The Brussels Post, 1919-1-16, Page 14.7 e (,) . oir il ninon in 4 dvanre (.13,SEL 1 A:10, LI RS 1) 4 Y, .7A IV 17 A RY 16,
Succeed You
Mus Save
Above all things Canadians
must learn thrift to -day. Thrift
implies saving systematically and
intelligently, so that each succeed-
ing day or week finds one better
off than before.
This Bank will be glad to open
a Savings Account for you, where
either one or more persons may
save. Call or write for full
ank of Nova Scotia
Paid.up Capital 6,500,000 P. II. GILROY
Reserve Fund . 12,000.000 Nlanager
Resources . . 130,000,000
Brussels Branch
• L .-^ -^-
, •
Lion Week Mies I loll iv! te Sletbeir ++++.1.4..:..,;.:,.1.i.4.4,44,f,++++4,,
rie rot tithed In 1 be No' mai )eeltra,1 al, "t•
Toronto, ERneel she Will
11 h fly Mg (11,1,0 H ()SRI .1 me.
telly fledgd ,,
esittimil teacher.
,.__.... Jamestown 4
New Advertisements
_l.neal,.-bauker Bros
isPiee for sale -F. D0U0,111.
(dorl wentoti-Mrs stnelalr,
Pigs for sale -11. 10 Dobson.
Hog for service -II Tyerman,
Notelnation-NleKillor Celled!.
Something you ner,1-10, 10 Smith.
Sows foreale-Iteseell Robertson.
Million Dotter 10.1 -Salvation Army.
Steven County Counoil-Geo, W. Holman.
istrirt gewz
D. Forrestal:, a well know!' reeideut of
Ode district, dropped dead in \V. 1).
Falr'S book stoie Feeley evening, his
death being caused by the bursting of
a blood -vessel. He had only finished
talking to Hugh Ross, when he fell to
the fluor. lu the afternoon Alp, For -
sestet., Ivho was in his ueual good
health, had attended the, Olin too Club
but later lert, to go to the book
etsiee to get the evening paper. He
owned to Latin on the outskirts of the
town and previous to that owned a
flax iIhI, lie was a :onto Mayot. or
011uton. Had 1000 sons oversews and
one of when) was killed in oaten.
'Phe deceased was well known in
Perth Oomity as %yell as in Bruce
Sainty, and Was the brother of Wm,
Fort ester, the Liberal candidate for
Perth in the last, Dominion elm:Hons.
His wife and 7 children survive :-
Andrew, Hamilton ; Fled., Dublin ;
Ross and Roy eel ving at the front ;
Airs, D. Ohidley, Albeola, and Miss
Helen at, home, Deceased was in his
Mit year,
Seafort h
Mrs, B. Purcell, Seaforth. received
the ()Metal and luta/eh:owe- news that
her son, Cope al John Jos. Purcell,
111fantry, peeviously Peptised wound-
ed and miseing, was now officially re-
pined killed in action Septembee 27,
1018, in Flanders. Lie lived in Strat-
ford end woo a G. 'I.'. it, Wakeman
when he joined the color.
Miss Clam McKinley, who resigned
her position from the teaching staff or
the Seawall Oolleglate taut Summer
to accept a similar position 10 Edmon-
ton, has given np her position at the
latter place and came Emit at the
New Year to join the staff or the
Belleville Collegiate.
O L. Williams has) disposed of hid
drug and stationery bueiness hove to
Elton Dalbeck, or Tommie, whose
home is in Waterloo. Ale. Williams
purchased the business remit 001. A.
Wileon 8years ago and succeeded in
building up a good bade. He will re-
turn 10 :Permit°, where his wife has
been taking treat went. for a serious
illtiPS9 of several WO 111 119.
The annual meeting of the First
Presbyterian church Sunday School
teachers was held at the home of Jas.
(Iowan. Laet year was one of the
most mu:emend in the history of the
Hanoi and ellasacterized by great
liberality. The total revenue was
about $000, of which $400 was invest-
ed Victory Bonds as a memorial to
fallen members of the School in .the
war. There overs ft/0V 8101110378 00301).
0011 school on account of influenza but
the eollectiOns were $50.00 in excess of
the previous year. Following officers
and teachers' were elected :-James
Oo wan, Superintendent ; J. 0. Laing,
Asst. Superintendent ; James Roff.
Librarian ; Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Sec.-
Treas. ; Aliss Minnie Somerville, Recs
Mee, ; J. 0. Laing, Airs, J. 0. Laing,
011 0. J. Archibald, Ales, J. A, Stewapt,
Alias McLean, Aliss Graham, Aliss
Annie Govenlock, Mrs. George Sting -
gill, Alis, Sparks, Ales. Jas. Ken.,
Misses Annie and Minnie Somerville,
Miss A. Bell, Miss Steele, Mrs, C.
Brodie, Miss !label Smith.
While shirting an acetylene tank
at the Dominion 4onds plant, Thurs-
day, John Outillile, Ste David's street,
Wad seriously hint about the head, be-
ing thrown against a frame in the
plant when the tank exploded. FSO.
Wright, the sales manager for the
Dominion Roads Company, received
the full contents of the tank in the
foe. leis oyes two injured, and it is
not known Lo what' extent tts yet.
011orch eesunred last Sunday.
The sick people are itnesovieg,
Mimi Bessie MeQuanee, who Walt
home for a holiday, has gone to Grand
Valley locality to teach school. We
wish her success in her work.
:Reeve Livingston has had trouble
with his right, hand from blood poison-
ing and has been under ducior's care.
\\'e hope he will soon be o.
Wm. Bantle, who was at AleGaw,
helping* to clue for Ids now deceased
brothee-imlaw, H. B. Obupchill, is on
the Oak list himself 110W but we hope
he will soon be 0. k,
The Monovieff stove -undo the
management of R. C. Itathwell is as -
miming quite a business -like appear-
an0e-. and we expect a gond business
will be done by the new propeielme.
James McIntosh, of South Itivee,
Algoma, is visiting old IS:lends in
Grey towuship. Ile is a brother to
Ws, Wm. Fulton and an uncle to
Mee. Wm, Stephenson, It is 20 yeays
or more shine he removed film this
hill111 1313 111 1111 '1 1 it
111 lilill 111111Ke ettleiltilaseseitilifinersestifi
Graham niers
One satisfied customer said:
. "I never knew Graham Wafers
could be so good until 1 tried
Telfers. They are perfectly de.
She's right. YOU try them.
Packed in air tight ptickages.
For sale at all grocers.
'The Buy Word for Biscuits'
Food Board sa'
Stemma No.11-599 ze
Word Wad 1,0(.0)111y revel ved lty A II- s.
4011 11101 Mee. Show front their soldier e. TO WORK IN I
Holm (001 5(10R. Ralph, who hoe been a
p10110111 101 Alexander 1)001111 111, Eng. l'i.
land, is able to I)o iip after labs [woken -•-• a .ii
leg experience. Malik woe going ou ":1,,' ,.e, 11S,,
a holiday to Soot land and Allot mill.
ing cin Ralph woe le -meeting 10 8/1.11 1.01. ....,
11011111. 130111 113. 1)1') expected 110100 .1.' ....._._
soon although Ralph will have /moth-
be right. I
er: Aoperation 011 his ankle boleti e 11 will. P' met - Brussels
Russell Knight has gone to Sleet-
foml to attend BLIdilleds College,
Daniel Enicniter, Clinton, was here
Net week attendin5 the lunetes1 a Ili.
late Hartley Alenziee, 10 uephew.
Pallbearers at Ilartley 'Menzies
funeral %vete Olittelee liansnld, W. and
Ed, Lynn, NV, J. AfeCre.cken, Gordon
.Knight and Drinc. McDonald.
Miss Jessie Meezies returned to her
duties as teacher on the staff of 'Pot-
ent() schools last Monday. She was
unable to go last week owing 1.0 the
deceacie of her Mother Itartley.
thank Om* neighbors and friends for
the various kind lielan'S received dur-
ing the illness in our home and the
subsequent (leapt of our son and
brother, Hartley. 50011 thoughtful-
ness will tievor he forgotten.
R. L. Taylor, who is making a speei-
ally or growing 0. A. O. No. 72 code,
made a good showing Met year. 1!)
was awarded 31 d Pelee in the -Standing
Field Ch.op Oompetition, 1,11e10 being
only 14 points between 1st and 31.d.
Got 151 1011 Brussels Fall Fait. and ittli
priyst ribbon„ at Guelph Winter Fait.
in a class of 110 competitors from vari-
ous Standing Field Crop winners.
We congratulate It. L. and hope bell
nab the red ticket this year. Nothing
like ttying.
33311011 EdillUns011 Wad a decent
010411 00 with relatives at Glemme,
Good prices were I. ealizeci at D.
Pope's auction sale of cattle Saturday
James and Aire. Moffatt, Primp
Albeet, Sask., are visiting old friends
in this vicinity.
Annual Telephone meeting will la.
held here Wednesday afternoon of
next week at 2 o'clock.
Miss Hazel VatiVelsor, who has
been employed at Harteston 11c' some
time, is enjoying a few week's V10010
1)0)1 at her home he) e.
R. 13, Hanes, Toronto, was in the
village last week, having cone to at-
tend the funeral of his sister-in-law,
the late Ales. 13. Henning.
As no fresh epees of "fin" *have
developed in the village for some
weeks, the Boatel or Health has lifted
the ban on publin gat heritigs.
Churches and schools re -opened this
Thursday evening 01 111104 week Ben -
gong's the great Toronto Oartooniet
and Lecturer will ,give a program in
Wroxeter Town Hall, undo: the
auspices of the Young Ladies' Re-
erniting League. He is Well WorIll
Acton Free Press says :-Al mei sym-
pathy is felt for Miss 011a .13. Arm-
strong, or the Pobhle School teaching
staff, in the death or her elder brothels
Chester Armstrong, Bi meets, no Sat -
28111 December, Ale. Amu-
steong was 85 yews of age, a promin-
ent farmer and an active 011pielion
At the recent; election held in the
United States, Dr. John IlicFadeeati
was elected to the Senate fin the
State of Colored». De, Alelsadzerm is
an old Grey townehip boy, being EL
son ef the late William Mclodizean.
Ile Is alert a brotheedu-law to Thos.
Dodds, and a cousin of Mrs. Alex.
Cahill, or McKillop. lIe received
hie voly education in Gtey, later
grad un ting fi am Beaforth Collegiate,
Meleadiltan has resided in Woo-
dn for some years.
Stanley Hemingway, writing fermi
Red Hill, Alberta, 01) Jam (311), says :
-.3051 104 few lines to renew our sub -
mu imam to TIM POST for 1910. We
aye enjnying beautiful simshine,
Have had a grand Winter with just a
little snow to heighten things up. It
has been a gloat Wham, for stook.
We surely like the climate of Southern
Alberta, Last year was a bit dry
but hope 1910 bettets The
is going its rounds op here .no and we
all had it but are feeling fine now,
Hoping you and all old fsiends will en-
joy a prosperous year,
A. scribe of Tun Po'i' while
speaking to a Grey township elector
the other day and refetriets to the
Municipal election of last week spok00
as follows :-While paying gennd trib-
ute to the new Council brawl fee 3919
he spoke very highly or cx-Deputy
Reeve Molsittb, the defeated candidate
for the Reeve's chair, lie said these
never was a man sat at, the 0(1)) 1111(1
boatel at Ethel who would be move
missed than John McNabb as Ile had
always been in sympathy with the
tettepayee and 'tact acted and voted
aceotelingly. Had also been a heart y
suppoter of Red Oross wmk both in
township anti at County Connell.
His votes on eecord will peeve the
seine notwithstanding .A111001118 Oat e -
menta to the contrapy eirettlatml
throughout the township for torotion
PurPoaes, Nothont swim, foot, or
foundation, Ile said Mr. MeNab
had always been fele, squat e and
helmet, used no public) tummy Lo gain
popularity, vote or influence and made
the intimation these Were 12 months
in a year and- Mr. 111cNal) and his
supporters would be heard from later.
Tue PosT givee the news,
Clemicillor Robert Shortreecl and
0111 line, have been laid up
with tabu:tee but we hope they will
scent be all ight.
Tax Collector R. Peocter has made a
e1ei111 dWee1) of the taxes which total
rot 1018 $41,331 29. That's a pile of
tunney bob 1018 00011011 did good
School was open in some sectitme
but others Were closed under Board of
Ilealth instructione, Herat the "fin"
Will soon get cleared up so that nor-
m. 1 eonclitions may be restored.
The 100 aeve faun of Alex, Ruesell,
Neigh Is» 13, 001). 7, Motes W118
511 10 Mad. Beinheidge, of this 1 own-
thip len. the sum t'if $4,300. He gets
poem...191cm 011 March ist. Mr, Ras -
eel will not gm very rap away we hope.
Joe Mat 0411, a well known young man
of this torahl v, left Tuesday of 11)15
Week for Mt. Thomas where he will be
employed by SV. Is. Coleman, on his
farm. Mrs, Coleman was iNliss Elsie
Wilton, of 1301155015, before her mar-
riage, Don't forget to write Joe as
the girls look sad.
CARD 010 '1'11A10KS.-We wish to ex-
press our thanks to relatives and
friends for thoughtful deeds and
sympathetic. expressions tendered to
(is through siekness and the death of
one clear ones, Words are inadequate
to express our feelinge,
Yours gratefully.
Mrs. Juo, Smith and Son,
Council was not able to do any
loudness last Monday owing to the
nometenelance of Councillors Fear,
\SIMI, and Shortreeel, through illness.
Reeve Elston and Oouncillor Peoctm.
were on 111011(1 as were Olerk MeEws,n,
Treasu ter Shaw and 0011 ee tor P rods
Monday, 27th inst., was set as the
date of the adjourned meeting.
Cann ote Tisexus,-Welwish to ex-
press our !Sleeks to neighbors and
friends for their kindly help and
sympathetic words extended to us
doing our seveve illness and in the
bet eavement of Inc son, IStmest. We
could not have been used better and
appreciated 11 01019 than we can find
words to exp ess.
Wiles gratefully,
The family of Thos. Pierce, Boat
gravel vend, who were so sorely tried
by the influenza epidemic., from which
11107 suffered the loss or their 8 year
old eon Esnest on December 23rd, are
able to be about nnce more. 7 mem-
bers of the home wete down at one
tine and some of them were very
Ilene death's done,
V.11.0NTEE10 NClisE DI114 EI0E0 150.
PLUSINZA.-The Tisdale (Sask.) Record-
er, of Dec. 22m1, speaks as follows of
a real heroine, Mise Hazel Jackson,
dangliter of Petra. and Mrs. Jackson,
formeely of the eith line, Morris town-
ship :-At; 5 o'clock. last Friday even-
ing the sorrowful newa of the death
of Miss Hazel Jackson, was borne
from one to another with a feeling of
deepesl regret that this young and
noble life had passed away after a
short ilineee from pneumonia, which
developed from 1011 attaelc of Spanish
intluenzes The death or Alias Jackson
is papticularly sad owing to tile fact
that her life was sacrificed through an
act of voluntary nursin5. at the emer-
gency hospital. Ooming from hee
lonue at Sylvania, solely km the pne-
pnee of rendering a nettle duty, she
entered tbo hospital and fot, several
clays tendered her valued 00001005
on the nursing staff LIMA on Nov. 32
she was taken sick and took to her
bed at the 110100 of Roy and Ales.
Jackson, in the village. For several
days no alarming rears were entertain-
ed as to her condition, until on Thurs-
day last she took a Telapse and 0011.
10)0(110(1 pneumonia, 100111 which she
died shottly before 3 p. u1. the
1115 day. The funeral service which
was 0011111.10ted last Sunday afternoon
was one of the largest attended in
this district. Owing to the prevailing
epidemic a short family sevvice woe
(11)111)10' 1511 in the sesideitee, by Revd%
R. T, Young and T. (1, Has grooves,
after which an open air serviee was
held outeide the residetice for the
huge noplege assembled, 130111 11(1.5'
1(1)8 spoke for a short time, each
(*cinching sadly upon the death of Miss
Jackson and or Ilio nowo work she
Was peeforiniog pvior to her death.
The whole service as it Wad conducted
watt of a very impressive nature, and
will remain a lasting memoey to the
1ne1)y 11100rnees. Deceased was a
young woman only a few weeks past
the age of 20 but has mimed the re -
Nivel, 03 )1 host of friends who sadly
mourn bee loss, Following the seevice
col 1111 for the Tisdale cone -
tory where interment Leek place,
Probably 110 demise in the village has
11e1011 more keenly felt, as the death of
Slias jarticson and aympathy from all
quatesies is extended to the bereaved
CAM.' (01 141
DIM, in a feW werke bereavement lar;
mule to the old home eirele 11.1141 1,01,•
father -George Alveoli -bite 11,-4 11 foot
led away. 'We wish to [hunk neigh"
bort; and old friends for Much aim' eel-
ated kindness, expreesctil by 104111 mud
word, We wisli to thank all.
Yours truly,
TUE Mr-C.o 1'A;e1 1,y,
It is a matter of deep e-gret
r•lirpitivk 1 he death of Wdop-r, obly
km) of James and 1110. 1('i io y,
libo, which event took pi..., I -
day after a }wrote half h. for life.
was in Ilia 111 11 year and (01)4 at. 13111,.,
active youth who will be (11(01 10
sed and was the only son. 1 ts
and pneumonia with other eomplies.
thine wits the cauee of 1110 -ease. The
flItlelal Look place to Brussels (TOW -
1 ery 11101x11ay of Leenoon, Rev. NI is
Burgess, conducting the me tem..
The bereaved are tel of
'mead sympathy in their great less.
Several catiee of influenza are still
existatit around here but ttre not
A new barn will be built by Thies
McDonald on the Fraser farm he pur-
chased Met Spring Building will
stand on the foundation of the haul)
destroyed by fire Sept. 1917.
J. D. Fraser, scut of ()a -Reeve Fraser,
has purchased a half section of
)11'000d land in the mune locality ad
1119 brothers, R. and W. 13, F1'adee,
near Cereal, Alberta. Crops Were
short last Stunmer owing Le drought,
and high winds. Winter is fine.
Last, Saturday Geroge and Mrs,
Brown were driving 00 1E5, Collette
when cutter upset at Cantribeire hill,
Ales. Brown had one of Ilei' hips dis-
located. She 5 improving and we
hope the progress may he speedy,
Councillor Brown was not hurt and
the horse clid not get away,
Annual meeting of Moteewe/ It
Cheese factory Wad held on Jittioary
4111 at. 10101950001 111 Hall. Joseph
Cummings, Win. Ronald, Robs Ful-
lerton, D. F. Stewart, and Geo. Rohm 0 -
son were elected as Direclorq.
After being on Ole Board for 22
yews and filling the post of President,
Director and Salesman NVins Fraser
resigned, owing to expected remov-
al. Year's business totalled $42,688.
Outurniugs tvas elected Preeitletit.
Wm. Kress is the new snaker.
Fraser served the On, long and well.
COAL 00111N0.-0 V0 CORI and MT or
nut coal are expected in a couple of weeks.
Will persons reeniting either, please play.
their orders with P. Bkhoe, controller, at
an early date. Grarnart Bawl.
Miss Henry, Toronto, is visiting her
brothels I. M. Henry, town.
Will, E. Brown is attending the
Dailymeus' Convention at London
this week.
An interesting letter femo Corporal
Howand Strachan may be read on
page 4 of this iseue.
James T. Outsell, of Zelittidia,
Sask., and Miss Hannah Coevals
Woodstock, were visitors with D. and
Ales. Sande] s during the past tveek.
Women's Institute will mee1 at the
home of Airs. John SleDolittici, Thum -
day of next week 101 2,30 p. nis to cut
011 t garments for Belgians. food at-
tendance requested.
Evaugelion and Social Set vice an-
niversary on Ethel Urial; host
Sunday. Subscriptions civet. circuit
were over $37.00, an increase of
$17,00 above previous year,
Mrs. John McDonald has been down
to Eden Grove to visit her mother,
Mrs. Arnold, who has been in poor
health for some time. At time of
writing she shows improvement,
Airs. Gill lots sold her moppet y,
known tts the Love farm, Oth Clone to
Michael Kreuter, who has been the
tenant, for the past 3 years. Pelee is
said 10 he $4,400. It is a tidy proper.
ty and we wish Mr, Kreuter pritsperi-
New Topic Cards have been issued
by the Young People's Society of the
Pi esbyterian church for the coming
months; that shnuld 90110(1 interest-
ing, Officers are ; -Presiden t, Stanley
Dunbar ; Vice President, Alice
lecktnier ; RecsSeeretary, Roy Cun-
ningham 1 Gor-Secretatiy, Alice Bart. ;
Trettstium, Ales. Brown : Opganist,
111 iss Alice Barr,
Last meeting of Gist's Pateintic
Club met at home of Chas, Cleaver,
Monday night and arranged to send
another lot of boxes overseas in 2
weeks, Which they exnea Will be the
last, The young (tulles of the Club
deserve great 0( 0(1(1 for the way they
kept up their end of the ivork,
never halted until Fri tzy had exploded
his 110513 shell.
Council meeting met last Monday.
The new 0ouncillote were initiated
into their new offices, Owing to ab-
sence of Reeve Livingeto», who is
suffering at peesent from blood poison.
ing in his hand, the chide was ably
filled by °onto:filo Oollitie, with all
the dignity req nired for the high
position. Pte. N. McKee was apprint-
ed Assessor instead of Robt, MoKin.
noo 141815110d,
T1ATILIOTIC Cum. -The annual ineet•
o 110 Gitl's Patriotic 01111) was held
Monday evening, jan, 13111, at 1.11P
1101)10 01' Alias Ruby Cleassee, Lettere
wale read fret» the Red Cress Society
and Belgian Relief, (hooki)lg them
for conteibutions, also several letters
from boyoverseas, The girls, by
various means have earned all the
money they have 'used in their work
of sending boxes to the boys at the
front from their vicinity. As the
boys are moving aboot 00 great deal
now it is diffiCIIIL Lo gel, their addres-
ses the gills have decided to no longer
work tts 10 Olub but have foaled a
number of resolutions ono of which is
that the peek boxes jam 27111 at Gs
Al, Mitchell's stove, for any of the
boys whose addresses ean be peoetwed
the boxes Lo contain 2 pale soeltp,
home-made candy, chocolate bars,
c.F.A .1-'rotri-107
twilit,' envoy sod fruit rothe.
el 0- trdoel to be on hand 001111 their
eaudy mai 11. stnall 11)1)1
esLe and reedy to help with the pock -
mg, 11 pounds of yere are still at
Mi.., 1 featt.illdS4 etore awl if enali
would eedeaVor to knit one Milt' of
doeks, PO (hall!.. yare will he left, on
one hands it would he giently 104p.
'Icirld,d• Ally money left after
lel all I rikii,A'Ll1.11 i 4 Id 111 'Weill
1. 11)'' T101 1.0') Is of the
1 111111 fell 1 11- veinhim hoe., ar, ;
-..v.,ato-s isiys• at.
4, n 12 No. of socks seni, 15o 1
1 1)) 1111 11(41) in Wool, $124.2.3
Immo 1 e.rott 111 overhead h(OCes,
$72:01: impend Nerd 11, vations Pal.
Feed- . $70 let ; 3,10 seid dela, 000/'.'
v,11111`11 at $255.50. Receipts
Jainei Humphries visited at Listo-
well oyes Sunday.
There wits 110 141111001 this week 000
1115 to a desire to obviate spread of
Few eaSed of "fill" $1111 heard of in
the ermantinity but 000 1000 glad to re -
rod t early proepeets of abatements
FAR:units' Csr».-The next meeting
of Wallen Runic t'e Club will be held
Tittesitiv evening. of next week, in the
A. 0 F. W. 13all, at 8 o'eloek, to 11.1'-
1)1.1(5:' so [U1111110 meeting, 11c.
tom veniently located farm of
Domen Johnstcm has been sold to
Adam AfeKilinp boundary,
for the sum of $7,000. We hope Mr,
and Mrs, Johnston ,riii 103)11 )1115 to rt -
side here.
Members of the fatuity of \V. J.
Shortreed, who Wer(1 110 serionel y ill
are Mak 1115 good t yen very. .1141110q,
11.,-,s life wits deepaired 113 11,1' awhile,
hae been able to get about the house
10 liitle this WOE&
ANOTHER 01117NCILLOR.-011 RCM/011f
Of hel being one Slontteillor short of
the requirement in McKillop town-
ship a nominating meeting to fill the
enemies* will be held in the Calder
Hall, 'Win thtop, 101(111(1113', January
23)111, at 1 p. m. Election, if necessary,
the following Monday. at usual polls
and at nsual hours.
The aogel of Death visited the home
of 1. Nolan Friday, Jauuary 10111, and
elaiined the pure young life of Lewis
Ryan, from Saskatoon, Sask., who
with hie parents, James F. and Mrs.
Ryau, Were visiting .in this vicinity
for the Wititia. It is extremely sad
to see this young life taken, ati he was
a bright, intelligent 701111) of 11 years.
Ile was ill Mann 12 weeks and all that
medical aid could do was of no avail.
l'he funeral took plaee on Saturday,
Jan. 11011, to the Catholic church,
Bietssele, where requiem High Mass
was celebrated by Rev. Ise, Fallon and
interment Wad Made in Brussels Cath-
olic eemetery. Aliss E. Ryan presided
at the organ and sang an appeopriate
solo during service. We extend nor
sincerest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs,
Ryan and friends in their hour of trial,
0 1 hearts that feel the bitterness 00 15(15
And 55011 'tour ewe in Wen.
LOOknp te Jilin in heaven, who shares with
Your sorrow and your pain !
The blessed mother er a martyred son,
Year mime tears will stay ;
She whose sem heart a sword of sori'ow
Will soothe your grief nWaY.
Brussels Council
The Statute*, meeting of Btussels
Municipal Council was held Monday
at 1) a. tn.
All the members, viz. -S. T. P1001,
Reeve and 8. Wilton, iNI. Fraser, I. 0.
Richards and 03. .Tanies, Councillors,
signed the usual declaration and took
their seats.
Minutes of last meeting read and
Reeve welcomed the now members
10)111 110111)11 1019 would be marked by
luunionyand prosperity.
Following accounts were present-
ed :-
F. 8. Stant, Returning Office): .,$ 4 C10
Wm. Sellers, wood 12 119
The Post, 11011111111 ..... 8 0(1
M0011(1 by 8 W111,001, seconded by
le. James that 1111100 1000)11)1118 be paid.
Auditors roe paet yeasos accounts
were named as 33, Is Jackson and P.
11. Giltoy on motion of II, James and
1. O. ltieliards, at $10,00 each.
Moved by 5. Wilton, seconded byAI,
Fraser that Is, 8, Scott be re -appoint-
ed ineinhee of 1301155015 Public Library
Board for the next 3 years. Coveted,
Alex. Stetwast was re -appointed
monthly of nottrd of Health for this
year, on motion of M. Feaster and 8,
00011011101 Fraser asked the question
as to whethei. all the offices should
not, be (Mown open and applieatsons
asked for by advertisement,
as this would be fair to the general
public and do awa' with the idea that
only a few wet competent to fill the
)1f111110s, Oou 11031 1111' James conciteeed
and the 1)1 11('l' membess and Clerk
tlionseed stneetion at length. Noon
hour having arrived Council acijonete,
ed until 7.80 p.
0)1 te.aseetchililg it was moved by
8. Wilton, seconded by I. 0.,Richarcis
that Jno. Long be re-eppoluted Assess-
or at $50 attlaess
15 ov 20 minutes were spent in re-
veeting to the argument of the morn -
Mg session, the Octet» centre being
whether theo1d or new method Were
more desirable this year, Special
talk woe mond the salary and law
eoncerning the Medical Health Officer,
1)1801188Mo brought ont the feet, that
a compulsoey attendance of this of-
ficial to Provincial Board -of Health
Convention at Peterboro or Toronto,
at his own expellee put 10 different
ithruor on 1 11,, 101 01•111 -ss 1,1 $1110. 'rho
quotaion or fit0,11 1 1,0111 11, few Stan-
greeectre of 1 Ile 11110)31 t,l 11vitI1it JP.
((1010110111,1 Was 1 1,10,111,(1 001 1)11,1 the
11011 11 0,07 ch(0r/tee te. id' rte. 51)011/te in
referenee to 51.1-1.0 appointment Mon.
atonal at, but oo or amend -
mem being proposed m(1010)1511 gOod
dbottld 00010 out of the ditictweion
the th.elst01'11 lemst'a
pointrueut elt1.1.0,1 1,111 11011 OW 1,10.1•
IlesS 11000,
111(1011(1 1 y AI. Preset. 1.)1,'111 by M.
Witten that R. 1,1130,,. 1, 10.011(01,41
11011: y Ile. t; and tiolleclor 01 taxis,, at
eitial ,11 40 011 per 111 0111 11. (Steeled.
Allilt,,,,11) fil'Os. 14, Het as assistant
weightutteteve 111 ills, Oliveiss abeenee.
iSettal grant was made the Public
1.1111111y. 011 Inottim of S. Wilton and
11. Jones,
*10.00 Was 5001110(.1 t t, Huron County
Thildron's Aid Soviet y, on motion of
1', Michaela anti M. Fraser. IieeVe
etated the Poultry Aseeeiation
wee netting aid for mar at. itotterivii
as Cis grant was cut off, action
was taken.
A tnotine was poised order-
ing 13 copies of the Municipal
World for use of Couneil, on 10011011
of Ceiturcillope Plasm. nod Richards
with the hope that, menthe) t. 1-f the
Board would read them eater oily.
13y -Laws NOS. 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, were
read and 11103,10(/, email ming the fore-
going appointimaits.
leicianite t1st111nittee for 11111), Reeve,
Richer& and James. Street 0010.
/nit tee, Iteeve, AVilten and Fraser.
T. McLean wrote Reeve putative to
balattee payment for water tank, op-
posile the A tnent faetory. lteeve is
to port espond with hiln that when
tank is 01171110 water tight balance will
he said.
Commit adjentmed and the (109)108-
811111 is there will he a livening* up of
itaccest 1)001 at Board and in Muniet.
pal work clurhig the yeas, width will
do 110 11E1111 1011 10111 05.1111.1 pe(10e of
value to all coneerned. Publie quee-
thins are open to debate and fait. criti-
cism is not to be retold fault with
withou1 somebody imagining Lhat,
"you are. after their scalp." Because
a man is appointied to au office is no
11110801) 11)111 1110 holds 11 3)1 perpetuity.
Fault finding, especially of Ito under-
hand or anonymous character, is not
the best way of uedressiug grievances
if they exist. No official or member
of the Board will, tor should.) find fault
with straight questions anti the holiest
enquirer has a good right, to expect
and receive the information be re-
quires if it is obtainable. liSs the
easiest thing in the world to "kick"
and not do anything to help pull the
load. TIIN Pose. has long been of
the opinion that more ratepayers
should show their interest by attend-
ance at the monthly meetings and the
busineee should be transacted so that
those who attended would become
acquainted with the progress 01 11111
Church Chimes
Sunday Schools will resume next Sab-
bath, it is expected after a Inns; holiday,
The services in Si. Joan's church last
Sunday were held in the Sellout room.
Owing to illness in various families
many were unable to attend. Rev. Mr,
Smith, rector, conducted the services.
Rev. R. W. Knowles, M. A. Ph, D,,
pallor of Petrolea Methodist Church,
was given 2 unanimous call to the
Devine Street Methol hist Church,
Sarnia, at a special meeting of the offici-
al hoard of the congregation.
In Melville Church last Sneaky mow-
ing Rev, A. J. Mann preaehed a force-
ful sermon from Phil 1 and 21, "Por
nie to live is Christ," dealing with the
ueeessity of an out-ancl-out life by every
Chris, iau if the world is to be bettered
in the period of reconstruction. Congre-
gation 00104 (100 large owing to neatly be-
ing afraid of the cold after a crusade of
influenza and others fearing clanger of
contagion, 7, the perfect number,
constiteted the choir when Graham
Stewart, organ blower, is counted.
Miss Isabel Stracban officiated as organ-
ist in the absence or Mies Minerva Tones
who wee laid up with tousilitie, Rev.
Mr. Staff ,rd's text in the evening Wee
from the eame book and chapter as that
chosen in the morning and the ecith
verse, viz "Christ shall he magnified by
tny life," in 10111111, the same 0:might, as
suggested by the morniug theme, was
amplified. The preacher suggested
that the text was well worthy of it being
made a 11100410 1)31' tete.
PRIVATE CAR). Pssicuos,-A cheque for
Stow 00008 01)1) Christman gift or Morris
friend to Private Carl Peebles, recently
retnrned from France, The presenta-
thin was made in the office of the town
Clerk on Monday, Dec. 2305, and was a
handsome tribute of esteem on the part
of his home townspeople. Carl Peebles
went oversees in tete with the Morris
detachment of the Mild Battalion, cone -
mantled by Lieut..Col, Jae, Lightfoot,
He crossed to France attacbed to the sat
C, 5, R's end sherecl in many of the
stiffest engagements or the whole war
At Paschendaele he was severely
wounded and after bettering between
life and death for several months finally
emerged from hospital but minus his
lett leg. He arrived back in Crusade io
0(1001 the recent draftand cm his first
visit to Morrie Was accorded a splendid
reception and the cheqtre for Surto,
Prior to going Overseas Peetiles was one
01 1(10 best athletes of the district, and
for several seasons captaiued the Morrie
Hockey 03d111 which hung up an envie
able record (1110 winning team. In all
game% "Cap," seldom failed to shine.
Col was 0115 Ulna resident of 13reseels
when ahoy, the fantily living here for
several years. We are glad to know
Morris treated the heave lad so getter.