HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-12-19, Page 5Business Co4rds Y�— JAS. ANDERSON, VETERINARY SUROEQN, 14u0 .H 00 s. t, e 11 1U0, h I)tls. T Ander- NOIIBrnn.l.lVer NtIlble 311.0 114. Telephone n y l 11 o e 1 NO 's off. WA(R13f_AW I(un'1 rrndnnts, or the Omeek) v otorloarY 1'n11ege. 1114. and might e(.@+ 1.181 ..,t,u.,L,e Moor hall, 11101.4. 7r. 7 fV!'f; 4 .._.__.. M. .0 M. Q. P., 4 111, O. 11., .a la. Pt>THleien, Rur(een, A' cottellt t1(• ` 08104 et renidanrn, 14(1 40 'lelvilla 4.111n0'eh, Wilheun (•41e(•G, C)f?, J H. WH7rE, S. A. etivrll(3A1 AND `,1110-3 I+1()N, Um—Hutto Toronto ('. v r•les ,r 51,vn' one Hint/int Mut—aloe give,. to di rn,.•a op eltll(lr"n and rr,r3 Office: Dr. nry,,.ne Old Stand Phone 45 Brussels � JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Ouctianaer for Ilurou Co. Will Nell res 88 gond oder,. In (my utlter Ante tiu1teer or o1011.40110111101.1. 13141.G1tAVL P.O. PROO11FOOT1 RIL1ORdN & COOKE Barr:store, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c, Office .01 the Square, 21(d dour [tutu 13amdltcn Stre1G, Gone:elm, 0811'. Private folio,. to l,nn at low""(. rnt00, W. Pilo: 000091, K. u. .1. 1., Kn,r.O1tAN O. Coote Weinstoin C + r 4. e •► ' T • Linc Poultryand Hides • 9 4 0 • 4 4 e a • e • MILL STREET 131tUSSELS i Is prepared to pay the • • .to 0 e 4 • Highest price paid. See me before you sell, • • I-Iighest Cash Price for °e 11itehtst price for Scrap Iron, Rubbers, Rags, &c. FURS • 0 A • 0 9 4 a • 4, 464.640.0••4••••• 04,0042 A 440 Write or Phone 02x SAM WEiNSTEIN }.,l`•i,l,•t„1,.;.,P,i,,a.•i,$•1„r.l„i.,t,•i,•P,1.•i,.1,0,,,i.,i' IShiji:3s " stv!..,,,, ro tr , { y 4' 4 +' f A 4. 6i i. '1 +ir. Our Chrisimeas stock of + JevclrY has arrived an d +, is now on sale. Needless + to say (Mo is the time to + ' buy your 0h1istines + +I, Gifts. If there is some 'I', • person on your 0hri.l- +• 4 mag lists for whom you + rt are finding di ieulLy in +. (getting a ',resod, (Trop +. +• in and see us and our + +1 suggestions may help 4 you to ov'I'Cnnle your 49 •1• difllculty. Ynu can help + us to serve you best by : 41(. doing your + .41. Christmas Shopping Now b 1J. P. Wendt 1 Jeweler and Optician, Wroxeter +++++ 44++•+•++•M++•++++++++44+ S:trnuel l+ishet', died at the General Hospital, SGrttt:ford, from pneumonia 1011002m; an attach of influenza. 1.10. was 34 years and a sun of Henry Fish- er, l ulla4'Lnn, Dr. and Mtrs, J, A, Bothwell have donated as a4 memorial 10 their (laugh - tee Mm'Iel a scholarship In 1)oniesltc Science to 9tu41foed Collegian I1 consists of the interest of 811111 iuvest- ed. 1910 (loae11 occurred el Steel Noel quite suddenly 141: the home of her sm4 in -low JNlnen 13eyee, of 4411 s. 1), ];ambo ng((175 y10u'0. She was bon 11P1L1' Tnroulo, moving tri 1)01%1110 al an early ago wish her patende. Four sons anti 2 daughters survive, Stuelas •1(o ruing lit a started in the Cook Pump Works, Ilnron Road West, of Mitchell, 1„ll.ire plant, machinery, engine fund (:(11,101114 4Ye1'>' It total loss, The fire (vas firsn noticed about 030 a. m., and (mutse - was a mystery, as it had notbeen In opera,.' lion Set.ur(lay. Then+ was no insnr- 4ulee nn(1 lose is estimated 144 181,5011, Friday night at, 0 u'eloc.lt the flee 1114rn) sounded and the fire company were dit'octed to the new Hovels& knitting factory, Mitchell. It canted one that the mato' which runs the elevator beearnP overheated, but the nee of chemicai extinguishers anon put an end to what, alight have been a x _ serious Eire. mas .:7 TRY a With Your Next Grocery Order Ohl 1St11198 Cleocer'iee, Peels, 11a,i0;IN, (:(n 11(1110, Spices, See (!mtge., 1'' g1( ar,11 other 1'1 nits„ (Maida•., P'etncy Biscuits, N,,la nal 1.1 sec 1101iday Good0. e i r ice, Good Stook Flour & Feed Potatoes Wanted mr,quieeell) price and date of c e very a ore hauling them. 1 I L1'011 tt d 1 1( b l' 1 '11/41f J. McCracken Phone 43 Prat z ,1 erns Ment Now is the time to renew for THE POST. SKATES cues more are lo possession of the small boy. AN Axford, Sask„ subscriber in re- mitting his subscription for 1919 rays "We are always glad to get THE Posr,” Ir there is auythiug lying around your 1)0099bait ( s las your husband) that you do not want, advertise it i1( THE POS a' want column, They surely pay. PORTRAIT,—Major )• W, Shaw and Capt. M. D. McTaggart, of the former x0rst Huron Battalion, have presented the County with a large i t s re of Lieut.. Col. Combe and the officers of that unit, The picture with a brass plate suitably inscribed. is adorning the walls of Coun- ty Clerk Holman's office, Goderieb. W, P. RITCHIE writing from Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, says :— Enclosed find renewal for THE Pose for 4919. We are in a perfect cloud of "flu ;" with Winter just before us ; dear and scarce fuel around us and ever higher cost of living above us. Hoping yourself and the other ood g people of• Brussels are enjoying the same blessing, HURON OLD . -BOYS' Assocl,'r(ON.—The annual meeting of the Huron 014 Boys' Association of Toronto, will be held in St. George's Hall, Elm st„ on Thurs- tlay evening, x9th inst., at 8 o'clock for the election of officers and the transae Lion of general business. Exectitive is desirous of making this the banner meeting in the history of the Associa- tion. Every Huronite, male or female, In Toronto and district is invited to be present. Au address an live topics will be delivered by A. Grigg, Deputy Minis• ter of Lands and Forests. The Presi- dent is N. 13. Cobblediek, brother to Rev, G. H, Cobblediek, formerly of Brussels and E. Flood ' Y is Secretary. A tine reception greeted Corp. George Ferguson, youngest son of Reeve Per guano, o1( his arrival home at reeswaler Wednesday, 4th inst„ on the 1.3o train, Citizens turned out i1( masses, Pipe Band played "Bonnie Dundee" as the train pulled into the station and rousing cheers were given for the returned sol- dier, A few words of welcome on be- half of the citizens by Rev, W. A. Brad- ley and he was then taken to his father's home, Corp. Ferguson enlisted in Fctmonton, Alta„ and went overseas i> x915• He was in several severe engage- ments and was with the brigade that captured Hill 70, one of the sanguinary struggles of the wwar. Though hin many engagements he escaped unhurt. He is a nephew no aucl Robt, p w of •t b , Ferguson and Mrs. Best town, and 0 grandson of Mrs. Jas. Ferguson. • 13E8'r ON RECORD,—While Brussels Brauch of the Upper Canada 13Ible Society has had the distinction of being a Bauuer Branch, never being below $too,00 in its contributions for the past 33 years, 1818 lists just completed are the best on record totalling the fine sum of $210,23, plus offering at annual meet- ing of $12,51, making $222,74, The work Was splendidly looked after by the Collectors and in almost every ease showed a gain over 19(7 for which the contributors have to be thanked, Re- port is as follows :— Brussels North—Mrs, Skelton, and Miss Cardiff $ 19 8o Brussels East—.Miss Leatberdale and Mrs, J. Meadows 28 7o Brussels West—Mies M, Stnith au(l Mrs 1', Sperling 32 55 Grey Twp Cons, - 1 & 2, Misses Mcl)onalel Burke 5 40 3 & 4, Miss M Strachan 3 5o 5 & 5, Mesdames McArthur— Dougherty . ,.. 9 so 7 & 8, Miss Cardiff, and .Mrs. A, Armstrong 9 & to, Mrs, A, Lamont and Miss A. Roe 9 35 13 & 14, Mrs, Cochrane, and Miss F. Alcock ,, . 6 05 Cranbrook—W, P. Ethel—Miss Barr. and Miss Mc- Leha1d 2t 88 Morris Township lines - 3rd, Misses:Anderson and Yuill,'` 5:00 .tth, Misses,Black and Wilkinson 7 25 5t11, Misses Kerr and lotdau ., 4 75' 6th, Mrs, W. Bernard and Miss Martha McCutcheon 7 5o 701, Mrs, D, McDonald and Mrs,. S. McCall Offering at annual tneeting - 1z 51 'total 8 222 74 With so nlauy cells for worthy c8use2s it would not been wondered at if r•s w lard e cel s bad fallen below the fine showing p1 w s of other years, The Wench officers, (and we feel sure the head office at Tote. unto, as well) are in a rejoicing mood over the splendid support Accorded to this most deserving organization for the dissemination of the Scriptures to the world. Last year receipts were top uotehors viz, $2o1,88, Present Secretary. Treasurer has held office for 37 years. 5 45 37 00 E I )0511141 Cox, a well known and popular railway conductor, died suddenly in the Southampton Presbyterian church, tier- ing the evening service on Sunday, Dec. 1st r 'Cox ax mat1e his los ii ,t trip clayIhe previous 1 > sCa t ( t his leach He 1 l 1 }a been C O nd 1Cl 1. OI n l '( 0 that g tut o 1(c u E the G. '1 I4 for aL tarter of a cantut ' 0,'541(410 110110N QoiNty COUNCIL,—.. Warden 81l1e11 united the Councillors to Hing the Doxology .util ntivieed the Liberal and Cons•rve!ive Ceuu(illur. 111 mix up, rosiest of 1(1(9 ; et r seperare party Lateen it refilre 1 t ,• ingly to the death of Reeve Tay'or, iilyth, who Was killed in an sego . tri dept some time ago, leaving a vacant chair at the Council Board, Huron County Council, A ver1 e.' y u Ir.l 'butq ceremony coni( place dm9ng the session when Rev. A. L, Ci. Clarke 111 It very elnquenl ad- dress presented the Victory Loant r iia won sot by 1110 Couniy, to the Wine den, W110 accepted the flag ori 10.1141,11 of the 00nnty and hting{, it in the Council (Member, The Warden thanked the workers and all those who had been instrlunenLal in winning the Hag for the excellent service% they have render ed to the: boys at the front., and s'tid that while he appreci- ate(] 1.0 the full this beau11fu1 flag pre - eon Led to the County by his b1xeel- lenry the GnvernoieGeneral, there was another flag on the wall. that of 1118101st Battalion, representing as it (liar, one own county boys, 111141 he appreciated more. Rev. Dr. Rutledge and Rev. Can- on Hill also Glade eloquent addr080- es on the winning of the war and heroism of our boys and the sacrifices (nada. Moved by Beavers—Tiling that Council heartily approve of the choice made by the Committee appointed to purchase a Children's Shelter and 00 inspecting the building believe it will be most satisfactory and a credit to the entity. We trust the work dente by the Children's Aid Society will be heartily supported by all the munici- palities and. a Children's Aid Com- mittee will be formed in the several towns and villages. Carried. County Property Committee repott- e(1 having examined the Court House, Registry office and jail and found all dept( talents clean and in good con- dition. Request of Jailer Griffin for an in- crease of salary was laid over until January senior). , The Ohildeen's Shelter Committee reported that up to the present the cost of the new Shelter and furnish- ings stands as follows : Purchase price $2400 00 County's share of taxes. 23 30 Supplies 20 75 Painting and glazing .. ,37 34 Range Stove, etc100 00 Beds. .... . 118 70 Shingling.. ... . . ....... 111 37 Insurance Premium44 40 Supplies. 32 95 $2073 81 Recommend that the Council hav- ing provided the Shelter the Children's Aid Soeiel:y be requested to undertake the managernwie of the same as 11 ether ' 1 IntI1 this enmity agreeing Y Il l I o sullplrntl 1(l. rhe 01st nig 0000 Elmo ft t , tn time te tines lth ante, . Alsore001nm"1(d that the Clerk los appointed to homiest the institnlio4 .len, tune le time on behalf of the (4041113' (bull• 1 0101 1rlu>rt 10 (1001161 aL lewd (181'•,' 4t year, in .)one auil 11,'ro4 b'•1•. 31,11-14 >1 ('t010mil.1,'l. rupo,rtrd Ra 111- Its trim ion of SV. Nirhnh K. 0., et, 1'„ 1' :caviling 0d0,1(1 inn of 1 11 100 10 ('anedn, t(. 0011.1 Ho 1110 )110111111 1540! 'nihfxl'gd. 1 hal n espy' 01 this resolution be forwarded to Sir R. L. Bordeu, I'veinier 01' Canada, and 001 represen- tatives in the Honee. of Omer/ions, Report of the 1Ex411012ve Comm' (1r14 MIA (11( follow, :---Re re/sneer of D, 1)e- Lnng, for p>4vn1'nt of selroiles in can - :14'014M with caretaking 14t (!on('t 11 01(1 recommend that be be paid for 21 Jaye' 0.0.v111114 etc aam0 114,14,, as bal- ance of ins( yeeu'. Re request of Navy League for grant, recommend that sum or $18,1100 be granted, payment to rommenee June 1010. and be at rate of $8,000 per month for following 6 (110111104. Re request of F. G. Neelin, for pay in e(1nuectio01 with the Food Production campaign. After making 110/111 1100 respecting work done by applicant- We would recommend that he be granted the Ham(4 amount as 01114 r (ly1e't•e('(9. 1114 141(14(111111 of Ooun- ty Auditor, Aimee Uosens, for' extra auditing. After considering the cir- cumetauree we decided that the olive, Au(litoe, Peter Oantel0(1, was entitled C0 the same consideration and we would sagged each be paid 14(1111 of 81000 in full of all claims. Re appli- cation of C. A. Reid, Police Magistrate fora grant towards securing room suitable fox holding public cases, We are of opinion there is a room avail- able in Cou1't House and suggest that it be pat. in e'epair for office. Re oration of Artastr•ong and Hackett, that we dieconthine Y. M. 0, A. grant, 7Ve 11(11710(1 that no 9011011 be taken until January seesi00, Re motion of Lobb and Hack well, asking for a grant of 8300 t0 G. W. Holman, Co. Clerk, for services (luring past year. Re- cognizing hie efficient services and Laking into consideration the inOre14a- cd cost of Jiving since his engage- ment, we recommend grant be made. Re motion of Hardiug and 13t'oek for grant of $5,000 to continue Red Cross work, recommend sum of 88,000 be divided on same basis as previous grants. Re motion of Beavers and McKinley, for grant of $100 to be given to Mfrs. Brown, matron at House of Refuge, recommend grant. Rouge of Refuge Committee report- ed as follows :— We met 4 times during the year, in March, June, September and Decem- ber. Thoroughly inspected inatitre Mon and found everything in splendid order, clean and well kept, the 0> - mates exptessing satisfaction with their treatment, One female inmate was charged with insubordination and abusive and threatening language to- wards the matron and other inmates. shee, N s committed to jail by rilagis- rate Andrews, Olinton, for 2 months is 14 matter of discipline. O11 motion of Beavers and Laithwaite; Inspector Torrance was instructed to go to '1't 1 I onto 10 make best possible 41.11.81 11.4101,111 ill' i ' ,' f Iht sol of (1011,11 urn /1. 141 { Hi1114f11. M11,11'(111 baying' x'eei4 lied, (1./01 i t It• nt. t+r r tl t l 11 VA 1,4011 100 v,tlr ' m (doll . 0 and Mail o n 411 r l mealier. 41 til 1 notion of Mese1H Laithw(4,ite at PRAMS, It HER lioeld(•i 40 uh(ugo ,1nse')llt ]'ling)•, it ❑tying insane, Mid 4 111111 of tu•ans. S1 On per repel, fur ii and dlr. 1''1.11,( giekelle pay the ill r uu,(til PI ire. l h> lir.. .414 1(i Ir:vhuw, pbt 1'iinr the est (1 War )1 , I'm' (1'nge need b4. 1110 inlaid,: coal .,I•4n 1,, pay It. 0. Bays, t$83(1 1'nt' drat%in3 deed and other 1xpets.. i1( ('114)41('1'!inn with 11114 et./11411S (.0 4E1,0. P411'chasr of coal wits 1el't in the halide of the In- spector atter 118(21(ger to (bead with and (s. supply ruts been obtained +,41111''('nt I'm ell 1 re p .., ,. 0+ (ntmu•'e,l Coal th" following t, ((1 1'. hr. ,' '4, > Sleet, ..Ir 6rr,trl, 11. R,udl'It, .>(, ill pt•r ('01, grovel l'•-.. 1 P. ".lgsld. priers per tender. We lied 1reript, or produce ('reel ('arm not up to the e of tri n' 1 L Idt 1 1 lin tees rl t ytau�H. Inspector of ]'louse of Raftrge of (he County of Huron repented as follow-( : —Total number of inmates adu1111NI sinceOpellingof the House 519, num- ber of inmates on 1)evetnbet. 1, 11117, 1)1, number admitted 1'nr first time during year 11, nnr4bee death,: during year 10, nurnhpr 111vchar'ge,l daring year 2, number of lomat "s i1( li„sr e nu December 1, 1918,. 01 nuulber of males 411, number' of fet1(81ee 51, Adn>itted during the year from 04.0era1 1nnt1(4 polities as follows (--Hay township 4 ; Goclerieh 1 ; Seaford! 2 ; I;x"tee 2 ; 1Vingham 2. Nnrnber of days tweed itunates, 388,433 ; 1111101101' 01 rleye hottest, of keeper's family and help, •134 ; average number of inmates (lur- ing year, 91; average number of keeper's family and help 9 ; total ex - expenditure on House and farm, $9315,41 ; add value of provisions and fuel on hand, December' 1st, 1017, $2200 ; total expenditure, 611,514.41. Produce sold during 1918 and other sources, $004,61 ; provisions, prminre, now clothing and fuel 011 hand De- r.1mber 1, 1918, as per inventory, $2656 65 ; reeeive(1 from paying in- mates, $1,038 50. Total receipts, .1909:16 , Amount expended $ , Fur sup- port of inmates, $6,555,65 ; average expense per inmate per day (nearly) 193/5c; average weekly expenclitute per inmate, $1.87. The expenditure of House and farm account is as follows : Hired help, farm and house, $15 stock and implements ; salaries—In- spector, Keeper, Matron, asst, Matron and Chaplain, $1000 ; physician's sal- ary and appliances, $448,83 ; repairs to building and furniture, $175.33 ; provisions and clothing, $4,9833.04 ; fuel and light, $1,753 37 ; books, post- age and stationery, $25.92 ; incidental expenses, 8100.10 ; sundry expenses for farm, $213.72 ; total, $9,315.41. During the year the sum.of $2,077 has -been collected for maintenance of in- mates. Following is the report of crops grown and worst done. on Industrial farm during the year 1918 :—Hay 15 tons ; oats 400 bushels ; barley, 325 bushels, beans 20 bushels, onions, 1,992 pounds ; garden carrots, 00 bushels ; garden heels, 40 bushels, potatoes, 300 bushels, apples 50 bushels ; marigolds, 250 bushels ; live hogs sold, $894.85 ; parsnips 50 bushels, cabbage, 350 tread, raspberries 565 boxes, turnips, 150 bushels, calves sold, $50. m- tics••••••••••••••a••see••••••••••••••••••••••••••••414) g0. p rk v 11. c )Il A 1(1 0 chili illi!Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllillllilllllll111111111III!IIIIIIIIIIIBI11111111111111111111111111!11111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111 ll91111!IIIIRIVOItmI�IIIII�IIIIIIIIIIII@fiillllllllllllll mill " o ds o• __-..r tom-•-` 0 A fair assortment of the Choicest fruits of the Season i gee - China Glassware and Porcelain t Including Fancy China, Tea, Dinner and Special Values. Toilet Sets, 10 0 1 The usual full line of Staple Groceries Thanking our many Customers for their patronage in the past. Geos T i1s:mson EN IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111IIIIIIIIIIIVI1111111II1111IIIII111111I1111111II1IIII1I111111111111I1I111111111IIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIOIIWIIVWIWniVIIIllIIIIIIIVnlllllllllllllllllllWlIIIVIY F++•t N++ P+•+•s 1++ya,g+ g+•Fti,+ ( +'r•:•1•+•+�°�S •q, o., .,+o+oo++++++++„4+ + nos Phonographs Records Nothing nicer for Christmas Presents. Or a good Singer Sewing achine Makes a dandy Gift, Call and see us and se- cure Choice Goods at Reasonable Prices. We aim to please our Customer's. Large Stock of New Records from which to make your Choice. +• S. CARTER, BRUSSELS +,0•44403eiFP, tit '14.044•00••'!!'1^44*•• Good Roads OOmm18810 1 reported OA'teCl as P follows :—Re motion of Black and Tipling, asking that 90 per cent of all stoney paid in to the County mule) the Good Roads system by the vil- lages anti towns be refunded yearly, we recommend that this be granted provided that the bridges o0 designat- ed roads which formerly were County bridges, still be County bridges. Re motion of Laporte anti Powell, that a statement of all accoutres be equalized between the ()minty and the Town- ships on the Good Roads system every year instead 01' every 3 years, we recommend that no action be taken. Re motion of Dalton 9too tool ' IlIatllo u); rh , that the boundary roads between Bruce and Huron from Turnberry to Autberley be put on the Good Roads System, (414 recommended by the coun- ty of Bruce, we recommend that this be granted, that a by-latv;be prepared and sent down to the Department to be approved by them, Re claim of Arthur Oaltelon for damages for broken car, we recommend that no actio) be taken, Re recommendation of Robert McDonald, of Kin tail, for damages to car last year, we recom- mend that no action be taken and that in future all claims too have a sworn statement of cause of accident and a detailed aeooxne of repairs, Finance Committee recommended the payment of a number oi' certified accounts. That Clerk notify all Jus• Wein of the Peace, Police Magistrates and Division Court Clerks that all sup- plies for printing (must be ordered through the County Clerk and from the County supply. That 010xk set a uniform price for advertising county meetings in the several newspapers of the county and that arrangements be made with each newspaper to publish at said price, The report of the Road and Bridge committee was a1( 10110ws : ']'bat engineer's report be adopted and sante published in the minutes, Re claim of Alex, McDonald, we recommend that 111e saline be paid. Re claim of Joseph Lawson for a cement bridge 011 a lane shore road, Stephen. This btidge being less titan thirty feet in length your committee wee h14rred from examining it, but from infer- neaLion received raved frour a reliable sourer, recommend that same be assumed by this county. Re motion of Et (yin and Forth that the midge known as Smith's bridge on West; boundary of Bayfield be made a enmity bridge, recommend that same be assumed by the cnnnty; Re account of George Fowler for re- pairs to. SA111014l bridge, we nom - men(' the same be. paid, Re 14eco0ut of Goderioh Planing Mill for joists for Seaford bridge, wo recommend that salve be paid. Re 14ecount or village of Exeter for repairs to bridge and approach, we recommend the same be paid. Captain Oole representing the Brit - 1511 Navy League was present and trade a strong appeal for assist- ance for Ibe dependents of our Wave sailors. His address was received with hearty applause, Warden meur- D ry 0 9 • Repairs Mn Via ~rd ork UTTER S[E1E Now is the time to buy, Fine assortment and A f Goods at Reasonable Prices, 9 D m 9 O 4 • D. Ewan, •0 0400640464.0.6664•••4••• ••••••••••4.••••••42•••••••• {9 s 14 Attended to Promptly and in Workmanlike calland addanother to o manner. Give us a our long list of Satisfied Customers. Brussels ed Captain Oole that the question of a grant to the Navy League would re- ceive every attention from Council, Under head of ructions ',expressing am't'nw at the death of Reeve Taylor and Mts. Lane, wife of County Treas- urer Lane, were adopted by standing vote, as was also a vote of 000379tulas lion to W. 1i. Fraser, on his recent election ill North Hnrou. Moved by ex -Warden R. W. Living- stone, Net:muted by ex -Warden Goven- lock that we the members of Huron County Council wish to tender our colleague, 1V, 11, Fraser, Reeve of Morris township, our hearty congratu- lations on his election to the honor- able and responsible position of mem- ber of the Legislature of Ontario for Noah Huron. Mr. Fraser briefly re- plied, thanking the council for their kind words of congratulation, Moved by Messrs. Tipling and Mal - lough Butt House of Refuge Commit- tee be instructed 10 amend by -latus of Ilouse of Itefuge, the amended by-lawe to he brought before the January ses- eiun of the Council—Carried. Moved by Messrs. i.1lcNabb and Brock that repairs be trade to Judge Dielt0on'4 chamber by painting ceiling and paving vault, Chairman of County Property Committee to over- see work,—Carried. Moved by Messrs. Beavers and Erwin that Council appoint a central committee composed of County Treas- urer Lane, County Clerk Holman and Dr. Clark, whose duty it will be to as- sistin every tvaypossible in helping returned soldiers and in adjusting grievances they may have, and that each member of County 0ouucil be a member to aid the Central Oommittee. —Carried. Moved by Messrs. Livingstone and Forts that clause with regard to fur- nishinga roots suitable for a Police Magretr•ate be left in the hands of the c i• Ila (man of the Gci`> cult Property y oP sty committee, as aPlilicanL- has agreed to accept cur rec0mmendalion.—Carrlett Chas. Ducklow, of Eltna, was award- ed $100 damages for defamation of character against Alex.. Grant in the County court. The case occupied all afternoon, Ducklow sued for $500, claiming that Grant, who also resides in .Elute, had said he stole some whis- trey and $50 in money. J. O. Makior„ K. 0., appeared for the plaintiff ; E. H. Thompson, K. 0„ for the defend- ant. Blyth Miss Alberta Stothers, who has been teaching school in the West, has re- turned horse. John Barr was in attendance 141 Guelph Fat Stock Show, He had an exhibit of 5 cattle. A number of the members of Blytit Circle accepted the kind invitation of the Walton Red ;Cress and spent a most enjoyable afternoon with them on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd. Fred, Argent, who for some years has conducted a blacksmith business at Harlock, Inas purchased John Mc Millan's residence, town. Among the names suggested for Reeve are Dr. Milne, S. A. Poplestoue, Luxton Hill, W. H. McElroy, H. A. Thomas, $. H. Robinson and A. )3. Bainton. Those for Councillor,, aF41.'s. from those who have held a seat at the Board during this year are, Jas, Dodds, WIn. Moore and E. Bender. Election of officers took place in the Methodist Brotherhood and plans were Laid for work during the corning Winter, They will put on "Men's Day," Sunday, January 12. Officers elected were as follows :—President, Robt. Wightman ; Secretary, Chas. Toll ; Treasurer, Jas, Brown ; Musical Director, Isaac Brown ; Asst, Musical Director, Jno. Garniss; Pianists, Mies Pearl Gidley and Mrs. Ierb. McElroy. At the session of Huron Oo. Council held in Goderieh the following resolu- tion was passed :-14Ioved by W. H. Lobb, seconded by 13. W. F. Beavers, that the members of this Council de- sire to place on record our sincere re- gret at the loss we have sustained through the death of our esteemed fellow Councillor, NeilTaylor,Reeve, Blyth, whose many excellent ualities of mind an hart nerd in his m d e else him s fellow men, and whose sudden and un- timely death will be keenly felt in the community in which he lived and was so highly respected, We extend to his bereaved widow and daughter our heartfelt sympathy in their great sor- row and request that a copy of this resolution be sent to Mrs. Taylor. 49•,,404,.0.00000,00. Doe®1(••v •••••••••4.44-A•••0••••••P• • • • 9 • A 8 4 • • • e P •• • 0 • • • 4 0 • • e •0 Vhristmas Grocerieo A choice stock in all lines, together with finest quality of New Confectionery, Fruits, Shelled Nuts, Fancy Biscuits; &c, Neilson's High class Chocolates in Fancy Boxes. No finer goods to be had and we guarantee them to please you. Ice Cream, Oysters, Oxo and other Sea- son licacies. 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