The Brussels Post, 1919-1-30, Page 4t ?r ,sets o t PHU:!Si Y. IANUARY 30, 1919 Pts, filbert Forrest Writes from ��ri,lall� Tho fall ,wane ( •0080• wee received by Mee t'. 13 Pe; reel of .1 aJ1'stown 10,• a at vfeora ter vett nt Pt,. Robert knoivu in the ; inent- fay. He is a brother of I he I tie Lance Corp ('has. B !'wrest, whe, gave up hie life for Freedom's mite. on October 20111, 1917. The en Rev will be heat lily welcorned back to Alnt'tl3 rown;hip. fi..0ft te1..-41St Lucy— — Reeeiveal your t't,^, 1 ..F ins 21;d tonight and 111,0 v,.nr I• Iter. I was ple•aletel to hear yon were all in gond health and had eeeaired the "tfu." I art feeling fine and have terovered from the ef- fects o' ;;a,. The parr'el came in gond eonditi.•,i aid the eon ten t.; Were grand. Say that cake was fine, 1 was ,ass plesasod with everything, It Was the first p u•ee4 I had received for over a rn r lth fire i but those apple, wet, (1. lit' first Tolman Sweets I bed int 4in 8.H a nwoe h e I w8._ h.me 10 19, lint I hope to be back there by ;text Fall and will be able to have an apple svitenevrr I reel like eating nue. 1 do appreciate a pal eel ft nm you and can't exptess )u worths ally appreciation 'of your kindness, Well tIL. war is over, as far as fight- ing goes. We were all pleased when j the Attnistiee was signed and hostiliti- es hall ceased. We could hardly realize it at first. I was just corning back to the battalion and reached it hi time t,, start the long march to the Rhine We tressed the Rhine yestet'- daay and are now in real good barracks neat' the t,r;.l.•. We had some very hard In ch lint it sure is a pleasure to be in it and to match into Germany. I believe we were the fleet Infantry to tnarrh sous., thee border, Of eourse we dial not know just, how we would he used but everything has gone fine and we are being used well. How lung we stay here is hard to tell, some Hay 2 inonths. I guess we stop here until the final Peace terms are signed. We are all anxious to get back again. I don't expect to get back much be- fore April 01 May. It is a consolation to know our chances are good of get- ting bask some day: Many tt pone lad has been killed on the battlefield and others died of wounds who will never go hark. The effects of the war will be felt more when the boys come home. I was certainly sorry_ to hear that poor Dan, O'Toole had been kil- led and sympathize with his intended, Haven't heard from Joe Kelly for some time but heard he had been wounded. Quite a few of the Huron hays were killed and wounded this Fall, I would be glad to be back to help Charlie with the turnips but likely I will he able to help him next year. It will seem very queer to go back to the old farm again. I will certainly miss Charlie. I am sure Mother will be glad to get hack to the old home again, 'Well, I must close. hope all had a Merry Christtnas and the New Year will be bright and happy. Thanking you for the fine parcel and hope to hear from yon again soon, I remain, Your loving corlsiu, Bnb. Beer regard' t0 all. Dee. 14th, 14)18. Turnberry Council Minntes of emincil meeting was held Jan. 1314*, 1019. All the members present 'iz :—.Tames Moffatt, Reeve ; Jas. Porter, .1..J. Alnffatt, J. I. Scott and W. A. Mines, councillors, All the members signed their declaration of Qualification and of office. Minutes of the last regular ;meeting, nomina- tion and eleetinn were read and adopt- ed in motion of W. A, Mines and J. 1: Moffat. a the Township Hall was gold the Council will meet in the house netted by John Brooks. The fulh.witlg By -Laws were passed No.1--J. Porter and J. J. Moffat ap- p,.intinet the whole Connell Road Com. tniesinttere. No. 2—W, A. Minas, and T. J. 111„ffatt appointing R, Black and B. Or Ili Auditors, No. -3 W, .A. Mines and J. Porter appointing W. S. King, Assessor, No. 4—J, I. Scott and 3, J. Moffat appointing T. K. Powell member of the Bovad of Health- The Auditors will sleet at Treasurers office nn Jan, 23rd at 10 a. in. The ,recounte for the (000111 will he settled at the meeting In Feb, Next !meeting of Council will be held in 33inevale Monday, Feb, 17th at 1 0, tit, P. PowaLr., Clerk, East Wawanosh Council First meeting, of the Council for 1919 was held on Jan. 13th. members there- of being J. N. Campbell Reeve and Alessrs. I3uattt 0;83 , Marie, Irwin and Shaughan Councillors, who were all present. Having severally subscribed to the Statutory declarations of gnali- fios t.irn and of office the Reeve presid- ing. resid- Ig. the minutes of last meeting in 1918 were read and confirmed, The usual t:•queste for grants in aid' of Sick Children'', Hospital. Canadian War Hospitatl Fend and the Salvation Array rureived and Ordered to be filed• Sum of 195 ) was granted the Child - renes Aid Snc)ety, Goderlch, Messisi Hone and Scott, who have been Lite e1T}eient Auditors for years, both re- fused to act in that capacity again at their fennel' eatery, Moved by Irwin —01101.1e, that, the above named gentle- men g then he re -appointed Auditors of Township accounts at a salary of $,12.00 ,sash. Carried. Owing to the work in connection with Municipal r a+ a l'8. h stn ere tf a t a increased ,sad 8.O mash of 6 late years, slight nu:reaees were also made to the salaries of Clerk andd Tteaenrer. Bltahanau -- Currie, that \Vim Wighttmtn be re -appointed A.s- seesor at his former salary of $70.09. Carried. J. Gillespie was again ap- pointed member, of Board of Health, on motion of Currie and Straughan. Stix copies of Municipal World were Rey. (Eqpt.) n'l a�tssl Hack. Lail Friday'. 1.0o,Ltni ;\,Ivettiser said :- Mee. Robert 1', atrsnu, wife of o1 to (H r.8. u8. i a e a 1 1 tt 1 t and hw 'hl t f Nits, Ellet t',ll00 2'211) \VittetIo street, left nest el'da v- to pain her lits. hnHiin Vietnam Capt., Peat n'n, +t 11•-lhodnu al.m)s- trr,-ioitdeti,the 00(1) )u rho War as a Nan bat ant ot}i•'er, and has been elected to the Alberta Legislature as as one ofthe soldiers' representatives, Capt. 1 earenrt tells a new story of the lttat moments of Edith Cavell, as fold to hiiu 6y nurses Who had worked With her. One haus hef;rre her execu- tion she wrote a letter 10 mealier nurse, who hail beamte e. victim 10 the drug habit an anodyne to the hor- 1•nl3 or eat', hot who hail prnlal)oed to give it up. In het last letter Nurse Cavell told this girl to keep her pro- mise, and the feeling that 'die would do s0 would help her to die happy, Capt. Pearson added that Ile was informed by these 1011,00 that the first firing squad teid to shoot Mica Cavell mutinied and would not do it. An- other squad 10118 .:)nit 0hudued 110W- 0001. Friday's Toronto Globe says :—Capt, (Rev.) "Holl' Peat arm, Al. P. P. in Al- berta, paved thimigh'1'0ronto yester- day 011 his tvay to his home in Edmon- ton. Waren he unlisted with the 89111 Battalian early in the war he was a Methodist tuitietor and Secretary of the Y. JI, 0, A. 138 wee wounded on the Satiate, since when lie has been engaged in Y. AI. 0, A. work in Eng- land. ordered as formerly for ase of Council and Clerk, .las. Young was present and shower} to the satisfaction of the Council that he had been taxed for a second dog last year when he was as- sessed for only one. On motion of Currie and Irwin $4,toO woe ordered to be refunded Mr. Young in this matter, 13y -law No, 1, 1019, eon firming the ap- pointment of Lownsh)p 01Tic)ids and salaries in enuneet)0ta therewith was .read and passed, hull's1tg 00c00114S were paid :—R. Iti':hm0ud, gravel, 60r ; Trustees Heigratve alshetel, use of School for Nornh,ation tweeting, 164.00 ; Treas. County Buts•, eettletn nt of Bdy. Line rtreul1IL. 1('3,3(1 ; Brussels Po -I, adv. in 1018, till UO ; P. S. Scott, balance of ;salary as Colter. tor, $30 00 ; G. M. Elliott, grant t0 Children's Aid Society, $6.00 ; S. Young, refund er- ror in ting ttut, $4 1111 ; A, Porterfield, salary as Clel k, $140 181 ; postage and telephone aocount. 8).13,00 1 \Vingham Titres, balance. of (11)011 tg 1001 Met, $22.75. Council auljntrited to tweet Alouday, Feb. 17,it. A. Pla'rxnr•IgLD, Clerk, SOME THINGS YOU OUGHT T7 KNOW BUY 4- ��YtNGS 5tC Above nut is emblem of the 'Thrift Stamp mnvelneut, Read 06(1111. it in another column. Ring George's youngest soft, Prince John, died at Sanoinghant, England, Jan. 17th Ho wmlid have been 14 years of;ge111July 121h next, Epi- leptic file 0 as t )10 eats.,. or his death, The great Peace Chnfet•Put•e Onnt• tnenced ire sessions in Paris Sattn - day 18th Net. Georges (`Iemmneeau, 1 f France, is the President .,r L. Cnnfen'- e1)0e will likely Continue far tt•eelts. Crusatle for early closing of business places Satin day night; is tuged by a number of citi•'0 and town'.. The plan is gide) ng urinmentnln and will win out. 2 hours might eabily be shorn off the enotnnl01y hours of turning the k' y it) the Liner Saturday night. Hide t ecause along by ma k ing your purchatses early, Sir John Pltou, !'omnia, opened the Salvation Arany Iced Shield Cam paign to raise a Million Dillais to aid the Hotelier's 6yas)1t tlptien of $3,000 It was a largo atttonnI late prnpat I)0in ate to their ability (pithy at maw who detrains $6 00 may me. it the commen- dation or t he 001)1)(0 s 2 mit ear. It le a great blessing, however, to ha bar k) tl up Ily mill)ouaairr• goneroeity and many at gond (Melee will triumph on ,tire anrt f (111104 ninnillettta gifte thatotherwise would falter and fanil. Chautauqua 1''0':1)rol post potted last Pall 011 000.011111, of 01)' illt)ne'nza et)). deme )s being nlatnl1)1 for it) iitvssels for March 18, ll and2I , 13«8.l. talent will }me sols 2 entertainments emelt day In the Totvu I}all and nil livers or choice 111114i•:and story will have an opportunity 01' enjoying 11 110 a 0nn1- tea i el low figure r renr'n t LvV a t a p Y gi Course reeerveri ..eat t Ik tv( r1 r .r c 111 (1 prngttun ,, Theme have been few high class 1)1* t 111)111)1)44 )n Hrn8s)+la daring the past year and the public; will 110 4101101 he ready In tedey the etni0g i (hove, espeehally )f 11,y n(0.0 able to attend the (1 fel mer (Shau(Langtta Feralv)11 c f April 11118. (let a Lielbut 0t11')y for the Festival, VINOL MANS GOOD BLOOD Positive --Convincing Proof Many -so-called remedies for anae- mia are only so 111 name. Their mak- ers are afraid to prove their claims by i telling whatat their medicines contain. The only way to be honest with the people is to let them know what they are paying for. Here is the Vinol formula. When the doctor knows what a medicine contains, it ceases to be" a "patent" medicine. T7g Cod Liver and Beef Peptones, f ro n and '1 Manganese Peptonatea, Iron and Am - minium Catrate, Unlearnt Soda 0lyoero• phosphates, Canearin. Any doctor will tell you that the ins gredients of Vinol, as !named above, will enrich the blood and banish anae- mia and create strength. When the blood is pure and rich and red, the body is strong and robust. You can prove this'at our expense because your money will be returned if Vinol does not improve your health. F, it, SMITH a_ Dominion Parliament will meet February 2001. Alberta Liberals, at a Oduvontiott held at Calgary last Friday, passed a resolution urging the Dominion to pass legielalion for absolute Prohibi- tion of the firmer truffle in the Domin- ion or Canada, That sounds like business and has the right ting about it. Who wattle to retutu to the old booze days, excepting possibly sone who have to monetary interest in the business \Vhat about Ontario Lib - et als Do You Want As the wood purohased by the town is now being delivered persons wishing a load are asked to at 01100 communicate with F. S. SCOTT, Municipal Clerk, and leave their. order. Don't delay. Payment trust be made as snot as slip with charges is re- ceived. r v , ;>A xw(.ail.-.., -•r8. v 7 Lit .x09 •-sereeees aleete eellIrterr weeresa, erees ,!M+.TM"'R!N"a•"',:..r"'." 131'05 .MO.1;01)141 church 5010111' a'•hnol contributed the utagtifieent stun 01' 87262111 t,u Armenian Relief Ifnnd. Miss Alella Alcl:hoy at the opening of the S, 8. Hesiuu Made a special appeal in her ieeitaliun in behalf or these starv)og pe, plr, tend, will lo' kind to kaon that George (lreeesidee 18 mord) )((1) Med in health aft or his neve)[ dinette with poen int, o1. Alts, Mat gavot Smith, of Con. 12, Elnan, trot nolo that. her son Harold, of the Royal Ail F.,' iv hurl 1revived as serious 1't nettnr, f the j'w. He is in the hospital 01 Netvcaslle out 'Tyne, hngl,nnl NI lion P.101`0t4.0, - During 1018 the Inllowiug Was repot ted --543291 llnnl,ds cheek,, wits made, with total receipts, $12,2)19,981 paid pat milts cash $10,955,00 ; uulnufatcl nriog rhrese at $1.50 per owl , 1(814 174; 1)08.111)13' of milk received 0118,555 Ihs, averago lbs, of milk to Ib. of chee.e, 11,2012 lbs overage pi ire per Paulo of cheese '2 4570 • average per rent; of huller fat 3 3210 per owl. ; nvei age cost per 1b. of cheese e 2.0237e. A("irtC' f t•t'BAI, Mater Nu,—Annual meeting of Eltua Agricultural Society was held Jan. 18th. Young Coulter was appointed Chan man anti T. G. IRatc.liffe, Secretary, President, Win, Morison, gave a ennciee report of ,year's tarok and pointed out the 4101 that. the Sneiety had improved its fin- ancial position in 1018. Ile ,leo gave a short report or Ontario Association of Fairs held at Toronto nn Feb. 12th and 18th, 1918, to which he had been sent as a delegate, Minutes of the last annual meeting anal financial statement were lend end adopted. The holding of a Spring Fair is lett in Ole hands of direct nes, A field crop competition will he held and oats the crop selected, and the entree fee for members $1 each, The officers for the year are—President, John T. Batten- tvne ; lot Vice, Ivy I), Smith ; 2nd Vice, Arthur Simpson : directors 7. W. flirksnn, George Gordon, J. M. Ovens, Walter Blackwell, J. S Cow- an, \Vm. Mnrrisnn, Howard Mchlane, Hugh Richmond and Win, McOlory f,ady direelnrs—Mrs. A, R. Terry, dirs. (4, Lnrhhead, Mrs. Wm, 14Iorris- nn, Airs. A. 141. Robinson and Miss Edythe Hammond. Honorary (lirect- nrs—Ynuug 0oulter, Alex. Struthers, Hy. Ronnenberg, Thos, Dickson, Chas. Vallance and 0. W. Harvey. Auditors—A. M. Slveeton and W. A. Dickson. John Ballantyne was ap- pointed delegate to Ontario Associa- tion of Fairs. Fall Pair will be held Mnndiy and Tuesday. Sept . 122nd and 23rd, 1919. The director securing the largest number of new members -46th Annual Report OF THE Hulick farmers' Mutual Fare insurance Company For the Year 1918 '1,) T10)4 Mlilitintti 0r Pato 0O11PA1T 1 Dour Directors beg to submit the following report for the year )est chrsert. The number of policies 1,5ued in the year 1140 was 1705 and the unlnhor In force et the end of the year was 6040. The amount of insurance writtao 'MI5 $4.585,400,00, the amount aspired and cannoned, $3,1110,000.00, leaving the net amount in force at Elie close of the 08130, $18;106,585.010, being an Increase for the year of $1,054,000.00 in the amman at risk. 'rho premium notes held by the Company =omit to 1570,820,75 and the !mount araildbde on sada note; is $0(0,446.00. The amount paid for losses 110 buildings and their contents there• in unused by lightning was 08,705.00; ,oaf oil 8teves. 5201,50 1 sparks from chimneys, $1,805.00 ; 8151,)) engine elating Corn. $5.476.001 ;41111; posed incendiarism,$9,5'14.15; eeku0xn, $2,102.85 livestock, killed nod ;Immured In ato fields by lightning. 00,231.2.31 other causes, $1,037.19. The Auditors' Rep•n't duly certified is appended. hereto. 'The Directors retiring are M0Bsrs, thigh W. Edgar and James l*rton, both of whom are eligible for ro-elerticu. rho Auditors are appointed at each shoal uleothug. ,all of which is respectfully submitted, NV. S. Mt li011t)l ER, JOHN JA CIi:SON, Secretary -Treasurer. President, (bode, January 140, 1010. Auditors' Report Receipts [:ash balance Dem enbor 31st 1917 Cosh received ror fixed payments of tuts ,• • of prior years " " as interest •' from investments •' " from other snows 31.44 10 2111)07 37 1 80 1084 88 15030 00 140 12 B 47037/171 Expenditure Lass,, Freak (look, A mime, damage to milt by lightning $ 54 W J. IL Antler, Norris, damage to emutents of house, over - healed ,cra4.1 25 Thomas AleCleucont, Itowlek, damage to house 001(101(14, moat „11 00,0 31 50 Jos. ,1lchlinnsy, Alerris, contents of house, unknown ,....,,160 00 Samuel (1el)ourgo, Orey, 1 sheep killed, lightning 25 00 (Norge Johnston, (troy, data ge to hmtse, lightning 81 40 Samuel 11111.011111,Eastill, Last Wawanoslt, house and contents, burning groans ... 1661 00 F. J. hools,'1'nrnberry damage to house and 110lltOntsBup- p0sed from match• • . 103 36 2 D. , A. 1'amp11511, 1sg1vnlout ham and 001101110,lightning 1060 00 Peter 13,die•, (trey, house and 0ontente, spark km o)ulmnoy 1100 00 13. J, rants, Allot., enter killed, lightning .. ,. 05 50 ,IDs. and .1, Staplutnu.'I'nrnbutry, 2 Moors kil)od, -lightning 113 110 Henry C. Feller, (Vullece steer killed, lightning . 45 O0. FV. M. 0(, Lrhtosao, now, house, spark from chimney 200 W 1). J. it etell)nsouCroye011e90 of house, spark from ehiinnoy 500 00.lmlrow Vrttee, army, i head cattle (killed in - barn and dnten ((..•e to barn, lightning 0117 25 Robert nrmy. 1 sheep killed,lightning., 32 ) E. E. Martin. ilovak, 4 run, trilled in shed, Ngltning day (l James {.ap, rtrrielt, 1 shoed killed, lightning 80 00 If 31,,10 Grey. tow killed lightning110 70 10 P. Ab•Avo1-, )(hu cuv11110, horse killed lightning ........... 170 00 11, J. Ituhnos, Mel{lilop, heifer killed, lightning . 77 50 '!'hos, 'I'. Riu11 Morris, stem, kilted, lightning 100 00 11. T. 6)111, 1luwlek, calf killed, lightning 27 00 drumm erm.1e, Orey, steer killed, lightning .............so. 100 00 Luke S rob -nn. (trey, drunage to colt, lightning 86 00 11, 1)))1 ,l , I, Wallace, now killed lightning 120 (10 Wm. Spee.', )loviaac, I sheer 11111001, hgbtnieg 00 00 fieu..1. Ib'onghton, Mint., 2hto)fers killed lightning .....,70 00 W. A. J,o•l1.on, tt)nh , 3 sheep Icilloa, lightnin Illi 00 '1'. ,,V. lf0ndelso), ICuwick 00)0 ldllud 110111111110 50 00 Ti„.,,. Dial:son,')'umber•,, heifer killed, lightning 4ii 011 Alex, 014111, Ilroyy, now killed, lighteing 100 00 1.. Itlh8rnluhl, Wa111,00, damage to house 1111)1 onntent5, lightning ...... 35 00 Thos. 0)x000. Wallace, etdf killed, ligghxning es u0 N. J. hell, Mel{tIIop, heifer killed, ligllI tog ",5 00 D. Duke, 111)3'bnrough, now killed, lightning 80 00 1 1 o d 'o buns m contents,ro 'V. Welsh o v nlur8t n stns ro t o 8.coal g n stove 21 00 11 si n h Mrs. NI. Elliott, )hoop 11101) ( 1lgf�htiljlig 281486 'Meet P. J;unts, '190116051, 1 sheep killed lightning 20 00 Jos. H001101s00, 101 .1- 3- calf killed, IIg1a)1ng 28 00 J. P. 170) ,,t fl , they, eteor 101151, lightning ,. 115 00 John 1,-ikeomioll, getat1lins, barn and aontente, lightning 8803 40 m 8.r I steer killed 11.1 70 00 0.. Morrison. n , Trmn lightning ...,., Y k .. g McDonnell, t Turnberry, heifer killed. 1 48 0 1, ici a l nnr 8.o 0r I, 1 lignin 0 W. Cumberland,0F,118. c0 ,toe• killed,q g h7 N(1 A 00.ualightning g A old 1 \I tT,,w 1 (511 1)0 se, damage on b01 0 01(08,0 35 00 D. N. Done. 1Tuw trio, drive shed and et stunts, nnknntvn , 786 tis Henry Schaefer, IIewick, rn1ar0 end molt killed and horse datuo 01 lightning .. .. 160 (10 Andrew W11Y n, Mast Witwlnash, 1 sheep killed, lightning 3O 110 1, nradbur, Estate, I0as1 Wawanmsh, mare ki11011, 14;1110'g 225 00 Thos. 1)111) . (lrEillop, mare killed lightning t40 00 Wm. f.y n Ihdlott, steer killed, lightning 85 00 1) 8. )srrin gton, 10001 WaiVaanosh 1 sheen killed lightning 26 00 Who r1,1wfrnrd, ilowlok, heifer killed, lightning 71 00 frit 1110 i)tl,5:itlt 1'etli will be 111i1ii!1111114 atl 11 el egateLn the Ontario tl BB0 0I8.t0 tt of Fide for 1920, '1'. G Ratcliffe 008.8 IT -appointed Searetti y -Treasurer at a salary of 11100. Phe following were appointed a bee lel or 11antagelne»h for library, foe 11)1)) :-Mrssra ilnlell re, Lorhhead, angel, 'Cobb, '1'hetup0on, Hammond ; R. A. Thompson anti E, 11. Swing andilura Roaod o1')lIlttized as follows ; 11)esident, 11 A. Thompson ; Sen'e- 1 1 13. lleitllnottr7 ; Treasm er, (beteg'. 1,,,'hlteatl; 1,ibrat Ian, (I, (1, ('r Olio. President 11)11 Mr. Porter 5t• et 5 appointed a delegation to wait tel 1he'I'ovuship Ot ttin'il to so1)ell+ a grata rot the libitty. Mertes, 1:1011), Pot ler and Coghill; were chosen to pu)them; new books. Wanted, Keeper, Matron and Assistant Matron Man and wife wanted to take charge of Bur- nt) County Howie of Refuge end Industrial 100rut, Also 011 Assistant Matron. Duties to commence as 00011 ea p00eibie Appltcat ions to (181)1)20 to the undersigned at an early ditto. Personal applications preferred JOHN TORRANCE, inspector Haase of Refnge. Jan 21st, 1010. Clinton. For Sale A limited gosnttty or Red Clover end White Blossom Sweet 11ever, home grown. I twin Cooksbutt Plow, nearly now. Also 4 young Holstein Cows supposed to be in eslf, at prices that will move thein quickly. Must have 1 cam tar beef cattle 00.10 .70BN A. SPEIRA0, Cloverdale Farm Phone 010. Farm for Sale The undersigned offers his farm containing 75 acres, Lot 24, Colt. 14, MoRillop township, for sale. Comfortable house, bank horn, straw shed, driving ha)100. drilled well with wind - &o. 't anile East of Walton, ;4mitn (rent ehuroh nn It mi)0 00 ?.r& school. or further purticnlnre appl `peltu0 PDOY HO1P.oANDor. Property for Sale Oomfortoble house and 44 nate of hand for sale, well located al Princess street. Brussels, the property of the late Rev, R. Poul, Posses- sion given fat the course of 0 few .months. It will snake a cosy hone for some person and is in good repair. Property is open for inspection. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Joseph Pagh, Wingham ; Mrs. S. Paul, Bluev010 ; or W. 4, GORDON, 20-11 Box 102 Orangeville. For Sale Helmand lots, containing 04 acres, in the Village of Cratbrook, the property of the late Mrs, Agnes Brown, is offeredifor sale, Frame house, barn, fruit trees, &c. Posoeeolon could be given at once. For further particulars np• ply to 51ne. Tn0e, 010510130). or Wdt. CA5leBoN, Executors estate of the late MPs. A goes Brown, Oranbrook. C. S. Woods, Bruce, cow killed lightning 50 00 Jas, A. Fonts, Elmo, heifer killed, lightning 08 00 Thos.13radnock, 130wtck, steer damaged, lightnings—es. 00 00 Jas. Finnigan, Norruallhy, steer killed, lightning ............ 02 00 Jas. Parrish, Morris, colt killed, horse damaged, lightning 85 00 John Morrison, Turnberry, heifer killed, lightning 05 00 Herb. Sliiell, '1'arthorry, sow ;bounced lightning 80 00 Cleo. Tumor, 'llOOtlorry, 1 sheer killed, lightning. 25 00 B. N. Pants, Minto, steer killed, lightning .. 85 00 .T. 64 C. lloCuteheon, Turnberry, steer killed, lightning 01 00 (,1. Forrester, Huron, balm, spark from engine outthlg corn 1800 00 T. W. .40100on, Blinn, damage to house from /Minnow86 00 R. J. Nesbitt, Morris, daldage to house and contents, urn known ... • 56 50 Geo. 13. IJa•grave, I031901*, barn contents, supposed incon- diarisin 587 00 W.4. Cardiff, Cray, steer killed, lightning .............. 79 75 N1. Dolg j.{r., Grey, steer damaged, lightning 35 00 . ,T, Pridhan, Mints barn contents, spark from engine 0ntting corn 170 00 M. IdeDormid, 110 10, heifer killed, lightning 75 00 M. O'Dwyer, Mao, horse killed, lightning 100 00 R. Ra 1•sot, Minta, steer killed, lightning 50 00 W. 12.1(0 dpath, 5tintn 1 sheep and 11am1) killed try }igh0t g and contents of barn, steam ergine cutting corn 70 00 John J. Arias, Minn), barn and entente, steam engine, cut Ling corn ... 8300 00 Sirs. M. A. Scutt Minta horse in barn, engine cutting corn 100 05 0'. J. Pike, Detrick, heifer killed, lightning 07 30 Wm. Montgomery, 'i'nruborry, damage to leiter, lightning, 40110 Herb. ,1,1e11son, Wallace, house and contents, coal rill stove 80 60 'Victor Sperling, Croy, hoose and 00ntents, unknown1200 00 David and Thos. Chalmers, Minto, barn and contents, sup- posed incendiarism 2037 16 Win, Roan, Minto, 1 sheep killed, lightning 80 00 Alex. Monkey, Morris, stove wood, spark from engine 40 00 David d, Fortune, Turnberry, damage to steer 30 00 70 losses ender 825.00 each 700 21 Commission to agents 1755 25 Fuel 52 60 Iuvootigathtg and adjusting claims 781 00 Statutory Assessment and License Fee 101 32 Fire Marshal tax 47 00 Travelling expenses 50 00 Muniotpal taxes 08 43 Rout 2 00 Saorotary-'l'rOaenrer, salary 1300 00 Directors' fees 840 40 Auditors' foes 30 00 Printing, stationery and advertising 867 43 Pnstage,'rolephoneandexpress 172 00 President for services 25 00 Care of Hall, annual meeting 1 00 Mutual 171re Underwriters' Association fee 10 00 Premium returned to policyholders 822 80 Call on Telephone Stook 10 00 Bank charges 10 05 Dominion of Canada War Loan Bonds 12100 00 1)0541100 75 Cash on deposit 1 Bank of Hamilton, Wroxeter 01181 55 Rnyal Bank, Ilarnston 218 00 Standard Bank, Brussels 456 00 1003 30 $ 47037 80 Assets and Liabilities Assets (lash value of road estate S 1800 00 Cash value of Bonds 10100 00 Stook in Wroxeter Rural Telephone Co., Ltd. 100 00 (lash ah deposit in chartered banks 1808 80 Amnnn1 unpaid of fixed payments of 151$ 8110 20 Amount unpaid of fixed payments of years prior (not ox tended,) 0210.70 Office 10,0(0ure tenet safe (not extended,) $200 00 Amunut of premium notes in force after deducting all pay- ments thereat 000445 80 Amount ofcrud interest 100 7 7 ac dnto s 081700 0808 Liabilities Noxr1 Auditors' Certificate We, the undersigned Amateur, do hereby certify that we have drily n.ndited the books a00ounts, vouchers and 80e011(0s of the llnavirl( Farmers' Ivintual Fire Diatomite() Company for the year end- ing .Decetnbor 3101, 1918, and 111a1 we final 010 Rana to be ()armlet. We also oarttty that the Raid Company's financial statement for the said year upon which this our oortitioato is oedema)) Is correct and. that the cash belittler; at the 0180 Deaemher, 1918, to the credit of the Company la as follows /'lash in Bank of Hamilton, \Vrexater 5 1101 05 da811 in Royal Bank of Canada, Ilarriston ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 210 05 Cash in Standard Bank ofL anadla Brussels 455 00 T. It. IBENNl9'r'r, ''11 Anditm'a, ADAM A, 0RA1IAM f' Dated at I ro Retor JttnrY1Jt1010, • }Ovary member not in arrears Is entitled to one vote ; if filmed for $15001and over two votes ; $3000 and over three votes, NOTICE 1 NO'rtOE i8 horoby given l that the Animal Mooting of lho main. bets or the Company will ba hold in the Township Hall, Gmrio, 00 oofday,. j ollrnary 1.161, 1910, at 2 o'oloek pp, m., far the pIrp00o of re - ng t o top0rts of Dirootors and Amblers for th0 past year and for other basics,, By order of the Board, W. S. M0R111t01I11R, Hooretary. 1(00015, Jamtary 14111, 1919, 511111111" 111111, 111111111 11111111111 111111111111•,41,0 14 50 YOUR MONEY -- HOW TO MAKE IT EARN '1'o 1115001 his saviulls where they will be absolutely bate, ,.rrsnihle, and earn 4heir ti4aht) to of iniert,t, le 0110 desire of eve0y 1(180000I. Time 040ed is money earned J'190hitag bh(0111 Ibis au 41 A1(1 .1.3 tit.- tact that -- 0100 Invested at 511;e';. doubles Itself 10. less the, 13 yetnb. von saved 1 c 3'4, token 13'0 vents to do th0 same Habig. STANDARD RELIANCE 5X % MORTGAGE CORPORATION DEBENTURES V' are issued In Soma of 3100 and upwards for n fixed le ri o,hio Snit Your flay It a iOnCO. 11 n , Ierest nt 5'-4r on the 0 NO trouble, pc) worry, no Inconvenience. Your eecurny never (Metter 0 es. Nat an donor line ever been 1(081 by an Investor in these debon tures. An interostbtp 0001( 1 abosc '•Pli0)411I:S PR0M SAVINGS," will be scut free 00 request. Paid uD Copif°, 00,1,58,0cs Fonds • • 43.382,378.63 101._. �[Gi .. l:�t-uta R ... N`' HEAD OFFICE—TORONTO Branch Offices'CHATHAM AVR BROCKVILLE ELMIRA NEW HAMBURG W000STOCK 00 QA 0511115111511111111111115111 111111111111111111111111111s lui>Iluuuliu H. L. JACKSON, Agent, Brussels SOLD WHERE YOU SEE '1'IIIS SiGN The Dominion of Canada offers War -Savings at $4.00 each during this month And will redeem thein for $5 each on Jan. lst, 1924 Every dollar will be worth more. W-S.S. can be registered against loss THRIFT STAMPS 16 THRIFT STAMPS 2 5 cents each exchangeable for one W-S.S. Cream Wan±ed Ship your Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you will not want to discontinue. OrusselsStewart Bras, CreameryPro s. p 1 ••.•4.000(0.00.00000OOOOs♦i0A0008W0A04f04t000000109000.40 9 sl °e • 9 a 0 • tb 0 • Stratford, Ont. and • ®*ssswssssssssssssssssss.esssssssssssssssss•sssssss DOUBLE YOUR PAY A young lady who was earning$10,00 a week a few months ago, is t1 i. 0 w receiving g a sfilany of $20.00 to week as the result of one training. a We assist. graduates to 00[ 1)osit'r gpositions. g I Enter any tions,1 Catalogue;Pros. Winter Term fIOtn Jautlary,OLh, 1919, Wing ham, Ont. 0 A •