HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-1-9, Page 2WY. IN PETRO.
Letters Reveal the. Terrors of Bolshe-
vist Buie in the Unfortunate and
Stricken City.
in the sun. The size of It IR about he
same tes n email herring, and it emells
horribly, Iiut it can be eaten when
properly waked unit boiled. We al-
ways used to kanw ',Nitta' us a swear
word. But now 1 know it ls a ash
and eatable.
'You know 'maple here are Maim-
ing in accordance with four vete-
goriee. The first category (work-
men) get a quarter of a pound of
bread every two days, that is one -
eight of u pound of bread every day,
and two herrings, The third category,
'people who drink other people's blood
and eeploit ober people's work,' that
The hapleee plight to which Russia is, people who live on mental work
lies been brought by the Bolshevist esie), get two herrings every two
regime and the wretchedness and suf- days and no bread, and the fourth
fering of the people are sketched tit category, also people who drink, etc.,' .
firet hand in a series of letters that ger nothing at all, sometimes two
have in some way been c,ent out of , Imeringe•
the colantry and are now in Waehiug- ' No News of the World.
'To you remeinber the big etore
The author of this correepondenee,! on the corner of Snemenskaja and
Which affords a direct glimpse of con- Kiroehnaja, where soldiers used to
ditions now prevailing in the fernier live and where there were once in the
en...capital of the Tears, is a Russian be- window heaps of rotten potatoes? The
'tonging to the
ell'est 50 shop is now occupied by a commis -
called, For obvious reasons no name
sioner's office, who sells everything
is given, ne the Bolshevik leaders are
in the world, and on the corner there
ruthleesand the lifting of the veil is quite a little market, consisting of
which envelope. their reign of blood- ladies and ehildren of society who
shed, however slight it may he, night sell lumps of sugar at 1.20 rubles it
be resented is it ever came to their ; piece and thin slices of black bread,
attention, I I don't know at what price. And this
People Die in the Street. I year Russia hes unusually good crops! ,
The first letter, dated. Petrograd, People who have a little bit of money
September Id, follows: I left, run away front Russia. They
"I am glad you are net hero just sell everything they possess azul just
_ •
Bee England Welcomed the News
That the Armistice Was Signed
and the Fighting Was Over.
promised "peeve on earth and good
will to men." So the tear is brushed
away, the sob smothered, and \vile
the mother t.teee. in thought the eeiled
peasants and children returning to
country and home, redeemed, raneome
ed, she no move remembers the
anguish for the joy that her bOy's
life was not given in vain, '
We mourn, too, that you, so near
end dear to US, -have also your joy
tinged with pain.
Natlyes of the Sudan Aro Expert With
'rho following letter was written at
Maidenhead, England, on November Their Native Weapons.
20: Natives in the Sudan are not allowed
"Suspense is the title of one of to poesees rifles, :lays a writer in
Landseer's great pictures represent- Blackwood's; if they were armed with
. . the weapon of tee white nein, thee
eesaeeesi-P:1' ";lr'''''A 418
The farm garage may be made the light coming from ell aides is, quite
Garage &enemies.
source of many little economies if a .. . .,
an advantag..t when working. about
little time end forethought are: eX.- _ bail en s „ ,„ dem, ,men , a
the car. With a good floor and am-
joet in view. It becomes an easy P,Le li.11.. w‘ao2,3.1.,. ca,n: be...donit:_o_11,,%th,,e_r_
ercieed in fixing it up with that rib -
have this and that fixed or attended weAantl11.r thing.we have found to he
habit Lo drop into the city garage and
draw -
to when it can be done much cheaper le a long chest ofat home and perhaps ne well. The a cenvemence
ers and a work bench 011 top of them.
Abuse of Red Cross Insignia Confirm.
ed by Officers Who Witnessed
Germany's Inhuman Tecties.
Misuse of the Red Cross emblem by
the German army is bringing bitter
comment from American officers in a
In the drawers are kept robes, the poeltion to know what is being done,
thols, old casings that. might be used says a delayed deepateh on the last
in case of an emergency, waste, day of the war. A lieutenant in the
paints, oils, etc. This is much bet- medical corps and an infantry officer
ean be kept clean and dry, ter than having the floor cluttered up .
the German army's devilitch and W-
hom° garage is a concrete floor. It ,assert that "alt the aeries told about
it pleasent to work on. If any lit-
tle article is dropped on it it can be
on a with them, and having a place. one
Knows where they may be quickly human teepee aro true."
Taught to reaped. the Red Grows flag,
found readily. Tires resting
maltme, found.
ed 111 order to increase their life.
Tires must be kept properly inflat-
This nit ambuscade by beetle trickery in the
American troops were lett Into many
is often neglected because one does display of this insignia. And whet lute
garagentan used to give free air anti
mg a great hound Pet ell Y "1 11% would cause greet destruction among storage room to solicit or attract
and watching, eut.urday, :November
the game. They are sufficiently clever patronage, but that day has passed,
9, end Sunday, November 10, were
daye of suspeese here -notably with with their native weapons, however, to one ee tie best economies er the
defend theinseivem from wile beaste
you also. We knew nearly enough of and to engage in tee sport of lutetium
the terms of the armistice to be as.- When a lion, grown bold, begins te
sured that if accepted ane signed it make a regular -practice of killing
meant unconditional surrender on the eheem Arab pride decides that these
part of the eaemy. Wae it possible depredations mustbo stopPed. Two of
that 10 great a miracle could, In the the natives sally forth the day after
course of a few months, be aecompl- the beast hag made a lull and track
ished as the meek comOlianee with him to where be is lying during the
such =batted of miserable (justly) ;heat of the day, Then follows a pretty
cruel terms? 'Vire held our breath, I +
, pone of teamwork,
listened, waited. Two such days never I One Arab in armed with a. light -
happened before, probably never will ' theotving spear and a heavy, Meg,
again. We .crept out of bed before ; "shoveeheaded spear," the other with
the dawn and watched the conduct of a sword. They advance on the lion in
men emerging in the gaslight from • Indian file. the spearmen in front. The
now; living conditions are awfully erun. They go mainly to the Balile , the newspaper shops, no sound, no lion, grown bold through his success -
bard. Have you ever seen people dy- I *evince and to Ukrainia. And you : sign, like the prophet's servant on ful nightly kills close. to men, usually
ing on the street? I did, three times.; know it's the German eonsulate there Caemel. We say, "There is nothing." 1 allows them to approach to within
Twice it was meet workmen appar- ; who help.% them to get permits and : A few hour s more and an indes•crib- , thirty yards or so, Then the spear-
ently, once an old woman. One man ; tickets. I don't know bow the Ger- ! able wireless electrie wave swept, •; man hurls his light spear at the lion;
fell down in the Eurehtedtehayee the , mans manage to do it, but I know for I over the land and touched the brain I if he miseee, the lion will pro bably
other on the Liteinye, when I walked : eure that thee' do. They do it also ; of millions. They stopped in their , bolt., and Lite perrormence must he
home erten the office late Sunday. I very willingly if people get them tasice, breathlessly listening for some- !tried again another day. But if he
Maybe it was from cholera, maybe ' good money in exchange Inc theit. thing they instinctively knew was hits and 'wounds, the Roe chargee. Im-
from etarvetion. The woman died on Kerenki, of which they have heaps. 1 coming. Bang! The roar of a can- 1 mediately the spearman sinks,dowo on
the Ussachete Percouluk. She was sett- ; "We have no news whatever or . Hop shook ' the ground. A. moment's I ono knee, with his heavy spear held in
ing (mite a while on the pavement, ; whet is going on in Frame or North- pause. Bang! Another reverberating : front of him, butt ou ground, in the old
then quietly ley down. Nelesee raid ; ern Russia. Russian papers just roar. That settled it; and then, as . method of infantry when receiving a
any attention to hoe Later on a Red , hcielle setae that the British are . Macaulay wvote of the Armada, "with : cavalry charge,
and takes the lion's
Grose ear carried her away. But ! quarrelling with the Allies in ArchH ohe bound and with one start the charge on his spear.
, aagel, that they do not pay any wages . royal city awoke"; and the whole ern- ; Now follows some nice timing:
horses are not removed. When they ' neither too mem nor too lath the
die on the. streets they just lie there ; to Russian workmen, etc., that the ; piee, too. All this, however. and much ,
for weeke, tied bongry dogs tear : allied enterprise is falling to plecee." , more, you l. have
ill heard and read ; wordsman springs forward and to ono
get tem , Fide. and mites down on the lion -with
thea lisediee to pit,ces. i llo further refere to the example , three long weeks before you
I his heavy sword; if he makea his
"r delft think the people died front given by the Red Guard. They showed I A Grateful People. jump too soon, the lion may have time
cholera. They were net siek, just I that they knew how to treat the bei Two worde -will sum up the feelingto change the direction of his (Marge;
horrible Hein ami team it awfully I longings of the tyrants and oppres- 1 of the nation just. now. armY, nave-, if too late, bis comrade's spear may
hard. I )i 1'1 hem leteleved it if 1 sore. "After Nikolai Romanoff was King and peonle. Tsvo familiar little ; have failed to stop the charge, and he
I hadret emee it myself. These three executed," he ctinthicied, "abottt six , ‘1.01.e,
a never so. fragrant with mean- mar have been seriously hurt. Arabs
(Imes Ifinetente to mot the ementions hundred suits of linen were token by ing and emotion rts to -day, "Thane ,' V-11-1.; have hunted lions in this way say
of peteegeem latter thee description. the Rol Guard. And they proved . G„dr, The bolas pass but the wont: 011hurt t tat invariably they lifli the big
quietly, witheut any groan or curse, worse than their former ownere." city street, fm romaneion and from
poor, kelplese eicatures, sieves of the
terrible regime or toedey. I think elltNG —
OWIDIAMONDS , cottage, from the rough, rude toilers
on sea and land, -from gray, grizzled
that ally hnly the Ros
sian eeople ).,(11 do well. Recent Discoveries Made by a (hem- veteran generals and tired, mud -
stained, eager soldiers -"Thank God!"
's rete othing , - -.
"Altogether, Petreperad is a dead • kat Expert. It takes the -form of public street
'Mel', nee:. People are very, ve-ge It hue long been known that the thanksgiving servieee, where the
nCV , .1e' 11.1 no ‘cat„(,' Letnie are half vapor of mereury possesses the power masses gather reverently and sing
empty, half of the shops etre closed. of decomposing various compounds of witb devotion:
Heaps eil °filen opened; atommissien carbon in such a way as to produce . "All people that on earth do dwell,
they call themselvebut pare careen. Amalgams of sodium Sing to the Lord -with cheerful voice
ing 0111'.eellime 'furniture, tablewnre, and ether metalsHM
slowly lose the
offices; ae, s, - ,
linen, at:siegf. le
es oaury, etc., of pee- mercury through evaporation, and I serve with fear His praise fore-
PCrliteaetlent, Lords and Commons,
e staeve. Most reciette. vulgaror are decomposmd, with the result that
pie who leave tile country 01' who just whenm
such amalgams are placed in 1 before Him and rejoice."
eell .everythieg they poseees so as not contact with- hydrocarbons the later I
intimate Linege al housekeeping are the carbon is liberated as a shapeless weed their way to tem veneralde old
sold puelicte. Re; ecmetimes comical, Meek mass together with a few elms- Westminster and illi
sanctuary and say
atest tireee meet ead and shocking'. tale, Theae- crystals are so small as , "Thtulk G°d'" the Prc Minieter
There seemb to be nothing precious to be of no practical value. 1 at the great bietoric Lord Mayors
any more in families; reerything le , One chemical engineer has under- , banquet freely expresses told makes
to be bootees," - j taken to produce large crystals of tchoed.keyAllnote of his speech "Thank
of us, young, and old, rude
The eseeszta beam, dated Septemiser carbon by making the mercury de and
formws: ; compoee under conditions favorable to and cultured, in a thousane varying
---. To -day Mr. --. lett the growth of crystals. In a tube feshions and 'forms say from ou
eta. e was Ute llin
aet k between about sixteen itehes in lelig,th and an hearts "Thule. God," with .0 (1101,
your human world over there and the ineb in diameter he placed a quantity , reverential joy.
mad Cultism here . We both,-------. and of sodium amalgam containing about I joy Tinged 'With Pain.
I, feel naw -Art comoletoly isolated from 85 per cent. mercury. Over the anal- ; Our joy is unspeakable, our haPPl-
roemelliece we miss etes so badly, all gam 'he placed a layer of sodium sill- nese great m the extreme; but it is ewhere.
a you. You cannot imagine what ltato, or water glass, and over this triaoofficersonGtestreet:, 401178
going on in tine culmtcY. Everything in turn he sprinkled lime diamond
that is cultured, wealthy, aceomplieb- dust eentaieleg 0 very small number
ed. or educated is being persecuted .1(1 of ereetak.
semeematerally destamed, But 701 ' 1111.0 the tube he then passed a 011!'
.11(0 e: ell through the mine. e, ,I let rent of ordinary illuminating gas,
cent e !keeping the whole apparatus in the
'We ah Bee lame mem.: a 1,,,i.p,e,,,-,1 ' water bath at the temperature of
etlide. 1.1 Li' 1,cur .(,,,f„ trtw,i, ara (::4, boiling water. A number of metals
eution. esterday bulletins appeared un Were formed, 00010 of them being of
eorettre or all stele:le announcin5. that sufficient size to be seen without the
tile Alliee and the botngeoisio have aid of a MiereecOne. That these were
More Polite and Patient Than People
of This Continent.
In spite of the memos that have.
marked the ascendancy or the Bolshe-
viki iu Russia, the typica, Russian is a
pal int, kindly and orderly sort of per-
son, Mr. Greiner, who visited Russia
as a member of the Americau Railway
Gommiseion, tells the readers of Rue-
' set that he found Russians better be-
haved in public: than Americans often
The trolley ears, he says, were al-
' ways jemmed with people, mostly by
soldiers who did net pay fare. In
America, in such circumstances, we
find .that as soon as a car stops the
rule is usually each man for himself
and the devil, thke the hinchnoet. It
was therefore eurprlso to no to ob-
serve that in Petrograd the people
would of their own volition form a line
and take their turn in getting on the
car. We saw the same characteristic
spread mamma ;am burger, ett over diamonds Wall 1111:11(lUted by sire fact
woesee, ene emegg to npen slaughter : that they dieappeared when heated in
I the latter. • oxygen or fussed When heated with
"Do you remember the little mar- roditen carbonate.
ket an. the Mised-neje where They used It may therefore be concluded that
to Sell Soodeteffe le It is now trane. hydrocarbons are deeomposed by neer-
:formed into a place where people of eery vapor bo a way that ilimrates
society Fell ail their belongingte- the earbon, not merely rat a ehanelees
overcoais, fele, ehoes, litellellWare, WRNS, 1/111; 111140 45 cemitals, if these Is
table and bed linen, ete. They sell preetnt a imuclus upon Which the
everything right on the street. The carbon cryetui can gtow.
food eueetione, terriblylacute, Petro- Milk which has slighn
tly tined 01001 tw
he ork] Hve e eame to safrom being
eyed levee on herrings mid apples,
tempeeed, greatly - subdued. In an-
eieet Egypt on one dread night there
, was "not a house where there was
not one dead." In Britain to -day it
: may aimed be said '"not; a ham
' where there is not one," more or loss
near fold dear, actually or by suffer-
ing and anxiety practically so, Our
great joy is chastened and in many a
home the flag of victory wag von up
amid falling tears, Wellington wed
to say that next to losing a battle the
greatest calamity was to win one,
ery devout people here have for many
yeaee sung a hymn:
"I thank Thee, Lord, that all our joys
Aro tinged -with pain!"
In Ole instance, at, least, their joy
and that of others is well tinged with
But we murmur net; no vain re-
gret, no desire, evell, to keep back
part of the price. Our 'fallen sons
have been given to God to redeem
be sweetened and. rendered 111 for use again "lost" by a reign of blood told
Yee, also an olbel.-that is fish dried by stirring in a littlo soda. terror, all that, ie oppoeite to the
. _ . .
3ES 143T C* 3CMglArere 'LT!Z x,.,61..W•:23f3E1',32.1:
of all kinds in the most crowded
thoroughfaree worked their way
through without undue disturbance or
interference with each other.
All Russians smoke cigarettes, aid
the supply is short. When a dealer
gets in a new stock lie puts up a sign
to that effect; but the people do not
crowd into the Store in the way that
American storekeepers like to See, but
form a long; lino on ibe street, each
pereen inking Me lure in getting cigar-
ettes, end all e Menu any confusion or
appa.rent regulation. They followed
the same procedure in getting food,
especially bend and milk; eve saw
lines of people etanding all night long
In order to got an early supply. in the
morning, They talked to each other
cheerfully and oonstautly and 0.11 -
peered to be enjoylug the occasion.
Even common horses been been
clean concrete floor do nut deterior-
ate as quickly es they do un g•reese-
grimed dirt floor with concrete as
with wood •floods.
for making repairs, but it is not ad- hanging in. some convenient place in
A Well lighted garage is eesential A fire. extinguisher kept either
visable to flood it with sunlight, for the garage or ,put m the ear, may at
dirret -sunlight lends to weaken rub- some time prove a means of checking
ben Locate the windows on the east, a fire, though with a concrete floor month in the front lime I gee belie -ye
west and north .sides; and if it vein- which is kept swept clean of all de- anything that is said against them.
d'ow is wanted on the south -side a brie and collection of oils the danger They are so guilty of inhuman cool
barbarous acts themselvee that they
!melee to respect the use of the lied
Gimes by the Allies. Their use of the
METALS OF PRIMITIVE FOLKS kind acquainted with Copper, wbieh Red Grose insignia is one of the bee
• seems to have been the earliest- asw
gisiteeril.mfooer Ltft
tli8e(bitYr ought seXzuade to
Typical German Trick.
One of the tricks used by the 'mole)
was to plant a Red thm; flag in the
found the natives armed with rifles - e tetower of a church of a village in he
to some extent, but relying chiefly ' rhe eremony After Court -Martial in pate of the advancing Anteriecim.
upon "bolos" -most effective weapons,
not like to operate -a hand -pump. We
have used a spark -plug pump for tee -
era] years which has given excellent
incensed the americans the most is
the fact that the Germane refused to
recognize the Red Green emblem et
tiziy time.
"Before going to the front I was in-
01100)1to doubt some of the stories be-
ing circulated about the Germane,"
vied the medical officer, "but after ono
shade can can be put over it to shat of fire is very largely removed when
out the. direct sunli,ght. Plenty of care is exerces.ed in handling gasoline.
Probably Copper IA as the Earliest- known of metals, unless gold be an
Known of Metals. exception.
When the Americans undertook to
put down the Filipino rebellion they
the British Army. specting it, the. Menthe- would. net call
as they learned to their cost, in fighi-
It is a matter of common knowledge for any concentrutioq or ezinery tJiro
ing at close quarters. that the soldier is tried by a votive
on these buildings.
The bole is a huge, heavy and keen- martial, and on the day appointed the Tho American troops upon taking
one particular village advmeted upon
edged knife that is swung with both ceremony of promulgating the We/.
liana, or may be used far thrmiting. fence takes 1(1000 before the whoa: of 11 Cialrell, fr011-1 WIlllth was dieplayed a
Red Crests flag, W411(1111 :-.1.1.p,,tion any
No sword ever approached it in Gill- , the evildoer's comrades.
ciency as an instrument for killing.1 Othe sandat one of Brithea
So well were its merits appreciated most popular seaside reverts is at hueiaige, ctnitrilesiuri,g111111r
by the Americans that, by the advice hallow square, formed all of eone was poured Into their mike trine the
of General Wood, it was adopted (anti Palsies of Tommy's regiment, .'me wi)Idosys and towers ef. the chervil.
is in use to -day) as a supplementary company under the cummend or its When the Americana illeilly gained the
arm for the United States troops M own efficer. The metal,: of the square
manned by a platoon of sturdy boeinte
interior, they found :as mayllino gens,
the Philippines. is occupied by the prisoner and his eo-
The finest and most elaborate bolos, , eert' the pro'. osesertmant and two , -not, o sigicif_lhisidtal M. dress.
onere were taken.
are used by the Mores of Mindanao- ed Tommy, dreesed in drill order,
and the Sulu Islands, who make them minus his belt --for the King's Regula: 1
Magicians of the Poe
themselves. Though semisavages, the , tions forbid him wearing anything i
Wbile We W. Jambs eonfessee that
Mores are skilled workers in iron. I "welch may be used as 0 missile"- I
he often sits, pen in inuni, a wbrJ,o
They know how to get Um metal from leeks ee miscr"1:' at the preparations I
its ores, and the production of good Inc advertising. hie downfall to all and ' minting without putting a solitary
"111411,Treitimental-sergeent-Major 0010 , Doyle has written a -'tors of 12,0tel
word- on paper Sir Arthur conen
aPpeoes, and takes up hie position Ito- I words without once tearing his (leek.
emediately behind the provoetetergeeue i Even sue e pains -taking writer 08
"Paredel 'Shun!" 1 the lath R. L. Stevenson had his
A thousand pairs or heels elicit autre
! spasms of lightning work, in one of
Rive than the Mores who are well matically as te at hi. at, a i ; which he completed his 'famous "Jekyll
• acquainted with iron. In the wilds of second In command stunt lute the ,
and Hyde" story within seven clays,
Africa explorers have seen naked sav- square, the adjutaut carrying. an (01110 01(1
hall Caine wrote the first end
ages smelting iron ore with the help nue-looking Omar of papore. , Prom
lett lines of bie "Life of Coleridge"
of bellows. these he _roads the nature of the
in three weeks, While Sir 7. M. Bar -
Iron W115 presumably known long charge,
' before the earliest dawn of human
it 10118 ' with hard labor.
tence---say, six mouths' imprieolneillit.: arieeg,eeeeudntd5e4fi4ewce'r'its.,1,x/th.e111(.1;,telleint`thls
and the courtenartiare se •
histome A wedge made of - ,
Ana ' often written 10,000 weeds. between
found in the Great Pyramid -doubt- .•One pace step bater- -march!"
hreakfast mid bed, and Mrs. I,. T.
less left there by the benders. This the prisoner steps back to his piece
Meade has produced 20,000 worde ill'
far back as 1500 B.C., so that it Must no One, Memo 18 rann.led down over
Proves that the metal was in use as , with an air of dormice that chteeives
a bnutsey l ad taey .
Andrew Lange whi a in Lim
have been familiar in the time of , bis eyes, and he statute &Gale im en
mood, has more tban onee wsitteit
Moses. I tention.
5000 words of a book between break-
. In the fourth chanter oe. Genesis it 1 "Mardi off the prieoner!"
is mentioned that Tubal Cain 101114 a "Prieoner and eseort, by the left
said that S. R. Crockett wrote Os las!
fast, awl a late luncheon, teal it i!,
'pioneer in developing the avth of iron Quick march!"
,,,..0. lutlf of "The Stickel 'Minister" in
making and brass working. And so they disoppear cm Geer
the 110100, forty hours.
to the guarteroone where pr
But where brass is concerned one But all these feats of rapid anthem
. . • , • . win stay until lie is entrained for the
ing station. NeedieS a to so,y, pria
of many different patterns and shapee lance -corporate of pollee. The deject.
steel is to them no mystery.
They seemed to have learned theie
arts originally from the Arabs. But
it is surprising to find hi various parts
of the world peoples much more prim -
military prison at wheel sentence
indefinite term among the anciente.
Whenwill be served, spoken of in the Scriptures it is
"Parade! Stand tit. 01180" Aaft then:
seldom to be understood to signify tbe
"March oft by companies," end the
alloy of copper and zinc now called
111011 1110111188 to discuss the merits or
by that name. The "brass" tempered
demerits, ne their opinion 1/101.01.01, 011
for edged tools ov weapone of Wal! in
the latest eentence awarded to their
early times was usually a compound
erstwhile comrade,
of copper and tin -in other words, •
1 11 18 a point of interest, although
invitee. somewhat peculiar, that Army peuish-
On the site of the famous statue meute are always issued under the
of Rameses the Great, in the Nile heading of ,,Amareee, The period ot
Valley, detritus to a depth of nine Punishment. "awarded" le not Mowed
feet has accumulated since the time to count In fixing his term at service
t,v,ehtle.res talgieo.effigTyhisw
absein7edettt:d'as3v50.070, garded as eligible for promotion until
for a 90(011011. Neither can lie be igA•
articles of copper have been found two clear years have elapsed 011100 the
(on further excavation) seventy-two date of Ms conviction.
feet lower clown.
Figuring on the length of time re-
quired to cover these articles so deep -
In the Niagara district pruning of
all kinds of fruit trees and rime has
ly, it is reckoned that the people who been common practice in both fall
selling up to $500 in Frame, made and used them could not have and Nvinter for many years, 85901.-
F -reit is valuable largely becauee lived fewer than 27,000 years ago. At ently resultieg in little serious dam -
of the acids At contains, so ancient a period, then, was 10110n7 age, even in severe winterte
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Alp, marvelous as they are, were -
quite eclipsed by the elder Demme
who, in one phenomenal year, actually
turned out volumes at the rate of
one a week.
re -
A Kingly Klett:.
It is said that King Albert ot' Bel•
glum disregards danger. The Queen
is equally unconeerned es to thirteen..
On one occasion ber Majesty 1011.-3
the front line when ft latge 511011 ese.
ploded not very far meted: • Quite un-
concerned as to where the next would
fall, the Queen took out her vaineett
and snapped the eolunine of emeke
sent Up.
11 is not generally known that
Kieg Albert is an engicieter 11(1,1 1111-
llerStaT1118 tho (Instruction of
and aeroplanes. He has &Irma rail-
way trains, and, in •order to :Atter
more entirely into the livee of. hie
people, has even waked in mince,
-Preparing for Jzsek.
Mr. Simpson's voice remblad
through the houge. -
"Mary! • Here's the baker. Hew
many loaves? Two, as usual e"
"Two loaves, ;Weed," tett:died Mrs.
Simpson, "Havo you forgotten that
Jack is mining home to -day?"
"Of course!" ettie bit'. Simpson, as
be suddenly renicmberA his soldier
11011 WAS retelling hone. "Here, air,
Baker, hack your cart up again --t
door, and tip her up."
Steger Detest,
Use the best dales. Remove ;,he
stones. Fill with peataits,
Idelcoey nuts or any nute available,.
Peanut butter males a good filling
that is iiiihrent. Press dates in shape
and roll In chopped nuts, coconut et
mixture of cocoa . anrt p0w,1.-red
nand -to -mouth buying morns ex-
pensive living,