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The Brussels Post, 1919-1-2, Page 8
e S .C.«:.„ - 4 ,.eeee Jeeeee a cFuaA'slR'S+fM`ACli' <R,! t'JHJi i. «, ^*tirr�,c�md,r.+.,,+ww.rw�.mnna,�.,n,,:rw. �au,. _.,,.a, hekeli 1,•+44'4.4. .4 8'v 4 '1-4-1. i"Yr3"f44.4 41.41 4.0•hd+44+404JJ .1.404. irotlxri Divlebo Court will be bekl Wednesday of next weak, January 8tb, 0 Suncxla'rtoN , Inc of Toronto Daily rugS t Barr has been raised from, $3 to $4 per year Your Beds iri 11111111010111111010R9 161621800121110111218000 MEM 01010110121106151601030 t, Perhaps it is not often you may need anything in. the way of Drugs, but there are tew families who. haven't needed something in that litre lately, Here are a few of the things that aro most wanted ; Rexa,tj Cold Tablets For breaking lip a heavy cold. Price 25e, Laxative,Brorno Quinine 3oc package, Quinine Capsules 2 grains and 3 grains, Blood Root Cough Cure and w Cherry Bark Cough Cure 2 Ate two reliable Cough mix- tures that can be depended upon as safe, pleasant and ef- fective remedies, Botb are put up in two sizes -25c and 500 bottles. Laxatives AROMATIC CASCARA 25e and 500 bottles. EPSOM SALTS $c and ton packages. REXALL ORDERLIES fee easy laxative, 15c and 25e. Good Hot Water Bottles We have a number of differ- ent makes of Hot Water Bot. tles, but "The Diamond" Hot Water Bottle at S2.00 is one that we can recommeud, formolid Throat Ease 1, a valuable prepe rati ore were n good tonic is needed niter a Cold or Cough. It will be found agreeable to the most delicate stomach, Price ST 00 bottle Wampole's Cod [Wer Oil St.uo bottle. Scott's Emulsion 750 and $1,50 bottles, iiexall Tasteless Preparation of Cod liver Oil $r.00 bottles. Disinfectants, ate. CARBOLIC ACID LISTERINE GUM CAMPHOR OIL EUCALYPTUS HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 100 and 25c packages. P Parafarmic Throat Tablets Prescriptions and Recipes Carefully Filled 250 bottles and Cough lozengers CAMPHORATED OIL 250 an ounce, F 14 IR a MU The tri . Store Druggist and MtatioPler r you ee'odv ou the faint you will eliel1' and 'elie 1e Farmers' Sun a trofi•. able nod candid friend, Ile market re- ports, both stock mad grain, are run equalled, while its indepeudent views have long been appreciated. One Dol- lar for a frill years sebscriptlou. The (Faurmers') Weekly Sun,. Toronto. + 0 0 +4+4S+04.+4+4.+4+40+0+4.+8+0+0 +0+cr+4i'+ +o+0+4.+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+++0+0 MOISMININIATIMMIMOISZIS out 7flebas Pans 1919. JANUARY, RENEW for THE POST. GREEN wood coming to town. MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of this week. SLEIGsitto bas been good for the quantity of snow. MANY eases of illness in the eommuni- ty but in the majority of cases favorable progress is being made. Loam. and District news always wel- come at THE POST, Write, phone or better still call in and see us. DELAY at completion of the Bank of Nova Scotia is occasioned over waiting for tbe new interior fittings, which should be along ebortly, UNLESS yon have had the "flu" you , are out of style altogether this season but those who have had the experience are satisfied to he a long time without it if they have their way. NuMERous cars continue in use and the drivers say running is not bad. Prospects are said to be looming up for large sales of automobiles during the coming Spring and Summer, CHANGE IN TRAIN SEavICE.-On Mon" day, jan. 6th, 2919, a change of time all over the system takes place on the G. T. R. The only train on the Kincardine branch affected is that of the early morning one, whicb, leaves Brussels at 7 23, new time will be 7,53. WHAT are you going to do about Shutting off profanity ? Starting a new industry? Proving yourself a live resident ? Re -organization of the town Band? Putting a hockey team on the map ? Helping make Brussels, the beautiful ? Advertising that yon are in business? ANNUAL Meseirru -By advertisement in this issue it will be seen that the An- nual Meeting of East Huron Agricul. tural Society will be held in the Coun- cil chamber, Brussels, on Wednesday, 15th inst., at 1.3o p. m„ to receive re- ports, elect officers and transact any other necessary business. LtrCxxow is submitting a By-law to the electors to settle whether the village will spend $4,500 for, the purchase of their present electric light plant, The proprietor declines to run it any longer under old conditions but offers to sell to the corporation. Experts have been there and put a valuation on the octet for the Council. Lighting is a problem in more municipalities than Lucknow. T1ue Telephone Board met last Satur- daV and transacted considerable busi- tress. A cable has been ordered for tbe line Nortb of Brussels used up by the recent storm and will be along in the course of a few weeks. Party lines Have been nuked up so as to afford as good service as possible until the work is completed. The line South of Brus- sale is about complete and in most eases workable, Ws nes GRATEPU3.,-The proprietor of Tete Pos' thinks he has the best quality of subscribers on bis list that could be desired and is very grateful for the way so many have responded to the call to settle up. Quite a number are still backward in coming forwatd but we know .they moan to lend a hand and save tie further trouble and expense in collecting. Tits far West has been specially attentive to our request and we hope to soon be able to get one list on thea -ln-advance basis, Heipus P Y right away, please. AN additional mule machine has been added to the plant of the Knitting Factory and the basemet overbauted to make room for its introduction. BRUSSELS Shamrock Creamery is run. ning all Wiuter and the rigs gathering cream make their regular trips in Grey and Morris, Butter prices keep high Foe BALs, -Young pigs also cow and heifer. Phone8118. CHRIS. Roo ORSON, Blyth. DRY wood for sale. Phone 474, itnesELL ROBERTSON, R. R No. 2, Brussels. SUM of money found. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this notice. Tan POET. CANT hook lost nu 295 Con. Wrey between 8, Burk's and G. Parks'. Will finder kindly leave it at ,Tamsstown store or commnnioete with Ben. Rigel), Phone 2028, I11A1Ds C. BRyANe announces she has re- sumed work in her ofttce. Oce open every day, Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 0 p. m. also Saturday evenings. GIRL wanted to help with house work and children, at once. 3158, W, M. Sinolair, Brussels, POTATOES taken in exchange for goods, W. J. Maonnoxet, 2000ND HAND CARS AT A. BARO,tIN,-Rave a Chevrolet touring oar,2 run rout Nord and 2 touring Fords for sale eb ba <alns. S. AnTalo, Brussels, BOY wanted to work on farm. Must be able to handle a team. JoaN Rona, 8th Line, Morris Twp. Bruseels,12, R, 4. Phone 188, COMFORTABLE house for sale, well located. Apply to Roy MCKAY, Brussels, Fon SALE. -One choice registered Short Horn ball, 9 months old, Color, dark red. For immediate sale, 5115 00. Phone 860. Taos. KERR, Henfryn. WANTED. -Dead Horsed and Animals taken away promptly within a radius of 20 miles. Will pay from $8 to $5 for live animals brought to faotory. Ne animals removed without hide. Phone, day 12. Pitons evening 178. The Farmers' Fertilizer Co., Ltd„ Wingham. DR. PARnER, Osteopathia Physician, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronio and nervous diseases successfully treated, Visits residences. Consultation nt Queen's Hotel. 9929 will afford opportuney' 5- Organ'zing an A I Base Ball team, Boosting the Horticultural Society. Keeping the Fall Fair a top uotcber. Putting tarvia on the maWarta street. Commencing work on new postoffrce. Building new grand stand on the Agricultural park. Erecting a fitting memorial for our heroes who died for our Freedom. NEXT` Monday will be Municipal Elec. tion day where acclamations were not in order. Little interest is manifested in many communities as compared with the record of years ago. Indifference is very closely allied with indolence and a consequent retarding of desirable pro- gress i ndicrttive of loss of life and vita. Let us wake up and not leave it to the other fellow to do the Murrell ant. Rev, Jmrto W. RoIINSON DIES AFTER SHORT ILLNRSI,-Rev. John Wm, Robin- son, a retired minister of the Methodist church, died Thursday, Dec. 29th, after a short illness at his residence, 68e tans. downe ave., Toronto, Mr, Robinson wassuperannuated 8 years ago and went to Toronto to live in 1014 His 4I years in the ministry had been spent le the old Guelph and Londou Conferences. His wife and 4 daughters eurvive, the clay gbtars are :-Mrs. (Slav,) J. Hunter, Charing Cross, Ont.; Miss LOti15e, New London, ('one, ; Mrs. G. P. Krillem, Yorkton, Sask , and Miss Alma, of 'nor - onto. Mr, Robinson was bore in Scar- boro', England, and educated at the Methodist College, Hamilton. Dacessed was a fiuo men, a good weedier and a wise faithful pastor. He.waa located at 1 Duugannntl as one of his pastorates. Rev, Mr. fluster is a brother to the 141isses Hunter, John street, Brussels, WAR SAMOS STAMP ('AMVAIt>N It) t1)-- 251 buys a thrift stamp.' Mete 1959 a saving year. Keep W. S S. in [Hind, °Save by the W. S. S. plan, Make 1919 a W S S. year. Make a "saving" resolution. Rrs'>lve to save during 1919 Buy war savings and thrift stamps. War savings stamps promote thrift. Sossssone is goiug to get nipped one of these days over the despicable habit of stealing whips and other articles from rigs in tbe hotel and church sheds and some have the gall to do the act right on main Street. Goderich jail has rooms they should tenant for a few months if guilt can be fastened on the right parties. Suspicion may ripen into actuality, followed by a surprised public. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE, -Notifications were issued by C. P. R., G. T. R., C. G. R , Q. N. R andall other Canadian railways, under instructions of the Cana- dian Railway War Board, that, effective January Ist, all transportation charges, including demurrage and storage charges, and covering passenger, ex- press, freight, baggage, etc„ must be paid in advance, just as in the case of shippers of large quantities of goods, that on the executiou of a bond, attested to by either a 'meteor trust company, credit to the extent of 95 hours will be given, PECULIAR Acmeme-A short time ago Cline Scott, who is Manager of a branch of the Standard Bank at Leth- bridge, Sask„ and a former Brusselite, was playing a game of Base Ball in which he was at his old post as pitcher, when by some means he broke his right arm while delivering the ball. It was not knitting very satisfactorily so a sil- ver plate was inserted to bind the break and give it a better chance to complete the juncture. To break a bone by the same method as he did is a rare circum- stance, His mauy old friends in town wish him complete restoration soon, Church Chimes Will all contributors to the various Funds of Melville church please have all monies in the hands of the 'Treasurer, Mr. Fox, by January ieth, People We Talk About tit tt ;r# Jas. Sharpe is visiting at Toronto. Miss Beatrice Harris is home for her vacation., Miss Flo. Buchanan was a victim of influenza last week, Miss Addie Lott is home from Toron- to for a bolid y visit, Charlie Riarcls was home boom Tor- onto for Christmas. Misses McLaucltlin were holiday visi• tors with 'formate relatives. Jacob Wilton, Gaelph, was in town for a few days last week. Miss Peggy Soott, London, is visiting Mise Marguerite Wilton. Jet°. Dignan, is visiting at his home in Exeter over the holiday season. Cadet Lloyd Jaeksau is baying a boli - day at the parental home in town. Man Maa_n, Tercet*, spent Cnristmae at Melville manse with his parents. Do you ever help this column of THE Pose by a note as to your visitors ? Leslie Lamont isee holiday visitor with relatives in Brussels and locality. Mrs. W. F. Stewart was a visitor with her daughter, Mrs, N, F, Gerry, over Christmas, Mrs. Fletcher Sperling bas been quite poorly but we bops she will soon be as smart as usual, Jno. W. and Mrs• Halle of Woodrow, Seek., have gone to Victoria, B. C., to Spend the Winter. Mrs. George Rogers and lyliss Nina, Mount Forest, were visitors with A. C. and Mrs. Dames over Christmas. NIris. Fred. Wilson and daughter, Marion, of Windsor, visited: with Miss E Inman and Miss M. Wilson this week. Joe, sou of Councillor Wilton, has been prompted front Midland to Leth bridge Sta5derd Batik. He is a compe tent head, Mrs, Garton, who is visiting frieuels in Morris township,` has been seriously ill but we hope she will soon be fully restored. B. acd Mrs. in Stratfotd over Marys, ate his C with the tor�tv' of and Miss Gertrud Monday by accla chair in Teeswat of Bruce Co. tl>ia Kin- cardine and 'l'ho from Cheseley, the home of D street. Reeve Mat. street. Our t brother, G,eo, Robb, St. business and plea Time is evident) Wbittard and children and Mrs. Whlttat d's brother, Pte, Net - 1011 Agar, were h olidaying with relatives Citrietmas, inn. Thompson, who is living at St, Christmas dinner under the parental roof, He is web pleased the Saints. Miss Edith De adruan returned ter Tor- onto University Thursday of this week e go, s hack to Queen's at Kiugstou on Monday, Dougald Feng 0505, a well known former Brusselit e, was re elected last nation, to the Reeve's er. He may be Warden year. Miss Gladys and Gordon Ross, ISin- s, Ross and son 'Jim" were holiday visitors at avid Ross, Elizabeth Armstrong, of Hurrah township, and kis brother, Robert, of Windsor, were visitors at the home of Wm. and Mr s. Armstrong, Queen ownsman is another Catharines, combined sure in holiday a visit to Brussels and locality. Old Father y an good terms with our farmer townsman as be is looking prime, A letter froth Will. Long, written on shipboard on Dec. and, on route on a troopship to Siberia, says many were sick on the voyage of over 2 weeks, but ex- pected to land at Valadvistok in 2 days from writing, Misses Mary and Garth) Fear, of Tor- onto, were here for a short visit with relatives in Brussels. Theoun y g ladies mother came with theta to Blyth but Was not able to get over here this time. ev ai' s7a byeeeS7afv�,.; a special feature this Bank. 238 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAI;MIS, 0 El, Manager. STANDAR' BA OF CANADA HAD OPrIOB - TORONTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made 511' W. L. Leatherdele, of Winnipeg, is here 2 511108 at the parental home and renewing old friendships. Be looks well. A cordial welcome is accorded W. 1. anti Mrs Cardef and Miss Aclde In tie- cun3iug residents 01 town. They are SO well acquainted with everybody it will ha alulo:•t eke eeeliu5 home instead of leaving mune for then[ to locate in Brussels. Our old friend, Won Lake, who has boarded et the Queen's hotel, Brussels, for many years, has not been as well as usual during the past week. Be is up- wards of 83 years of age and has been comparatively rugged for such an age. We hope he will soon be able to be about once more, Miss Grace Welker, formerly a teach- er here, but now iu the West, has been ill with infiuenza, Her sister, Margaret, died in London, on Wednesday, Dec. r8th, from influenza followed by pneu- monia. She was only 19 years of age and was attending the Normal School in London. Deceased was a bright, bap. py hearted young woman whose death is deeply regretted. A letter from A. M. McKay, formerly of Brussels, now at Term, Sask., where be is engaged at Mission work, says ;- Miss Olga McKay is teaching near home at a salary of 5100 per month, Ross and Fred, are attending Collegiate at Brandon. Mrs, McKay was formerly Miss Nellie Ross, of town, daughter of David Ross sr. It don't seem long since the 3 children mentioned were kiddies. Misses Lilah and Addie Sparling and their brother Alex., of Clinton locality, with the members of the family nearer by completed the circle of q daughters and sons, who were able to be at the home of their motber, Mrs, George Sperling, over the holiday. Ray Fear and C. Rathtvell, tons -in-law, with the kiddies, were also guests of course. It was an enjoyable occasion not possible to many homes. A Harrow, (Ont.) correspondent speaks of a cousin of Mrs. S. C. Wilson, Brussels, as follows :-Lieut. Andrew Wilson arrived home the other evening from overseas, He was met at tbe sta- tion by quite a crowd of citizens who warmly welcomed him, Lieut. Wilson is looking well considering that he was twice wounded in bis country's service, and is certainly glad to be back again. He will remain iu Harrow with his fath- er, Johu Wilsou, before going West again, GOLDEN WEDDING Andrew and Mrs. Turnbull, of Grey Township,. Celebrate the Event. To comparatively few people is giv- en the delightful possibility of cele- brating their Golden Wedding, mark- ing the 50th milestone in connubial blessedness, Stich however was Lha privilege of Andrew and Mrs. Turn- bull, well known residents of the 1511i Can.,' Grey, when a company of 80 relatives and friends assembled at their home Wednesday;! December 18th, A delighted time was spent in feasting, recounting stories of pioneer days, speeeh making, music andpre- sentation. The worthy couple was presented with a purse of gold and warmly congratulated on the arrival of the anniversary under such favor- able auspices of health, home and hoots of friends. Rev, R A, Lundy, Walton, the es- teemed pastor of Mr. and Mrs, Turn- bull, very happily proposed toasts to one King and Country ; the bride and groom of 50 years ago ; and our sol- dier boys. Fitting responses were made by Miss Mae Smith, Alex, Stewart and the aforesaid groom. The company separaLacl wishing Mr, and Mrs. Turnbull the continuance of good health incl the enjoyment of the favor of Golf and man. Mr. Turnbull was born on February 22nd, I8213, in Roxboro'shlr'e, Scotland, and is consequently in his 88rd year. IIs came to Canada in 1857 and work- ed near Ayr, Waterloo Oounby, for 4e years before coming to Grey township when he purchased the present hone-' stead, Lot 10, Onu, 15, from Robert Dennison, and nn which he has con- tinuously resided, This pioneer was happily wedded 10 Mies Jean Smith, of Grey township, on December 18111, 1868. Late Rev. J. Ferguson, Brussels, performed; the ceremony, at the home of her parents, and geoein took bride to his DOW home, Mrs. Turnbull was a native of the same shire in the, old land as her hus- band and first SW the light of day on March 1st, 1887, so will soon have 82 years to her credit. They prospered, as Scotch people aro said to prosper, in their toil and by industry, care and thrifty ways were duly rewarded by progress attending Giese durable genii Hee. 4 children were born to the home and survive, viz :-Thos. and Will., of Winnipeg ; Oliver nit the homestead 1 and airs. Jno. Barton, of Abernathy, Seek,: on account of the !Influenza epidemic the Westerners were unable to get here for the cele- bration bile did not forget the impolite ant event, !There are 14 grandchild. ren and one great grand ohild, The Presbyterian churen ab Walton hasn hes the home church of this worthy old couple and their lives and talents have been devoted 10 the $ +AND Have a car of Bran and $ Middlings ordered and will be ready to supply your needs. $ Let me know AT ONCE:: SM �;li• n h MIDDL�I�IGS ;z):<tI'1tu•,iJz,4..iS4v-.n4ii 1-+J44u...;,+.�.,✓crrlir:'.•'�.r�c v1•,n r,.w1r+, .,�i'}-..'x .w=r+'Gi v�.vJ' rti) 000430000000$000006660000660000600111060000000400041060 • ca ea as is 0 0 ti W t9 im e aB00 i3 1) 00 try1' a O i01 m O 0J G t9 v) 0) P 45 m 0 ru s0 d Q e0 f0 m A 4. m e 8, gp oe 59 e aJ(5 el O 61 • d 00 6) O 5 €3 ai W to + '1. + Potatoes taken in trade. F $ W. J. McCracken Phone 14 +++++++++++++.1 •I.3"1"h+vt'd•+++•NA furtherance of every good word and work by speech and deed, Mr. Turn- bull being an elder for many years. In polities Me. Turnbull is a staunch Liberal and keeps well posted on the doings of parliament and closely watches current events. He still en- joys alae perusal of the daily and weekly papers and keeps in close touch with world affairs. Both he and his faithful peewee for so many years enjoy comparatively good health for their age and are able to get about to visit relatives and friends when good weather permits. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull miner the re- spect and esteem of a wide circle of friends, who also offer hearty congrat- ulations over the glad event and join in the hope that the auld folk may be spared for a few years yet before be- ing called to enjoy the I•Ionte Ebel nal at the end of a long and happy journey through life. A number of relatives continue to reside in this locality but the nab grows shorter of the leen and women who were here when Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull located in Grey. Walton Goan second-hand. cutter for sale. Apply at the Blacksmith Shop, Walton. Walton Farmers' Club will rneet here Friday evening. Public school will nob reopen for 2 weeks owing bo the opidemic. Miss Dennison, Toronto, visited at the parental halite for the holiday. Miss Margaret Love, Kinburn, is spending a 'few days at her father's home. Wm. Stewart, of 14th Con., McKil- lop, is very ill brit we hope he will soon be o. k. Rev. W. R. Osborne and wife, of 'noviciate, were the guests ab the Parsonage over Christmas, - Mrs. Gardiner and daughter, Vara. are spending a few days in Toronto, combining business with pleasure. • New Year's Day passed off quietly. The wet weather prevented many fam- ily re -unions, There are lively Illunicipal fights on in both McKillop and Gtey townships and we will have a hand in them next Mo nday. We are sorry to report the demise of Mr. Barr, The funeral took place to Blyth cemeteey Wednesday after- noon. Sorry to bear from llrnesels of the illness of Orville and .Mrs. 1'iabkirk and Jim;Lowry, brother of Miss Hazel, Teacher .hero, The anniversary services and Fowl supper of the Methodist chi ech all Jan. 5 and 0, have been withdrawn owing to the outbreak of iuflueuzi, \Vat. and Mre. Backwell celebrtttecl their 51st anniversary on December 1801. They both have been enjoying good health up to very recently. Tho funeral of the late Charles Bart' was held here on New Year's clay. Rev; Mr, Lundy, assisted by Rev. titir, Hawkins, Blyth, coadnctea the eer- vice, An auction sale of farm stook, im- no pleOnts, .etc., will be held by W. A. Dundee, Friday, Tan' 1011i, at 1 p. m„ at Lot 21, Con, 12, McKillop. See list in another column, Ohtistmas day passed very quietly owing to the epidemic raging through out the vicinity. The people nimble to oat the Christmas tuticey probably did so on the Flappy New Year clay, David M. Rockwell, visited his par- ental home during Christmas holi- day. Dan. is a clever fellow and Will soon have completed his 8rd year in Medicine, We wish him success, The "flu" epidemic is still spreading, Rev. Mr. Luhdy says he ,Wevisiling over 100 patients in his congregations, Services will be withdrawn nihil Sen. day, Jan, 12111, Will all contributors send or'mail their churoll offetings to Miss Mary Smillie,''Treas,, 00 or be- fore January 151h. The mombers of 51. George's church Walton, wish .to thank their many friends lot the help shown them with their bazaar, held Deo, 12111. The tidy sum of $157,86 was (nacre, This is about $80.00 better than last year and the ladies are to be congratulated. eloNel TO MDR RRWARD.-As 10 00 - Honed in last issue of Thu Pos'1' Mrs, Thos, MoFaclzean answered the toll ,� call of G1e skies Tuesday of last week, passing away et the horse of l;er son, in-law, W, J, Shortreed, Morris, where she had lived for past 8 years, from pneumonia, foliowin inflnenga, aged 7 e This the third attack 78 ata, T 1 s was e t of Y Fox's THE 02-af STORE Weekly Store News a 0 a Ei m 50 ti O • 01 p O p This very often is the most clan- ® gcrous and trying time, Just when you are convalescing - this is the tb time when the greatest care is need- © ed and you will find Penslar "Tasteless Ood Liver Extract • t5 0 tB A Happy e r TO ONE AND ALL WE EXTEND OUR BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR • And to all who in any way contributed to matte the past OhristnlaB season one of the very best we have yet enjoyed we return our hearty and grateful appreciation, After the flu one of the very hest remedies you can use. It is a line tonic, stimulat- ing the appetite and huiltling up o strength. Two sizes -50i and $1.00 w bottles. Same Thing Only Different O m t3 + 45 a 0 00 6 to CDe 00 et e 50 a A gentleman travelling through Alabam'e was much interested in Uncle Ned. "So you were once a Slave, eh 15" said the gentleman. "Yes sah 1" said Uncle Ned. "Well, well I" said the gentleman, "And after the war you gob your freedom, ell 11" "No sah," said Ned gloomily, "not exactly sah, I didn't. gib my free- dmn, sah, After de war 1 done got married'" gliarir5 Forkflpt Chocolates During the past two weeks or more we have received some sew complimentary remarks about the quality of one Choco- lates and the very tasty pack- ages In whlc...b. they are gotten up, Don't forget we kep a very fine stock of t.ltenl all the year round. 'io Feel termao m hit ntahi Pe a The all round, ever reliable, fully guaranteed Pen. Our stock is lllweys very complete -- 92.50 to $6.00 ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. JAMES FOX • DRUGGIST and STATIONER 0048006000000 06Be*B060614M604404000000006000 00000600 about a week. Deceased was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, and came to Oan- acla with her mother, 4 sisters and 2 brothers in the year 1860. locating in Scarboro' township. The father lute died in Scotland prior to this, Mr. NEcFadzean, who lived in Scarboro' also, had come to this locality as one of the pioneers, along with his par- ents and had taken up land from the Orown, tools for hia lire partner Janet Lambie, the subject of this notice, in 1868, then a buxom maiden, who faith- fully did her part both at home and in the community .for the welfare of all, There was horn to the home 6 sons (John, deceased in California ; James and Wm., of Grey township ; Thos. and Robbie, deceased ; and Robert, of Morris), and one daughter, (Mrs, Shortreed), with whom the mother died. Mrs, Thos. Davidson, (grey township, and Mrs. Thos. John- ston, of Arcola, Man.,' are the surviv- ing sisters of Mr's. NsFadzean' Mr. NlcFaclzeau died in April of 1909. Mrs. 141oFadzean wits a very faithful mem- ber of the Presbyterian church from the initial days of that body here and as in everything she took in (rand, did her duty tyitli thrift and energy that ensured success. The funeral, which was private owing to the illness of the Shoetreed family with influenza, took place Ohristmas morning, rhe service being conducted by IRev. Mr. Lundy, pastor of deceased. Burial was made in the family plot in Brussels ceme- tery. In the passing of this esteemed woman the few remaining links in the pioneer chain of 50 oe 00 years ago in \Valton community, is growing notice- ably smaller. To emulate the many admirable traits of char'aetee possessed by these sturdy stalwarts of the pact is a taslt worthy of the beet 'endeavor of their descendants. Municipal Nominations Last Monday was Municipal Nom- ination Day and the local results wet e as Pillows :- BRUSSELS Reeve -S. T. Pinln, acclamation, Councillors -J. D. Warwick, H. James, W. Crawford, M. Fraser, 8, Wilton, J. T. Wood, R. Downing, I, 0, Richards, D. Ewan, F. Sparling, Jas. Anderson, School Tenstees-J. Logan, J. Cno- ninham and M. Black, acclamabion. About 10. minutes. worm occupied in speech making with F. Soots in the chair, during which Reeve Pluto and Messrs. Fraser and Crawford briefly responded, Financial Report was distributed but no'explenfLion was given of the ffuanoe0 of either Oouncil 01 School Board affairs for 1918. A number of the nominees for Oouncillor declined to enter a ennteet bub the 4 following have qualified and with Reeve Plum will constitute the town Oouncil for 1010:-S. �V11Loo, 59. Fraser, T. 0. Richards and Harry James, It was wisdom L•o avoid the expense of election when sleeve and Trustees were given acclamation, GREY TOWNSHIP For .Reeve -R, Livingsbon and Jno. M(Nab. For Cotanaillors--' Oliver Harris, J, Qcllins, ,l, Melewan, George Brown and R. L. McDonald. Thornum iii be Do ty Reeve this w Depute year in Grey g failing owing to goff in pitmumonia elle had, She was only ill' population. MORRIS TOWNSHIP For Reeve -Wm, Elston and W. H. Fraser, 81. P. P. Latter withdrew and Mr. Elston who has been Council- lor for years, got the chief chair by acclamation. For Councillors -Harry Fear, A. Procter, Walter Yuill, Robt, J. Short - reed and Richard Johnston, The latter declined to be the cause of an election, hence the other 4 nominees were declared elected, Messrs, Fear and Yuill were unable to be present owing to illness, MoKILLOP For Reeve -John Dodds, John M. Govenlock, Councillors -Hugh Alexander, Geo, D. C. Flare, F, .1. McQuaid, Daniel Regale, Joseph Ryan. H. Alexander and J. Ryan have withdrawn. BORN ARMATRONG.-ln Grey Township, on Deem. bee 27th, 1018, to air. and 111 05. Cheater Armstrong, a daughter. MARRIED BItYANe-HoPran -At the Methodist Parson- age, Bel grave, n January g o vi , . a nary 1st, 1010, by Rev. S. Davison, Dlr. ,Tames Br aria- Han, or Mr. and Mre. Wm. Brymle, 4thli'ne, Morris, to Bliss May, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. John Hopper, Belgrsve. WILsIN-MONAUrinte.-At "Deerbank Farm" Monkton, Ont., on Dec, 2dtb, 1018, by Rev. Archin Thomson,Alberta (Bert)}� eldest daughter of Mr. and hire. H. A. Mahan ht, Nankin, to Wear R. Wilson, son of SIr. and Mra..1, 0. Wilson, of Moukteu, Ont. DIED AoMemnoNO.-In Grey township, on Deerstnler 28111, 1018, George Che,ter Armstrong, aged 86 years and 50 days. DENa(AN -In Grey township, on December 20 11116, Arthur L„ only son of jamas and Mrs. Denman, aged 28 years,0 months and 18 days. IN MEMORIAM Ilcwns'rr.-In loving memory of Albert Howlett who departed this 11fe on December 2451*, 1017, ill the sure and certain pope of a blessed immortality: Dins. HOwLUTT. BRUSSELS MARKET Fall ;!heat ' 1,2 06 Spring Wheat Date 02 10 70 .2 0 Pens - 176 176 Barley 90 109 Butter 46 46 Hoge 17 50 17 60 Wool 96 85 Hay 12 09 18 CO Potatoes pee bag 1 25 1 26 Wool (unwashed) 60 00 East Huron Agricultural Society The Annual Mooting of Bast Enron Agrisnl• floral society willbe heldin the Town Ha11, Hrrissets, on Wedeesda,y', January 15th, 1019, at 1-130 a'oloak p. m: Business of the meetiag- Reonivhtg ilio Animal Statement and Auditors' R&eo ort, nppbinting OMoors for the year 1010, 1NO FIBRGUSON, President, Ni BLACK, Soirotary, AUCTION BA1115 OF FARM STOCK, ---10112. T o>nns Brown has been instruotsd to self by Puheio Auction on Lot 21 Oen. 12, Mo. Killop, on Friday, 10th, 1010, 951 p. re, revive, MIS following 1-1 Ow 1121 genre old dile to naive February 27th; cow 6 yam's old 5195 10 oalve Merril) 26th • Jimmy heifer 8 lvoers old dtte to Only')A ArJimmy20111 ; 2 tWo-year-o d heifers freshened at time of sato-; literate 2: years old die to calve March 20th ' heifer 2 years old due be chive April let ; heifer 2 years old due to enivo,April 26th ; 6 steers rising 2enre old' 4 heifera teeing 2 year's old ; 7 maims ; 1J spring oelvse ; 5 calves ii menthe old, Terms -All mints af $10 end ander cash ' over that amount 10 months credit will be g1V010 on 101" ninhing approved jekeifnoteti. A discount of per Omit per annum allowed off for onah.; W, A, DUNDAS, Proprietor, Who, Beciwn, Aucbioneor,tl