HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-1-23, Page 3ss•
i R Y.gel
. 1•'c l 1 e 4 1. NA :Y. ".. J
AUG. 8 TO NOV. 11
Lunt:mei More Than 1,-,0 Small Towns
and Freed I O cr 300,000 French
11.1 Belgian Civilians, •
escaped death on the principle of the 1 E-. =-- - - •-• ".
survival of the fittest, The sarong The ���_��.
have come through the ordeal; the
week, one fears, suceumbetl.
The Spirit of Britain.
But for 1111 one's deep compassion
with their sufferings, one cannot eon -
template these prisoners of ours with -
nut a feeling of elation, However
mucic the Germans tried to torment
"-' their body, they utterly failed to crush
their spirit. It is time that a public
tribute were paid to the magnificent
staunchness of soul, the unshakable
self-respect of the British soldier• in
captivity. There is no doubt that hie
-'i l••• fells, Mge at :quad'
pis forward proud refusal to knuckle down to his
ori fess, is, the attire of Sir L. TKemp,terdctnnlian figures clothed in the oddest colicrtimt of old a and Hits oppressor angered the Germans, and
1':•rr. ii.ul Ci as minister of Mili-rags led them to redouble their efforts to
!i 1•y i'r:l r, •1 , •e.;, official
sll comes- of uniform, supporting one another, break his peaty,
poo'. • x'- .ic• Canadian Ovcrceas leaning on clumsy stielcs cut from the
But the German failed -failed as
M'' .hedgerows --such is the sight that egregiously as he has done in every
'•, furnished a meets the British Army in every road s eholn'ictl problem he has tackled
1 1 Gems: have British
by, which it pursues its victorious , psychological
c - +.� , u rn. u , e. •c 10 L1111s]h milt- in this war, And so, for all their
is1:. •. The Iirak i,rmie: to colter oI1ie hr into Germany, writes a British0., wasted looks, for all their noisome: .
T T °ulcer in the early days of. peace,
1 the day the armistice was rags, these prisoners of war' have the
, 1 wrest. he:,, of the 4211,1 Royal These sad and suffering figures are bearing of free men. They salute:
1 i le r 1.rxi(es of Ctanada, which hat- the prisoners of war whom the Ger- punrtilinuslV, and ]nolo one Straight
;el :'n, throur:h t'.1-. parent regiment, mans, in the panic of their ruin and'' in the fare when they are -addressed.:.
the 5 b Ray"l Tli:rh1ander;l of Canada, defeat, hastily role:teed from cap-',' As a party of British prisoner:: of
ie st ,t' 1(••,i w^th the filinnns Black ti4ity, find turned out without h oil weer were tramping back through No- I
The Lour;, Ragged, Starved, Ilet Un-
daunted Procession of Prisoners
Returning From Germany.
A long, limping procession of tat -
O A t °" 1`711 the last Or adequate clothing ripen 1110 let mar ihr olhrr c11v same C,c,r,nan sot- j
R U A'7 R N PAI"I7
gqT +? 1 P P1Wq fit
Same Interesting Wnr•time Sempleo P:•yc1)al°Pmf +I Alakeup °f tate Iatst R % and Sob printing plant in banters
Ontario. rneurenoa .carried 51.500. Witt
IA or 11,500 00 eutok gala Box *Pe
Art Puhltehi00 Co. Ltd Toronto.
75 10 New Ontario, Owner gains to
name. WIII yell 05.000. Worth double
that amount. Apply d. H,. oro Wilson.
Tunnelling Co.. Limited. Toronto.
of Typographical Errors. j Ltutx re:• of the R:cniia0,
lhr, grim and oft' -11 sorrowful dltail1 A: e resell of un inlet slew with the
J tLl1 0111' 11e 11114 brings home to most, of C . ea d; well tram a sir 1.; other.
us are now and again lnlw•iitiugly lit source,. (llniles Greene ('anl1ta11, 111.
up by the mistakes of the cummPnfiilnl'. p.. pricat-,Io.ert at the lJniversity of
There typographical errors are termed C;rr1,.. •,red F,•lluty of ow Royal so -
'•Printer's pie," Honlcl.nn +1 fhe link,' l r + of 3 li alta ''1 Lunches, eta., has > trntuneitsioNtit
elfin of a Meals let tor 11;11;0'4 quite a 1.,1.11: air: the following elected' which CANt'ICR, TJAaUf!iq. LUMPe, laic,.,
V fnternat sad yxtrrnrl. oursd wltk••
startling change from what i'4 really vial no d0ut,t prove of i,ltr re . out vola by our bows treatmant Wrlta
01111111, aa, for example, i11 1111, new r(• le nl+)st marked trait of the, (•7.41 Co ,b5lm(trodo Co11 dCwoodriOpt. ;Nsdloa5
view of the Huns' humanity: ""rite' was hie eke -Ante lack of will powfr. ,
newest Gothas carry bemire f t 1 , r ar:li; insufficient to 1 ria C'l n so
weight, but t111 German machines that ps( t+. a cot. lel v, N c•hnl:ts II was 111140
aid hospitals in Fralu'e en111lnuc to nee ' 1:n (.1 °11:t ,tnr1 :,usp1(inu+a of all thdngs
0(11a11i 51 bombs." This one front a . ad p, 7822110, V,'eak of rharaf•ter, the
Sheffield paper seems 11111711 re'arer the 'tar w^ts 1 ,th a fatalist a1;d a mystic,
truth: "erlr,'e1 bombs 'wore dropped
tied when of airs of court or state clad
upon an ammunition train and a direct met go well he believed he was ah:ul-
bit obtained. '1(114 train contained 16: d(atrd by (iwI. Till?'ahvtiys m(rr:is-
600 hells." '04 which our airmen 0P- in;:; eunciet;"n sine: the ?ll l-'huram
pear to have obliged by 1ldd1nt; :111 ex• ,;, P t;•aly'2ed 1(11 his initi.ttl•c and
tea one
The un1111 11 b,na1 ill tion a,f •t'hnr11111.1i lh(' little will pow r which
letter al.,o 7.1(1 2, wonders sin the
he 111 1.101,,,,,,,F.1/(1. ei11 frlc;l u s who
en.,„, where' ::ir, n.opt ilea 1' 1( 151,, ,ipntolu•he,1 him in 1'11 ,-rife 1" 1 thnl
Ct(lliir.11 <.n.l a,±1 and w:.:; aw•rr,ied iultoreeisir11, It expo i ,i1c• rn,1 with
the Milila••v C'im,s," or where inolw wbic�b tiiehnhts TI vic•n,l red his
o a nn
Gu•wau r„i ht,uln,•� I e•u•',rost,•d o.. 'POW(' 11[ld the 1ti. 11 ce• :11'erre of
the '•t•ih•n,'"l teat "11Ind, ,•ut,nrp; 2.r•nt any effort. nn his p rt. to 1,', 10;1,11 pos.•
n u ".'•e ,fir a I u nnul:,(•r of bug 1tu.1s to [ eneral e' cion of 11 Schen the re•4aha' on c(f
British l:attaliun to leave Mans was read to melte th best F their any u,rt•irvr " ur agldn i• the ;aro, e4h.tt the people. 'ileac the Czar 7.1(1411(11 it
+N 1, Highlanders,the Seottirh l:adt to the ie( line .
5114 -.1i
e + s. ° 071 I dices left •, marrhin.,, column and •
ran towards them, offering them cig- A very practical little apron in- startling untie a from a ••L1 utile" cul• as the jnd:~ment of God upon him
1. s e*:ei deed is 011,4 one ',vhirh slips on over 1111111 111 1111+ah(r tev14P1(l n• '•1111(141(1,•, 1115 h1-, peoPle 11115 be accepted it as
1 •
I think the French --to judge 1',y their prisoners 14 1111 cd the gift. "W0 the head and fastens under the arm, memory of our (1Our 3+11. 'lir, nni,le , a divine deci0i01 and as ,x0 esnialio1)
Caphu•ed 34.000 G(>rmans. appearaticc__Were the lensi: ill-treated,' .j.0ulfi7l't hr havin' anything to do
, and an :ant 0411) ut for his 1 1)1111
McCall I attern N°. Fri i_, Girl's' anawe,�d his cone: call, h+ Kay(:
T''rcm August 8 to November 11, the They, li];e the rest, sure thin ----for thin- won them:" said the Iri•:11 sergeant eant Apion. In 0 sines. '2 to 12 years, his wife far on., and all."' errors, and it is undoubtedly true that
(late the armistice eves declared, the nese seems to be alliyevstll amongst who told the store. `hat a C01i.raat Price, 16 rents. Tlilii'fer De ill"11 The origin of many each Reno: r1.1y ' he (heft In this spirit of 1)501'11 (1
1 111 e : Carps captured 24,000 vele- the dwellers in Germany of to -da;; to the lic•kspitte servility of the ! No 8e1. Price, 10 gen'.-, not alweye bo Lid at the door of the *enmity,
overs, 'fee artillery guns of all call- but their fares do net reveal the signs romp°51un but often .,rN rhe product bees, 2.1111) inachme guns, hundreds of 1
trench mortars, and hugs quantities
of all kindsofmaterial.
In the loot three months of the
war the corns e.dvanced in depth to a
di lance of !i5 miles, covering am area
of ttnrl'c'limately 450 square miles.
The. i,rincipal towns captured by the
Cpnn111ans in that time were Cslmbrai
;led ire Cateau nn Oct. 9; Denain,
Dee _'0; Vnleneieunes, Nov 2; 1)101111,
Prov 2. At least 100 smaller towns
an,l villre'e' were captured in addl-
ticm to those larger centres, which
(•eleseel from German domination
ovc 300.000 French and Belgian
Th- three outs:tending battles fought
by t, -..e Canadian (ores since August,
lei 8. vrfre: Am'enc, which berran
A,�• "; Arree, on Aug. 2i1; and (3m-
117141. Vert. 27. In these three battles,
r b • t
Black �' t t I O1 all the Allied prisnnel, of , arettcs and fond Ono and all the
Boch,' in captivity•
of a syctemshtized enurse of brutality A Debt Repaid.
fie do the faces of our men, whilst -for. Our itnoatcrs unanimously testify
the mu0s1 part they halve preserved p'
their unifnrrls intact. I to the kindness shown to then' by ,
The Road to Germany, I civilians in Belgium. The peasants '
dared blow:- from the rifles of the
The picture of the hands of re- - guard, and ri'l'ed heavy fines, to
turning prisoners will, I believe, re- • press bread into the hands of the
main indelibly fixed on the minds of , prisoner's marching through the
all who have taken part in the victor- 2 villages. And on their long tramp
lolls march into Germany. The. get-.'. through Belgium oil their wee, to the
ting is the b*road, tree -lined chaussee•! allied lines a1':cr their liberation, the
The line of marching battalions, prfsnners denencl0(1 entirely on the
spruce and clean and fit, with trans-! food and clothing freely given them'
port in good shape. and strong, well-, by the Belgians in the towns and vil-
groomed horses, fills the right hand j lames through which they passed.
of the highway: on the left, coming ; The Borhe treated his 0(1500el•s as
from the 011peeite (reaction, defiles an !a had -minded rustic world not treat
endless. pt•oce$sion of civilians pushing his cattle, He had treated them
little haml-carts piled high with their monstrously to the enol of the chapter,
helm1gi11ge. and surmounted by the He has not even sought to lessen
'P,:•leian flag. interspersed by these: the exemplary retribution which the
little greens of rrisoners of war. 1 Allies are going to exact from him by
red (0 the advance from ,th rat o Sheer Iihe:ea:iff
1i1mte through Valenciennes. the Cella- ! Y. making adequate provision for the 10-
dien Corns engaged and identified a
toted of fifty-seven German divisions,
several of whore were so badly deci-
mated as to render them useless as
fighting organizations.
At Amiens we advanced in less
then two weeks a depth of 15 miles,
At Arras and Ganbrai the dept'• of
penetration into the enemy lir- 'ns
25 miles, and from Canthrai to 1.1.,ns
05 miles. At Amiens we e• -weed
12.000 rrisoners; Arras, 70.00(1; Cam-
brai, 7,174; ' and from Cerebral to labor, often under shell fire. But
Mons, 2,826.
On the Last Day of War, what we must insist 011-11115 it ap-
pears m the statements of almost all
On the morning of the 11th, at four the prisoners -is the sheer inhuman -
The hunted look in the eyes of natriation of the prisoners of war.
many of these men tells the whole He has lost turned them adrift. the
story of the system which the Allied well and the sick alike, and left them
armies set out to smash, and have to shift for themselves.
smashed. I will not horrify you with And when the German people are
the repititiono f the stories you have' called to necolml: for their trainman
read in such ghastly detail in the treatment of their prisoners of 'war
British official report en the treat- . this last act of callousness must not : Thi
L1 alio• �.
"I believe 'lint when history shall
e ' ( Tri v n bo written Nichnles II will b9 Pool
theta our trials and tribulations arts- upon with pity an dw'ith sympathy
ing from the war Make their appear- rather than otherwise, Only time
ince, When the 1111114 ctlffctdty (Top- 1, will tell."
ped up in Dublin the Lord H113'or df:•
livered himeelf 111 these terms: "It
would be a crying evil to leave the
poor People without mitt. It would be
a wise thing if the Corporation would
take the bull by the horns and deal
with the matter."
Jt was a Glasgow paper that wrote
on the coal question thus: --"One wise I
virgin, time father of a large family,
has laid in several piles of wood
against the coming of coal•retioning
of one who wt(t them. minty C
KeepYour Health
mmard s ,L nit nI
for that Cold and Tired Feeling. I
. Get Well, Keep Well,
Bill Spanish Flu
time," whilst a University journal by using the OLD RF.LIAIli 1" 1
threw cold water on the musical a1)ili-: 111 , altt,•�S LIN c 1111;:;••' ' , I.•,1.
tea of our fighting men by announce 1 1 z.1 -,,•._:(1,.:•..s
hag that "a capital military band will 1
discourage music throughout the of- Mipht 1>e Improved.
ternoon:' ! "'Milt ti, 1 ail^l: of Fie 1(41 ( a-
Complaints about the inadequate, far a:: yna I, .1,• goner inquired u :IQ:,
grants to soldiers' dependants caused I pant of a newly arrived recruit at
a Yorkshire correspondent to remark, 1 ea719.
"I hope that if the Government grant ( "I may -like it after a while, but just
an increase to soldiers' wives, they; now I think there is too much drill -
will increase the wives of soldiers all ing and fussing around between
round." Even the Times acids its meals," was the reply,
quota with this: --"The Canadian force 1
is wearing the smile that won't come
off. The nature of the ground le en MONEY ORDERS.
's new deslg,l has the basque Dominion Express Money Orders are
went of our prisoners of war in Ger- be forgotten.effect wrist wh.ch opera on the shoal- lively favorable to such an operation." ; on sale in five thousand offices
-- ;der and at the underarm. McCallthe opindon ]las often been express•;
their euperior, officers, the lack of ,
JAPAN'S POPULATION Pattern No. 8712, Ladies' Dress. Tu' ed that the best Gorman is a dead one, 1 throughout Canada. sizes, 34 to 4-i bust. Price, 25 hut. I think it has been left for a nil' I
many, the brutality of the guards and
food, even of the disgueting quality !
provided, the long hours of fore.ed I
eduction of Rica Has Not Kept , cel:ta, mhlgilanl paper to tell us of those who The ham will not dry out and' get
Pace With Increased Birth Rate.. Thee patterns may be obtained have been "permanently" killed, which ;hard if you fry out some of the fat
from your local McCall dealer, or one would think should satisfy the and let it become hard, Then spread
The shortage in the supply of food-' •prem the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., most anti -German amongst us, I it over the cut end of the ham about
About Boys.
Show me the boy who never threw
A stone at someone's cat;
Or never hurled a snowball swift
At someone's high silk hat
Who never ran away from srh0,11,
To reek the swimming hole;
(h slyly from a n, p hbor yard
Green apples rc r >t )h
Show me the boy 1 1( l' :d.e
A pen of e it dose : >;
Wh':, neve; dh„h '.1
That 1(3•: "7*) •,1 oft 1h
Who '( (1 1 i : !Iwo,..ud ,
That 1',rie1(•1 115 sore to tell;
And I'll e•.hnw you 1t little lee-
\;'ho meet be far fies1
tionatas Li:rrlrleat Caren .0i1.cu!wa1,
N: ; ( 1 In -t ••'1 that the r1. y re-
d a, ....tic• all the 4141.1 20
„e 1114 in 1::'0 011 1,1 the 1an,1 : , the
87atr fie' 12'.('1.19. 2101', .,h.. ,,,;1 1,1 031-
;,1,1y an1•,l,1it to £7;100bnc1,
(: 1t^.x�xs- 31ti:ra®t:� z «gym
OR 8013EY REF089Ei).A511 ANY 011000/57
or 41111 Lyman -Knox Co„ teerereee P.Q. P:Ira 551.
ru-•er,"C•vr ese,eue
Cn:,lfor1ttg 1eliot` from pain
makes Sloan'~ the
World's Liniment
11,k iameus r: i1c.-r of rheumatic.
aches, soreness, stiffness, painful
sprains, neuralgic pains, and most
other external twinges that humanity
suffers from, enjoys its great 'ales
because it practically never fails to
bring speedy, comforting relic/,
Always ready for use, it takes little
to {'ane:rale witllo01 rubbinrl and pro-
duce results, Clean, refreshing. *lade
in Canada. At all deur; store:.
large bottle means economy.
Japan has caused the extra- sec., cec., Si.za.
stuffs in Ja
P Toronto, Dept, W. The .Doti question is hardly a sub- I a half-inch thtiek. This will ex
°clock, the 42nd Battalion (the Mont-iry of the German attitude towards ordinarily high price of rice and other 1
and the 44th Battalion; of the Seventh If it were Inconvenient to start ra- I true that the production of lice has 1 It Works°-° -°TIt
Brigade, attacked at Mons. The city tioning a party of prisoners on a been malting more Or less increase ; Qy
was actually captured by the 42nd certain day, the party would simplyhas not been at such a rate as to keep , 1�
Battalion and the Princess Pat's, and be confined without food or water until I pace with the steadily growing popu- I Tells how to loosen a sore,
the P1.C,R.'s also had some troops such time tis the rationing of the lation. Moreover, the yield of rice ; j' tender corn so it lifts
enter the city. By eleven o'clock, the prisoners became convenient. There is at the mercies of the elements and' c out without pain.
time the armistice came into effect, was apparently no recognition even in a country like japan, which is sub- i es--"' n 0-e o o-., o -o
we had established a line five kilo- of such an elementary principle as I ject to frequent visitations of ty Good news spreads rapidly and drug -
metres east of the city, so that in' that you must feed the animal which piteous at the most critical period for 'gists here aro kept buey dispensing
nine days the Canadians advanced is to work for you. "Necessity knows the corp, the precarious nature of the ireezu(le,rho ether discovery of a Cin -
thirty miles. I no law," says the German, and if agricultural industry may be imagin- cinnati man, which is said to loosen
On the afternoon of the 11th, Lieut., there is no food for prisoners -if the ed. In this connection, continues the any corn so it lifts out with the fingers.
General Sir Arthur Currie and his transport, for instance, is required' Advertiser, it will be interesting- to Ask at any pharmacy for a quarter
staff made a triumphant entry into more urgently for ammunition -then note the tremendous rate at which ounce of freez°ne, which will cost very
Mons, and were welcomed by thou-; the prisoners may starve. And starve Japan's population is increasing. little, but is said to be sufficient to rid
ones feet of every hard or soft corn
Sands of civilians in a most demon- ; they did, and die of exposure and Until a few years ago the rate of fir callus.
strative way. General Currie pre- neglect and under -nourishment, so increase was a little more than 600,-; You apply just a few drops on the
sented to the city a Canadian flag that it seems probable that the for- 000, but last year's increase is put tender, aching corn and instantly the
tied to a lancewhich now has a , tunate ones who making their
prominent place in the council cham- back to and liberty
bee of the city hall. The bodyguard
was a sec-
Commander v
of the Col
tion of the 5th Imperial Lancers, all
of whom wore the Moos Rihbon and
were among the last to leave the city
on August 23,
It was at Mons that the British
began fighting in the war and it was
there the war ended, Throughout all
the advanc( invaluable assistance was
given by the Canaclian -Railway
Troops and the Canadian Forestry
Corps, whose work was extremely
difficult owing to the devastation and
rimntction caused to railway tracks,
bridges and roads.
The Power of Speed. -
real Kilties), the P.P.C.L.L, R.C.R.'s their British victims. j' food, says the Japan Advertiser. It is j
The destruction 'wrought by the
bursting of a flywheel in an electric
light plant in New Rockford, N.D.,
U,S.A., recently, indicates vividly the
disastrous results whioh may follow
failure to control the speed of an en-
gine. The engine in question was of
the Corliss type, and for some undis-
coveeed reason the governor failed to
work. The speed of the flywheel
which normally was 100 revolutions
vel' minute, was increased to many
times that number, Eventually the
big casting burst, and fragments
were hurled many hundred fent in -a11
directions. The engine room and the
machinery it contained were eom-
pletely wrecked, except a small gen-
erator which, almost miraculously,
was unharmed. A great hole was
torn in one of the brick walls, and a
piece of the wheel, weighing aboatt
460 pounds, was thrown high in the
air. It landed in front of a furniture
store 500 feet from the power plant,
burying itself deep in the concrete
sidewallt, The enterprising furniture
merchant hastened to paint an advern
'iisenlent on the side of the fragment,,
The Popular
People of culture,
taste and refine-
ment are keen for
health, simplicity
and contentment.
Thousands of these
people choose the
cereal drink
as their +able bey
erage in place of
+ea or coffee.
at close upon 800,000, According to soreness is relieved, and soon the corn
official statistics just published the is so shriveled that it lifts out with -
total number of the Japanese popula- ont pain. It is a sticky substance
tion on December
31 1917
was re -
which dries when applied and never
turned at 57,908,373, whichwere tis -
inflames or even irritates the adjoin-
tributed into 10,241,851 dwellings at hog tissue.
the rate of 5.7 per dwelling. Ccm- This discovery will prevent thou-
Paredthe census s
taken at the
sands of deathsannus11Y from lockjaw
showed an
end of 1915 the populationand infection heretofore waulb:ngfrom
increase of 799,090, and there can be the suicidal habit of cuttlang corns.
no doubt that Japan should be seri-,
ously exercised by the food problem I PEAT AS FUEL
if its population continues to increase ;
at salt a rate. It may be added that A Also Has Many Other Interesting
the figures are exclusive of the Jap- mut Useful Qualities.
anes0 or Japanese subj,eets in Korea,
Formosa and Karafuto, who may be Peat is coal in the making. It
said t0 be self-supporting as far as furnishes a perfectly good fuel.
their food supply is concerned.
Largest Electrically Welded Craft
Seth in Britain,
There has been much discussion Of
late about the feasibility of building
electrically - welded steamships and
thereby avoiding the time and expense
consumed in riveting. From EnglandIan1
comes word of the completion of a
During the eighteenth century,
when the forests of northern Europe
had been to a great extent cleared
away (coal being not yet in general
use), peat was the main dependence
of the rural population.
It is said that a ton of paper can
be manufactured from peat at a cost
of $20, leaving a satisfactory margin
of profit.
In France some very beautiful tex-
tile fabrics, resembling Scotch tweeds
and camel's hair cloth, are woven
rivetless 276 -ton barge, supposedly the from peat fibre. Tiley can be bleach -
largest electrically -welded craft so fur ed to snowy whiteness and will take
produced, It is 125 ft, over all, and 16
ft. of beam. The hall is rectangular
in section anlidsltips--only the bilge
plates being curved, All watertight
joints as far up as the latter are con-
on-t111410 sly welded on both sides, while
those thereafter are' tack -welded on
one side, The peocess permitted an
estimated saving of from 26 to 40 per
Cent, in time and 10 per cont. in ma-
terial, The expense of welding
amounted to $1,600, $800 of which
went for electrodes. In normal tiros
this item world bo loss by about 60
nor cent. Another experimental barge,
With certain parts riveted and othors
welded, Is to be built,
any dye.
One of the most interesting rases of
peat is for packing and preserving
perishable foods,.such as fruits, vege-
tables, butter and eggs. Even meats
WA fish have been shipped for groat
distances in peat fibre, arriving in
perfect condition, thanks to the pecu.
liar preservative dualities of the
A. marble boiled in milk, porridge,
Custards, oto,, will automatically do
the stirring as the liquid cooks and
so prevent burning,
ache erg lalulment Onto Otite'tit 18 cyan
ject for mirth at present, but one can i elude the air. Serape off the fat
scarcely resist a smile when we are , before slicing the ham and after -
told that "the markets are empty, and ; ward speead it on again as before.
the prices of such things as remain ,
are iRlpoeaibly high." Mivard'r Liniment Corea D1 htherte.
An old Latin saying got a new turn i British employers who are paying
in advertisement which lately ap• less than the minimum wages have
peered in a leading London vapor ae
follogives quickly who gives twice," The I been warned that they will be pro-
s:-"13uy a j,6 War Bond. He proceeded against by the Government, I
most up-to-date one deals with recent According to government figures,
war successes, and describes our the number of hens in Holland has
moderation 111u in the display of nationalifhtdecreased from 8,000,000 to 3,000,000
feeling in this little sentence, "if this in two years.
were Germany, the bells would be rung
threadbare over to -day's splendid
Can be Manufactured of Almost Any
Vegetable Substance.
Clippings from the collar factories
the supply of
n ortantl to Y
conLributo importantly pp
rave material for making high-grade
paper. It is just au instance of wasto-
Asbestos makes an excellent paper,
which being fireproof, might t recoup
mend itself highly for deeds and other
valuable documents. But, unfortunate-
ly, no process has been discovered by
which paper of this material can be
made that has a smooth, hard surface
to tape ink from a pen without blur-
ring. The inventor who solves this
puzzle has a fortune awaiting hh71.
There 1vi11 never be a real paper
famine, because paper can be made
out of almost anything vegetable. It
has been manufactured from banana
leaves, pineapple leaves, beanstalks,
cabbage -stalks, eat -tails, Ilay, thistle-
down and even mummy wrappings.
Sugar -cavo refuse makes good pa-
per; cotton stance likewise. Of these
materials incalculable (identities are
thrown away annually. Rice straw
and flax stalks aro available for the
sane purpose; also t1enitd
that grows Over vast areas in the '
Wheat straw, rye straw, oat straw
Mid barley straw make first-class news-
paper and printing paper.
There are always plenty of rags for
making high-grade papers. Why, than,
all the recent fuss and rising prices?
No reason at all except that •we have
not yet learned to utilize t110 available
raw Meteri8ls, which, once turned 1.0
proper account, will render it unneces-
sary to draw upon the forests for
8slaard'a 5linintent (tures coma. go,
Chipper is said to be the metal first
known to man and used in the arts
lS8UE N". t-19
A Cure for Pimples
"You don'tneed mercury,potash
or any other strong mineral to
cure pimples caused by poor
blood. Take Extract of Roots -
s"Mother el el s
druggist call it i♦ 0 S
your skin
Curniive Syrup -and
will clear up as fresh as a baby's.
will sweetenyour stomach and
o ala " Get the
re regulate your b w
0 $o
enema 50c. and 1 0
At drug stores. = =---- 5
Thin Eudy Hair
or Thick and Healthy?
A scalp cared for by Cuticura usually
means thick, glossy hair. Frequent
shampoos with Cuticura Soap are ex-
cellent. b
cellent. Prece s o s
P Y touches
of Cuticura Ointment to spots of dan-
druff, itching and irritation of the
scalp, Nothing better for the com-
plexion, i hair or skin.
Sam le Each Free by Mail. Address poste
card; 'PCuticura, Dept, 8, Boston. U. S. 01.."
Sold by dealers throughout the world,
Pain? Hirst's will stop it!
used for 60 years to relieve rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, sprains, lama
back, toothache, earache, swollen joints, sora throat and other pain-
ful complaints. Have a bottle in the bouso. All dealersct' write us.
;r...... HIRST REM1DY COMPANY, Hamilton, Canada
v r( .,*41re45
hotel Del Coronado
Coronado Beach, California
Where the balmy yet invigorating climate makes
possible the enjoyment of outdoor sports through-
out the Winter months.
Write for Winter Folder and Golf Program.
JOHN J. HERNAN, • Manager