HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-2-6, Page 5At, 4 is, /*\ • . .s-12Yesess)(4-VP-11i-tr°4'elffre'''''""r-ss.'s"-sr'''sesetese 0.414CW.-0 %%TOWN Ratzwair .OUSINESS CAROL JNO WHERLAND & SONS LIMITED gx Getukur alY1W.Ele WM, SPENOE CON V YANGE II AND ISSUKIT 09 VAI111,1 Atne tifilee!,8Ls Mee It Inc re); Gate:, Cihel. Ai/CT-10411i 11 VCOTT AB AN A 1.1 OT1.0 IN • al. • 1,55, 5111 loll lor 1,ober Ineti, to be1,0or 1'011. in 101,1 lo at 01111.111011 teno any other Ai t,,.,,1,00 in Neat 1.1 11,400 nr 011 won't e /large a V' ng, leiti) and order% can always ea arranged et Om oilloo or by ereocal application, LERAL AN CONVEYAkifiltia, NIT M. SielthsAlit n tiarrlator, Holioitor. Conveyanoe,,, olcAary 0iblj5, 50 Ilice-Biawartin Work 1 door North oil Central J e.t.a. tiolioltor for ilia htettopolitan Hank, Business Cards JAS. ANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON. S000foloor to M. H. :Moore. Odloe at Ander. son 1314.4. L.lvury stable, Bruesel*. Telephone No. 29. OR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day midnight wills. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel, T. T. nn, RAE M. B., M. O. P.. dt S. O. ht. 0. H., Village of Brussels. Physioian, Surgeon, Aueoucheur °Mee at residence opposite Melville Church, William street. DR. J. H. WHITE, B. A. PDYSIDIAN AND SUNGNON, araduaLe Toronto Unlvernity of Medicine, Special attention given to dieeasee of children and Surgery. Office: Dr. Bryans Old Stand Phone 45 Brussels JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Willson for 10. good ei"ipes DS any other Ana. Menem. or charge nothing. 1301f.(.+HAVIC Y. 0. MIMI, AMMAN & COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, 290. °Mee on the Square, Ind door from Hamilton Street, GODERICH. ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. PitOunFOOT, H.0, J. L,gl1A.011.AN H. J. D. Moen .,...H.,..4.4.4.+ ++:1: fall Term from Sept, it. 4 t:RIM2.0miatt•i4efig•mzi ilergir2Maill 4. -IN- + + ti' + + +.1: Shaw's Business Schools + Toronto) or ÷ + + Free Oatialogue on request. * Write to \V. 11 STIA \V, Pres. + + Yonge and Gerrard Ste., Toeon to + + + 4. 4) inti • Is prepared to pay the • highest price for 40.8 4. 4, 3) 'St 9 414.• • to';017 Live Poultry and Hides Scrap iron, Rubbers, Rags, 8r.c. FURS 0 4.4. 41 4. 410 0 0 4.4. 4.0 o. oe Highest price paid, See Highest Cash Price for oct Me before yOLI ;- O WAD or Phone 52x elle et •it 40 e. SAM WEINSTEIN oo : III ILL ISTII HIRT 13 IS USSELS er ) 0 4.4. • 4. 0 4. 41 444-046.04.400.4.04141.044-84400,1004.0 Do You Want As the wood porchased by the town it, nosy being delivered persons wishitor 0 load arc aeked 11, nt onee ennumminate with F. 8, SCOTT, Municipal Clerk, and leave their order. Don't delay, Payment must be made as mem as slip 51t111 charges is re- ceived, BRUSSELS U0,100 74011511 ((1)10)1 NORTE 1931000....... 7:511 in 1 1111011 11 EDE 11 111 1151/1•01001.. ..... HEM D 111 1 111041.01111 ..... 1/07 (11:1 Car•VsitaidA0 ractrzy wAt.roiv To 'remote ilo GodurIch kixpress 7:12 0111 1 Axiom; 122191)10 1 Leprous ArAl p 'Myriam 11114 11 irrawcarc r • 3511.5 (0101 1 1 1 14 11.1.101,1 4,31 14, 10, 19,0110,• W44,1 aidti anti 81909.101, )11 100 1.111.11 :5(118 '03,1 1011,113(01 with C. P. H. at 0, engeville for 00,10, ttoand, Blom and T U. B. stations. 0110. ALLAN, Leant Agent. atal bewo 4temo War Savings StArD11117• 11P 70 17111 present time the sale of thrift stamps and 925105 stamps has been fairly satisfactory, People are beeinning . to realize the ad,vantage anti are now investing. better. Chautauqua Circuit. Rumors that the Ontario Chautau qua Circuit will be adandoned for 1919 are without foundation. They plat begin their entertainment uld lett ure program in western Ontario 011 the 2nd uf June, visiting between 40 and 45 towns, and closing the circuit about July 25. On Employment. Questionnaires on employment which have hitherto been sent out from gov- ernment departments at Ottawa are t)., be simplified and centralized. The de- partment of labor will in future have charge, and will operate under the em- ployment officers' as -ordination twit, which provides for stiff penalties for refusal to supply desired information. Re Pulpit Announcements. Walkerton Times: - A Walkerton elergyman on Sunday last read an an- nouncement as requested relative to a certain collection that was to be taken up thoughout the town on Tuesday following, after which he remarked that he had no special reference to that announcement in particular, but to announcements in general, which he was frequently asked to make, when he said. that he did not think that it was one of -the functions of the church, but rather that of the press, and the printing offices, where if there were not ample time to get sufficient publi- city in the paper, small bills might be printed and put up in pulilic places, or circulated throughout the tOW11. Mao, ANNIE BEACOM DIED IN TOROS- TO,-There passed to the great beyond at her home In Toronto after a brief illuess in the early hours of Saturday morning, 25th inst. Annie Rothwell beloved wife of the tale Win, Beacom, of Clinton, Mrs. Beacom was the third daughter of the late Samuel Rathwell and was born ou the Bayfield Ilae, Goderich township, Dec. 24th, See. She was married to the late Wm. Beacom on Dec. 5tb, 894., who predeceased her to the long Home by 7 years. After their marriage they took up farming in Goderich township, leaving the farm to enter the grocery business in Clinton with his father, the late Thos. Beacon), Mrs. Beacom has since been a valued and highly esteemed resident of Clinton uutil moving to Tor- onto in Sept. 1917. The remains were 1)005199 90 Clinton, the funeral taking place from the home of A. B. Stephen- son, She is survived by her mother, 4 sisters, 3 brothers and one son, Elmer, and one daughter, Cela. Her mother, Mrs. S. Rathwell, lives in Godericb Tp. Ben, on the homestead ; John aud Mrs. Fenwick Stewart, Stanley ; Mrs, George Sperling, Brussels •, Sam., Luckuow ; Mrs. A. B. Stephenson and Mrs. H, P. Plumsteel, Clinton. Mrs. Beacom was always an active aud consistent member of Ontario St, Methodist church ; life member of the W. M. 8. and also an active member of the Ladies Aid and W. C. T, U. Ser- vices at the house and graveside were wet -Meted by Rev. 5, A. .Agnew and pallbearers were B. and J. Rath - well, F. Stewart, A, 13, Stephen. sou and P. Plumsteet. The floral offerings showed the high esteem in which she was held by all with whom site came hi contact. Staff of the Methodist Italian Mission in Toronto of which Miss Cele is teacher sent a beeuti- 901 spray 110 (1)6 the W. C. T. U. and other frlencle. Those , attending from a dis• Mace were Miss 'r. Matheson, Goderich ; Miss Crandall, Harriston ; John Imtie, Toronto ; Mrs, Wheeler and Staff Sergt, Geo, Webber, London ; S and Mrs. Rathwell, Lucknow ; and Mrs. Sprit.. Hug, Brussels, Mrs, Sheeley and Mem M. Matheson were with Mrs, Beacotn during her illness. 13e0, Rathwell and Fen wick Stewart went to Toronto 30 ac- company the remains home. Elmer WAS overseas and is now attending the notify DE Education at Toronto, DECORATED Et TtiE 1,1.$. - Lieut. -General Sir Arthur Currie, COM - molding the Canadian 'Corps, has 1 received the Distinguished Service - Medal from General Pershing, This decoration was conferred upon 15 French, 7 British, - 2 Belgian, and 3 Italic/II generals. General Currie was the only soldier from any of the Bri- tish Dominions to be thus honored, Belgrave 1(8r0219981) 181')) NAIST,-T11 PI 0 pivoted away in lielgtave on Monday Morning fq last, week, Slarthia Davidson, be- loved wife nO Samuel Jordan. De- eeesed lady hail !teen in poor health for over a year aiul foe the last; 0500 10(1(191 I y c,artel for by her (laughter, Mts. Lesintai (1 Wheeler, of Vancouver, 13. C. She wan, in 1)02'514.11 year awl is tetrad veil by 1151' lin ;- band, 2 800E, George, and Morley and thanghters, Mo, \ Ntheelee and Miss Gladys, In echelon the deceased lady 35(90 a, member or .11e15111 Presbyterian ohurch and het. minim er, Rev. A. 111. 13oyle conducted the Adv. vines 199 )1)5 hon se and grave 091 Wed- nesday afternoon, Interment took plome in Brandon ceneetevy. Deeetts- oil WAS D10) 10000,90d by her eather, James Devidents, 01° I01,11110.9.011. on October 2000 1018 and Is eut vived by 101(01 0113 and 8 beot here. ANNUAL 1.1 12P0 10100 --The annual ports eoveting 131g '2.50' and Colvin Presbyterian (Ibm elms for 1018 have been issued, and show both 11)) (0001099 10 bo 500(1 condition financially under the Able leadership of their popular minister, }Lev. A. 01, Boyle, Belgrave chtiveh has $1240,14 of to'(tl receipts Svith a tialantio on hand kirter all expenses are paid of $124.47, while Calvin's total 15)1') plc are $080 20 v, it la intlanco of $07,00 in 3)111 treaeury after all DX pr'nees are paid. 13ii19011 of elatiagers of Belgt (di DID Ob1001, Campbell, Robe) t Young, 111, ticott, ti, Jorilati, S. Procter, Teen,. , Jter. Andel son, Petet W. Semi., John J. Ferguson, °bait man, and Alex. Pot terlie Id , Sect *1 )91 y. Managers of Catlett) «hovel] are John Menzies, Glum mai), Win. Wighlinan, Secy.- treas. John Scott, Oluttles H. 1(1)15, Henry MeGee, Robt Ali:Burney, Adam Robei tram, 11931(50 YOilegf, Geo. NI, Robertson, and Leask McGee. The paetor Rev. A. M. Boyle, is doing 1)11 eiwxl tt.:11Letrilet IC in the congregetions eaa•t ly co-operating with hi in, Gorrie A st RIC' II LTILNA L S0e112TY --Annual meeting ol' the Howlett Agricultural Society was held in the township hall, Goalie, on Tuesday afteenontt Jan, Bleb, There was a good attendance of inenthees. Following Ofileet I, and Directors were 91)311 11(1 for the enening year :-Ifoe. Peesiden 1, John II. Johnston ; President, W. 11, Gregg. ; 1st Vice PPDS., WIll, S1.1 11E1011 : Sony . eas., J. 11. Rogers ; sluditore, J. H. Wade and \V ou, Jamieson ; Supt„ Jae, Downey ; Hon, Director, John lIol- hold ; Directors, E. A. Pains, 191,1e. Edgar, Robert Ocala/am, Wne. Lamb- kin, R. J. Sanderson, Wm. Goggin. Harvey Sparling„las. McLeod and John Wylie. Hon, Lady Directors, Mrs. Peen Day, Mts. .A. Toner, Miss Ester Sothevn, Mrs. Win, Silesian, Mrs. R. .1. Swaim son, Mies Ethel Downey, Mrs, 111 A. Faille, 'Niue, Harvey Sporting, Mrs. W. Goggin. 0NLy mEgIc/NEAr tt P11,evetting„,1",keld at the tilms Ine STATEIVIENT OF MADEFROMFRUIT Extraordinary Success which ;Mit R-tives" Has Achieved f /110 ,,,,titt 1011y "Fruit -a. ives" 1.) olleately miccessful 111 10 those suffering. ith Cr opid Liver, 111,4,1., /inn, hronic Headaches', Neuralgia, Kidney and _Bladder Troubies, /ellen ma/ ictu, Pain in Om Berk, Eczema auil other Skin Affeetions, is, because it Is the only medicine 19 1.1, 1,, 1,1 y . nal II 1110 world nunle from frill t, juicms. I t ay, h1 d f,i(lk)d o mit in a lb.. val tylley slcinnither owo.1.1 111,4 ,• • 01111't.1 1011 1111 14111.010ty 1/1 0141111 1/1 10•11..1: 11 i'4 1 XI/11711Pd 11)191, 1111' 1 0)),) /01111111,1 151 111111 711 W117 ftWODp 11n, ji 0111111'11 (11.101 of' $740 Sitnittel 81111111, Deputy 11,.eve 1%4 39,95 rh.M.pti \Vaxt.1,m for iht. (M)ndy Perth 1)0 11(11' V14,* 1'11 'P'11(1) 1M11.1 10-1.•11 111. 1 1.111(111 y 1111 0411! II"- 011 -.,'.',i .1,,.) 1:01:: '1 it. 1 .1) . . I, 11 13 IS /turn 1301,00, 7411104 .4 )1 1' , ,„ , N.0111 Fla).,:1,01.,-; 4, IN 1 I 1111/1,01. '1 ••se ..tY 10•81,1, \V. 1) Ab.1)„„1,1.„),:,...,„ „.. -niwn)" Ent•m.,;(m Heti rmi)n.,1 it mill from Ow !'.1 41' • 1,11.4111/lIell a/111 )-3,,l)1)-9 o1', y \\A1,11)nm lima) '1N)14-)phom, 114910')',', 1, 88,)It. The etilt iH 11..1.9.11ili• tooting vompa.nivil by pretoi-e ef 53,130(1 i• 11"lic" ""116 '• ' ••• •• p ft &pm,' 3 ‘,„,,i y 1111111. 111 11 l'1111.1111111111 (111, Vi1111111)111, Call 11.111 111111W 1,n, f011 1414' 11.. • • • • • ..... - 0„ 10,91 1011,1 pp; 1,0 14t Toik at. cootilti.... ((0 01 II, I Receipts and Disbursements THL Brussels, Morris & Grey Rural Telephone Company For the Year ending Dec. 3Ist, 1918 It L4 Nauru/Sill a ll,o, 11111011030121 liy prim aides found in tailpipe, oranges, 1111 1 1,1 11114 and pru nel, together with tho nerve tonics an)1 antbs(ptics of proven repute. Soo. a box, 0 for $2.60, trial Niae 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -a -Byes Limited, Ottawa. Questien of the Rural Sehool 11,111 WIN inanighl berm e meeting' by one of Ole 1111.'01ms, who reported that a Conitnif tee bad been appointed in S. S. No. 17, Ford w who leave been in communication with the Deportment jof Agricult uee and the Representive for Herm] tool the ovganization of Sekund Fair is now being undertaken. After settle discussion the idea (ne- vi -tiled 10101 this 0410/1511110 811011.1111 include all the noel sehools in Hawick and the Fair to alternate avii li 3 he remain,. Fall Fait. between Gerrie and Ford- wieh. 31,4)111m voted unanimously to place the build inge, gentian -Is and Fait' equipment of the y at the die- posal of the Committee in charge of 110 Ne1letIle. T1114 is a, most worthy °Wpo'i mid should reeeive the support be township and make Howick'e Rural Seined Foie the beet. in (1)11 eon 11 1 y. Soriel y will etitee Standing Field Clop Competitinti this year, Chops will he W heat and Oats. Fide will be held 1,, Gorrie, Satin day Oct. 4411, \V, 11. Geogg and ,7, H. Rogers wine appointed delegatee to attend animal Convention of Fairs A ssocia- Lion to 11(3 115111 in Toronto on February 13th and 14th. Atwood Orval Datibrook has purchased Daniel Angeles 50 acre farm on the 10th Con, Nurse Richmond has gone to Detroit where ahe is taking a special course at the Receiving hospital, Clerk Lochead, Atwood, isms ap- pointed at the County Council an Auditor for Perth County. Through the efforts of the lady can- vassers inetaid of members of publio library, the membership has been raised from 20 to 82 009 1919. IristIG. Perry Oockwell, son of Jas. and Mrs Oockwell. Elmo, who has been overseas for the past 8 years has returned, Lieut. 000kwell was 2 years and 2 months with the artillery in France, where he received 19 Military Medal on the field for bravery. ISMI.V•1=1214161 earring Sale at o tore A Clearing Sale will be held, commencing Saturday, Feb, 1st, of Men's and Boys' Heavy Rubbers, Mits and Gloves, Underwear, Sox, Overalls and Sweaters ; Ladies' 'and Children's Underwear, Hose, Caps and Mufflers. Here are some of the Bargains :- Boys' Rubbers, sizss 8 to 13 l3oye' Rubbers, 877.4114 1 7 0 5 Mett'e Monauch Brand Itithhers ..... Men's fleet quality Yelluw Muleskin Mita, knitted hand, lining , and w ei s Men's Leat bee elite, well lined, knitted wrist ..... ..... 1.•••• Boys' Leather Mits, ;send quality, knitted lining- and mist, 2501 to Men's good size Pullover Mita, Men's all wool Undeeweats etock, worth $,5,00 per suit, sale piece, per garment. Good quality Overalls hill ne 411,1 white 11111ipe, sale twice , ;Medium weight gverialls, black only leatnoue 11,01) Long Brand Ovee0.113, elitret, heavy, sale Men's tnatee Sox, sale pi lee Boys' Luoiberman's Sex, sale peiee 3 only NI en'm Wool Sweaters, dale priee, each 4.50 to Gerrie and make your Dollars do double duty. 17041 \ V111 need warn] 010101)115 Cot ernue yete • • • .1 . 1., Rro athwe 19, resazocceonalwarams.mon-mccolsesnas macx.ratecomaunftarva.caxa 1 85 1 '70 8 5(9 00 00 75 55 1 75 1 511 1 35 2 50 60 55 5 60 IVioncrietr AlifeRaft00110,2 -011111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111EW11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111119111111111111110,11111111111111111111111111111$ Soda Crde ers any time, any clime, in doors or out ---when hunger nips ---the answer is, Tetfer's Soda Crackers, The most nutritious food made from flour. Packed in air tight packages, Sold by all grocers. Tellers Canada -;,.....- " The Buy lVord 13019 Biscuits" Vend Seini e. LloanseNe,11)'599 EL-:.. 4 se illilllaileffilathilltitteileaSealatiiiillilillItilitilibiliilliettleellilltillIlliale111141iiiilli1ilillilltIllial1=nalii .601011/1 Oroy 3110.3 Bella Al Inelroei,s, 11 Cola., tV/1.04 (he guest nf old friend. in London nod Strut foril. Do/Icel.!, Silt • 107 19 pot.il 0001 /1.11 •-051.0r (01011 Et N001.1 71E1'0 lumber eottipAby and lett to take np his (1110i 5119911I Collins attended (lel Trow bridge Cheese litelory intuiting And set.iired lie Otli route while 4111 line is in elm: ge of Win. Close, PASSES A WAY.-Friclay 1110 eni ng, San, 1701:, the admit Boatman enter- ed the home 00 13, mid Mrs, 131 mutt d bore away the spirit of an old and well loved pioneer of Elana town- ship, in the proson of Chas. 130.51011, in his 85t11 year, 0.e1090 the river to its Haven of rest. He was a kind, eyrn- pathetic friend and splendid neighbor, always rend y to lend a hand in mute of need and was beloved by all who knew 11102. In religious belief he was a strong Weslyan and a enamel votive in polities. Mr. Ravell lived in Elmo township for 68 years and had (leen it con vet ted from a forest into a splendid agricultural disteict. Fifty years ago he was united in marriage to Mary ,Tane McMagh, who predeceased him 10 years ago. To the 0117011 W0141 born one daughter, now Mon. Wm, 1411111 19, of Elam township. After the death of bis wife Mr. Raven has been kindly cared for by the Btanclt family, with whom he resided at the time of his death. Funeral, which was held 81111 - day, Jan, 1991) from his late residen re, Lot 10, Con, 5, 31111111, WAN largely at; tended, a token of 111511 eeteem itt which Mr, Raven was held. Pall. bearers were, M. Ham, R. 0. Arm- strong, F. Collins, W. Booth, W. Mead, J. Hamilton. Funeral service was conducted by Rev. Me. Sterling, Methodist minister of Trowbridge. He made an eloquent address from Si, Matthew and at the conclusion sang Mr. Ravell's favorite hymn, "Safe in the Alms of Jesus." Mr. Ravell died as he had lived trusting in his Saviour. "Forever with the Lord, Arnen-so let it he, Life from the dead Is in His Word, "Pis immortality." Trowbridge Miss L. Oode is visiting with her sister, Mrs. (Dr )Stewat 1191 Jno. and Mrs. MeCrae, Guelph, visited at the home of his heather, James MeOrae. The regular quarterly service was held in the Methodiet church Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock, Mrs. Sterling and the young people are Inlay preparing for a Concert to be given in the near future, Samuel Code, Dauphin, Man., is a guest at the home of his uncle, J. 16 Oode. His many friends here sym- pathise with him in the loss of an ouly son, who was killed in action last August rafter, 4 years' gallant service. Mr, Oode learned his trade with the late J. M. Olitule at Listowel and le doing well in the West, having a large milling business. Pte. L A. Oliver, Listnwel, and Miss Melvin of Guelph, visited with friends 1(0 onr village. This was Laughlin's first visit; to Trowbridge since return- ing 1'1.0111 France and all who had the pleasure of meeting him were delight- ed to welcome him back. We undee- stand he haa seemed a good position in the jewelry business at Sault Ste, Marie and We WW1 bin( every St100PaS. Gunner Lawrence McOrae has as - rived home and WAS given a royal welcome hy the villagers. The chureh and echool bells were set in motion and in the evening in the Methodiet (Mut ch there was a reception in his 1001101. An interesLitig program was followed by Innelmon. H581370110 WAS pleased tn welcome faawronee home egain and SDP him looking so well, and o listen to his addrees. Blyth Woad has been received that Mitt* Lillie Carr is ill in Tolman. Statbb Bros,. Cedavville, have pur- chased Wm. Johnston's livery taint bus business and will take possession in about 2 05011118. Al a filmy t °presentative meeting of the citizens an industry Hall a Board of Teade was formed with the following members :-P. Gardiner, E. Bender, W. .7. Sims, J. 11. R. Elliott, 011as, McClelland, F. Bainton, Wm. -Moore and W. N. Watson. At Morris Branch Agl, Society Am. natal Meeting it was -moved by Wm. Gray seconded by John Barr, that a (1 lawn )) t of, 10 pet' cent, be taken from all 91 19)1 monies over $1,00 and retaiti- ed by Soniety. Motion Inet with the approval of the meeting. Following officers were elected for the ensuing 12 months -President, Wm. Pollork ; 1st Vice President, Wm, Gray ; 2t6 Vice President, J. H. Ellis. Dit actors, Blytia-J, 311 Blackall, Wm. Watson, S. A, Poplestone, Robt, Wightman, ,A., Elder ; Mortis -John Parrot, David Laidlaw, R. Shortre.ed 1 East Wawanoeh-F. 13. stalker, A.. E, Smith, 10. ; Runott-D, swarm], H. Young, A. hthEwing ; A, Hider and Frank Metcalf, Auditors, Presi- dent and Secretary be are delegates tr) Fairs Association at the eXpense of the Soolety, diem. 992 76 40 00 10 Ott 4 25 15 00 ell let 1373 50 1453 13 2500 (10 1212 tot 111:9 011 2titt (10 11 So $ 3017 53 ASS It71.8 Ctteh on hand • .$ 'Polln unpaid 1,0(0.0) nfiloo P7101Io 1+1118 70117 E5. unpaid ITt 0590 ('1' lineal eloleeworth Rural Senforlli Rural .... . limos,- 19011 ..... ..• • • Stook on band 2(12 18 S7(1 07 221 00 4 40 10 95 4 40 8 1111 040 79 -$ 20137 30 1,),43m, Honk u, 0.• en pi ta.1 441100114.1 blaitilP0*.n0t) '('001(0,00.' f )l1km i.' gala; ies Linermates 1/11eet0103' fres joivt'l'y Wages .. Taxes and Itissratfee 1011100105 , ri•eiga lit nti gp. li-nnel 1,1 (''l'('.0 1,001114 ,over.. 010 it,Vri 1211. 10199011 Nei 11101 101)11) 1 1131.' dime 40iu 1,11 T,111.1111/11N 31 ef`11;111P1IIIK C0.411 WI 11(11,1) 4111 727 54 1219 21 14913 0)0 115 00 730 50 03 (0! 377 30 480 35 -18 05 25 en 37 34 104 05 '2f1 300 oil 31 811 52 70 :942 Nil 1128 fig 88 lel 262114 et 81117 ris ABILITIKS (3m potation . . ... ...$ 2200 00 B. 11. HA 311S, M. BLACK, `1O erten 10'I'. Secretary. .-INC. FERGUSONA tulitms, N. F. GE,RRY, Annual Meeting TIIP A1111 11111 Neel ing 051(1 9)5 beld in Town Hall, Binsaids, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Ilth, 1919, at 1 80 p, no, 051)991 reports will be pit -melded, Dia- emon elected and olher necessat 3, business transacted. F. S. SCOT1', President. M. BLACK, Secretary. Following were installed 11.07 1 be offirers as Mori is District of the L. 0. I,. at a meeting held in the Orange Hall here :-W. D. M. -R Townsend D. Chaplain -Rev. W. B. Hawkins ; D. Ree. -Sec. -Melville Bradburn ; D. Fin.-Sec.-Murrity Johnson ; D. Treas. -Fred. Ilaggitt ; D. Lecturers -R. Owens and 29, Leishman ; D. D. of 0. -John Scott. Listowel Friends of John thainger• will be sorry to know Gust he hart been eonfined to bed as the result of a fall on the slippery sidewalk, causing. in- jury to his head and back, Rev. William Kettlewell, represent- ing Ole Dominion Alliance, W05 in Listowel on Wednesday and melange(' for a public) meeting- at MuDonald's Han on March 28rd, at which Ruthven McDonald will sing. A. 13. George itijured hie back aud was 101101/01407011d for a time, as the 1,10- 0019 of a fall in the lament en 1 of his restaurant. He slipped on stepping on a tin can and (11 falling, struck his back on the corner of a box. What promises to be an interesting 030'IEV7DP, Ito be held in the morning, next Sunday, at Knox (.11119e1), when presentation of the eoloes takes place. The two flags, which are the gift of Spring will Soon be Here IF YOU REQU1R1S Timothy or Clover Seed or any other Field or Garden Seeds it will pay you to call on me. GUARANTEED STOCIC. This has been a special line for many years. We handle g0041/7 %VP (14911 recommend. Order eally and be ready for sowing, P11095 48 W. J. McCracken Grocer and Beedsrnan the Ladies' Aid, will be presented to the congregation by 1 eturnad soldiers and 11 )0 expected that the serviee Hag, now 111 course of prepatation, will he ready for presentation at the same Majoe Buech, Toronto, a re- turned chaplain, has been seemed as special to teacher and Waller AlcOut- cheon, halftone of Hamilton, is to assist the choir with special 0111810, a9onsinion Seeds zmrimo - JD EZC.,.if 4 214%? Vgdeg..);;-° VADA W., Ire For all gardeners -a com- bined textbook and catalogue. It tells you everything -- Study it before you 000111151We your season's work. FREE For 1l poultry keepers and stock raisers, a hook that tells you what to do, what to use, and where to get it. Write for it, Hang it in a handy place - Of infinite value as a ready reference. Dominion Seeds, Limited LONDON, CANADA .2191151•19.1102142191171311191•101=1 ooe000•000•0000e00000•000000‘e00000000000•oeooixotes•os r) e 0 Went to the city to got employment, The lint One repoeted "I WAS , A O