The Brussels Post, 1919-1-23, Page 41�« Arussets fast
THY! eteI1AF, JANUARY 23 tune
'1'0 the close of 1918 the Provincial
Board of Health hoc eurtoanced the
number of deaths io Oot:ria from in.
fln,uza x5 7 tee Many a home will
remember the Imo year on accratnt e.
thele,; .•r�l'te • ;p'teetie.
]ter. t el .as beet t 'eeontrnended 1'g
a great weist.tnt is d< fleeting the "tlu"
but as the medical authority is an Alto•
trian the proposed cure will likely be
looked up?n with iucredality after the
war experience with that Nation. A
good 01 ny are ready to try almost any
dope recommended to dodge the epi-
THIS is rhe week of the Salvation
Army temp:men for feuds to aid in their
wonderful tn'.h
r raising
a Million
Dollar Feud to help the soldiers and
their families, where it is necessary.
Hotels are being established in various
centres to supply necessary accommoda
tion f 1r returned soldiers. It is a most
unselfish and patriotic movemeut and
well deserving of the support of every
loyal citizen of Canada Read the
advertisement ou another page for fur-
ther particulars.
A Debating Society, not a 1,000 miles
from Brussels, debated the subject
"Resolved teat it is better to be a big
toad in x little nudd!e than a little
toad in :t LI•:+ paddle" and worked out
many :, v:au oh.0 splash and useful com-
mentary, as well pointed sarcasm and
croaked loudly over the silliness of
"crying to keep up with the ]ones" ;
Which kind of toad would you prefer to
be ? If everybody would do their best
and net wait to study out what "puddle"
thee ate swimming in the world would
be wonderfully benefitted Tee Pose feels
Del in PEsaeos;, of Ogdensburg)), U
S., is seta to nave a cat family number-
ing ne ! rs. titan 21. She has been com-
plained 'gninst by her neighbors, who
are no. e, e.sassed of a musical ear, that
her premises area nuisance and Delia
was :Orel before the Court.
Persouai liberity has not nearly the lati-
tude or longitude some folk imagine,
whether it is eats or other "pets" that
are in the count We must do some
things to please one neighbors whether
we want to or not. People are not
compelled to keep a spare bootjack to
dislodge your yowling cat, metaphor-
ically speaking.
IT looks as if there may be wigs on
the legal green over the new Daily paper
started in the interee's of the fa -ming
eammunity over 'he name "United
Farmer." Bro. Nixon says he has s
mnnnnnty of the title For his farmer's
inertial and will defend it. It's a little
early in tee game, hogs. to start a scrap
but guess the lawyers and Courts will
offer ne objection to have such a case on
their caientlar for a few years.
Birds in their little nests agree
And 'tis a shameful sight,
When editors in one family.
Fail out, and "tare" and fight,
UNCLE SAM, dealt "Booze" a knock-
out blow when the legislatures voted a
eonstirntie,nel amendment to wipe out
the tragic. It was necessary for 36
Staten to ratify this out of 48 to make the
law operative and now, on July 16th
11120, one of the greatest moral victories
recorded for many a year will come into
effect, Well done U. S , your prompt
and decisive action will be" a mighty
power in stiffening the backbone of
many a country—Canada for instance,
We feel sure the bugbear that "Pro-
hibition cannot be enforced" will be ex-
emplified by the United States in a man-
ner that will soon dissipate this error,
Telt Assessor will soon be on his
rounds and will be enquiring about your
canines. Every dog now, if of the
male persuasion, is subject to a $2,00
tax. We have been told by some Asses -
ors that some have a peculiar fashion nf
runniug away and hiding during the
month of February or going visiting for
a few weeks but this may only be joke,
It is rather peculiar the wouderlul
numerical showing in some towns after
the offieial securing the data has return-
ed kis roll. Many a dog is called a mem-
ber of the family whose room would be
better than its company but an intent.
gent canine, particularly on a farm, may
be of real value, A sheep killer or a
howler, that makes the night vocal with
his "melody," should uever be permit-
ted to die of old age, in our judgment,
To offset the high price of milch cows
and to increase the milcb supply Goat
Clubs are being organized iu a number
of places, notably in Westerly Canada
and some of the Western States. Those
who know say a good doe may be pur-
chased for about efStg,00, They will
average from 3 pints to s quarts of rich
milk per (lay, according to breeding and
Way they ate fed : their flesh is specially
good, superior to mutton ; the Angora
fleeces are extra valuable, and the kids
Do You Want
As the wood putediesed by the
town is now being delivered
persons wiehin6 a 106511 are
naked to at lute eotluuunlente
with k 13 '•,t t)!'7', \iulti'ip 1
11 rk mud heti .. t! , ie ,ndt r
Ihn, t delay.
P44;1t'1t In11a1 be made a,
soon gm Kilnwith "ititi ge' is 1'e•
usually arrive lu twins if not triplets,
In this comity the have had an idea that
the Duly two points attune a goat are he
is a goud "burls)" and is a honey
weight for 2roina. It is interesting to
study the goat family and to learn abet
"Jocks of them have been tested out t a
farms and the reports are most favor-
. able. They haven mission in addition
to other good qualities it providingtu.
i "corner cupboard" for the weeds that
a.e often so trouh'esorle 11 many a farm.
Oevr11t oLegislature has found that
it is a ,l liicua task to build a fence
(round the bonze business, hence they
are cutting out the present system of
sale and plating the necessary vending
under Government control. Cut it's
head clear -ff is the only way to
ri, htrnisly and ,1: finitely put an end to
the tr.:ff 6. Sonne people used to sneer
at the se -called "water wagon" but, litre
the British tank. it is clearing the way
and wincing succus that cannot be
overestiinsied Our legislators need
more "p p" and if they don't show it's
possession hefnre long they will gen
"preppered" by the ballots of a lot g
suffering but indignant electorate won
are heartily sick of w••a1t-backed legisla-
tion oral enforcement. 'rhe action of
the cemtag sessi•..os of Parliament
should settle the matter fear many an M.
P. and 65i. P- P. as to whether they ever,
offtcial,v, see 0 te,ve or Termite again
Canada lies a geed rlelht to cheer, l: s'i'y
too, for Uncle Sam, for the tesolute:e-s
displayed i❑ disoe:sing w1111 the black
bottle and the flak, Surely a better
day is conning. Let evervb'aly wok for
Se far our time has boon occupied
Caring for 15161' 11111.141'5, We nee (diked
to take 111eu1 an111r''' lliet0llce to 6511111
alight be railed a enwlntlully well,
and it supplier the Dimple fur and nem)
with water. 11 is 111'011411 awity 1n ba1'-
rel in In little (arts with donkeys.
Von see by this the water system is
We 11)5,1 (1)112,')) Parade thin 1)11111•
Ink, 6111' 0111y 1404'1 or )will). 1I ion so flu'
We have . a,. 'rho t'1 lo ' 1
1 t uu 11tu1 V. .
C. -\ ie 1011 yet lit led up, but we hove
11.0C!!!,-, 111 163.' •1•.,. ' Ir•u1 F..\I t' A,
Ltulch tan be 1),.,1 I 1101.0 tet rias„ni,ble
pr', r5, 02(31 It ill in. appr,'ial.,11 after
the wt elrlted food provided foe tie on
' ahip1)Datd,
6ih,'rian weather may be &timelier to
the Oaneditur Northwest, It Is cold,
but our clothing !e fur -lined, and that
is necessary 412 one barracks at 1) old
and pout, .1100 occupied by 1611'8ian
14111111 1'14,
\\'e Imre not as yet gone over into
the ell ul' \'lculivuslack so fur. \\7e
nfe told that these, the chief objector
the people is to get money from the
: British soldier, Their money is
poor like thcut1elvee• A ripple is
worth i8e ; 0 kopek, tic:,
As tny let 1010 ivill takeamouthct'
Moro to 101041 you I will write orlon,
&x(1)se 111114 )rrihtile as Tam wlilink
it Oil it bale of hay in the stable.
Yotu' loving eon,
Perth County Council
Count yCouncil wilt enusiet or the
following :—
Blaushard.................. .... (18)). Cook
Downie B. McDermott
North lilasthtpe ....•,.J. M. eleCaltinn -
Smith Eastlope ....... Werner Krug
Ellice-.., .......R. Aimat l'on1, .1. 'Vomit i
Elmo •,,..\V. Scott. S, Snaith
Fullerton S. 0. elitism.;
Hibbert ........... A, Cohpthouit
Logien ....................Michael Hegetty
Morningtou . Wm, i9hearci
Wallace S. E Stnilh
Listowel 1 A. Hacking
Mi When •.......14.......14 .. \\'»i. Marlyn
Milverton ........W.11. Grosch
Several 11)5)1104) are mentioned faro'
Warden this year and a contest seem4)
assured. In the paint of length of
service; Wermer Kong, of South Fast. I
hope, would be the ing4c0l chole', hut
Wm, Martyr], S. Smith and A. Col-
quhon are all mentioned as likely to
Bruce County Council 1919
The following will 01)11)1)1 iso the new
County Council for Bruce wjaich
meets in Walkerton on Tuesday, Jan.
2511 :—
Albemarle 0. E. \Vhicher
Amabel J. K. Davidson
Arran .... Fred. Searrow .
Bradt ' \V, A, Rowena
” Deputy.....,, ..,,4VitlCer h'ind1ay
Bruce Geo. Brown
Cat rick Jos. Montag
Culross (leo. Falconer
Eastnor N S, London
Flderalie..... ................Jas. A. Lewis
GreeuoekAlich. McNah
Huron.. Gideon Mettle 1
Kincardine '1')).................It. B- Swift
Kinloss .................I). A. MSDontild
Lindsety.......... ... .....Dan. McDonald
81. Edmunds ...................... A. Munn'
......... ......A10X. M00tan0el
Hepworth 11te, Deatglas
Luck now .......Robb.,Ioltston
Paisley ..... ........] TUN, teele
Port liagin.,.,.............J. \V Pat Beim
Tara ............................ L D. Grant 1
'1'retiwitter , ..• ....... ....... D. Ferguson
Tiverton. D. 8, McDonald
Chesley - W, H. Brown
Hou tlrtinlptou......,.,... Fred. Thompson
Kincardine 'Awn ...... ....Ie. E. Coombe
Mildm)ty, ................... Urban Schmidt
Walkerton .......Inhn 17(niM{liel
Wilu'tnn Dr, 1,1110nn0111
Lion's Head ........... \V, 13, ilfoore
Or, Jas. 11. Perrin Writes His Mother
The following letter is from Or,
James II, Perrin, formerly or Royal
Bank, Kilmer clime to Ills neither
,firs. (Rev,) Louis Perrin, Atna,w,
one time of Wroxeter, "Jlen's
friends here will be glace or leis
safe arrival, but will be better pleased
when he le home again :
Vladivoatock, Siberia, Dec, 8th, '
1018. Deer Mothefee-My first ietttle
WAS written on the trnnp4)hip Mont-
eagle, As WO anticipated we at rived
two days later tee our destination, As
we landed we were suet:0net1ed by a
motley crowd, entailing different
foreign languages. Yon may be 1,ure
we fell, very far ffo11) home, Poverty
hi everywhere. It is hard to see so
many starved lonkintg ohildren, and in
snot miserably poor look.I*g bonne.
0 .. x 41 4 4 4 k * * 10
In a Sound -Proof Room
The apaatment at No. 10 Downing
street where the meetings of the Bri-
tish Cabinet are held is a solid and
plainly furnished room, fifty feet long
and twenty feet wide, fitted with double
doors through which no sound can
reach the keenest listening ears.
Use of Peat Gas.
Peet gas is being used in Norway
as a substitute for benzine and petro -
teem for a propulsive power for mot-
o . From 1 ,
) two to four pounds o
d f
p s
peat are consumed per horse power
TI1[ CAS[ Oe
A Constitutional Remedy
That We Guarantee
Lagrange, N. C.—"For years I
suffered with a chronic cough, so I
could not sleep ni'ghts and continued
to lose flesh. My druggist asked me
to try Vinol. It cured my cough, I
can sleep nights and have gained
twelve pounds. Vinol is the best
tonic and tissue builder I have ever
taken."—W. D. Ren, Lagrange, N. C.
We guarantee Vinol for chronic
coughs, colds
and bronchitis Not a
patent medicine. Formula on every
bottle. Your money back if it fails,
R. SMI'l'li
Chinese Grades in Greetings
The Chinese have a code of saluta-
tions, eight in number, and use them'
according to the rank and position of
the person greeted.
Romanoff's Huge Estate
The late Czar of Russia, before his
deposition, possessed a single estate
covering more than 100,000,000 acres
—that is, about three times the entire
area of Bulgaria.
Norway Invented Fireless Cookers.
The fireless cooker originated in
Norway, and was brought to public
atention for the first time at the Paris
Exposition of 1867.
The Sorghum States.
The present world shortage of sugar
has again raised sorghum from the
ranks. The largest r
st so hum reduc-
ing States are Florida, Alabama Geor-
gia, and Mississippi.
Keep Them "LSmiling
The "Welcome " sign still hangs high, on the doors of the
Salvation Army Hostels. Help them to keep it there! While
our soldiers have•nee"'d of the comforts--spiritualras well as
bodily—DON'T shat the doors in the boys' faces—Keep them
The Salvation Army appeals for a Million Dollars for the
boys who won the victory. This is the first time the Salva-
tion Array has made a general appeal for its work. We urge
you now, for the sike of the soldiers, and as a VITAL factor
in the solution of Canadr s Reconstruction problems, with
the Homecoming of her boys, to give and to give liberally!
Our men in Khaki may not all be home for another year.
While there is a company of Canadians in uniform oyer there
or over }PERE, there is work for the Salvation Army Lassie.
The weary waiting and the relaxed discipline spell dangers
that MUST be guarded against. A happy smile and a com-
fortable body help to keep trouble at a distance. Do not
let the Hostels shut for lack of fundsl
The Silvation Arl .•
illion ollar Fund
January 19th to 25th
"First to Serve—Last to Appeal"
A WORD ABOUIT THE HOSTELS!—Have you ever been
inside a Salvation Army Hostel? If not, ask a returned
man about the Hostels in Paris, London, Toronto, Hamilton,
or any others that he has stayed in oser HERE.
Let HIM tell you about the REAL bells, the home cooking,
the fried eggs, and hot eoffec—and hot baths. If he knows
you very- well, he may give you a hint about the spiritual
comfort the Salvation Army Lassies give these men far from
home and all it means!
Mail your subscription to
Treasurer Toroatto and Ontario: SIR EDMUND WALKER
Toronto, Ont.
Treasurer New Brunswick:
Bank of Commerce, St, John, N.B.
Treasurer II'sQ[oveScotia:
Bank of Commerce, Halifax, N.S.
or t0
14 20, Albert St., Toronto
Will Be Present at Interalliod Peace
Conference at Paris on 13th.
London, Jan, 2.—The conference of
representatives of the allied nations,
which was to begin at Paris on Janu-
aly 6, bas
• 1 e;en post-
poned for 1
week, ow-
ing to the
'Cabinet tris
ks hr Italy,
It is 0Ow ex
petted 10
meet on
Thnue speery13lal
peace cone
ference may
start about
The British delegation will be head-
ed Lloyd 111 B Law
b 1 ld r. Boner
Y George,
and Mr. Balfour, but there will be at-
tached' an extensive retinue of ex-
The Canadian nadmn mission willP ).teed
to Paris in time for this conference
and Sir Robert Borden will represent
Canada in these important discussions.
The questions of the representation
of the various countries have not yet
been fullysettledand it may be said
that the British dominions will receive
consideration commensurate with their
participation in the war and their
status in the family of British nations.
Must Speed Up
The length of time which will be
necessary to bring results at the peace
conference is a subject of speculation,
but the opinion is daily growing that
the world necessities will force a
speeding up of the negotiations.
So great is the complexity of thee
enumerable questions to be dealt with
that it is apparent that a final and
definite settlement of aloof them would
involve a session of at least six
The economic and political situation
in all the belligerent countries forbid
that war conditions should prevailed
for so long a period of time.
It is, therefore conjectured that the
conference will lay down the terms of
peace on broad, general lines, em-
bodying these in a document which
will undertake to work out these
principles and apply them as required.
This would necessitate reconvening
the peace congress at a later date or j
the calling of a new international con-
gress to review and validate the ac- 1
tions of these bodies, but this is not
regarded as a disqualification of the
plan as under the new world order,
which it is hoped will date from the
peace conference, there will have to
be periodical gatherings of this tea
See Further Delay
Paris, Jan. 2.—As the time of the
opening of the peace conference ap-
proaches It is becoming clear that
there must be much preliminary work j
done and many sectional conferences I
held before a general gathering of the'
delegates of all the accredited powers
about the peace table will become
it __w—,..'Iiallaiililalllill1111111111111111111111 II 1111)1111111aIla*r * 1?it.
Before investing
You should see dm your j
ing the security is backed by
Not a dollar leas ever been
investor lit Standard Reliance
Corporation Debentures.
Miartgage Conn/ration
The Debentures of the Standard
Mortgage Corporation yield
payable hnlf-yeti rly. One thousand
1I1Ve4 ted In Standard Reliance
Debentures at 5?ar';, (compounded)
years amounts to $1311.65.
or over 31 "u.
mutat your surplus funds in Mortgage
No worry --No trouble--Ahsolut0
An interesting booklet about "PROM'S
SAVINGS." which gives some
financial advice will be sent
it'rit,' for It to -tiny-
Paid up Cepilar and Surplus Fonda •
af����/ "'Yrs`. f-
�r /l
a r 111®,<i HEAD OFFICE---TOHONT
w ' ry Branch
e co
u (IF
tidl;men t regard -
lost by an
i.)4ai t1lttma'o.r
51,,, interval
for 5
A gain of $311.65
very valuable
free on request.
- 43,362,378.63
� t'
r .N
Offices t
nlnnnnninM OM 1 nmimma2t2Hibe - .4.
Agent, Brussels
When you want to help your town,
Buy at home!
When You want shoes, hat or gown
Buy at honlel
Never mind what His you need,
Canned goods, collars, chicken feed,
Frame this phrase up for your creed—
Buy at home!
Other folks may buy by mail,
Buy at home!
Help the home store to a sale,
Buy at home]
Every dollar sent away,
Means a dollar less to pay,
What is owed right here to-day—
Buy at home!
Are you for your town or not?
Buy at hone!
Cheaper elsewhere? Tommyrot!
Buy at hornet
Home store qualities are true,
Home store merchants work for you,
This much then ought to do --
Buy at homel
England Lends
Mr. Bonar Law, speaking 1 nthe
House of Commons, stated that total
loans to Britain's allies amounted to
£1,465,0,00,000 sterling and to the Do-
minions £218,000,000
Glad They Were Beaten
German soldiers were glad to have
been beaten, as defeat meant the
overthow of the old regime, declares
Dr. Ernest MacMillan, in aletter to
his father, Rev. Alex. MacMillan, Tho
writer was four years a captive in
Receipts and Disbursements
Wroxeter Rural
Telephone Company, Limited
For the Year ending Dec. 31st, 1918
Oash on hand Dec. 31st, 1917...$ 301 61
Stook call year 1018 ...,2821 40
Arrears paid 808 55
Bent or Telephones 64 90
Tells collected at Central ...., 807 63
Batteries sold 125 31
Miscellaneous...... ..... . ., .. 41 69
Com, 13e11 Telephone Co, Ltd147 48
$ 4603 42
Phones, wire, batteries, tete....$ 007 65
lrreighe and express 17 90
Rent of [fall, 1tnn)al rueeeing5 00
Bruesels, Morris it Grey Tele-
phone Go. 4 25
Ontario Govel'nutent for filing
Annual Statement 2 00
Postage and stationery... •.,.,, 30 66
Printing 0 10
Bell Tele phone 0o. Tolls ....,... 788 36
Lobel manager including rent
of office, fuel, light, etc„ bol,
year 1017 ..... .... 149 78
Local Manager, year 1018 7130 00
Directors' fees.. ..... 6 00
Auditor's' Fees 6 00
Sein'etary'Treatmeer 120 00
Interest . 217 222
MOuey borrowed 14.....14 1200 00
M18001116neons . 22 94
()ash in 13anit 304 28
Oash at head office... 14 13
$4603 42
Oash on hancl Dec, 31st 1018.$ 318 41
Stock calls unpaid year 1018. 305 40
Stook calls unpaid years mem: 42 45
Tolls ha course of collectinn... 428 70
Approximate value of Tele-
phone plant . 14600 00
3Jateeial on lined 100 00
Batteries not paid for.. 24 31
Rent of phone unpaid . 12 00
Molesworth Telephone Co,
Ltd. 2 50
$16888 77
Protnissory notes ontstan(ling$1000 00
Local manager at Central.... 307 15
Bell Telephone 0o. Ltd., for
Toll. 56 88
Brussels, Morrie SaGrep, Tele-
phone Co. Ltd, ........... 1 40
$ 1467 08
Total amount of capital stock... $ 40000 00
Total amount paid on capital stock..,$ 20108 26
Calls unpaid year 3918 805 4A
Calls unpaid years prior 12 ,16
Uncalled capital stook .................... 5200 00
Arrears wribten off year 101(1 ..... . 20 00
At't'ears wlitt011 off year 1017 ..., ,e,....62 46
Arroare written off year 1918 14,.., 41 45
Unaliotted capital stock. 8100 00
$ 40000 00
We the undersigned Auditors having examined the accounts of the said
Company for the year 1018, bog bo report the same correct,
J. LOVELL Aud[tors,
D, 1V,itITAV'I�S73)
Horse Fairs
Hemline Min:1 hey 1101,0 Wails will
be held this stetson its follows 1--
l'IIUIiSDAY, 1"F.13. title, 16111
" 11:5 P.. 11th, 11)10
.51'11 Sed, 11)10
Leading Local and Outside Buyers Present
Hy order of Council.
1e'. S. SCOTT, Clerk.
Meeting of Huron County Council
The Connell of the Corporation PP the Cons
ty of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber
Godrrich, nt 3 &ohmic in t1)n afternoon of Time
day, the lath day of January, 3010 A11ne,
counts ng,last the County most be in 11144
hands of the Clerk not later than hl onlay prti;
ceding the mediae of Council.
GEO. W. 18O11,5I AN,
Goderioh ,Jan. 10011, 1515, County Clerk,
Property for Sale
Com Portable houno nod 1_ sere of lend tar
sale, well located on Princess streut. lrusrels,
the property of the late Rev. 1t. Pool. Pelmets.
slot) given In the course of it few lnnntha. It
will make n 0050 home Per 001)18 prrenn and is
In good papain Property Is open for h,speet1o11.
Por further particulars apply to hire. Joaepk
Pugh, NV -Ingham ; Mrs. S. Paul, Bleovalo ; or
20-tf Box 102 Orangeville,
Bull for Service
The nnderaign ed will keep for service, on 8'
Lot 80, Con, 2, htorria township, the thoro'-bred
Nitnrt Horn bull, Onto foal 0r Salem, No.
1ls418= 85)14,1 by Gntnford Marquis (106800) ;
Dent Mildred VII by Royal Pallor 080521. Ped-
igree may be aeon on application Terms-
28,80PorgradesandS1t308 PIoro" rads,
Farm for Sale
000bahrb,gSOD acres, viz., Ft% Let 80, Cons 8,
Morrie 101vn51)1p, and Lot 1, Om 6, Grey town.
Rhin. Well watered, comfortable bonne, bade
barn and mature shed, driving house, wind
m111, orchard, ,611. 264 miles North of Brussels
on gravel rand, lhtrnl mail and rural 'phone,
le mile to anhool. Will sell bather nr both
firms. Nm' further pnrtlonlm'a apply to
AL18S L'0R8YTI.1, Proprietor, Brussels, or
P. 8.80OTT, Brussels, 0-f
For Sale
Bonseand lots, containing 0;% aortic, In the
Villain of Crnnb oolt, the property of the Into
Mra, Agnes Brown, Isuiferod.for sale, Prone
110050, barn, fruit trues, @0, Pnaaessio,r could
be giver) at .nam. l'or further particulars spy
ors u Ants of Il o Into or Mta Asn ee 11row1,
CbbingUstFor 1919
TUB POST and Daily Globe .,, 5 00
Mail anti Empire 6 00
I'ot'nnto Wot'ld.,, 6 00
Toronto Star 4 26
Toronto News,,8 75
lam meta' Advoc'e 3 00
Thuiiily Herald2 66
Weekly Sun . 2 60
London Advert') 6 081
" 'Free Press 5 00
Saturday Night, 4 26
Weekly Witness 2 80
Nor. Messenger... 2 00
Youth's Oomp'n. 8 78
Presbyterian ..... 8 10
Above prides are for addresses in
Canada or Great Britain. If publica-
tion you want is not in above list, let
ns know. Toronto Star pate increases
a dollar at New l: ears,
Remit by Postai Note or Express
Order, 11 Bank Cheque add exchange,
W. 1'J. IKERR,
'e%1a1s PORK, brussels,