The Brussels Post, 1919-1-9, Page 8te ee letelee•s'd•Neeeeee'esieereb•Fit`ir+0+0+11+4d-e>.hQ+++4+40+.0-!••+•+40d •+++' Fox hunting ie cm the program of the local N.mrcds. Scr uL+ will pot reopen in Brussels until of ea uext week ' New C nuns els will meet tie pt r .:tattetc. next elondi v at t t a m. line cosy cottaue of the late MIK (Rev) Pool le for sale. See advt. 'I'RR influerze epidemic llasleft a good many people feeling very limp but we !tope they will soon regain th-lr ae ,;, en totne,t vigor. va �te Amen teams are lntsy with saw. ai tog Minims; jeer now head pg hurl •a ' rordwoed are also 00 the program. 'Tbey baud e a great quantity of timber • fu a year. '1' Tows Druggists are writing good ad- e• , vertisements—trade drawers, they sav— and are . ettiug a good example to ntbers to keep Brussels business places on the I man, 1)id you notice what Messrs. Fox ® •anal Stuith eat' each week ? + I Mum weather has given a black eye to Skating and Hockey this season g but there are a few mouths + left yet during which the Frost King } may work more vigorously and enable 4 I people to cut the pigeon wing or do the Your ' eeds itis Drugs Perhaps it is not often you may need anything in the way of Drugs, but there are low families who haven't needed something in that ling lately. Here are a fess ,, the things that are most wanted : Rexall Cold Tablets For breaking up a heavy cold Price 250. Laxative Bromo Quinine 3oe package. Quinine Capsules 2 grains and 3 grains, X Blood Root Cough Cure and Cherry Bark Cough Cure Are two reliable Cough mix- tures that can he depended upon as safe, pleasant and ef- fective remedies. Both are put up in two sizes -25c and 500 bottles. Laxatives ee AROMATIC CASCARA 250 and sac bottles. se EPSOM SALTS + 5c and roc packages, e REXALL ORDERLIES ® rue easy laxative, 150 and 250. _+ Good Hot Water Bottles ,,4+ We have a number of differ -1 I eat makes of Hot Water Bot- I e 'lee, but "The Diamond" Hut ee Water Bottle at .$2 00 is one g, that we can recommend, formolid Throat Ease Paratormic Throat Tablets 250 bottles and • • Cough lozengers 'e'i• roc and 2-_ packages. � P g s. Is a valeahle preparation where a good tonic is needed air:+r a Cold or Cough. It will be found agreeable to the most delicate stomach. Price ajar ou bottle Wampole's Cod Liver Oil .$Loo bottle, Scott's Emulsion 750 and $i,5o bottles. Rexail Tasteless Preparation of Cod Liver 011 $1.ou battles. Disinfectants5 at:c. CARBOLIC ACID LISTERINE GUM CAMPHOR T. OIG EUCALYPTUS HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Prescriptions and Recipes Carefully Filled CAMPHORATED OIL. 150 90 011205, Fn RN SWHTH Store Druggist and Stationer +0+++•°F6•+•+Ot4•1•4•++++b++4'41.d••i•++i+m+4+v+++A+a+4+++4+P 1611. � L , e1us inns STATUTORY School Board meeting Wednesday, Beth inst. SNOW plow VMS 052 duty Monday and Tuesday mornings. Have yon ordered your green wood supply yet ? See Town Clerk Scott if you have not. LAST Saturday was a fairly good sample of au old fashioned blizzard in its early stages. After a lay-up from the "fin" D. B. McDonald opened up bis butcher shop Friday of last week. NEW this table for morning train went into effect last Monday. The bour is now 7 531eaving Brussels, EAST Huron Agricultural Society An- nual meeting Wednesday of next week at 3.3o p. m. See advt. in this issue. MR, Murry was in town last week canvassing for the Toronto Star. This paper advanced to $4.00 per annum on January est, Ice houses are being got ready for the storage of next Summer's supply, Jack Frost has not made much of a job congealing the Maitland yet. THE old time occupation of Chimney sweep will be likely to bave a revival if soft coal is to be the fuel used for beat- ing purposes for a prolonged season. RENEWAL and new subscriptions to Tete PosT have been rolling in at a live- ly rate. Now is the time. Quite a few are sending copies to absent friends for rgr9. Oua holiday visiting school teachers have biked to the various localities where they are training the young idea, Comparative few changes in the teach- ing profession in this locality at this season, Beussme Continuation and Public Schools did not reopen this week ow- ing to a desire to offset the prevailing epidemic as far as possible. By order of the School Board sobool will not resume next week either, Tun eligibly located and desirable property of Fred, McCracken, Turn - berry street, has been purchased by James McFadzean, of Grey township who sold his farm last year. He gets possession in the near future. PARALYTIC STROKE —Mrs, Jno. 13ai- lant ne received word that her mother, Mrs. James Shaw, formerly of Brussels, had recently suffered a severe stroke of paralysis, which affected her right side. She has been residing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W, Dovey, Oakland, California. Mrs 'Phos. Nicholls, anoth• er daughter, of Washington, is assisting fu nursing her. BROKE LEFT LEG —Last Thursday afternoon Miss Kate Ewan who lives on the corner of Market and James streets, had the misfortune to slip on the cement walk and broke her left thigh bone. The disabled limb was professionally looked after and the patient is resting nicely now and will, we trust, ere long be as well as ever. Many old friends express good wishes for speedy recovery, SRN; EDWARDS has been engaged by the Brussels, Grey & Morris Telephone Board as Lineman, fn sueOession to Wm. Little, who resigned, after several years of active service to go into the grocery businesr., having purchased the stock of W, A. Grewar, Mr. Edwards is having a great experience on the start on aocount of the shakeup the lines re- ceived by the regent wind and sleet storm. e THE Watchman, a weekly newspaper published at Tiverton, and the Brant- ford Daily Courier, ceased publication, Increased cost in production was the cause. 9 Brood Sows, doe to farrow about February 15th, for sate, A. MCKER, Ethel. 28-2 50 Crouch of dry Maple hardwood for sale, Phoae 428 MARS CARDIFF, Grey, DRY wood ter sale, Phone 474 R896F.LL ROneaTaoN, R. R. N0, 2, B0 v1eltl. SIIM of money found, Owner mayHave ' same by roving property and paying for this notice, Tun Pon. COMFORTARLE house and lot for sale, Queen street, Brnaaele, aha property of the late Are. W. Newsom. For particulars apply to J. C. Cooper for the coming week or F. S. Scott, thereafter, CARLOAD of Bran will be at Brussels station Thursday and Friday of this week for Brus• eels Farmers' Club. Will on who want bran take notice and go to the ear. Trios. Mrmen, Secretary Fanners' Club. MAUDE C. BRYAN annommes she has re- sumed work ht her office. Office open every day. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 8 p. m, oleo Saturday evenings. SECOND HAND CABS ATA BARGAIN.—Have a Chevrolet touring ear, 1 runabout Ford and touring Fords for sale at bargains. S. CARTER. Brussels, COMFORTABLE house for sale, well located. Apply to Roy MCKAY, Brussels, WANTED.—Dead Horses and Animals taken awaypromptly within a radius of 20 miles. Will ay from :t8 to $5 for live animals brought to factory. No animals removed without bide. Phone, day 12. Phone, evening 178, The Farmers' Fertilizer Co., Ltd•, Wingham, DR. PARSER, Osteopathic, Phyaiolan, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronle and nervous diseases successfully treated, Visits reaidenees, Consultation at Queen's Hotel. THE POST is pleased to state that Miss Muriel Brothers, B. A„ of Brussels, has been engaged ss a teacher on the staff of the Ottawa Model School. We feel as. sured she will do good work. The Board made a good selection when they secured her, HARRY B. CHURCHILL PASSES AWAY,— At 2 o'clock Wednesday morning Harry le, Churchill, C. P. R, agent at McGaw, died, after a short but severe illness. He was Duly 30 years of age and leaves a wife (formerly Miss Vinle Edwards, daughter of George and Mrs. Edwards, Brussels) and a little daughter, Norene, The funeral will take place to Brussels cemetery, Thursday afternoon from the C. P, R. Walton, Other teetnbere of the Churchill household are recovering, All were prostrate from the "flu," Mr. Churchill was au old Bluevale boy and was an expert at his business as tele- graph operator and railroad man. He was to be promoted to Owen Sound. Deep c egret i felt fur the bereaved. 'X111 following refers to a former Brusselite 1—The funeral of the late Peter McMartin took puce Saturday afternoon from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, Mill Road, Soutbwold, and was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Johnston, pastor of Fingal Methodist church, conducted tite service, The officers of Warren Lodge, No. r20, A. F. & A. M., Fingal, had charge of the funeral for Union Lodge, No. 38o, Lon. don, N. D, Munro, W. M., and D. T. Scott, Chaplain, read the ritual. In• terment was made in Fingal cemetery. 1. Ward was present as representative of Union Lodge, Loudon, The pallbear. ere were. D T. Scott, H, T. Henderson, 1, H. Gray, Frecl, Claus, Z. J, Edge worth and D. Cameron, Among floral tributes were designee from the family and Union Lodge, London and friends and relatives, Many Attended from outside placess. grand flop on the ice, ANNUAL MEETING —ByNII M ET advertisement in this issue it will be seen that the An. uual Meeting of East Huron Agricul. tural Society will be held in the Coun- cil chamber, Brussels, ou Wednesday, 15th Inst., at 1,3o p. me to receive re- pents, elect officers and transact any other necessary busineso, A letter from Mrs, J, T. Davidson, Stratford. las' Monday says :—We have all had the "flu." Bob (Davidson) wife and 5 children came to spend Christmas aid all have had a bad" attack of the epidemic. 2 of their children and one of ours had a close call, There were r3 d no in our house all down with "flu" but all are doing fine now, Rev. Dr, Ross, Torouto, a former well known pastor of Melville church Brussels, writes as follows :—DEAa MR. )(ERR —Please find enclosed Express Money O, der for 59r.5o, being renewal for THE POST for 1919 which we are al- ways glad to receive. This is my 40th year as a subscriber for Tux Pos'r, May rem be its most prosperous year and tna it be to its worth Editor a v Yhappy one, Yours very truly. JOHN ROss, DEATH or WILLraM CoLwer,L--Wm Colwell, proprietor of Colwell's book store and founder of the Wallaceburg aDecember 2 rd at the Ne died on News,3 age of 78 years. He bad been actively engaged in the stationery business for more than 50 years, first at Mitchell and (.iter at Wallaceburg. At one time he published papers at Mitchell, West Lorne, Leamington, Paris and Wallace - burg. A family of 4 sons and 5 Baugh. ters survive him. Mr. Colwell was horn at Cooksvilie, Peel County, Ont. Deceased was an uocle to Mrs, J. D. Warwick and Miss Millie Grewar, of Brussels, CAP'r, C. G. VANSTONE HOME,—Last Monday's Toronto Dairy Star spoke as follows of a former Brusselite :—Among the officers who reached Toronto from Tunisian this morning was Capt. C. G, Vanstone, of Markham street, "We had an uneventful but tedious voyage" said Capt. Vanstone "What about the fond on board ship ?" asked the Star, "Well, I beard no complaints pensoual- ly," was the reply. "Major A. M. Strond, the O. C., was very anxious to see that all the men got proper treat- ment, fie appointed a special messing efficer each day to attend the meals of the men and to remain until the meals were finished. I fancy that was the first time such a course was pursued." Capt, Vanstone has been wounded four times. He went overseas with the rent Battalion (Hurons) as adjutant and while in England was promoted to the rank of Major. Ho reverted to the rank of Captain to get to France. He was wounded with gun shot in the left arm in April last, and was wounded twice again during the month of July. He received a gunshot wound in the ankle in September, x918, during the last fight at Camhrai and figured in all the final big engagements He is 36 years of age and married. Before enlisting he was a buyer for the William Davies Co, Church Chimes Rev. Father Fallon, who has been ill with influenza, is making a good re- covery and will soon be as hearty as ever. Church services will resume In Brus- sels next Sabbath as the Board.pf Health ban has been lifted. Union services will be continued as arranged between Melville and the Methodist congrega- dons. MELVILLE CHURCH.—The Treaatlrer'e books will close on January rbth, and all monies for current expenses and Missions are asked t0 be hauded in be• fore that date. W. M. S. and Mission Band want their's by the ratb at latest, Ontario Street Methodist Church, Clinton, has invited Rev, S Anderson, now at Lambeth, to become their past or tor the next Conference term The rev, gentlemen has accepted subject to action of Stationing Committee next Jane. A Goon WORK. —Salvation Army has, during the period of the war, done a great work with the soldiers overseas. Ie fact, the reek day of the war found the Salvation v m 'al Ar at work behind the Y lines in Belgium. It continued to main - tam near! two hundred Ruta forty. a five atnbuleices and over twelve hun• deed uniformed workers. The Salveti. on Army also established and maintain- ed 96 hotels and 4'2 rest tomes, These hotels were and are located in Paris, Boulogne, Loudon, Eng„ and various other points including sever,11 Canadian cities where the returned soldier has been given oomt"ortable quatrtere and a good bed ata price be is able to pay At the hotel in 'Toronto a returned man may procure a room, three meats and a bath at 8o cents a day which, of course, is considerably below cost. Up to the present tba Salvation Army has made no appeal for funds bo help in its War work, but now with the early return of nearly 300,00 men additional hotels must he opened, and for the purpose of continuing and extending its work the Catiadian pnblie Will he asked to nib - scribe One Million Dollars dttrieg the week of January re'h to 25th. In ad- dition to the work mentioned above the Army Interest itself in wives, widows and. dependent Orpheus of soldiers so that we feel you have a hearty interest lu supporting the campaign. Read ad. verlieelnent'Ot1 page 4, EST'D 1ETR rHE STANDA D A OE CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and interest at current rate. BRUSSELS BRANCH, ®® © Manager. G. H. SAMIS, 239 '1 HANK; -- 1 15 fellotvmg letter from Haulilt . ', Ou tat t0, :.peaks for itself and 1', quite; Ili cS('1ac18;Bn U. DEAR MRN I'Ae15110—K:uthv c1ip0100 to the schol- ars oc the Methodist 3uudcay School, Itt u''14, our thanks for their interest to our w n It ,tort Mei! very generous con- n -'.515111 of Christmas things and $12 tai ',tic will endeavor to spend it to the best of our ability for those most needy, So many have been in especial- ly nerd places on account of the epl- tlenuc. Wishing your School in all its departments every success, I am, Siaeerely yours, CLARA H. RAN'nON. tt $$ People We Talk About tt $$ Give THE Posy the time of your visitors, Harry Querin, Galt, was home for a holiday visit, Gordon and Mrs. McDonald and Miss Margaret were visitors with Blyth rela- tives, Alex, Fox may play junior Hockey witb Seaforth again this seasou. Alex. is quite a stick handler, R, Lea'herdale, of town, and his son W. L , of Winnipeg, were at Loudon for a day last week, Many old friends in town heard, with deep regret, last Sunday, of rue demise of Hartley DlenzieN Grey township, Cardiff iff Best who was hems for the vacation, has resumed his studies at the Sehool of Prawleal Science, 'Torouto, Mrs, J. T. Ross and Miss Mary were visitors iu Torouto last week, Both business and pleasure were on the pro- gram. Mrs, Hellowell, Torouto, was here on a visit with her mother, Mrs, Jane Thompson, and other relatives for a few days, Miss Gertrude Ross, who was home for the Christmas holidays, left last Sat. urdayfo' Fort William to resume teach- ing on Monday. Wesley Walter, a former Brusselite was chosen to the town Council Board in Goderich last Monday. He should make a bustling town dad, Mrs. James Ewan, who has at Alma For the past few weeks caring for her daughter, Mrs, Ring, who bas been ill with influenza arrived home on Monday. Ino. C. and Mrs. Cooper, Chicago, are hero combiuiug business and pleasure. They were former residents of this locality years ago and are still interested in town Pte. Steve Thibideau arrived home Wednesday night of last week frorn overseas. He is enjoying fairly good health and is glad to get back to the land of the Maple. Dr. McRae is able to attend to his practice once more after a tie-up to his home from influenza. The M. D's oc- casionally have to take their owu medl. cine Mrs, McRae and baby sou are al- so on the menti, R, A. and Mrs. Pryne and children, Toronto, were hero on a short holiday at the home of R and Mrs. Lea'herdale. They are well known former residents of town, Mrs. Pryue being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leatherdale. Scott aoct Mrs. McNaughton, of Grea- ten, were visitors with T, J. and Mrs. Gilpin. They were old neighbors years ago in Blansbard township They also aisited friends at Blyth and were most welcome. Misses Nellie Fox and Vera Hoover, of the Standard Bank and Bank of Nova Scotia, respectively, were off duty owing to influenza attacks but both are back to their positions now, we are pleased to notice. A letter from Mrs. Charlie Sheriff, Winnipeg, says her husband has been seriously ill with influenza but was slowly regaining his health. Both are former Brosselitea, Mrs. Sheriff beiug a sister to Mrs. H, L, Jackson, Reeve Elston, of Morris township, was in town last Friday receiving' con- gratnlatlons over bis new honors and smiling his blandest. If he would make sere the year of his marriage to some fair maiden that would be a crown- ing event, Flight Lieut, Arthur and Mrs Sleet - ton were visitors at the home of D, C. and Mrs. Ross last week, They were formerly of Prince Albert, but the lat- ter has been instructor at the Beams vide Aviation School and was also in Texas on same duty M. H. Lambert, a former resident of Brussels, vho pad been n en aed in the war for several years, received hie dis- charge and has with his wife, come from Australia, to reside in Vancouver, B, C. He still retains membership in Brussels Masonic Lodge, We are sorry to bear of the serious illness of H. B. Churchill, C. P. R, agent at Megaw but hope for speedy improvement, The whole family has bees down with iefleenza as well as Miss Militate Edwards, Mrs. Chttrohill's sister, who went to visit them. Sapper Frank Bryans arrived home from overseas last week and hopes to soon get his discharge and get back to oivilian life. He is a Son of Wm. end Mrs. Bryans town, and was engaged in the teaching profession when he an- swered the call of the Empire. We wel- come him back to the land of his birth, Wm, and Mrs. Bryans, old and well known residents of the 4511 line of Mor- els township, have moved into town end are living in spartmeuts in the Holmes block, 'Their son, Jones, has taken over the homestead end last week brought to the home the, new home- maker. Mr, and Mre, Bryans have earned a well deserved rest. ++•A+++++++++++++++44++++++ + Our Letter Sox '1• )F Red Cross Cil ole, Mussels. DEAR FRIENDS. --I cannot tell you hots much I appreciate the ree0ipi of your tenet .I appreciate it all the Irlote. as it betokens that I am still Oonaldered 0515 of the idrussels "boys" and corning its it did just before lite Christmas season I1 will send rL wet ut glow through !very reeipieut, selrelhc'r in England or Femme. Please co00c'p1. Illy heartfelt thanks for all your kindness and thoughtfulness duringl, all the time I have been away. t wish to each and everyone of your mem- bers a most. cheery Christmas aerosol. Sincerely, 0. G. VANSTONIc. DEAR MR. 1(MM—It is )otg past thee when 1. should have sent in our renewal but the old staying "Beattie late that: never" so I will enclose $3. to keep us paid up a little longer, We are !always glad to get Thal Pos'r and read of our old friends and neigh- bor's. At this Christmas time we are all 00 thankful lliat ve have a worldof Peace again but the sickness and suffering keeps us sad and humble. Sueely God is s l enkiuB CS 001 Of isrest love for us. I hope you have escaped Lhe "flu." it has been very bad here. I left hone Nov, 7111 to help nurse and have been at it: ever since, excepting a few days to rest up, Lill last week. None of etre family had it exact myself and I was from home then. I had it very mild. We organized an emergency hospital and all teachers and others who could leave home turned in and helped nurse. Ofcourse the teachers nearly all took it but we managed to get one bunch up before another fell ill. In all ave had 64 patients besides dozens in theft. houses whom we looked after. I helped in the hospital part of the lime end also nursed iu the country, the last place where a family of 8 were down. This will give you some idelt of hots we handled the situation out hete and I must say with very good results for we scarcely lost a case and there were some very bad cases of pneumonia before wo got them, 1 might say hove that the Department of Education, with one highly esteem- ed Premier, an old Huron boy, (Ron, W. M. Martin) at its head, pasted a regulation that all teachers who gave their set vices for nursing should le - waive their pay from their school boards the same as if teaching, which was I think a very !vise thing, Well now I think I most stop and wish you and yours a very Happy New Year. Mete, 4. M. DOUGLAS. P. S. I might add that Bob and the girls are all fine. Bob hits been real busy and had "sone time" doing chores for sick neighbors. We are having lovely weather and yesterday were in town to the car, Strasabui'g, Sask., Dec, 26th, DEAR FRIEND.—Just a few lutes to let you lannw we are all well and hap- py, hoping this will find you all enjoy- ing good health and that you have had a Mercy Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year. We are having fine Winter weather at pres- ent. Times and wages are good here and plenty of employment for all, but the cost of living is very high, hue I presurrie it is the same all over on ac- count of the war. War is over and we have won a glorious victory ab the cost of thousands of lives of our brave boys. The glory is all theirs, they are gone but not forgotten, Several whom I used to know in Bees. eels, others in Saskatchewan and oth- ers bore in our little city of Bemidji, made the supreme sacrifice, Soule of the boys are returning to thole homes from the different training camps and the Western front, but others are gone never to return, We hope Peace terms will end satisfactorily to as all and our allies and that the old Kaiser and the teat of his blood thirsty band, will got what, is coining TI -IE / gjv S'FORIi Weekly Store News TO ONE AND ALL WE EXTEND OUR BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR And to all who in any way contributed lo make the ley -� 9c' llt Ve et. post Christmas season one of klte very I (a a y enjoyed We Mil urn 0115' hearty and grateful apin'e'ciation, A 58 p Fa A gentlemen travelling through Alabmme was nitwit interested in Uncle Ned "So you were once a Slave, eh ?" said the gentleman. "Yas salt 1" said Uncle Ned. "Well, well I" said the gentleman, "And after the warb ou lot your y freedom eh Y" "No eah," said Ned gloomily, "nil exactly still. I didn't git toy free- dom, salt. After de war I done got married." This very often is the in 1st dttn- gerous and trying tinme. Just when you are eonvaleamng — HMI S the time when the greatest care is need- ed and you will find Penslar Tasteless Cod Liver Extract one of the very hest remedies you can use. It is a fine tonic, stimulat- ing the ttppeLite and building up strength, Two sizes -50c and $1.00 bottles. Same Thing only Different 58 0 0 0 eg as 01 e e a u r1 m Is forkdi t Chocolates During the past I wn weeks or mere we have received some very curnplimentllt7 remarks about the quality of our ChnoO- lates and the very tasty pack - ages in which they are gotten up. Don't forget we keep a very fine stock of them all the year round, The Ideal Ndtermalt Fountain Pari The all round, ever reliable, fully guaranteed Pen. O stock is always very complete— $2.50 corn p $2.50 to $6.00 ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. JAMES FOX DRUGGIST and STATIONER A 04 e O t» 0 O s O /e O 0 0 0a 00 a e e 10 0! 9 cele 00000000eteeteeetteDereemeeergeg000sefGemOOo©'AOODe00R10410 £ to them as wall as all those who were implicated in their barbarous methods of warfare, Suppose a good many changes have taken place in Brussels since we left, but a wain spot still LetnaiIls in Onl' heart for the old town. We hope to pay a visit before long and see yon all. Lisle is to big boy now, as Lail as myself, strong and healthy and was 1'7 years old last month. Is going to school steady, This is his third year in high School. He was just a little tot when we moved nub Nest from Brussels, but it does not seem long to loop hack, I am enclosing cash for arrears and the balance as renewal for THE Posr as we cannot cin very well without it for it is like getting a letter ft'otn home. Hoping to hear recon you soon and wishing you the cnmplimenle of the season will conclude with Mrs. 11Iooney and Lisle joining in sending our best wisllea to all. I remain its ever, Yours respectfully, H, MooNEY, Bemidji. Minn. DEAR EDITOR.—We are much pleas- ed to receive Tnv POST from week to week. It is a never failing letter from home, I tam still on the staff of the Flour Mill Go. and am feeling quite at home at the business, ille are all quite well trying to do Darr share to uphold the cause of Right and honest toil and join in wishing you a Happy New Year. ALEX, D. (3I3ANT. Stratford, Ont, DEAR FRTEND.—I herewith enclose subscription for the continuation of our dear POST Which is like a aveelrly letter to us and always welcome. We have been receiving the "Stan," from Goderich for about 7 months and so have been kept pretty well inform• ed of the various activities in "war work" among our friends and relit - Oyes. We hope you are a11_ well as this leaves us, Of our 22 relatives in ANNUAL MEETING. the war, 8 were killed and some of the others wounded. Of my 28 pupils, Tho Aunnni Dfoeffing of Wroxeter Telephone none Were injured at all, although Dompatywillbeitellidi hoTownHall,Wrox- some of them were in some of the - star, on Wednesday, January 23nd, at 2 p, nt. meet thrilling drives. We expect 10 Business will be the reoeiving of the annual report, eleabint eneaa ors and 059' other host• see them all safe home soon and rosea that may lm necessary. Jamestown will matte some noise but we do hope They will tint be quite WI noisy tat when Peace was declared. In the words of the poet, "It baffled description." With kind regards to Mrs. Kerr and yourself in which Airs. Hawkins joins cordially. T. A. Haw1t1Ns. Jamestown, N. Y. BORN MoDttNnrm—At Brigden, Ont., an December lath, 1958, to 51r, and Mrs, troy MoDonald, n son, Kenneth Jackson. PttoOTiett; At Brighton, Ont., on December 81st, 1018, to Mr. and Mrs, 0, 12. W. Proober, a 5011. DIED Cnuitoeu,L.—At 111 maw, Huron Co., on Janu- ary 8th, 1910, Harry B Churehin, 0. P. R. A gent, aged :30 years, HILL.—In London, on December 80th, 1018, Sarah Harris, relict or the late Thomas " Hill, of Win gham, in her 84th year, HENNtso,—In $arrieton, on ,Tan. 861, 1919, Sarah. aieiggo late Myinaed b8 yearsand 8 months. 2S0LAV0ntiN.—In Gerrie on Jan, 2nd, 1919, 5Tr0. Thos. H. McLaughlin, aged 75 years, MENsrsa,—Ia Grey Township, on January 5th, 1910, James Hartley Menzies, youngest son of the late Janes and Mts. Manatee, aged Wal9 years, nut;—In Morris Township, on Jninary 0th, 1919, George McCall, in his 8.1t1, year, SMtmrr: In Morris township, on January 101,, 1510, Bernice Jane Flood, beloved wife of Joseph Smith, aged 20 yeas, 7 months and 0 days. BRUSSELS MARKET, Fall Wheat .t2 05 $2 10 Spring Wheat 1 05 2 00 Oats 70 78 Peas - 175 1.75 Barley 00 100 Butter 60 00 Hogs , 17 75 1? 75 9iavl 1200 1800 Potatoes per bag, 1 25 1 25 Wroxeter Telephone Company Annual Report of the Ethel Cheese Factory '-"wit FOR THE YEAR 1918 Price SALES of Cheese May ......... ......... 22e June 1.15.,. 22e Jtine 15 - July 15... 22c July 15. 81 ..,., . 22e August 22c September .......,,. 22e Ootobet & Nov..,, 25c Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Milk Value Mailing Ainotint of of to 1 of of doe Milia Cheese Ib, Oheeee Oheeee Cheese Patrons 108,444 9,036 11.48 $1987 92 $298 67 $1004 25 128,583 11,750.5 10.9 2585 11 881 90 22013 21 271,770 22,513.5 12, '4952 07 781 60 4221,26 320,874 12,006.75 10.6 2641 48 800 22 2251 26 21.3,872 16,860,5 12.6 3704 91. 074 78 3030 13 176,466 16,406. 10,8 80110 82 056 24 2958 08 143,425 14,128.75 10.15 3582 18 565 15 2907 08 1164,800 102,711. 11.886 8528018 80 118008 05 (619820 22 Amount recd by Patrons Lbs. Value 1 ib, but, fat but, fat .I. 2 -I. 2 $220 80 5 82 6< 88.941 34. 4230 97 18812.017 80.7 2246 59 0512.778 84.5 8032 01 11284.71 27. 2015 70 0720,128 80, 2978 88 7035,482 37,48 1110808 02 60947.680 31,70 Average lbs. milk to lb. cheese Average value of 1 1b, butter fat and oaeien " Average value to patrons of 11b, butter fat and oasien Audited and found correct, `Bern lL, December 28th, 1018, 11,830 87.'6c 31.70 WM,'L, SPUN OEl, Auditor.