HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-1-30, Page 3• . . , AN INVESTITURE GLORIOUS RECORD AT BUCKINGHAM military situation," says the Teleeli Britannia Viet rix, graph, "was undoubtedly due to the Careless went thou in thy pride, persouality and genius of Marshal I Queen of semi and countries wide, OF BRITISH ARMY P"b' whose etrategie conception Gloeyin on thy peaeeful throne- - was carried out with nwh C thy love thy sins atone? Ike, conspicuous loyalty by Whitt shall dreams of glory serve, Field Marshal Heig and the British! If thy sloth thy doom deserve, armY. By it the whole campaign Wfla ! When the strong, relentless foe revolutionized. To this we must .add Storm thy gates to lay thee low? as n material factor the splendid ! Careless, ah, he SAW the leap of the French and Mighty from thy startled eleeP, fighting' caPaeitY British soldier. It is by no means e true that the enormous development Heard afar thy challengring: of meehunical invention has deprived . "Xwo.e the world's awukening. the infantryman of his value. On the Welcome to thy y children all contrary, the infnntryma still re- Rallying to thee witho at cull the backbone of defence and Oversea; the sportive sou; the spearhead of attack. I From thy vast domineeed Combined Forces, Stern in onset or defeaea, "As Field Marshal Haig adds: 'At Terrible in their confidenee. no time has the reputation of the Dauntless was thou, fair goddcee, British infantryman been higher, or No his achievement more worthy of his eath the cloud f thy distrese; se renown.' in hardly a less degree, ul- ieree and mirthful waet thou en i timate success was secured by the Li thy toil and n thv teen; air forte, and it is interesting 14 bile the nations looked to thee, to note, the praise that the field mar- Spent in world-wide agoey. net to look quite ne ridiculous and as and associated mernes, can look back shal gives to the tanks. So great hes Oft, throughout that len e fear -stricken ae ho may actually feel, on the years that have gone with been the effeet produced upon the Dark with horror-strieken duty, otherwise I em sure that I for one • satisfaction, undimmed by any hint of Germans by the British tanks, he says, Nature on thy heart would steal must have presented a sorry :meet:tele.diseord or conflict of interest and that in more than one inetanee. when Beckoning thee with heiteeely beautY, It was a most delightful sunny ideals, Few alliances of the past can real tanks were not available, results heightening ever on th.ne inner morning when I reported at boast of such e. record. Few can were obtained IT the use of dummy he, settoons, tr Buckieghera Palace promptly at 1.0 • ebew a purpose more tenaciously and ' Till thy soul anew .0,,eertel, n'elnek. After reporting I wee shown faithfully pursued or so fully and ,01 T.T canvas tanks." Tho ,,,orning Post mays that the HARDEST EXPERIENCE OF THE WAR, SAYS CANADIAN Y.C. Describes Ills Sensations During the Ordeal of Receiving Decoration— UN Majesty's Gracious Interest. ENEMY DIVISIONS FOUGHT TO A STANDSTILL London Press Discusses Field Mar- shal iIaig's Report of Operations In Concluding Month of War. I was once asked to describe men Field altu•shal Sir Douglas Haig, most nerve -rucking experience during whose report on operations from the the war, says a Canadian V.O. With- -end of April until -the end of hostilie out any hesitation I replied: "Attend.. ties was made public in London re- ing (he 111V6Stithre at Buckingham cently, pays a high 'tribute to Marshal Palace." Fuel, coinmander-in-chief of the allied I suppose it is purely a matter of armies. In continuing his report the field marehal wrote; temperament, though I think my own emotions experienced- at that time are "At the moment when the final rather common ones. I fervently triumph of the -allied cause is as - hope that it is possible for n person sured, we, and all others of the allied Feeming o'er the ii -!h d, eerted iato 0 corner of a large room and gloriously realir.ed. Field arshnl's report demonstrates By thys'irrcw can'ty;,d thcra, feeling: quite 0,i111 fort- I "If the complete unity and harmony ',how the British army. hreeing been wild a pals, hi in able mid unefenel, and vonstantly as- ni our actions is as ascribed to thc hyoinht as near to 1 The Latest Delights V ;\. • efe „e„,et • -"1 a Nle,WSP,AriVat A YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS UFT OUT OST , fits( 'Attie') pl....4.01C FOX. NUT SUIT,. I able l'eWer(l. Reid Bros., Bothwell. unt. FOrt WITH FINGERS Yoe simply say to the drug stare male "Give me' quarter of an mine() of freezone." This will cost very lit Ile 1 but is suilbeent to remove every hard i or re•ft corn from one's feet. (front (d' this new ether nom. peauei 01011.0! fll1110.t.IY upon 0 tender, eon, .•ineild relieve the 141.3*41- ;1,1-:311-4 (q111 noon 1110- entire vont and .44. dries up Inul mu be out with tie, fingers. Tete he1111 to rid one's. feet of " vete; 1.1.0,1110ml by a Cineinnati 41, (t4;iito4444 •;:?„'•4 4 1114, 44444.1 fl'(o.,n10 111 t 1 pie ihe cern . without in., `1;••••ii, the surround- iv. ''44 iii id hit r'orrot; niste him try It Of denten Origin. The 'hind& was originally called '1 by the lentelish becuese we en or the thende then a thturalile, find finolir it; ,"•res.int name. It was; a Hu L. --b inv critial. an1 was first 11'1.011,1 0014 l'earl. In rhina Leant ful 1112r1 thimbles ere seen, Bet.- tit L41 1':1?•Ifind in ,•, 1.017,1 1 ir r1,111(1'.. 0111V rif iron f1.1111 my.eidf. in the eopuhir Cana- itistiee of. our cause, it is (Inc to the ing beaten as any other my in his- Soon fre.-41 tj., lit ;1 y 11 Ile' eeeete,,e,".', ee,y 1 1,e eeniperatierAy tete years di 10 Ithre re. (lint thi:T wro "nothin.,• absolute loyally with which that cause , tory, and standing Furore 'thee them sier,d'et ire Iteee1) 17 1eeee a;ree „ I. ; ;•• • , thee flee hey.? leen (11:111.11Q flf it." Alas ;.'er ray prienature eonfi- line been punned by ell thn;e entrast-; and disaster. rallied its 430 141 virrer, gra' 1,a -.'i'•• ' • tel. hrwa. ney, an•1 even glares and (mead ed with the centre' of the different aesembled and trained ninfor m mts, Srinlen in all on land aril ',ea n tti sp, ..t .• ,,T4 a I Pat- p.s.iel heltrel wth v-Tre all "lined up" mai meet, LI *tiled nem! sts which fonesht side by trent new elan?, en the re i• (,f I Swell'd the voice of yietnry, ieldne 1,ta,. 't•nrouto. 1;:11.21,1•1:1' NIOVS l'1:2it SALII Fripats.. ;!:i;;;Ii 1100111.. 11,1111 1'1,11/4kt.14`,J'irgflikit0 (41 1.1,. "1'1'0 16118011 1111,11'1,10g 1.10tited. IMELIcELLAumotrs \No.t.:41, Ti Ora, inieried end etteeniii. mired with. eel ,.,In et. heme treatment. Write ee hei.•re tee • De. Itellmeri 'medical re. L1101641, 0,41f0VW01.1, I I Portugal mines less coal than any other 'Kempen nation. the annual Production Tieing about '22,000 tons. The :died:epee spends its Life with the carte:se:1m of a few weeks given tech year to rest1ng, ent'rely at sea, n't,1 the ,ving praetically all the t,use, tolereeee niniatEnt Crass 3:130teLiVir.. tize. 11,ar Bad BEDefilli "Bed It-Lc:Allis a. rier, of decayed tenth. (0,31 atoataeli 01 notlettsi leolv•el." oro good, Bock; to-jc,..c.' diee-s,ree 0-ratis at 11 once. n.ii.ot i;eiticl'eteeealeereerep at drog:-,tzlen. 10 to let3 (loops efter ▪ olcan epee road paess.et r•-,,t;,.;:pil,.417,-:t. breath ^I eta B 11 41 in single file nut in to the quarlrangle.' side with ours." . old, waited until the moneent enme to PQ5. bnir Ge.t 11 '4 1e!e. eeid are! ••....;•11 the end of geld. 1 4.43 brow wlien uldlant :-!-;.; ;1' •.!gts... 0 -to ese eentriee. 6 theueht it all !noel icteresting repet•t takes up in detail the strike. struck A7,401 rnor..1.1.inn the old 1 - • e ; 7; e tnegro^*.e.1.,(WZ4<ZA :\.11111---------------1f1111`411-(.1.4,-,,nt?d •, 1: t. , rather enjuyeil watehizer, theee of the fighting on mimes parte of the Brit- weight an1. resole( behin 1 tel blow, Ill..., 'et' ;.r. 'I ;:s.H.;:••, In evae feeling meet eantroeteldy (ni4. sta:(a, war! reireird ell as a part of eietrtneT a the enemy IVP% 1:"t terl:v Theu ne lengee c feren, i i• g.gi r "I". , P : senior rerviee who t,ero ahead of me, Afttir till thy ziear of 1100 ish front, whieh, 1he field marshal sled contineed striking until the re- erelee. : Now thy teere are lease( te thee 1';!;' of it rilt vi'hon the faet of ley ow•tit the grand tilan Of lite campaign laid erol.•en." inmetiate participation ill these cant., down by the allied high command, The Pn7t reye tribete to the Land, dear land, 0 lireze iien -built thnfr.i 11 1c11103 rufshed upon 1114 mind like an At the cleree of operations, the report , ‚44011(1 471 511'61. -,e -e4. eeineere of Mar- ,stir.,;.,th 44.,11.,1io14 4. 111101 1: )43714710h0. I felt a eebellion in all , deoleiree: 1 shel Foch, and eoneludes: Land, whence FrEcdom i'ar ;lad lonc ' the mentl.cra of rey body; they flatly I "Field Marahnl TIaig ranks as Round the mirth her eeceeh him thrown Fuemy's Defence Destroyed. eefused to anewer the frantic "Pa0.S." I ,. ii fee deckle, enntests in the itshhe T;e1;r°,,cst.,1,1a 2.yeat."1 11111" Th". -1'. , Like is planet's lumil.0‘1,; 1 i hat my bra in was sending to them, - • In thy etrength itatt cahn &fiance period covered by the report the The Dilly F WS; 0(1,74 the crux . . . , 1 became absorbed in this struggle to , : , .Ep i• , strongeet and meet vital parts of • Hold miu'land m knee', alliance! ;If the whele of the onerations was ' ' ill"NPIL"sin'l a everything else, "al the enemy's front were attacked, his i then—I hoard -my name called. the stormin., of the Hindenburg de,- Beauteous 6 IA; thou, but the foes -. lateral eommunientions -were cut and 111* Ease. feneee, and adds: , Of thy beauty are not those Put Him at i his tent divisions were fought to 6: 'Slit above all, the unity of Who lie tangled and dismay'd; T dieentangled my legs from some standetill. On the different battle ' . command stands cut from these Fearless one, be yet afraid invisible entanglements, and when my frees. the Pr;tish took 137,000 prison- - pa.ges as having given the victory!' : Leat thyself thyself condemn In the wrong that ruined them. bruin seemed at last to triumph my (1'$ 11l1(1 0 050 14.11144, bringing the had heard in the general instructions during the year to over 201.000.4 1 God, who chose thee and upraised eyes began to play tricks with me! I OH 1101/11'er o•f prisoners cantured i . FITE TOMB OF A U-BOAT some mention of a chalk mark but These results were achieved by MY- ! „ Patches a i osing e.Around I 'Meng the folk (His name be praised.) had never dreamed that I should find nine fighting British divisions, whieh I Proved thee then by chastisement it such an elusive thing. I in the emirse of the three months' Sil0Wed Grave of Sebmarine. , 1 Worthy of His high intent, There it was—a liege streak of • battle, engaged and defeated ninetY- I Semprise and a cheery call brought Who, because thou could'st endure, white across the platf 01111 which al -1 nine sepnrate German divisione, When , me on deck. For part of the "dark 1 Saved thee free and purged thee pure, tentatively rushed at me and then 1 the me-nisi:ice was signed by the enemy , hours" throughout which the Won thee thus His grace to win, away from me. Despairingly— con- . hi,, defensive Powers had already been drifter had maintained her never- For thy love forgave thy sine vulsively—I pounced upon it 0301 11310 ' detiMtely destroyed. Continuance of : ceasing patrol of a stretch of sea For thy truth forgave thy pride, it for a moment, I wrenched my feet hostilities would only have-mcant the- • where, aecording to the skipper, ; Queen of seas and countries wide— "you never know what'll happen," I 1 He who led thee still will guide. ' • ' Harlel thy sons, those spirits fresh around and then eeddenly felt al; if erten o ;et. man 141 011043 am ft a huge weight had been attacked to armed invasion of Germany." my right hand. With a Herculean Glorious Achievement. ^^- had Itent a "watch below, well rock- ed butquito cosy. 5 1 Dearly housed in dazzling flesh, effort I brought it up to my c(tp— - Commenting on Field Marshal Sir awake on drifter patrol While danger Thy full brightening beds of strength, threntened you would never sleep at , then braced my legs and prepared to Douglas Haig's report, the Daily re their day had any length Chronicle described the operations ten•ush'd, and fallen in torment eorest, stand stiffly at attention, But no! all. For danger is your constant 1 shipmate in one form or another. My legs entered into a vile conspire dealt with as the "most glorious - "Would you like to see the grave , „., ,. , Hark! the sons whom thou deploreet KT, my knees became suddenly and achievement in the whole history f I ean—i. near one call; he said: ° ! of a U -beat?" aeked the skipper. violently affectionate, a horrible sick- ' the British army." ' "Mother, weep not fcr my death; I "Certainly."I ening, feeling came over me. It was "In Marshal Foch's ,M.. -..le i 'T--------------1.,..,,-------, unusual tr • • ' f ' :IS '' 11 f1t ttiontdia thtunnent ouzo nr_potnevia. Gnal•ds. Get F.Aors. ; A 7.1intori: ..iremony was witnessel In ('1'ne .41 Einuarr 7. 71hen talent c01(1Ms f,r the varioun Genrds' Pat- ! tallen.4 4,"1.:70.1 ,70"0 1 r2ceived detaehreeri lo er the unitfor which they were11 intended, accemnanied by bieule at the reilroad Fintion. The troops pr,i,iented arms with drums beating ns the colors were unfurled end v. --re borne aking the line. Tre- mendees ernwde of inhabitants wit - 10' -"ed tbe imposing ceremony. MONEY (HIDERS. Renee. by Dominion Express Money 0,-;4e1. If lest or stolen you get your money bade "Whalis it puts the lines on the feeee?" Ambereeri asked. "I'll tell you what puts the lines there," Fee:, ne ea'el. "Age puts some :and te.e.0.1.0 ruts some, and work puts tut the deepest are carved by Ir:c1: The serenest brow is the ore i'lat bellevez the ineet."— Beeth enzerrre mittmen,. cures Colas. Oa. ChIne,•• hittery 0714)r0s a 1711114ri general, e'Vn Mull Len, mere than 1,000 ye,:rs 1(90, The r,:e2o fath'41' being tee old to fight she led his arm:es to vaetary, dressed in rna'n's The net yoke and puffed sieevee nee. • attached to a lin and aee quite an "' 110. 1 ' inunioz, lor meg, Ict.a the most humiliating, nauseating scheme, the part assigned to the i int !" . Pattern No. 871 I, Ladies' Waist. In fear! r 'Twits to intike thy joy I fell British was most important and most and the drifter, 'turning to poet, Someone was reading out something Praising: God, and all is well. difficult," t 1 1 1 • • th • • t , zes, 0 1 ta ee 1. 1.t. Pelee •20 cents the newspaper continues. 11111 ' e( °Nei' 0 ANaN° 31 °a a 0.110 What if now thy heart shonld quail No. 8a93, Ladles' Two-Plee ' :which I realized, inea value sort of . "The over ' ; ft • thee , t'l I , • d d g ni enburg , I "The oil caeses thet," explained the Rent and rive they gather'd iht, Price, 10 c t If low greed 111 1411011 of right er. ee. cent 1. Transfer De.''.em No. SOS, came crafty, cunning; by easing I tie: and the breaking of the Hi 1 weight frnm the right heel eind left • Line with weakened forces was al- i "Watch and ;you% see it toe I felt m • semen. •e Skirt. In coming of the Somme de.- 1 S1L leaC le a And in peace our victory faill s,t7,:hts, 22 to 34 waist. Price, 20 way, was concerned with ine. I be- fences in August was a superb feat, , patch of strangely calm water. ti ano most superhuman. When historiahs e°11,1111g.11Th 1 And thy power numleind save eself steadying up. from solir heal Metall dealer of Theee Itiiterng 1111y IV obtained exinnine tlie mb•acle by which fifty - 1 anining over ci er s s r e, • th 1 •ift ' Pall and perieh oer grave! I fevently repeated to myself. (maybe ,- from the McFall Co., 70 Bond St it Wag aloud, I wouldn't swear that '41400 13riti eh, divisions thilicted such con ( 6(_0311 pe e tee ofr ng a , Urn • tl it 11 011 my rrave wheno legend be Fonght with the brave and joyfully Toronto. Dela W. it wasn't), "Never again—not, for a crushing defeats ni _ nety-nine GeT around. They came up in relith tiny ' • . Died in faith of victory.' trayful of decorations!" At last the reading stepped and my seireringe came to an abrupt end. man divisions, it seems probable points, whiei ma, (1 '1)'0v on the way we won! that, -without belittling our men's circles as they spread widely after amazing heroism, they will find reaching the surface. Thou has found not lest the• son," The kind wears, the genuine mtereet, maternal explanation in our posses- •"She lies there," 51 the kingly (therm of King George sion of a tactical superiority due to "Oil's been corning up like that for quite ;tut me at my ease. It was swift tanks." weeks. She must have been chockful gratitude more than peide, ond lay- Free Manhood Counts. alter more than all. • My hand was of it." "How did you ,cr,et her?" Deteagee promptly and willingly obThe Daily Graphic says:—"That "p edient this hers And then came these victoriee shoeld have been won time and my feet moved with perfect, the story: against the Germans numerical see, aA tebent, newly commissioned, 01(431' end freestone . priority is sufficient proof that the But what a. nightmare hed passed theoughl manhood of it free e01)14)430e 18 more than a match for the legions of • n READS LIKE A FAIRY TALE: m Parente of German Prisoner Employ Solt of Him Welsh Employer. Capt. Roy Whitehead of the broken - up 100111 Battalion, is enjoying a rest nt his home in Walkerton, where hoe arrived from England recently, De had been in England- convalescing from the wounds he received in Frame,. While in England he was given a letter of introduction to a prominent farmer in Wake. While visitig this farmer he noticed a Ger- man soldier P171001181'in his employ. in reply to his query eegnedIng the 'faithfulness of the soldier, the farmer gave him a splendid ree.ommendation and told Capt. Whitehead the follow- ing remarkable story which shows that facts are sometimes as strange as fictiom The young German soldier • wrote a letter to his parents in Ger- minty telling them how well he was used by the Welsh,farmer, and sug- geeted that. if they' -had any British prisonere working Too them, that they hould ese them well In clue time a letter %‚4'00l0 received Diet a British prisoner was winking for. them, and that be was the son of the 4' (01111140 who was employing their son In Wales. :Reads like a fairy tale, but . Peen:helm it's true. 1-7,11glatel ie using paper 0(4411110705 which elm -be turned inside out and made to do service a second time. Pollee interpreters aro stationed in the principal (Areas of Paris to assist eoldieve. In France. —Robert 13(101405,13(101405, I know God walks in France to -day And linger.; by the side And Mc a Bell. ----ea- -- Of each and etiery quiet grave • Were hell the pewer that fills the Of those who nobly died, world with tee701•, Beloved Frimeel yes loved of God Wein half the Wealth bestowed on Fer 101 midri yrneye borne, (14111)410 (40141 (70111:6, For :0 who lie benrnith the sod, Given to rinte,ern the human mind Team 11110r thoss left so forlorn and just started upon a voyage of t,„ • PiroeY, had tried to Fuel past our [here were 110 nee(1 lot 0,0501)1111 ('4' Each C1'06.1 to Hine has grown so dear ilit drifter sentinels in the derlmees. But forts; soethat each one bercath the r1 Ile knows midi nee by name; "Tary autocracy." he principal reason for the dra- the keen never-losiug eyes of the The warrior's 1)441113 1301110 be n mune He towsts math: change which occuered in the night watch "p le ickell her 11 " Out abhorred! Died to eave tie from shame. went the call, and in response to it eleal evziry nation that, should lift as your cereal dish This s-Eandarcl food needs no added sweei:- r.nir,vi for it is rick in oWn qui4an Vromwheal evelotoe e.ncl bariqy by the special Cirape-Nct+s process of cookinci, „ "morels. ,4( 13 Mon. ?In 2.02S -0°-`4144*.4-al • WHEN YOU SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM Almost any man will tell you that Sloan's Liniment means relief For prarticelly every man has used it who has sulTercrl from rheumatic aches, se.rene,s of muscles, stiffnesa of joints, the rcsuits of weather 3X - Women, too, 1147 the luirelieds of thoesande, nee it for relieving. Ilene - :1h,, lame bock, neuralgia, sic( head- eene, Clean, refreshing, soothing, quickly effective Sey •ans Lat.:meld- to •,,-,.ittr Mnile Canala. Get it today, the huntere encircled their quarry, ae:ain Mn f errates riefTheaoS14(10445 1.110 80c„ GOe„ pat Vainly she tried to escape them Its hand mertinet a brother, en it6 Each mother Imo to bear. g And eo Ho lingers by each And breathes for her by diving and doubling. Big eylin- dere filled with deadly explosive drop- ped from their decys, torturing the Water into a boiling fury on every hand. This continued until the hun- ters were certain that they had made a "kill." "Have you got any ethers?" I asked. "Yes, there's quite —lying here- abouts," replied the skipper, indicat- ing with his hand a narrow stretch of sea. It would bring no consolation to the soul of the Kaiser to leant the numbee mentioned, though it was the strength of united effort, -and the big enough to be a fine testimonial worth ofcommunity service, the lovehead Wc old wear for even -nom the terse of Cain! Down the dark future, through long geneeatione, The echoing sounde grow fainter and then cease; And like .a bell, with solemn, sweet vibrations, I hear once more the voice of Christ' 01(47, "Peace!" Lessons of the 'War. Women's work in war has taught to the efficiency of our anti -sub -mantle To Keep Eyeglasses Dleam To keep eyoglasees from steaming In cold weather rub with vaseline and polish with a silk handkerchief. Te<M01...11 "A meat's real werth to humanity may bo well Inman:ea by the conceit-, tion he has of the true relationship elutuld lump to his follows."—, George L. Wilsbn, You out elean the white painted has woodwork beautifully it you nee 3C-3'eY enl"et'es b°e" d"T"el'ed tor killing the ttny parasites that tat 'arm water and spread a little whit4.11 - mg over the clotli, then rinse with °""": htlales leel taa°e°' clear Witter. beauty and the duty of labor for the public weal. Tho valuable lessons in food conservation, in the avoidance of waste, in general economy, ought to bear fruit in a less prodigal use of material, money and time. The busi- ness lessoes of war to women are in- calculable, if used in the new values of activity which open before them in the present, Pn6r4n...4 It you are a stone, be a. magnet; if you 14140 14 plant bo the sensitive plant; if you are e4 Mee, be kWh—Victor Mtge, leoginnronal 3sfuncrs XduluOutt Ouroe Gas•rot ti Cr04.5 prayer. And so He walks through France, T know, Unseen to mortal eye, And lingers in "God's Acre," where Our sons and heroes lie. For Spanish Influenza 'The Liniment that Cures All Ailments— IN A RIDYS HE OLI) R:ELIABLE—Try It MT.MAED'S LINIMENT CO., 7:44. Yarmouth, NIL The t4140 111 the manufacture of linoleum aro ocak and tinseed oil, to which Are added smeller quantities of Num' pm, reek and pig- ments of various kinds. AttOnti.11:a 11.8:9 pik1rwhich .tpin webs on telephone end telegraph wIlres heavy enough, when wet with dew to cause shore circuits. • — ED 7. ISSUE 4-1-11). ,gBG FAMILY IRRES 144114 1oi (11-1 1heckees.Chess, ladniniren, N• -•w Genie (if An. them, Fn.% and tiepin. Nine Men Mon ris, The Sponivh l•rieen. mid the Game 1 or Flirt.•titm, all for lne. Best value. Supreme Novelty Co., Dept, R, Toronto Van a INSTANTLY nELIEVED WITH 4+. WHEY REFUN DED. AS K ANY DRUGGIST or write Lyman -Knox Go, Montreal. P.Q. Price 651. "91=6713,T. 1411f A ,u,tkat: I will reduce' inflamed, swollen Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft tBunches; Heals Boils, Poll Evil, Qui ttor, Fistula andl infected sores quielcIpl -ns it is a positive antiseptic rnd germicide. Pleasant te;, 4,4 Ise: does not blister or remorei :hetet...and youon work thebot4U EZ.Seper bottle. dolivoral. Beek 7 R free 11(044$1C 103,5,,, lor ol,nkln01 4 47Op o10 .1n• nersitar • 141.25 PI( bertir Ourrlen• m"' Y'a wd194 4110,10 and AmrLe. jIrIgr,,Bit.:Montro21,Can. osec la Wads.. 2CabsCuticurSnap SkesOintment tieai Two Weeks Old Baby Of Skin Trouble. glaMima130111(fiS11(1411111 "when about two weeks old my baby earned blue, 2110 in a couple of days broke 001441 e rash. Then she toned sore mound her ears and on • the -top of her head, and . on her arms and; Iegs. •Ge The skin was red and she scratched till she made it bledd. Sherouldnot sleep. "I wrote for a fres sample of Cott - cure Soap end Oi-annent. It was a great relief, so I bought more, and I used two cakes of Cuticula Soap and three boxes or Cutler:a Ointment when the was healed." (Signed) Mrs. ,Alfred Ryen, 157A St. Martin St., Mc:Areal, Que., August 10, 1917. For every purpose of the toilet Code &Intl a3Cap Vld Ohitment are supreme. For free Semple Each by Mail ad. !lass post.enni: Taticurn, Dept, A. Boston, U.S. A." Sold ey71-4.1'.v11-ire. • e ...stekra=leVerernIkalifierelarelePairgearTer.7tMenelIleele• env ereeee 14" ,pi,,,,..,,,, , A tA 41.,, P&1 u.'et ',.,,'W gaE\ , STOPS THE PAIN—AND ACTS QUICKLY 4. Intonniaticn, lumbago, neuralgia, sprains, lame track, toothache, ear- ta be. sore throat, swollen Joints and an similar 4)3414,1, -,are orrienv • .... relieved by IIIrst's Pain EnterMlnator. 14 (11, been fund for eti eceree 3b4:: 4. mid shows uo ill 13401:1. henseltold-has 011415,0(41 WC% Ali dealers or write no. HIRST REMEDY (10„ ramitton, Camels. BOTTLE eaitStiEte=_ ,...— .miri•nr47=i3M1,,,Ciimil-,elkoecilikr,riallnta.:iiintiniltmzetitesivesiEFES•e„ sun wpAIrtgEtt61125419=11WAIM,301ZieMINAGSZPIZZEIEVn.n1/371=...... ie ctcl ci Coronado Cot (made Beach, California Where the balmy yet invigorating climate makes possible the enjoyment of outdoor sports through- out the Winter months. POLO, GOLF, TENNIS, MOTORING, FISHING, BAY AND SURF BATHING Write for Winter Folder and Golf Piegram.. JOI-IN J, HEIMAN, • Maneaer 4.11414'.1t110100001o11 a,r,intAVVY.10.:,..t"QZ1FiE66=4=1615611411661M661166/110.6a