HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-1-16, Page 8, • . • :•;!'1,:01.4..1..,
u Ne,
New HooksHess' Stock food
1 -lave you
real these ?
Daughter of tho Land
by Jean L. Porter
Josselytee Wife
by K. Norris
Three Times and Out
by Nellie McClung
The Young Diana
by Mario Corelli
Elizabeth's campaign
hy Mre. Humph-
rey Ward
1')i Money, Money •
lw Eleanor H.
these all come
at $x .5o each
Love Of an Unknown
qiti 25
• Makes stock healthy.
25 Ib. pail foe $3 0o,
Also ip packages: -
35c, 65c and $1,e5
The 25 II.), pail will last 5
horses ur 5 cattle or 244 limes --
30 days.
Hess' Poultry ?OHM
Maims Poultry healthy.
Makes Hens lay.
5 lb. pkg. 35e.
Will last 6o hens 4o clays. Al-
so smaller pkg.-3 5e -will last
25 11809 30 days.
Hess' Instant Louse Killer 35c
Hese' Dip - 45e & 850
Rexall Parafor-
Catarrh miC
Horehound Candy
After Dinner
Honey and Hore-
hound Drops
leticalynthe aud
eleat11411 PAI;LilleS
Herd Boiled
Good stock of
Fresh Chocolates
Throat Cherry
Ease J3ark
Throat 10c & Cough Cure
Tabs 25C 25C 25c & 50C
The Kodak School
Ie the hest place for keeping
Snap Shot Pictures, We have
them from 25e up to $3.00 each.
For putting the Seam; in place
Dry Mounting Tissue
Is most satisfactory. Try a ISO.
films Developed and Printed.
With School open again there
will likely he some uew
plies wanted.
Loose Leaf Note Books
Exercise Books;
Fountain Pens
Water Colors
Rubber Erasers
H. S. Books
P. S. Books
rt to
Druggist and Staitismer
0$ Pero ept' '1.•olas Cete tete ketifi
Hoectet retinty Comaeil will convene
at Gotletich oll TOont1,17, 1 SIIUISI 7 cable
e 0 in
4. Mow plows pence:teed their eirst
Ontiee on -the railway this Winter Met
week in opeteug up the railway }Mee,
4., Moe. al the eci trent the leact were
54 runtime • peel .Wet7 1.41,101 1 1I 1.1
:114 11,1111 1 91,1111. '1 ee,w3te4.. 14418 1911,11
his, at iug ,.1 11,4 •liorses, to the 1.101Ivtl
III the Waiter MOUS
The 1'14,..11,114 is done et1 ice Reeks of
cievae He has 1.11a11129 111.41 ate not
eesity bectieu and has deyeloptel into
e• quite ft sport.
0 Tete several persons ill with infleenz5
in thts locality ;el show improvement as
far al; THE POST has heard mad 80 119W
eases are teported. bet A:18 hope the
force ot the epidemic is spent. It's
record le app. -Wing 418 world :trotted.
Coteete D444104111) -Wurd was receiv-
eil by Mrs D. Ross, 111,41 her COVISi 11,
11.0bE41 Elonie, of uoilstock, had passed
1,171V, aged ..•ars, His wife, who has
bten an 111241 ol for 15 years ntel is a
daughter of 1119 late R.ev. Wm. Ames,
and 2 daughters sarvive. bar. Hume
was a tine men and 5004 widely eeteetned.
D104R SIR -The time hes once more rol-
ICLI around when we are called upon to
remember the Publisbers of the papers,
we reeetve with suet) regularity as to re•
mind us there are others who are con-
stautiy pegging away in their spbere of
usefulness, perhaps underestimated and
misundetstood and yet within them-
selyee or in that which limy produce,
are real beuefectore to home, community
and country. Such may be said of Tots
Pest. and its Editor, In renewing toy
eulateription, by Express Money Order,
ine to wish you a very Happy scud
Prosperous year, Siuoerely yours,
C. A. 1511011e.
444.44.4+•÷ 4.4.4.• .44+4 4.49.4.. 4.4.40+4.4....
re DAYS are stretching a trifle, sun get -
/el .4-ol-evot Vfotri• WAR Savings Stamps pay well,
ring up about 7 45 and going to bed
few minutes past 5
G. H. SANIIS was appointed to the
Public Library Board to take the place
of W. H. Kerr resigned. Latter wag 21
member for past 38 years.
tree Annual Convention of the On.
tario Horticultural Society will be held
Wednesday, Tbursclay ante Fridae,
Feb 5, 6 and 7 in the Foresters' Hall,
College street, Toronto. Good program
has been drafted,
SAVE during vole.
LOCAL 13e1VS on page 5.
HAVE you bought W. S. S.
HALF of January gone already.
Hocee have taken a drop to $15,50.
SEATING rink opened last Saturday.
Seem you bought your child Thrift
Stan -vs?
DoerovioN Parliament will meet on
Februere 24.4111.
P1710.10 Library opened last Monday
after the Board of Health ban,
TREEIROMETF.RS dipped clown to zero
on a few occasions during the past week,
OYsTERS are a delicacy this season all
right. the price being nearly prohibitive.
WHAT does the label on your paper
tap ? All right then you'd better square
off the arrearages.
CONTINUATION and Public schools are
expected to te-open in Brussels next
Monday morning so pupils bad better get
Qtreentates of dry stove wood are be-
ing sold. Some of it is very short but
good share is first class quality and has
helped net the fuel shortage as far as
bard coal is concerned.
ENGAGEMENT, -J. G. and Mrs. • Kent,
Toronto, anuonnee the engagement of
their younger daughter, Margaret Oli-
ver, to Dr. Alex. Dunbar McKelvey,
Toronto, eon of Mrs. and the late Dr.
Alex. McKelvey, of Brussels, The mar.
riage will take place early in February,
HAD A STROKE --Our well known
towumnan, 5441909 McArter, Thomas
street, suffered a stroke of paralysis last
Sunday, shortly after noon, his right side
being affected. He is showing some
improvement we are glad to state. Mr,
McArter is past 73 year:; of age but Ince
enjoyed cotnparative good health and
has been active in his labors. Many old
friends hope he will soou be fully re-
14I95 M.sjuu. FIATeR010` Deaxeszte-
The people of this community were bad.
ly surprised Tuesday on receipt of a
telegram room Port Arthur stating that
Miss Mabel Heycroft, a highly esteemed
and well knoem former resident of
Brussels. had died Tuesday morning
from hifluenza, pleurisy and pneumonia. '
Body is being brought to Brussels for
burial on Friday afternoon from the
home or r). C. and Mrs. Ross,
at 2, service 'et 5 o o'clock. Funeral
will he private, Mrs, Hayeroft, de-
cased's mother, is also all. Will, Hay -
croft, of Flatnilton, went to Port Arthur
lest Saturday on account of the serious
illness of his eieler. The subject of this
notice was the only daughter of the late
Thos. aid Mrs. eleycroft and was bore
in Brussels. On completing her school-
ing she took up the millinery trade and
was in husmess, along with Miss Mary
Roche for a time in town and wherever
she was engaged she won golden
opinions Mali for her ability in catering
to the public ane the many gifts and
graces she possessed. Miss fiayeroft
visited here every year and was always
welcome for her geneality and bright -
loess, To mother and only brother deep
sympathy will ho felt in their sudden
bereavement, The former has not en.
joyed very rugged health. Mr. Hay.
croft died in Brussels years ago and Wag
buried in the family plot in the mime.
Wry, Miss Mabel held a lucrative mile
finery position in Port Arthur at the
time of bur death and had been there
for several yeats,
Glum wanted. Apply to
Mite. W. ht. SINSLATR,
19 Toting Pigs for sale. H.M. Douses, Ethel,
YOFNE pigs For sale. F. DmteAtt,
4114 Line, Merris.
Hon 2011 Starnom-The nndersignerl will
keep for service at Lot 1, Orm. 18, Grey toitir.
ship, a novo,bred hoe. Terms 31 00.
P. TYERSIAN, Proprietor.
A raw choice front quarters of beef for sale
at reduced prices. Boos. •
1410 01(92 market price paid for fides by
BARRER 1111011., BrimeelS,
1 Brood Sows for sale. RCBSELL ROBERTSON,
Phone 474. R. IL No. 2, Brussels,
11 Brood 115408, due to farrow about February
15th, for sale. A. MoNeR, Ethel. 28-2
149 4402118 of dry Maple hardwood for sale,
5"4.2190 428 MARE CARDIFF, Grey.
DRY wood for sale. Phone 474 RESSELL,
80110305011, R, IL No, 2, Brussel,.
Smg of money found. Owner may have
marne by proving property and paying for this
notice. Tool:MST.
COSIFORTABGE house mut lot for sale. Queen
street, Brussels, the property of the late Mrs.
W. Newsom. For particulars apply to J.
Cooper for the coming week or F. S. Scott,
MArrnn 0. 1352A2s announces she has re -
soloed work in her tam Office open every
day, Hours 14 to 12 a. in., 1 to p, 191. also
Saturdar evenings
itoosn 1U,,1, (1,4.0(e AT A Bs ea Am.-Enve
Chevrolet touring car, 1 runabout Pont and 3
touring Fords for sale at bargains.
E. clAttantli, Braitaets,
ComEoRTABLE house for Hale, well located.
.Apply to Itov WRAY, Brussels,
WANTBE-Dend 1304-544 9041 Animate taken
away promptly within a rad108 of 20 mile-,
Willi pay from 03 to 45 for live animals brought
to factory. No animals removed witheut
hide. Phone, day 11 Phone, evening PK
Tho Elunieve' Fertiliser Co., Ltd., Wingham,
On. Pauses, (Osteopathic Physician, visits
Ertmeale Monday afternoon of each week.
Chronic and nervone diseases suecessfully
treated, Visits residences. Consultation it
Queen's Hotel.
IF you flod 00 0150 anything : 5,4001 11)
sell, buy or exchange, talk through TS1E
POST about it in your own interests, and
the interests of the other party.
' N ALA. WEEKLY" Assi came -T he
Canada Weekly, a perli (beat published
at Toronto, that took fu lets of !money by
losing returned soldiers for canvassers,
has male au assignment.
Trup.day evening Mrs. Tilos Maxwell,
John street passed away, after a brief
1110259 from poemnonia in her 831d year.
leaneral will take place from Si. john's
church I hurscley afternoim, service at 2
o'clock, Interment will be in Brea -
eels cemelei•y, A more extendee itotice
Will be given next week.
PosT is infermea that Cadet Jack lict-
lantyne, eldest sun of lames and Mrs,
Hneesels, wee awarded a
Military Medal for conspicuous bravery
toe a despatch t tether in Femme SOMO
months ago. He's every Melo Ft soldier
and we are glad, amidst all the perils and
datmers, he earn 0 through unscathed,
jack enlisted with the heroic Hurone,
one of the beet 13:111511one that went 11 0111
this Provitice to maned the honor and
glory of the old flag. Weeampe to soon
welcome him back to tos/n.
ENTERED INTO Ricsee-On Wed -
morning of last week death
ceme with startling suddenness to Harry
Chnrchill. C. P, R. agent, McGaw,
helcved husband of Lavinia E. Church•
all. Mr Churchill took ill Monday
eveniteg of the week previous and de-
spite all the efforts that the home tours.
ing could do he passed away from earth-
ly cares as above stated. Deceit:ad MIS
3o yenta, 4 months and e 111125 old and
was beloved by those he came in contact
with tor 119 strsigh trot ward ways and
genial disposition and will be missed in
the home where le was a kind and lov•
ing husband and teither. He was born
in Goderieh towusttip, near 'Clinton, epd
WAS the 311d soo of loseph and Mrs,
Churchill, of Bluevale, his death be.
ing the fourth break in their family of
children. He leaves a stricken wife
and one child, Norene, al years ot age,
to mourn bis loss. Funeral was to have
been of a private nature but was largely
attendee at ejoGaw on Tbursday after-
neou, Rev. Mr. Baines condecting the
service at the hetne. The remains were
taken to Brussels cemetery where iuter-
ment was made, Rev. Mr. Stafford,
Brussels, performing the lase sad riles at
the grave. 'rhe pallbearers at the home
were J. 13. Cox, E. Mitchell, Ince Tre-
ble, W. Walter, Won, Long and Harvey
Mew, Floral tributeion the casket :-
Wr5 ath from 8 neighbors ; sheaf, Mrs,
S. Allin ; wreath, Order of Railroad
'Pelegraphere. Mrs. Churchill and
daughter and other relatives share, it] the
sympathy of MB), IR their sudden be-
Clarence Anderson, Brussels, received
the followiug letter from Pte. Fred, Hill-
somwho, although he had a cleft call,
will soon be able to get back to Brussels
5ve hope :-Ejello I Clarence. --I thought
I would write you a few lines to see how
vou are gettidg along. I gum you
beard old Heine got Me at last -through
the chest with a hullet-sud only 5 days
before the Armistice was signed. 1
thought 1 was killed whets I got it, as you
know a bullet makes a bigger hole com-
ing Lut than going ip. Well we went
over the top on Nov. 6th and ran up
against a whole swarm of machine guns
and snipers, I got one sniper through
the heed and he dropped like a log then
I SRW 2 19100251)11)8)5 3o0yarcls away and
like a fool I waited to put deem the
5101112 00 rny rifle instead df shooting at
once. When I looked up I saw the
2 Ileiney's beating it, They disappear-
ing behind home trees told bashes so I
knelt down on one knee and waited for
thein to :Mow themselves again but in-
stead of that they 1301 41 head 011 me and
before I knew what had happened some-
thing, it telt like half of a shell, Int me
in the bock. It 50)4511 bullet going out at
the hank I didn't feel 11 0011213 in at all.
I just roiled over on tee ground and
VMS 1)21-5 1,411(1 for about 2 101 :1 tes then
got up and ran bock to the rest of the
gun crew in a kind of a ditch where I
got 9 :ere, eller bearer to bind me up.
I heard hint tell the rest of my pals that
wouldn't live tame than halt an hour
or so. 1 lost an awfu' lot of blool and
to make =nese worse Heine had cut up
the Batt so they bed to retire a couple
of hundred yards and they hail to leave
me behind In "No Man's Laud" because
they had no Sl1'9t14.11"18 and no one could
stand up without getting machine guns
turned on 1110111 They laid me 011 nay
rubber 1(11001 1111(1 cover. fl roe over with
tny overcoat. It rained here all day and
all the wounded whe cnuldn't walk had
to lie out till dark in "No Man's Leta."
O WM, hit aboat 8 o'clock ill the morning
and they carried me to a house that
night about 6 so 5Vlio 1 got there
fouud 001our Wetter and Scree Nee 1 OD
the mei:lane gee and anothor man had
been killed and to woulteled out of 30 in
oar platoon but if we had 14 olka knock.
011 01)1 we neetaleted fir 0980 341 Heiney's
and most of them killed, so we milt
kick, The Canadians got Mons about
3 clays litter, I hail a balk with a Padre
in No. I Can Field Ambulance who had
non up egiinet Ronald Sinalair. He
deseribed him SS a very fine fellow, We
OM` Only 3142 13 111 11119 front L11001) awl
Ilia busses rtin almost from the (1001 (10 11
fellow e'en trove all eons of amusement,
Another a or 3 menthe may set: me on
the way home. I am getting aloug five
and will soon be mu of bed, My wound
Is healing up fine. 1 010110111 I was 0111 -
lucky to get it en neer the end Mu
guess it was 1110k V AS I will get home
sooner than if I had stayed In Prance,
Bullet missed my (ollar bone and my
long hy about A fraction of an inch.
Now as: BOWS is 13h0r1 I will close wishing
von a Merry Xmas and a Happy New
Year. I remainyour frien(V-
pvt, 07, R. HILLSON,
liklmonten Military Hospital,
November 18011, 1918,
Money Orders and Drafts are
issued by this Bank payable in
J. all parts of the world.
G. H. SAMIS, JM Manager.
SotetemoN Prep -A valusble young
stallion, the pi .qi:olv f 1011109 51pei
Morris WWII:Ill 11 root:110y of i1e.
1011444.11 (00, 01 40451. Wua 11 1)1011141117 870u
14 new members will take seals ill
11 u1 00 (7tottity Coo oc.I for wit) Sever-
al of them were well km wu Co. Cott
03111)19 iu years gone be. There will
likely be a lively chase for the Warden -
ERNEST ROBB 1,1. has sold his farm on
Ole Hurou Road, near Clinton, to his
brother in lew, 17, Mitta, and is hold-
ing ite auction sale on Jan. amt. Mr.
Roeell will j1411 his brother in the
Cteamery business in Clinton.
DIM) SUDDENLY IN DE1-2012, 141014 -
lemma Rozell, wife ol Lloyd Bliss, of
Detroit, Mich., died suddenly on Tau.
3.d of heart failure, She was the
youngest daughter of the late Joseph
Rozell, feth Con. of E Ma township,
whe reshe was burn mid raised. Deceas.
ed went to the hospital to visit ber hus-
band, who was recovering from an
operation, and died on her way hems,
She leaves to mourn her loss, besides
her busband, 2 children, Howard 14
and Thirze 12 years old, Funeral took
place Thursday afternoon to Woodmere
cemetery. Detroit. The subject of this
notice was a relative ot the Rozell
family of this locality and of whom Mrs
Herbert Maiming 14 a member. Mrs,
Bliss' sudden demise will be sincerely
Rome UP IN THE FRONF,-At the
Rapid City (Mamitoba) District annual
Seed and Dressed Poultry Show we
notice the name of Robert Denbow, a
former resident of Brussels locality,
figuring prominently in the Grain de-
pertment, He captured prizes for
Matoais wheat, Banner oats, any o her
variety Oats and any other variety
Harley other than 6 rowed. Report seys
"Seed Grain was particularly good and
was favorably commented on by the
erelge." The grain was grown largely
on farms owned by Inc). E, Smith, Bran-
dop who is generally loe the winning.
Mr, Smith, who was a merchant in Brus-
sels years ago, is well remembered by
the people of this community and is
generally a top.notcher at the Fairs in
horses, cattle and grain. Mrs. Smith is
a daughter of David Ross, sr. of Bras -
t Peopie We Taik About
Mrs, H, McQuarrie and Mrs. Pringle
are visititig at W. 0, and Mrs. Stettons,
Miss Minnie MI5:cards is home from
McGaw feeling considerably improved
iu health,
Misses Doris and Marjory Ross and
lean Fox, of town, were visitors with
elthel relatives on Teesday.
Win, and Myrtle Pawson were at
Listowel attending the funeral of the
lorme.t's neice, Mrs James Veoecis, who
died from 011.12501.
Mrs. Chas Ritchie and sou, Archie
have gone to Torouto, where they will
iu all probability make their hotne.
They take with them the best wishes of
a wide circle of &Moods.
Anionz f.'ruser residents of Brussels
who have taken a hand in Municipal
Council aff ars this year we notice the
names of the following -Geo. Leckie,
Wroxeter ; M. H. Moore, V. S., Listo.
wel ; Wes, Walker, Goderich and W. EL
Willes, Wingham,
A. McGuire has been at Merlin visit-
ing at the home of his daughter while
Mr. Mason 14025 31 Chatham hospital for
an operation, The latter is gettiug
elong nicely Mr. McGuire will aaend
the Provincial Maccabee gathering at
Brantford before be comes home.
Pte. E. A, Jordan writes from over-
seas that he is recovering from lois
wounds and is able to get about the
hospital on crutches. He says be re.
°aired the Red Cross Circle box for
which he is grateful. Pte, lordon hopes
to some get started for home. He is a
son of Win and Mrs. Jordan, Brussels,
Roy, son of Peter and Mrs. Stewart,
has gone to Toronto to attend the Uni•
versity with the purpose of following an
Arts course. He has tst Glass Teach-
er's Certificate and has just ceased train.
ing as a Cadet in an Aviation corps.
Roy is a good student and we expect he
will work his way to the top.
L. A. Wright, of the Bank of Hamil-
ton, Carberry, Man„ was the guest of
W. 0. and wire Stretton, Mr, Wrigbt
came for a shorl visit and to accompany
his wife and son, William A. end little
daughter, Mary Elizabeth, on their re-
alm home. Mrs Wright and family
have spent 3 months at the 'mine of her
Mother, Mrs, H. McQuarrie.
A toasting for Nominating Councillor for
filling a vacancy in the MelrAllon Connell for
1019 will be held at 081116r'S Hall, Winthrop,
on Monday, the 20th clay of January, 1010, at 1
being required the vote will be taken nt the
meet pOliIl1 pieeee on Jammu 2715, 1010,
By Order of the Council
AL MUHDIE, telerk.
Meeting of fillflill County Council
The Council of the Corporation of the Come
ty of Iinron will meet In the Ootinoll Chamber,
Goderich, at 3 o'clock in the af toPnoon of Tues.
day, the 2Rth tiny of January, 1010. All as.
counts against the enmity must he in the
hands of the Clerk not later than Monday pre:
boding rho meeting of Connell,
(„{I10, W. HOLMAN, (B
County ork.
Dr (Capt. 1 J, el. Moore, who has been
doing duty at Halifex, wee in town this
week on a welt.
Dan, Denman is back to his (lutes es
Rural mail Courier after quite a tussle
1 with ielinenza,
Mrs H. 13. Churchill and clatogloter, 01
McGaw, will make their home in Brus-
sels, on accennt of the demise of hue.
baud and fa' her,
Mrs, Thos. Haveroft of Port
Arthur, bas been on the sick list
from the prevailing epidemic. We hope
she is all Helot by this. time.
Jno. 8 Row, of Ricltale. Altn., is
here on a vea1 with relatives and rail
friends. He is nson of Alex and Mrs.
Ross, Princess street, Brussels:.
Fred Campbell, of Senile, who is a
braketnan tee the G T R , was home on
a short visit to his parents, Angus and
Mrs, Campbell, Min street, Brussels
W. L. Leatherdale left for \Viuuipeg
last Moudav morning, calling on rola.
tives at Elora and Toronto en ronte,
after a visit of 2 week)) with the home
Thos. Ritchie and David Ewan were
off 400(12 00 account of the inflotmee but
are OU duty once more. It is not
often either ot them are laid aside from
Mrs. J. J. Gilpin, Church street, has
been under the doctor's care for erysipel-
a% in her left foot during the pet week.
Phe trouble appears to be abating now
we are glad to say.
Mrs. helwarcl Garton, or town, who
has been seriously ill with "flu" aud
pneumonia at the home of her father,
Morris township, is improving nicely we
are pleased to state.
We are sorry to report the 501 10115 ill-
ness of Mrs. Thos, Maxwell, John street,
and hope for speedy improvement
Lorne Pringle, her nephew from Toron-
to. arrived last Saturday.
Gertrude, the 2ex year old daughter of
Russell and Mrs, Wheeler, of Kincar-
dine, who bas been dangerously ill with
pueumonia on both lungs, at the home
of J. H. and Mee, Galbraith, Brpesels, is
improving nicely now, we are pleased
Following up his experience of lest
to state and will soot] bo quite hearty we
Winter, when he went to Bahama Is -
hope, Mrs Galbraith and Mrs. Wheel- lauds fora holiday, G. A, Decolinen will
er are sisters, daughters ot las. and Mrs. take a trip to Nassau whore he will
Bowman, now of Toronto,
likely enjoy the salubrity of the climate
Dr. Fred, Gilpin, manager of the for 3 00 4 mantes.
Milwaukee brauch of the Ford automo-
bile business, was a visitor in town this
week, He bad beet] at Detroit for the
annual headquarters' Conference and
took a run to see his parents and old
friends. The visitor expects the motor
vehicles will boom in 25(9 He has
Milwaukee and the State of Wisconsie
under bis clirectinn and will have 730
T I I I.?, 49-14,1few•• STORE
ekeVekhi tore ews
Thwart the Germ Thermos Bottles
When the blood 18 pitee and 1110
body well noureilitel gernei do
not reinstitute an alio:ming tete-
tor for germs do not, eine ye on
pure bl pod, The danger piiitt
is reached when the MIR of re.
sietance are let down hue the
sitregutted Is
Ood Liver Extract
Bich in tonic -food properties
that, enter readily into the
blood, carrying with them ele-
ments that. strengthen the
whole system.
500 and $1,00 per bane
The Sonia Carrying Comfort
14111,E11.001L 0114-60 root. SAVOR 1.1,
Ski V OM 110111g lho snioo thing twice:
Reims nitelitn hot from the morn.
ing meal
Throughout the day Foul 'night.
KISTS liqUitIS Or solid foods (molt-
ed at breakfast. time to serve hob
or cold at lunch (41' Monet.. 142-
eeed1ngl y useful for rho home,
1444 (1), nuraeey De alek (tom, 10,
is a food crintetinet a a hundred
((5440, rile 1103118 "r1181.11100" is
stamped int all genuine
prod utile.
See our $2,50 bottle
If Your Skin is Very Tender 11 Good Hot Water Bottle
There is a special Woodbury
treatment, for the rare of it.
You will Find it in the booklet
wrapped emend your cake of
Woodbuey's Facie! Soap.
25c the cake
Here is 0118 of the very best.
friends in the home4)1.11(1'
111.0,1P111 L11118 in many ways.
Our personal guatitin tee goes
with every Hot. \Velar 13o1 -
tee we sell.
10 to 1
We take great vitae
in the fecituptitteding This is the proportion in
which our BLOOD ROOT
0011011 CURB scale to
any mime simile!? p1'ef1B111,-
I. 1011 ill the SLOre, SaisItIO-
11011 guaranteed ot, tummy
back. 2 sizes -25c & 50c
Fan/ ly
Best Licorice
Wu per HUM:.
Formolid Throat Ease
10c per box
Paraformic Throat Tabs.
25e per box
Not Enough
..5114. are you de Plootogni-
"Do you take children's pie-
leres 5"
"How much do you eharge
"Three dollars a dome,."
-veil rii have to SUB you a•
gnin, l'vo only got eleven yet."
Let us
Dispense your
Oil of Eucalyptus
\Ve have it,
lile and 25e bottles,
ofeeeoelnal00000e0skeneOesoollit eseeeeiaceoeceeeeeolsoesecopeie•
HAVOROFT -At Port Arthur, on January 14th,
1019, Mabel, only daughter of the late Thos.,
and Mrs. Hayoroft, formerly of Brussels.
Faneral, which will he private, will take
place from the home of D, C. and Mrs
Ross, Tornberry street, Brussels, Friday,
17911 Inst,at 2 p. m. Service 84. 1,00 o'clook.
ItfAxwomi -In Brussels, on Jannary 14210 1919
men on his staff between office and Mary Newton, relict of the late Thomas
factory staff and agents at various loeali- t1l1a;f1",,MAtiltrill,32elaiurl•Httly0,51griliir
ties. 55 2.50 p.111.
1412155-'-flIol 01112110N. -At Wingham, Ont..
Dee, 19, 11118, at the Presbyterian manse, by
Rev, I) Perrin, Ead,ye tik/1111111.1 Henderson
end Harvey NiV11114.1J110k1101Y, Out,
Pall Wheat 82115
Spring Wheat 2 05
Oats 70
Peas 1 75
Barley 1111
Butter 45
Eggs 55
Hoge 15 511
Wool 115
Hay 12 NI
Potatoes per long 1 25
Wool innwinthetll 00
1110 le
2 Ili
I 7i
15 fit
18 00
1 21
90045815 -Petit . i•tais11.94-0-fistott.,[79,4.,,11. 941.104234 1'00 '74.8
The Salvatio
1' el
(Aar n
" ''retqL •
We MUST provide for the need of the
Soldier and his family!
It is absolutely necessary to ensure certain safeguards and comforts to our boys
over there and over her; so that they m'ay be re-established in Canada, strong
in body and soul, contented that we at home have stood by them to the finish.
Wha:t sacrifice can we make for the boys who were prepared to sacrifice every-
thing ,sacrifice
What the Salvation Army
Has Dona
What Remains to he Done
Keep the Hostels open and open more, so
It has provided comforts for fighting men that every returning soldier can get a clean
since the twelfth day da)# of the War. bed and wholesome meals at a price he
Hundreds of thousands of parcels of food can afford to pay.
and clothing for the boys.
Tens of thousands of beds in Hostels in
daily use in France, England and Canada.
197 Huts for Solders.
1,200 uniformed workers.
45 ambulances.
Thousands of War widows cared for.
Looked after soldiers' families.
Labored for the Master.
Helped to preserve the home ties, , Guide and assist soldiers' families, espeeially
Given the MOTHER touch to lonely men, the widows and orphans.
Provide comforts and safeguards for our
boys, advancing into Germany, as well as
those coming home and needing a place to
eat and sleep, in Halifax, St. John, Quebec,
Montreal, Ifingston, Toronto, London,
Chatham, Winnipeg or Vancouver.
14iers Home
Coming Campaign
19th to 25th
The Salvation Army is equipped and organized to take care of the soldiers'
URGENT AND PERSONAL needs—needs that are imperative. It has never
made a general appeal for funds to carry on this work until now. Give and
give liberally. If you are not certain that your contribution will be taken up
by a canvasser, send it direct to the I-Xon, Treasurer, Sir Edmund Walker,
Toronto—subscriptions will be acknowledged.
"God loveth a cheerful giver"
Treasurer Toronto and Ontario:
13 Toronto
Treasurer New Brunswick: Treasurer Nova Scotia:
Bank of Commerce,St.John,N,B. /3 ank of Commerce, Halifax,NS,