HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-1-16, Page 7TIM MISSION OF THE "HUSH" SHIPS BUILT TO CATCH C OMMER('l. lli111)Isl(S OF HUN FLFlr:l' laniergcai lAetroycrs With Speed of Forty linots---Cross Atlantic in Three Days, tai order to inset the exigencies of the naval intention, Great Britain built various novel types of war ves- sels, including gunboats for the River 'lupl,rates, monitors armed with heavy long-range gears, which were used extensively against the German sub- marine bases 00 the Belgian coast, some battle enablers of great size long runway or launching platform extending front the bridge aft. The strueture wts built of steel, the verti- cal eulumn.s upon whk.h it was carried being placed inlmard far enough to Permit the operation of the secondary baleen. IILOOD T1tANSFI'SION Employed in Many (:uses to Cure Madly Wounded Men, One of the many wonders of the war (now happily part) lute been the increasing employment of transfusion of blood to save eeverely wounded ALL PROPHECIES ABOUT WAR'S END SHOW FUTILITY OF ATCFEMPTS TO FIX A DATE War Predictions have Proved the Walelloo of Many a Prophet in Past fours Years. There have been many prophecies mcu, of the end of the war, from lite "Lhz•ee In the great eicsualty clearing eta- years" attributed to Lord Kitchener Linn:, says the London Daily Mail, at the beginning, to the statement on may be seen vessels containing a Oct. 9th last of Mr. Rollaway, Fin - supply of human blood for this noble anelal Secretary to the Ministry of purpose. The blood is freely given Munitions, that we sleould have Peace by mea at the front, who find that by Cihristi-das, says :in Finglisb news - they are none the tvorsce'fur the lose paper, F ir, and Ire technically known ea • They vary in assurance; some pre - and :peed; and alto some large and ,(loners." 1 phets, like Lord Kitchener unci Orr. (t•pe'y,' wen" in th gieten n bear•n With; then be smote lei off tenh vtatetel, cx:.,ltianally fast 0ilIrtilutell slops A full account of the ntetllole eat- Kellaway being modeut and huwhile « wee the passage of the Kiel Cana on i hither- xr toile• while i W'e rejoin( that this prophecy of the piston in +air^e . and the lower: means are at hand. Next thoro,zgln' ? of a. speed exceeding anything l e to attempted in vessels of their dint' ployed is given in 14Iessrs. \, apace pnd d, kinin;; to ],u def Jambi 191 R, may he numbered p p . i D'c "racy 19. Aieompauied by the ]t'easer's "Surgery' at n (%asualtiy :thee:, in fact. must, lacked uo self- y c etnl:ease half down or side late ly clean Teton and ctlrtnier, replace err in- 1 ware corksuru Uutt the among the gloomy pre.lictinu that r,fl' remove a value cap or spare plug; the parts and supply sad t. m, 1 al I British destroyers Verdun and Viceplarernent, either in the navy or the - Beatty Si 1,,n," which le t eontidence arc Beatty nod Haig vied Foch and all :and turn the cntell�e over, so that the to help fill in the scrateiee. Toy, the Hercules gave the Germans Sir Win. Pitcairn Campbell predicted that the war would stop in September, 1911, and peace be signed in February, 1918. Sir Auckland Geddes was right last April when ho said the crisis must come this year; but the state- ment was not very definite. Lord Curzon was more pessimistic on April 9tb, 1918, when he approved the Gov- ernmont foreeat that the war would embrace, at least, the year 1919. Sir Wm, Robertson also believed in preparing for the worst, and said (May 2nd. 1918,1; "Account trust be taken of the fact that the war was likely to last a long time yet." Per-; haps the most dismal of the well-' informed prophets was Mr. J. W. Gerard, who was American Ambas- sador in 33arlin: "There is no use in tacking about the war ending in 1.918. One can only guess; but my guess is that there will be three or four years more, at tenet, of struggle and eerie - I, flee and dee/Alen before the .peace tern's sou he laid rlolcu by demo - ©llU Connecting Rod Knock The knock ordinarly produced by a loose connecting rod is rather in the nature of a pound, and it Is most no- ticeable at slaw speed with a closed BRITISH 'WARSHIPS IN KIEL CANAL ;,, REPORT' OF (O l,M.,•',I'-'+I()N iN- SPE('T'I.Nl. GERMAN BAS1;> which are driven out (fern the Lep, be sure and use either p Meek of bard wood or a similar piece of soft metal. Many Ports Were tatted and on l:v.ry Band Etaaiem:a and Obstructions Were Encountered. If a tempered metal i,..l:rume*tt 12 used in ihi.s operation the guide will ,:chi • Le hopelessly imurei, thowever, the knock will be heard at hrottle. If the play is excessive, Prot } Scored Piston all speeds and loads. This is pr'oh- ahly the commonest knock of all, is In cares where the h:4 a and eyyin- easy to identify and should be re- der are :•lightly seared it may be p":'- medred without any delay or worse Bible to make an emergency repair for troeble will follow. temporary Purposes. The lirtit thing to do iB to take out the piston and Piston Pin Play find •,ut what hue catme,l the teen- y: is sometimes a little diffi••ult to ble a±o1 remove the cane if it is still talent. The rougl,e edge+.s sir all' determine whether there has been l • int an allied mentnissluu which inenerted Gcrm1n naval bases and airship and seaplane stations under the terms of the ermietice, the liritieh battleship 7Iereules has returned to her home port'.. During a trip fraught with peril, many German ports were visited and preliminary arrangements for the surrender of German warships were made, e d,•c.mati cpi,n,lu of the voyage merchant marine. The lot named vessoli have been popularlylt clown as the "hush" ships. During the war no photographs nor any deeeriplion were permitted to be made public. Could Ot•erlal.e Any Vessel. Now, however, the British Govern- ment has Miami the lean. It is stated that fire of these vessels have been tensely interesting book evert for the. war would end when they said, and pi;trn is at. top dead centre, in such; along the banks of the canal than specify the the gallant sailor:, and soldiers and : preeige date of its termination, bold enough ,. - _ _, r,r..... t R.•,., :,.h, n4 the R,•itisl, Hags sinner lay reader, Practical tests have shown that there are four ciist1nct classes of airmen of 1n.• Allies Some Bad Guesses. ,.,.. _._..... .._� -- _ needed in fulsifyinlc• preere•ci down en top of the piston,I When a spark plug de;(lope ruin;-- 1914, when light British cruisers pus- t here w'th 1 bar the piston may. be It of being Booted trod nu sad tlnvuglt. Germane who watched blood, distinguished according to a ••' m are • Kure aro some of the predictions COMFORTS Oti T71) D.^.I •pushed upward erten the underside., means of- removal i$ at hand, ea may the ships were, for the most part, in_ their coagulating properties. Ile happen+.. sumei! nes or. the read, the differently curious, but not infre- waan kind of blood may kill. But culled from. June eat 1)1 of llls clews- So ay alternately fu+ tug np and gpapers. Ih June, •191G, • Col. ➢laude, Arurvellous Iprogress • of Silence in the ,ludo arc play existin may Ue de-; plug can he made to lire regular:.,, quently women and children waved when the right kind is injected the who lectured on the liar, said that T'ast'iwent.y' Five Years. tect.ecl. again 1,y dif,onlect.ing the lead and their hands at the :tenors. There was dying also rsLutns to life. classes o tho #11' retold cbxiug rise war to a thought of the' "- '"' introducing a n ait ilfare- gap of ane.. not the slightest response from the • f 1 nelusion wit out ane er 1 a middle -tided man the e.gt or me -quarter + zee les Crave You ever u, 1, Without another Rimoting 1 lvo Ctom Culd •' hh waiter between f. and ehfp'. 1915, fact,, said era g'n." In pcto -er, other day. "Hutt as reg'11,is inventions • Iu removing valve stern gt ui .•, the plug termnalT design was to Protide a vessel of entered as atop Mr.. Ttflaire Belloc is Taper«c as say- tend discacerin., the 1 - sever less of blood) hitherto con- 5000025 u co eontpletea. The hien underlying theft winter campaign. Breach of Armistice. bl a t] rs as l Iriscipline on beard the German ' iv�. t H u ' Jencr'e of negie;t were dirty bane. the chips is very lou•, according to ofif- s a •oaa prospect of ultimate wall 1 e rnentend !u all the v:orid'S histo y . Ft phare:s littered with dirty bandages vers of the Hercules. They found, an a,,, brad whatsoever, even the fa. est 4 before the yd f d it fi t n r1y ship boarded, that t o Ot tour�e you hate ' Wetake all 1! torts th••t t r l d e all d such bad 11 rills may 1 1 list twenty-five cap sizer and speed Lhtit it vessels be exceedingly a surgical risks, int; that "the most favorable caro e- cal+able of overtaking any vessel. uf. often be revived to a degree which 'iota would only allow four months •ears are the richmt end. mist mo- ussus (• enemy reserves u , - ,. '- n t. ai e n au refuse n. a u _c the r, e e, s i destroyers of spend of 3u -''?,6 knots, t'rr'uvet'tAgain, where an operation used up:' such things sit lightly. When 3 teas' rl j atmosphere was simply 1. uibl-e an and sinking thetas. In their proper_ 1102 been Perforated and There has The Dean of St. Paul's, so far from �r t sttfferaz bines transfusion a h in had li motion paen es Q �Id � � lige of t p the Star, tions of length of beam and draft, been a great shock, being gloomy in this mutter, would entertain •us, and the only amusement dreadful for 'cord- Sonne of the de- of ne>rle they are preetica11 • vastly enlarged is a } have liked in the :atonal o `— we had tuns to La When orcasiona y � 1 '1 i F t d the sat ars were lounging a,uu , an .- the pat mite were too shins in Lad c:nndit.itn as a 1•esult et, This Vali in direct viola- termauent Rename of immense f 1919 to 11 tails given to me Were quite tee awful Von of the terms of ;le aemistiee, andae'troyers the 1•atien or beam to. ':blue'' 1r appears tU imat I"bet two to one o11 penes by Christ- to a dime mn5enlil (1' 0 Punch and BRITISH PRISONERS �'�'T'•R7: i)I4'- to print. d00 .111 a tiu1 0 1 taken by the in - length being :Lout that of the de- The steel helmet pp 0' h its mss, if;' he adduct cnuLiousay, he Judv stray ,3iI.'1 D i3T ATTI:N1).i VT'. i Civilians Did Their Best. s• spe_ti0 officer. He notified the Gar- stroyers, or, Buy, nue to tees of one Fully justified itself del war. With were a betting man.' Fortunately tunatelY „ It was five days after the .: r ran mans that the ships must be cleared Just think of what ta c e coed ; ', had ]eft the days that Cleared - to cloven; also, their draft is very introduction, say the authors, "the far him, he was not a Letting man._ t the first much less than that of a battle- I relative number of head wounds bas Bishop Bury, the Bishop for North naw have compared to that. ',Attic users e ro;ortion of to ride in dingy horsy cats, with straw ' British medical cinema arrived, and cruiser or battleship. Moreover, like I been reduced, and the p ! and Central Europe, and Lard Luns.. Patients Were 15'it.l:nat Ca;re far a 1 • t on the floor iu winter and a little ' tin days before th z %% id arvfhing the destroyers, their entrance, trot mad efterbody are exceedingly fine. 'they leave the sante characteristic r rued aural the war that head ut_ , wrung When he predicted in October, o lar At 7.7ege, at I tuft;✓ bow, with reduced freeboard use gave you a list of a few thit:gs Spa, at Verviees one' everything poseibie, and British offz- ihroughrut the utter purl of the ship. ,tortes when skilfully treated du not 1917 that we should call sit down to nuc. the same universal disgust • cers speak in term.e of bight:et praise that make fur cur comfort. ethi en- I ap 1 Like elle destroyers, they arra devoid necessarily cause the sanious after ,fur Christmas dinner this year with 10_00,1.,70.1,11.1 d eat ottz.• rlerlt to-dtu--all nab .end loathing of the Germans as of the efforts they trade. Once woman of dimer. They are driven by geared consequences that used to be feared, pence and goodwill towara3 glen 111 have conte to us within '1. l cvc; ewhere, and one hears the same had been furnishing the best diet she turbine engine,, and although, fur Perhaps one of the most s that o our hearts "' The war writer in the ere o -11(a.' b century. here 'lie•; aret tiny`., of looting and espionage and could get for 200 patients daily. Mony their length, l,ho displacement i far discoveries of recent yt?anti is that that "be believes (April ?2nd, 1011,) •0 „' he electric light, the telephone, ,rart,,,tic.u,, ser •s a war correspondent.; others worked in the hospitals regu- lass it.an butt of a battle-crui;t r, the brilliant green dyes haver the pro- that "befotn many months are Hast F t 3 killing lrutarin but in some *ill' Lila "°111ubile, Lh: electri( cars, the But the topic of all c,t!acra, to which lady until the British took over, and horsepower muse be approximately petty of 1 t z d we shell sae the e1)0100't semi a motion pictures, the phouugra h, the not greater, for we etre iustuuces this property seems some to P it is impossible to refrain from re- an improvised organization, of which the mine, if tt nsg back to the line :#ntwerp, Namur aeroplane, the subways, the tubo turnip is the German treatment of Roman Crtthnlir fathers were the ,•elimbly informed that they are cap- pass of velum they are applied to n i and ivlcziares." In .an elaborate g' head did all that was possible to re- :tble of making and maintaining a wound• article in the "Economic World," ate under the rivers, the ty'pewtit(r, dap- prisoners, a pedally British, t see speed of •lU knots. That they can• l • "t telugraphv, wirulees telegraphy, In all the black history of Ger-' pair German barbarity, ,Altogether Ph mild de 'n make this 1)0011 and sustain it is step- DAUGHTER OF THE REG INIEN i Stales shoved that Germany mustthe color press samtaty plumbing been 's con ectlin thin her treatment hospitals m N well, leveled by the fact 'hal. when follow- hate pia a ,e ore a bath tab had and fertilized. tug the American entrance into the ` war, enc! french and British mis- yil,nn here immediately dispatched to the United States for mine altation with the American Government, one of these wipe was selected to entry the Tl ' including S' Arthur penetrating, as compared with non- !dale, were equally optimistic and penetrating, wounds bus been dimin-: stave in the read in And it was im- isbed: ' Moreover, it has Leen ob- I equally wrong. possible to read in those cars by the • Mr Bottomley was only sz year it ,l •in'• oil lamps. Now, just let Forty-eight Hours After Artais- l like a proper supply of invalids food tire Was Signed. •c and medial neceeearies. In the meanwhile, residents of the town did of sailor2. and if his orders were not obeyed he would return to the Her- cules and report that he was obstruc- ted hi his work. Fearful of probable conscquences, the German seainen left their ships nt. once. Inspection of airship and seaplane stations required considerable land travel, which permitted the members of the commission to gain informa- tion as to the condition of the people in the interior of the country. It is reported that everyone encountered in Germany, even in such industrial cen- tres as hamburg, seemed as well clothed and fed as are the people of Femme and England. Winter crops, Mar,dc a leading, expert in the United the uirbraku, the typesetting machine, many's conduct in this war theca has', there were about prtsouers cn owing to the season, were t g amus and 200 more, t• it and the land is well cultivated A ` Stales, L f the San11001 of t -- and a in almost every home, of the sick prisoners in hospital at arriving in the town exhausted,a Honorary Colonel of Canada's First' 1917• antiseptics and 1tttveUuu advances the time of the armistice. I have to heevme patients. Of all the le- e. Arhniral Sir hfonta u Bratvning, C'fairtroyttene at Fault. i11 1 to raphe• Nnw nay friends, heard t] a tale in several places t carred things the Germans have done head of the commisreio.., was aecom- Overseas Contingent. p to g ' tear' 1a Kane •th' over "and you will he • f t h st as the occur i in the tear. 1 danbt if anything has panted by the hest men frim Allied T'rituess Patricia of Connaught, Other prophets, of the matt -hatter tisiuk rs• but T ].nov acs e. Y nations available for the work. They *tutu to nue of the school, told us that "occult phertom- 'amazed how much farther advanced red at Namur. The treatment of the ; been se truly damnable as the:+. tehosc Haute eta t. the Canadian nerd• " and "scientific right-thinking" this'generation ]s and what comforts s!c•k prisoners wss almost always bad. 1 - •-� met. interminable oUiectiona, obstruc- u1eSt gluriu b of t..0 Canad t r- provided 1 nmanll- us with an infallible con-- ana advantage we enjoy to which we The diet consisted of four ounces of COI\S FRpa MANY ; than fHuss and evasions by the Germans, rlt,sri gvsawu, u1c ut cu u r ur alerts, is to be married to a ct t I but the commission was ultimately and l er In the Royal Navy Iyer name in elusion, and a Mr. P.av,•sou, who is an give so little thought. h.tSu1ely, in black bread a day, with coffer, in the ` Balfour, nrross the Atlantic, nn l made n time, itself ix ;z vivid reminder of Chad. gr •at "authority" in that direction, etas these peace times we morning and rice soup at noon, and :Mixed Collection—Taken by the Y. \i. ;able to induce the Germans to find the tont three daysmeans to fulfil many points of the Another rarnrukablu feature is the day in Lansdowne Patric, Ottawa, at cortcinced that "elle 'var 'could be to he Chmu'..euL'` a teaspoonful of jam every forty- I C.A. at the Front. ; armistice which they at fust tle.tly main battery,whieli consists of onl • the outset. of the tear, when the Pelta- over before the eel of the year"--• FINGER -PRINT CAMERA. refused t, y two 1.G -inch gem:: mounted in single Ceser gave the regiment its uLauularcl Y917, An astrologer, Mr. JoLri<tro, _ with Ike wurdf4, "1 has° great pleasure after careful mathematical calcul- . A Great Aid In the Work of Detecting turrets. one forward on the fo'ofsle (leek, the other aft on the main deck. Criminals. There was always 111e possibility that or. ^ F the 28 -knot German bat- they will be associated with what Madame cls Thebes, Of l.lt Lle-cru't§s or some of the fast Ger- llate w111 be a cl1$01h1'zislzed corps. 1 i''ieuch clairvoyant, put the earl us 1 detac't,ou id a ne elan scents might wake a deals out of Shull follow the fortunes of you till the last clays of the spring -or the he- -43,' North Sea, by night of in foggy with the deepest Interest, 1111(1 I hearth gimting of the summer of 1917. " And weather, and prey upon nllied ship- 1y wish eyer • man good luck and a l ,•Sephui'ial" told us that the culmina- pinl. The cruise oft he "Emden" and safe return," tion of malefic influences in the other German raiders proved that it uh7y the "Princess Pats jbecillea Kaiser's horoscope occur in 1917, and was possible fur a raiding ship to the confidence 01 nue tuba became the treaty of pease would be signed maintain itself on the high seas by their parrots saint - their second in the syringo f Ills. supplying' itself with coal and provi_ •ie,u,ue Dttrc, They :vent to the front 1 Of course, the "Bible cranks" (wc et the end at the year. In action act St. ' make no reflection on sinncrr, B°Lie readers) have been at work. Haggett it. proved to their satisfaction that the Almighty would sive peace on July 21atw-you can retake it anv year you like, and shift the 'mune Domini as the date rolls by. The Book of the Revelation—poor misused bank!--.• was InLernreted by many as placing the end of the war in February, 1018; the fusty -two months of chapter xili„ verse -6, beingt aicen as the duration ---ea—, of this present war. es endear in a weekly maga- telly the Met Lemont is tryst ::anted for eight hours„tuber, driven by hunger, I Then, one bright day, we. read 111 At Wurnetnunde, where a great Ice Used In Casting. A P f in presenting you with these colors, cion, "saw” Treace be June 12th or . which I have worked myself, zone' 13th, 1916. eight hours, Our doctors of the R.A. M.C. tell me that every prisoner was suffering, and still suffers from in- testinal troubles brought on, it is sup - T l posed, by the nee soup and bread. 'and French coins are the recognized Scheer and A.dmirai van Ruiner have tat I be. 's the eelebruted ,r iderahle importance in grim- All are emaciated and show evidence .legal tender. But -at sundry hours and w bagel print of neglect. All this, however, we apparently disanneared into the same Mal divers places they have taken coins obscurity which hides Gener:'.l I.uden- from Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Greece dorff and other fernier leaders, who aucl Switzerland, Canada, India and sought safety in "retirement" Which business takes the greatest' us to carry out. Admiral Goette, variety of tains over the counter? I of the German navy, seems to he the The 1,htos record in France only senior German offleer still at- would be hard beat. Both English tending to his duties. Admiral von Bions from cautured enemy vessels.l., Tt can readily be understood that, if 'r,lai in 02eMas)l, 191tS, they were the dist otersene contingent front any of the Ceriuitn had possessed the initi- I the dominiWIe to be engaged. After ative and the. courage to make such Ypre May 4 to llay 8, 191:, only four a break into the open (which we now of tho officers remained h1 active ser - know they clic] not possess), an armor- vice, and by midsummer the regiment ed cruiser or a group of 30denot is said to have had eight left of its scouts could -have created frightful original membership, whichat. Ypres havoc among allied shinning, and it was 700 suers, Canadians will rr- would have been very difficult to run juice in the happiness that iters come down and eautu.•e them. These special to their honorary colonel, ships, however, with their great size ' anti sealceeping quttlities and their high aimed would have been admir- ably qualified for meeting and de - hating any sueh raiding • enternlise on the part of the Germans before it had gone very far. Subsequently, two ofthose ships were converted into mother ships for seaplanes, of which they were cap- able of Carrying a large number. The changes involved the removal of the after gun and the construction of a camera thus i:; coining into use, The knew before, Instrument is of compact size and of i e Greatest Crime of the 1:'ar. 211(11 _131:1114' operation that. Re success• the United States. ful ueri does not depend upon expert ! The culminating crime was at the Other Stu contributions have come from f Salt Zeppelin Depot, 'knowledge of photography. nraphy". It, Fl(enme- last, when, just as with other prism- Spain, Luxembourg, Roumania, Tunis, Discipline at airship and seaplane dales either plates or 15 (11'; and makes ens, the Germans made no attempt to Indo-China, Mexico, and the Argen- • stations teas better than that on the lull sd.;ect raprudnl•.timss o4 derails, in. hand the hospitals over to any (tether- ett br :i7, In. 'CUs hi• ity or re nesentntive of the Allies.' tine. There have been papal coins of German warships, it is reported. The cletdiug au err1 Pius IS. and a William and Mary Norderncy seaplane station is said strnmaut. is a1n ht's 1t'1t'i four small They did not even inform the patients ltaif-pettity of 1694. The rarest, , to compare most favorably with any iucaudescent lamp, operated by hat- or civilians that they were going. They though, was a Napoleon L franc bear- ! station of its kind in France or Eng- t:eries contained in the camera hoe. merely went away and left the pa- •Ing the legend, "Republique Fran- land, while the great Nordhotz Zep- ing Time. aro mounted in an ileeet1g- caise -..Napoleon Empereur." I pelin depot is declared to be the fin - tin pill ttiun Uael; of the front aperture about a dozen places used as hopitals and err( automatically switched on. of the very existence of some of supplying brilliant illumination, as the which the civilians do not seem to shuttel is actuated. No thought has have been even aware. to be given to focusing, for all plc' The consequence was that the pa - Wes are tak' a With the front opening tints were left entirely to themselves, of tyle camera pressed tinnily against Into some civilians penetrated the the evert) on witch the linger print, first day. At others patients remain - or otter eubjert, is located, Incideil- ed ,absolutely unvisited for foity- jest in the world. It was from here -Gott{ng Back to Peace Conditions. that virtually all German raiders bound for England started. One in- -We slink no longer through the teresting sight was the famous "L-14" streets o' nights, says an English Zeppelin shell which was success.. writer. Illuminating lamps greet us fully bombed by airplanes last slime once more, yielding us good cheer and mer. At that time, two sheds and sell' -respect. The . darkened roads two Zeppelins were completely de- made us feel strangely like thiec°s• stroyod. call' ulalci,tp Ptu,tua;rupllie reproductions o zine asked AS to note his prophecy, r certain eprod ctions some who could walk wont out info our morning paper titat the prevail-' experimwritnl station was established An Inventor in Munich is seta to was for Sent. eth, 1915. Au_ . siguai1ucc end e the streets to sack food and then only Ing wind in England, S.1:., would pro- by the C.ernnnns, the allied cnuunis- which have overeouso rerLntlt dl9lcultle: et bars it vividly itnpresescl upon j -" `" r did the citizens hear of the situation. ; UaLIy, during lite next twenty-four Sion 'net with difficulty when it asked heretofore met with in casting hollow- other The Right Answer. hours, be north and moderate noel Ills mind in dreams that l_au•ctt 17th,!, When they entered they found an al -permission to carry out the work of 18 would sec the deuluration of. 'I'eaeller: "Willie, have you wttis- most incredible stet° of 017aits. 1'it that in Scotland, ��„ there would be inspection. It was only under pro- 19 pored tn•da3- witzout pormissinnZ" one instdtutiau six patients In Jeacl P' y light airs. test that the members were permitted concrete objects, completely tnclosell, 113- ailing ice come. The ice is cut into tho desired shape and size, and after the concroto has set about it, the cure is allowed to Melt and run out through smell openings, .Large and small 01, jests can bo cast in this way'. peace. Willie: "Only wuttst" The Happy Medium. in their Uede. In all there wore, I I A day latae certain shipping move- to enter, the Gprmuua :nearing revels, - Namur, 1 I PY sat 1 'I'ee.cher1 "Johnny, should Willie believe, eleven dead in hospitals to ,patents were reported in the Press. To turn to 1110') sober people, d have said'wnnst'?'p tions of what thy had accomplished. mi sour. Namur, and I am told that aeceuteen And at noon Wednesday the censor- Th( submarine commission, under those who by thole position bad ;railway: "Norm; ho should have were in one institution at Niv°Iles. ship on naval •vtit.iugs and boons was Trout, Commander Bowan, pushed its grounds •fnt being prophets, General said ttvict." The condition of filth and tho evi- I removed, investigations assiduously at Ilam- burg, Brenton and other points with the results that scores of U-boats, nearly all near completion and hitherto undeclared by the Germans, were fouled and repotted, Acheiral Goetze, protested to the last against giving up these submarines, but at a final conference consented. u17,9EnT 451.11;3Yt� dirt• t]• r7'u', a0-41.-" °ME: 31 • SAY• OF A WIF'C 1 7HOU4WT ehesnb: DOf IS A t ,4 rt•, I g LEADVN' DUG` i P ,1t� ■ NM Wil�.. WHAT KIND THAT YOl1R AROUNO•r Pe ern - a s ♦ 1 S i q:. I THAT 5� d .1 ,+ i L.4, WOULDN'T oe t e1mean DO 4 1N ROU�I- s > ft,- _ o "�'" rr^�T^�"� '�"'" i LEI' MY le.;j e6K;r ... „ ri ..,!. '.. R14W1 I'M 0110 CWOkE 14Wf 1. 130Y5' C101N' AN' tY -._..,... fi - si , �!! Y"t' taOW•Wl-IAT MA, 1"s (( '�' Ek' 'MAi' tJfi(. `,MV h �. 1,0 iji R r 1. ...'0` rte+✓r'`, I°�7tI1, �'in - WI•4i° RF I7 004 f J s ' d t{wU •,,7 d i A .Y (t. Op `I .�N.,lv. lq�y,'tJt '�•,.�1,N,11i1 ..,Ile;; 1 , : j Poole; '�ti1 UP 1.4ER � 1� p1):. v IBJ.,\ o� O © '� " t., LOOg3t7 AT CARP 1 t7 l.,TTI.E I1 -I - ret= t rIYW OWE Fi.(C_.y �_ - .V + e „ y` .Ii• 1S .\` i', /t 1 JUST 41ki~ AWUMAty ClB1NG' 1!Et$ LITTLE bt0SG WAS COLD (JUY SWg h1AS A F6VFS2 SIIE TRIED TO Sf'GAF: YO ME /1//, (�V7 COlrt Dry t . THE IMOO TH3Nt; • H C•,11- THE - ft}•(•Artii ,1 � „ !f"('W...... y\lli� 0,91 �1' i 'tiiy. r, ti z, ,� '�.. '1`( 5 1„ o.. (o "`.? a 4; ea ,' d c � 1 •'fir. y i0 it 1 . �a. h lea iw3' "�Sal''rr'-•-:\ + i ti•) 1.4ai."1 ttNTl © , .W �~ ,::4 rQ� ) i l AIr.F1,,f 1 ® li� y� � °:: �,�. II .re ems; qtr • 4 A National 8011g, Ts `1 run or Nape and airy" to becoMe the British national song f It seeing so, lit the recent is along~ ' Sir Edward Ligar'r trnptr..satte 1170119 has been evi d(lt Ring. The National Anthem, it is remarked, betekcn3 only loyalty to the king, while 'Rule Britannia" but leaderluttelq express- os tho national can eteu twos of the I31'tlsh people. "Land of hope and Glory" seems riestmid to trice the place of the latter tt1 the nation's song, 111ta1 bath in music and sentl' many: ii sedme worthy of such a destiny.