HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-1-9, Page 11 VOL, 47 NO. 21 pI.50 Per .4num in tldvanccl 11:GS, hLS- OONT.ilv1O, 711 u Y ,/1NUARY y, igry IV. 11, KERR, Proprietor t i ...t I , � Ii{111 11 � �tU1it1 i i. €r, i 1J,1)11 � L (5bulJjf,ui. Jl.Aii {IIl ILC11;W. ,IDlID„ alUllGlL ,,,. I1UIlUi7. UiW NUAUl117T1 Moneu Loose is meg Spent ' if you hope to rise above the dependance on daily earnings, you must learn to save money. Saved money means capital, and capital means ability to take advantage of opportunities offering, until some dayyou become independent. p The Bank of Nova Scotia will welcome your Savings Account and give you every possible service and attention, —THE Bank of Nova Scolia Paid-up Capital $ 6,500,000 Reserve pond , 12,000,000 Resources. . , 130,000,000 r. II. GII.ROY Manager 12 Brussels Branch New Advertisements Salvation Army. Men wonted—P. A .lent. Sows for sale—A. McKee, Wood for sale—Mark Cardiff. Property for sale -3. 0. Cooper. $$Annual Meeting—Wroxeter Telephone Co. istzirt ReiD5 MoncriefF School did not open this week ow- ing to prevalence of "flu." Geo, and Mrs. Robertson and family have been quite 111 but are improving now nicely. Mrs. Hugh McKay has been serious- ly in with pnesnuoni18 but we hope she will soon be better. An interesting program of topics for their meetings has been (staled by the \V. be S. of Knox church here. Knox church, Mmin.rieff, will meet for public worship next Sabbath at 2.30 p. 111, and Sunday School at 1.30. Itis said the fiat has gone forth that Monerieff postndlee is to be Cancelled as le is considered the generality of people'will be well served by the two Rural snail routes looking atter this locality. Monet -len' postomce has (lone -.duty for many a year. The honor of having the Reeve of Gray township a resident of Monorieff suburb continues to be ours by the re- election of Robert Livingston last Monday, There will be a pair of Bobo at Lhe Council Board for 1919. Con- gratulations Mr, Reeve. Joseph and James McKay, of this locality and Alex. and Mrs. McKay, Atwood, were at Sarnia last week at- tending the funeral of a brother-in- law, Joseph Braikie, heart failure was the trouble, His wife is a sister of McKay Brae. Funeral took place New Year's Day. Old friends here tender sympathy wi t.ii the be- reaved. It is 30 years since Mrs. Braikie left here. Belmore Harry Gowdy, Teeswater, spent Sunday with his parents here. Wrn. and Mrs. Irwin 8p0111 a day last week with Teeswater friends, J. Fothergill, of Saskatchewan, is visiting ab the home of 1'. Ballagh. Mies Jennie McKee, New York, is spending her holidays will her par- ents here. We are sorry to state Miss Blanche Irwin is under the weather. Hope it is not the "flu." Wm, Abraham, Huntsville, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs, Juo, Abraham, here. Mrs. D. K. Livingstone and Miss Marie, Monerieff, spent, a Pew days last week with friends here. • Mrs. (Rev.) Gibson and son from near Brantford, are visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Inglis. Quito a number from these parts at- tended the nominations at Goreie and 13}levale Monday Itfeernnon. Mrs. A. Fitch and family spent a few days last week ivitll her paean t5. E. and Mrs, Higgins, lielgeave, The Women's I10tthlte have post- poned their social everting for tan in- definite tine 1)11 aceouut of the "flu." Fleming Ballagh se., has disposed of his farm to Robb, I3ailagh, Former intends taking a rest on account of ill health. Wednesday of last week Jaas. Dick - ion and Miss Annie Darling, both of Oarriok, wore united in marriage. We wish the young rolpie many hap- py yearn of married life, Thursday last Pte. Gen, Marshall, 1601h Bruce Battalion, arrived home after being 2 years overee(s. I3ie iminy friends are glad to see him back again after "doing his bit" Welcome home, George. At McIntosh Christmas Tree en- ter bailment: Setae Olaue presented 18 ticket to Rev. I3. N. D. Sinclair, sign- ed, Which read," Dressed porker' to follow." Rev. Sh)6lahr was surprised to think that Santa Olaus had favored him with snob a practical gift. The "flu" epidemic is very bail here at present. We hope all will have a speedy recovery. \.Ile many friends of Mre. Ben, Iiieanings will be sm'ry to help' that she passed away in Harriston on Sun- day last. Deceased was an old resi- dent of these parts and a sister to Geo, Doubledee. Bl ueval e Mee. Jos. Robb spent the week end with her sou, Neil, of Stratford. On account of so much sickness the Women's Institute meeting, which was to be held at Mrs. J. T. McOtack- en's, will be indefinitely postponed. Any business will be discussed at the meeting to be held Jan. 20th, at which a lady speaker will be present, Molesworth When Wm. Fraser put himself out of our reach as Reeve and Councillor, by selling his property, we think we .lade an A 1 choice of a successor in the person of George Brown, I•]e's ea shrewd business 1111811 and will catch of to the Municipal program with a cleat head and a steady hand. Coun- cillor Brown made a good turf fora new ratan, We. don't like the idea of slaying Goodbye to Mr. Fraser. McKillop EtEc'rfoN.—Following is the vote polled last Monday in the Reeveship contest :— Div. No, 1 2 3 4 J. Dodds ............ 30 88 88 40-140 3, M. Govenlock. 50 77 28 41-202 Majority for Geveulock 56 01un0i1 elected—Reeve—J. M. Gov- enlock. councillors—G D. C. Harm, F. 3. McQuaid, Daniel Regole, Ethel COAL Coanno,—Cnr of stove Coal and oar or nut coal are expeoted in couple of weeks. Will persons rlgnmiog either, please place their orders with P. J. Bishop, Controller, at all early date. 00(109818 Gtat, 1(111o1, No school this week. "Flu patients appear to be recover- ing. It is rumored that Wedding bells will soon be ringing. New Munio(pel 0ouncil will meet next• Monday in the Towushi9 Hall, Ben, and Miss Myrtle I'lnlloubeok have been quite ill but are impt'oving nicely. The animal report; of Ethel cheese factory appears on the 8t11 page of 018 issue. Miss Alice Imlay, IV(ngham, 1Va5 a visitor at the home of Witt, and Alt's, Holten beck. We are sorry to hear of 3310, Mit- chell's serious illness. Hope he may soon recover,. Mrs, J. 1, Nicholson will be at hone to her friends on Feeley of Ih(8 week, L'roul 3 to 5 I1. m. Ilatl'y and Mrs, 1('11111 luwo been in the village this week owing Ln the (heath of the hitter's niece, Mrs. J. Smith, of Monis township. Rev, Mr. Kennedy; the new Presby- terian minister, delivered a very line address Sunday afternoon and even- ing. The community welcomes Mr. Kennedy. Mrs. D. 0. Ross, Brussels, was visit- ing her 'nothe'.Mee, S. Ames, on Tuesday. The latter keeps wonder- fully well anti completed 4 pales of socks for Red Oros cluing the past month, 1 thank the ratepayers of the Town, ship of Grey for the splendid s(lpport I got at the polls Inst Monday for the offlee of Oouncillor, I will do all I can teethe best of my ability in behalf of the tnwnaltip. Pros_Fperity to ell, FitA.NIC 0OLLiNS. A leter to TILE POST from Riobard Lindsey, of Marengo, Seek., a former resident of this iocalily says :—Wo ealtn0100 without Tree Poser. Are all 1,0011 and have not had the "flu," I1 has been peetey thick round here though. Aleut 1'' A1,'l,wlhuu(, Termite, i'i: it , Q:i YOU 1 Allan- t "t1 .e1'ea(ite, anti 11,13(0 1„ the I'„ s +4,+„1.1 0(1 al thbrn e u„ Of hie fee her eve 1 tee I forint, 01111id1 The fullelal 0*ill (•-- I •r New l '1 PRP h3)tda \ The (;iri',Ptlti Lir, 1//11111 wiilau•'.•;. Itt 1,101 pully (Al'avr',, 3)0x1 AI(nulay evening, The people of this 0nmunteity were very sorry to hear of the decease of I3arlh.y Menzies, 00(10 WON 00,311 1810 faVul:aably known, Oranbrook A large number of Rural Ionil bustle, h,a V,+ been secured by the people ,•1. Ihil locality 61nee the poetoll10e 01,15((1 here. Congratulations are being extended to (tormentor Helmet L. McDonald over Gee victory of last Monday. "Bob" should fill the bill all right after a little breaking in. Knox church heard their new pas - eine Rev, Me. Kennedy, las. Sunday morning with no small interest, al- though the eongrogatou was not out in force Owing to sieknoso in an 111a1ry homes. We not only bid hint a 0(1r - dial welcome but will be ready to second his efforts to carry 00 the good work in the community, Walton 0001 (30000(0115011 onttnr Par sole. Apply at the Blacksmith Shop, Walton., School report. on page 5 of this issue, We welcome Pte. Clarence Bennett home from overseas. The Lamb drain has been a fertile topic of conversation (luring the past tow weeks. Misses Laura and Faroe Johnston, of Blyth, and Pte. 0. JohnsLou, of Goderich, spent Sunday with Pte, 0(arenc0 Bennett, Next Sabbath regular services will be held in Walton Presbyterian church at 11 a. us, and 7 p. en. Sun- day School at 10 a. m. 141. Rowland was at Wingham last Saturday conferring with Rev, ler. Fallon. The latter is emelt improved in health after a severe attack of in- fluenza, Walton Red cross Union will meet, for work in the A. 0. U. W. hall on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 14th. Speci- al offering is asked for in aid of Bel- gian Relief Fund. EARLY CenseNa.-0n and after Jan. 14th, the stores of \V. G. Neal and W. J. Ryan will close Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at 6 o'clock, until further notice. Juo, W. and Mrs. Morrison, Toron- to, were here for a holiday visit but were unable to got to see their friends in Brussels and locality owing to bail roads and prevalence of the "flu." The sad news reached here this week of the demise of 14Irs, P. L. Ritchie, of Zolaudia, who died Tues- day. She was bliss Aggie, daughter of the late James McDonald, North of Walton. Further notice later. Goon Boy OLIVEIa.x The ballot boxes Monday evening disclosed the fact that Councillor "Ole" Harris was the white -headed boy in the contest for Municipal honors, He headed the list with a total vote of 328, receiving good support at each of the 7 polls. \Ve throw a baguet at hila and wish him success and promotion. EARLY CLOSING. —On and (tfLer Tuesday of next week, until further notice, the business pieces will close Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings at 6 o'clock, as per agree- ment, The public will no doubt (lo their part in enabling this sensible plan to he carried out successfully. Regular meeting of Walton Wom- en's Institute will be held al the home of Mrs, Geo. Clark, Thursday of next week at 2 80 p. in, Mies Rose Simpson will give a paper on "The duties and privileges of Institute 013110015" ; Miss Hattie Bolger will deal with "Beauty of person and character" and the 3rd chapter of "Our Government" will be react an discussed. A good aetenclance hoped for, LETTERS FROM OVERSEAS.—Mrs. John ].lowland, Walton, received the following letters front Oapt, W. L. Murtay Chaplain : France, Nov. 13, 1918: Mrs, John Rowland, Walton, Ont,—Dear Mee. Rowland,—It is my sad duty to inform you that your sou, Pte, J. J. Rowland of the 47th Cana- dian Infinitt), Battalion, has been tril- led in action on the Arab day of this montlh, lie was buried by Father White in the village cemetery et Aubrey, neat' the city of Valenciennes. It is certainly very slid that God should have Laken gong' son when the end was so near, however it will be a consolation for you to know that all the 000101ics of the 4.7111, received the s110ramonts shorty before going into aot'on 80 that your sou would have been prepared for the end when it came. Please accept my sincerest sympathy for one who gave up all, even life itself, in a just and noble cause which has at last triumphed. 1 have already saki Mass for the re- pose of his soul, not shall I forget to may ('or him in Allure when standing at God's Holy altar. May God give you consolation and grace in your hour of sorrow. Yours siinewe1y in Christ, W. D. Mut'ray. Capt. and 11, O. chaplain, 50111, Can, Inf, Batt,— France, Nov. 6th, I018, Dear Mrs, Rowland,—I am writing to assure you of Lite sympathy of our whole 47111 Blattalien at the death of your son Pte. J..1, Rowland who w(88 kil- led on the morning of Nov, lot, "All Saints day," Our Battalion alLacked the German position befei'e Valente - epees that day and in the early stages of the fighting year 5011 10159 hit nein' the heart by splineee of shrapnel and instantly killed, fates, his body was removed froth where he had fallen and reverently 11t]d t0 rase with Christian burial, Plot 2, Row A Grave 2 of the British Military cemetery Anlnoy, Valenciennes, All the of - Beers and a great number of the men of the Battalion were pFesenb at the funeral services, to pay thole last re- spect to their brave comrade, Your son lead been with its for some time t?l •F Vt . 0'' of yy l� t` As the wood parelmsed by 11113 10wt1 is 110110 being delivered ((01'03(15 Wishing a load are lacked to at cisme eounniral10tate with W. S 'U' "1' Municipal v P. G 1 Muniu 1 1 r Clerk and leave their order. Dirt delay, Payment. must be made as soon FAS slip with charges is re- ceived, and won the respect and high esteem. of his comrades as a brave soldier and a faithful friend, May the kuoive ledge of his self-sacrifice in a just and hnnut'at1110 Cause 118111 you to bear the lose and Goll in 1 -lis .mercy comfort and su(dlain you, _ I tarn sending yon his rosary ; his watch will also be sent you through the regular channel but please don't look for its arrival before February. I remain very faithfully rant, .A. Priest Ohaplain. Morris True POST gives the news, 1919 Township Council will (told its first meeting at 11 a. m. Parkhill elected W. W. Logan to the Reeve's chair by acclamation, He ie a brothex'-i3)-late to S, amt b'it's. Walker, 6111 line, Morris township, 13y order of Board of Health the schools are closed this week and are likely to remain so next week o3) ac- count of the prevailing epidemic, Mes, James Bowman, Toronto, has been bete owing to the illness of Robt. Bowman, 3rd line. We are glad to say the patient is getting along nicely now. Arthur McCall, 8th line, had one of his shoulders broken by a squeeze from a horse against the partition wall in the stable, We hope he will soon be 0. k, Lieut. Gordon Rantoul, son of 0. and Mrs. Rintnul, 5th line, is now in Fiance doing Y. M. 0. A. work in military camps and hospitals. He is enjoying his duties as we expected he would, THE POST is sorry to hear that Wil- mer, the 14 year old son of Jas. and Mrs, Kerney, 3rd line, has been seri- ously ill during the past week and have entertained for his condition. We 11090 he will soon regain his usual health. Our old friend and former Reeve Isbister put it all over those Wingham chaps last Monday- and won the Reeveship in a canter. He will con- sequently once more tread the Oounty Oonnrt] halls at Goderich and maybe get a look in at. the Warclenellip. Report stays there are some ninre Mortis bachelors to double -up yet be - fora Winter gets out of the lap of Spring, Please don't COAX us for their names, even if TISE POST does give the news. Why not start on the new Reeve e' Has a bachelor ever stat in the Reeve's chair P We. wetecums to the 4th line Mrs, Jaunts Bryans, (who was bliss May Hopper prior to January 1st) and trust many happy and prosperous year's will be there's as they travel life's pathway. Wm. and Mrs. Bey - a115 have moved from the farm to Brussele. Celan OP TIIAstes.—I wish to ex- press my hearty thanixs to the elect- ors of Mortis township for my ac- clamation election to the Reeve's choir and will endeavor to serve as faithfully as my predecessors, Wish- ing the people of 14lorris a year of masked success, I am, Yours truly, WDC. ELSTON, At the Annual School Meeting in S. S. No, 3 Ncwtou Macaulay was elect- ed Trustee as successor to Edward Nichol. Wood contract 21008 awarded to S. Alenak at $3.75 per oorcl and Srhnol caretaking will be looked after by Thos. Olark who will receive $35.00 for' same, bliss Mary McKellar is do- ing good work as teacher if the "flu" would permit school to rue on uuin- tert'uptedly. A sen STORY,—.Cho cutting off of the life of Mrs. Joe Smith, 41111 line, in her early womanhood, site being in her' 21st year., was a particularly sad event, Deceased's maiden name was Hendee Flood, her parents being Jonas nod Mrs. Flood, Ethel. A baby son had been buried a fele weeks be - cove the mother. She contracted in- fluenza followed by pneumonia, in spite of all that could be done, she passed away. Her husband and other relatives tare deeply sympathized with. The funeral, which was private was held Friday afternoon to Brussels cemetery, Rev. H. Smith, of St. John's church, Heltesels, conducting an appropriate service. Many friends wish the bereaved husband improved health, (510ORcIet MCCALL DECEASED,—An old an well known resident of the 81.11 line, in the pee5011 of George MoOall, passed away last Monday, in his 8411, year. He had beim in poor health for past 5 years and last Sunday had a stroke of paralysis. He was born in On. Armagh, Ireland, and carne to Oa110d18 when near 18 years of age. living in Ottawa before morning West, ward with his 4 brothers to Morris nearly 50 years ago, I3e wee the last of a family of 5 brothers and 3 shstol's, His wife, who pre -deceased him on December 12th, was Miss Sophia Small, 13o whom he was snaffled 47 years ago last June, The ohildt'en ore :—Sergt. Harold in Germany ; David. and Jas. Oalgery ; Wm., Gen. and Arthur, in Morrie ; Mrs, Archie Thomson, Gadsby, Alberta, and Misses Annie and Perna at home. Deceased had been a most industrious mali, a good manager and well worthy of the esteem in w11teh be was held. In politics he ,was all independent 7 111.1i1 '1 hsiNIh (11t CPl"Il 111.s 4 ler vir< nil t,d lyy llrt ,U(. 1,3),1 (hid hit rim! tuadc l3) 11411,1'4.1i 011121/1tx} Decca', d 00110 a land father and 11110 band, a fireteciase neighbor and honor- able 1n all his de,aleuge and well de- served the respect (nn me:8ined fu1' hint, Grey 111uvdd Wo, k has talc el n ,..;),at mete Walkerton and woo 10 hr, 82'44°., We WVe612 hint sn(e58. Mrs. Win, Armstrong, 801 ('nu„ has been ill this week infl.'uze. \Vo hope she will snort be beetese Tltel'e was some lively et"p9ing Monday over the Township eleetiene. \Ve'il have to get that Deput 7 Reev," ship hack next year. The regular Services will be !tele at Union church next Henley at the usual flour, Owing to epidemic eer- vines were eaueelled for 2 H.abhat.hs, 0Altu OP THANIte.--\Vn wish to thank our many neighbors and frleml" for their kindness towards ns in our recent sickness and deep sorrow. Their kindness will never be forgotten. JAB. AND MRS. GENSTAR asp DAUGHTER. CARD OP THANKS —I 11036311 to very heartily thank the electors of Grey township for the splendid vote they gaup me last Monday, placing me at the head of the poll. I hope to prove worthy of the confidence of the pen- ple. Yours gratefully, 0LUVER Hennes. Owing to the continued poor health of Levi Whitfield his fine farm will be worked for 1919 by George Whitfield, who will competently fill the bill. Wilson Evans and sons helped blr. Whitfield out last year in addition to caring for their own farm interest.. We hope the proprietor will Freon feel table to follow the plow, Vic„ as i3) days of yore, FROM OVERSEAS.—A obort time ago Mrs, Wm. Buttrey received letters From her two sons, Charlie and Jack, overseas. They were both well when writing. The former had had a touch of gas along with a cold and had not been No. 1 for a while, Both were marching into Germany along with their units. The bays tuet in France some time ago and were together 3 hours. It was a happy meeting but since then they have nee seen each other. Jack spoke in his last letter of getting home in the Spring or early Summer, Charlie hopes the folk at. home miss the "flu" as he had it hast Summer. Mr. and Mrs, Buttrey ale keeping i3) fairly good health. FINE YouNa M AN SUMMONED,—Last Sunday, about 1 p, neo the spirit of Hartley, youngest son of the late James and Mrs, bfenzies, took its flight. He had been seriously ill fn. 3 weeks from influenza followed by pneumonia and despite every atten- tion he passed over to the great ma- jority to the sorrow and regret of !many relatives and a host of 103800 friends. Iiartley was born at .Berri- (lale, Parry Sound and twits 28 year's of age, coming to Grey township when 8 years of age. IIe develep.'(1 into a fine young 1111811 and 1,0(85 ever ready to help in any and every good cause. On account of his love of music he was always Meet estod in the church choir, Young People's Society and was welcome to any circle. His sociability and good nature made him a general favorite, His mother, bro- ther George and 3 sisters, Misses Mabel, Annie and Jessie, survive and hold in loving remembrance the life of their brothel', not lost but gone be- fore. Another brother, Harold, pass- ed away 8 years ago. Funeral which was private, was held Tuesday tlftrr- 110mr to Brussels cemetery, Rev. Mr• Stafford conducting the 6erviee. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery. Floral tributes were beautiful. Hartley expressed his resig- nation to atiewnt' the call and glinted the Scripture "1 have fought a good fight, etc." To the bereaved the sympathy of the community is extend- ed in the hour of their sadness. They some/ lent not as those without hope of a blessed re -union in the 1176 and bye, "Twilight and Evening bell, And after that the dark,. And may there be nu sadness or farewell When I embark, Dor the' from out the bourne of time amt place, The flood may bear me far, I scope to see my Pilot face to face When I have aroioe(t 111,. bar." AT REST.—Deepost sympathy is ex- tended to Jas. and Mrs, Dentr111,11 and sisters through the loss of thee/ dent son and brothter, who passed penre- fully away Sunday morning, Doe, 291.11, after a brief illness of influenza, followed bo pneumonia and heart trouble. Arthur was a fine young matt and greatly beloved by 1111 0011,, knew hen, Ever ready to (lel tt) in time of need, He attended habbeeh School and oberth at Union from his childhood. All through his illness he was constai1(3 referring to his "going hone." He told his 1110tllee on the Wednesday that be was nee going to get better, but the mother could not see it en that light for it is hard to part with a loved one, "but some day 'eve" understand." Arthar with e. senile upas his 'face, kissed and bade hie loved ones good-bye, saying he was going (some. This should be a great comfort to the sorrow stricken parents and sister's. DespiLt the des - peerless disease the funeral was hugely attended. Friends from Trowbridge, Atwood, West Monkton and Osternu • nock attended. Flowers placed on the casket were a beant(ful gates ajar from family, anchor and sheaf from Soanley and Miicired Haln(Iton, white satin erose from 0. and Mrs, Mc- Donald and xray froln,M(ss Schmidt, Tavistock. Pallbearers were Stanley 1118m1ltotl, Willie tittle, Alf. Lam- bert, 17"redd]e Boyd, Harold and Wile r e ,1,4..1„1, ,,.i.a,..1,.1„l..i,{,s.q„r,. 4 do Wanted TO WORK IN ush and MW P. Ameut - Brussels 4- -$.!.4.÷.:..:"!•+++++++++++++++++,1•4, lie Willoughby. Rev. 1Ir, Johnson, peet,,e of d,','eased nl5iciated and 11014(381 Was ((lade alt Mount Pleasant, Ethel. Many letters of sympathy have been received by Lite sorrowing purents and sisters. The deep sympathy of the entire community is extended to the family in this their sad hour of sore benne mien t. OAHU ,JP• 'FHANKS.—I wish 10 return my hearty arm'ec1atiotl to the electors of Grey township for the fine boost they gave me last Monday in electing me as Councillor, 14Iy purpose is to 813)'VC to the extent of my ability. \Wien you all the best. that is going, Yours truly, GEORGE BROWN. (}ARD 01, THANKS.— We wish to thank the many friends for helpful deeds and kind weeds in ronme(•tlnn with nut bereavement of Chester Armstrong and through the illness of other members of the family, whom we are glad to state are all recovering. We will neve) fotget the kindness, Yours gratefully, THE ARMSTRONG FAMILY. Hergt. lfochanie 011(1 Berfeliz was here for a holiday visit with his Ino- lr•r I:util leeefelt.z, 9111 Cort. 11 is 15 years sines. he was Isere and since then he has served In U, S. army in the Phillipiues olid in California for past 5 yen 5. He was here on 5 days leave being now in New Jersey at Ctunp Merril L. Hopes to get his dis- charge soon. He tells marry interest- ing stories and was a welcome guest with rehaLives and old neighbors. AIteeUCll'.tl. ELECTION Reeve— 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 Livingston... 34 23 88 67 73 49 39-823 McNabb 35 44 30 14 45 42 46-256 Majority for Livingston. .. 67 Councillors— Brown. 27 48 18 86 69 78 20-292 Ootline. 10 37 11 31 114 62 29-300 Harris 20 47 64 75 52 11 53-328 McDonald 32 42 28 50 4i) 20 65-286 Mrl wan 61 29 9 30 31 22 26-211 First 4 are elected. Jamestown (41(1' a few cases of influenza have bothered the community, Airs. R. T. Strachan bete been on the sick list but is quite recovered ag,a( n. Miss Fern Ecknrier has gone to Term ao to teach school. She will succeed an right las she has proven her ability. We wish her success. A former resident of this locality, in the person of Jas. Curt, was elected Reeve of Blyth by (acclamation. He has given la good many years to Municipal life and will make a good chief Magistrate. The McKay family 4th of Grey, are recovering 3(1001y from the "flu," Mrs. Tomlinson was the nurse. Quite 38 number of cases of illness around Jamestown but all are progressing well we are glad to say, Pte. T. L. Smith has got house from overseas looking line laud weighing well up toward 200. His left arm, in- jured by shrapnel, still bothers him somewhat, A cordial welcome is ex- tended to this brave soldier laddie. We are in hopes of getting our Telephones in orclea before Spring yet. If the "telephone powers" i3) Brussels knew the expense and inconvenience of being without a 'phone they would certainly fry to hustle little. But ]low delightful it is L0 blink we shall 111i88 (1 month n1' (WO 10 paying taxes for our '91100118 that are not. Wroxeter Reeve Douglas once more holds the fort. Pt.e, E. Reim is in Toronto this Cheek, Mise 'Mina Douglas is the guest of Listowel friends. Miss Anderson, Loudon, Is spend- ing is few weeks at err (Dune here, L. and Mrs. 1lolfman, Milvertol, spent Now Year's day with the latter's brother, Narrntan Kalkfieisclh, Amulet meeting of Wroxeter Tele- phone Company will be held in the (:own Hall here, Wednesday, 22nd lust„ al 2 o'clock, During the past week three more soldier's, who have seen active service in Fr'anc'e, vetltl'tled t0 their homes here and were given hearty welcomes, They are Pees, Geo, Marshall, Bruce Batt. ; Barry Town, Huron Batt, ; aux( Tilos, Smith, Simooe Batt. Following were eloeted by eminent - Lion at. the Nominator( held Monday evening :— Reeve, Jno. Douglas ; Committees, Fred Davey, Jno, Adams, Geo. hackie and Donald Pope, School Tru„tens, R. J. Ratan, T. A, Gibson, 1). 13 Sanderson, Geo, Paulin and Neil White. MRS. B. 13ENNIN(a Ibeezesnte—It tuns learned, with much regret, that Mrs. Benjamin Henning had passed away at5 o'clock, Monday morning, at the borne of her sister, Mrs.,1roung, of Harriston, with whom elle had been visiting. Deceased was in delicate health for Some time so that her death war nut uuh i,•'tl 1. (1.', /W:,,l,•u name era- 123)11,.11 1)• „ 0,bdt, 811,3 All 1rt life bed been epe 3)t t 1. u i 11- 1, bnlh0o11, Her IurJ,)nd l,;ed (rauvl f111 2 years al.,) Ian September, hie. death truing the to"3)h of an au chem. etre. Henning 1s survived by e, sons, Norman, Chicago : and 1,21doe, ()stoma 1111d 18 daughter, Mrs 1. 'Teeny"nn, Toronto, for whom dl , i""-1 57mpal11y is expressed by a wide (heir of friends in the 10513 of an ev,) kiad and 51(•135 l .eLa tat 1110)11P1'. 1est atook it tee in i be Wroxeter r tame t, ry We Ineaday aft emotes, lilt, C. Mal, otos '3(1(11351 - tug the service, Huron County Council 1919 Municipality Reeve 1-i'uty Ashfield. ...,..,Ju . Dalton* J. Hackett* Hayfield. A, Tewin* Blyth _lata. Cott Brussels.........;. T. Plum* Clinton.....,J. A, ford* Colborne G. Young* Exeter ....B. W. N, Beavers* Goderich .T, M. Davis W.F.Clark* Goderich TpW. W. Trewartha Grey R. Liviugston* Hay J. Laporte* Heusall -.,.G, C. Petty* Howick.....,....Pelex' Doig Hallett .. 51. Armstrong* McKillop .J. M. Goveuloe,k* Morris . .. Wm. Elston Seaforth Dr. Grieve StanleybL Elliott: Stephen ., ,W.D, Sanders A. Neeb TuckerewithH., Crich* Turubetry Jas, Moffatt Usborne ,A. Mitchell Wawanosh EJ, N. Campbell* Wawanosh W. Wingham SV.Isbister Wroxeter J. Douglas* Those marked with a. star were members of 1918 Co, Council. Letter from Brussels, Belgium DEAR UNCLE WILL.—The tempta- tion to make this a letter from one Kerr in one Brussels to another Kerr in another Brussels got the better of me. Came over yestehday ft'om Mons in a motor lorry with 20 other chaps and am having a wonderful time. This town isn't a speck like your Brussels except that it too has houses streets and people, There the re- semblance ceases. I have seen quite a few cities now, both in the British Isles and in France but this is by all odds the finest of the lot. The streets are so wide and so clean, the houses so pretty and well built, the shops are wonderful, the hotels better than London or Paris, the trains, the best I have seen on this side the Atlantic and altogether it is splendid. Just now everything is decorated—trains, houses horses, shops statues, fountains, all have flags and bunting of red, yellow and black, Prices are terrible, half decent pair of boots cost from 200 to 350 franca, or roughly from $40 to $55. A pouud of coffee costs 80 fes, or $16., a suit of cloths is cheap at 20110 fee. or $400, and so on it goes. I saw some beautiful looking chocolates to -day so went in- to the stove for 5 fes. worth or $1.00, I got 4 chocolates, so did not repeat the °'dere . A meal, with enough to eat, costs from 20 to 60 fcs. depending ou what you have. The cafes here open at 10 p. m. and close at 5 a. m. and there are more people on the streets at midnight than at 6 p. m, I cannot undet'stand why people wish to change night iuto day, I have not had a chat with Albert King yet but am crazy enough to go and call on him. Now this will be about all I think. We are More than appteoiatiug a good rest after fighting hard and steadily since Aug. 3131x. We lost a lot of men but our break throughs first at Amiens, later in front of Arras and then at Cambrai made the war end as nothing else could. A German officer prisoner told me that the blank- est day in their books during the whole of the war was when we, the Canadians, broke through at Cam- bial on Sept, 27th this year, I dear frequently from home and franx them the Linings i3) Binsae(5, 0130. Tenet. that you anti Aunt will. ire "going strong" and that you are en- joying the beet of everything, Kind- est xegards to Aunt Nell. LIEUT. C. H, KURR. Where Are Yat,, Dear Header!' With regard to lnunicpai affairs, the peopie of a town can be classified about as follows :— (1) The man who ex'itieizes, the council f1'om first to last, but refuses to help matte things better by taking 18 seat at the council, (2) The man who gives the council a reasonable support throughout the year, although he declines to be a candidate, (8) The man who has the munioip- al "bee (u his bonnet and is a paten• vial candidate, (4) The man who would like to be a candidate but wants to be coaxed, (5) The man who is willing to take a seat at the council if the electors really want hint and think he ears give them good service. (6) The loan who doesn't pay any attention to municipal affairs—except, perhaps, evllen he pays hie taxes or wants a new sidewalk on his street, (7) The man who loops up 1,0 a town Councillor as a sort of doily, takes off his hat to a member of the council wlleoever he meets him, and considers it 818eriiege for any person to criticize the doings of the council. (We put in this last to matte the seven ; there isn't any moll kind o1 luau nawatlays,)