The Brussels Post, 1919-2-6, Page 6ettmytiazogarztornvpr=t3oWar
Its Richness inQuality
gives Tea -Pot results
equalled by no other
Teas on sale anywhere
Black Grn O Mixcd Szalted Pack:Itz Only.
cols•-zszot• 1og414,oTaitztia Cu=loan; =moron:out with Imes. ,anee
ifillb DAY SHIN Gbi 1 c...h.!"
. ' Gnig Holds the Lino,
y Bee tlenaerman arteeel lee
2 UBOATN DA triol
len Thoueend Prieoeeee! elettle!
Ail aiaot the Big 11.: Smash!
rareeett salerea, yeatetea eleept; le .hat yi,-,ka141kSt, EvArio;
Chi:111,1'A (11:41le't,14 ht1u1 Eerie!
Ntra 1, El1.1 1 RECORD 11W.1 oory strovt 1.411 ll1-1td4 :'J
e --
And flying feet- eve liefeeelleti•iet
"Mary 1/. MAI:hell," in the theeity All (theta leetriel
From Harlem to the Battery.:
From to the ',ampler
From Tokio to fair
divt1. 44,4 hocr-
i2in!istcr to the sick end utecrug, and
T"Blood Btha--uch the Iieit,0leowil look
the ee.iteen of nse is waiogees
wife teu_ira(.s;..a:eh:e, r teetietnton ltaohw.iar
They took Cemend ed ea y -M -d alMo cedience to the eabetamee alieLleth ehoee witch
Somme.- PY's16.1114111 '*4", and to 4.44144 man.have 1. i'1 her fanty during the
T' Montdider ihey droc 111441' wedge a:ccin carrying out big unemr easen, We are coming to
Wal Noyon oi the 41,44111(8 edge. 61recam:a. The patient's faith in the realize that mat onee daily is n
Frt. FtVS1(141(11 MO long fruit beet dt0r4111.1141,1 41':i4) be encouraged as 114 21?petreamet, anti, following
17ntil it .wIl ther 4" 11l''41",114 SPOOL. - a' that PhYSiliall he,trge of he mreellon of thsWho have
n1tilUIVl 1111 11(41n4' wluea 4. 4 ave finding
Yet (4, 111 thmetavr-pati- ay ch du not
"Haig Heide he Lin." eea A. thalmi]mind being of thecall fumat at ail. Bes.dee being
utno.etimportance to the patientnourehilland aepotielea, the dlehee
Amllon men d mne 441 144.11'" eerythng meat sem to be moving desiailel 114 avreprade 111
Aginet a wall that swayed and moot:hey and easily, no neater mime. expensve. All have been anecdmn-
y oth
44441 and
ye.elitit unafraid! The invalid shoeld not beeetheoei (141. laimee that all
TIM earth 11,411.41 ith their cannon- allowed to fl awe responsibilityare (14111(14111141.ade, !whtevr abeut 111.4 own 144140. SpaniedItiee.--anct sneale Pieces
But oh 44114 14814814111 blood tied drained I 1184w you will ,'ay'-ewhy, evry.three or fur ellece of 1144,011 and fry
every siell-eeept ;owe they body knows those things." But it ie- until brve, Stiein the pan one
th.little thingtht count in a -sick- oodesized onion end ellen: to cook
414 elect. Eerly Inle, 141A
qua/en eleleirei .41,
'W(1 .11 612P111 171$: V..lil '14'ybv the 3iary 11,Mitelell, a
414141411 toeel, one e the ':1710 1',,.
hie"of tle44.1)!'.l. This ('14444 ‚414141 0412
if net de lirst, f th
F ,e+ -.c7 (•'-.,hi,:t'•-e.'e.t.t1, .-:-T',I1e,,,.--j•-:1-
ftetrhc')leP.i.e.lve7e.y1'',:.'e.''1`e•'Ie':'.. :el.•l a e17ir..'et..:e*'lI''rt; oF:L''eY''t'','a' 1..:,i•*•::'.:'.'2.':.0-01 .m .. ''''cii'rf . tme"•.eI• re''u 't`n'tI heetc nr':".ayr.e-r'„'': .•' .,eree ; o•',: :, in 0 • ". '1 0 I,1r.0.,t--". ; i.i,l':v;,e-.:''- e,a el:.e'11;e'1';,.:: .n,•ee 't''-t•'e
,-e,li• .rsein-
•OWuittoah v
-tl•a':uTaee,ict tici12s the eeen,ureae aienec1 ya tt-rayee tlto
,•07(kir:: 1.4'14,'41l1 1111:0 81111
ow t-1-,•31. his v,,,,1 v•,11Jut,
411,' 'k -,''e '("4.141'' envie ie. tete, melee
etreeet f eleeterevi ..111 Lowrie,
eel terofficere mei L.W1rV011111O0rO1
fetheeetedeee work. 41,
pro. 14.11 v'1.11 n twel.:ap.,.p114 and
two1..11-tt.p.alva ni,.-p,n111,,1'n•
Shp shtliits1 tho iirt elmarin
thremikwel led 1. (1.
4 awaiting a chtiece to Leg it. The
!ceman craft folleved 114 41 ,110 11141,
1141101 for 1, time, hut ieelle ('4184(18)1neer 411111 a4t41. sati-fyip;: ieself that
4.,ereea am,a had etteeriere spec.; and gun 4.1444'.'41?.
CIIAPT1eeeilIL- ea t1,1'.nI tj_5Orlt1(21i1
1eon1111„zn01100>f(oheri eli4re of the81'. 0144 hip to
1 1a1 e 1 1e1 ne nrilt'41 ( e firt (114* lael1 t11° Germa
el up a iemiot y hltIl 11 wo,47an i121Theywe adet for fifteen In Berlineeeperwaved thnt day I eemand theaTh urerykod7 hnowslowly a few minutes To ens aid
them Irneimee1 X,/ ont n a i'i1ilutcan1 thee eenied firWhen Ana loals rang out -but who can say thee1111111,.. precoutionarevelaa•two caps of e141ee1 111111(1 andhe eas(.
"nm:ent tAid
hherI I eent hem t 1, 4414 14444 tlleiently 11 '4,4) depth of 'WOO thknew wbe tenegleetedi anwent of canntmlDCook to-lnempa3,meaIA bi.e
l r''?'rmk1 fnI41?.rnt1:r,i-iiiL.T„Ind apoiton mthrood Too 11104111 1e011, (.41,11141,44 be put upong.1,r unl on hefittedennEmployeis are achnoniebe4 to givse
his ellowr0i eIniena ir'''"1-1I've,e11.1:".i; '0: fee; coneenled aims of the Faling ehip Tho -e41 co.umns of thendless dead- the. appearcuce of the sickroom. Ito tastwith li .' aIeoy.their workers low- noice of
Noaing 111e siee,
The 1. 001112 '4 the life of
neaee.;,:c•rywit11, '44144,11 111TlOSSi,.rilii1,,tr. .t
, 'e?„, fc'•(`'" ,e
' ieeA I k
trja„ene DiFEBta AFellilk
Teale IN 01,1) 1,ANO
1 no (0111411-1*11(11441: 4', A root both limy
,o 441.40441.40)1 (1)411.1' the el :Ono to One in
1)O11 01121 441'! ('41 111CCS (340(21) ‚14'h('14 1*114
else Nile in 1114111401* no detail 13 81^
44,441(1,4141141461-4can add in the lene.
to the eomfort of the etifferer.
lith geeend flame. fell Bau-Onoo.f the fitedqiialifoaior,iforDurngthevo;t1teather thetouela
emn' lepartnientof Ministry of
Labor Faces Prodem at Making
$20 ifoiee Content With Ela-
"cemeie" 1)1)14114.111hiptry of 1.,nbor,stt:-;a London
deepatch. Vomen pr,d11.,'4411(11111t1411.tjA1. I,1:4ci
t i10t'tiit11:•1,,:--
a week limy GraOw It' 44444141 p 4
return to he,feletaae es a family
yerant itt f, -nm $3 tVote :1
Government oficiate ('*8414114! the;
this IS O` of 11'22 lend proldcfmt 4.1141'
140014.1 with th„tontitstruotioa rcrio 1.
*1!'11('''111141 an thew; nit11 ant4.\".(10'anen
must :(11('Cllce some of the freedom
they hate enjoyed 1111 nitwi:ion work-
scaine.e; . ee. :hlef6 Sad 110W ubmit to 1)11.40 exei.iWt
hours of work. They tire appenlingto
the workers to edema toneelvee to
tie11:v oriler nslosttly
eEtIt,:11dtoie„viih 4144 1.0 nItii4omteT
flees durina reeonst .uctien mthey ilia
ee:leretiect teeale 1mattomarry.' we"",vonhtintoPlay„„1anded'Wheawtheiwoundedmile enmi: eacierfu1 s enneifliked--A74141114.4104isedeecorhal and not to dicharge !rgo num-
no,, ,he Iseet Ai re( Ch • .• of the .e•Teeen eshy1 dton't yoeuetraeill him e.-.e3?"1 theri-stenentarthniei twheas eablloewenrinue p whhyiha RTheteuyrrs-traervae infoar ftPeellterainnd-Cthalaiws,hile rablethat the eyof the p1 it reen ee en hers at one Lime're aid thgirls
Jerre' 1 a ecf paiiavnes ras ahlto fire an additional '4111111 11'414” bdde thline1 may rest with pialre upon his ethe Government as deviled to give
lnmry lgetelo e-: lioenet hezeee.14,1t three rninutee afr the first hit. roenctingesThe nureeeeef ,,,,,,# ',',1heteA0pros:ing...._
Icontribute to the agreeable environ- Mahe n white melee and in it melt ich war workee $.1.75 a aeek for
that elfteeeire '1.1este eel freer,. ail ,,,,,,,, .,a., ,fl Ills amobaa ocoaa,a01.1_
foreiera and caused an explosion Our hosts -to split the allied mass- i a,d tasted, but above all, scrupelous- Open the lesceit and peer the cheese tel'iirteen weeks after she stops war
:11''''.1-7'''im•:‘ In'a''''''''' ci t:L' til' tiff'''. 'P.:. : .: .: ilt tianu,z4 nie to Fee ban el'et :Odell Wed it just below the They thought to Scatter and di 1)14471 , meet. Her eiress• must be simple a cupful of cheese eut in Email plecea
I mixture over them This is 141 earty vi ork it dining that time Elie does not
rerti''''''' 41c i h"n '-:•-•.re '''''' r''''''sitY %-:.-1.'• 1- Ceret v. a ureeneeeree, • From guns left by the Bolshevik, ecltkruTila'ef.'yinien leto\tiittleenseeeihould not be dieli nad very geed to thste. Seive only tangible inidge the Government
f‘nd other employment. This is the
timt' (;1. men •Rl'o'l ,''',?•''','-e,'PlIA 'nill ' :1: e" • 1 ,' I - to aerie out tes Yale Wilkie threw a vaet column of evatir The answer came -"You sball not , e
. s... e. t Acre . , , y neat. No Toed mint be in sight-
neea: afieeeee• so "air as ea' '.--iiee aii" v a, • me to k would be the end ef
cf moteing reeney eat et pne 2, and at:a., , a ....
e much 1 neel the amuse- A. Saccessful Ruse. pass!"
; hot. .A. few hard imiled eggs., a smell
hitab into the eir I 001;
pick, bas been able to provide to enrol: the
u".'rel r"" fcm M":' -ii -4 r''' Tth2her "v eziee a week, and 1 eee no- : man submarine approached the Mary ' k re over the traneition relied.
From Auetriais guns they had their
fa' Ithia.::: r1a4" kal'i 1::"?'• 1 i'm m ''' nizne, en I hoer harmieee it is? I eae, Later the same clay another Ger- . .
, lent.he an or Gods what a duel! A stadium
nnie i of lereimea.en are ' 1j4 1'.' ; ;••• Ise- thee 424. 44 me liner fun. 13 - .r 11 d ,ened fire at a dis-
be. eenee tere. aiel ha gete.r, 1 it chti- ,, , anee o c. •
f eaout two miles. After the Where all the eager world had come.
theet Iv accumithtzt: 1 inieee 1 e va.eme whee :re're :married anti I'm seeing .
e etc -.- day ani eectien.g thee Pm `
aids nature's heeding proceseeA. So
Stil:noss has power to soothe, and Oilll of tuna, or (heed beef added to
the cream eauce furniehee a pleasing
all grating and distrating noises, varietal' to the beanie clish, : aro to be left to the new organizatioa
Other means of helping the situation
meet be banish,ed from the sick -room! Seeman with Hot Illevolts.-Bake
The putting of coal on the fire is of- a 011 of baking powder or bottermilk • in the Labor Ministry.
To solve the problem of demobiliz-
ten accompanied by nerve-racking biscuits, using one's favoaite reeipo.
minis. It may be brought to the. ing these women waiters the country
room wrapped in noweesper, and laid from bonze end elan and -add it to a
Remove ealmon from the con, free it ante been divided into eleven labor
districts, each with a district council
noiselessly on the fire, papee end aie, 1 riele ralik gravy or white sauce made which will be in close totieb with the
As fresh air is said to be the best: quite thick. Break the fish into mit-
tonic, the sick -room should be well: Labor Ministry. These mines will
ventilated. Au open fire is a fine table sized plecee for 'serving. Open be composed of representatives of'
the biecult and aerange en a pletter,
moans of ventilabien. A thermometer then cover eveth the hot gravy and there is a labor employment egenea,
eaeh town or mall dietriet ie which
elhould be frequentlY useal in a sick. fish. The biscuits may.., be buttered, and these ageneles hill organize com-
b t '-f tl • - ; :eh enact 11 this inittees to care for the need!, of the
To see the benet recoiling there
ea.,. 1,,ear 4418141 1114)42 eet. you eeeey sixth round the me-etery ship was
geraey ere .1;e• on:a it Le -.tea. as lic
-a..`• ., .
d defeat-whle
coulabhe lel rneelley o.yI 11t neee any outeete excitetopped and a boat put o alHaigholds the li1151
to brnto anrtpeiree"menMit just nowI doneei 1'. 111 appearances the craft Was abandoned
or yeme luadiexe-ted a 1'441141f14'1 l - Er A Mr, Maeuire supplies abort all The submarine approached the sup- 4
luence on put'.aff•rs:II ve." posed wreck at full surface speeln THE D. C. M.
With (ale cif those Par:'msi the Was "Yme ma.; fine other reeceurcee and Then it submerged for a time alai
anneyea Im fine. Ncra 41(1 11 444 11 0 ,. „ Takes Precedence of All Other Dec.
friendly terms. On the Sun,lay suddenly rose te the surface egain.
. " i a Ile fiirtatione," se.'d
7...s.n . en, 1. .,,
Jr.e:i.y firmly. "You tel me, Noraorations Except the V.C.
sieter Donow you meet lan's areesa IV:age:ere areve gunners of the Mary B. Mit-
iat y:1 i love nee; prove 1
Nora up to her deer in les aueemebite ta,,,,: aa by ,to , 41314111 landed a shell just below the Who does not know the red, blue
Y°,'.'. ,
foot as Seery omens bleakly aemer the. el, u 4244.44442n,g
conning tower and pierced the side red ribbon of the Distinguished Con -
and said ge.ed-bye afrie:eire rether "Why -ehle:dell ou rove ur one foot above the water. A flash o. duct Medal? Yet it is quite a modern reorn. A -window may be opened at. workers in each town.
Yi :T11 'VMS emcee le as 7SL •1
5- P Y° i brilliant blue flame ancl a dense 'yellow decoration, dating with the .Conspieue will not be necessary.
; the top on a sunny day no matter leo,wi
seemed in ne haste to dmene. He • n ... . — ... .
Navy in 1854, the year of the com-
shut off his eneleie •111 ee.-Le of her ill'Ett. you toaeight to write to Mr.; instantaneously another .shell struck
mencement of the Crimean Campaign,
geedebye and waved hlo hand genial-, elageem, 4. 1141 khn that you are en forward and the submarine WEIS en-
. The Meritorious Service Medal dates
ly to Jerry. P -ti to marry me and that his at- veloped in black smoke and sank int)
"eaeite a 11,4." 4) oF youre, (-came -tereeens te yeia must ceeee." the water bow- foremost, -with a loud back nine years earlier.
he eel". "Qie.e a -hit eve made. '4. "a was silent. Then elle came, gurgling and bluing. The earliest known medal for dis-
geeting on the frmt raze. el the arA took Jerry by the arm and :mid, I The official renort does not say that :. tinguished condust is that awarded by
Jerry ign.C1'ed him, and V.-1171El tl •-reer and eal and sco„dd as if nu,
anY1 the Mary B. Mitchell was filled with •
wood to keen her from sinking, but Sir Robert Welch, of the Irish Come
papers." Now, Jerre-lc:1E3, don't etand up Charles the First. The recipient was
follow Nora, vete n'..1 ol6:-,"(-,,:: the :vgre a great 8140me neety ethool-teac 0%1
mance who recovered the Royal Stan-
. - I t •' ` - " he a. this was doubtless the ease, tie other
hurriedly; he, en the eller hani, inve a':vania te mine"
by • ous Gallantry Medal of tbe Royal 1 the aattent erray b.e; if in the open-,
cheer. • • . nel is fitted. An umbrella covered
with a shawl melees a good'
ewiliten betilnIts,vehietzsesdabrye itopatn,seitnlita pati 1144 Hunland-Canuelcs Looked Fine. of peace. During that time, he said,
ful to a 44 '.tent but a lit•Be sunshine ;
A room a little shaded is mere rest -
in the room makes it more cheerful.
The one in chaage of a sick per -
screen Describes Triumphal March Through expected during the fITEt SIX 14 (melee
ter fro B
em ier 8th, says in part:
since the llthof N
A CANADIAN IN GERMANY cently told the Associated Prees that
Major Geary of Toronto in a let -
"We have had a great time ever
m onn. under date of Dec -
t He honed reduction of :the prices of
the most serious diffietaties could be
there WEIS bmind to 110 meat tineme .
ployment and dissatisfaction over
watres and the Mob cost of living.
•a, e, smoke came from the hole. Almost
beg a wooden frame covered with flan -a
dant at the Battle of Edge Hill. Pre_ eon shateld n,ot allow visitors to etey ovam ei. First ieeeessitiee would help to 1011(40 the
aim down on tha tufa and then mystery ships were 4)._„tequipped an. there were the receptions and that situation.
1 A member of the Government re -
104(44 "I can't sea you rowe Jerry; e-eu • •
laa-se'r on leis kneee peesed; were able to float in 'spite of any sort of thing. The joy of the Bel-;
• sumably that award would be the lung,
• even though tho physician has
Neither dewed the Immo talk te°' thing was too good for us. The onl
ear WP,l tit . Y eexpor•ted Fecal Chinn ill Large (Inane
equivalent of officer's D.C.14L of t, i3 given permission to receive cellers. BRISTLES OF THE P10
her breath Ittlevire in his! an 431111 racing his tiee'lc. "Why do you, damaem intlieted 011 them by torpodoei gian people WEIS unbounded, mid no-;
mustn't lame in new," elm 1 enarr; • • •-•
tame me like a raugaty iettle and sbene. Their gene were frequent- ea
namely the D.S.O.
"'You must eee me new," jerey :ars- Jeereikins? I'm era 11SUghtY atto(!; ly hidden behind dome in the sides ch herself. Often tha patiernt_Ls difficulty was sometimes in avoiding
, is Private John McKinnon, cf the •fatigueu m thee way: 6 titier, to Gi. Britain and France.
4)414 *41 ane he 0') '.1 her gin; Pen a nice :11ttae glee. And t 1 of the ship Which could be swung The youngest wineer of the,D.C.M. -uu .
eouree I'll ele ant, ,h:rng you say, only WI'SO good nurses fate m tins part-
eane aim' their kindnesses and different meth -1
1 E en Pigs ale nosed evere-warre in China
"Yon-yeu trent me ES if I had no I don't eee. think ".1,' LI re ratite v unkind • 1, Black Watch a sixteen -year-old boy. . -•
tilted; I dein% want to be betheeee i She etrokel hle cheek with the soft and, much to his regret, his parents -. pitchers of coffee, a substitute, for pertant 4414.14. 144 o eei , ,
the poor people 'ran for hours with and pigs bristles have become an ime
1 f • iort -tmounting
realits," Nora cried angrily. "am , to poor e tem. me?"
BLACK FOX INDUSTRY ' collar. They do not use discretion
: The medal was awarded him he 1916, about -when to talk and when to keep
"Youve given me :4-70 eights, ania aine 1•%-_, Leak. She aloe:ea at him they have not been able to bey the to ce000 tons a .year, valued at ?out
with you now." 1 hand that, lme crept round frcm be • • . . see en t . • .
I peer -Dee to etane on them, Ye:thee:with eye; that were bokh mizahlevous
it bothers YOU or not," Jerry ral , and reproacheue.
Thenumber of foxes in the ranches ' During the war something lik.e one ,
"Come upeteirs," Faid. Nora. after thirg to Magnire." was approximatelY ten thousand. guished conduct and devotion to duty to attend to. So the nurse may oc-
cupy her hands with some bet of work wwilliatett :101Tielyeoniireectacieikeld, LliArri
no trouble. The people of each hog is tie in a tun e, p .
germ e .pieareantly conscious of being a bue•- eer
' 1 * "I think we've got to cenvee Jlary eaitl, "I'm net /left
:to an enderetereeing once for all about •: unkind. Nora. And I'm just asking of Prince EidevardwIslasnd saotn thein19bia; t iougand D.C.11120 have been confer-
ra den to one who may have other duties "e have had
Maguire." 1 Noe te 4.) when: is really the kindest ginning of tie pe ing ea .
rel f ' ' '1 I , •
or mdiva tie of disti are very deferential, and ready to do in water for a few days, then scraped
ere," ; Mr. Maguire:a feelings. that yeu're 31 1918, 2,500 foxes were killed and have earned the decoration on a sec- that me7 the read617 Picked uP mid They look foolish, sullen, Or Mourn- bundles about. lee me. hes in diameter,
ocifvfi,e,eirstliteeadrticeT%or3 4. 1814444141(41* sim
a pause. "We can't -stand talkieg1 "Oh, hum:" said Nora. ., "So it's From December 1, 1E117, to aanuary in the field, Many of the recipients egel Ps- in] :luso :.n"
patient Is asleep. That is too absorb- ful 0- uninterested. They take off with bristles of eniferm length. Moret
Sh 1 d tri wa u to the eittiro- an\itillS about -el iat theyele-u",pet be ' ' .
e: " '" e h ' elms marketed. The pup pro- ond third teed fourth occasion, ane 11114) down. Don t read, miless the
their hats but don't smile; neither of the work of cleaning and tying the
succeeded in getting him Ise -largo.
Carrh.11 on Extensively in All Parts
; from the army because he was under
of Canada and Northern States. , age! Youth will be served,
Unless the attenelant has some lit- real thing. This lasted all through 8a.000,00 • rl'
tie occupation to fill the odd moments
of leisare, the sick one is often Un- Belgium, but, needless to say, it has thick, stifle bright, wiry and clean
been quite the other way in Germany, command the best prices. The yield
• •
room. tT(Wry pet her to the hurt, or any thieg of thee sort. Jerry -
duction for 1918 is 3,500, therefore • have been given bars to their medal
bay window -ftei ienkei one Ma- - kins dear, I evonelee if I really do love
guire WSS T.11.1 '1 111 WI car; he yell When you ride a greot Met moral making the member of foxes at the accordingly.
e -id it n4',,1144410 of the peesent pelting season Here and there mamy years have
saw Jerry ,m the WIT, 11W. r aNec to .e. .
often hesitate.s to interrupt, do we, so far as that goes. The , beistles clor.e eemeen,
ing anpearance, and the nal/lent
oirls, however, are ghee, and I ex- ceive about five or six cents a day.
Making the had '"""44"OM c7Opt a gocgi manY of them -they do Buyers aro very particular about
• • I 1.
him again with a siniee that. might so ferociously r1ght at me."
• • 11,000. If estimates of 3,500 for this separated the winning of the D.C.M.
• • • the necessary requeates of a good erne() the brist e g _ .
have been gorealeerneree .or reeteht • She continued to stip e 11S e ee
have been derisive, reel teen, eta/Oleg and be look 'into las face with her mis-
lele engine.. mr.v.A (11444.44owe-Jr. ch e', le:Inimical ee-es and her
"Do you let tam take e-ou on aute.: faintly challenging 8111110.
melole anives.?" -asked Jelay, 1 Suddenly his arms were round -her.
"4'c -o; eometimee." 1"Tivere, theal" lee exclaimed among
"pew does it happen that he ache -the hisses. "Of ceurse I love 704,1.--
yeai?" and you've got to love me. And -
"13e -cause he fiels me plemearit cern- you've got to do what you're told.
party, I sumer se . " , Do you under stanl, you teasing Tittle
"My ceueei•1011 man 117tve sounded in- thll1g.
Etliting. 1 eleen't mune it 1-:). All I "Yes." She -Reeled and gave lean
meant W98, how do you earl ha lean- enother 14.1ee. "Aren't you the hared -
pen to ITAVC eet-Ar.eree S11011 felenely hearte a fellOW, Jerry! Sleell 1 write
reeetme9"' the -letter now?"
season's kill and shipments abrom from that of gaming ic. an or ,
and 111,11ell discomfort wile be "On the whole, the country we 1 unifeem length and co.or, are the
are correct the season of 1919 will example, Company -Sergeant-Major 1 nurse. Stretch the under 0310 1. tight: -
open for ranch breedimg
' Rifle Corps, who won the D.C.M. in i ansn'Yt have passed through has not been bundles solid, This is epparent when
with 7000 W. L. McIntyre, of the King's Royal 171 over the mattress ancl tuck it in
the South Afrienn War during 1902, i noticeably hostile, 1101! do the people ,• it is considered thet pekes vary from
ere entering the fox breeding. Indus- : was given his clasp for bravery der- appear to have suffered much. Now 1 twenty the% to 1100 -awls per pieul
selected foxes as a breeding stock. avoideel. In ordee to change the
try On a small scale, Japan having ing the peceent war in August, 1910. , we are just outside of Bonn and with -I (1 39 1-3 poundea, depeeding on the
Japanese and Norwegian operators , sbeets whae the patient ie in bed, the
Year and . Thus 1.1 years separated the \villein -4 1 ,the
dean sheet rolled in in a few nines of the Rhine, and begin I assortments. 'The collecting 50(19011
: under one is rolled lengthweee from
taken 3,1 island foxes this to encounter a distinctly hostile at- is from November to April, as brie -
the edge of the bed to where the per -
lace manner, ie tucked in et ono side, mospbere, but that does not worry ties are soft and useless for the arid°
Norway 24. Good prices have been of the medal and the winning of the ' sen II"'
realized, probably averaging $750 clasp,
and unroleed over the space from ' .. . e • . •
any of tie. We are the vanguard of during the hot months. This '11110411115
each. American ranchers took 252 i On one occasion the D.G.M. Wan . . the British fence and the first in for the film, that tho main
which the finst was taken, until the
island foxes in 1918. wo eo s .lue sq y sa e. to pa
• 11 • 'de h ' 'd Ti Germauy, and it is all novel and in- ' and shipping centres are north of the
, cancelled and the Victoria Cross given t
Raising ranch bred foxes is an inin its placeThis happened a coil P1 e eiut may then turn or be lifted over tereeting. I am lucky to be in that Yangtze, For export the bristles are
. .
"In elm fine peace, ‚11441 '11 my. "1 wish eau would." dustry that is being carried 011 ex- of years ago to Pte. W. Jackson, of the rolls to the clean etheot, the tole- march, but it hag been a long, hard : packed in boxne, containing ono picul
tear -long ef his niece. Then, when "And then you weld take ili and tensively in all the Canadian prey- the Austealian Imperial a orees. ed one is ecanoved, and the rest of the 0110. The 1401) have been splendid -I. to a bo41.
aeated him one clay 11 help mot,, gee '4/1 '1 ceitelnly eould be safer evillest of the United States, and be- teal. in the place of honor on the left , (Jean one unrolied. The upper &beet
IDahvaed meeermcloenatol, aneIwfie 1pemasinn ieleidttlten, iOrI dropI: ..`it :i:n:!, " the Lex f.or me.?!"'6•btginicneesi,nign at least a dozen of tho north- 1 A mlan in the ranks wears the D. .m. ay b-
e changed byfeeing
auafdmuiadll rctehhqeeuidripm1.5etntto a2n2 d utiles
thae end of itiht 1 a
TTcehe eporints if1rom01w10hI'ic0het1
whitbcallawbwa dthaSn that.rth Japan and Norwayall lybreasof his tunic, unless he holde clothes atthe foot 'Lite Ladend into bileta in some Gerie7rienta117C111ng1tnto,aPtlITii
was eeiTht lWan and Jn,1013d1whiesheitig much themclmatic the VaAll other medals and awardepreading nsheet oveallOver man towns Ionia= as f1eth wManchuria end Shantung re3411141011414) weeet hs 115 141 beer wri 0ha now nd sweeteraoaptecl
to domesticating the black -excepting the V.C.-follow the
etooci e
ro.avcaelf. iullee,t
Vettemeree wee that •euld gem tione.
*4514,Ie want 3 to n,.,,',.'., you,
ho?1 Shemndea him the note for hee
"In Menders Fields."
iet.i.or y -' thleis hs eet a blaencet is laid The
&"WesT-heey 4)14) ,no. t feel thea.
t we,pay
lneereance in thi
s trad
lyteoaleet he 14,41 tlrimfolenfax under the most favoeablo condihe officer who gains the , cean clothes eeould then be tucked in bu110 German Wee 4401144' to knoMost of the bristles are 51)1141181,1 to
3).14),311. in the ranks and afterwards i 0001711,1171 at thfeet, and the seaa how sore were their feet and barks, the 411)118111 Seethe, Greet 44(11.1114111 and
Winn furthedecorations en the form st slipped fotenderBleneesW ,olors thherds thy TrenreChinaoffersanexcellent field
of thD.0,0., M.C„ 4),14',O,, D 1 are the bettee for frequent airing. the Boob0134.14415totes the flag, end foe the rennet -mann of brushee. It
ICanof the Orlers of KnightIPillowelaYbeemfarlah/7 arranged lovely4 Immnveretaerprithnthatgreaterclavelon
'.1• ef-nalin41141*dirndl= 1114(0 4)01;
It was L3 (Canada's Answer.) • 1
"Have yetold him delheae 'eerie Magerrei-
"Nlohite.nateecfluntto teohI -immcaeStrriel.;u4r1 st ,tea- t • Inlua Do' r otta1:ltsih• e. r."11pT.7 rYanyit' mt etre. fe e f• all a RWeherne owpopinpI 44011
ace Ye FlanderdeadA piWnecahrsof tehalt. D.C.M.
toafftreurit twhehmeei of tphlaeeeaibeegttaerlawrgeeel Odnoewunndsor a,s eto fit do hie besbt antad cibtey haiereepted, h.ow-takm1 p1 10
Vat yea ceelen't 141 41', 11'neaaI fel elt must teeNll I n211 0)1111 a e11053 to mark his bed but still in front of all War nelals1 end oboedelwed a email one under eeth tleh 1gt,You weee engageato 10 mote10J to ereWigrothhddrawing the lower earners ever4. fl every atBagpipee in Bruosels
doth.:'144) 114 .
t7•;u.n m,..
.i:g1h.t m..e
d ysM"
re, i
n:to etlie'nape
eh, aet tirlie
el .taiTrehuo
yy Tine
eo gBrareulst eeilne
, WTyAahe11hl(1e ( co 1eI 1btoh''
.i. 1814110440:1
f dtel
0!!eout tierey emirsgrin --e, uppoo i nief eo 1-1 144.1,1 All uteTh14111 14(14)141
'4141141, 4.11143,1!,' 1:;11'4 11:4 (11theCS'Nor Cii"5 TO Wi11 11,.ld, 11111 ( t 14014 flee. re
axe )07 gO1-10S Or3iM 11111eil Jerry. 11°11eda(1
eovuee?" Sim eaaieioieaddreestrI nod an',,,":(11",`"ke,-,,"
eralhe rd thme 011a 1.314 it OCOCis rouna, us ,v,
" lY 1(14(1 VA 1I19I eee Welivemet 4,,.) i11
as you treated 1f1v14211 t 1 h '4 1444 hirnclfthwtlTO Fltalnti
i was 1eerforeatteee -441 he avahltiiufi
. "You can't may time, attry. r;the fetere. : ‚111 0.41 ivan ye denot throw
haven% 14.1111441(41l Me. Maguite." i e ha111. 1(S re t11•11• :: tr,,torch;
"If you ‚4;'41444 feein the L',1414. f, wail her; petrol de -'.y senmenel him. With pride we 140111 it high,
yamheettha40,4.18 ht nmere414 81 Ile dreprd heleiter in the ir4mall (1;;;1aa1n11112v"(lie
714144 ANGLIti 21,10141 Pat a. .0e91.1) IiiS hex that; he :111141414141's;elar1 1,4 a 11,111- ,,1:,. ;•11:n,11 ;
414014 accI younts )4 ),l lnalineeleee
Why 10eeld I? Henot 110yeeng•ernetioet; weet 41calvinit. wreee eopierPAlend 11:f'.411101":"11:f'.411101":".:'_/')el east 4 meeito (Pc be rentinmea) "Ifi 13 1To 4.114110a4140401111hebedtoa111t.1Ve!ht
011(01011 tai 10. 1) ra, eerhad ‚44.11 14)1 wen this tim-
eof the
e n'
lheld elelgamore then hecome that 1(1 1140. miliary C0)'101141right 11111 (1 6744.11 tll444)11,14ea neck1 111 in ell1(114401 41)47 Ilea inai acara
v,hile her right arm sapports hievenlerful exeeriene, front 110)1,4 200 7111'144, and a 4411(14(0, 014(1 thee a
ioultlers. The nm thn heeling, Pwn, 1111014 the lied, ave of 1,14100sa1:11 itiar,go to the Brieellole, the
beelvard need make bot Beto entrte o the ate (17"4, into (le0”81,:0„, roll sari a the haeolpee blown by 30
and w4 -t11 prtccan raise the 44-1141- en oecitention ef her rich Tem1,,,', (4Ilishlprlorlemilag the ‚41/4441 for 6
oat with eve, - - 30)4104111. Cleo meet 1141,'1141,'11 1,1,1t,I4' to ,'11l4114'11%'1 of their lciltocl comrades
acqemt bething is efrshing, 1(4)11 know thetahe lnot Oaetinano nee to The Sentemen, lot it beccoeded, had
aaLs113 bothcure end antidote fr fev- 4.'414411%0 ilait after ell th('*)114'41 bee the etmeese ,1'(11t11410 (14' the pared°,
! li cardefinite v,10.aaril Itr-Y; ehe?wils 4'11'15'1 thole andkeeling'mature,whentooweektoheawume
lemtithavethe 11,40-1,144141. 114.11. his: ‚.17044 lookine fee. wbieh followed the Royal petty. Then
it Your O11%tri11111O1O(gaimithe
teaYeeareateltee Leie?"
t IL Condy &C
th0 fe
ombola 1,1m176a1 Otook
bo tepid foface and handle, and peace 144 practleally tmaired." cai 4-' 11, 7111111111041414111 ewung pestt
warmer for the loot, of the body. The • • " I ee• ceevylvely voieed his tend
putieel, ehoold be uncovered may Tho co -the -anal 7,4 A nt we 0. le ""-441foe theme stalwart,
little at a time, fuel ellawee to make bale 04 stateone oapacay ,.:t1,0 it, . 1., •t