HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-12-26, Page 6Ali I ,� .0 ,R t`+ 1 server surveyeci'the lorry. One glance
(f� i was sufficient. Petrol!
`� MEN ' "Come on!" he commanded, in the.
'} YY d8 . apt
most authoritative voice he could
OF ��' lip z ntu=tel, and po 1 t u to the tins, soon
made lits meaning clear. The mech-
Now the Censorship liars Are Down,
Stories Are Being Published of
' tulles meekly obeyed and soon were
of the war will ix+ tempted to under -
e timnte o a debt t ban, Iie gave
ENDO uiC„ LY'? the nll!,,d theft• lilt .tciummit of oo-
utrhutlyd nt,at�eie lnup,e,+ �thich.
e they luul hitherto leaked, and super-
added elentaine of gmek• resoureeful-
moving toward the aeroplane, each I11AGNi
with a load of patrol, the airnttln cloee ACHIEVEMENT tory 1vc 4111111 see that very few, if
on their heels. any, of the great ;sante lots have won
Leavili;, the pilot to loot: after the their wars 'm ii.h.mt poi oesing a the -
filling of the tanks the observer re- The Great Factor Which Decided the tical advautago. which enabled them
turned tothe t Opening~ several
TUDE THE IIRI'i'1see Pesti and i 1r';•e planning which were
all his own, liui. if '1 C look into his.
urnec c ^orry. War and Reduced Germany to
of the tins he sprinkled their eon-
s ft•ee1 • and a plied a match, Helpless Submission.
ds, tent J P
Suggestions For Winter Tire ('are.
How tunny motorists know that
to count normally on lefinning their sharp objects when wet out tires
battles. Alexander and .iuhus Caesar, much 'more readily than when dry?
Cromwell and Gustavus Adolphus and Repair men sheays wet their tools
Many Gallant Dee with results naturally fatal to the F'xaderiuk the Great. Napoleon and before cutting away superfluous parts
fee in di$1' Ivry The mist was now lifting and Why did the war end so quickly? 'Wellington and Moltke, •are all ex-, of Patches. Pieces of ice or frozen
rim (ool:tees sand resod. Y down to the amides of this rule, And Marshal i ridges of snow injure tires to a much
cult and dangerous situations some hy the time he had rejoined the pilot How is it that, whereas Germany wits
youthful adrmen, who at the a large village could he seen not more don imel. East and West Poch is no exception to it. greater degree than stenos of equal
be• the J had t t laid than '1 away mi a d Y,
ye' tan n mi. iddi of Jul less' than lour subse- Bellied our tactical and strategical sharpness.
g oi" the war superiorities there was a third factor, This is only one el the extra nien-
ir srhoulbooks, canlrl hardly I There was no time to bo lost, The quen'r months,asks reduced
London States- aces that winter has for tires. An-
other eource of tiro damage, es-
pecially harmful in winter, is under
inflation. Motorists accustomed to
run on les than the prescribed pre:
sure dining the summer months
should discontinue the practice with
thus first hint, of cold weather. Beat
of the atmosphere causing air expan-
sion, hats cold, contraction, pressure
which may have been sufficient to
prevent tire injury during the ;nin-
mer will not safeguard the tires in
ly, and for many reasons it is de- psychology, and Perhaps or cold weather.
suable that e i•s allow him to The mental state of winter motor'
h nded, In the first have his pet machine painted to please
aside the engine was started, the two airmen subnt s
he excelled by some of the oldest and i
most experienced professional col- covering the Huns
uickl turn,
oayard the ;tit Before July 16 citanee ul' final
Biers, A little story which I ha machine darted q y f victoryhad faded; her Ludendorff had
just heard about how two youngster's' observer waved then farewell. I ct too much atiures let a orff still
f the Independent Air Force escaped 1 Half an hour later the two young lob 1d to fear for ourselves a terrible
after some thrilling aratec1 at
which mist be regarded n•1th them as
Attiring in their decisive quality. This
was the scale and quality of the Am-
erican reinforeemealts.
° 1h''lling men landed safely in their own aero- cw
from (+ermanJ drome,RAINBOW A1� ROPLeeNES
e peri, t ie a good len illustration. ' sauadr to the greatnilejoy had oven . Abbeville, anti with Paris- 0144 or less
These two young men -were tom 0uadron commander, 'who given urdet bombardment. What explains atetnbers of the Air Force Delight to
pelted recently, after severe fighting, 1. them un as list,
'1 , the rapid transformation? Decorate Their Machines.
to laud about fifteen miles behind the 1819. The Reasons Why. While discipline is maintained in
German lines. Finding it impossible � 1
to restart their engine they quickly l Yea, Rachel weepeth for her ohildrenl 1 The question. admits, we believe, of the R.A,F,, :t Berta}n amount of free -
set fire to the machine and hurried . But she knows that in more tender I being answered Oh considerable cer- dem is irlterent in the flying min'o
away through the darkness tower arms than even hers reason the thollt
the litres. When day dawned thee , Iler babies rest. h t th tree answers should
It-�1n• I el near a
how- Therefore most certainly she knows b f He is imngry, and his This popular craze originated
low amderbrush a short distance a1'
All day long they watched the 'ere; throe months of bar re t, hen his by s utifi cauinLllRp
mans searching for them in the wood ; But when the children weep for grain stocks must be far higher than necessity rose the luxury of clisplay-
opnusite, approaching at times within ; Rachel— they were last midsummer. He has ing aerial individuality. Not only do
a foil yards of them. The day passed Ah, 'tis then the agony that has no been brought low by two factors— airmen paint their aeroplanes with all
slowly, and as soon as it became dark ; comfort rends military defeat m the field and the the mime of the rninUO a many o4
m their iding place and Their untaught souls, collapse of civilian moral. Both these them add names, weird and wonderful, Bard Otte for This Canadian Com-, Soldier Tells of Scenes:in France and
they crept fee I Theydo not know. Naught have they to their beloved air beasts. Some are parry—Several 14lcrth,\fere Lost. Belgium Before Armistice.
moved cautiously toward the German I g deserve to be examined.
to look back upon, i 1 t' "L e Di rile Nair" Tl llowiva extract from a latter Sapper H. Ridmley, formerly of the
e 1,ghtly app re -
fists, as well as conditions of road and
found i wood. which Because she's Rachel and 1141* been
to offer a favorable hiding,To death's dark gate and back again, place the enemy has not been reduced his artistic or Futurist tastee. c,'}mate, teal:es the cold months a
seemedri inat,.d from time of much skidding, Persons who
place. Upon further reflection, o'm- I amine.
r the decided to crawl into s l early days of dive in the cold ami wee usually do
eve , J
some { God's mother -heart hunger has told on his civil Impute- the necessity in 1e drive
mor0 than in the comfort of warmer
weather, Following a car too close.
1Y, ti motorist always rune 4110 risk of
having the preceding ca4' ;;up une1'
pelted;y, forcing hint to a sudden ap-
plication. of the brake:l, and a 001100..
quem skid. T110 r-hert strap Prude
necessary by the sudden appearance
of another car from a side etreet also
causes skidding.
Bat even if the greatest caution }a
used in driving the winter mote it t
is still confronted with the probaleil y
of ekidding. Resides the old famthrouliar
dif ieulty of ploughing t
streets 1111ec1 with *now, there is the
hewer danger brought about by the
custom of bushing the streets at
night. 'the. water often freezes, cov-
ering the pavements with a thin -slip-
pery sheeting of ice.
Skidding should be. corrected in
different ways, according to the 1110n -
nor of the skid. If the front wheels
ere slipping the braless maty be ap-
plied to bring the car gradually to a
stendeti11. If the hack wheels are
skidding the driver sl10nid never un-
der any conditions apply the brakes.
Ile should allow the car to coast,
turning the front wheels in the same
away. From which her own has come, tion; but he has surrendered within preserving ibe few aircraft we had so because they have to, and the lis- direction 1144 that in tsh'1ih the back
m s w,e. From that comfort causes them to speed up' wheels are skidding.
lines' the Ulnckness of the Un -
Arrived here without mi_hap. they I known but closes down
managed to grope their way nob -1 Upon a
Defeat in, the West, 1 c rams is—sac 1 as to a
t the first "Tire Skull and Crossbones," with 'a written at Mons, Nove"nnber 16th, by 1180th (Sportsmen's) Battalion, writes
Military defeat meant, u sultahle design, calculated, to terror- Lance -Corp. Joseph Bradshaw, of i as follows to Ms wife in Nest Toronto
place, defeat upon the Westernfront.iee Frits; "Black Bess," ard the like. Toronto, shows vividly what our so under date o'' c
t hent
lir' TURKS
Nearly 300,000 Pei•eens Said to have
Perished in Course of Forced
The London Morning Post publishes
from Constantinopel a detailed ac-
count of the massacres of Armenians
by Turks, which began. in the early
part of 1915. Its terrible talc points
to a determines! -attempt to extermin-
ate the whole nation and the follow-
ing story is told of awful doportatlon
"For hundreds of miica over moun-
tains in scorching heat or freezing
cold, long convoys went. Young girls
from the age of ten upward were
obliged to march naked for hours at
a time. Hundreds of thousands died
0n the march.
"It is estimated that 800,000 who
were deported to Western Asia
crossed the bridge over the Eu-
phrates from Soriar to Chittadi, and
of these only 1,500 are no walive.
"But the trials of these unhappy
people did not cease at the end of
that march. The luckiest were the
young girls who were taken into
harems. Starvation and massacre
awaited them.
Advertised for Executioners.
"The Governor of th evilayet re
leased all the convicts from the
prisons, divided them into bands of
'200 or 300 each, armed with elide=
and then sent them to outrage and
massacre the Armenians collected in
the vilayet. In Urfah soldiers and
others got weary of the work of
massacre that the Governor ;Aver -
awful emptiness. W t ! d d t 1 October qth
served as far as the front line. Some- And little heads toss vainly for that Whatever Mr. Lloyd George may say tised for executioners Co _complete _
Ditty -
times they passed i;entries, and often . Titen there is the light-hearted pilot, were undergoing up to the last mo- "Ours is more like n triumph= the work. He boasted that at Diav-
soft breast, !about "back doors," this war has been : c too christens his best `bus with such meat of the F''eaC war. After peace .entry into a conquered city than any Bukir 80,000 Armenisus were put
heard Cowan s01•licrs talkie * ;n the And little hands stretch out to feel won •fn Artois olid Picardy and Cham -
trenches. s in the dugouts. the hand names as "Wicked Mabel, Fairy, was declared, until the, Canadian di- thing else the^se days. As we pass death.
Thirty -Six Hours. pagne, not in Syria or Macedonia. The , ,The Chocolate Soldier," and so on. ! vision entered Mons, the writer melte; through the villages, now released, . „He took 800 children, encla est
Home In Th That is not there. public still realize too imperfectly the ; One pilot whose misfortune it was' lie a aftor after four years of floating s and ft.
When they tried to get through I tillag the march through v: g them in a building and set light tt
to stupendous character of that chain of 1910 to fly an inferior machine, told village, where "the reception we got vassalage, the tricolor side by "Girls who were admitted into holy:`
the barbed wire, however, they 'vera ; If thou hast aught of comfort then victories which carried the Fran too that his C.O. ordered him at once was grand; all the people went wild side with file Canadian flag. makes ems were obliged to adopt the 4fussul-
discovered and a murderous machine I give, head i from the Marne and the Avre to the ' however,
Erna tire was opened upon them. They . If thou const hold a little tired Chemin des Dames, and the British
to obliterate "H.M. Aeroplane Never -1
with delight" They were billeted m one glad to be rn the game. man religion.
getup,' which, in a rash moment, he, the raihvay station et Mons where a - they (the French civvies), have kept ; "Three months ago after his ac -
lay down instantly, and for nearly ten Upon thy breast, above a mother from the Ancre and the outskirts of had painted en his craft.
minutes the machine gun bullets tore 11 thou const clasp in thine the little i Arras to the Siegfried and Wotan One of the most curious names I 'vii mg p
through the air all around them, but, , groning hands ; lines. As little do they appreciate all , have seen was "Harry Tate's 'Bus." I been there three days. The letter do not know, but they have, And as 1ve ! converted to be returned to their
as if by a muscle, they received no , Until this night passed—has that was implied for the Germans by was told that the name had been continues: "We had an awful day last pass they stand at the. door or in the heel- The Governor of Samseun,
hurt. At lest the fire torsed, the Then know. that from the whiteness
the instant and total failure of then }aimed by a wag who often chipped Sunday, last day of the war. We were I street (for some are large townsl, and on receiving order, collected all the
Germans e:' !cntly satisfied that who- I God's Throne I supreme effort against General Gour- the pilot about his fierce moustache. advancing and all went well till we ,shout `Niue la Canada,' and `Niue la children in his district And placed
ever was there must have been killed. 1 To thy life will come down the Christ sod's Army. It was the appalling Many strange combinations of color' went to a village and''ere held up by i France; and olc'i men and women them on barges and had them towed
By moving with the utmost caution of God, disaster• which th battles consti found both allied d Y 1' fire. Wehad to extend weep with joy to be away from the into the Black Sea And drowned.
stove was kept going At the time of their tricolors hidden from the prowl- I cession the present Sultan ordere
't' Cor Bradshaw said they had ing eyes of the Hun all this time. II all. children who had been forcibly
and at long intervals the two airmen 'rt'he was Himself a
enangaed to 'work a way under the
Child. w is 000 are oun in )o ate an event ,mac rue gun re, a
P th of the least' r G • Zekki Bev regretted
barbed wire, and crossed over to the I OFFERED WORN-OUT CARS
French lines. In thirty-six hours t --
after they landed behind the German 1 French Are Accepting Only Best of
lines they were back once more at German Railway Material.
their own aerodrome. Reports from Sarrebruck, Rhenish
In his hook, "Sister Mary and , Prussia, indicate that the delivery of ' It Derided the War.
Ceditedy," Mr. Robert Holmes is' German railway material is being
credited with tellingsome true stories; carried out very slowly, but without What has made the process rapid
more amusing than any fiction. The ; by the Germans They has been its uniformity. Since the
war in the air provides more every : off
day. have jus re Trench neva cars, but the commis- '
tuted, and the instant threat which squadrons. Black and white stripes,' out through gardens and back yards, oppressor, or ere 1s n t In e0rgia,
they entailed, that compelled the Ger- which make the round nose of an as the bullets were flying from all doubt but he has been a bully. We that his soldiers had not` been eater
• to forfeit the strategic advan- aeroplane look like the old-fashioned I sides. There were machine guns in are in a lovely fertile district, and getic enongh in killing Armenians.
tage of their central position, and to bull's-eye sweetmeat, are not 01100114- a wood and farmhouse, where they since the fighting is -over the civvies and he had huge pits dug }n 1011i0h
give up reinforcing the Turks and mon in German squadrons. The ell-: fired them from, and we had to get have gone back and turned over the 1young children were hurieri alive."
Bulgars, because they no longer had d well known. The allblack is a them,and I am sorry to say we lost use. of their houses to es We are
reinforcements to send.
re is cn ,1
rare bird, with a pilot who must be a few good men killed and -wounded. getting all the vegetables we can eat, I VIENNA A Sl'LCPR,II. CITY
particularly contemptuous of Archies, , We could not advance till night and and good ones, too—the first in two 1
for his craft makes a good target we left there about 11 p.m., outflank- : years," 1 New Gentian -Austrian Stale Cannot
against blue sky or white clouds. 1 ed them, and reached our objective at On November 0th he ''note from support Once Brilliant Capital,
open objection Sometimes a fierce face is painted 4 in the morning. I tell you, we were Belgium: ' 1
led at first to pass worn-out tide turned on July 18 there have been on the cowl of the flying machine. all in. We just lay down for an hour, "We are passing through great' Vienna, formerly one of the most
7 h t been told one in tried few allied set backs and no allied re presently the awful visage will Clive when we had to fall in again, when scenes, where the iron heel has been brilliant capitals in Furnphei is now
which plena;, of spirit of two sorts in the material verses, The Sed and Battle of the upon and terrify a Hun, who may ret-' we got. released, and just after that planted very heavily,) here we stop- iinllianta Powe fey. l monarchy it is re -
which was receiving
figures, Which will be hard to beat. !'vas strict in its examinations and ac- Marne redressed the mil}taffy Valance, ognize that behind it is a pilot with we got the glorious news that hostili- Ped, the woman's husband was a Pris- deicedf to the position of the cauital of
The G,homeward munition factories had which before was tipped he 'I iones in Germany, and her sister -111
cepted only two or three cars out of , a sure gun and a steady hand, ties would cease at 11. The fellows a small German -Austrian republic. It
been bombed with excellent effect,' 7 ten. T e French authorities against the allies. The Third Battle It has been stated 1>y scientists that couldn't believe it, as we were fighting la killed, her santwounded nd�dr�g- has lost its raison d'etr^ and virtually
hat on the the' afeevetal] the more sever in this connec-' of the Somme tipped it heavily colors have an effect un011 the be-, to the last moment. We had nothing gedaway 1n a dying conditiony i ssesses now far less political power
British squadron encountered a heavy tion,as it is declared they have proof against the Germans, Smce then the : havior of an aircraft. This may be a ; to eat all day, nor no tear -•but I m,u1- Germans, and her children and herself than Munich. By she rollnnse of that
thunderstorm, in which several ma- that the Germans during the war had enemy has nev0r at any time boon fact, as T haus noticed when flying a aged t0 got some coffee. My chum, 'without food. Tho Getman et»timand empire Vienna is left stranded, yet it
chines last their formation. One of quantities of cars which they aUle to resist successfully ou the dark -colored machine that it is mare' Jim Falirley,'vas killed, shot through wanted the people to sign t1 paper rennet change its fire, cannot at '
them, ntwo-seater, of which the tom- builteld in preparation for a proposed whole of his Western line at once. Heeand take to the Canadian commander itself to a more htm14,00. role in tt r11v
susceptible to air bumps and disturb -'the heart. He and I left together that
Bass lead unfortunately been smashed economicinvasionto follow up the brought the Americans to a long asking them not to Umnbnrd the 1 i �•' i
lay a stray bullet, emerged from the standstill north of Verdun, and, con- towns, a d all l all f 1
densest part of the storm clouds, but ;expected German victory, sequently, checked General Gouraud
1 The Lokal Anzeiger of Berlin says
on looking down for a recognizable it learns from competent sources that also.
village or cross roads from which to Marshal Foch has agreed to postpone But the British Armies under Sir.
Douglas Haig's command, with the
get their hearings the two airmen the date for the surrender of all Ger-
and • with no compass to guide them
they knew they were in for an anx-
ious time. For nearly an hour they The Survival of the Dog.
pushed on blindly and at last the pilot We have been accustomed lately to t t g London and ,hitt decided to land, as his tanks were think of dogs, as also most other series of victories against •none oferhe ite
for the mist of rain, , man locomotives until February 1.
mites than n light-colored one.
First Service to be Between London
morning. He was out here three years, The cosmopolitan ponem utfo:i 4.' ,i, e
and gat killed on the last day. They8 they oy y reused to derelict capital numbers 2.34)41.000,
were all buried next day, and the do so, and were told the Canadians
would cut their thrusts, and even while the total pnpnlaticn of the +•. y
civilians were all crying. It this they preferred to German aflame.
State of German el.nstria, inclielin'0
will be some time yet before we are even the still disputers territm•ice.
all home; but there won't he so much T have just meta boy whose mother barely 8,000.000. Economically (="0•
h d h h
first french Army under General ;utd llrurogate clanger now, so cheer up" a et t feat cot by the Germans man Austria simply cannel mait:un
Debeney operating on their' right, Lance -Corp. Bradshaw was wounded four years ago, and so 10onld go on, Vienna in its »ress0nt form. 'rho can -
have never really been held up. From T'he fixst aerial commercial service at Vim Ridge fn April, 1917, but re- but the day of retribution is at hand, Wel drew its life from the big comeA8 down to the very eve of the in Great Britain is already in the last Y We are all well on the road to'vllere
armi4tice they wort an uninterupted stages of development with the i•liiial turned to the trenches in Anril of this y plea ocmtomic svetem 'vhieh ds 4141
year, His wife and four little children the. , and
ar retreat in htstor to010 rent asunder. German Austria has e
route connec in place; and all news is good and our
gate and a speed to be miles an live in Toronto. coal to feed the Viennese inrlustrieti,
casualties are small, but the continual street railway end light int annavatus,
marching day after day is very try- nor has it nearly enough fond .to ireo-:»
practically empty.
Could Not Discover Whereabouts.
Below was a wide expanse of de- center U fora the bac year o meats of men, guns and material,
sorted heath, and in spite of the mist 1914. Dogs are our oldest friends of roved miavailin The magnitude of
they made a perfect landing. Climb- the animal world, and it is believed
proved g g
ing out of their seats, the airmen now that, since the time man began to this British achievement—much the
held a council of war. There was ab- domesticate them, they chive made greatest in British military annals—
nothing to tell them on which more rapid strides in intelligence than . is not yet appreciated by the public
side of the lines they had landed, we have ourselves. I at Memo. In n sense it decided the
and finally it was decided that while The day may dawn when we seek :'ver. It broke the back of Germany's
the pilot mounted guard over the milit uy power.
aeroplane the observer should recon-
noitre the adjacent country.
Drawing his pistol, the observer over 175 different varieties, because wont Primarily by a definite tactical
moved off and quickly disa,cpeared in they are useful. As shepherds, Scotch superiority, in which the use of Tanks
the mist, which every minute seemed collies are cheaper and more effective 0,, e dargc scale, though not the only
to grow denser. After walking a few than the average human being. factor, was the distinguishing feature,
hundred yards he struck a road, quite Pointers and setters- are used with 'I.'he German High Command disbc-
a well frequented one by its appear. the gust. Other varletice are employ- 1 ldkved (es for a long time did our
once, and here he decided to hide and ed as protectors and comrades; while own) in the,. larger possibilities of
await events. the errands of mercy achieved by St. ! faults, They used them but little in
He was not kept waiting long, for Bernards are known to the world. A ! their Spring offensive. But on July
soon the loud irregular zug-zug-zug of St. Bernard that died a few years ago i i8, and still more on August 8, tho
a heavy motor struck his ears, won a medal for saving twenty-two unproved type of tank was suddenly
Crouching low in the ditch, the ob- lives. I revealed as a marvellous tactical arta,
server could. hear the lorry slowly ap- But when a dog ceases to be of 11E0 capabit of winning and following up
preaching, and soon he could make to us it falls on ill days. The original batt on the largest scale.
out its unweildy form, gradually be- bulldog was invaluable to roam an I In the situation which followed this
coming more and more distinct handling cattle. When fences were discovery it was ate11 that the Ger-
through the mist. The engine was invented the bulldog' began to decline, • made lead a negligible quantity of the
Complaining badly, and suddenly, to and the present day bull terrier, used I :,Open Sesame" weapon, whereas the
the young airman's delight—for he as a pet, narks a phase that is very Britieh, the French and the Americana,
was thinking rapidly—it stepped com-
pletely, A most violent string of
Teutonic curses broke the silence that
followed, and the airman grasped his
pistol. He guessed from the voices
that utero were only two mechanics
in charge of the lorry, and that they
had cone down from their seats and
went tinkering with the engine, stilt
cute' ng.
"Hands r nds up, gentlemen!" And a pair
of astonished Huns looked up to see
a young Englishman standing over
them with a revolver, They obeyor74
end wittdlting them carefully, the eta
things, in terms of war; but our debt German front and every attempt to hear.
to the dog dates hack to very many p Bolt Thomas. managing director of
les e black f stop them, by perpetual reinforce -
the British Aircraft Manufacturing
Company, the largeet in the world,
"It will be a summer service at first
1 1 d
completed he Norway, Denmark, Italy,
India and Africa. Later we will et -
to preserve all living things through
altruism, but that day is long distant.
Dogs have survived to the tune of
How Were They Won?
Now, hos' were these allied victories
likely leading towards extinction,
Delirious Delight,
An officer in Franco eencis an inter-
esting little snapshot of a peace cele-
bration in which he took part:
"We're billeted in a village wltirll
the Beclte only cleared out of about
seventeen days ago, and we've hon
.having a great 'do" this evening. We
made a huge bonfire in the village
square, at the titin of which we burnt
an effigy of the Kaiser, to the deliIious
delight , a x:i 0't idd sn1a11 I'r1rel) (1111.
had 0,hrh some. thousands of them,
Cim.her delivered o4 about to be. The
Germans, as a German War Minister
has stated, at 01100 nrclered a large
number, but they could not he ready
till next year; and for the autumn of
1918 the allied tactical superiority
was assured. Obviously the cue 0i
our coterimnders was to exploit it to
the utmost •while it tasted.
Feels s Tactical Aeivautsgo.
Thi.: 004104: was followed, as we
1 now, by Marshal Focht with consume
mete strategic abrin', No historian
Canadian Triumph Made More Sweet
By Final Success.
Commander of Canadians Asked' Old
Division to Give 'Tha,eics.
the Viennese population from starv-
ing. Its food sunnlies are drawn
hugely li'em Iiim,rary and iia real
from Bohemia, both of which Nem -
n -tries are now 111 0nen or concealed
conflict with Gomm Am+stria.
and we '0111 use the singe engine(' A letter has been received in 01 -
war airplanes, with comfortable cov-
tawa from Major-General E. W. B, Pte. R. J. Pearce, 1st Canadian Di- Vienna 114 in n state of siem0 nerd 's
eyed cabins holding four passengers. Morison, General Officer Command- vision, MotorTransport, writes as dying of starvation. Every din I'aesh
Wo are also opening air routes all ing the Canadian Artillery, about the follows, to Itis mother, in Toronto, on retluutions are merle In rhe• :1110•••ance
over the world in conjunction with Canadian entry into Mons on Nov- Nov,,ll lth: of gas and electric light. Not ally the
local p West
I nies. In France we will ember 11, the last day of the war. „This day above all others, will re -theatres and motion 7 i'itnr• "mesas,
operate in connection with a French The Canadian infantry had made it Neve many a sad heart, and take away but the hospitals are closed besot se
company, and alreadq arrangements a point of honor, be says, notwith-
standing the cautions against casual- throughout the world. We were in- them. Shops close at 5 mem, street
it 1 ties, to drive the enemy from Mons
erected to -day by Gen. Currie, and cat service is reduced, only a few
before the "Cease Fire" sounded. Gen, he mentioned the fact that hostilities' trains are running and the claim^r '4
tend the service to Japan, Chinn 011(1 1)1orr14011 adds they had not been ceased et 11 a.m., and perhaps the :very real that unless relief 144
the West Indies., urged to the fight, but rather forbid- last shot bad .been fired in this war. coming the 1101710 will stop, ,sash ,ill
den and restrained. Their triumph
He spoke very n}colt' of his old first factories will close within a fortuigl t
would not have been half so sweet brigade, and thanked all the men for or so.
keep 1 London
had they not celebrated it on the 'What they had gone through, He did As to the food shm tee'e, it is only
Grande Plane o"AMons. I not say much, as a big lump came foto Prtrogrod mut &loser"•• that can sup -
forwarded L d ' There was," he —thea, "little his throat and he. had to stop, 1 be- ply a parallel to 11141 Present wtci •bed
cheering, though much suppressed ex- ]leve the tears were in his eyes. But situittion in Vienna, 'Clic pouul,,ttuu
to Paris by airplanes. citentent among the civilian multi- before he got down he asked that all is too ijiiser&Ute to care about poli!.ics,
•a— tudes until a few minutes Vefore 11 the- men would pray hi silents for tt There war• 110 »arta:ulna revoleti011 in
o'clock, when the Ueautif4tl chimes of minute and thunk God for taking care Vienna. The city is sanely deserted
tine Mons cathedral, high above the I of 'them all the time they have boon by the -monarchy, which. betrayed it, .
T.v than 2 000 1 away," ,
new --__ ,.--_ath t.
Cheering Up Father,
ittle Willie—Cheer. up, papa, per-
haps yea were right . all the time.
Kaiser—What do you mean, my
Little Willie—You may he in Paris
by Christmas, after all.
Orange allotments for 1Rrilos.
The Arabs first used orange Weise
s0m i hr bridal wreaths. ' Thi orange
Arrangements already have been
made bythe British Air Service to
Paris ht close touch with on on
during the peace conference. Any im-
portant data required at the confer.
ence willbe from London
'Taxes an Luxuries.
Luxu taxation is by no means
i w idea, In Rome more ran ,
years ago, the Opia'n law enacted that
"no woman should possess more than
half an ounce of gold, or wear a dress
o.f different (40lore, or ride in a car-
viage in the city or within a mild of
it except on occasions of public religi-
ous ceremet:lee. In 187 B,C, a law was
pastel to limit the number of guests
at e'.m,ter'talereente. A limit wee eta
Inter to the cost of funerals and of
funeral iemaumenta. Ana iuhus
Caesar had oflical% stationed :Int the
marl.et places: to seize provision forbid -
don by lave, and sent soldier0 to feasts
to renteve illegal eatables.
multitude in the - square, commenced
to chiree and then pealed forth the
"Ielarseillaise." In the crowded square
below the cheering commenced, first
rising like a growl and then pulsat-
ing to a mighty roar which lasted
several minutes. Then there was a
strained silence. All eyes seemed to
be turned on the clock tower, '1'ltrm)
minutes —two minutes— a word of
comnmand that echoed through the
square—the crash 61 rifle butts on
cobblestones—the flushing of fixing
bayonets—'Present armsi'--•tlte Hiss- branch bears £rust and flow"re at the
sod bands burst forth with 'God Save same thee, and is therefore coneider-
the King' --everybody cams to the 50 air emblem of hereto t .
ealuto---•-aged the war was ever," p P .f
and by the nationalities which suffered
hinder the monarchy's correent rule,
German Austria is not so much a state
as a forsaken remnant of the Anstroe
Ilttngarian monarchy — bewildered,
isolated, not knowing where to turn.
Let Ue Rejoice.
It Is much easier to turfs the dark
Omuta inside out now, knowing that
our boys• are not standing: in frozen
trenches suffering all of the agoniee
of baro t ie, 'What a thing is pence), with
its grateful gatemen of life, and its
Merciful binding up of the wounds of
the world, ,