HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-1-30, Page 8eseetetieetteete.te=e_. _eereeeeee,-ee,,,ea.ea.eeeeee....taeeee=eene.erltte.e-neeeeeeeeeette,Atreeee'e.Te..eeeereeeeeeiee.=e'eeee.—eeeeerereteeeefee-=eeeeeeetee=Te'eeeteeeel''r'efer=eeee'e=eeeleee'e'="eee.e -.=ere'eelerefie."1:Tellea' ..'"e----*et=etereeeelle"...Le' • -...elete"etemaere.,,, 4-1.044+04.0+*ettee.e*fted.0e44.0.144*+04-04040+0+444e44ttee+0+44440 Wietelieet Hockey team played a '4" 0 match on Brussele riuk tri Teeteley Smith's -14 4 4 • 4 • • • • • ;4* *• 4 ?.4* 2 44+41-4•04.•••••••÷04.40•••••••• Of Family Interest eimee0WeeeZersagessixelginseseaessease ntel• Methodist New Hymnal The last word in a high grade Talcum Powder A fine Powder with an ex, elusive and lasting Perfume, It has lot to be about the big- gest selling Talcum at the present time. Price 350. - We are agents, To be used in Brussels beginning with xst Sunday in February. They are to be had at as low a price as eoc each, or if some- thing better ie wanted they are to be had in different bindings aud types ranging iu price up to $400. Hymn Book with Tunes 50 and eel ..50 each. See Them Bring your Films here for good results in and Printing. Prompt service, KED ARS EASTMAN FILMS Spring Number Developing Klenzo Tooth Paste Pictorial Review Quarterly Fashion Book is here. Price 25c, and it con- - tains a coupon good for toe which can be applied on the purchase of anti Pictorial Pattern chosen. We keep Pictorial Review Pat- terns. 'They are easy to use. SUPPLIES A new Dentifrice - Whitens the teeth, clean and refresh- ing -330. Makes a good com- bination wit it a Klenzo Tooth Brush Price 350 utax Toot h Brushes 350 Other 'rooth Brushes elec. 20c and riec RM The51.q.'Mt,,..f..j-L Sore v,"=02ai SMITH Druggist and Stationer goal 1 ebn 311.ems BOOST Brussels. Breen every advt. Tower Council next Monday evening. MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of next week Take it in. THE PosT 'reel/bones are 31 and 32. Do you take the hint Ica houses are still short of next Sum- mer's stock of cougealed Maitland water. REEVE PLUM deserves credit for his diligence in the coal situation of the • town. THE town Auditors. J. Ferguson and N. F. Gory, were performing their duties. FRIDAY of this week brings the month of January to a termination. Time is flying. he connection with an item last week referring to G. A. Best's appointment it should have read Armour instead of Swift, THE Auction Sale of the household i effects ot the late Mrs. D. McQuarrie • was held last Friday afternoon but the • house and lot were not gold and are still : on the market. Dr is the intention of the Business Melts' Association to bold a re -organiza- tion meeting shortly and arrange to "do things," if hearty support on the part of the people is accorded. Watch for date. Comiarrree appointed to suggest the lest Ld of a Welcotne gathering for the home -coming soldier boys are con- eidering the matter and endeavoring to srrive at a satisfactory conclusion but think it better to delay at present until the majority of the local boys arrive. Due announcement will be made. W. F. STRETTON, Jeweller, has leased his store, which he has occupied in the Stretton Block for several years to Roy MoKev-eeed will occupy the present Nova Scotia Bauk offices in the same block for his jewellery store, after Feb, isth The bank building will make an ideal jewellery store. The vault will be a great convenience for security for valuable jewellery. HOW: FROM OVERSEAS. -A couple more of the local soldier boys arrived home Tuesday night from the scenes never to.be-forgotten of Europeou battle- fields, in the persons of Lance Corp. Leslie Lowry and Cadet Jack Batten- tyne, looking in the pink of condition. Their Immo (mining is a joy to more than 2 households. Other soldier lad - dies are expected in the near future. THANK You -Tint Poser wishes to heartily thank many subscribers for squaring off overdue accounts and re- uewing for 1910. We have scarcely a deadbeat on our list and we are well pleased at the response froin so many ele90 and far, One lady remarked in her tenet "We will keep up the good opinion you have of your subscribers by sending along the cash for renewal." It takes a pile of coin to run s business these times, 'rake a glance at yottr label, Close CALL. -Peed. Wood went to fix up the furnace fire at home and finding itout as he supposed put in some kind- ling and fuel and added some coal oil. Suddenly there 5058 a burst of flame with such speedy generation of gas that the flames caught him in the face and hands and gave him quite a blistering, We are gla.! to 4:4y lirr is getting over the burns nicely but don't want any more experiences of the kind, and would ad. vise shunning the coal oil can as a fire invigorator unless positive there is ne fire. Some other Brueselites have made the stove dance by the action of the kerosene can and its coutents. 40.11..01:01.102811111.11 • • 4 • z SATURDAY Afternoon a frame building sold by C. Pope to W. A. Lowry was moved to the latter's property, Princess street. It will be utilized as a wood shed. ANNUAL tneeting of Bruesels, Grey and Morris Telephone Company will be held in Brussels Town Hall, Tuesday, February nth, at 2 p. m, See advt. in this issue, A lively hustle has been on the pro- gram hy the ladies of the locality in sewing for the needy Belgians. Box of clothing, &c , will be packed at the close of this week. 1 THrilitieRED Yorkshire hog 4 months old for sale Prin. reasonable. R.13. $TErEwsoll, Lot 13, Con, LI, Grey. Phone 4220. MARQUIS SNA what for sale. ANDREW L.uJao, luth Con. Grey Township, Phone 2314, HiorrEsT market price paid for 121188 125 BAEREE Bees., Brussels, Heavy draft filly rising 3 years, bred from Gold Link. NN Lots 55 and 50, Con. 1, Morris, alio. D. Miller, Bluevele P, 0. Wroxeter Phone. B.P,I,T.1 McDonald, 11,11i,h(tfghtn j.ig71. 50111194 246. Boo sent SERYME.-The undersigned will keep for service at Lot 1, Con. 18, Grey town. ship, a there' bred hog. Terms 31.08. P. TYERHAN, Proprietor, A Few choice front quarters of beef for sale at reduced pricela. BAEKER13000, Cosismemarot house and lot for sale, Queen street, Bressele, the property of the late Mre.. 0 ,111 (7;011,1,r7 trort.heFC)OrrItr V'oeV tiT11`3,r g. thereafter, MAUDE C. Bavaria announces she hes re- ed work in her oilers. Office open every day. Metre 10 to 12 a. 1 to 6 p, m, also Saturday evenings. COMFORTABLE houpe for sale, well located. Apply to Roy 51cKAY, Brussels. WANTED. -Dead Horses and Animals taken away promptly within 0 radius of 20 milee, Will pay from 68 to 35 for live animals brought to factory. No animals removed without hide. Phone, day 12. Pliene, evening 178, The Farman? Fertilizer Co., Ltd., Wingbani. DR. PARAER, Osteopathia PhySiCIEVII, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of encu week. Chronic and nervous diseases sueceesfully treated, Visits residences. Consultation at Queen'a Betel. ACKNoWLEDGMENT of receipt of boxes i from Brussele Red Cross Circle Is made by our soldier boys overseas in the per- csonernst4fil Horace Wilbee and Stanley Dome PINE -Miss Laura Leatherdale went to Toronto last week for an opera- tion for a trouble in her nose. She got along so web she was able to leave the hospital and is now at the home of her sister, Mrs. 11. A. Pryne, Many old Mende here with the maim speedy restoration to her accustomed vigor, DEATH OF J. C. RAMAT/AV.-The death took place on Thursday morning of last week at the family residence, 1167 Rich- mond street, London, after -a long, illnees of John C. Halliday, 1310. Halliday at One time resided in Brussels, Ont., but for more than 30 years had conducted a drygoods business on Dundee street, London. He had been living retired for the past nine veers. His wife pre- deceaseri him in December 090e. He is survived by two daugliters, Miss Agnes and Mrs J. E. McConnell ot London ; two 'brothers, W. J. Halliday, Calgary, and G. A. of Wien Head ; also 3 sis- ters, Mrs, !Eisele end Maggie, Brussels, and Mrs, Frank Uren, Ingersoll. The funeral WAS held from the family resi- deuce Saturday afternoon, Services wete conducted at 2 O'clock by Rev, H. 13 Robinson, pastor of Memorial Metho- dist Church, Interment WAS made et Woodland Cemetery. Deeetwed was well known here and WAS in business for several veers. He was e fine man and most highly esteemed. The bereaved will share in the sympathy Syl9pathyof Many, against the town bop. Scare 8 to 6 le favor of heels. Lerrge leitoet Fi.oeuet -Tug Pose. is in receipt cf a newsy letter (sen: Florida, written by our townsman. G. A De:ul- ulate who is holidaying there. It will appear next week. 00012 CHANCE .-Reeders Of TUR PoST e nelted lo read the new Ltilvt. of 1 le who is calling attention to e r 13Al2 of hoots mid shoes It eentmences Siturtley of Bee week, MEE firu4s CAI LEP OFF -OWN E 10 the long cool:inn:ince of the Board of Health bit on public gatherings the belles of meetings in this section of Huron County under the Board of Agriculture (more familiarly known by the old name of Farmers Institute) have been cancel- led for this season. This was no doubt the wise thing to do. Tuve:MAY evening of last week 1) D. G. M., Rev, Mr. Durrant, of Teeswater, and depu les installed the officere of Western Star Lodge No. 149, 1. 0. 0. F. An adjeurument was made to the rest- aurant of Bro. Little afterward where tne brethren were regaled with sand- wicteee 5150, pie, ice.creatu, Sec, 'rho le (1 el, fills his post iu a most cairib'e manner. THE 1.,itANCHISE,-Ladies of Brussels and surreuuding country are invited to hear au address in the Public Library, }tritely, Jan nary 31st, 01 7.15 p, m , by elis. Gordon Murray, of Hamilton, to in'ruct women on the inteldgent use of Franchise. Mrs Beavers, Exeter Coun- ty President of the W, C. T. u., will 81,0 be present. As ladies have been greeted the use of the Franchise every woman sheuld avail herself of this op portunity to hear so able a epeaker ou this important subject. A collection Will be taken to defray expenses t1$ People We Talk About tit tt #4 71,00 Gertrude McKenzie has returned to Stratford Business Col ege, Mrs W. H. Wiugham, was visitor in Brussels on Tuesday Miss Math Ament, London, is a vigitur under the parental roof this week. Reeve Plum iF at Goderich this week attending Huron County Council J. L and Mite: Davidson are back to town after an extended stay in the rural districts adjoining Mrs. ti, B. Churchill and daughter are spending a few weeks with Fred. and Mrs Longfoot, Stratford. The Mies are sisters. Mrs, Archie Thompson and Miss Grace, oE THE Poe T staff, spent the week end with relatives in Luckoow, the former's old home. Alf. Deunison combined business and pleasure in a trip to Preston, He re- ceived his discharge from the mileary service after 3 years duty doing. Mrs. Murdock McKenzie is here ou a visit from the West. Her home is at Aneta, North Dakota, She is a daugh- ter of Mrs. A Sinclair, Brussels, and a former Brusselite. Mrs. Adam Sinclair, Mill Street, has been seriously ill. She went to McKie lop township to visit relatives and friends, took sick and her home Coming was interfered with. else Eva Bryans, who went to Toron- to to take a couree in stenography and type writing at a Business College, has been having an attack of influenza. Her numerous friends here, hope she will soon be convalescent. Postmaster F. S. Scott, who knows little of personal failure of healtb, bee been bothered occasionally of late by too high blood pressure and has beeu advised to cut off some of bis many duties and take it easier. Oliver Quark], son ofe, and Mrs, Quer- in, Brussels, is home from the battlefields of Europe. He was wounded but Is mak- ing a good recovery. Mrs. Querin and children have been living at Gorrie dur- ing the absence of husband and father overseas, Thos. Whiting, son of David Whiting, of Dunduru, Sask„ and formerly of this locality, has been visiting his uncle and aunt, Wm and Mrs, Sills, Brussels South, and other old friends. It is to years since Mr. Whiting went West, He is a good specimen of Western young manhood. During the past week Rev, 'les. E Hunter, of Charing Croee, Ont , has been ill with influenza but is improving fee is a brother to the Misses Rueter, John street. Brunets, and well known to many of the read'rs of 'Pts POsT, Mrs. George Sperling W Eta at Clinton last Monday attending the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Fleacom, who passed away in Toronto last Friday. Mee. Beacon was beloved by s wide circle for her many good(pale leg of head and heart and her demise is deeply regretted, Lime,: Corporal Scott Ametat arrived home from overseas looking tiptop and turning the scales at about 18o ponds, He came per steamer Empress of Britain, a (teeny welcome was accorded. Scott SAW the real thing in the fighting line end WEIS W0212(lert He expecte to get 11 speedy discharge and get back to work. Harold Armstrong, who WAS 110Me hiSt week from service in the Royal Navy, left for Toronto where he has resumed his course in Medicine. He is on his oh year and hopes by hard study and the lige of Summer session to overtake the time he WAS absent at sea. His ex- periences on the mighty deep were full of interest. Monday of this week J. T. Wood left on a pleasure trip to Los Angeles and other points in California, where, 10 company with W. J. Fawcett, Toronto, formerly manager of the Metropolitan Batik, Brugsels, they hope to enjoy the next few moothe. Mr Wood is a hard worker so the hone* should do him a world of good He will have 9 most congeniel companion in Mr, Fawcett We don't envy them their stay hut would like to be along. M Sinclair has returned to Dres- den after receiving A hear! i/ welcome from relatives and old friends fle tells many an interesting tele of the streniume 22FROAifrIl overseas and highest praises are accorded the Nursing siefere in the hnspitale. They are heroines with. out anv doubt, Mr. Sinclair received a Very den gerOtIA Wollnd frOM A bullet through the ehOtilder And 11.111g but has done eplendidly along the lime of recov- ery. He was delighted to get home and fared well oo the voyage on the giant steamshipOlempic, esti 're 1811 STA H t OF CANAIDA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- est at current rate. BRUSSELS BRANCH 9 G. H. SAMIS, mums 14 El El 236 Manager. IRVIMMORSHNVV=VSVVVAVMV.I.COSNIMMMV.0.9661...`42=r,":11.,,Tre510.1.B2,24.A. Spring will Soon be Here IF YOU ithwing. Timothy or Clover Seed or any other Field oe Garden Seeds it will pay you to call ou me. GUARANTEED STOCK, This has been a special line for many years. We trundle goods we can reCornmend. Order eat ly and be ready for sowing, Phone 43 W. J. McCracken Grocer and Headsman We regret to hear that Mies lertnet McKay is not enjoying her accustomed good health but we hope she will soon materially improve. Tis POsT is scum to state that Harold, son of N. F, and Mrs. Gerry, is not hiv- big as vigorous heaith no formerly hut We hope he will soon pen up. Lieut. A. Wilson aud bride, of 1 -lar - row, Essex County, were welcome visi- tors at the home of S. C. end Mrs. Wil- son, Flora street, during the past week. The former is recently home from over- seas where he spent several years in up- holding the bouor of the grand old flag. Church Chitties Sabbath next the new Hymn book of the Methodist church will he iutroinced. Delay was occaeioned owing to with- drawal of the services on account of the epldemic. The views of Pilgrain's Progress ex- hibited at the weekly Prayer Meeting in Melville church, Thursday evening of last week, were good and much enjoyed by the audience. They were in charge of Rev, Mr, Manu. Next Sunday morning the regular Communion will be observed in Melville church by the union congregation Preparatory service Friday afternoon at 030 o'clock, which will be followed by the annual meeting of the congregation. In the eveuing special attention will he devoted to Young People's work, it being Christain Endeavor Day through• out the world, Howard Strachan Writes to the Homefolk at Ethel DEAR MOTHER AND FA.TEIER.J11.8t, a few lines today to let you know how am. Everything ie goivgalong fine here tit present. We weee right on the Rhine R. jug, across the bridge at Bonn City, and it is very nice, clean ap-to-date city. The leave has been shut clown for awhile now but it opens up to -morrow, so 5 guess 1 will be going about then or next day, will just he in rime for Christmas and New Year'. 1 got your letter which was written Nov. 17eh, also the parcel you sent on Nov. 71h and it. was in good shape. Cheese was a bale moeldy but was real good at that. Cake and candy were sure a event. I also got a couple of boxes from the Hartt girls. I saw Clifford Dunbar about a week ago when we were on the mat ch but was just teal:1g to him a few rninutes. I will put 115 135850 more post cards in this letter, views of the bridge and city. I got a nice big photo of the bridge yesterday, 1 must fix 151 up and send it home. We are having nice weather here still, not cold and not much rain. Was sorry to hear of so many deaths around the country. That was too bad about Murray &I:Lecher' and his wife both dying and leaving small children, 'Well I thinly I will close for this time hoping this finds you all well, wish love to all from your boy, floweleo, Wishing you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year, Germany, Dec, 19111, 1018. DEAR MOTHER. -Received your letter, which was written on NOV. 28111, and was glad to hear from home again. Well here I am in Glasgow again and this is the last day of the year, and a very nice day 16 is too, It's a wonclee it's not raining for it has rained nearly every clay tibiae 1 came across the cheeped on the forenoon of Dec, 27th. Stayed in London one clay and then tame up here 5 had rather a poor Christmas this year but, nevertheless I will try and make up foe it tomorrow, I expect; 1 will have New Year's dinner hare at the Club, 1 left Germany Christmas eve and wits 48 hours coming to Bolougne, and in a box eat. ab that, and 16 was any- thing but warm, hard tack and bully beef for Christmas dinner. Hope we will all spend Christmas together next, year, I don% know whether T. will have to go back to the Batt, or not as my ticket, calls for return, but am in hopes that order will be Chang- ed before 1 go ;melt, Which will be lite 10111 of ettinutey. Ilan In hopea they will send Me to the 2Ist, Reserve, and if they do I think I Will stand a pretty good chance of getting back • early, They Hey they are sending 1 he Alberta no ye back by the Panama, canal to Vancouver, I hope they send 1110 that way, and 1 will met in my emu ' and go home for the Summer, bo e of couree I can't lay any plans yet I Imola for sure what fen going to do, Dial Stanley gel home for X.111AS this year 1 0 yes le•fore 1 forget, the ()emptily Olerk %valued 1 know what athlress to send my M. M. to so 1 tom him to send it to you, eo if you gel it you will know what 11 is, 9 dim% know tes I will get my mnil very regularly remit now on, 0 itivee 1 do go back to the Bait., and if 1 don't write very often don't let, 11 bother you any, Inn I will t vy and not be to long in writing, supposing it, Is only a card or. a few lines. I will dove for this time, 'loping this will find you all well, with love to all Nom, lio WARD, Dec, 31st, 1913. MARRIED ARMSTRONO-FlusEn.-At "Efillview Farm" the home of the by Rev. '1'. A. Sell, nt JAntulry 20511, DIE Mr, Elgin Arm- strong, of Prince Albert, Se, k., to 81 108 9111, Mina, youngest dsegbi et- of ex.Reeve and Mre. \Vie. Ireasee, or Grey township. DENNIS-HAliROWI, -.A t die Methedi t Pitmen - age, Brussels, by It, v. W. E, Stefford, en January 22nd, 10111, Mr,JnIt Adam Dennis to bliss Rebeeen Jane Barrow, both of Walton lecality. MoOnAeRRN C tate en -.At the home of the bride, on .Taneary 22nd, 1010, by Rev. J. W. Johnson, Mr. Pow 15. McCracken, of LIstowel locality, to Miss Annie, daughter 05 121', and Mrs. Isaac Clark. Ethel, J. DIED 13ALLIDAY.-At his late residence, 1167 Rich- mond street, London, after along illness, on 28, 1210, John O. Halliday, aged 09 year% beloved hueband of the late Susan 0a111 - day, Agnes and Edith (Mrs, abrociofoaitohl earl ,0) ANNUAL, MEETING The rinnunl Meeting 00 1110 Brussels, Morris and Grey Telephone Company will be held in the town Brussels, on Tuesday, Febru- ary 11111, 1010; at 1 80 p. in. Auditors Report will be presented, Directors chosen and any other business transacted that may come with- in the range 00 430 Pleating. P. S. SocreT, Premident. M. 13T.Acm, Seoretary. Auction Sales A NOTION SALE OF FARM STOOK AND .91 IMPLIIMENTS.-John Purvis has reeeiv- ed instructions Prom J. B. Wheatley to sell by Pablle eviction on Lot 2, Onn, 18, Bullett, 001' 100101150 et 1 o'clock P. m. on Thureday, , Febru- ary 6 1019, the following, that, is to say :-1 mare 7 years old in font eligible for registra. Won, I mare 5 years old, 2 fillies 51 years old, 1 cow due Feb. 15, 1 cow due March 18, 1 cow due Marah 25, 1 °ow tine March 28, 1 sow due April 24, 1 am due in May, 1 cow minting due Sept. 5, I cow due Sept. 01 , cow due Oct. 2, 1 heifer due April 21, heifer dile April 80, 1 cow due Oct, 18, 2 steers rising 2 years old, 8 naives, e young calves, Meesay binder 7 ft. cut Perrier and truek, filaseey mower 7 fool. cut, 12 foot hay rake. Maxwell hay loader, steel lend tol5. er, seed 2-411 14 hoes oombined, hay rack with movable motion, 1 wagon with box and stockra�k, rack, 1 pair bob sleighs, 1 cutter, 1 rubber tired buggy, 1 circular saw, 1 10-111011 Joliette grinder, 1 cutting box, 1 new alagnet cream separator, 1 pair platform scales 2000 lbs. nape - city, 1 Clinton fanning mill with bagger, 1 turnip pulper, 1 new 12 -furrow plow Verity 1 2 -furrow walking p10w, 1 Kemp menere spreader, hsy fork, rope, ear, Filings and. pul- leys, Chatham iimnbator 240 eggs, terillp drill, 1 set of harness, a number of horse °Otani, 2 Dodge 1825 111011 face wood split pulleve, some shafting and belts, 00 gallon alt tenk, 1 mimics. to for gaaoline engine, 8 good logging chains, whiflietrees, neelt yolce and a inun'ber of other articles. Everything will be sold without re- serve ns the proprietor 15 giving up farming on ticoattut of failing h eh Ith, Terms of Snle All purchailem of 010 00 and under camh, over 6(100 amount 9 months credit es purchasers furnialting approved joint notes, A discount of 4 per cent straight off for cash on credit mounts, J. a WEISATLEY, Proprietor. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Lily Ann Paul, late of the Village of 13russels, in the County of Huron, widow, de- ceased. • Notice is hereby elven pursuant to the Revis- ed Statutes of °uteri°, Chap. 121, that all per. sons having °Mime or demands against the es. tate of the Bald Lily Ann Paul, who died ou or about the 20bh day of December, 1518, are re- guired, ou or before the 151h day of February, A. 0,1010, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned bxeoutrix or the lest Will andTestionent of said deceased, their Christian end surnameand addresses, with full particulare of their claims, iistatement of their aceounte and the nature of the security (Itany) hill by them duly verified. Further Wire notice that after the last met- tioned ante the Exeoutrix of the said estate Will proeeed to distribute the emote of the said dowelled amon gat the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to Ole eleints of which ebe shall then have Cathie as nforeerwid, end "laid Executrix will not be liable 505 101 assets 01' any part thereof to Ally person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been rowdy - ed at Cie time of snail distribution: Dated this 27th day of January, 1010, H. hr, GORDON, Executrix, Brussels P. 9, Notice to Creditors eeoTIole la hereby given porsuant to the Statutes in that behalf that all persolle having 51111108 againnt the estate of amigo Oheetee Artnatrolig, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, faemer, deceased, Who 21,2 (5 the Township of Grey, on or about tho 28611 day of December, 1018, dye required on or before the 17011 day of Feheutiry, 1010, to send poidepeid or deliver to the undersigned Stoll neetionlars of thoie einlms duly verified by nial the nature of the seettrity, 15 0135 held by, them Ana further tette notion Mint atsr the skid hist mentioned date the masa of the said de. ceased Will be distribiltecl 01110112 0E1 parties eatibled thereto having regard only to the CIIIIMA of which notiee Shall then have been &en. Dated at /teeter this Oth day of January, 1010. 11111V, 10 .50 Po vv mr,n, Administrator, Taman, Ont. GDADMAN l 8113ANn1/03, Reciter, Ont., 81.8 Solicitor% 5ot the administrator. fil0t40060t%0900)@0,0061a9tAg/inle4etuftots*m.01431wPfy**Qe,' 43 48 48 (53 48 30 0 58 80 So Fox9S 1 : e• V Store, ,HE „ .„ STORf. r4 "%Meekly Store News 5„, ft tv 0 5.i. 0' (., 1.:, 0' I,. 4,. 0 0 0 F (sGo 0 In fact they are all good onA Splendid Tonic and 0 es, System Purifier 01 See tbe aesortment, 111 out. win- (8 0 (low thig week. Pipes have been 0 0 hard to get for Rome time. They One or the biggest, sellers in the o 0 tc.f 0 ate all new stook, See them medieing world and still going 0 12, don't buy, They price from anyway, no Mum done 11' you Sptotiontiiigi ..01AmItliflit:nliyiyVpolg.veptaarl(),1(el, Com- 0 0 $8 0 e 5e to $4 00 Jost try a bid t le 0 o 0 e o For the Children f.) .17 5 . risk Yours Old with a Cold 313' 0 0 0 0 We strongly 1.1.4101.111/10136 el 0 9 We have really a splendid lot of Penslar Ohildren's 53 0 0 Purses ae 25c and 85c. Well Cough Syrup o o o • made in evet y pat denier, tho Contains no opiates or any deverip• 0 la frames being sti ong and close tion and can he administered to 0 0 fitting, Better pick one quick very young childreit without any 0 and save pout. change.0 impleireatit i teethe. Whi the bottle, 9 0 0 0 0 a, * 39c The Postal Authorities Wampole's C 0 Codd Se 0 0 53 8 NeVeeal reties of etoal.dh: wentliiAritnik"=7v Liver Extract . . v„ 0 ..e aave on hand 1,,,,,teolsit,x4 Ivan eil,toglo.do,ve.yn III culT ye:xi, ti o at present, lithe 0 8 Nothing lint the address can be plac- e 0 Rubber eel on this 'dile. Nothing but the address to be on g 0 e act. Qq17hveespswo're Write the add 0 o a 8 pairs 10 be ex- thW1'11:nnly the add rose on this aide. 0 0 0 off er i n g a f ene pe. r11,:virririttr :h44: Oarlducle.IZOut:h7r1.1: :also, sitdi: 0 0 e Good assortment in (Neap 011 bin, Othor. 0 0 of sizes, The, elite for address only. 8 0 e 83 0 0 0', evau.3‘..,e,sc,e,cim0ouscoetineetensoPosee099,39.0094,9009*Geseememotnasis 0. • .1120:2GEIMBT.2:.2,22) . „„ i PilligWOrill ini-Iflush . .`:. Are 11(y of 71 011 stuck suffering Cleane closet how II Rtla lie 1,13 t hem feint! Ring wrwill i' If eio you Rani Levy. For i no purt»se only ie will Ina our Ringworm Remedy and the only t him, rot Ilio junpt,,,, a 1.11( 81, reliable et Liebe P1151 011 in large eiee OttrIS-40e, il 0 0 0 0 od Some Pripos G 41 arilac A 'wart 8 good et '('11 011 hand. This is one of th alsyays re- liable 111t'1101'11. t ions. 81.00 per bat Ie. 48 48 48 41 48 45 05 0 JAMES FOX DRUGGIST and STATIONER For Sale or Rent Olin of the best pneture farms in Grey town ship, being Lot 22, 000. 0, eontalnbig 100 novae 13100 013' farm at Ethel contend ng 175 acres, on easy terms. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ont. WEDNESDAY, rah 19th.-Ftirin Stook, Irn• plementn, 40 . WI Lot 23. Con. 11, Grey. Sale, unreserved, nt 15, 10, W. J. Sharpe, Prop. ; 1.9. Scott, Am. BRUSSELS MARKET Fall ',Ph eat Spring Wheat Cate Peas Barley AUCTION SALES Butter W 'MAMMAS', 19103, 1.2TE -Lot 1, Con, A Eggs Turnberry township, Farm emelt implements, Bogs &e Sale eureserved et 1 p. m. P. Wright, Wool Prop, .Tno, Purvis, Auc. Potatoes per bag #2 06 2 1.15 60 100 78 48 50 15 25 65 tta 82 le 2 05 1 50 4(1 1513102 115 .•v4 ..C191.211701012. seinailtYLIMIterattaer.V.,1. Milan{ eleari ,g Sale a ncrie r A Clearing Sale will be held, commencing Saturday, Feb. xst, of Men's and Boys' Heavy Rubbers, Mits and Gloves, Underwear, Sox, Overalls and Sweaters ; Ladies' and Children's Underwear, Hose, Caps and Mufflers. Here are some of the Bargains :— Boys' leubbc•ire, sizes 8 to 13 . ...... ..,... ..... Ili 1 35 Boys' Beatles, sizes 1 to 5 I 70 Men s Monarch Brand Rubbers 8 50 Men's first, quality Yellow Muleskin Mils, knitted hand, lining and eyelet, 00 Men's Leather Mite, well lined, knitted wrist 00 Boys' Lealhey Mits, good quality, knitted lining and wrist, 25a to 75 Men's good size Pull -over Mies ..... ..... 55 Men's all wool Underwear, old stock, worth 405.00 per snit, sale 111100, per garment ., „ 1 75 Good quality Overalls in blue and white 511 11)0, sale price," 1 50 Medium weight Qyeralle, liheck only 1 85 Famous Bob Long Brand Overalls, extra heavy, sale price 2 50 Men's Lumberman's Sox, sale piece 00 Boys' Lumbermatfe Sox, sale price 55 3 only Men's Wool Sweatets, sale price, each ..,, ..... 4.50 to 5 50 Come and make your Dollars do double duty. You will need warm Clothing fot some months yet C. Rat well - Moncrieff .MS.SVMS0i20.2.MY,1 ..23.VMMIKS61031120MVOVISMIUM102.VVU woe Graha 1111 II III afers As a nourishing school lunch for a child— or with cheese, or with milk in the evening —Telfer's Graham Wafers are unexcelled. The nut -like flavor is due to the natural sweetness of selected flour brought out by perfect baking. Aluuros crisp, fresh and appetizing. Packed in air tight packages. For sale at all grocers. Telfers "The Buy Ward for Biscuits" 151 IlIlIlIlIl a 1111111111N liginistommittrItgafilllingtHil 111 041 Canada Feed Board ,t License 54o.11-590 111140111911111111111111111111111118H fie