HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-12-26, Page 8*ift.+0144+0+4+4+4,ffeletet++.04+++ tle+0.1.40+044+0+41,44+40+++++4+40+ I se -
if you had not been in our store 1.0 r a fow jays you
might say it had been Oilall;ft-d ,ver.night into a
Christmas Store. Brim tun id litHiit rtr'W goods,
ideas for Christmas Gifts :mil m thidt; selections
will come very easy.
for the Children
From oo
Friona $2.75 05.
+04.0+0+61-1.6.1, 0444414". 1.0÷044.14+C -N.+6+,.
Christmas Cards
In a section by themselves
you are welcome to come '
in and look over them at
your leisure. Many beau-
tiful cards at 3c, sc, toe z5c
a for se.
The Picture -
“In Flanders Fields"
Retidr for framing, 250
T hinst Popular ?resent 1 Fan CY Baskets
a:sicets how keen rah.
One of the New Books , er s Lee ason or
lime w have a
We never load a better stock of Books ! go, tl variety at from 050 up to
and among the new ones are- toa On each. Quaint Japanese
designs that iou will like.
Camilla by B. Robins
The Cow Puneher by J. C. Stead
The Young Diana by Marie Corelli Perfumes
The Unknown Wrestler by Cody
Elizabeth's Campaign by Mrs. Humphrey Fancy B, ms at 250, 35C and
Josselyn'Wiby Rathl! up. Small Bottles for the
s fe een ',Terris
A 511netrel in France by Barry Lander pocket at 15e each.
Fragments front France
Three Thaw. and Out by Nellie McClung
Dere Mabel
FOR BOYS- Henty Books
Alger Book
FOR GO LS -54555d5 Baoks
Ruth Fielding, an.
The New Methodist Hymnal
Limoges China,
Boxed Stat ion ere,
Park an Ivory,
Ebony Brushes,
Brass Goods.
Snap Shot Album.,
New Pic'ures,
With 11.1 Now Hvtlrlal coming Christmas Decorations,
into no' here at New Years, one of
them might make an acceptable Decorated Crepe Tissue,
present. We have them at from : White Tissue Papers.
400 up 10 $4 oo each. Holly Tags and Seals.
. 1TH
75ie Store Druggist and Stationer .
4.s4.04-+444H•oeieteeelefee+4.+e + 40+0 4e0+0+8+0.34++.1.4e3.40+e+4.
atai elms litents A large gang of men bas been at work
Now is time to renew THE Poor.
getting the telephone in shape after the
wind and sleet' storm destruction of a
Lover, trains. recent date. Good progress bas been
Beery Nev Year. naade.
GET reedy to write 1919. THE, heavier class of Express parcels
CHRISTMAS was a very qniet day in have been shipped by G 1'. R freight
town. during the tenet week in order to relieve
SEVERAL loads of fureace coal was the congestion of perishable goads be
hauled fibril Wroxeter last week the usual express at thit briny season of
ASour midnight wben G. T. R. train the ver. It is a good idea
arrived from Toronto Christmas eve, A Bran t-ola show them has beeu fitted
exitinntAs mail in and out has given up in a store in the Queen's Hotel block
the local Postoffiee a busy time during by No. Oliver, the local agent, where a
the past week. neat display of these music producing
THERE sill be no church services next cabinets may be seen and heard. The
Sunday ie town as the Board of Health Brant-ola is on the market to do business
restriction continues, and please its customers. Call in and
Risen the advt. of Standard Feeds in see Mr. Oliver,
this fame If you require anything in
this line it may be of interest and profit
to yen,
NEW Year's Day will be a public holi-
day and ail pieces of business closed.
Post Ofdoe hours g to to a, ne. and 5 to
F.:m. young eatt,61Avtig:zga.
CANT 120010 loRt en 2nd Con. Grey between
S. Burk's and G. Parks' Will finder kindly
leave it at Jamestown store or communicate
6 P. tu. with Ben. Hielop. 1211005 2026.
Tosvidernic has been travelling at a Mauna C. EnTANS announces she has re.
lively sietit during the past week but redact.= 13hope,e.., 10Zotio evitt,.
MOSE of the cases around here appear to Saturday evenings.
be making n good recovery. GIRL wanted to help with house work and
THn McDonald meat market was cies- children, 500000, ena. W. M. mtnehor,
ed on Monday owing to the illness of the Brnssels.
A NY quantity of turnips wanted, delivered
proprietor with the prevathng epidemic. at Brussels or Ethel stations, Phone 4.
Xe is "on deck" again ell right,
RURAL Sehool Sections bold their An- G. A. 134402.PoTATons taken in Axehange for goods, W.
mud Meetings Thursday of this week in- Mweeternrrte.
stead of Wednesday on accoent of latter Bram) HAND (Lies AT A DAnnAto.-Have a
day being Christmathiyear,Chevrolet touring car, 1 runabout Ford and 2
s stouring Fords for sale at barealna
THE Auction Sale of the property of 4. CAttnen BrueseK
the McQuarrie estate was tot held last Boy °n11n1
wanted to w .3 u fa , 'st beebIe
Saturday afternOoll 00 account of the to haedie a team,1 %Toritt14000,11001)
wet day and consequent small crowd. Morris Twp. Brussels, R. R. 4. Phone 105.
Date of adjournment will be announced
_osatroaTABLE home for solo, well located.
later. Apply to ROY 04000.513, Brussels.
A FIELD CARD to the Red erns.% Circle 1113Xtb:4utirolt --11(1)nethohoilode registered Short
from Pte. Harvey Milligan, says in its For immeiliete °511'3'5.00 Ork red.
terse style am quite well and hope Tema 0012205, Beneiwn.
to be discharged soon. Reoeived your Vireserme-eiead Horses and Animals taken
parcel Ocit. xe. Letter follows at first forpaPy'lfignmY $11roitik51Porstivraedalnurrn°41s2b0rmouighri
OppOrtnnitv." to factory. No animals removed without
MirNICIPAL Nomination meeting will hiee. Phone, ear 12. Phone, evening 178,
The Verniers' Fertilizer Co., L131.,Wingham.
be held in the Town Hall Monday even-
ing next at e.3o o'clock, to nominate a
Reeve. 4 Councillors and 3 Public
Settee' Trustees, F, 5, Scott will pre-
side. There should be a large attend-
ance. Show your interest.
SENT ON THE GIFTS. -012 account of
the epidemic preventing the annual
Christmas Tree entertainment the gifts
from the Methodist Sabbath School
were forwarded to the Deaconess Home,
Toronto. Clothing, toys, quilts, &c., tot-
alled e135,00 in value and in addition
013.rs was sent in cash, with Christmas
greetings anti good wishes.
WEDDING awes -A quiet bet pretty
wedding was solemnized at the Meth°.
dist Parsonage, Brussels, Wednesday
morning, Decetnber iBOlt, wheu John
Henry Short, Toronto, was tinged in
marriage to Miss Bertha 0, eldest (laugh.
ter of 4.1mes and Mrs. Armstrong, 9th
Co,,rey township Ceremony per-
formed by Rev. W. E, Stafford, B. A.
The happy couple returued to the home
of the bricleht parepts where a dinner
was served and left WroXeter on After.
noon train for Toronto where they pur-
pose making their home. Many good
wishes accompany them Lot a long,
happy atrd uoeiat life,
Int. ?Attune, Osteopathie Physician, visits
Brussel,: Monday afternoon of each week,
0024001,1 and nervous diseases stocessfudlY
treated, Visits residonoes. Consultation et
Queen's Betel,
Relieving Agent 3, Wagner has been
in charge of Brussels G. R. owing! to
J. IL Kyle, :einem agent being off dote
through illIltoi. MrS. Kyle and children
were also nncler the doctor's me.
"Billy," the baby boy, was reported as
deceso,d but 10 21380 not correct as he is
getting along nicely now.
DIED AT ST. THOMAs -)PlItIraday of
Jest week Peter McMartin, of Water.
ford, Onte died at the hoepital, St.
Thomas, from paralysis and other emit -
plications, in his 4351 year. The burial
was made in Fingal on Saturday. A
wife end one daughter survive. De.
ceased lived in 13ruseele for yenta end
Was a brother to Mrs. W, Wilton, town,
Denten and; Robert mcmarttn, ef
; Hugh, Waterford ; Mesdames
Norton. 'Trent Creek, Ont. ; Mrs. John -
Mon, Hatntramick, Miele ; and Mr's
Ambrecht, Detroit, The subject 0061110
ti J nes
Expert Watchmaker
11107 74111111011 10 141301 11.1, '411,1
ill V1111.144 1E7 .10 Oil 1711111 1.c
Watch and Clock Illork
Yottist only be a, capable lino,
keep,ev lint by 111(41mi/et <nit 2,
Palling you 11,100 lost feilli in it.
Bring it to me. I will talith.
worst. wrecked 'watch or eloek
141171 Will .10 it 10113002111y.
\V0017 1)1121' 1)47 t. at 1115' home.
Cell 'Phone Itio, NO Inv inforlint.
Eyes Tested and
Glasses Supplied
1`7114 sno v plow rendered nod :service
Christmas morumg clearing the mum
front 3501 sidewalks.
SNow and sleighing for Chrietinaa was
a 54: 33,111, 31141717740, The livery did a
1.15 im,,inets on the holida:.
No matter how much 40' how little
land von farno you will da it more
pr0fitab5y if you were a subscriber for
be Weekly Sun. the farmer's business
paper, et1 00 500 year. Send your order
direct to the tineekly Sun, Toronto,
130TH Roy and Mrs. IloKay were
prisoners to their home las' week for a
few d tys through illness aed the key
tui•ned in their store door during their
sick spell, Awkward Nine to close op
on Chrietinas week 2410 neerssity knows
no 13140 044(1 they did the wise thing un-
der the ei re m sten ces.
A cablegram WAS received by Roder-
ick Ross from his son -hi -law, Rev. Mr.
Pierce, who with his wife (ferinerle
Miss Georgia Ross, of Brueseh) have
been prisoners in the liande of the
Turke, along with other missiouaries 111
Syria, that they hoped to get homebe.
tore long. General Allen 14.1$ arrival
with a British army unbarred the door.
11 1(05 been an anxious time for many
families for years but a better day Is
GOING STRON0,-The Family Herald
and Weekly Star of Moetreal is having,
the hese year in its history, Their sub-
scriptiees for the months of November
exceeded by almost 200 per cent_ the
sante month of any previous year.
Dece iber will also he a record -breaker.
'Pee Herald Publishers are perfecting
peins for elaborate improvements. The
public s'100111 not confuse that great
wttkly, ith a small daily paper of some-
what similar name now in liquidatiou.
There is mo fear of such a thing happen-
ing with the Family Herald, The word
"Family" should not be omitted in the
address of that eaper. We are informed
that their offer of a War Album tree to
all who subscribe still remains good, but
the demand is so great that it may have
to be withdrawn soon, The Family
Herald ie big value and the Album is
ranee attractive, so it is no wonder they
are securing thousende05 uew subsrib.
--After a brief illness, Lily Ann, eldest
claughtei of the late Joseph and Mary
Gordon, end widow of the late Rev.
Richard Paul, Methodist minister for
years, passed away at her bome, Vic-
to?ia cottege, Princess street, Brussels,.
last Pridae morning, in her 84.11 year,
She was born in Co. Atinagle Ireland,
and came to Canada with her parents
when 3 years of age, the family making
their home in Amaranth towiiship, Co
Dufferite 4o years ago deceased was
married to Rev. Mr, Pot and by her
zeal, diligence, piety and good sense
greatly aided her husband in the exten-
Si013 of the Master's kingdom, en the
various cbarges nesigned After spend-
ing 5 successful term at letbel Rev Mr
Paul superannuated aud moved to
Brussels 30 years ago, where they built
a cosv home, known as Victoria Cottage
on Princess street, Mr, Paid passed
awall 14 Year, age, The subject of this
notice well merited the wedge, "Be
thou faithful until death and I will give
thee a mowit of life." Her seat in
church was rarely vacant, the prayer
meet!ng, Women's Missionary Societe,
Of which eke Was an Hotiorary Prest.
den1), W. C. '1'. TJ. end every other
cause for the general weal had her s7112e.
tiou and hearty assintauce, Nigh personal
and mouetary 51311 only increasing years
and bodily ii.firinities barred hur (Vol) to
the euil hay is hearty, rtiegi,d 0777(13
311 1101' 210.431 was )111401701.1 by 71 fall elm
letil a few weLlts ago and the end came
peaceful and trustful She 0011 well
cared for by her sinter, Miss H. Gordon,
who has lived with her for imam The
renewal, which was private, took
place Sunday /ifiernoon, when a very
apptopriate rviee was conducted by
her pas:or, Rev Mr. Stafford,
hearers were Joseph Pugh, 5 Stewart,
Geo Lowry, 12, GivIr, Teasdale Whit.
fiela and W. 11 lecirr. Interment teas
made 111 Rtuseele inetery. Mm Paul
is survived by 3 brothers, (W ). and
jeeepl(, OrangeyTe ; and Ino. Wesley,
Airman 5)22424) 2 eisiers, (Mis. Varcoe,
Dreueeville and Mies Gotdon, Brussels.)
Mrs. Vateo,, M. 5. W. Gordon, tuld
W. 3. Gordon and Joseph and ldrs.
Pugh, Witighani, were ai the enter:di,
The latter is a daughter of Rev. Mr,
Paul by the find morriage, Mist; Gor-
don will be (C521112( 11g 111 Brussels until
Spring if not longer, we are glad to
state. The names of Rev, asci Mrs
Paul will be long and gratefully remem-
bered by a great bast who hope to see
them bye and bye where parting ie un,
Ohursh Chimes
Mutidav of tbie.week Rev. A. 3, Mann
atteaded a meeting at Liteknow dealiug
with the For...teed Movemeet,
Rev, Mr, M111121 Was at Wroxeter 013
StiliflaV faking the services in the Pres.
byterian Oro ell owing to indisposition
of the pastor, Rev. elr. Melcolm.
e. Mr Holtees. Piesident of the
Louden Coeforence ; Rev, Mr, Snell,
fieetelery ; and Rev. Mr. Aguew, Chair -
nen of the District, were at Grelerich
ast week in connection With prelimin.
ry arrangements for the holding of Loa.
Conference there fleet Ittne,
noticewas foreman of 1110 M. C 1
Section at Waterford, rani WAS a Valued
empioyes. 21
EsT'D 1075
11 r
Your surplus earnings in our
Savings Department earn inter-
est at current rate. 236
G. H. SAMIS, F5 UPI Manager.
Pf.opie We Talk About
, „,
41 vo THE PosT 11,', 1100715 of yi ur t
s $
+ 4,.
0, . t.,.: ii.t 2, [ teltener, was iu tow. ,AND Win) '.LNGS ÷
11-"It'',Irl'Is..0(1.36 + +
(Roy)D, 13, McRae, Kincardine, +
is visiting in %rissole. 4. Hue a car of Bran and 4,
+ '
Russel Wt' eler was here from Kin- Middlings ordered and +
we, Gine, p e is on the side list le
card ne or the holiday,
Min; Hattie Downing is home for her
vacation from the Queen city.
Will. Strachan, B A Toronto, is
vieitor under the parental roof.
Archie Ballautyue has been uncl
doctor's care 11415 10 on the mend.
Ernest Lott Is home from Brantfor
school for the Christmas Vacation.
Tom Armstrong and Miss Jean ar
home from Toronto for the vacatiou.
Fred. and Kerner Wood are visiting
at Kitcheuer and Loudon reepectively.
Mise Serve Bryaus is home for the
Christmas vacation from her school in
Mrs, Jas. Bowman aud Miss Vinie,
Toronto, were here to visit relatives and
old friends
Mise Gertrude McKenzie is home
from Stratford Business College for the
Miss Pearl Baker is renewing old
friendships in Brussels during the
school holidays,
P, Atneut, R. T. McLauchlin and
Will, Harris atteuded 0 Horse Sale at
'Permit° last Week.
"Jim" Lowry has been dangerously
ill during -the week but we hope for
speedy improvement.
A. and Mrs. Unmet and Miss 1.41.
spent the Christmas holiday with Sam.
and Mrs. Belt, Teeswater,
Geo. Colvin was here from Toronto
for Christmas but was not able to extend
his stay owing to rush of work,
Stewart Bros , proprietors of the
Shamrock Creamery, are spending the
holiday at the parental home, Guelph,
Miss Laura Anent was taken ill at her
boarding place, Winthrop, with infin.
enza, 1100 11 getting aloug all right now.
Oa account of D. Denman being a
victim of infleenz t his Rural mail route
was in eharge of Walter Soott for a few
Miss Jessie Cunningham and Miss
Laura Wheeler arrived home Tnesday
night from the Queen city tor a holiday.
Douglas Currie ate his Christtnas dirt -
tier at home. He is at Toronto. Archie
was not able to come ou account of be -
lag busy.
Lorne and Mrs. Eckmier, of Flint,
Mich., and Elmer and Mrs, llwan, 'Tor-
onto, are welcome visitors with D. and
Mrs Bean.
Mise Mina McKelvey, Princess street,
leas taken a position in Toronto. This
in not her first acquaintance with the
Queen city.
P. McQuarrie spent Christmas in
Toronto with 3. C. and Mrs. Pridbsm,
Mrs. McQuarrie has been in the city for
a few weeks.
Nurse Henderson, well known in
Brussels and locality, bas gone to De-
troit to thee a position on the staff of one
of the hospitals .
Mrs. W. H. Kerr was called to Clinton
last Friday on account of the illness of
Mrs. J. 1., Kerr with plurisy, Improve-
tnent is on the program now.
Misses Edith and Gertrude Deadtnan
are tonne fot• the vacation from the
Educational institutions they are attend -
me at Toronto and Kingston, respec-
Ell Smith. London, was home for a
few days to Christmas with relatives.
He still adhcres to his bachelor ways
although we cannot assign a satisfactory
Dr Prank and MIT, Lamble and
daughter, Miss Elizthelli, of Midistnd,
541t11 1 arrived Tuesday of this week for
e holiday With old f rieuds in and around
Jon. and Mrs. Lynn, of V'alkerville,
are welcome visitors with relatives and
Mende, Moe feyno was Miss Carrie
Atueut, of town, before Mr. Lynn made
, he capture.
Mts. Eddie, London, is here for a
:tort visit with relatives, We are sorry
to blear Mr Eddie is not enjoying first -
:Jess alth but hope he will soon be
note vigorous
J. H. Hoover was the only representa-
tive of Brussels Farmers' Club able to
attend the big Convention at Toronto
Ittst tete. e Ole says it was a sweeper
both ler creed, addresses and enthusi.
Dr, '1' T. McRae and Dr. White were
eft de,v fur a Mille last week ow-
ner to the prevailing epidettic, The
fortner leal a tnecb of pleurisy. NI. D's
have had a strenuols experience for the
past few mei-ohs
Cadet 1 lei -old Patterson, who WAS
training 81 the aviation maim, Bettina.
ville, 3101 00110 fizured on 1111 extended
Vtoil with relatives bete has.gone to his
home In the West, He got his clis.
charge 01.1 71.C7707111t 01010 005551(012 of
the W:11'.
Mrs. (Or) Whipple and grandson Of
Cleveland, Ohio, are visitors at the
home 01 3. and Mrs, Gilpin, The
ladies are friends of many years stand-
ing getting acquainted in their ghlhood
days and have always kept tip corms.
I °P. dA
eae'd Mrs. Leaver and daughters,
Luella aud Alma, of Fleeherton ;11 and
MM. Rueltell and Evelyn, Hamilton ;
end Holbert and Mrs. Cutminglietn and
family, Palmer:eon, are Christmas visi-
tors with relatives raid old friends. Phe
ladles are daughters of MIS, John Man.
ning, Ternberry street
$ will be ready to supply 3..÷
+ your needs.
-Let me know AT ONCE. +
er +
Potatoes taken in trade.
21 W. J. McCracken
Phone 14.4
Miss Stewart. who bag been milliner
at Miss Mary Rosa' strwo, 1155 gone to
her honey; at Smith': Fails, for a holiday
Ptes. Alf Dennison end Noble Azar
arrived home from overseas this week
after doing faithful du'y 130111 suffered
through wounds and ailments and are
jest as 'well pleased to get back as their
relatives and friends are to have them.
Pte. Agar is a brother of Mrs. Ben
Whittard and Pte. Dennison's home is
on John street, Brussels.
Our letter Box
DEAN. MRS, KEHR.-I Wish 00 thank
the inembere or the Red Cross Circle
for the box I received from them this
past week. I enjoyed it very much.
tVishing the menthees a very merry
Christmas, I remein, tee
Yours tiespectfully,
SIG, 0. Dm.r.,.
DEA.* Forams,- aeceived your
ever welcome pm cei tilts morning and
the articles were very ace,eptable. I
do not know how I can show you my'
appreciation for the kindness you all
have shown toward me since I have
been in France and such kindness is
very acceptable over here you may be
sure. I suppose you will be woneer-
ing why I am clown working in a
hospital swinging the lead. Well I
was with my Battalion min -Icing in a
woods tight pear the line and of
course Frits was shelling this woods
with gas shells, expecting to catch
troops in reserve here. I, along with a
dozen more of me pals, got mixed up
in 10 10)5 was taken to a dressing sta-
Lion so I continued from there to a
base hospital and then to a Convales-
cent camp for El weeks and 2 days and
then to my Base and after receiving a
Medical Board exam. I WaS marked B.
2, unfit for 515 5110 line, so I was sent
down here and have been here since
the 6th of August and expect to stop
until we return hotne to our dear ones.
I have a pretty good job and am
working in the Officees' mess in the
kitchen so I am not too bad, Well
my deal. friends as I have to glit
busy and get dinner ready I will make
ney letter short, hoping this will find
all the people well in Brussels.
I remain as ever,
11-1071171..-111 Morris township, on December
2001,1918, to Mand Mrs. Edward 10101201,
a daughter,
0A/107237 -B0008. -At the home or the bride,
by Rev. Mr. 13entloy, B. A., Walton, on
December 18th, 1018, Mr. Wm, .1 D. Cardiff,
to Miss Mabel E., daughter of Mr, and mrs.
Andrew Bruce, all of Grey township.
M0001NN0N-141177117017.- At the home of the
bride, by Rev, Crawford Tato, 1311 Deeem.
ber 18th, 1918, Mr. Robert EL McKinnon,
Grey toWnship, to 14115. Annie B., only
daughter of 14,' joint Spence, Bluevale,
57.12314 -S11.33, -At "Bitterest Farm," Bluevale,
the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, by
Rev. Crawford Tate, on December 18111,
1018, Mr. Minato L. Spolr, Morris town.
ship, to miss Mary O., daughter of Mr. P.
D. Kin g, lilnewn le, Ont.
anoier-Annewnotio.-At the Methodist Par.
soilage, 9211217012, by ReV, W. 111. Stafford,
B. A„ 011 Deeember lath, 1010, John
Fleury Short, Toronto, to Miss Bertha C.,
eldest daughter or Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Arm-
atroug, of Grey township,
Vireewirie-Iton.-et the home of the bride,
by Rim Mr. Burgess Bineville, on Decent.
her Nth, 1018, Mr, Roliert Warwiek to Miss
Martha, daughtor or the late John Roe,
both of the Ind line Morris township,
MOLauantari.-In Gerrie, on Doe. OtIrri, 1018,
Nelson MoLaughlin,
MOMAYeern -Ali 86, Themes, on December
1001s, (0(0 Peter McMartin, of Waterford,
Ont , in 3410 flat year.
MOCALI,o6f.-In Brussels, on °member 22nd,
1018, Robert, wood 0011 of Donald 4,1244 04430,
MeCalltun, Morris township, In his 18th
MOP AbSICAN.-In Morrie township, on Dec.
2.1(3, 1018, ;tenet /Amble, relict of the late
s MoVedgenii, of Grey township, aged
76 years.
Plisses --In Morrie township, 071 Dcoomber
20d, 1918, Himont Beery, son of Thos, 4)4111
1111.3. Pierce, aged 8 vial% 4 months Wet 0
PAurn-in firneschi, on Oenoteher Ugh, PHs,
bile Ann Norden widow of tbe lithe 100.
R. Paul, in her 84111 year,
R1P711111100177).-Th Blintz, on Deeember uth,
,1tox51.018re, son r atm and MPs,Itutherfoed, 6; months and 18 days,Sonuore,-in rilop 5000)10111)24 on Deeem
beenth, ohn
4serletl, aged 00 e ears
and 0 menthe,
a sollecaaaaaagaaaaawaroaesaaaeaeamposesaaatvaaarieewaeaac
rug Store ta
re THE trAbokjecri-s STORE
13 aav=0.r.v.i.r.m.rasa zaaaft 10
I '1
. t
1 , .
We have given the selec ion of our Christmas
stock special care and attention and we will be
very pleased to have you drop in and see our
Fine Limoge and --.1
Nippon China Chocolates
Those who liko IL, 1170.1 nice
Ob000late will find '''591-3,
this s''consider one of our very
special lines and we 1)1150 never lard's' one or 11143 best, Hee g
onr package at $1.2,5 -it's 0
shown a 1.11102 aSeOrtli1C9IIL than at
present, certainly great value and a se
handsome package,
Hand Bags arid '
ain Pens t
Strap Hand Bags 12
There may be others tte good 1),„
this line
Some very handsome Purses in
butl,a better, A splen. 4
Fancy Boxed Stati 'nery
1 00 Coto 0 00 assorLi
Safetys, Vest Ths.set gime- (0
cud nelli in...esy.on,,,,, ' 6
One of our most useful gifts 1)11 regular style,. 250 to 0 00 g
250 to 2 00C 0
ameras and Kodaks 0
Perfumes and Toilet Waters
Fine assortment of Seeley's well Useful all the yeat round. t)
Our little Vest Pocket 01540 -
known odors . 25c to 2 00 era is a good 4)140 -5(7,250- a
others up to $15.00. And P
Safety Razors
Always ft useful and acceptable don't forget us when you 71
have Developing and Print- 0,
gift. We 'have both Gillet's and ing to do. Wo 45550(1' Per- 3
Autostrap 5 00a
Flash Lights Calendars
feet satisfaction,
The well known "Franco Line"CS
in black and nickel. Splendid A.t. 25o we are showing ..1 • .c.1
yelp special line, Others at ..,1,e
assortment, 15c. .:
ivory and [bony Gaud p ii„et.01,,t113 Jzzy un.,,efitiLyhan '0514' 44141 f3
gm, a Yining Lady's Gi ft there is ei
showing some, linneeome Toilet. Manicure Sets, also itlilit4ry 3
Brushes, Hair Bet:whop Clothes 1. Aisles, Mireora (all sizes), Ste„ &o,
leremabo lVea1' tnnatLi p05[111lanatnVesupply 01 L)'8 00
ready reached the 500 Thousand mark. Fm.,,
humor nothing written in recent years surpasses it,
Our Toy Depatement is always an attractive spot and the
welcome to visit it,
De -Holly Tags, Xmas Cards tAnd Booklets, Seals (11(21 15
of Xmas Decoratiome
iCee, AZ,
11•4143.3aeWrise3a3. vammearnaasarelsokagros
Property for Sale BRUSSELS MARKET
Vail When t
Spring Wheat
Comfortable house and ;6 acre or land for 24t0
sale, well toasted on Princess street, Brussels, - 73"
e property of the late Rev. R. Paul. POIM
SS. 03411'ley
sloe given in the course of 5 row :months, It Butter
00114 make a 0007 home for some person and is Begs
in good repair. Property is open for Inspection, Hogs
For further particulars apply to Mrs. Joseph Wool
Pugh, Wingham ; Mrs. S. Paul, 1310eva15 ; or ..AY
W. J. GORDohr, Potatoes per him
26..tt Box we Orangeville. Wool (unwashed
41205 4240
2 05 2)4s
70 73
1 70 421
00 100
0.• .15
60 50
1500 1752
05 03
12 00 1000
220 125
00 OS
4300000090000000009010° 8,
0 • 0
• 'e'N''',, C0.
Howaon & Howson, Wingham
O. C. Thomson, Orillia
A, A. McFall, BORN
Are endorsed by the Organt,zation of
Resources Committee of Ont&rio and
are for sale by the following Firms
The Campbell flour Mills Co., Ltd., West Ithnto
The Campbell Hour Mills Co,, Ltd., l'eterboro''-:-..
a 011 Cake Meal Cotton Seed Meal
s •
: For immediate sale in carload lots. To be sold direct-
ly to Farmers, Farmers' Local Organizations and Local
a Dealers selling directly to feeders of live stock, '1 his
a offer is open only to Dec, 30st, ' when other disposition
g will be made of stocks remaining.
a Prices on application. Till Dec, 31st they will be
: approximately $63 to $64 per ton' Lo.b, Hamilton, de-
pending on carrying charges at the time of purchase.
: Sold on the basis of marked weights as they arrive.
a Purchase directly from James Richardson
0 s
0 & Songs Ltd. Roya.1 Bank Building, Tor. 0
40 onto! in charge for the Organization of Resources gl
17 Committee, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. a
. al
a a
a a
43 stasaaaaaadasiesaoaemeaeoaseastataa•seaelsosaossemeo
Write for prices and purchase direct from ,.the above
See "Standard" on the Tags
Offeri g for Sale