severe. Miss Sperling was conveyed in the auto to a doctor and afterward to her boarding , house. It was a pure accident that might hive been attended by serious if not fatal results but THE POST is glad Miss Muriel farrtd as well as she did. We don't want her to repeat the stunt, however, rte.•,-: eleStet , , ;. • --W .. v "'r: �„'`\�'."'a ,,..«.«_„ �s...x ;.�:8fr 39"•M.x.ns,c: ,n �t.':ies�`",�(r:-'.�v '�"�' .. °i , ,,.,.,m. ..«..n.,..,,,.,>„ ..w,..,,,.».• etJaxx GA•RDt[(gx 'Daeltesap --Ali old and well known resident of Bluevale far 40 years in the pitman of John Gardiner, died at the home of his daugh- ter, itt1 J. W Meteegtt 1 Godtutlt,. titer Saturday iu his soil] year. Ile had been ailing for the past few years tram hardening of the arteries and a stroke pat:a'ysis and was weaned to bed for most of past year. Mr. Gardiner 911 ben u ie Co. I''erinttnagh, Ireland ,ensu, to teneele when 11 \'t'at's of list" '1. ori• nrr''o,l to.'.n1 ie': hate M, lies "f sd•.us ;'nsbip, Who 1 rvlcces tI lean I,v n ri.eirs. The sutvivnig children are ; L one Head Mrs (; I, 'Piton'. Edmonton ; 1a , Dauphin. Malt, ; Jno., For W1l sin ; h1 r,. McDonald, Goderich ; and Mrs, Fred McCracken, Brussel,. Fueeras service was conduct- ed by Anglican clergyman at Gotlerich and into meet was made in 13luevale cemetery Tuesday afternoon, Rev 74r, Burgess salting service at graveside. Mr, Gardiu.r was a t'ouservntive in polities and a member of the 1, 0. L. and 0. 0. F. for years 131: is well and favoraItis' remembered in Btnevale locality. t C I ttzoNslnr."—A large gathering of womeu greeted Mrs, Murray, Hamilton, Friday evening iu the Audience roost of the Public Library, when she spoke in behalf of the W. C. T. U. on "Citlzeu• ship " i'a,ta4inn wome.t have enure in- to a new responsibility le the Ft anehise 14 a trust charged with great possibilities of service. Mrs. Gordon Murray re- fetred to growth of Temperance and Franchise et'htimetnt in Scotland, her u itive find, act cpttnselled all to use houeet ile. t in the use of the ballot for the up',tt ot hu•nanhy and the bet- terment of the enuntrY, and to strive to secure an equal standard for mei and ' women. See also spoke in reference to ntotit't's pensions. For years the W, C. T. U. has advocated the need of such pensions null nue' at the dawn that has conte after the victory of right over might. 1' i; 11 rile, that childhood and dependent m'.ttherhood should be con- sidered Mrs Hamilton made referenc- es to toe courage and heroism of the Cauadian hays overseas and closed with A patriotic reci•Atkin Mrs. Beavers, of Exeter, C President, spoke for a short while in reference to Mrs. Hamilton's visit to Huron Co. Mrs, (Rev.) Mann, Presided i a vete of thanks s giveu to the visiting ladies on motion of Mrs. Dark and Mss. R. Thomsou. Meeting concluded with the National Anthem The Brussels Branch of the W. C. T. U. has done a good wotk and it is hopers a considerable addition will be made to the membership as there is a large field to be cultivated in connection with thee various departments of the organization, Mrs Hamilton will be welcome back to town, Church Chimes Next Sabbath evening a joint Memori- al service will beheld in Melville ckurch, cllnmeocing at 7 o'clock, t0 commemo- rate the death of heroic soldier boys from the Presbyterian and Methodist cougre gation of Brussels in France and Flan- ders. The names of the brave lads who fell are :—Charlie McMillan, Ross Mc- Kintt,lu, :delete Bunstou, Charlie For. rest, W 11, Maybury, Wilfrid Lott, Frank Scott, Frank Gerry, Cleve, Den - bow, Lisle MnCracken, Spence Hems- worth, Norman and R. M, McGuire, Wm Denman and Jas Richardson, MEt,VILLE CHUaco.—Theaontalmeet- ing of Melville congregation was held last Friday afternoon and. was well at- tended A successful year was reported. Revenue for all purposes $6,084 ; Ex• peuilitures 86,043 For Missionary and benevolent work $3032 The different organizations cle,„ good, faithful work, W. 84. S raised $477 ; Mission Band $79 ; Sunday School $288, of this $50 was raised for a Victory Bond ; Y 1', Society $321 of which $5o was for a Victory Bond ; Willing Workers Brio For Building Fund $ge5 was raised Congregation is taking steps to wipe of the debt of $9000 upon the church, Walter Veils, P. A, McArthur and Alex Stewart were chosen as Canvass- ing Committee There were 38 ad- ditionsto the roll and 21 removals, 1 ee e leaving t to r eat membership 456 P P The pastor i clr, in his 6thyear n he h s s sand P g and the congregation are working in hearty accord. To show the many changes teleiug place, over 250 persons, old and young, have either died or re- moved to other places since Rev. Mr, Mane became pastor. Prospects for Igtg are favorable and feeling optimistic. 1 People We Talk Aboc:e 087'0 5272 STANDARD BA OF' CANADA 'IEAD OFFICE - TORONTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank. 238 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, [LE ►!1 Manager. annetnenteastatemossuesamm 1Y J. lermyn has been bolstered w1111 a sovere attack of neuralgia iu his face James and Mrs, Grills. of Elora, are visitors at the home of 12 and Mrs. Leatherdale, Mre. D. C', Ross is visit fug relatives in 1'oroato and attending the annual Provincial Horticultural Convention as one of the delegates froth Brussels Society, Among pet pie from a distance who attend,d the funeral of the tete Miss Margaret C. Stewart were Mies Annie McBain, Toronto ; Miss jean McLaren, Winghatn and lino. C. Stewart, Sttat- ford, tt :14 Harty Champion is home from Galt for a visit. Mi's Georgia Kerr, of Toronto, is here on a short visa. \4e• ere sorry to hear 11 the Meese of Mre. lamer, McCollum, Albert street, Brussels, but we hope for early improve- Men1, Mist, Pipe. Kneen street, has tempor- arily been la ,1 aside through poor stealth but We hope she will seen be fully re- stored, Robert Kerr, Toronto, is a visitor at Fred and Mrs. McCracken's, He is a cousin to the latter and was attending Mr, Gardiner's ianeral, Mrs, Jno. Htatnan, of Exeter, a ball - sister of Mrs. Marsden Smith diets Wed. nesday, of last week, She was 94 years ot age. A more extended notice will be given, Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF FARM $7008, Iht- PLEMRNTa, &O,—tr, S. Scott, Aeutiottesr, has received instructions from he t d 0 t e 1 tli.Si M L proprietorCo. to soil by Poublic Anatol' r et'y Lot ,21, too, Morris, valuable proper Ngbrnure the14th,rdca be vNuable , property 1 mors 3 years old can s rtoical ed 1 horse 8 seers fad, 1 note sup used to calvehiold, 2 2 ifsteers fat, 2 old, 5helfere fat, 7 steers 9 i year old, a heifers 1 year old 5 steer calves, :; heifer solves, 1 Dnr• haul bull 2 years old, I sow with 8 pigs, 1 sow due to farrow, 1 Yorkshire boar 2 years old, 2 eel iron harrows, 1 Melotte cream separator nearly new. 1 barrel, 1 walking plow, 1 grind- stone. Sale nnreserved at 1 p. m, Terms 826 and under (sash. 0 months credit on approved am uoint ntsC9,TNO,EVANS, Proprietor. r cent off for h 11 credit AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM Or las Awns,FA It9t e'POOK, IMPLEMENTS, &0,—o'. H. Hnott, tnetioneer, has received in- structions From the uodereigned Admintabra- tor of the estate or the late George Chester A rmabrong, to se11 byy Pubiio Anetton 01 Lnt 8, Can 10, Grey tnwnshitt, on Tneedny, Fabrnary 18th, at 1 o'clock, the foltowht6 valuable property:—Real Estate,—A farm of 105 acres more or leas, eensistng of Lot 8 and Port nt Lot 9 in the 10th Concession, and Part of Lot 8 in the llth Concession of the Township of Grey, County of Huron. This is one of the best farms in the Township; good soil, well fenced and al ••pined; two sorsa oP apple crab• and; windmin and abundance of S01er, All ander cultivation with the exception of 10 acres of bush. Buildings are fair; Bank barn, silo, implement shad, story and a half cement horse, $stunted only 2 Writes from the town of Brussels on G, T. R. Chettel property: -1 matched teen of geldings 7 and 8 years old, 1 bay gelding driver (Nett 9 years old, 1 black dr vutg mare 7 years old, 1 yearling 0011, 1 gelding 4 yearn old, 0 fat steers and 2 fat heif- ere ready to ship, 1 registered Durham sow 4 years old (fat),1 now 0 years old due .Sept. 1919, 1 sow supposed in °elf, 1 cow 8 years old due Maruti 15,1 heifer rising 2 years to calve about April let, 1 fsrrou' cow Balstetn 8 scare old, 2 1 -seer old calves, 4 younger calves, l 2 -year std Durham bull, registered young boar, 1 aged boar, 1 sow with 0 sunken, 1 Berkshire now in 1)10,11 chunks about ready to ship, 7 shoats 10 weeks old, 5 geese, about 60 Rook pullets and liene,1 binder, 1 mower, 1 cultivator, 1 fertiliz- er dive Beed drill, 1 manure spreader, I hay loader, 2 plows, 1 set harrows, 1 scalier, 1 sleight 1 cutter, 1 buggy 2 set double barium,1 sot single harness, extra set of buggy wheels, DnLaval cream , operator new, ropes pulleys, forks hoes and outer articles, quantity of hay, oats, itsrley, turnips, apples, potatoes, Spring seed wheat, 1 steel range for kitchen (new most 380,11 Queen Beater, 1 Daisy churn, pails and other articles,. Theimplements are nearly all no rots 0 R w. Te f ,ale.—Real Eetnt — e 10 0r p Dont cash ml da P o Salo and nes m y u prion oP en nnbrnnres f inhume et 1 s an march e 16thand the interest, Sale subject. ' s io tg reserve et guardian, bid and io n0 n ne eon at of rho f Sale I C ttee.PottnO. 5 1' de cash; completion of Hale, unnttlea, menthe and tit der cash; overMuttmount 9 m mhos rrof 4 given an sou credit t01nt notes, Noo es r 4 per asst oto ust be old. tu. No reserve, approved must be avid. Farther terms as knowved Pay the to L}POWEL made known on day G Hata E. G, PO TA NB T, Exeter, Ont. GLADSIAN & STANHURY, Exeter, tliit., Solicitors for the EeEste. $5.00 for $4.00 And Every .Dollar Worth More. Small savings now share in the high interest on Govern- ment Securities. liVar-Savings Stamps 011111 1lII tt III 11111,1 1 sass gads�'•Jfxt b mud), (ail tur,IiW leis. 15514.1.10 fen <4.01 IVtlITIMII :4_,I j y d�i an 1 o I� Ar sritatI to Y X g„„,I 3 s lit �tr• tI merime r r r n 11u m el mnnununinnnnmm�ne 11111(151111115,54e1 Cost $4,00 this month Redeemedin 1924 for $5.00. SoldatMoney- Order Post Offices, Banks, and wherever the Triangle and Beaver sign is dis- played. Brussels School Board The Statutory meeting of Brussels School Board was held on the evening of January 15th in J. Fox's office. Members present D, 0. Ross, Jas. Fox, Leatherdale, Jno. Cunningham, M. Black and Jno, Logan. 1Ninutee of last regular and special meetings read and adopted, Moved by Juo. Cupningham, sec- onded by R. Leatherdale that D. 0. Ross be re-elected Chairman for 1919. 1.1' Oa ted. Treasurer presented report for past year showing receipts for year to be $5,794.51 and expenditure $5,529.05 exclusive of balance. On motion of J. Fox and R. Leatherdale report was adopted. Moved by Jno. Logan seconded by R. Leatherdale that 13. S. Scott be re- elected member of the Public Library Boated for 8 years. Carried. Account was presented from Jas. Fox for telegraphing, $2.50 and order- ed to be paid. Instead of dividing the Board into committees as cnstomat'y it Inas re- solved to have whole Board act on all itnportant questions. Board then ad- journed. BORN SEAMAN. In Exeter, on Jan. 20111, 1010, Jnne MASTERS.—In Illiterate, on January 22nd, 1019, Sparliag, relict of the rate William Beit - to Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Mestere, a daughter, man, aged 04 years. SsePHENSON —In Brussels, on January 2011, JoanAN.—In Belgave on January 2711, 1019, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Stephenson, a Martha Davidson, wife of Saint, Jordan, son.—George William, aged 50 years and 5 months, REA —In Grey township on February 20d, 1015, Jno. Bea, in hie 78th year. ST/MA/M.—In Pergun hospital, On ,Taneary 01st, 1010, Margaret 0., only daughter of the late Alexander and Annie Hten•ert, Brussels, aged 47 years, 8 months anti Id days. C9 iiii:) fiatritOtee ateititiettietaeleiitbhid0440&04*S10et casesesese ws4900 8p0 • Fox's 41 ki • 42 e6 to s • tl a Q c4 9 B 9 Ci 09 e Ei O 38 9 fD 4. 0 9 54 g d 0 s+ e 4. TI-II'ate STORE a4,7YZl�• tYGlrr'la Weekly StoreMore News 1T14 angorm Aro toy of your stock suffering term Ringworm 1 If ea you sill4ind Due Ringworm Routed tt most reliable at della. GS: mode Pipes In react they are all good ones. See the assortment in our win- dow title week. Pipes have been heed to get for some time. They ate till Dew stock, See them auywtty, no harm dope if you don't buy, They price from Se to $4 01) • . Surd Flush ('leans closet bowls and koepst there KIM tail. For one purpose only and the only thing for the purpose, Put up in large siztt runs--lOn„ a A Splendid Tonic and System Purifier One of the biggest sellers in the medicine world and still going strong, A Purely Vegetable Com- pound scientifically prepared. Just try a bottle kk Yours Mk We have really a splendid lot of Purees at 25c ,utd 135c. Well turtle in every pat tinder, the frames being strong and close fitting. Better pick one quick and save your change, For the Children with a Cold We strongly recommend Penslar Children's Cough Syrup 00n taints no opiates or any descrip. tion and can be administered to very young children without any tinlaleasant results. 25c the bottle 39c We have on hand at present time several pities of Rubber Gloves 8 pairs • to be ex- act. These we're offering at $9e pr. Good assortment of sizes, The Postal Authorities tris si • i es 1: convey i d atm o oo s their oxt at y card meaning in o few words on the Foetal w to rd eh9, we nee, a the g tx attempts:— Nothing jeep how to use it, Hare ore the ass aft«mptn:— Nothing bat the address can be place ed on We aide. Nothing but the addre=a to be on this side. Write only the address on thin side. Write the eddrose only on this aide, the message on the outer. Write the address on this aide, the message on the other. This side for address only, Wampole's'Cod 9 liver Extract Always a gond stock on hand. This 1s one of the always re- liable [nooses. ileac, $1,00 per bottle. JAMES FOX DRUGGIST and STATIONER • DIED MARRIED EDLEH—HOLMBe.—At the inmate, Walton, on February 4th,1919, by Rev, 10, A. Lundy, N, A� Mr. Albert Eater Seaforth, to Miss ett a Holmes, of 6foK11lop township, HOLT—WAKEFOIID —At the stoma of the bride, by Rev. A. Letng, on January 8th 1910, Mrs. Jane Wnireford to Mr. Anthony Holt, both of Fordwich, HENDsRs0N—HnEnDEN.—In Wingitsnt, by ' Rev. D. Perris, on January 20th. 1010, Win, Henderson, of Madera, Seek., to S7ks Mar- garet A., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shedden, of Morris township, Huron Co. SPARLIND—Lat'roe,— At the home Of the bride's parents, on Jonanry 20th, 11110, by Rev. Mr, Kennedy, Mr. Victor aperling, to Mies Eva Marie youngest deughber of Mr, and Mrs, Alex, Leitch, all of Crenitroolr. Stop that AWFUL Waste of FUEL AUCTION SALES WEDNESDAY, FR1t. 12Ts.—Let 1, Con. A Tuc•tlberry township, Farm stoetc, implements, Fell WDant &e Sete unreserved tit 1 p. in. F, F. Wright, Spring Wheat Prop. Jno, Purvis, Ano. Oats Ronny, Fen 14T5.—lfarnt stock, Saloielet Peace merits, ,&e„ Ni, Lot 21, Con. 8. Morrie,y 1 p. ,o. Jno. Evens, Prop. F. le, Scott, Ano. Butter Moroney, Pen. 177u.—Fart, emelt, Imple- Eggs ments, &e., Ny4 Lot 20, Oan, 8, Morris town- Hogs ship. Nide unreserved at 1 p. m, Jno. Law- Wool sou, Prop•, P. $. Scott, Aue. Potatoes per bag 003 r) 8r fJ 09 .1014.20, 1/0,-.11MSTJSP.611.15.3211=11.00SIO 7000027, Fitts. 18Th.-1,'Iwtn, fame stock, implements, &o, viz., Lot 8, Coin, 10, Grey township, Sale unreserved at 1 p. in. Estate of late Chester Artoatrotl Rev. F„ G. Powell, Administrator. F. S, Scott, Auc. WtsINESDAY, FRIA 10t11.—Farm Stock, Int• plemente, &0 , W1hot 28, Con, 11, Grey. Sale, unreserved, all p. in. W. J. Sharpe, Prep, ; F, S. Scott, Ana WEDNESnAY Fan. 19TH.—Farm stock, im- plemente, &e., Lot 88, Con, 13, McKillop town- ship. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. Robs. Arehi. bald, Prnp, Thos. Brown, Auc, BRUSSELS MARKET *2 06 2 OS So 1 10 75 40. 55 15 26 ds no 12 5* 2 OS 00 1 60 T5 16 tt 1 (0 E OF THE WONDERFUL INVENTION Stop that AWFUL Waste of FUEL Freco ilea` a. n ge s and ri r, a Wer s "The Great Fuel Saving Stoves" 1/9 v e 5h Demonstration from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Come and see how to do your cooking and baking on one-half the fuel you are now using and let us show you how to use soft coal without Dirt, Dust or Soot, and just as etttisfactory as hard coal. A warmer kitchen in tits Winter tine and a cooler kitchen in the Snmuter time with only one-half the trouble in operation, Burn Soft Coal, Hard Coal, Coke, Stack or Wood. B';: t A 0.� R.rr T on an entirely new principle, x ,'t from any other. 1FFERENT The firm Ranges and Heaters Shaw the way, and Saves 50 per cent Saving in FUEL. 00 per Dent Less Ashes to carry out, 50 per cent Loss Labor to Operate. 100 per cent More Cooking & Heating Satisfaction, No more Ashes to Sift. No more Fires to Kindle. Stop hat AWFUL Waste of' FUEL No more Stoves In Blacken, No more Black Bottom Cooking Utottsils, Better Ventilation. Absolute Safetyin .Fire Protection, A Big Reduction iu the IIigh Ooet of Living, & Gilles ie Brussels Stop that AWFUL Waste of FUEL