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The Brussels Post, 1919-1-2, Page 4
•Jrra•.i4 ,.tl"_•. aa. THURSDAY, JANUARY a. I918 DoMxNTnte Pa ltanie.itt will areal in February, Re•«eels r tie 1 r , t nC r Oblen . ar.? ;il t Um'!' P f; up and the best thought t•1 Comic:ha, Parliaments, churches end other or- ganizations will i s sllall berequired to soave the many issues to be denit with. xgzg—the commencement of a New year—what are your purposes and plans for community betterment ? Don't say itis none of your business—your duty i will never be done unless you share, to the extent of your ability, to make sour life count in the locality in which von are located. If everybody rests on their oars there will by no advancement, in- stead there will be retrogession and loss. , Get busy ! Help soma gcod cause ! Lift ! A LIVELIER interest than ever will re-, quire to be manifested, by the home, Trustee Boards and the teaching staff, on the openingupof re lucatinnal in tt• tutions tor nem on account uC the brok- en periods caused by the widespread epidemic so general in the tarot Extra work will require to he done aunt stu- dents will have to buckle into their studies with greater zeal than ever if the lost lime le to be made up and ex amination results of next Sutnuter made modera'ely certain, It will be a care of "dig in" all round. TRE PosT is delitth^ed to notice that hearty welcomes are being accorded the returning sol:lier boys In many locali- ties, Brussels in the number, public re- euptlous have not been held so far, ow- ing to the han on such aesembhes by Boarcia of Health but we assure the khaki lads that everybody is pleased, more titan tongue can tell, to see them hack from the 'rude and the strife and clans .:..sin:• e_t welt. Canada ie proud of her =.r th;.:. snitr '-Iders and will never for- get their heroism and loyalty to the Empire. Expectation is that she home- coming will he as speedy as circum- stances will permit, GREAT interest has been manifested in En g and and Preece over the visit of President Wilson. It h::s been a veru happy coincident that the men who have been receiving public recognition such as King Albert, Generals Haig and Foche, President Wiieon, our own King George and cheers are men that no apology has to be made for paying these tributes of honor and esteem. They are real heroes, unhesmirched by the fierce tur- moil through which they have passed, It is a good sign when the public can cheer for men who worthily deserve the acclatnation. The Anglo Saxon race never stood (nigher than today, IF we are going to play the brotherly part with our cousins across the inter- national boundary there should be no high tariff walls. You say what would our manufacturing interests do if Pro- tection so called, were abolished ? The fact that many manufacturers combine to boost prices on the Eremite n consum- er end thereby aim to become million- aires at the country's expense, is the best argnment for the wiping out of such Protection and allow opportunity to buy and sell where it best suits folk. Of course the old flag will be waved and disloyalty charged but neverthe- less the public good must be considered instead of selfish personal interests. Much will depeud on the Farmer Move_ went, which has developed very quickly and looks as if it will have to be taken into account with the Parliaments of this land. THE influenza epidemic has proved a far-reaching scourge and in its train a great number have gone to their long home. Public sympathy is aroused in behalf of the many families who have suffered. While every precaution should be taken to guard health and life we are glad to bear of neighborly helpfulness and kindliness to those who were temporarily laid aside or where death came to do the needful for the bereaved in practical ways only appreci- ated by those so situated, Public and private intercession to the Ruler of All for Courage, Wisdom, Trustfulness and Guidance amidst life's conflicts world be a proper frame of mind end heart, Mao's dependence on God and his helplessness without is a lesson being taught in these testing days, Mitchell Public School Board show- ed their appreciation of teaching staff by increasing their salaries $35.00 each, and the Principal to receive 100 more, The janitor also came in of a raise of $25. South Perth farmers have organized a repreeentative district association composed of from various Mulls, Officers are t -President, W, Mc.IZc•n- zie Bornholm • Vice -President, Robert Morris ; Secretary -Treasurer, Joe, Moubtainee; .'Egooutive, Joseph Nagle, Theo. Parker, together with officers, The proposal to establish a paper was.otdorsed, .anis rte - c ao ��".r.•,,geulX+auW �'��Jie'ehltSmws..`'',a'�FveS'"wn+k(•`Y•4Ci�JAIMS�'6.tl'h-:,'�44'})-M•M9FIM>�Ai,u ril �'y5W7W A%C�-O MP% w Y�rV4v 4t.V..aF V,.•v'.�'u�.+»+.V vvv�.'..'vv.n..svr'f.•.. V.,VvI,.'••. w'•.v. Resolution for 1919 [ Itl.}tl HV 11l',tit)1,V1. That daunt 11)111 I will 'peeve money ; "Hutt I will save art atm:titt whictt will einnpel me to forego some- thing I vita really do without That I will buy uy War Saying.: tilangr, ; litttl t willalso a Thrift t aI w te h will elutl l f , it l > In , lake carr of the "quttrlerri' ; Titin 1 will keep on doing tide throughout the year ; :That I will recomutend title plan to others ; :That I will tit, all I can to popularize it for the gond of my neighbor and Canada generally. 444.+4.,„„++.+÷÷4.4.1.÷++4,++++ Our letter Box +++++++++++++++++++++++++ + I ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + w i.j. r he ' net s, : .p The following sheaf of letters ftt overseas rams to betted daring t past week and etre In re.'peCIAP Christmas boxes sentbyI3russels ft Cro s Circle. They n ill no doubt read with Itit exest '`t .. eat M be .4 Market + 'j' xl 4. ..1.. li a + t h 1 west 1to state sate At the h ' lr aR 11C 1hat s I , ,'' I have opened up a Inert' Meat a it M1.trrket ill the fiii taC 13 LASH ILL BLOCK, •+6 in BRUSSELS, •s cep a choler stools T.I.• of the best Meats to be obtained, DEAR FRIENDS, -1 res ived the bo which you were so kind to send Ire, tout days 1 le of n ago and t I I 1 1 y t, thank c Y very touch battle] far your ltiudue It was very much 0opreviated and certainly enjoyed the goad things eon tat tied, Ai.preseut I trot atter ing the idt Army Training School Hardelot, .It is about 10 miles fro Boulogne, which is quite to lively little place and wan quite a change for me. Well this terrible war is over. at last, d and I hope in the course of a fe months in visit old friends in Bru sets and thank the ladies personal) for their kindness to the boys nv here. 'Very sincerely, 1:, G. RANAS ;+ where Iwill k w i .1. Will also handle all kinds of at H•• '1' Stroked and Oared 'Steals and a 4- y , full line nP Cooked MIeatts. et• t. p Goods Delivered on Short Notice .¢, 1 to all parts of tho town, + a ; \Vitt be pleased to 1eceive a sent ,( share of the patronage and will '1' is 'w guarantee satisfaction. al Cash Paid for Bliley, Phone BBx 4. •u Et ° et- L. va + I + 4 DEAR FRIENDS —I aril writing t thank you for your• kindness in sen lug the parcel, which I received tit week, The content, were the tae things Inc• asolclierand it goes to t,ltn that the Red Croce Cirole give the kindest thoughts towards a soffit and ['til quite sure all the boys has appreciated your kindness. Well think this is all for the present as tise are all on tip -ton waiting for the Word to pack tip, Yours sincerely, LESLIE LOWRY, D. B. McDonald DEAR FRIENDS.—Please accept nay' many tltauks for box, which I receiv- ed in good condition yesterday. It is a cnunnnu saying among Ube soldiers that the wouien of Canada are nt beat friends. That is a remark 1 hay heard on hotel!ells of oecasinns, bot in England and France. Now tha the tear is over we are looking fro ward to the day we will all see Cannel again. Canada and the united State must still seed large quantities o fond to Europe as there is nettrl 150,000,000 people on the verge starvation. Wishing you all t, Mery Christmas and a Happy New Year, Yours resper.tfttlly, PTE. A. W. DENNISON +++++++++++++++++•I++++++++ r - a those at home who worked so hard and contributed so generously fair the Red Crass Society. We owe each nae of you a debt of gratitude that cal never be fully repaid, \Ve can only arty ',Thank you " and stay it most 6111Ce1 Fly'. I trust you ate in vet•y A1' good health. Surely the notorious "flit" is finished. Again thanking • you h and with all kindest regards, 1 tum very sincerely yours, A. K. ZAPPE, tt DEAR FRttNDs.—Please accept my I thanks for the priest sent by and y : Society nd whichretched me in ,f good furan a short Limn ago. Every - 3' thing enclosed was very highly ap- preciated especially the pair of socks as we are doing sottte long marching en route to Germany. Wishing you cmulinued success in your, work. Yours truly, 1 OEC'1L 111C3creame. Dw,ut lartanNDS.--1 write to than you for the splendid Ohristrttas prove r'ece'ived. Please note -am using tit pencil enclosed., Yon see i•t is heir used fit a right royal purpose eve the first, time, A few of the aid boy are in this hot and enjoyed the pare so much. The good ehocoltbte and cake (unobtainable hese) are rat' treats for us, The socks are alway welcome and most useful. How for tunate I ata to get such a real sleep ing cap. Have had a nasty cold and sore throat and it will be just what I need for the cold nights, It is surely gond of you eta remember us after all these years and I am sure we will not Pmrget it, Now that the armistice is signed and the war practieally finish ed we earl look forward to seeing you all in the near future—after Christ mets some time, I need not. sal, it will be nice to get back, most of the boys can hardly wait a moment. When Pence is finally signed then things will go fon-vat-el with a Nosh and the boys will be stvarmiug into Canada again to take hold where they left off. There wet e great celebrations here the night of the sinning of the artnis- 11celyuteverytlriug has calmed down again, We are just doing Peace time,oldiering, route marches and physical training, all waiting our turn for evacuation, Thankiug you for your kind thoughts and consideration and now I may stay, hoping to see you soon, I remain sincerely, R. BrwroN, e g DEAR, FRIENDS.— 'i'hanIts very n ntneh for the box of gond things sent s me by the Clirolu. It art'ived in first- cl elites condition, on Nov. 1411), so it came in a little less than the anomic, e f tried not to be selfish so repacked s another box and sent a good halt' of everything un La lay Iiushttud it: • France. So you see it has dine double duty and trade two people very hap- py. Just to know that the loved MIPs at home are thinking of it. while over here, brings it little ray of sun- shine to each one of ns. The work over here has been vett' trying, but the boys have always tried to turn the clouds inside out nisi show a smiling - face, so the test of us had to du the same. lite fart that thele were so many faithful workers, toiling and praying at home, across the Bette, has been the means of keeping itt and marry a man bright and faithful to the loved ones he left behind, where lie otherwise might have fallen by the wayside. Saute of the boys I stn sorry to say are ticking back habits that Canada will not smile upon, but, tl>ey are not cowards and the wander is that they are an clean as they are, We, who are privileged to be over here at this time, know of some if the teolplations than our b'tys have had to facie and it could only be the may- ers of eat nest hearts going up to the throne of God that could keep Lhe MMT DEAR FRIENDS.— Greetings 1 and many thanks for the parcel re- ceived to day. I bow Iow and pay my humble respects to those ladies whom I met in 1007 at ye Old Maids' Conven- tion held in your fair town. Each Nassing year has I doubt not, but ad. ed t.1> your individual irresistible charms. I do appreciate to the fullest extent, the many kindnesses received at your hands and it is especially gratifying at this time, when Peace is m sight and the opportunity of t'e- newirig old friendships is not far off, to know that my good friends in Bens - are still friends, 1 assure you I have yet to meet the people who can interpret "Hospitality" as you do. Please do not think I have just now said that for the first time. Every- where I have been—even in Germany —I have repeated my appreciation, How thankful we are that this hor- rible war is ended. No one is more thankful than I to know that the Han is etnshed, He does not improve on Closer acquaintance as I, and all other prisoners of War know by experience. There appetu-s to be some 'term" ex- isting since 1871, that enters into a Gertnatt's blood and ebauges him into a bullying coward, There can be no doubt of hhie. Wo have been subject- ed to most humiliating he,ttmerat for no reason whatever, While in Germ- any we were entirely dependent on the ( h )tell rll a a[I Red Cross Society , Derey L for all one fool, clothing, tobacco and medical anmforte and never were we disappointed. rho warmest thanks l of every prisoner of war goes out to lay. jttlt'i And t•ied.it leant j'ttbt Pi aye's: have Intim !wawa' oil in ti gun(tttstI eases. Naw 11in1 we hope for Pemr lilt a few DomIlts tet moat, We may all get hetet, Io the land of the Maple Leaf, lite laud we love the best, May Hod bless you all in your noble wink and britlg street' into viol) home you repre- sent this ClirlattuasHile. Z:ou's very affectionately, LILY et , .FIARPIi..I iD tit'. Been ILth\ D. 'u ] us lowly box pet arra ivril and it nits baleen good of you till u, tttuetuher nes, Every6hiug came 111 A. 3 m,taHllr.0 told tasted so good. lie Maple 'pares were beauti- fitl and 1!te Canadian patients have them pinned at the lop til' their beds, 13y all acr+touls lit neselp did her share in relebiating the siguiug of the At taiett'•t' and she hes done her part in upholding one fair. ()woollen nature in this ittur. Here, in this hospital oily swat y t hi ng was very quiet.. The boy„ iv+ old t'rareety believe the !WWII wail II03' saw it in phut, as they. tell Ittativ Ion troll the tt'ettchery of tate 11 un. \Vs ti e till glad this awful tutu' iv ovrr, fighting at least, although ileo, nbolizttlimn will take some time. SVc tar not having hatlly wounded 1"0i1 : 11))w l'ut tine sl 111 busy, This .t i rut cpitit•luir of "flu" is also about i,vet trod 1 h ost by now the worst is Oast at horue to. Trusting I may be reble to thank some of you personally foe your kind remembrance, I ant, YouVS very gratefully, til Yt; V. (NvssDI) BEATRICE MCNAIR•. Pte, Doeald J. Fulton, son of Mrs. Jtttnes Fulton, Brussels, who is now doing duty in Germany and Pte, Robe. Bird, of Morris township, who west overseas this year', also acknow- ledged receipt of boxes and express their thanks to the Circle in letters written Lo relatives. VIEWS OF NORTH HURON ELECTION (Weekly Sun) The result in North Huron, like that in Manitoulin, is clearly a strong reprobation of the Ottawa Govern- ments and of Mr, Proudfoot, who holds precariously the adjoining seat. Mr. Lucas having challenged a decision on Dominion issues, there can be no doubt that the Ottawa Government was included in the re- probation. The result is a warning that falsehood, high falutin', and bunkum have become ineffective, and that the people demand a re- turn to honesty, simple language and common sense. The preaching Ministers are not influential, and it is to be noted that Mr.' Ferguson's promise of consolidaed schools was ineffective. The people protest against many tyrannies and injus- tices, including the administration of the Military Service Act. As the final court of appeal they reverse the Cross case and the Gray case, and reassert the integrity of the con- stitution. They hasten, we should think, a political,crisis, which was already approachig rapidly, —0— (Brantford Expositor) The expected, rather than the un- expected, has happened in the pro- vincial by-election in North Huron Mr. Fraser, a Liberal, being returned in a triangular contest in which there were two Conservative candi- dates. Because of an agreement be- tween ,parties, Mr. Fraser did not receive the support of Mr, Proud - foot, the Liberal leader, and was will- ing at any time to retire if he could thereby avoid a contest. Under the circumstanaes, the result has no parti- cular significance, save that the Lib- eral opposition is given a sorely -needed addition, aid' a fresh manifestation has been made of the restlessness of party supporters under ''boss" con- trol. —0— (Toronto Star.) It is natural that a Government should regard the defeat of its candi- date as a public calamity, and so we d appreciate the tone of solemn anxiety ' w which pervades the speeches of the Ontario Ministers in North Huron. The community as a whole, however, - cannot be expected to have this feel- e ing, The important thing is that the people of North I•Iuron shall elect the 3 tan of their choice, the man who e most fairly represents North Huron 3 0 00 0 0 0 0 OVCRWORK JIR[[) ' ,OMAN TOOK VO[ Now She is Strong and Hearty Philadelphia, Pa.—"I was over- worked, run down, nervous, could not eat or sleep. I felt like crying all the time. I tried different remedies with- out benefit. The doctor said it was a wonder I was alive, and when Vinol was given me I began to improve, I have taken en Dight bottles and am now strong and perfectly healthy in every respect, and have gained in Weight. I can not praise Vinol enough," --Mrs, Sarah A. Jones, seas Nevada St., Philadelphia, Pa. We guarantee Vinol to make over. worked, weak women strong or re- turn your money. Formula on every bottle. This is your protection. 1P, R, SMITH opinion. It i for the p Governmento t accept the t e verdict. Its fate is not trembling in the balance, for its huge majority will not be appreciably affect- ed by the loss of one seat. 11 it were in danger it would have to accept the result as one of the necessary conse- quences of the working of democratic institutions. There is a tendency to consider Governments too much and legislators too little, and to regard a member sim- ply as a vote for or against a Gov- ernment. What the Legislature needs is men who will speak their Blinds and vote freely regardless of the smiles and frowns of Ministers or the fate of Governments. —0 - (The Statesman,) The victory for Liberalism in North Huron, where Mr, W. H. Fraser headed the polls in the Provincial by-election is significant of the Liberal `landslide which threatens to engulf Unionism and Toryism, With a majority of 1,203— only 139 less than the number of votes recorded for both Conservative can- didates—Mir. Fraser, M, P. P. has re- peated the Lteral triumphs of Mani- toulin and Estevan. The most singu- lar feature of the contest was the absence of any definite politica! plat- form 00 either side and the refusal of Mr. William Proudfoot, the Liberal leader in the Province, to endorse Mr, Fraser's candidature. It was a vic- tory for the farmers, who cast a Solid vote for Mr. Fraser.While Mr. Proudfoot is sleeping in the arms of the Tory Delilah and The Globe is sitting at the feet of the fossilized re- actionary, Major Mowat, M. P. and writing of "The drift toward politics", the Liberals of Ontario, without lead- ers and without a daily- Press, 'are making history. When will The Globe wake up to the fact that thinking Liberal electors refuse to regard the -42M Il11111IIIU1nnQ[ 19717. P11i1 11191741. Why You Slbould • Inv -est Your Funds in Mortgage Corpora- .tnean a a3.1 per it :tilt, Ll•",ilcnb.ai'ts h TO Standard Lt , Mortgage t c itr1 -,r I registered under the Lean (urnpnArt t s t -t Ontario, and Nukes a .early return of 1 E Ir ,cti,'t, M the. Government t.v whom t t c uu,s ire published for the information et Uta cubit, emit ycu r. Mortgage Corporations Are one of the ate,:nes of financltd InstIttatt.on, ,alerted by the 1,',. -oaten, of Ontario, in which t unlnve=tt•d fonds of l'rO- vinclul insurance t einemties inay he dt to•;lted. Tito others oro the Post (-like Sti Bt's Banc and the Savings Department of Chartered Banks of Canada. Stocks and Bonds fluctuate In value with the mote of the money market and other cau))es. Thousands et people have Invested ('pair savings In there deben- tures without the loss of one dollar invested. The deboutures ore Issued in amounts tit SIOO and upwards. Interest at 5' t4, is paid in cash on the day it is due. Write for our beoklot about "PROFITS FROM SAVINGS." It explains what these Debentures are and why they are as good 0 security. Paid op Caplial and Surplus Fund), . • 13.362,378,63 85,, IIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111 H. L. JACKSON, HEAD OFFICE—TORONTO era a I n h Offices t AYR BROCKVILLE CI ELMIRA NEW HAMBURG WO00STOOnSTUCg 311111111111111111111111111M1111111111=11111111111 MOM ) € ?4. 'ilial Agent, Brussels • Mowats as Liberals or the Proodfoots es leaders? To say that "it is still a question whether they (the Liberals) are prepared for a reunion of the Lib - beret Party on the only possible basis, the adoption of a progressive policy that will enable Liberalism to win and hold the confidence of Liberals who in- tend to vote hereafter as followers of principals rather than of titular party leaders" is an amusing confession of the impotence and rage which pre- vents The Globe from playing a really big and patriotic part in the present crisis, With Major Mowat, lei. P. preparing a safe Tory retreat in Parke dale, our Unionist contemporary would be well advised to take heed of the swing of the Liberal pendulum. Even The Statesman hopes it will be spar- ed the ignominy of choosing between isolation and political association with the Mowats and liockens. having doubted the sincerity of the Liberal Party with regard to a progressive policy, it is quite in keeping with the fickle attitude of The Globe to throw cold water on the policy of the Western farmers. The life of the Unionist Government and the carrying out of Sir Clifford Sifton's secret in- junctions, are of .more concern to our contemporary, apparently, than the future of Liberalism and Reform. Lord Rothermere has offered the University of Cambridge of £20,000 ease©88000*0000000oQ�a+" aaMOS t;t008000800088:et30o080000000�09 O tl e "� is A ,w'p>. it' - �.. p;. art `'" s e �s' 3:.:s`ltltc.s. rx: r 'reef 'r t r��'.-,',?"s `#; .t'o-+., F3 65 e n dELUDOsnaRREEERRADRase=taZi=toep t9 0 i'1 O 0 9 >r F'' ' a 8 0 s 0 0 .., ,w. .::,,rF.. .. a Fa r e O 0 © W. Are endorsed by the Organisation of 3 3 Resources Committee of Ontario and a to al • are for sage by the following Firms :--- c f3 a s re 0 0 e cort+ es et Oil Cake Meal Cotton Seed Meal as re a 0 A A a In missaliallompopown..). ass Cream Wantec Ship your Cream Direct to the russ&&s Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you will not want to discontinue, ttl�r s Orusselso� sPro Creamery, Stewsl p f6 3 w 0 to 11 (9 Y5 tt e 0 0 e For immediate sale in carload lots. To be sold direct- ly to Farmers, Farmers' Local Organizations and Local t0 Dealers selling directly to feeders of live stock. This 6 s offer is open only to Dec, 31st, wiledother disposition will be made of stocks remaining. Prices on application, Till Dec, 31st they will be e approximately $i63 to $r64 per ton, 1,o,b, Hamilton, de- s f pending on carrying charges at the time of purchase, ss a Sold on the basis of marked weights as they arrive. A Purchase directly from James Richardson a Sons, lards, Royal Bank Building, Tor- s echarge e Ditto, in for the Organization of Resources i 0 • Committee, Parliament I3uildings, Toronto, A ® to 0 s,t>aaeasoossootac neatenttaectblprass?tsss•ss•••iseeseeeseesesese The Campbell Floor Mills Co., ltd., West Toronto The Campbell flour Mills Co,, ltd., Peterhoro' Howson & Howson, Wingham D. C. Thomson, Drillia A. A. McFall, Bolton Write for prices and purchase direct from the above Manufacturers. See"Standard" on the 'rags Offering for Sale endowment for a chair of naval Itis - tory in memory of his second son kill- ed itt the battle of the Ancre, and has suggested Dr, Holland Rose should be the first professor, MONTHLY Horse Fairs •t�yy � � .. �q••m� f��j 'Incl t•=..• s e i Regina+. Monthly lions Faits Will be lu•ld this season its follows ;-- 1'11U1t:3DAY, DE(l. so), 1.015 JAN, 3rd, 3910 Fla13. lith, 1910 ilr\l3.Olh, 13119 APR.3rd, 1070 Leading Local and Outside Buyers Present 13y order of °Mille 1 - F. S. SC01"I`, Clerk. Property for Sale Comfortable home and '__ acre of land tor sale, wilt lornted on Pr)ncrss street, Branca's, the property of the late Rev. R. Pao". POAAe,- elan given in the eout•tie of a .few months. It will ,wake a hear Roots for some person Mid is itt good repair. Property is open for inspection. l+111. lumbar Btu ocutars apply to ahs, Joseph Pugh, Winghon, ; hire, S. Pan', Slovenia 1 or 1511 Box 1022. J, GORDON, 'geville, Bull for Service The undersigned will keep for service, on S3 Lot 80, Con. 2, Morris township, thethoro'•bred Short Nora Ball, (dais ford of Salem, No. -00110-- Sired by Gnhttord Marquis (1008001 ; Dan, hi 'idyl d VII by by Royal Sailor (18960). Ped- tgt'ee may be seen on application. Terhte- 28.50 for grades end 510 00 for thorobrads. THOS. PIEB011, Proprietor. Farm for Sale, Containing 200 aeras, viz , Rjr Lot 80, Con. 8, Morris township, and l,ot I, Con. 6, Grey town- ship. Well watered, comfortable house, bunk lawn And manure shed, driving houeo, wind 'hill, orchard, au. 24 miles North of Brussels on gravel roar. Rural retail and rural 'phone, 141 toile to school, Will sell either or both farms. rm. further particulars apply to A I,16X. FO.RSSYTD, Proprietor, Brussels, or 10, B. 110011111, Brussels, 0•4 For Sale 61 nose and lots, containing Oy acres, 1n the Village al' ('rnubrook, the property of the late Mrs, Agars 12t'ovn, is olTere(i,for sale. Diane house, horn, fruit trees, ,Oe. Possession could be given at ones. icor further particulars ap• ply to Mlle Tuna. (Aatittoa or Wm, OA,stettocc, Exec:Mors estate of the late nitre. Jt gnes Drown, Orenbrook, The Srussels Pout Clubbing list For1919 THE POST and Daily Globe., .... ..$ 5 00 Mail and Empire 5 00 Toronto World,., 5 00 Toronto Star,,,... 4 25 Toronto News,,.. 8 75 Far niers' Advoe'e S 00 Itamily Herald... 2 05 Weekly Simeon. 2 50 London Advert'r 5 00 Free Press 5 00 Satuidtty Night . 4 25 " Weekly witness 2 80 Nor, Messenger... 2 00 " Youth's Oonlp'n. 3 75 'c Peeebyter•ian ..... 3 10 Above prices are Inc addresses in Canada or Great Britain, 11 publica- tion you want is not in above list, let 011 know. 'Poronto Stat' rate increases a dollar air New Years. Remit by Posta[ Note or Express Order, If Bank Cheque add exchange, W. H. KERR, Tun Posit, Brussels,