The Brussels Post, 1919-1-30, Page 1Vol', 4,7 NO. 31 /1.5o Per Aaannin in Advnn(•e Gihlll!!II[i)ID CIIIII IG74 i[InIlG11 !47!1tG'lligiliti ,' ,,PITtilC,ll" '.'-'': r'- ium P . ?ill Thrift is the Maker of Character Thrift is patriotic at this time. It is more -'it is evidence of prac- tical common sense, sound judg- ment andP rudence, because it shows you are willing to make present sacrifice for future com- petence. This Bank will gladly open a Savings Account for you, and deposits may be made by mail or in person, —TI -IE Bank of Nova Scotia I'ai,l-np Capital $ 6,500,000 2,000,0 Rebels, rces ttn'.I . 130 000,000 t P, I3, GILROY Manager Brussels branch IS New Advertisements Store neve--James Pox. Seed's --W. J. Rl2Crttclsen. Auction sale—J. It. Wheatley. Clearing sate—Richards %(:o. }log for gala—R. 13. Stevenson, Clearing2•, sola -^R. C. 131e11nVell. Of fondly Interest—F. 12. Smith. Notice to Creditors -1i 1(1 Gordon. 10,132ing over the world—Daily liter, Notice to Creditors—Rev. E. C}. Powell. 1R.•tstl:t.ct Retus Betgrave Last Wawallosh Council will meet, here on Reeve J. N. Campbell is at the Co, Council meeting this week. \Ve ate delighted to see hiru in the Warden's chair. FAItorLRs'OLDn.—In line with many another, community Belgeave and f'eV 1.iim. :t'/.IUR'SL«'1 Y, Yet NUAUY 30. I(;;rt, W IJ, hl: :, i'ruffraetor• Hannah t3ltd:i' s aai(t 1.,•,1 week tars+' rirrl14 1.0, 2, lung', 1ta py and nae- tent. Summer. She Conk ill s,u t+. ".•t„ 11111414 with her Kiel PI', 1111.x, .fro,. Am;tin, ftzl hie with the utnn of her eludes bre, t3tr<t wil.h i':fitn(+n^1'.a, to, , •,F,;1, I'hrre wen au s ervice nl the 51'412' Il,'ai l y l4ngt•LLtltlal1QU1 ere extended and 1liihre rection of the tll:'.el ten. dist. fennel, on Sunday flab,g 1.. lea• pastor, Itev. F, nitride, bring feels wile 1111 "fin." TWO 0ld t'e1111e126, 111 Lha pre soli (4 Aire. Cannel in 11 titer, aged 101 and Mrs, Patrick Duffy, aged 88 yarn';+, peeved away lust sec+lt. Meeker,' entertainment will he given in the f)11n of it 10112eet h,11w'een Dine on and Brum on b't )day (venins;, leie lath, in the Hall. Everybody cern'. About 60 Friends and ueheith ae gatheer(1 at the Mune of Mee. Joint Marshall Monday evening to salmon+ home Pte. George, who had jnet re- turned after being oversea. over,. 2 years, Geo. was presented with tt purse of looney after which the even- ing was spent 111 games, music and it social hop, Wednesday evening of lace, Week the efethodist congregation Delmore, went to 1Vroxelcr and gave their pastor and wife, Rev, F, and Mrs, Stride, a pleasan2,1nrprise in the shape of 12 miscellaneous shower. A pleasant evening was 1$penit iii games, music and social merriment. Dainty lunch was served after which the member's packed into the vehicles for horse all enjoying the merry sleig(n'ide, Women's Inetitute held the annual At Horne lel (Palmy evening, Jan, 20th, when the members, hrlsb24nds and young folk numbering about 70 gath- ered for La 801100 10010. Supper was served reran 0 Ul 8 after• which ad- dresses weee given by Revds. Alees1'H. Stride and Sinclair, MHO netnernus mnsieal numbers which were r00rh enjoyed by all, Meeting closed with National Anthem. locality has a well organized Futrners' Club which is seeking to promote the best interests of the members. The officersfor this term are a8 follows 1— Preeident, 11. Clayton Procter ; Vice Pres., Samuel Morton ; Sec.—Treas., Jun, McGill ; Asst. Sea, Jos, Bran- don ; Finance Ocmmittee, A. Procter and Jos, Brandon ; Program Ooln•, Ohasr B. Wilkinson, R. 0onites, A. Procter. Olub meetings ace held 1st and Bre Tuesday evening of earl) month in the C. 0. F. Hall here. Goodmeetings are held, Belmore Mrs, J. Fothergill spent last week with Winghttm friends. \li8s N. Shand, Toronto, is visiting her slater, Mrs. 0. Corrigan. Ales. Wm. Lowry returned home on Friday after spending some time with 1-2 tends at Niagara and Trenton, 11,1111 111111fiftl111111111111I111IIm11111111111111illllllil91111II 8111IIwItyll011J11 II 11110III11111I1V11111WIWVil I e-; 111 M11101111 RI IF 111111 �t OF MEEZEMBEI €- UR Shelves are heavy with Winter Goods owing to mild weather and we want the space and the money. To move thele quickly we start on • at rd ay, to cut the prices, and cut them deeply, as all thought of profits on these goods are thrown aside. Bargains ai'e offered you. Get here while we have your sizes. - Ladies' and Gents', Children's and .Misses' telt Shoes TERMS e Cash before goods leave the store. Harness epartment BLANKETS REDUCED IN PRICE, ROBES AT REDUCED PRICES. ichItr P :�'� ... .1'.5 t r n s ®. een :•� m 1 sokiillIMINi1111118111011111111111111111111111111111011111110111111111111111110110111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E1111111111111111 to Mr. loud Nes, Atntsttones. despite Indention of doctor, nut es. n,..1 Jamestown 1010111 I3allingall has secured a gr win grludisg outfit and ie ready to attend to hl(HlnLH,. Tho public 1.0.110o1 I'ibeery in S. S. le, Nn. 111, 1Vrsl of here, Lae been 111- 4,1(4'"') by 85 vnluntns, S,1,., Lizzie Site...M Ln has been under t the demote. care -h', ie week hu Vire hope fel a Hemel y IT/met-Ty, Mw. (1e01'ge 141000ti1L' has not, liven enjoying Ler usual good health but we are pleased to say site 18 tlnproviug, An Auction Side of Faun stock, implements, tire. 114 ennnuneed by F. Wright foe Wednesday, Feb, 121h. Ile toe Hull his farm to Jas. MoDoug- nl, 0f To (1! b1)!'3', and bate to give pos- 8e601021 on March 1st. It is Lot 1 Con. A, P0100rrey. !Mr. \Vright and family will nxlv0 to WI wrote]. fora time at least. Moncriefl Everybody here seetue pleased with this fine mild Winter. The annual meeting oe Knox church was held Wednesday afternoon. Reeve Livingstone is at Goderirh attending County Council this week. Mission Band here is planning a good year and a lively contest for 1019, Hattie Ferg and Katie Howard aro the captains. Gordon and Mrs. MCQUarl'ie attend- ed the annual At Houle in connection with the Stratford Normal School 00 Friday evening of last week. Mr. Mickie has rented the farm of D. K. Livingstone. The latter plans holding a sale in February and may go to New Ontario to prospect, Are you looking for special bar- gains ? If so Lhe opportunity is afforded at the store of R. 0. Rath - well, Moncrieff, beginning Saturday of this week, See the advertisement and test out its correctness, bosh as to quality and price. A dollar saved is a dollar gained. Get after the special bargains while they last. Knox churoh, Motieriele, will hold special anniversary services, Senility, Febrnar'y Oth, at. 230 p. in. and 7 p. nl. Special sermons and music. Monday evening a first elites Patriotic and Sacred concert will be given and a royal welcome horse and presentation tp our soldier boys. Everybody cor- dially invited to hese anniversary services. AWA.RD'ED MILr'L'AloY ME0AL,-- Word has been reneieed that Pte, Geo, B. Snelling, now in France, sol' of Geo. B. Snelling, t1ourrieff, bas been awarded the military medal for dis- tinguished bravery. Geo. was born in Lietowel and wa8 0210 of 4 brothers 00 active service. Bert. and Harvey haeee been invalided home and Sam, is 11,100 in Pran00, Walton Mrs. MI,Aliister, has gone to Galt for 2 months visit with het' friends. This week Reeve Govenlock, of Mc- Killop, is attending the County Orme- oil at. Gnderich, So far the Winter has been so pleas- ant, that it is passing so quickly that Spring will soon be here. Farmers' 01011 had a gond meeting last Satueday afternoon. Next meet- ing will be held on Tuesday evening, Feb. 41,0, with as fine program. Annum meeting of Walton School Fo.ir will he !teed in Walton School on Monday Febluary 3. All interested are nrggenlly requested to attend, es- peeinlly the trustees. Friday afternoon of this week an Auction Stile of Farm stock, in191r. mneme, Rte., will be held on the eaten of Ernest Constable, Lot 29, Con. 12, McKillop, Ile has rented his fame and c0usequenely sale will be without 1' e,e1'ye, Next Sabbath the Sacrament of the Lord'. supper will be held in Duff's Preehytetian church, Walton. An- nual meeting on Friday of this week at 2.30 p. in, lollotved by a social half hour with 1uneh by the ladies, All urged to be present. MATRIMONIAL.—Wednesday after- noon of hast week Joseph A. Dennis and Miss Rebecca J. Barrows, both of this locality, were united (u marriage in the Methodist Parsonage, Brussels, by Rev. W. E. Stafford. We extend congratulations and wish them happi- ness and prosperity. - Walton Red Cross Union will meet for work as usued Tuesday of next week. Lunch will be served. Will the ladies please hand in all relief worst sewing also Red Or08s sewing as the packers wish 1,0 pack as soon as possible. Any second-hand clothing for children and grown-ups will be thankfully received ti the articles are in good condition, Molesworth Mrs1THowe visited with Brussels Welles fora few clays. Aliso Annie Elliott. and Will. visited with llarris1on friends for a few days. Jno, McDonald was in London last week a151 received hie discharge !'root the (2) 2(17. I3, E. and 110'. Fraser and Nisi Marjo'ie, of Dutton, are visiting at W. b'taser's, Meeting of Farmers' Inslitete, which was to be held on Feb, 411), has been cancelled. Regular meeting of elle \Vonen's Institute will be held in the troll, Thursday, Feb, 6111, at 2130 p, In. Special busi0rss and all members are asked 10 be present. A miscellaneous shower was given Mfrs, Gordon ledger (nee 1liss Annie Robertson) )Monday evening by her numCr0n8 girl friends, A. very pleasant time was 0aci, the 0210122 re- ceiving many useful and expensive gifts. "Hillview Farm," Lhe home of Wm. and Mrs, Fraser, Grey, was he Hoene of a very pretty wedding on Jan, 20th, al, high neon, when their youngest (laughter, Miss Ella Mina, was oohed in marriage to Iligin Armstrong, of Prince Albert, Sask, To the strains of "Lolcengrin," played by Ales. R. E. Fraser, Dutton, the bride (entered on the arm of het 'father, and I otik her place before a bank of flowers. Rev. T, A, Bell officiated, only iUHl(0diate 1ela eves L ud friends being present.eselt The bride, who wove a gown OC white eilk ninon, with satin and bead. tier- mings and carried a sheaf of caritas Lions and fern, W68 atte)Ic1ed only by her neice, Miss Marjorie Emmet., DM. Lon, who made a very pretty little ring -bearer dressed in white with blue triluming,>s and carrying the ring in a basket of sweet peas. Green's gift to the bride tva5 a etecklitee set with dianeonee and to: -the ring•bea0eI a hi'aoolet,' After congealnlati0us a dainty ' luncheon wee 8erve11. Mr, and Mrs. Armstrong left nn the 4 p. m. train, the bride travelling in a gown of brown gabardine alnl velvet, brown plush -coat with mink fires and hat to On their tamer the match, a y will b fo'e go- inghero far a few weeks e t i g Ing West where they will make their home, The bride will he greatly mis- sed' from this comrnlnlity and, will take with her the good Wiehss of a loving friends pasyod away on Jan. 71,11, A baby 8011 wan 00111 int the Std, sLtll born, Mfrs. R1214110 passed away peacefully, She will be greatly ;Mee - ed in the home and community its she was kindly, helpful and )!!(5'114l('41''1 many womanly glullue : am1 wee he loved) by ail who ktte,v t:'1', at ,1 •: n path is rxpr.ro.eel by Melly 1 rtil.• bereaved, MTr. Ritchie, wire 'vac. e, fiesoeft resident ill' this 111, 1L1v, 1. peeve of hie municipality in the Afeet, Morris Reeve triton is /Wending Huron Co. ,1uneil this week at (enderiele Township printing for 1010 was giv- e to TI -IR 13R(•?SE1,1•1 P118T al (est fendey's meeting. School did not re -open (u the \(filer drool, 5111 lint', but the bemire), but expects to resume her e1111(ea (10x4- Monday. Council met last Monday with the MI Board present,. 7'hey handled business ire good shape and will dill the bill all right. Friday evening of next week a church Social will be held at the home of George and Mrs. Thornton, A good time is promised. The (21triaey of the past year wee re -appointed for 1019 in connection with AIunicipal affairs in Morris by the Oonuril last Mou(luy. Pte Melvin Shiels arrived buck from -France Ibis week after taking his place as tt soil of elle Empire in (1P - fending and upholding what 0 thought was right. Welcome hark i4I01vtn, Wednesday of this week William Henderson, who is home from the West, and ,Miss Maggie Shedden, 1111 line, Morris township, were united in marriage and commence life with the best wishes of many friends, We notice in the arrangement of Committees in connection with Town Council of Waterloo Lhat A. H. Ooehraue, formerly of this township, has been re -appointed Chairman of the Finance Committee. This is an important post but A. H. is big enough to fill it all right both physic- ally and mentally, Grey Council meeting next Monday. Usual service in Roe's church will be cancelled next Sunday on account of min(ver'seey at Union church, Next Sunday 5,0010018a1,y services will be held in Union church when Rev, T. A. Allan, Monkeonwill Occupy the pulpit, Tuesday night Mee. Ben. Dark Woe brought from Fel gus hospital to the hone of her father, Jno. Bollinger, 10tH Con, We hope he change will aid in her recovery. Public travel was divided between runners and wheels this week. Many 43tletchee or concession lines are colt• pletely bate but most roads ruining North and South afford good sleighing. Wednesday of ',hie week ex -Reeve \Vm. F10513(5 daughter, ,lisa Ella, was Indeed in marriage to Geo, Arm- strong, of leaskat:chewan. If gond wisheH will mici in multiplying their happiness they should live in Eden. This week Mrs. J. H. Short, nee Miss Bertha Armstrong, 10ti1 Con., returned to her home in Toronto, She chute home owing to illness nmol demise of her brothel, Oheeter. Later she fell a victim dei inflnever, along with 5 n1' 0 other Members of the family, but we are glad to state they nue all able to he about once more. Bon Inas G0NL TO Luxt48nERo,— 'I'he Langdon Demote atepe21105 as fol- lows of it young matt known ]lore.—R, • Work got a letter the early part of the week from his oldest son Bob, one of the 8 boys in the fancily who are overseas. Al the time of writing he stetted thee his division was then starting amiss he border line into Luxembeig, and so far as he could learn it would be several months be- fore they would return home. He was well and stated that many of the boys from Notth D241c., who have seen service in the First and- Second regi- ments Wore slaking preparations foe the voyage home. The teeter showed that it had been delayed nearly 2 weeks in ',earthing iter. Bleb is nat- urally disappointed in the delay in his home coming, but says that Lhe idea of being in Germany as one of the army of 0e0Upatioll is worth it On2T10,RY.—Reference Was made a foto weeps ago to the demise of Mrs, Pelee L. Ritchie, of Zelanclia and since then further particulars are to hand. 1:40e maiden name was Agnes McDon- ald, being • the youngest daughter of the late James and IlIrs. McDonald, Lot 1, Con. 1.0, She 1V11.5 maerisd 111 Saskatoon 7 years ago to her now ber- eft partner and 30248 in her 341)1 year. In addition to husband 2 children sur- vive, 0harlie aged 0 years and Mary 4 years old. Her 1110111et', 3 sisters (M es dames Wm. Reverter, Hanover ; Virtu. Mcleadzean, Grey t0wn0hkp, and Angus MeOrmig, 9eafor h also 4 brothers(Peter, of Plenty, , Sask, ' Thos. in Zelandia; and Jno. and James of this township.) 'L'he father died 0 or 7 years ago, Mrs, Ritchie was v(5ithng,relatives and old friends here hierefreer '(1 Preee, ellen Phot h '91 l0 .111 leul,d..y everneig V,• 1(1"1i)'/t'1'" it :1,1111.0 (i1 lte(U-_ 1 lyt. 1".oiIMuo 111 the Me!lwlli01, 1 church. K•"p next Friday (light. in your mind and eome to the Hard 7'ilne Becht in bes'uletll. of Methodist r-hu„'il, 13, r,ur,' cold 30e61 your worst elm tree. 1 tekfee 15 .ttul In (wale, ?1 \•r1t131 ,'1I li )1 lss.; Annie 3)102 Is, 1 ,, 1 ••(•L, (.ru1 .41 .. ('lark, { 1'. y eel. i The. Eefer?e'14 41r('racl'-ee, I, gni.'tn wedded \Vedneeday -' (ern)em, human,. 22ud, at the home of the bride, by Rev, J,. Johnson in the 11,•s,'nr,' (1£ a £ew ilnnleditete friends. end v.lalivee. - Ml'. and Mrs. 1211.- teeek '1 lulve taken up their resilience oil the lreont's farm, a miles West of Lee:mee t. 'l'ht' beet wishes of their lu::ny friends are extended. :114 A. 1,. anti Mrs. :Mei)unaltl were driving home (10111 Brussels on Satur- day eV"'101()3, about 23 (i )•lurk, when npp0.4.(121 \Vol, Soaalldou's, where the road is quite narrow, they filet a h)rse and buggy Willi lantern an the dashboard They apparently w1Lntell bo slay on the middle of the road, 1Ir. eleie enal(1 kept pulliog elf until his buggy toppled )vel' 01 Cite ditch. 11e 11(1(1 on to the horse until lines brut,. Ted M111. McDonald WAS obliged to (eke ft beep 1,1 the dai It. Mac cal - 1.11 oleud fur 111e serM)gvt to step bill alas ! li6" 1110 priest and the Levite of old they passed by on the outer side wl(1 lett• 2)1em1 1(1 tees' fate. They went to Ile. Smalldotee who act- eli Iiia part of golf! Samaritan, and tu2,11 hs 1114.5e and bought them t0 thein' Route, rhe horse was found 11('81 Morning (o Levi \Vhit field's farmyard with part of the hltritee5 2111. The buggy wire left a short distance from where the Izlishap took place. Although Sire. A1cDonald's nerve's 'sere pretty well shaken and a few ht 1011 e they escaped miraculously as the night was veil dark and rainy, leen UR,w —At the lust meeting of the Iced ('runs it was decided to take up a eullee1ion for the Armenian Re- lief It was thought )vise t0 have 'hol- tectors appointed and (1101.1) credit is due them dor that grand response they received by the people of the sur- rounding country as the tidy sutra of $170.32 was sent to those poor suffer- ers. The following is an account of the collectors :—By Hilda Harris and Florence Bennett, 328 75 ; Mary Kel- ly, 312.12 ; Ester Shortreed, 311.00 ; Ella Archibald, 35.00; Leonard Leem- ing, 312.40 ; Mr. Gardiner and Mr, Young, ( Village), 335,55 ; Mr. Gar- dinet and Ale. Young, East of gravel, 348.00; Fir. Gardiner turd s11i'. Young, West, nI gravel, 323.50. Total, $176.32. In addition 10 the above the stint of 330.00 W3.6 sent to rie11 goesP to shote that people of his n Relief vP District have not forgotten to help the tetany sufferers caused by the terrible tear. Ethel David Milne offers farm property for sale and advt. may be read in this is- sue. Clarence Flood left on Monday for Ohesley where he has a job iu a factory. George Cole left Monday m0t111115 for Niagara where he has secured a position in a chain factory, Signaller G. A. McLelland is at his home at present, having secured his discharge recently, after almost three years of service. Pte, A, W. McKee left on Tuesday for Toronto when he purposes laking a vocational course, if he can find something he would consider suitable. Sunday evening as Mrs. S. Ames was on her way to church she was un- fortunate 10 lose her balance and fell on the ire breaking her arm above the wrist and cutting her head so that it required 80211e 81)101110 to fix her np. It makes it seem so much worse as the - old lady, although OO years old, had been out to Communion at morning service and was on her way to church again in the evening. We hope she will soon recover, OA1T. PEARSON SPEARS.—A. large and delighted congregation listened on Sunday evening to an excellent ad- dress in the Methodist church from 0apt. (Rev.) Robt, Pearson. He Wee the first man to arrive in Toronto, who had been part of 111e Canadian "1e h Rhine. Jr '1 ohs e 1 arm of occupation n 1 audience listened intently as he told of the operations of the Canadians 511100 last June. He told of the rapid ad. Vance before Amiens, of Aires, of the sanguinary straggle before Cam brai, of the relief of Valenciennes and how on the historic morning of Nov, 1116 they found themselves in Pions. Ile next referred to the march into Gertn- any, their reception by the civil p0pu- Iatton, the living conditions of the army of occupation and al50 the ren- ditions under which the German civil population were living, He laughing- ly alluding to the order, stating that all Canadian soldiers seen walking; with 001111611 girls were to be arrested immediately. He referred to the treatment of he Canadian soldier's by the Belgians. He drew the dt8tin( tion between the. Belgians, Who Were of Flemish deecent and Belgians Who were of Walloon descent. He c011111 not peruse the hatter to highly for 11)011' kind (1088 and hospitality to the daoadialls, In cnneluskon he. ter fumed np the achievements of Canada in the present tsar. 8110 1.241512(1 and equipped in every detail from flare pistols 10 9.2's an incomparable lighting force of 4divisions, She also had in the field 14 Battalions of railway troops and 12 Battalions known as the Forestry Omits, In the R. A. F., over 50% of the actual flying 10)021 were Canadians, Ho'paid a high tribute to the women s help- fulness their llhl] +ln 5 1'1 � Canada for t e w t Ca l 6 fulness and ability in every held of eudeavor that 300111(1 help the glen in the field, comfort the tv0lntded and bring the wet to a 5Uccesgf0l conclus- loh, Fltrther he stated that Canada had financed herself in a way tlhat, 110 one had ever thought possible, had become known and respected by all nations, Her Prime Minister, Sir R. L. Borden had been called ' by Lloyd George to sit in Imperial \Vat Coun- cil and wait further invited to take part in Peace Conference in Paris, Ln short Canada has found herself. 1n onch1sion he emphaeved the fact that Canada, While remaining an in- tegral port of the British Empire she tild not; to 1 � s ten her identity a ( y a Nation. Capt, Pearson left on Mon- day to' Alberta to take 11p his 5025k )11, al duties in the Legislature of the Province of Alberta early in February, Cranbrook A report of the Spatting—Leitch wedding which took place \Wednesday of this week, will be given in next issue. A fine Concert program may be heard at Geo, Siemou's any evening. 30 or more choice records are on his list, \Ve hope he will get one entitled "I want to be somebody's darling, I'm tired of living alone.” The sad news was received Isere of the death of Mrs. Beacom of Toronto, 1'ol'me'ly of Olinlon, who is a sister. to Wm. Rothwell, of this place. Futter - al took place at Clinton on Monday. Deceased w110 tt splendid woman and widely respected. P. 0. Duncan, a well known resident u here fora short of Eatevau, Sask.,35' s v Iieine brother-in-law of Mrs. isit 31111108 111. Knight and a son of Jas. Duncan, of Atwood. It is 10 years since Me, Duncan went West where he has prospered, He is the same genial scull as of old and was a tvel- efeme visitor, K100> CHt'ttCH Ax1UAL MEETINo,— Tuesday afternoon of last week the annual meeting of Knox Church, Cranbrook, was held. Rev, .lir. Ken- nedy, the new (meter, was chairman. 5 Menagers were put in :—Jelin etc - Nair, Wm. Cameron, John Gotsalitz, Jas. Petrie and David Brown, The cathing were John Leitch, Martin McNair, due. A McNair, Wm. Perrie oho is leaving the community) and A. Reymann (deceased.) Mrs \Vni, Ziegler was reappointed as Secretary - Treasurer. The annual report was presented in printed form and showed favorable balances to the various Funds. Church property is in good shape and with the new pastor, now here a year of marked success is hoped for by hearty co-operation iu the various departments of work. A ei''•"eni ewe,l.( wu•g(v.-n 1iev, F.Stride, 211,' worthy 1e11lster of the ilti'nxt+LErl' Uii 11,1, ,.n 'fl.alhfeday evening, when. hie 1#'ifnl•r(' rouges -go., Hon fhove to the purse..age Istat gave dint a shower of go>c1 thing". Mr. and Mrs. S1,1111e are very popular and the people took phis . plslrtunity /if showing their high appreciation, Loth of them end their weep, Teener, ee(0. Annul) 1) 11114.- 1)113 of stir, xel • r Hetet 1-1 91 steel in (0,''1 . 1' ,l, .1:,00,12•' 22. n1. Ohl /I 1e.'Lun1 we•t, r, eler.Led : -- 1). 1). Sltuder''lrtl, Prl'o,la ut ; A, 11. (i-allahev', Viae -Pres. ; P M1l seen, (4, i)avelsou and J. Mulvey. syr c.-Treae., 1:. I'. llazlewood. The 1st. sullserib- er", !Moe paid 219 their 'reels and for such a By-law was pireeed fixing 1e 1e1lal of 310,0(2 per year. A 1110t0n1 W/14 placed on the 0lknntl-s by the slewebolders repreeein;i tbeiruppreoia- Lien of the e(•rviece renders d IL(-. eumu- 111u11ity by il:, genial Direel„1-, W. S..0011'zehs,r, P. Mr11w, n, Al. Sander. son, '1'. I11, lie00elt and the !tide A. Munro, TI)' 1(11"s L. 5'e rt„0d the test of the element, thus 'Lowing tlu.rough constl•uelion. The financial arrang20n'111. 30111443(12211 t 1uet in spite of WaL' prices 11 has Ilot-. 10"21 necessary to raise the rate, Wroxeter Melte Douglas is attending County Council at (40derich this week, Hans Rasmussen is table to he out again after his recent severe illness, J, Brown, Toronto, spent the week end at the home of T. 0i. Hemphill. 5 n has Auden one to o Miss Annie g Toronto where Bile' has accepted a pose tion, Glavin Muir, who underwent a etiti- al Operation on Saturday, is pregre5se (ng (eternality. - i1i1 H, J. Bretbnner returned on Fri- day from a 4 mouths visit with rela- tives at St. Louis. Owing to illness of the Rev, 1P. Stride theca leas no service held in the Methodist church Stl0day evening, Signaller Ashton Morrison returned from overseas on \Vodnesday. He trade the trip in the Olympic and re- ports a splendid. voyage. It was learned here with flinch re - ha' Gordon Rae oun st 50n Brett t , e y g of 'this ' Isar formerly 0f 'rhos, ei Place, had succumbed to an attack of "fill" on Jan, 101h, at his home in Bask, Ho was 134 years of age and is survived by hie wife and 3 children, #..¢g.,;"p.p,.r,..;..{.,1.., M.••1••,••�d..;..i.,l.r•.•e•.l••i••i' our letter Box ++++++++++++++++01.:•++++++++ DEAR Enerott---Please find enclosed looney t0 90(55' for renewal of THE purer. 1 ant lawns, glad to getit., Whirls 1 cin regularly evs•ry wt'ek. 11 is better than a 1.1201' front friends for 111 it 1 see the news from the d(lfeteut points t5'. era interacted in. Are hav- ing beautiful weather in Manitoba this Winter. Wishing 'ems Pose' a prosperous year. Yours 1(illy, Mats, ,1, 1). Futtsrrte, Miniota, Mete, J101. 20, 191e. DEAR Me Mote ..—.While enclosing renewal subset ipl ion en: THE Puio'r 1 tnight say I so m0r1h appreciate our old home paper and do not like to 10188 even one publication. \11'e are having a Most delightful Winter, cars running up till a week 01' 50 ago when we got a heavy fall of snow which put a white blanket over mar district, so now we call it Winter. Had quite a (lard fight with "flu” around here het it all cleared away again and trusting ere this you are also favored with the same condition and are enjoying the great hlessiug of good health around )n1' Eastern home. Wishing Mrs. Kerr and your- self a very happy New year. Yours sincerely, MRS. R. Mrrt'IIELL, Belfield, Sask., Jan, 21, DEAR, MR. KERR.-- After over 21) years residence in the West tin Prince Albert awl ,Saskatoon) I aril with my wife and son spending a holiday in California and as in each week regul- arly for the past 20 years Tux BRUS- SELS POST has come t0 roe, so it has followed ole here, Knowing 1 ism 6 little behind in my subscription I ant enclosing herewith 35.00 for THE Pos'r for I certainly appreciate its columns. We have driven by auto all around this beautiful country and it is cer- tainly full of interesting scenes of great beauty, Wishing you continu- ed success end prosperity, I remain as ever, Yours sincerely, W. L. eleQUARRrls. Los Angeles, Cal. Bank of Nova Scotia and Ottawa to Amalgamate An agreement subject to ratification by the slhtreholdeis, has been entered into by the Bank of Nova Scotia and the Bank of Ottawa, whereby an amalgamation has been arranged of these two huportatl4 Illetit.ulhonO. The basis of the amalgamation is that the Batik of Neva Scotia shall exchange four shaves of its stock for every live shaves held i11 the Bank of Ottawa, The Bank of Nova Scotia was (uem- puraterl in 1882, and is ,n1c of the most 0210ce0efitl banks hi this (10untry. It has 8.130111 two hundred branches ee- tablis11ed in Canada, Newfoundland, West, Indies and United States, President is Charles Archibald of Halifax ; tete General Manager is H. A, Richardson of Toronto, The Bank of Ottawa was established in 9874 and has made steady progress trlltil its assets have reached the large total of about 373,000,000. It has 05 btanehes, which for the most part, are located in Eastern Ontario, chiefly In the Ottawa valley, where the bauk has for really years been the leading institution. The President is Hon. George Bryson ; the General Manager, D. 114. Finnie. A striking feature about the union is that although tete combined banks have nearly three hnutdred branches, they meet at only eleven plaee5, and these are the large nentres. The amalgamated batiks will have a paid up capital of about 310,000,000 ; reserved and undivided profits, 317,000,000 ; deposits, 3178,000,000 ; total assets, 3284,000,000. Notices are being prepared and will be mailed to tete shareholders within Lt day o'. two. The minister of (Matrix) has consented to the amalgamation. ee Servo along auv newsy items in your pos80ssiou to Txn Post They will be mph sppreoiated by both readers sud Editor, SOME a thin s the Oounc(1 mightht do.-- Renovate o --Renovate the Commit Chamber, Revise and eitlorce the By -Laws. Take stock of the Baud inetruntente. Say a town flag an(1 pole to fly it from,