HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1919-1-2, Page 1i•
VOL. 47 NO ., q
1.50 Per Annum in Advance
W. H. HERR, Proprietor
11111111111111 11111111 111 111
I ilei 18111 11111111
111 111111 1111111111 1111 1 111111111111 11111111111111 1
Just mail you'
we deposit them cheques to us—
and send you a../.1 to your credit
ledgment, prompt acknow-
If you need cash .
by mail, too, sendin ve-cash your cheques
registered letter. ' you the money in a
We understand
and gladly assist hi the Farmer's problems
We will welcoi , . in every way possible,
Bank of
Paid-up Capital 8 80600,000
Reserve Fuad - 12,000,000
Resources - - 190,000,000
e your account.
ova Scotia
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
ltleetlon (lards.
Wood—Brussels Couuell.
Money found—Torn Poo!,
Drug needs Ir, R. Smith.
For,anLe—Chrls, Rogerson.
Auction Sala—W. A. Dundee.
Flour and Feed—W, G. Neal.
Weekly Store News—James Fox,
Wood or sale—Russell Robertson.
Annum bleating—A grioulturhl Society.
Misttitt '.au5
Congratulations to Reeve Campb:
of East Wawanosh, ands Reeve Elst
of Morris. Belgrave is interested
Mondayafternoon, Iterloou, Der, 80th, t
ladies of Belgrave Methodist ohur
met at the home of Lyle and M
Hopper, 3rd line, Morris, and show'
their good -will towards Mise M,
Hopper, in view of her approaohi
marriage, by giving her a wiscell
eons shower. After opening the p'
encs Miss Hopper replied in sults
leen, to the s Wtc manygood wishes. Lm
was served and v aver o.
spent in soeitt] chat,
A hearty welcome is being given
our returned soldier bons.
A ]hearty welcome to the New Yo,
We greet it with joy and confider
Will, Malan, 131 itiSh navy, ,vas he
for New Year's. Be hopes soon to
Board of Health re, 's that
dity"Alc;1, 'hools
closed till Jen. 12th, zit
the "fln"epidemic
Knox church, Mown
its books open till Jen. lr'
contributors givn or mail
ing tdAlex, Mann, Treas., bei
WiLsoo — McNAtrom.-
hone of Ii. A. and dirs, Me
•'Deerbauk Farm," the mania
place at noon 00 Thutsday,, D.
20, of their eldest daughter,
(Bert.), to Edgar.Sim, son of J
Mrs. Wilson, Monkton, Ont,
Miss Beth McNaught played ll
satin's Wedding March, the brit,
tared the room .with her father
PC -
ceremony being r conduote
d by
4i' Iiie Thomson, of Knox 01161 ,9.
Monicton. Daring the signieg of ti,
register, Jinn Wilson, brother' of-t,e
groom, sang. After' the wedding di e
nee Mr, and. Mrs. Wilson left
s N.
afternoon train for p011113 netta c
� II6
on their reture will live in Moukton,
Ont. May many happy, prosperous
years be theirs is the wish of old
Mrs. R. K. McDonald is home from
a visit to Stratford and Landon.
Oranbrook gives cordial greeting to
Rev. Mr. Kennedy, the new Presby-
terian minister.
Hartley Menzies is putting op a gal-
lant fight for his life and we hopehe
will win out with big odds,
A. .1. Helm, London, combined busi-
ness and pleasure in a visit, to old
friends in this locality during the past
R. T. Miller and family, Wroxeter,
spent Christmas with his Rath, J. 141.,
on the old homestead,
Wm. and Mrs. McDonald ate their
Oliristmas turkey at tine home of the
former's sister, Mrs. Strachan, Bens -
Wesley Palmer has been in this
locality with bis gasoline engine and
saw, cutting wood for Win. McDon-
ald, J. M, Miller and Thos. Wilson.
D. McDonald has been doing a
splendid business this season, Since'
the Christmas rush is over, Noise Mary
Johnston is taking her holidays under
Lhe parental roof,
Great inconvenience has been caus-
ed in this locality by not having con-
nection with Central. It has been 8
weekssince we have had connection
with other lines. This is rather seri-
ous in homes where there irsickness.
Thos. McDonald and sons, of the 1st
Brie, Grey. have been busy this Fall.
taking down the barn on Walter
Yuill's faun on the 2nd of Morris, and
the late Mrs, Weight's stable, James-
towii, North. Many loads of timber
and lumber have been drawn to his
farm in Guy.
The Christ wee entertainment of
S. S. No. 10, Morris, held on Thursday
Der. 191h, in Johnston's church, was a
great success. Program consisted of
choruses, dialogues,. solos and recita-
tions, which were well rendered by
the youth of the Section. Although
the crowd was not so large as it wnnid
1311.00 been had nob the "flu” been
around, proceeds were over 810.00.
Miss Elliott, the euer'getio, teacher,
deserves great praise for the success
of the evening.
Last 'Friday evening, Dec, 27tH, the
congregation of Johnston's church,
lab line Morris, assembled tut the
home of George and Mrs, S+lckmier, to
spend a social time before Miss Ferne
left' to take a position on the touching
stair of Toronto public schools. One
of the important features of the avail-
ing was the presentation of a beauti-
ful grained ivory toilet and manicure
set to Miss Ferny, the following ad-
dress being read by Mrs. Edward
Johnston and the presentation made
by Miss Emma Johnston :- Oun,
DEAR FRIEND Fiilt1NE,—Ag, you have
decided to move from our midst, we.
08 h'bende and neighbors, have met on
.Iltis occasion to express to you our
thanks for your services as organist
in our church and also to shdiiv 0111'.
appreciation of your Christian ex-
ample and friendly intercourse with
us. We asic you to accept this pres-
ent as a small token of our love and
friendship toward you and trust that
in your quiet hours you May often
took back an the church of your
childhood with fond memories, Now
as yeti launch out into a larger field
of labor, may your life be' filled with
noble pu' oggee, kind thoughts and
worthy actions. We pray that you
Mayalwaye enjoy the presonee ,and
blessing of oto' Heaveniy Fatheo' as.
yon journey along life's pathway.
Signed on behalf of the Congregation,
RIOI•t, 3OI1NsTOw,
Miss Nlcktnier made a suitable reply,
thanking the people for their kind -
nese. Her services to the church had
ttltvays been a pleasure, and she look
ed forward to her vtu'rltioris when she
wanks be wit ir I,hem again, An en-
jeyablr evening, was spent by all in
gammas, told unu,lo, follmveid 1'V0-
11111011 F1'1 veil by 'the young people
The company RePerated wishing ,tlia•i
Peine a happy and prospernue Hololr•n
in the Queen city,
Miss Jean Anderson teturued to
Toronto on Thursday. a
Miss Lizzie Sanderson ens a holiday
v isi tot at Toronto.
Juo llnir, Stratford, is visiting
with rehttives i1( this vicinity.
Mrs. R. Itann is attending a deter
at Belgrave who is seriously ill,
Stewart McKereher, of Kings tau
Unive1"81ty spent 01101st lints here.
MISS Edith Carr was' the guest of her
sister, Mts. G. }fastle, several days;
Pte. E. Bann and L. Van Velem.
visited llarriston ft lends an Monday.
Duncan Cameron, Ayton, spent
Ohristmes Day with his mother here.
Miss Jessie Pope, Stratford, is spend-
ing a few weeks under the parental
Jon. and Mrs. Bartley, Vallkleek
Hill, are visiting the latter's mother,
Mrs. Wm. Weir.
Wilfred Musgrove is spending 2
weeks at his home here, before leav-
ing for Mennen].
Clifford White, Guelph, and Miss
Sadie White, Galt, spent Christmas
with bee parents here.
Pte. Arthur McCullough, recently
returned from 'France, called an
friends in Lhe village on Monday.
James McGwan, Sault Ste. Marie,
spent Ohristmas with his parents,
Jus. and Mrs. McEwau, Turnberry,
Geo. - Westlake has sects eco the
contract for carrying the mail on R.
R, No. 1, and will commence his duties
the let of January.
Misses Grace and Irene Stocks were
home from Toronto for Chriettnas,
The latter purposes remaining at
home and continuing her school
Wroxeter Red Oross Society shipped
to headquarters, at Montteal, this
Week the following articles :-4 clttilts,
6 flannel shirts, 10 towels, '2 wash
cloths, 8 pairs women's hose, 1 knit
unders kirt, 1 dressing saeque, 15
children's petticoats, 65 baby's bon-
Among the teachers who are spend-
ing the Christmas vacation at home
are, Misses Annie and OVinnifred
Munro, Lyla Kaake, Beatrice Howe,
Elva Hupfer, JennielAllan, Eleanor
Hamilton, Agnes McKereher, Lula
Rutherford, Margaret Anderson and
Mrs. H. Patterson.
Happy and prosperous New Year to
Reeve Elston,
Morris did the sensible thing in
saving the expense of an election.
Mies Jennie Robb, who is teaching
near Harristou, is home for the vaca-
Councillor Fear has been quite ill
with influenza Inst we hope he will
soon be as hearty t
y as ever,
Miss Hazel Nichol 'Okts home from
Seaforth for a visit over Christmas.
She is a daughter of Atex, and Nirs.
Nichol, 6111 line.
Mrs. W. L. Mcdutcheou, of Wilkes-
barre, Peon„ is visiting relatives and
old friends. Dr. McOutcbeon is•ex-
pected this week for a holiday. They
are former residents of Morris.
Many cases of influenza but we hope
they will all soon be free from the
epidemic. In some iustnnoes the ill-
ness has included most, if not all,
the family and has been very severe.
II. L. and Mrs. Humphrey and baby
Mary, of Sarnia, were here for a holi-
day visit with 8.. and Mrs. Walker
and other friends on Otlh line. Mrs.
H. and daughter are extending their
Mite. Joi SMrror DECEASED.—We
regret to state that Mrs. Joseph
Smith passed away Weduesday after-
noon in her 20th year. Funeral,
which will be private, will be held
Friday, from Lot 27, Con, 4, at 8
o'clock. Service at 2 p, 1(t. Inter-
ment, in Brussels cemetery.
Ephraim Knight, of Gagetown,
Michigan, has been visiting Andrew
Knight and family, 8011 line. He is an
uncle to the host, Mr, Knight hes
been i1( Michigan 26 yearsanditis 18
years since he was bete. His home
was in Balton Go, Ont., before going
to Uncle Sam's laud,
PRESENTATION,—The neighbors and
friends of Wm. Findlater, 211d
line Morris, met, at his home Wednes-
day evening to mark his attaining his
80th birthday. Pro.rata of evening
was opened by Jno, Oaseruore, re-
questing. Mt. Findlater to be seated
with him, whereupon Jim. Cochrane
read the following address :—'To
lialu Findlater, DEAR FRIEND :—
Yong friends and neighbors have to-
nighb assembled to do you honor in
your celebrating your 80th birthday.
Upwards of half of yotnr life has been
spent on the salnefarin in our neigh-
borhood and you have always been an
honorable and upright citizen of one
community. Daring your residence
here you have seen many changes in
the district and you are now one of
th,e few remaining pioneers of the
district. We ask you to accept this
chair as a token of our esteetn and
regard. We tenet you may be spared
for years 'to enjoy, tite comforts of a
well spent life. Signed :—
JNo, OA lattos v,
,D, H. OA2ornELL.
Jas, Golley and D. 1l. Campbell pre-
sented a flue leather upholst-
ered easy chair, Mr, Pindlater was
completely taken by surprise. He
thanked thorn in a few words for their
kitidiness of l,hough't, and notion,
Evening was enjoyably spent in
games, social, chat, interspersed with
music, vocal and instrumental. At
the partaking of lunch there was a
beantifttl birthday cake on which wag
the figure 80 in pink tapers. Light
ing was done by Jas, Golley, Resisted
Car Five Roses
Bran and Shorts
To be unloaded at Wal-
ton Station on Friday and
Saturday of this week. .
Special Prices off Car,
W. G. Neal Walton
by Mrs. Jaeassertion, causing many
jakt's and merriment. Ur. I0hudlater-
ieeeived remem bemires from Detroit',
1Vatbingtnn, Broderick, New Ham-
burg -and Ayr. As the we sma hours
drew near the company dispersed hap-
py 00 have met, hoping to meet again.
At the anneal School meeting held
in S. S. No 4, last Thursday, W, 11.
MrOutclenn woos re-elected Trustee.
Wend contract was awarded to S. Al-
cncir at $876 per cord, Caretaking
will be done by R. Nichol at $55.00 for
the year, The question of improving
the school grounds during the coming
Spring and Summer was discussed
and no dorbt something nice will be
the result in fence, grounds, Rae.
We are sorry to state that Henry
Johnson, a well known resident of the
Soli line, has been laid aside for the
past 5 weeks with sciatica but while
unable to get about he still retains his
quaint humor, In note to THE POST
he says in sending his renewal to The
Globe and POST, ''Oanada's 2 best
gapers" and adds "There seems to be
a lot happening while I have been in
bed—things sorrowsul and things joy-
ful. Reeve Fraser is now M. P. P. and
I wanted -to be up and run for Reeve
but, begone, I can't even walk." Old
friends wish N1r. Johnson a speedy
—G. P. W. McOutoheon, 1018120, vol-
unteer, who enlisted in the West in
the 232nd Battalion in Winter of 1916-
10, was the son of John and Mary
McOnteheon, formerly of the 0th line
Morris, now at Lacombe, Alta. He
was 28 years of age and moved West
with the family when a boy. Served
about 10 months in France in 5th
Canadian Batt. and was admitted to
No, 54 Canadian General Hospital,
Aubengue, France, on Sept. 2nd, suf-
fering from gunshot wounds in neck
and shoulder. Two operations were
performed on his chest 111. October,
was moved to Second South General
Hospital, Bristol, England, on Nov.
10th, where he passed away" Old
friends here sympathise with the be-
reaved in the demise of this fine
soldier boy.
Wm. Hall and family Stir, Con., has
been laid up with infinenza.
Looks like an old time election in
Grey. Next Monday will be polliug
Mrs, Robb, Miller, 12t11 Con,, bas
not been very well bat we hope .she
will continue to improve.
Jiro. and Mee. Lake spent Christmas
with Arthur and Mrs, Henry, Wing -
ham. The hostess is a daughter.
Miss Addle Grant, who is teaching
near Wroxeter, is home for the holi-
days. She is highly esteemed and do-
ing good work,
Rev. Mr. Fair, of Toronto, took the
service last Sunday morning in Roe's
nhnrolt and gave a fine discourse.
The 1pastor is bis son-in-law.
A letter from J A y' Pt
Menai of tr-
vis, Mn..oarenewing his subscription
to THE POST says :—We are having
lovely Winter weather, with just
scow enough fox' sleighing.
S. S. No, 3 held its an uual meeting
Thursday, with R. Jacklin in the
chair, Oliphant Smith was re-elected
Trustee and has as associates J. G.
Turnbull and W. Id, Stephenson. 10
cords of green wood was ordered from
Richd. Jacklin ab $5.00 per cord, The
school property is in good condition
and business well managed.
The ratepayers did not jam the
school house in S. S. No. 1 at the ;an-
nual School meeting, but the usual
business was transacted nevertheless.
James Grant retired as Trustee and
Robb. Cochrane was elected. Other
li'nstees are J. FI. Hoover and Andrew
Lamont. $4.50 per cord was the
price awarded to W. J. Hemingway
fur the wood supply and Wm. Miller
will loolt after the necessary caretak-
ing 01 the school, Cosy premises are
supplied pupils and teacher in No, I.
Miss C. Voltam] is the teacher.
Rather better turn out than usual
at annual meeting of S. S. No. 0 on
Thursday. W. J. Jacklin was elected
Trustee as successor to Wm. Hall.
Onchraue and Lamont are to supply
12 cords of wood for $57,50 and J. T.
Pearson gets $2.00 per cord for cedar,
Caretaking of school will be looked
after by Wesley Somers ab $50,00.
Wm, Hall has been See, 'Treas, of the
80001011 for past 8 years, Joe Ames
and Wm. Stephenson are Mr, Jack-
lin's associates on the Board,
We were very sorry to hear of the
decease of a fine young 1100111 011 1211]
Den„ last Monday, in the person of
Arthur L., the only son of James and
Mrs, Denman. He was its his 20tih
year and a great help to hie father in
farming operations and beloved by
the inmates of the home and 00ni-
muuity, The funeral took place Tnes-
da. afternoon, hmade
at Mounb 'PleaaiMttteimotit 'eemetoryboon, Jlthel.
Pneumonia was the cause . of
Arthur's death, Other members of
the family were ,also 01 but are im-
proving Wooly note we are glad to
say, -
Noble tichnoek is home from Flint,
Mich., where be lee 1.. u:rlt t he 1(a;
2 nays anti lo'ltls a good prelr, o, on t
visit wit It relnl Ives and friends,
Last weok W. J, 01111 1fis (Itoil'fl
and Miso Addie moved to Brussels
I'r010 the homestead, 11 lo Con., earl ss.
Mg with dear the goodwill of the
community. r't `1'cr 0111 eon, NV. D.
rrmuu g. lc only
takes tlno farm. We Melt him and
his bride the same sneeese ee has at-
tended the family.
DIED IN TILE 1VEs'r.—The Minor: -
fou Journal of December 23rd, speaks
of the decease of daughters of (linin
and Mrs. Love, former) y this town-
ship, as follows c—"A deep gloom nr.s
oast over the South side rind particul-
arly over the students 111(11 graduates
of Alberta Oollege South, by the
death of two of Its last yelp's Sttulou?
Mrs. Marguerite Crawford Nightin-
gale, wife of Rev, J. Nightingale, of
Athabasca Landing,
and also i he death
of her sister, false Jean Love. The
double funeral wits hell Sunday l:fLer-
noon frohn Wainwright & Jackson's
parlors." Many old friends here will
sympathise with the fancily in their
sore bereavement.
Thursday of last week the animal
meeting of S. S. No, 2 convened.
Silas Johnston was elected Trustee,
succeeding DavidOuncingham, whose
term had expired. Juo. R. Oliver
WAS chosen to fill out the unexpired 2
years of Jas. McFadzean's term, who
is shortly to remove from the Section.
He has been Secretary -Treasurer 118
well, Jun. Hirkeonnell is the Bid
trustee. The only trouble in this
school section ie the scarcity of pupils,
Al the present 5 is about the hest
showing and it is not very encourag-
ing to an ambitious teacher like fillies
McGowan. A subject of live interest
is consolidated -schools and it is
nob to be wondered at that the ques-
tion properly came up at the Annual
Among the friends from a distance
attending the funeral of the late
Chester Armstrong were Nelson Arum -
strong, an uncle ; Wm. and Mrs,
Thompson from Dungaunon locality,
uncle and aunt ; Messrs, Tuckey,
brothers to Mrs. Armstrong and 12,,- v.
E. G. Powell, a brother-in-law. 101re.
Chester Armstrong is holding her
own fairly;well and if gond wishes will
aid in her recovery she should soon
regain her cuetomary good health.
Baby is well. The members of James
Armstrong's family are making It good
recovery' from an attack of influenza,
"Jim" being the last to take it. All
the children were home for the funer-
al exceptingPte. Wesley, who is still
doing duty in France.
evenings ago a party of old neighbors
and friends of Mrs. Hugh McKinnon,
numbering about 50, assembled at the
old homestead, 7th con„ to enjoy an
evening with her and family befnn e
Mrs, Mac, removed to Brussels, Fel-
Inciting address was read by Ales.
Yuill and the presentation of a fine
kitchen cabinet was made by Charlie
Lamont :—
FRIEND,—Wo, yourr nen
botand friendsof this community,
have assembled here to -night to give
expression to our regards for you, Yon
have long been a member of one com-
munity and the friendship which we
have cultivated in that time causesais
now to sincerely regret your depar-
ture from your old home and from our
midst. As an expression of aur re-
gar'd we ask you to accept this kitchen
cabinet. As often as you see this
piece of furniture may you remember
us. We hope you may be granted
many happy years in your new home.
Signed by
A very suitable reply was made for
the snrprieed recipient by her brother,
Robt. McKay. A fine rima was enjoy-
ed by the company with vocal and in-
strumental muse, games, lunch, Rte.
Mrs. McKinnon lived on this farm for
nearly 37 years and was born on the
same concession only a half mile l:rtst
hence is well known and highly es-
teemed by a wide circle who wish her
many happy years in town to enjoy a
well earned rest. Robb, McKinnon
and bride are now located on the
homestead so that the family is still
well represented.
AWAY, —With deep regret the public
learned last Saturday of the demise
of Chester Armstroug, Lot 8, Oon.
0, who passed away at 9.80 Saturday
morning, after a brief illness of peen -
monis, aged 35 years, Re was the
oldest son in a family of 0 children
born to James and Mrs, Armstrong,
lOth Con., and carne with family from
Auburn locality 10 years ago. This
is the first death in the family Near-
ly 2 years ago he was happily married
to Miss Pearl Tucky, of London, and
they settled clown on the old home-
stead of 150 acres, the fritter having
purchased'the Robertson farm on the
opposite side of the road. Here de-
ceased was prospering and a bright
outlook was assured when be was cell-
ed away. To adci to the sadness of
the situation Mts, Atmstrolg was ill,
a baby gill having arrived the day
previous to the fathers demise.
"Chet.", as he wes familiarly called,
was an industrious, robust young man
of more than ordinary ability and was
developing sterling qualities that bade
fah' to make hint of real service to the
oomtnunity, Ile was a member of the
Official Board of Brussels Methodist
church, one of the assistant: Superin-
tendents ill the Sunday School and
had tendered good service in these
organizations as well as in the Hp.
worthLeague, In addition he belong-
ed to the Canadian Order of Forest -
ere and the L. 0, L. Besides; his wife
and baby he is survived by his par-
ents, 1 brothers (Pte. Wesley m
France ; Sydney, 0, P. It, operator at
Born type, Ont„ Joe and Jim, at
hotne) and 4 sisters (Mrs. Short and
Election Cards
I. J l.Lu 1. E LGC1ORS,—
AI'tem sitting tivo years at the Oou11-
ell Board of they Township i ayi1 nom -
hotted for a third terns and would ap-
preciate your vote and influence. I
have endeavored to da 103' duty and if
re-elected next Monday will continue
to seise to the best of toy ability.
Wishing you one and all a Happy and
Prosperous year,
• - Yours Truly,
I have been honored with being
nominated as Councillor for Grey
Niunicipntity for ]010 and take this
opportunity of asking your support
next Monday. My only object is to
serve the electors to the best of my
ability if elected.
Wishing you the compliments of the
misfit], 7 am,
Voiles Very Truly,
I am in the Municipal field in Grey
Township for the office of Oouncillor
for 1910 and solicit your vote next
If i ate among the chosen I will do
halm! I think is best for the advance-
ment of our Township and endeavor
to verve you faithfully. Wishing you
a year of progress.
Yours Truly,
Acton, and 14Iiss Mae at borne) who
are large shames in the wide sym-
pathy manifested in this peculiarly
ead unci sudden bereavement. Mrs.
Chester Armstrong is a sister to Mrs.
(Rev.) E. G. Powell, formerly of
Brussels, now of Lucan, and nape ac-
quainted with Brussels locality by
visiting here. Funeral, which was
private, WAS conducted by Rev. W. E.
Stafford. Luterment in Brussels ce-
metery. Beautiful flowers were con-
tributed by relatives and old friends
as well as the Sunday School. Pall-
bearers were Joe Armstrong, J. H.
Short, Rev. E. G. Powell, J. Camp-
bell and Chas, and Cecil Tucky,
The Scriptural injunction, "Be ye
also ready, for in ouch an hour as ye
think not the son of man cometh,"
appears to be specially applicable.
Chester Armstrong will live long in
the memory of many of the young
people as well as those of more ad-
vanced life for his many worthy qualit-
ies and his going away at the time
he appeared to be greatly needed is
one of the mysterious things that aro
not easily understood but "God is his
own interpreter and He will make it
Mrs, '
Grover and M s, Grll and family
spent Christmas in Toronto.
pUntil the telephone lines are set to
rights W. H. Love's No. will be 5 on
litre 59.
We are pleased to we Charlie Han-
suld around again after his attack of
Irwin and Mrs, Raynard, Niagara,
spent Ohristrnas holiday with friends
in this locality,
At tbo School meeting Wm. McIn-
nes was chosen Trustee. He succeeds
Thos, Brown removed.
Dd. and Mrs, Fletcher c
tl tnher and Alvie
spent Christmas at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. R, Ritchie, Seaforth.
As Rev. Mr.. Johnson is suffering
from a severe cold service in Roe's
church last Sunday was takeu by Rev,
Mr. Fair.
Miss Aunie Menzies has returned
from an extended visit in the West,
on (recount of the serious illness of her
brother, Hartley.
N. and Mrs, )Franklin and family of
Embus, were holiday visitors at the
home of Wm, and 14Irs, Slemmon,
parents of Mrs, Franklin.
Misses Mattie and Annie Hems-
worth and Master Bert and Mrs.
Hehusworbh aro visiting at the home
of the'tatter'smother Mrs. Spence.
Ily mutual agreement service and
Sunday School were withdrawn in the
Methodist church last Sunday in ,or-
der to prevent any further spread of
the epidemic.
VV. Pollard has been poorly for a
few days and has been confined to the
house. We trust his illness is not
serious and that he will soon be able
to resume world.
A number from this locality are suf-
fering from influenza. The entire
family of Wm. Hall are down with it
but latest reports state they are- get-
ting along o, lo,
Nomination Day did not •pass off as
quietly as was expected this year, We
are expecting some new Councillors
for 1919, Mr. Fraser has handed in
his resignation.
Stanley Strachan is home from
Delia, Alta„ for a visit of a few
months with his parents and friends
after a snjonru of 14 years. Pte.
Howard is still overseas.
Jonas and Mrs, Flood are at the
home of their daughter, Mrs, Joseph
Smith, Morris township, who is ser-
iously 111 with pneumonia following
an at Melt of influenza. We hope for
n speedy reeovery.
John and Mrs, Lamont and family
are visiting at the 1101010 of Bart,
Lahig, John has the appearance of
one of those fellows you read about
who were clothed in purple and fine
linen and fared snmptuotlsly every
Monday of this week Mrs. Telfer
Keifer arrived home from the Wing-
haut hospital where she had gone
several weeks previous for an opera-
tion for gall stone and the removal of
the appendix, We wish her complete
Beatrice, Toronto ; Miss 011a, at restoration at an early date,
Do You Want
As the wood pun:bailed by the
torso is now being delivered
persons wishing a load are
asked t0 at once enrmmurnicate
with 'F. S SCOTT, Municipal
Clerk, and leave their order.
Don't delay,
Payment must be made as -
soon as slip with charges is re-
Miss Nlarjoiie McCallum was home
from Stratford for the U ristrnas holt.
School will not re -open for another
week owing to a desire to prevent the
spread of epidemic.
James and Mrs. McCallum and baby
fielen, of Owen Sound, are welcome
visitors at the home of Mrs. Catharine
McOallum, of this locality.
There was a lively day here last
Monday between Municipal Nomina-
tion, Maltland Presbytery meeting
and the induction service in Lire Pres-
byterian church"
Ethel Farmers' Club will hold a busi-
ness meeting in the Township Hall,
Ethel, Saturday, Jan. 4111, at2.30. All
interested in this, Farmers" move-
ment are invited to attend,
' T. KEEFER, Sec.-Treas.
day afternoon Rev. 1. .E. Kennedy,
the recently called pastor by the col-
Pregations of Oranbrook and Ethel
resbyterian churches, was ordained
and inducted for his new work. Rev.
Mr. Boyle, Moderator of Maitland
Presbytery, presided, and Rev. 141r.
Bradley, Clerk of Presbytery, of Tees -
water, preached a must appropriate
discourse, in the absence of Rev. Mr.
Malcolm, of Wroxeter, who was ill,
After the ordination audincluction ex-
ercises Rev. Mr, McLean, Ripley, ad-
dressed the new pastor and, knowing
him well on his ehaxge, it was pecul-
iarly.befitting as the young man steps
into the pastorate. Words of counsel
and wisdom were spoken to the con-
gregations by Rev. Mr. Mann, Brus-
sels, who has been the Moderator dur-
ing the vacancy. At the close Rev.
Mr. Kennedy was given the right
hand of fellowship and welcomed cor-
dially to the charge, He will at once
enteron his duties and for the time
being will board at Will. Brown's as
ha is not just yet ready to install- the
coming queen of his household In the
manse. We bid Rev. 111r. Kennedy a
hearty welcome to Ethel and Oran-
brook and wish him the best success,,
Christmas entertainments in both
churches ,were cancelled , owing to
influenza, -
Miss Eva Duff, of Welland, and W.
D St. Thomas,sent hristm s
J. off,0 a
, P
at theP arental home.
Christmas passed over more quietly
than usual owing to a considerable
number of influenza cases,
Miss Luella and Bernice Shaw,
Florence Aitcheson and Mary Stew-
art, teachers, are spending the .holi-
days at their hoaxes here.
The glad band of welcome is extend-
ed by his numerous friends to A, L.
Posliff, who returned safely from
overseas in time to spend Christmas
at his old home.
At the school meeting on Thursday
last John Mundell was elected Trustee
to take Mr, Musgrove's place, as he
retires this year. Mrs. Aiten was en-
gaged as teacher,for this year.
Miss Laura ,Holmes,.. 41("' ho resigned
her position as teal "� "+ t.lan
oxer home in Newto "� "�"""`'°'
unable, owing to i't' appeared on the
Christmas at hom'ace, caused by shave
u excellent tea;Frazor. I drew blood
tion is reg0ette a, the itchingtvas so in -
tion, tch was red and irritated
NICHaLaaN—',-aRNE8,—A 2 $ pints
pretty wedding was solemnized m.
home of Geo. and Mrs, Turner on 'Tug,
clay, Dec. 24th, when their eldest dough -
ter, Miss Vergie Beatrice was united in
marriage to Roland De Ptorguis Nichol-
son, son of j, T. and bars, Nicholson, of -
Lyleton, Man., At 3 o'clock the groom
took his place under an arch of maiden
hair ferns, the bride following, Bride,
who was given away by her father, wore
a white duchess satin trimmed with
silk fringe, and carrieda boquet of roses.
The bride was accompanied by her sis-
ter, Miss Evelyn, who wore a blue silk
dress and carried a boquet of carnations,
Groom was supported by his cousin,
Charles Nicholson, of Mount Forest,
After congratulations the guests entered.
the coining room, where a dainty dinner
was served. The many handsome gins
show the esteem in which the young
couple are held. After visiting friends.
in Toronto Mr. and Mrs, Nicholson will
leave for their borne in Lyletown, Man.
A SEAroRTii subscriber renewing for
THE )'OST writes:—"Like so many
other of your subscribers we could not
do without Tin POST and Wish you
every success i1( the coming year,"
Hakes Or,0, BOYS. --Huron Old Boys'
Association of Toronto, held its 18th' an-
nual meeting in St. George's Hall, 1011u
street, Toronto. .Officers elected are !—
Hon, Presidents, Sir John Willison,
Col. .W, K, McNaught, and N, B. Cob-
bledick; H. P. Morrish, President;
Mrs,. Beek, Vice -President ;.'Edward
Ploody, Secretary i 11(. Pridbam Trees -
firer ; Mrs, M, Martin, ;Financial Secre-
tary ; S. C. Powell, Chaplain; R. J,
Crocker and R. 11, Iichues, Auditors;
'Executive Committee, John Robertson,
G. A, Newton, Dr. J. Belden, W, Prend-
ergast, D. M. Johusou, J, Hislop Ifred,
Hodgins, Major T. Beck, Dr; VI, W. ham, Mr's. N. 8. Cobblodick, Mrs, W.
D, Pridhaln, Miss E. Floods, Mrs. 04.
P, Morrish, Mrs, J. Id. McCllntou,