HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-1-16, Page 411 t
,e �-����et� �
)oeter hear of many people naming
the new babies Bolshevis.
Stena of military officers' etiquette
might have been nil right zoo years ago
but it is oat of data its 1919 and will be
sett on. Let ns get back as speedily as
possible to civil life :ma nut out the iri'li-
AN assasainatiou program is said to be
plaur,ed,hy a number of political cranks
in Europe, A hemp rope neck tie is ao
item of weating apparel they should be
presented with before the est number
is o&led for ma their list.
Txsas's a scrap on at Toronto as to
whether the lugs of the Allies should
hang iu the school houses. THE POST
says No . Let the old and bounced Red,
White and Bite have the pre-eminence.
It stands for the good things in all the
national flags,
Bzere s is getting a taste of the after
effects of the career of militarism in the
civil war now on their hands as well as
the turmoil and unrest in various count-
ries in Europe. The sword often brings
retribution and retrogression on those
who lift it without cause. "They per-
ish by the sword "
THE demise of ex -President Roosevelt
will likely open the door for the fellows
who have bad the bushel over their
Presidential light. Our guess is that
President Wnodrow Wilson will have
easy sailing if the same wisdom in speech
and act characterize his official duties at
the Peace Conference.
It the head could be cut of Bolshevism
without any tarrying a quietus would he
given to many of the jarring notes in the
world's Peace chorus. Everywhere the
Bol. party show their hand disorder, des-
pair ancl death appear to follow in the
train. It should be smitten as a plague.
MoN'reeee. threatened to treat Harry
Lauder, the well known Scotch vocalist,
to an omelet party when he visited that
city. His timely explanation of what he
had said regarding Montreallers, and
perhaps the price of hen fruit, saved the
situation as well as the good name of the
NORTHLAND investigation will not do
any "filling us" for the seores of soldier
boys who Sound the bill of fare miserly
and miserably mean but it should give
the khaki lads who are vet to cross the
briny a better chance. It's a shame to
stint either quality or Quantity of food-
stuffs when the price agreed on was be-
ing put up.
Gotsamcn merchants, :s well as those
of other towns, are closing their busi-
ness places at q o'clock Saturday nights.
This is a sensible move and is a saving of
fee!. light and long hours without de-
tracting from business once the public
know that it is a fact. Those who know
say the new rule is helpful in getting
people en church Sunday morning.
AN epidemic of marriages in the Old
Country appear to be in active opera-
tion and hundreds of soldiers who went
overseas as bachelors will return bene -
diets. England, Scotland and France
appear to he three of the geographical
situations where Cupid is scoring many
victories. The Canadian boys at home
will have to get a bustle on and see that
the charming Canadian maidens are Bal-
led into doable harness.
SINN FRINERs will have a rocky road
to travel in their blatant attempt to de-
stroy British power. If they were
satisfied to stand in the same position as
Canada legislatively they [night make it
go but playing the "ignoring" role is a
trifle too Sumptuous to warrant any
chance of permanent success. The
deeper Ireland wades in rebellious
words and deeds the longer they delay
the developing of harmony and pro-
gress that would bless the Emerald Isle,
THAT Windsor doctor who issued 1250
liquor orders, 222 for whiskey iu one
day, awes fitted 42oo and costs. His
name was Gardiner and is said to have
charged 5tt.00 per order. He must
surely have been cultivating "beats"
Surely the Medical Council has cut off
M. D's heath for less glaring violations
of medical etiquette, to say nothing
about the drink factory, than this way-
ward practitioner, •too was only a
"flea bite" on the wholesale trade
Gardiner was engaged in.
A "bone dry" United States is the
goal of the Prohibitionists with indica-
tion pointing favorably toward this de-
sired end. Twenty-two State Legis-
latures bave responded and only
14 more are required to make the
victory assu ecl. Canada wants to wake
up and get into stride with Cousin
Jonathan and -broaden the territory
Continent wide, The Federal law puts
bll:the clamps on July 1st in the U, 5,
Do You Want
0 0
As the wood purchased by the
town is now being delivered
p tvn s
n In
asked to al twee I t tlttti)i idea le
with 1•', S, SCOTT, elnnic,pitl
Clerk, end leave thter „tiler.
Do't delay.
Payment meet be nettle es
an1n1 as slip with rllarges 1� it'-
Who are the political pathfinders in the
Dominion of Canada to "go over the
top" ? The slackers should be given
their quietus at next election.
Huron County Council 1919
elnnicipality Reeve Deputy
As11H ld ..,....J s Dalton* J Hackett.
Bayfield A..I':twin*
Blyth Jas. Cott
Brussels S. T. Plume*
("filature.-- J. A.
Colborne G. Young"
Exeter W. le. Beavers*
Gadezieh ..,.'1'.1L Davis \V 1 (.lark*
Gnderich Tp. \V. \V. Tt•ewaartha
Grey .... .R. Livingston*
Hay ..... .....J. Laporte*
Hensall ......... G. 1'. Petty*
How Lek ...... ....Peter Deig
Jae. Armstrong, V.S.
Hullett . 11. Armstrong*
McKillop .....,,.3. M, Govenlock*
Morris .......-Wm. Elston
Seaforth......,T)r. Grieve
Seauley-M. Elliott
Stephen W.1). Sanders A. Neeb
TuckersuhithH. Crich*
'1'urnbetry Jas. Moffatt
taboret e A. Mitchell
\Vawanoab F 1 N. Campbell*
\V awanosh W. WW2 Bal l lie
Wiugltain \V. Ishister
Wroxeter .,;i. Douglas*
Those marked with a star were
members of 1918 Co. ('ommie
letter from Corporal
Iloward Strachan
The following letter was received
by Mrs, \Vitt, Ste:tchattt, Ethel, fi nm
her soldier sun, Howard, now in Ger-
many :—
DEAR i.fu'rltlrse AND FATHER,—Jost
a fete lines (hie eveuibg to let pun
know Luta I'm getting along. Welt,
I'm doing line and in the very best or
health. The only thing is the beteey
marching, sometimes its much as 17
miles a day, in fall marching order ;
pretty stiff some days but we've moue
through it so iar a, k. Crossed the
border of Belgian and Germany on
the afternoon of December 1st and are
being treated well by the German: peo-
ple. Our Battalion was the 1st Infan-
try unit tocrews of the whole Cana-
dian eurps, and our Company was the
Ise ton. Some benne, eh The day
"Cease firing" miler was given the were
in the front line advancing and we
Were further ahead than any Battalion
in the British army.
This is a farming (0outry here with
dirty, small villages. 11 of us are in
this house and we sleep on the ice When
floor, but move again to -morrow. I've
been expecting my leave most any day
hitt to -night they say leave is cancel-
led for a week on account of the teitllis
so will have to wait. Hope to be able
to get to Blighty for Christmas and
New Yeats,
Received your letters of October 27
and Nov, 4, 25 and 211 and was sorry to
hear of so many deaths from the "flu."
It is bad in Blighty, ton, limey to
lime that Roy Hawkins was killed,
Got a nice big parcel from Ethel Girls'
Club about 4 days ago, It contained
cake, guts, chocolate, that powder
and brush, cocoa, cofferale, maple
sugar and as towel, Will likely receive
quite a few Christmas parcels befpre
Itis raining here to -night but the
weather has been real good so far.
No veld nor snow but of course we get
dirty damp spells for a few clays at a
time. Heard shoat Charlie being
wounded and in Blighty, Have not
Been Art, lately but saw one of the
boys from his Company about a week
ago and he said he was n. k, and is
now a Corporal too. We a long time
since I saw Clifford but have been
quite close to where he was several
Melvin H. came nearly getting
killed and it would sure give him a
shaking up. Have not heard from
Stanley for quite a while but the last
letter sail be had my land in good
shape for the Spring. Guess be will
have to put It in for I won't be back
in time. Would like to spend. next
Summer in ()nteiiu and round home
as I hope to have a good big holiday
when I get bark and have a decent',
time until next harvest, Won't likely
get away from here before Spring but
can't say juet when, now. Hope I
won't have to go clean to the West to
get my discharge, 1 will try and
secure it on Ontario,
We had a great welcome all the way
across Belgium. It is a very rich
country and thickly populated. I
don't see how they fear the people.
There's a passibility if I get my leave I
may not have to go back to France
but report to the 21st reserve at
Bramslrott, but there is nothing
certain about it yet. Hope this note
will find you in the very beat of
health, With love to you all,
From your boy,
Heilo.—\Yell it is 3 clays since I
wrote you but have not got letter
posted yet so will add a bit more.
Have just finished a 15 toile march
to -day, 22 yesterday and 1.0 the day
before, an I feel ready for bed right
now, Good weather hese these days,
We are only 18 tniles from the Rhin+
so 001 long walka are nearly over and
I am not a bit sorry,
I will say goodnight and go to
['roost," Got at fine big parcel last
night li'om the Wozneu's lietieute,
Ethel, in perfectly good shape but
(multi not make out, the name ou the
paper me to who eerie }L. Please see
snuu h alp and if you find out tell rte,
Got it o, k. and thank them for it.
Nims er made the cake is an extra
gond baker. HowAltte
' h,l.,t••1"'r4'4l !.l.4,44•44,I't
Our Letter Box
ieee seeelete'4'•1.4'4.4'4'4•+4.4.4••^e
D10Alt IUs. KEltlt,—Enclosed find
cash which you Dan place to my
credit for THE Polar, I should have
squared up a long time ago but I al -
wave forgot to send the looney. I see
by Toe Pos'r (which I always look for
every Monday) Uhat you have gut the
"fill" pretty had down there again.
Well the certainly had one share here,
having es high as IW eases in town
et one time besides those who were
sick with i1 in the eountty. Mrs.
Baeker and 1 and the little girl had it
too, 80 we know what it is like.
\Ve have enjoyed a good business
i los eels aregood for
in 111S and t
this year too as the Government
has guaranteed the price on wheat for
this year again, and this is a great
farming country, FI i Maher with
al k
us ,'ui ra r Sha was is
all last 5 n 3t k
looking tine and said she
better, for years. She is spending the
Winter in Montana with Lena, and ex-
pecte to come back hers next eturnmet'
again. Well, Mr. herr, I think this is
about all for this time. Remember
me to Ales Derr, anti wishing you all
a prnepernus New Yeai', I remain,
Yours teuly, 0. D BARKER,
Cavalier, N, D., Jan, Olh, 1919.
Red Cross Circle, Brussels.
DEAR FRIENDS:—Received the
splendid Chtistauts box which you
sent and thanks very much. Every-
thing was appreciated very much even
the pnstrard and niaple leaf, beantlful
liktle touches of home. Ain now
about 3 kilometres from the city of
Mons, which you have heart( so much
abnut, 1 have been in the city several
times bn111 for pleasure and on trips
for the Battalion. 1 cannot here de-
scribe the city but might say that
there has Veen very little damage
done to it by the war and the wheels
of industry are beginning to run
smoothly again. In a flaw days I hope
to see the city of Brussels, or Bruxel-
les, as they spell it here. Have seen
no one froen home for some time but
there is one in the Battalion whom
some may know. He is Pte. Mcl3rien,
from neat. Seaforth. There is no use
saying that the are glad the fighting is
over and are all anxious 120 see the
Land of the Maple o11ce. more.
Ttlalikilig you again, d am as ever.
Mono, I3elgival, Des. 10, 1918.
Late Colonel Roosevelt
Mend of the S. Army
The late Theodore Roosevelt was a
firm friend of the Salvation Army,
and when he was one of the editors
of The Outlook he oonttibutetl a
number of articles dealing with the
social welfare woelt of the organiza-
tion. In at review of Rider Haggard's
book, "Regeneration,!" Col. Roosevelt
tools occasion to comment on the ie-
ereasing popnlatity of the Salvation
Army. "For loamy years," he
says, "the general attitude of cultivat-
ed people toward this work was won
either by contemptuous indifference
or of jeering derision. At last it has
wort its way to recognition, and there
ate few serious thicker§ nowadays
who do not 1ecognize in the Salvation
Army all invaluable social asset, a
force for good which works effectively
in these clerk regions where, save for
this force, 01117 evil is powerful."
Municipal Election Returns
Poet 5518505
Wards 1 2 3 4
Moffatt 70 73 46 49-238
Wheeler 08 37 45 32-1.82
Majority foe Aloffatt-56.
Mines 51 42 47
Moffatt 97 73 58
Poi ter 109 5.4 60
Scott 59 70 58
Smith 36 38 41
First 4 elected.
83 —261
FOS 151:7:515
1 2 3 4 5 6
Dnig (32 44 01 57 58 41-823
Smitten 48 82 00 63 24 22-240
Majority for Doig 74,
Armstrong 67 15 122 811 57 44-391
Delnruetling23 68 6 eel 24 18-108
M l,jurity tor Armstrong 123.
Pon cotzewr Loons
Inglis 85 09 100 66 44 21-355
Lynn 36 18 8(33 89 37 42-3118
itobltnson 1(3 4 56 20 07 20-102
Williarnson37 1.4 68 77 20 42-282
Municipal Elections in Huron Co.
For 1010 the following gentleman
will constitute. the Municipal Councils
for the various corporations in the
County of Huron,
The list kite been arranged alphabet-
ically and also under urban and
rural mhntieipality grouping t—
TO \VN£3
Clinton— Mayor A. T. Cooper 1
Reeve, J, A, Ford ; Councillors, \'W, ,1,
Paisley, .1+ I,, Johnson, M, Mciiwen,
I3erl, Langford, A. 3, McMurray and ,
R, 13, Cartel'.
Goderich—Mayor Wigle was re•
elected by acclamation, Reeve, T, M.
Davis ; Deputy Reeve, W. he Ciatke I '
Councillors, 7, Ile Wailes, L, S. Pat. I
Honest Opinion Doctor Gave
His Patient
Bedford, Ohio."I was in a pitiful
condition, weak, nervous and run
down so I could not do my housework.
I had doctored for years and tried
everything under the sun. A friend
told me about Vinol. I asked my
doctor about it, and he replied, 'It
certainly is the best medicine that can
be had today. I couldn't give you
any better.' I took it, and today I
am as well and strong as any woman
could wish to be, and it was Vinol
that saved me."—Mrs. Frank A. Hor-
key, Ash St., Bedford, Ohio.
Werguarantee this famous cod liver
and iron tonic for all such conditions.
i', It. *;1111'11
+n•K+W'n.•,,++YTn.w..�.,y,+P'+.,wMnosvan'fPSWFW!'4WD'wqY-+.qw.avays4n�'u.+sv.+uv'Wvw—.wn.....Y...y .
conA[it'•hell W. \\niker, J.
s '1'.,
1 r 1 ler.
Storey end l , H. llunll ,
SeaforGl Mayor, ))r. Harbert) ;
Reeve, 1)t. J. Grieve. Goo n1rillni•s
\V. Goulding, Richard I'arkc, J. 3.
Oinfl', C. Barber, 0. :\besltat1, and J.
W. Beattie.
\Vingham,— havoc, \V. 11. (Inr-
nay ; Reeve, \V. tsbister ; Council-
lors, Thns. I""Firs, It, A. (arrie, Simon
Mitchell, A. E. Angus and H. 13,
Bayfield— Reeve, A. E. Hewitt ;
Councillors, I) Dewar, te. Cleave, 3.
Cameron anti SV. .1, Weston ; School
Trustees, J. eleLeod, Rev. AieFarla ie
and I1. 1)realitnann.
Blyth— Reeve, James Cutt sr. ;
Councillors, II. A. Thomas, James
Dodds, ,los. 'Pitman and Jas. Moody.
Sehoo!'l'restees, \V, .1. Slime S. A.
Pottiest one and 11, 1). et Menden.
Brussels—Reeve, S. T. Plaut ; Come
ethers, S. Wilton. M. Fraser, 1. 0.
1 s Then
Richards and i, Jaime , two
latter are new men. School Trustees,
J. Logan, M. Black and John Cun-
Exeter—Reeve 13, W. Beavers ;
Councillors, L. Day, J. Elston, W.
Riuhate and (1. 13. Snell.
Heusall—Reeve, G. C. Petty • Oann-
cillors, Gen. lind,nn, Rnbt, 11cArthtu',
Thos. Hudson and J. ,thites,
Wroxeter — Reeve, .1. Douglas ;
Councillors, Fred. Davey, John
Adams, Geo. Leckie anti Donald
Pope. School'I'rusteea, R. J. Ramo,
T. A, Gibson, 0. 0, r;andersou, Geo.
Pattliu and Neil White.
Ashfield—Reeve, Joseph Dalton ;
Deputy Reeve, Joseph Hackett,
Councillors---Ftank Job list om, ,John
Jamieson and Thos, Richardson,
Oolborue—Gorden Young ; Council-
lors, Levi Snyder, Aaron Fisher,
George Currey and Joseph McCann.
Grey—Reeve, Robert Livingstone
Councillors, Harris, McDonald, Col-
lins and Brown,
Gorlerich—Reeve, W. W. Tre-
warthe ; Councillors, IL Cox, G. Vend-
erburg, H. L. Salkeld and B. L. Lind-
Hay—Reeve, J, Laporte ; Council-
lors, 0. Walmer. \V. 1., Turnbull, S.
Dietz and .1 Campbell,
HnIIeLt—Reeve, Al. Armstrong ;
Councillors, J. Watt, C. Howson, T.
McMichael and W. Miller,
}emeicic—Reeve, P. F. Dnig : Depots
Reeve, Jas, Armsttung, V, S. Council-
lors, T. Inglis, F. Lynn and J. W11-
Morrie—Wm. Elston ; Councillors,
7. H. Fear, A. Procter, tV. Yuill anti
R. H. Shot le red,
McIiillep—Reeve, J. Al. Govenlock ;
Councillors, G, 1). 0. learn, F. 3. Ma-
CZuaid, 1)anle,1.13egele, Another Conn -
oilier will have to he elected,
:Stanley -peeve 1y1. Elliott ; Cuntt.
cello's, J 1)te, G. Hawley, M. Alussun
tend .1. (food,
Stephen Reeve \V, D, Sanders
le. puny peeve, Alex, Neel) ; Cuuu-
elllols, John [[styes, Gen. Peuhale and
David \tib.
Tnekersmitlt - Reeve, IIerber[
1N IMrNau4
l . Riley, 1. Moore, and .1, R. r•eh,
`trails ry . teepee, - Jit'. Nettfald ;
Ouumeillc re C. 11ht s, •L ,1. elei ,bl, .1.
I'm ler stud I nee, yruth
l'sl me—Reeve, At thee 8I'tU'L'll:
Cru neillers, William floaters, John
(Imola, John AI organ end Fred. Stew•
Emit \Vitw)tnash— heave, Newton
(100,pbell ; Committers, \V, Currie, 13,
Invite It, Buchalter' tend W. Strangh-
\Vest \Vatvaumwlt — Reeve, Wtn,
Tlailir ; ('ettmrillurs, ,I, Pwdent, A. 17.
,luhustur:,.1, A1edditnd J. B. Young.
Dominion Makes A Full Third Of The
Whole British Empire
30 United
Canada i large as l d
Kingdoms and 18 Germanys; it is
twice the size of British India; almost.
as large as Europe; 18 times the size
of Prance and 33 times as large as
Italy, Canada is bounded by three
oceans• its 13 000 mile coast Idne equ-
als half the circumference of earth.The
boundary line between 't auad:t and the
United States is 3,000 utiles long; 1,600
by land, 1,400 through water, Canada
is larger in area than the United
States, including Alaska, by 111,992 dred times the sine of the Motherland.
square miles (Canada, 3,729,665; Uni- ' Canada has 33 percent of the Empire
ted States and Alaska, 3,617,673). area, but only 1 1-3 percent of popula-
Britain's over -seas Empire is one hun-
_-.- .ellaRe EI? teMeee eelenurnlme 1111111111 rfri.siglitr .aI.e4
Profits from .5P: ram gs ),
11111711.114210.40/11.0415101471 pl...ostwotsttl! texcealc'sca
Is the subject of a little 1 eoklul (hp(
We W:1111: t0 plat's 1t1 the 1.IIt,1ti-i Of eVety
[ IN o
1 i t slur 1
• 1' hiN paper 11tH.1
• e tt
reader t
tt i I l
sato, azul to invest hl, ,it' her ses Inge
t, bit,. Ihey ttI11ear n 5'', 011lieaft' ty
of print ipal e rid re:lulmrit)• of In: 'eta t.
Itlntiy of the people 10 11,,.1. ...o Lave
sent (Itis 1,o0lt, Its it result t.f rece ting
1t, have !neve( ed 1lueir funds in
Standard Reliance 5 5% Mortgage
Corporation Debentures
The deheurcr,w are issued In aa amounts SI00 and
, npw:t,ds, nod are mode repuyrd,la nt n lived period
to sill' your convenience.
'. .: of people la invested their satins', In
t.o debruture•: without the Icer of one dollar
We know the honk is Interest int;, nod we will item'
It to Don free. write for one to -d9,.
No up Capital .na Sueplua And.: 64.162,371163
•,.i .'q\j",v l. I+ .,,tdp
1 M
.3,. t.
e. . ft.s.
v^..�a. - t�66t h. ^-
I. 8 A
Ltl rs!{'w ' HEAD OF•'F104-7.0(IICO
2i� Branch Offices;
Rei/ A,^Ua 0100ST0
LP.: A H. Nh n OK
E 1 R
Po =_ llli_f 1I; uTtl IbW.lal:,t
l P
I � I�,
111.11111,x1 1A.1
tion of 400 millions,
r lege
fr al- 'k--_eae2 ' 2,eg5*`'"" .. 'sem".
- (371 i StanIpS
Oa Sale at ail
BUY War -Savings Stamps for $4.00 each, place
them on the Certificate, which will be given to
you; have your Stamps registered against loss,
free of charge at any 1V1oney-Order Post Oltice; and on the first
day of 1924, Canada will pay you $5,00 each for your stamps.
As an aid to the purchase of W. -S. S. you can buy THRIFT
Stamps for 25 cents each. Sixteen of these Thrift Stamps on a
Thrift Card will be exchanged for a W. -S. S. Tlaift Stamps do
not bear interest. Thair virtue is that they enable you to
apply every 25 cents you can save towards the purchase of a
Government, interest-bearing security.
"If high rates of interest must be pard on Government borrow-
ings it is but rigae that every man, wcrnan, and child should
have the opportunity to earn this interest."—Sir Mims While.
$5.a° for $ �a®®
r eeelffeeeeilEElisELWiTAZMe reeze ,.eealeeeeerelealreree::as::efeeel eleire'v"ri1id
A. Scene In
great don} of progress has been
made recently 10 bringing
about co-operation between
i•ullwaya and their patrons and one
way In wheat this has ban mani-
fested is the general endeavor to
reduce if not entirely eliminate the
waste' of freight cars. The benefits
which a;,erUe to the shipping public
as well as to the ear owners by
)'ofraluing ;rein using egplpment us•
dulysfor storage put'poeee is goner -
311y understood and appreciated but
the tncreesocl 9fiieienoy whieh can
be derived by loading every ear to
overlooked. The full loading of
ears Inas a direct bearing on car
supply and partigularly at this time,
when a serious car shortage exists
In certain pares of the country it
10 destz'ablo that in no case should
two cars be used where ono would
Some of the larger shippers have
issued bulletins to their customers
Pointing out the mothotis by which
better loading may be Obtained and
were theca vegetations adopted
generally the benefits which would
accruo to all concerned would be
great and immediate.
The average railway car kas a
les ntaxltnum amble or carrying carrying aapaeity of about forty
ieapt1eity h:learne to be frequentlylltons but the average load per ear
ho C.i'.tt. Vadis ni 'Winnipeg,
Is only twenty -throe cons. Many
shippers and consignees are In the
habit of ordering only suflcient
freight to equal the minimum pre•
scribed by teeiff When they-coul.t
as well order it fell carload or If
convenient to do so could arrange
to have theft' consignments entt•
sollduled with others of a similar
nature travelling to the saute des-
thlnLlon, thereby paving at least or,
perhaps, nluee Cara. Ciousignees
would tied by eflepting methods
such as tihis their freight would be
shipped male promptly as the ship -
pars wrattid Mayo more equipment a(
thole disposal and the annoying de
lays attributed to "walling cars"
would be largely a tiling of the pair&
Agent, Brussels
Horse Fairs
Regular Al wittily Burse Faits will
be held this season as follows ;—
TIId?RSDAI, FEB. (11.11, 11)10
MAEI, 601, 19117
APR, Sed, 1911)
leading local and Outside Buyers Present
By order of Connell,
F. S. SCOTT, Clerk.
Wroxeter Telephone Company
The Annual Nicotine of Wroxeaor Telephone
Company will be held in the Town Hall, Wrox•
else, on Wel it °Islay, January Thal, at 2 5.511.
hasineae will Ln 1he receiving of the annual
report, sleeting Imr•etnrs and nny other busi-
ness that inay be necessary
Property for Sale
Oontfeetoble boast, and 1v Imre of land for
sale, well located on Princess street, Brussels,
the property of the late Bev. It. Paul, Posses.
010,1 given in the coarse of a few months, 11
will make n cosy home for some person Dud is
in good repair. Property is open for inspection.
For further particulars apply to Airs. Joseph
Pugh, Winglrun ; Sirs. S. Paul, Bluevale ; or
W . J, 110111)021,
204f Box 102 Orangeville.
Bull for Service
The undersigned vs keep for service, at 144
Lot 110, (ton. 2, Morris township, the tlmro'-bre
Short Horn Bull, ltalofm•d of Salem, No,
—110410=. Sired by C3nbtford Marquis 1100800) ;
Dam Mildred 1511 by Royal Sailor (18000). Ped-
igree may be aeon on applhlation. Terms—
FBA for grades and $l0 00 for thoro'-bee's,
Farm for Sale
Oontainhtg 200 acres, viz., se Lot 00, 0011, 8,
Morris township, and Lot 1, O0n, 5, (Grey town-
ship, Well watered, comfortable horse, bank
barn and mantles aped, driving home, wind
hill, orchard, &a. 214 miles North of Brussels
on gravel road. Rural nail and rural 'phone,
t4 mile to school, Will sell either or both
Farina, 1101 further particulars apply to
ALES• FOIRSYTH, Proprietor, Brussels, or
F. S. SCOTT, Benaaels, 0.4
For Sale
Nouse nndlota,eon tinning 034 cores, in the
Village of Cranbrooh, the property of the late
Airs, A goes Brawn, to afyered,tor sola, Prime
louse, barn, fruit trees &O. Possession could
be elven nt once, Forfurtherparticulars op'
ply to Mite, 'Pros, CAMilims or WMI- UAAIanON,
Exon store estate or the late Bin. A guns B
Clubhirg List
.„„a) ....0 s
For 1919
Txni POST and Daily Globe .......$ 5 00
Mail and Empire 5 00
,e Tavola° World... 5 00
Toronto Star,,,.., 4 25
Toronto News..., 8 75
haulers' Advoc'e 3 00
Family Herald.., 2 05
\Veekiy Sun ,.,,,. 2 50
London Advert'r 6 00
" Free Press 5 00
Saint -clay Night . 4 25
Weekly Witness 2 80
Nor. 14lessengern. 2 00
Vonth's Cotnp'n, 3 75
Presbyterian ,..., 8 10
Above prides are for addresses in
Canada or Great Britain, 1f pabRea-
tiott you want is not in above lint, let
no know, 'I'nronln Star rate increases
a dollar at New Years,
Remit by Postal Note nr Express
Order. If Beek' Cheque add exchange.
W. 11, KERR,
TUN Posy, Brussels,