HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-12-19, Page 8i+i+i+Pi i i 2 i t �➢�6•Fo FOd o FP•t•oi° 4'1"c++•+.0++.1.0+440+10+0•i 0+40+0+ ehristmas Store I } If you had not been in our store for a few days you b might say it had been changed over -night into a o Christmas Store. Brim frill of bright new goods, ideas for Christmas Gifts and making selections • will come very easy. for the Children TOYS, DOLLS, BLOCKS, GAMES, PICTURE BOOKS, &c Kodaks ea 4P 4 4. of From $8,00 up. BROWNIE CAMERAS From $2.75 hp. Christmas Cards Iu a section by themselves you are welcome to come M and look over them at your leisure. Many beau- tiful cards at 30, 5e, roc Scr CHRISTMAS POS P CARDS 2 for 50. The Picture - "In Handers Fields" Readyfor framing, nm g, z5c The Most Popular Present One of the New Books We never bad a better stock of Books and among the new ones are - Camilla by E. Robins The OM Puncher by J. C. Stead The Young Diana by Marie Carellf The Unknown Wrestler by Codi Elizabeth's Campaign by l51es. Humphrey Ward Josselyn's Wife by Kathleen Norris A Minstrel in !trance by BarryLander Three Times and Ont by NelliMcClung Fragments from France she_ FOR BOYS- Henry Books Alger Book FOR GIRLS -Meade Books Ruth Fielding, &o, The New Methodist Hymnal With the New Hymnal coming into use here at New Years, one of Decorated Crepe Tissue, them might make an acceptable present. We have them at from White Tissue Papers, 400 up to $4 0o each. Holly Tags and Seals, Fancy Baskets Work Baskets have been rath- er scoce this last season or two hut this time we have a good variety at front 250 up to $2.6o each. Quaint Japanese designs that yon will like. Perfumes Fancy Boxes at 250, 350 and up. Small Bottles for.. the pocket at r5c each. Limoges Chine, Boxed Stationery, Parisian Ivory, Ebony Brushes, Brass Goods, Snap Shot Albums, New Pictures Christmas Decorations. F. R. SMITH :�fzeStore Druggist and Stationer rad al etas Tens MERRY Christmas. SOME tasty store window dressing, CHRISTMAS Day next Wednesday. REPORT your holiday visitors to THE POST. SUMMARY of Huron County Council on page 5 of this issue. Local and District news on pages 4 and 5 this week, as usual, THERE Will be no cheap rates on the railroads this holiday season. Dtn yon get your Winter bulbs from Brussels Horticultural Society yet? AUToseonnats continue to run in large numbers and roads have been good. Scuoor. will not resume iu Brussels until after the Christmas holidays, Ou account of the heavy rain the Mait- land river swelled to a stream of some importance. COUPLE more cars of coal to band dur- ing peat week, one soft coal' and the other Rurkwheat. STATUTORY COUnCil meeting was held Monday evening to close up Municipal affairs for the year. READ the advertisements and test their correctness They are invitations tc, you to buy and mean business. A number of families have been under the care of the doctors but all are improv- ing, as far as 'lira Posy has ascertained. NEXT Wednesday Will be Christmas and -consequently a Public holiday. Pestoffice hours 8 to 9 a. m. and 5 to 6 p. m. 2 CARS of turnips were shipped from Brussela and z more from Blyth by G. A Beat, Brussels, during the past week. The "neeps" were oonstgned to New York. A representative of "Hearts of the World" was in town last week but bad to delay fixing date for flus wonderful film until the "flu" gets through with its campaign. OWino to i=e appearance of some cases of influenza the Board of Health Wed. nesday evening of last week ordered school closed, services in the churches cancelled in the meantime and Pttbl!0 Library closed until further notice. Tint Farmer's Advocate, of London, bas issued a very attractive Christmas number, a model of. Editorial, photo• gravure and mechanical skill and neat- ness. Illustra'iou on cover is most ap- propriate to the war times knitting in. dustry. * Bohan of health handicap put a kink into many plans and purposes during this busy season of the year, We sub. mit with the best grace possible as funerals are serious affairs. Our opinion still is that an Order in Council should have been passed months ago piecing influenza among the diseases included in the quarantining ban, The period could have been shortened to meet the course of the disease. To close public buildings and yet permit persons nffeetod liberty to go where they please is a p poor method to affect a speedy a1• laying of the scourge that has proved so disastrous to thousands, The Board of Health did right, we believe, but they have not. authority to go further it ap- pears. Hoc market $17 0o this week. TUBBEYs are scarce and high in price. ONLY $25o.00 taxes remained unsettled Saturday night ou Brussels Collector's Roil on which 5% was added. A large crowd greeted Lieut, Harvey Hoover on his arrival at the G. T. R depot, Brussels, Monday evening of this week. He carne to St. Tohn 00 the steamer Minnedosa along with a large contingent of returning soldiers, Wel- come home Lieut. MAUn11 C. BnyANe announces she hue re- sumed work in her office. Office open every day. Hours 18 to 12 a. in., 1 to 6 p. m, also Saturday evenings, WILD the person who took the parcel by mistake, last Monday afternoon, please return it to TO,, PosT and mnoh oblige the owner. GIRL wanted to help with house work and children, at once. MRS, W. M. Sinclair, Brussels, Any quantity 65 turnips wanted, delivered at Brussels or Ethel stations, Phone 4. 5G, A. Bear, 2 Collie pupa for sale. Lot 14, Con. 2, Grey, Phone 2010 NNLSON HAYDEN. PoTATOEa taken in eichange for goods, W. T. MOCnACKEN, Canna your suet early. BARKER Bn0a. 5 young Ewee for sale. Phone 848 Duro.MOKINNON, Grey Twp, BROOM) HAND 0.11,8 ATA BARGATN.-Have a Chevrolet touring car, 1 runabout Ford and 2 touring Fords for sate at bargains. 8. °AnsEa, Brunets Mentor found, Owner may have it by prov- ing property and paying for this notice. Tan PO00, 26 CORDS dry wood rnr sale. Reason Wilbeo, Grey Twp. Phone 4014. Boy wanted to work on farm. Must be able to handle a team. TORN Ronn, 6111 Line, Morris Twp, Bianchi, R, R. 4. Phone 105. OoHeoaTABLR house for l+dt'-lf, well located. Apply to Rol, kloKAyettit 1 i' "MS FOR $ALE: jMu adrba'o' registered Short Horn bull,'old, old, Color, dark red. For immedidt ,...a, $185.00. Phone 860. Tilos. Enna, Honfryn, WANTED: -Dead Horses and Animals taken away promptly within a radius of 20 miles. Wlllpay from $0 to 58 for live animals brought to factory. 140 animals removed without hide. Phone, day 13. Phone evening 178, The Farmers' Fertilizer Co., L&d., Wingham. De. Pants°, Osteopathic Physician, visite Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervous diseases successfully treated, Visits residences. Consultation ab Queen's Hetet. TEE4wATER news in referring to the home-conlrng of Corp. Geo. Ferguson (of Which a note may be read on page 5) says :-Corp. George is looking very well. He has been over the top many a time, 012 one occasion being the only one of his company who escaped being wounded or killed. The only scratch he received, until he dislocated hie shoulder, was a slight shrapnel wound in the chin. PTE BRED?. CARDIcr writing from Witley Camp, England, on Nov, 2701, to Brussels Red Cross Circle says t -DEAR 701E105 :-Received the box you sent me and was veru pleased to get it. Everything was in first class shape when It lauded here but when a fellow shares up with itis pals it does not go Tar. We have been having some very fine p weather here all along but it is raining 11 to•day. Thanking you for the box, I t will close hoping' this will finds all in g as good health as it leaves 1ne.ti h ERNtE t ARDIpr, 11 Witley Camp, Sussex, Eug. le J. GI Janes Expert,,Watchmaker Ilan returned to Bruncle end is prepared to do all kinds of Watch and Clock Work Yours may be a capable time. keeper but by incompetent re- Bpairing you have lost faith in ring it In one, I will repair the worst wrecked watch or clock and will do it reasonably. Work may be left at my home. Call 'Plume No, S0 for infnrrua- tion, Eyes Tested and Glasses Supplied SATURDAY RDAY of this week will be the shortest day of the year. SICKNEss in numerous homes but we hope for early improvement. THE Post far Jere makes a dandy Christmas present or New Year's gift. GET a copy of the Annual Financial Statement, issued under authority of Reeve and Treasurer, as par Statute, CEssA•i'ION of the war and the home corning of so many of the boys Is materi- ally n r Y g thework of the Canadian pOstofflces, THE house and r, acres of land, known as the Cousley property, has been pur- chased by David Jamieson, who will move to it shortly. THE Red Crus.) Circle acksr., edges with thanks the receipt of e. $5 00 cheque from Brussels Women's Institute for the Belgian Fund, ' A list of subscribers, long in arrears to THE PosT who pay no bead to notices sent them, is being prepared to be hand- ed over for collection as they do not ap- pear to wish to take the easer method of paying without added costs, A Kiuistino, Sask., subscriber, in re- mitting for THE Pos'r writes :-I value your paper for information regarding the local happenings it furnishes, par- ticularly pertaining to Wroxeter and locality, With well wishes. I remain, KEEP 011 the look -out for - Hard coal. Santa Claus, Icy sidewalks. Missing the "flu," A Christmas turkey. Opening of the Rink. New books at Public Library, LONDON CONFERENCE,- Recording Sewards of Methodist churches, Gode- rich, received word from the President of the London Conference to the effect that the cominitteo having the matter in charge have accepted the invitation to hold the annual session of the Confer- ence in Goderich in June next. AUCTION SALE -The Executors of the estate of the late Mis, D. McQuarrie, Albert street, Brussels, will sell by Pub- lic Auction the household effects of de- ceased ou Saturday afternoon of this week, at 2 p m , at her late residence, House and lot will also be sold, subject to a reserve bid, See bills for further particulars. MUNICIPAL Nomination for Reeve, 4 Councillors and 3 Public School Trus- tees will take place at Town Hall, Brus- sels, Monday evening, December 3oth, at 8 o'clock, In case of election being necessary it will be held the following Monday, Jan. 6th, from a a. in to 5 p. m. with N. F. Gerry Deputy Returning Officer at the uouncill Chamber and P, Scott doing similar duty at the Public Library polling place. A letter froth W. A. Grewar says •'rimy reached Los Angeles, California, safely and have taken a furnished flat, 1038 W. 06th St. Climate is beautiful, flowers in bloom and people going about without extra wraps until on towards evening," We are having a fine sample here also of days cf very mild weath- er but most of our flowers are out of bloom, excepting the wall flowers. FELL, Dowss'rAIRs,-THE PosT was sorry to hear that Mrs. Jno, Causley, formerly of Brussels, who is now mak- ing her home with the family of N S. and Mrs. M0Lauchlin, et Provost, Aha , had the misfortune to fall headforemost dowustairs. She received a very severe shaking up that boded fatal results for a time but as no bones were broken her recovery is now well assured, Mrs, Cousley's numerous old friends in Brus- sels hope she will soon be as hearty as ever. WILL 111cMcLLAN' KrLLan,-A letter was received by Mrs George McNichol, Frederick street,, Brussels, containing the sad news of the death of her nephew, Wre McMillan, in action while doing duty with a U, 8, nnit in France. He was with the supply department Deceased was bora 10 Brussels 27 or 28 Years ago, renmvirg with parents when 6 years of age,, He 0.s0 a blacksmil h by trade, at Newark, N J , when he en- listed. Pie McMillan was unmarried He visited relatives and frieuds here a few years a;o. The subject of this notice was ason of Duncan and Mrs Mc- Millan, Latter is deceased, Mr. Mc- Milleu lives at Goderich, TELEPHONE DAMAGE -There were 40 poles clowued by Tuesday's wind and sleet storm of last week Noflh of Bios- .;els and z7 or more SOU' h. The poles tbat were not broken, in some cases, were hoisted from their positions al- though imbedded 5 feet in the ground. 48 wires were carried on the cross arms and when. coated with ice each wire was nearly the Size of a man's thumb. The poles were replaced Southward by Monday afternoon of this week and the wires are being set to rights, Northward the refitting cannot be done until the arrival of a cable into which the wires will be placed. Wea- ther conditions will have much to do with the time necessary t0 complete the coutreot. It will be a heavy bill of ex- pense but the Company intended mak- ing the change anyhow but under more ropitious conditions. Work will be milled along as quickly as possible so tat 111otservice will be at the disposal of he numerous liatrons. People only be. an to find out what a serviceable utility i0 telephone is by its dislocation tor a me. Most of the party lines are work• g as well as ttalial, p euro STAND AD OF CANADA MEAD OFFICE - TORONTO This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farlrlers end merchants, tela SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at every Brunch, 235 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, ®El Cl Manager, I t'oople We Talk About $$ every Sunday, and "get away with it," $$ M.ss Geddes is holidaying at her hum., near BNlgrave 11 'Negri, of Toronto, is a visitor. with her sister, Mrs las Pox. Mr., 1 tr line, of Milton, was a v:sit.cr +v" -het ,cn,ght:r, Mrs, Walter S. Seat, Wa William sheet, B. S. and Mrs. Scott left last Mon- day for Collingwood where they will spend Christmas. Mrs. W. W. Harris has been at Roth- say caring for her mother who has beru ill for several weeks. Miss Winnie Morris, teacher on the Continuation School staff, o .t I i a asg one to her home in m Perrella for the Christmas vacation, Mrs William Ross, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Jessie Kerr, go to Toronto fora holiday visit with relatives and friends. Miss Mae Skelton, Queen street, has been on the ick list bot we hope she will soon be as hearty as ever. Mrs. Skelton was also laid up. Mrs. Geo, Grimoldby is home from au extended visit at Toronto and other points. Her husband Pte. Grimoldby, is expected back shortly from overseas. W. H. Fraser, M. P. P, North Huron, was a caller on THE Poe'r. last Friday. He drops out of Morris township Reeve• ship, having entered the broader arena of public life after doing his duty well. Mrs. (Rev ) Paul, Princess street, had the misfortune to fall at her home last week and injured one of her hips. As she is upwards of 83 years of age a bump is a more serious matter than to a young person. The mauy friends of Mrs. Paul hope she will soon be ahg right. Mrs. R. M. Sinclair, Ronaid and Phyllis, of Dresdeu, are here on a visit at the home of W. M. and Mrs. Sin- clair. The former's husband is expect- ed to arrive home from England shortly. He is making a good recovery from his wounds and will soon be o. k. we trust. Cadet Herbert Peter, of Bervie, called here last week while returning home from Leaside camp where he had been training. He has got his discharge and will now returu to civilian life. His brother, H. H, Peter, is doing duty overseas, He is with the artillery. After a sojourn of over 5 h years as agent at McGaw station, H. 13, Church- ill iuteuds leaving in the course of a fete weeks and is being promoted to Owen Sound, which will mean a considerable advancement for him, While Mr, Churchill's many friends in Colborne and vicinity are sorry to see him leave McGaw they are a unit in wishing him success in his new appointment. Mrs. Churchill is a daughter of George and Mrs. Edwards, of Brussels, and a form- er member of Pun POST staff, Ohur c1 Chimes Rev. W. E Gilroy, B. A., pastor of the tst Congregational church, Hamil- ton, Out,, has accepted a call to Ply- mouth Congregational Church in the city of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, U. S., and will retnove there at the close of tots, 13e is a brother to F. H. Gilroy, Manager of the 13an11 of Nova Scotia, Brussels, and has proven a very succes. sful pastor and a strong pulpiteer, His predecessor at Fond du Lac, Rev. Mr, Hopkin, wrote Plymouth church as fol- lows concerning him :-"I want to con- gr4tnlate the Church on its new minister for I had a letter from my friend Gilroy yesterday in which he told me that he had presented his resignation in Hamil ton and would send you his formal ae• ceptauce as soon as his resiggnat'on was accepted. Gilroy is a epleucled fellow. 1 regard him as One Hundred per cent man 1 He is clean, kindly, courageous, eloquent ! True as ;steel and a fine preacher. Gifted with commou sense, and the newer outlook of things. He takes the modern view of religion, (as you know I endeavored to de) and scorns the wishywashy stuff. that a whole lot of preachers dish out to their people I told Wm that the Fond du Lae pulpit is the freest place ou earth to ti'.o -man with a message and not to be afraid to speak out whatever he feels he ought to say, So I am glad for my old parish that such a splendid follow is to succeed ole. Give him the glad baud and all the help you gave to ate. Ho is surely worthy of it. Gerrie . FRANK ARDELL 01108 OP PNEUSrO1- lA,-Satntdny, 76h inst., word was re- ceived in town of the death at Long Island, N. Y„ of Sergt, Frank Ardell, of the American Flying Fore, arid that renlait s would wn tld tie ht t brought h c g Corrie For burial. Casket arrived on the 1115111 train Tuesday of last week, in charge of Sergt. J. D. Stew- art and was laid in the family pint in the Gorrie cemetery, Wednesday afternoon. Funeral took place from residence of deceased's uncle, John Ardell, service being conducted by Rev, P. G. Powell, rector of St, Stephen's church, Pall bearers were, Lieut, Stanley McLaughlin, Cadet Milton White, Sergt. J. D. Stewart and Gunner W. L. Love, of Gnelph, a returned soldier. The casket was draped with the stars and stripes on which was laid a beautiful wreath of roses and lilies, contributed by his eon -trades of the 277tH squadron. Frank was the youngest son of the late George Ardell, and was born in Gorrie 82 years ago. He had been in Texas for pact 8 years and when the U. S. entered the war he eulieted in the 277th Aerial Squadron and was at Long Island ready y togo overseasaea9 when he woos taken sick with pneu- monia to which he succumbed after a few days' illness. He came of a good fighting stock, his late father having come through the Crimean war. He leaves 5 brothers and 2 sis- ters :-Wm. Ii., George, harry and Mrs. Ferguson, Allendale ; John, Vancouver • Joseph, Edmonton ; and Mrs. Roe, Lucan. Perth County Council at its final session, rescinded the $100 damages voted previously to J. Watson, Listo- wel, for damages to his auto truck, The accident occurred on July 10, and Council was not notified of the claim until September, Proper notice was thus not given within the necessary 80 days, and Council refuses to ac- knowledge any liability. BORN ALOo0K.-In Morrie Township,on December 8011, 1818, to Mr. and Mrs, Gorge Aleoak, a son-liloyd George. BROWN. -At Mossbank, Snsk , on November 5th,1018, to Mr. and lore. T.16 Brown, anon, PAIPPEN-Ie Wingltam, on December Ont, 1018, to Mr. and Mrs, Cinolair Phippen, a daughter, MARRIED HOPPEn-LAKE.-At Maple Lane !farm," by Rev. J. W, Johnson, on December 10th, 1018, Pte. Lyle S. Hopper, of Morris Town• ship, t0 Miss Mary E , youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Inc: Lake, Grey Township, McKillop Nomination Meeting Take notice that a meeting for Wemhmbl,, a Reeve anti four Councillors for tate Munici- pality 1010 will be held at of s Hall, in W o- throp, on Monday, the 8011, day of December, 1018, et I o'clock 11. m„ mrd in the event of more garcons being nominated than are required to 3111 the several ofiioes an election will beheld on Monday, the Glib. day of January, 1010 via : Polling Dlv„No.1-At G. K. Hoil,md'n hoose, Lot 10, Lon. 5. Jas. Evans, 0,16.0.; Thoe, Moy Ian, P. 0, Polling Div. No. 2 -At Taa. Helen's house, Lot 28, non, 4, Joe, Dorranoe, A R.O. ; James Einem P. C. Polling Div, No, 8 -Ab W. Davidson's,.; bootie, Lob 10, 012. J. Leming, D.IiO,; W. Dav- idson. P.. C. Polling Div, No. 4 -At School Home No, 7, Lot 26. C'mi,11, W, MaGavin, it , D R.0, ; R. Arehil!nitl, P. C. 51, MUSDIE, Olerk. Ship your Cream Direct to the Brussels Cr aanery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex- press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels F'adtory one trial and you will not want to discontinue. Brvssels Creamery Stewart Bros. Props, m�:mm�,m�w,,,,rw.s..,a•w,�. �w,w...wwrrw++,w.�w ,.. - v,.r,w.u.,,�,-a..oe+,.., . wa®u... Qin eee6uaCfJ0Erc',iNJk`7E"rtr006e®tMat7l3r:;'f OCIPMetlefieeenteeSign 90'R iN@ 9 Th3E •4 fl e 0) la a ra 6 10 51 6 e n e e Cs 41 e • le 14,11 Store alreatatIMADZILWa• SSW, 01 13 tt 08 4 STORE Ctt HOLIDA1 ffT H ALL We have given the selection of our Christmas stock special care and attention and we will be very pleased to have you drop in and see our Display,' •- Fine Limoge and Nippon China 'Phis we consider one of our very special lines ai,d we have never 811021711 a diterassortncent than at present, Hand Bags and Strap Hand Bags Sonne very handaotne Purses in this lino.. ,..,,,. 1 00 to 0 00 Fancy Boxed Stationery One of our 1noet useful gifts 25c to 2 00 Perfumes and Toilet Waters Fine assortment of Seeley's well • ii known odors,...... 25c to 2 00 ® Safety Razors e Always a useful fill and acceptable Autogift, 0tWpe h.a, .v, e both Gille. h'e 5 00 and ra.................... nFlash Lights The well known 'Franco Line" • in black and nickel, Splendid assortment. 60 cl to 00 0,1 t) Qt, 1R f3 68 G 004$ e 1,> Chocolates go Those who like to real nice w Ohocolate will fled "Wil- e lard's" one of the best, See our package at $1.2$ -It's certainly great value and a handsome package, There may be others as good d but none bettor. A splen- did assortment in self -fillers, p Safetys, Vest Pocket size- o 1111 regular style,..250 to 600 m Cameras and Kodaks Fountain Pens Useful all the year round. Our little Veet Pocket Otttn- era is a good ane -$7,60 - others up to $15:00. And dont forget L ue wl tenY ou have Developing and Pl'int- ,lug to cjo. We assure per - feet satisfaction, Calendars At 25c we are showing a very special line. Others at 15c. ivory and ninny Goods icor a Young Lady's Gift. there is J J nothing more useful than a nice J I piece of Ebony or Ivory. We are showing some handsome Toilet and Manicure Sets, also Military Brushee, Hale Brushes, Clothes Brushes, lUirrors (all sizes), &e., &c. lleremableWe are fortunate in securing an temple supply of 110season's most popular hook, the sale of which has al. ready reached the 500 Thousand murk. For genuine humor nothing written in recent, years surpasses it. 9 e 14 12 e ID e e e e el. e tla em' te'3e e e e4 4. e ID • FOR THE LITTLE FOLK Our Toy Department is always an attraetive spot and they are always svelcnme to visit it, Gar -Helly Tags, XMRS Cards anti Booklets, Seale and a great variety gl of XmasDe D .c orations. 9 DRUGGIST and STATIONER Ane®eCretgairs®ee•t3r:•geepe seeemoseoceedlreacte eeoe®eeeeesaese 4. JAMES OLEO i BRUSSELS MARKET ARDELT„-At Long Island, N. Y„ on December ' mil `7heat 0881, 1018, 858, Prank Ardell, 277th Aerlet I n Squadron, youngest son of the late George 8Oat n'is g Wheat Ardell, Gorrie, aged 82 yyears. peas Anima -In the General Hospital, Regina, on le December 8rd, 1018, William Ardell, eldest y Bon of Mrs, Wm. Ardell, of Winnipeg, for- BPeautter merry of Gorrie aged 88 years, Eggs MOOALt-In Morris Township, en December Hoge 128h, 1018, Sophia Small, beloved wire of Wool George MoOall, aged 70 years, It months Hay and 11 days, I • Potatoes per bag 02 05 2 05 1 75 00 15 17 00 05 12 00 1 25 52 2 105 1 75 100 45 17 Ou 10 00 1 25 Naturally Y r a ,i 'ould en's �f4✓tgy}r r 1 x ig:'zs � J�v ,a 4 ^: ; :' ' en's Furnishing Store At the Y Ours is the Men's Furnishing Store filled with Requirements for Men such -as Neck Scarfs Neck Ties Gloves VS Hosiery Handkerchiefs Cuff links Suspenders Suspender Sets Umbrellas Coat Sweaters Jerseys Underwear Waterproofs Nth Century Clothing fur Coats fur lined Coats Barrington Hats Hartt Shoes F it iS it Suit or Overcoat you want, 'buy it In the moth Cen- tury Brand, or a pair of Stylish Shoes, buy the Celebrated Hartt Shoe, not- • ed for its style, fit and wearing qualities. Tailoring oe artrent Full line of Blact, Blue and Grey p Worsted Suiting's, Call and see the goods and leave your order early. unford