HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-1-2, Page 5/0. Al rasolire JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED INSIMINVIV GMAPle (Avrandro . . WA SPFNOS UONVEYANalilli AND ISSUER ON MAW:UAW) LICIIIINTSEN Moo in the Post 01I1a„1tJuISO4 BRUSSELS awns soupn tatuse Nolan nxpreps 7113 a in I Mall 11 Nil 0 in Express 13:141 p in 1 Express 9:17 p01 004'40141N 7-%11 Awl, 0 WALTON To Toronto To Underich Express 8'1.1 a in Express '09 pia Express 2 ,1flpre0, 9104 pin wnexareR ,• , AIL trains going !Gast oonneut with O. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T AUCTIONkERS. G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. if S. SCOTT AB AN AIJOTION. A. • rt RA, vrili sell for batter prices, to ip,t ter won, in nem tinie and leas abitrgeo X than any other k.octioncor in Seat Waren or ural :Ili etus 41ems .... . won't charge m4414111'1 Dates sod orders 1 -. aim 31t.eays be arxauguil a, this eines or a ...rti eta I application 1E4AL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SO ()LIAR - Barrister, fiolieilor, Oeuveyanoer' Notary Public, to. towarts Block 1 door North of Central Notch 8011013032 1032 the Metropolitan Book, BLISinass Oaxds "Canada Weekly" Has Assigned. The Canada Weekly, a periodical published al Toronto, that took i11 lots 01 money by using returned soldiers lbr canvassers, has made an assign- ment. U. S. Papers Hit Eight hundred and fifty daily papers of the United States have been forced to suspend publication by the advanc- ed produetion costs of the war per. J AS. AN o SO N . supreme Court Jan. 6th VETERINARY SURGEOIV. IThe Jury sittings of the Supreme suene.sor 10 18 13.. Moore, Oilloe at Ander; Court for this County opens on Mon.4300 i!ht, Livery stable, Brussel, Telephone clay, Jan. 6th. Sir Glenhilm Falcon- No. is put down as the presiding D. WARDLAW judge but it is not unlikely that it Honor gradnato or the Ontario veterinary may be one of the other judges who Collo Day and night calls. Ofilee opposite Viola Mill, Ethel. will be here for the court. T. T. M' RAE f M. B., M. C. P 9, 0 , hi. 0. 1_1., Villago of BrIlmse14. Physiolan, Surgeon, Ancouchour Office at residence, opposite Melville Church, William street. DR. .1 H. INHITE, B. A. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Graduate Toronto Univerony ot Medicine. Special attention given to diseases of children and Surgery, Office: Dr. Bryans Old Stand Phone 45 Brussels JAMES TAYL.OR licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. will...AIN.... good prices as any other Atto. gentler or charge nothing. BELGRAVID P. 0. PHOUllfOOT, MOHAN & COW Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Chico on the Square, And door front Hamilton Street, GODERIOH, ONT. Private fonds to loan at lowest rates. W. PROM/1'00T, K. 0. J. L. Kmhorati 18.3", D. COOED ++++++++++++6++++++++++++÷ Fall Term from Sept. +++ sanszszemeeetteestqctn ++ ++ Shaw's BIISIUSS Schools Toronto ea Cal itlogne on request, Write In \V. 11 SHAW, Pres, + Yonge and Gin mud SW., Toronto + ++44++++++++++++++++++++++ y Weinstein 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. o' 0.4. 4. 4. 4. .° • Is prepared tO pay highest price for Scrap iron, Rubber's, Rags, Sze., 6 the I°. • • Highest price paid. See me before you sell, FURS 4. 4. Highest Cash Price fog r • • • „ . i tive Poultry aud Hides , , g Write or Phone 02x 0 4 0 0 ft .5 0 SAYI WEINSTEIN • . . . „ : SI ILL STREET BRUSSItli,S : 0 4, Counter Check Books THE Pose, is prepared to sup- ply 1.110 varions st ylee of Counter Check Books on short notice, Samples may be seen 0301 prices asemitallied by calling at our °Bine. You ran bay ae cheap from the as trout any coin pan y. Let as have yottroeder. THE POST, BRUSSELS Represents Huron Dentists. Dr. Bruce of Kincardine, was elected by the dentists embracing the count- ies of Grey, Bruce, Huron and Welling- ton to represent them as one of the Board of Directors of the Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, for the next two years. How Walkerton Hears the Good News. The Walkerton 'Telescope gives the idea of how the Walkerton people now hears when any of the boys are coming home: -From now, on the Town bell is to he rung whenever it is learned that returned men are coming on the train. This will give citizens an op- portunity to get to the station in time to welcome the home -coming boys. Bogus Coins Circulated. Counterfeit 50 -cent pieces are report- ed as being circulated in London and Western Ontario. It is claimed that the superious coin is being put out by a man who devotes his time to making five and ten cent purchases and col- lecting the change. The bogus char- acter of the 50 -cent piece was detect- ed by the fact that they lack the mill- ed edge. Wheat May Be Fed By an ommission in a telegraph sum- mary of the last clause in an order - in -council on Dec. 81, repealing Sec- tion 2 of an order passedon March 7, prohibiting the feeding of wheat to •poultry, a misunderstanding is pre- valent. The facts are that wheat may be purchased or sold for milling and for the feeding of poultry as in the pre-war times. The Wardenship The WardenshIp of Huron is already a subject of conversation with a num- ber of people. Next year as per - arrangement, will be the turn for a Liberal member to till the position. There are four in the field for the position, viz: -Reeve Campbell, of East Wawanosh and Reeve Armstrong, of Bullet, Reeve Crich, of Tucker - smith, and Reeve Beavers, of Exeter. We understand Mr. 'Odell and Mr. Campbell are the oldest members of the quartette attending the Co. Coun- cil. Given Purse of Gold for Fr. Hanlon. London Advertiser: -Rev. Father J. A. Hanlon, parish priest of St. Michael's church, and formerly of Clinton, WAS presented with a purse of gold by James Breen, on behalf of the congre- gation Sunday morning. After the 8,30 o'clock mass, in recognition of his work in raising funds to build the church, the parochial hall and school, and of his seven years' pastorate. An address was read by B. V. Hessian. A large congregation witnessed the pres- entation. Father Hanlon built two churches in other places before coming here. Double Discharge Pay. 'The new order -in -Council in relat- ion to post discharge pay of returned soldiers not only doubles the time which they are to be carried on the pay lists, but also doubles the rate of pay. By the provisions of the new regu- lations a private, for instance, will re- ceive a minimum of $63 a month if lie is single or $93.00 a month if he is married. Other ranks will be paid proportionately. Heretofore the rate has been $1.1 0 per day for three months instead of six. It will apply to men discharged after November 14 and is designed to help them carry on pending absorption into civil life. Lieut. R. A. Cluff Better. Stratford Beacom -Rev. and Mrs. W. Cluff received a letter from their son, Lieut. R. A. Chill, who is in the 1.0,13.E. hospital, London WeSt, Hyde Park Place, Lieut. Cluff has been ser- iously ill for some time, following P. shrapnel wound received in France, which lodged in his lung, poison Com- plicatlons setting in. His letter, re - No More Pot' Siheela General s. 0 Newbutn, it:bluster 01 Militia, who was in folonto tot ...yeek, rid no more Gonadian troops would be sent to Sibcr111, Accepts Position Rey. F. Met. Smith, of Lecan, ha; a in mer Presbeterian minister at fiem,.111, ha, accepted .3 position as 1 ;corral Sectelmy of the Smnat Ser- vice League DI New 111 3111.0211 1. and Pritice Edward Island. Buys Hespeler Paper Mr, George Hudson, formerly of Walkerton, who recently disposed of his paper, the lialdimand Advocate of Cayuga has bought the liespeler Herald. The publisher of the Iler. alt!, Mr. Oscar Eby, was recently appointed Registrar of Waterloo Com nty. CLINTON Aliss Wilson, through the teachers, was presented. with a booklet con - tabling the autographs 01 )3 host of her old pupils, accompanied by a purse of money as a token of their appreciation. The teachers of the Public School gave the children on Tuesday afternoon a free show in the Princess theatre to perpetuate the memory of the late Turn Jackson, who fur so many years was wont to make glad the hearts of the kiddies by giving 1.110111 some such treat at Christmas. 'This week Mr. E. Rozell, of the Clin- ton CI eamery, has purchased the build- ing south of the Motor Works, which has been used as the boiler room, and. will take possession in the early Spring. 'Canon Hill conducted service In St. Paul's church on Christmas day, at which service a tablet erected by Mr. Wm. Jackson in memory of Sergi. M. Draper, M. M., Pte. Sewell. Pte. R. Walton and Pte, Moment, members of St. Paul's church, who has made the supreme sacrifice, was unveiled. The Official Board of Ontario St. Methodist Church extended a hearty invitation to Rev. S. Anderson, of Lambeth to become their pastor next year. Mr. Anderson is father of Rev. Eric Anderson 1101,7 Bayfield and was a former pastor at Blyth some years ago. Miss Janet Wilson who severs her connection with the Public School at Christmas time after a long and suc- cessful period of service, during which she gained the respect of all pupils that came under her charge and of all the citizens of Clinton, many of whom can testify to her devotions to duty and to her effectiveness as a teacher. Molesworth 6, Stniii) 1111.8 leached home after spending a few days in Stratford. Miss A. Holmes has returned home after spending a month with Mts. O. Smith. The many friends of Ella 60113118 will be sorry to hear that she is still in a very serious conditien. Sirs, Henry Howe, of Listowel, hes returned from Stratford where she underwent an operati 111 1'01' appendi- citis. Mon kton Mu% STEPlIkIN BROWN DRICEAsED. -The Sad news wits received by tele- gram 1331311 Landon that Mee. Stephen BroWn (nee M kis Jessie Bilaeott) had passed away after. few clays illness caused by a severe attack of "flu." A few days before her mother had been called l'rom Blinn, but so rapid was the work of the disease Drat her moth- er was only at het. bedside a few hours berm* she died and what was more sad still she did not apparently regain silffloient strength and consciousness to speak to her mother, Hee husband Pte. Stephen Brown has been away in the wee 13781111 t1.8 Botcher most of the time since the war began and some time ago was wounded mid is in the hospital ror treatment. They 11114 been expecting that he would. have been borne for Christmas but on no - count, of a setback had written home saying that his condition would pre- vent hint coming and this unfavorable news it is thought, along with the disease quite likely bast. en he end, 3 children are left anti now deprived of a mother's CaVe and love and 13 may be questionable whether the sor- row stricken husband in his present physical condition will end nee the effects of the shack and he ever. re- setoved to his family again. The de - eased witS 1110 yonligest darighter of the late Win. ItIllacott, of the town- ship 0,1 where most of his early days were spent. The sad news came .0......msoonscomeernmovromal "1""' 15.10.011 Prank NetOttli., Unilirlattent ;1,1 holm. 11.0133 flfl fel again year in being award, il C. P. 11.. A p;ent,,Thinnie, (.31mo.' .osttyl'Altt.s.tet...,...ssosas....eisolosee.......caeses.noca,,,,tay....,mgesceemrreisser.-nracaocoertsorastsen • 0000t>0.O0.04,3.441.4.*****84.4)..13.40 49944444e4$444$'94444'49 4. 4. 2 id priz for the hest kopi lawn and bed. fltring the past stunn!,u; ; all[ll DIE 31 gvinral toe kept homed the also kir 1111' Mitt find tidy mann+ l 1'. H. and 51.1 Her i".ere the pti., of 111,1 It rriPtitt,^1. *Al their o 4. 6 30 0 4. 14.4. seativasotowacrielamsetramisseat4 CUITE "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Conquered rip to the coaol end ,`• Dyspepsia and Restored His klealth. 81111"" 110","" ""l 1"'1144 wa0 touch impros 31 uy 1,... It/1343v of Tho3 left hero for Ji l (them.' ' lily( 11 had the privilege of Weler1M- ing 11(111121 its 1183 3,303 when Pte, Haeold Dexter, son of Airs, ff„ 1) Lei, who flail jttet tied from the blood-stained hmtle-fieltle of Europe. Pte. Dexba sva. :not al (I. T. It. train by 101V11 110(31 311311 a largo connourse of eitizen. who marlins' e goeen Strevi where 11 o‘dianiie h4on.1 in behalf of t ell it en. 1.X1E.11111t,1 by Rey, \X. Hart 1.1o. id h.. sang "iinni...1g,tli," MR. ROBERT NEWTON. Little Bras d'Or, C. B. "1 was a terrible sufferer from Dyspepsia and Constipation for years. I had pain after eating, belching gas, constant headaches, and did not sleep well at night. I lost so much weight - going from 186 pounds to 146 pounds -that I became alarmed and BMW several doctors who, however, did. me no good. Finally, a friend told me to try 'Fruil-a-tives'. In week, there ryas improvement. The eonstipation was corrected ; and soon I was free of pain, headaches and that miserable feeling that accompanies Dyspepsia. I continued to lake this splendid fruit medicine and now I am well, strong and vigorous". ROBERT NEWTON. 50e, a box, for $2.50, trial size 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. 1133 11, blioek In 1111. 1.11,0t111,1 and sisLei 5 nod other relatives here. Those left to mourn her loss 10 5 brothers, Thomas, George and John, Elmo, ; i William, of (Ivey ; and Arthur, Ed- monton, and 4 sisters, Mrs. jessie Rowland, Mrs. Francis Riaeh, Blunt. ; Mrs, Win, Hoek, Toronto ; and Mrs. John Robbie, London, and an aged mother, a heart strieken husband and 3 dear little chilclren, The remains were lwough I. to A tWood and FL funeral service MIA conducted by Rev, Mn. Peckham in 1116 Baptist chinch, which she 1,) frequently attended 111 her youthful days. Intel meta was made in the family plot in the Blunt Centre cemetery, The deep sympathy of the entire community. is extended to the family in this their sad hour of sore bereavement. n Eharn Eleetion 31! officers for Fern Lodge No, L 'I'. 13. A., Winghanr, result- ed ,', s :-W. SL, W. T, Miller ; 11, Al., Nisi or M. Beck with ; Ree„ -Sec,, F. L. quest ; A. R. Angus ; Trem , Sigler T. R. Bennett ; Chap- lain, Sister D. Hamilton ; D. of Sister \V, '1'. ; Conductor, Sis- ter M. J. 13011, IVingharn iS to have a hoekey tearn this Winter 11 112(110 for ice can be HU - ranged, well attend ea and en tbus. iastic meeting was held in Mayor Blinkey's office and following officers were elected ;-President, W. H. Gurney ; Vice-Peesident, Weft, El. liott, ; Sec. -Treasurer, R. V. Brooks ; Manager, W. A. Miller ; Managing Committee, R. Bloornflelcl, A. G. Smith and Earl Groves. Deepest sympathy is extended to Solomon and Mrs, Oloakey, in the death cif their little two-year-old daughter', Edith, who passed away at the home of het, grandmothee, 13118. Seal, Victolia street, on Tuesday morning. The little child came from the West with her parents, to spend the Winter and was fatly sick for a couple of days with diphtheria. She WaS height. little child and will be greatly missed in the home, Blyth The Brotherhood have been success - fol in securing Rev. R. A. Miller, 1321. Heydges. as speciel preacher for hien's Day, Sunday, Jan. 12111. Men will serve a Victory Dinner nu the follo- big Monday evening. +++++++++++++++++++++ ++++4+++++++++++++++++++++++++4 4. er * + + ia + 4.• ,,,,, 0•RV + + 4. ^r,'#?;,, 4 + .I. $ ' ',, i. 4 4. + ÷ + 6 + .6 4, 1* + * + P dhon graphs Rec r s + + + + * + + + + Nothing nicer for Holiday Presents. + 4. 4, Or a good + + 4. 4. ... Singer Sewing Machine + + .,. ... 6 * Makes a dandy Gift. Call and see us and se- + cure Choice Goods at Reasonable Prices. , + ; 4t + We aim to please. our Customers. + StaTESEatntraftleXat. 112M.. ceived TuesdstY, tells of a very success- , ful operation, involving the removal of 3: rib, which gives hope of a return to + health as soon its is possible, The op. t eration disclosed no evidence of tub- 'r erculosis. Lieut. Cluff states that lie is now sitting downstaire in the hospital 114r. and Mrs, Cluff sent a cable Monday S. CARTE R0 " 30 obtain further IICWS Of their Sons conditleat. Large Stock of New Records from which to make your Choice. BRUSSELS 4. 4, 4, +++++++++++++++ HURON BOYS HOME During the past week the following Huron Co. boys have arrived from overseas.- C.LINTON-Pie. Harold Biggins; Pte. R. 11. Fisher: Pte, 0. 11, Hoare, Pte. E. G. Howes, Pte, Roy Chowen. BRUSSELS -Pte. T. Agar, Pte. II, W. Dennison, Pte. W. G. Barron. LONDESBORO-Pfe. F. Brown, Pte. J. S. Crawford, Pte, H. Bunking, HENSALL-Pte, W, J. Baker. VARNA-Pte. F. Callow. WINGHAM-Pte. H. Campbell, Pte. A. Posliff, Pte. B. Isard. SEAFORTH-Fte. 11. Campbell, Pte, S. Deem, BLYTH-Pte. 11. S. Dexter. AUBURN -Pte, R. H. Munroe, Lance Corp. J. W. Good, Pte. G. W. Holmes. EXETER -Pte. 1. D. Taylor; Pte. C. P. Harvey. WROXETER-Pte. F. A. Westlake; Pte. C. A. Westlake, Pte. R. Westlake, GODERICH-Pte. T. F. Kell, BAYF1ELD-Pte, 7!, C. Brandon, Pte. N. L. Toms, Pte. K. 'C. Shelley. A ROUND -UP IN LONDON MILITARY DISTRICT Capt. Asa Minard to Organize Force of Thirty Dominion Police For Western Ontario. Capt. Asa Minard,. inspectior of Dominion Military police in London Districe, returned from Ottawa with instructions to re-engage 30 military constables, who will be utilized in seeking three classes of offenders - those who failed to register, those who failed to report when ordered, and men who failed to comply with the terms of exemption granted. them. ARRAINGED AS DESERTER London, Ont., Dec. 19. - Albert Vincent, a young farmer of Dashwuod, in Huron County, appeared in Police Court to answer a charge of desertion in failing to report when ordered to do so. The Dominion Police allege that Vincent was notified on June 13 last to report and join the colors, but he never even acknowledged thesum- mons. At the request of the defence the case was adjourned until Saturday next. London, Dec. 24-011 the ground that opposition to war and fighting in general has been "talked into him and prayed into him" since he was a boy, Police Magistrate A. H. M. Graydon today consented to lay before the Min- ister of Justice the case of Albert Vin- cent, of Dashwood. Vincent who was accused of having failed to report when ordered to do so, pleaded 1011. scientious objections. The magistrate stated that lie would ordinarily have sentenced him to two years, but he consented to send the issue to Ottawa. UNION YEAR OLD BUT FIFTY FIETY BASIS NOT ESTABLISHED * 8 * * * PARLIAMENT TO MEET * FEBRUARY 11 " Ottawa, Dec. 1 7. -Parliament * is expected. to convene about * February it. * * 3 * * * 32 Ottawa, Ont. Dec. 1 7. -This is the first anniversary of the day on which the electoral of the Dominion gave union government its mandate. One year ago today was polling day, though the actual result of the polling was nut known for some time later and the declaration was not made un- til Marc!:. 011 the anniversary of the latter date, the ballots will be burned, though it is stated that there is some sort of an agitation to have them pres- served for the purpose of investigation. From the present indications, it is the intention of the Union Government to carry on fol' the period of recon- struction and there appears to be lit- tle liklihood of a breakup during the coming session at least, though there may be apostates from its ranks. .A1 - ter that., it will be for the government to decide whether with the return of the men from overseas and their transfer to civil life, dissolution should occur and an appeal be made to the people, Union government has been called upon to do unpopular things, not the least unpopular 0( 07111811 was the enforcement of conscription. Now it can turn its attentino to Matters more to the likiug of the public at large and sociological legislation is said to be in contemplation. But the tariff looms large and must be dealt with at a very early date. At the present time the proporlon SLEIGHS 104,16021i6lnlarZierli. laftBAHHOWS it 0 Now is the time to buy. Fine assortment anti g A a Goods at Reasonable Prices, 1; Repairs in Wo d Work, &c. • Attended to Promptly and in Workmanlike al!manner. * Give us a call and add another to our long list o (if Satisfied Customers, 0: 4-42.,Z•d,-,!t***4 D. Ewan ,,, 444f 4, 0 4. 9 0 .4-0440 44 .4006 .t 4,4.6 ., Brussels of Union In the cabinet are 12 Con- Colborne had left Edwards' confection. servatives and 8 Liberals, the fifty ery store, where he had been malting fifty basis having not yet been es- a purchase. The car struck him and toblished. carried him a distance of 60 or 70 feet. 1 -le was given medical attention 1111 - mediately, but died about an hour and a half later, as his injuries were very severe. Messrs. B. Townsend and J. Bell were in the ear with Mr. Cross. A jury was empaneled and viewed the remains in Brophy's undertak'Ing CODERICH CITIZEN MOTOR CAR VICTIM 3. W. Colborne Killed; Auto Driver Arrested. Goderich, Dec. 24th. -Mr. J. H. Col- borne, a merchant in the 100232for more than 50 years, is dead as the result of injuries received when he was struck by an automobile driven by Mr. E. P. i:ross, a printer an the staff of the signal, about 1 1.15 o'clock last night. Cross was arrested two hours later and was to -day remanded to jail until Sat- urday by Magistrate Reid. The fatality occurred just after Mr. ,_........ .,.., parlors today adjourned until Saturday. Crown Attorney Seager has intimated that he will look into the question of bail for Cross. A t least t 110 of the pressait membei 4 of the Stratford eremeil will this year. Ahl. Forties and Aid. Jones announced that they weuld not seek re-eleetion in January. Aid. 01372811 and Ald. Newman will not be in the 110111 again, and .Ald. Roberts and Ald. Oros placed themselves in the undecided class. 9 License No.11 -599 42114:111111111111111111111119111111111I1111911111111111111111913111111111191111111119141111111111111111111119111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Oatmeal Crackers Once you have tasted the goodness of Telfer's Oatmeal Crackers, you will do as thousands of other families do, keep them on hand for daily use. Packed in air tight packages. Sold by all grocers. Telfers "The Buy Word for Biscuits" Food Board Canada 44 6 6 0 440 60 o 4, 460 o 6.6 • 4,600,6,41,64 ••••••••••••••••••04***44. .08 : 6 6 - 6 olid:ay L raceri o 6 A '.:',' 4, ,,•,- -. ,, ao ge • *0 0' • *" 4.6 • 4.4. • 4.4. 4. • 13, • 4.4. 6 6 6, 0,6964 04 60.66 it 66446 66-664 di= 4> *0,6, .0011,4•45, d,,4******40.4)410‘ toloomouowousekaccomeozonormanoor..oretworosonommoorara ...31.D.M.1911TORILMSC <,1 'Y +O. El.b 4+,044 .....41`......414.4140.404.04P444,444114.0401et A choice stock in all lines, together with finest quality of New Confectionery, Fruits, Shelled Nuts, Fancy Biscuits, &c. Neilson's High class Chocolates in Fancy Boxes. No finer goods to be had and we guarantee them to please you. Ice Cream, Oysters, Oxo and other Sea- sonable Delicacies. Phone 4074 or call at store. PROMPT DELIVERY. A. McKay Grocer and Confectioner DOUBLE YOUR P • * i A yonng lady who was earniug 810.00 a week a few months ,ago, is : : . now receiving a salary of $20,00 a week as the result 01 0831' training. • We assist graduates to good positions. (4 4, Enter any time, : : VITinter Term Erma January 6111, 1019. Catalogue Free, . /tdbiejed • All i el. i Stratford, Ont. and Wingharrif Otita ' ###########################4009044•404,44,44•14#44,4444* 33