HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-12-19, Page 1VOL, 47 NO, 25 ii.5o Per 411111114 in A civance tikUSS1LS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DI-2,TENMF,R 19. 1918 W. H. KERR, Prafitielor 111 IL 11111211341111111=1121JOHIMER1111111M11111111111=1 Ca Children Serve Saving One of the great lessons of this War is the value of Thrift. Let the children learn it, too, by saving through a Bank of Nova Scotia account. There is no more useful when college or business days a substantial savings account. —THE Bank of Nova Pald-up Capital $ 6,500,000 Reserve Fund . 12,000,000 , Resources . 130,000,000 10 1111144, Ill els. sO A " nest egg,,, come, than Scotia V. IT. GILROY Manager Brussels Branch New Advertisements Local—Miss Bryans. Parcel lost—Ttno Posm. Turnip' wanted—G. A, Beat. Pupa for Hale—Nelson Revlon, A Christmea store—P. R. Smith. Girl wanted—Mrs. W, Sinclair, PleKillop Nomination—hr. Marine. Stuestines Presents—H. L. JaciGon. Mistrizt Reivs Atwood Robe Fairest left for Howick to spend the Winter with hie daughter, Mrs, Edgar. Geo, and Mrs. ()rocker, 8th Con. Rime, were at the stable milking, when their little 2e year old eon, Samuel, who was upstaire, in some manner from a lamp got his clothes on with the result that he was badly burned about the body. After the doctor had dressed the wounds he was taken to the Children's hospital at Toronto by ilia father. J. A. McLean received a cable stat- ing that his son, Wallace, would be home for Christmas. He is with the Royal Air Force in Italy. The first death from influenza oc- curred in this village Wednesday of last week, when Margaret Graham, beloved wife of Thos. G. Ratcliffe, passed away after a few days illness, in her 48th year. Funeral :was held from the family residence on Friday aftetnoon. Interment at Elma Centre cemetery. Archie Livingstone, Frank Mann- ing, Earl and Cornell Marks had an exciting experience in the barn of W. L. Manning, 3rd line, Wallace. Marks Bros. were operating a chop- per with a steam engine, when the governor belt broke and the engine ran "wild," Earl Marks made an ef- fort to stop it but was unsuccessful. The situation gob too interesting for the boys, who scattered for cover, 1M '4ess 'PAN istmas sAcirits We have just opened out our New Stock and have many lines of desirable goods suitable for presentation. Ladies Gents Onyx Rings, &c, Diamond Rings,_ . Pearl Rings, Pearl Necklaces, Lavaliers, Wrist Watches Brooches, Fountain Pens, Bracelets, &c. Tie Pins, Cuff Links, Gents' Watches Vest Chains, Fobs and Coat Chains Gold Knives Tie. Clips, Pipes, Fountain Pens, &c. Cut Glass Community Silver 1847 Rodgers Bros.' Silverware Clocks, &c. We invite. inspection. Having placed our or- ders early our prices are Right, Honest Quality atVair Prices our Motto H. L. Jackson JEWELER 000 elk 010474 `4Cd, lAt 2 of them made foe the grtmary nod the others Nth Ohldoure, Tile per was badly wrecked. Large levees of eluding were flying in all direct here and the 2 in the granary had Kolf10,, thing of the sensation of being shelled by the (.1011.111/116. One piece of rusting weighing oeveial pouude, was hurled with such force that LI went, through the Hiding of the been and to a die - Mime of 20 rods In the field. Ethel No "Flu" in Ethel, Municipal Nomination hem Monday 30th inst„ from 12 to 1 o'clock, Miss Adella McKee, after spending three months iu Toronto, is home. Rev. R. Thyme., Palmerston, will preach in the Peesbyterien chtuch next Sunday afternoon. Letter from Sergt. O. R. Dunbae, written on Nov. 14, says he is in Ger- many with the allies, marching slow- ly toward their destination. Is well and hopes to be ready for home in 4 mon ths. A branch of Bank of Hamilton is started in Ethel. Will do business in Love's store for an indefinite time until permanent place can be had. Bank hours at presenb after arrival of noon train until 4 train leaves every day. Christmas Bute' tainment will be held in the Methodist church Mon- day evening Dec. 23rd, program to begin at 8 p. m.. Program consists of songs and dialagues and a, cantata en- tittled "Foxy Santa," also a humorous drill by a number of girls. Admission 25 and 15 Os, The Mission Baud of the Presby- terian church held their annual Birth- day Party on Dec, 7. A program was given consisting of readings choruses and solos, Officers for the coming year were elected being :—Pres,, Mrs. Abraham ; Vice -Pres., Nies. A. L. Mc- Donald and Mes. A. IL McDonald ; Secy., Myrtle Bowes ; Treas. Ida Bremner ; Organist, Margaret Sleiven- son. At the close of the evening luneh was served. Proceeds amounted to 1118525 ORDINATION AND INDUCTION,—Mon- clay afternoon, Dec, 800., Maitland Presbytery will meethere at 2 o'clock in the Presbyterian church, to be fol- lowed by the ordination and induction of Rev. 1&e. Kennedy, of Ripley, into the pastorate of Oranbrook and Ethel congregations, Rev. Kir, Boyle, Bel - grave, Moderator, of Presbytery will preside, Rev. Me. Malcolm, Wroxeter, will preach ; Rev. Mr. McLean. Rip- ley, will address the minister and Rev. Mr, Mann, Brussels, the congregation. The latter has been the Moderator during the vacancy. Crarderook Sunday morning next Rev. Mr. Thynne, Palineeston, will conduct the service in the Presbyterian church, The ordination and induction of Rev. Mr. Kennedy. the new pastor of Oranbrook and Ethel will take place Monday afternoon, 80th inst. at Ethel at 2,80 o'clock, athnuomisr, SERVICE,—A large and irilerestecl con gregat i on assembled in Knox church last Sunday morning at the Memorial service held Inc the late Pte. Gordon Cameron. Rev, A. J. Mann, Brussels, preached, speaking most appropriately from the text, "Greater love hath no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends," in which he dwelt particular- ly on the test of-Ohvist's love and the test of man's love. The best monu- ment that could be reared was Character. Kindly weeds were spoken of the heroic soldier laddie, who gave up his lite for a great cause. The choir sang an appropriate anthem. Bluevale Alex. MacEsven received a car of oat, dust this week. Albert Atakson has purchased a Ford touring car. The school is closed again on ac- count of the "flu." Mrs. S. Plastow, of Rockton, is visiting at John Spence's. Miss Nellie Ithegess, Owen Sound, is visiting at Geo. McDonald's. Pte. Albert Thornam le irnme from 130rlit3gten Military hospital. Himmel 5LBW3tt.1 is recovering Nein hie reeent illness and was able to re - 330 home from London last week. Geo, Halley is fixing up the corner stove for the Ib or Commeree. They are now open Inc hnsiuess every day. Reinembee the Ohristinas Tree en- tertainment n broth rel let chit ech, Christmas night, Gond program is being peeparecl. Richard Johnsbnn and W. II, Frets - a1', 111, P. P., am in Toronto 11118 week attending it meeting of the United Partnere, Association, munbee of friends gathered et the home of 111189 Agnea .A.itcheeon last Friday evening to a showe1 cipter the prospective brides, Miss Annie Spetine and Miss Mary King, many beautiful 101(0 11051111 presents, Remember the Christmas Trees to be held nn the following dates :— Ebenezer S. S. and Patine School, No, 8, on Deo, 20111, S. fa. No. 10, Dec. 19th, to be held in Johnston's church on account of shed vomn, Interest,- ing pvegrains consisting of veadings, recitations, music and dialogues will be given, Pupils are sparing no pains in making them it success, Come and enjoy a pleasant evening, jonnetot—Rev. Mr, Gilmour, Rip- ley, preached two 11,15 sermotie at the Diamond jubilee services in the Pees. byteeian church on eimulay last, Owing to much illness in the neigh- borhood the congregations were not large and for the Eiaine reitann, there was no special music, anthems treeing to be diepeneed with. Ms, °Myna Higgins, the newly appointed choir leerier gave much pleasure as organist and Mktg Agnes Aficheenn in solos, as usual, sang sweetly. P110 offermg 30108 genetous. Owing to the influenza opidernie it was thought wise to eatieil the (eh meeting 331111(111 11131'd fee MnliolaV evening, also the Huntley Stilted enteetainment on Christman eve, Tide is (1 110011 11 11101/P0111110011 10 ninny but the best thing to do un- der the eiectune Lances. Womee'e INSTITUT5,—A. very in- tereetiog meeting of Bluevale Insti- tute 3031.1 111.1(1 at the home of Mrs. W. 11. Thursday afternoon, Deo. 1211i.Patient were giV1'11 by MPS. 3,18, 11(1111) 011 "The sunny Bide of life," showing that the world has no use for the peseatnist in the present da.ys. There wee also a paper on "Christ - rime cheer" by Mrs. C. Garniss, de- scribing an old time Christmas gather- ing anti reunion of 20 years ago. Fol- lowing, is report for month :—Dona - Noma 3-111ovris Connell, $100 ; Mrs. Hetherington, $2,00, also 2 pale Oi- lmen Mies Duff, $1.50 ; Mrs, R. F. Gaviria, 75e for yavn. Shipped to Red Cross :-51 011 )18 pyjaname 9 quilts, Oveuseas 40 pairs socks and 2 sweat- ers. Monerieff 13ettel Sunday School is holding their annual "Christmas Tree," on Dec. Med. A good program will be given by the Sunday School and local talent. Ail are cordially invited to mane and help fill up the Christmas Tees and enjoy a good time, Item tettose.—Teettsurea's report of Moncrieff Red Cross Circle for year 1018. Shipments are as follows :-147 suits of pyjamas, value 5220,50 ; 148 pairs of socks shippeol to centre, value 8148.00 ; 224 pairs of socks to 0111.' boys overseas, value, 822400 ; 88 boxes sent to boys, value 5170.00 ; 17 trench caps, value 38 110 25 registered letters, value $86 00, Total value of ship, ments, $803.00. Amount of money raised 5507.57. Expenditure $370 72. Bal. ou hand 5127.85. Walton M. 3, and Mrs. Bentley, of Blenheim, Ont., are visiting their son at the par- sonttge, People have rejoiced in the mild open weather. It will save coal and make a short Winter. Do not forget the meeting of the Bible Society in the Methodist church Thursday, Dec. 10th at, 7,30. A good speaker from Toronto is expected. A fine Christmas Missionary pee - gram will be given Fridayevening, Dee. 20 by. the Gleaniet: Mission Band in Duff's Presbyterian Church, Wal- ton. Admission free. Public invited, 3NO. Sean:LETT DECEASED.— Tues- day night of this week John &alike an old and highly esteemed resident of McKillop, passed away at his home, as the result of a stroke of paralysis. Keep in mind the anniversary ser- vices in the Methodist church Sunday, Jan. 5. Prof. Greaves, of Toronto, is to be the speaker. Be will assist at the Concert which follows the Fowl Supper, Monday evening of Jam. 6. A male quartette from Stratford will also help to entertain. Anniversary services of the Walton Presbyterian church will draw large cvnlvds morning and evening next Sabbath, Deo. 22nd, Choir will give special music, Rev. J. H, Echnison, B. A., Toronto, will preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. He is well worth going miles to hear, The public is cordially invi tee. Women's Institute will 11010 their next, meeting, Thursday, 10th, inst„ at 2.30 p, m., at the home of Mrs. Jas. Harms. Mies 3. 3. McGavin will read and explain the 2n0 chapter of the book -One Government." In response to Roll Oall members are asked to ex- press a Christmas thought or Ohrist- mas giving 10 301011 time. All are in- vited to attend. Wroxeter Municipal Nomination Monday, Deo, 30111. Car of Nieuwe coal is on the pro- gram for T. Hemphill. Rev, Mr, Stride WAS at Orterbrook Sunday afternoon taking Rev. Mr. Stafford's work. Ales. Kontz, bliche is the guest of her father. Thos. Musgrove, and other retail v es here. Regular service was cancelled at Salem last Smiday on account of the anniversary in the Methodist church here. A. MeLean received word on 51111 - day 111111; Ilis 5011, 111101, was seriously ill hi Townie, /11128. McLean left foe the city on Monday and we trust 1V01.(1 of improvement will soon be heard, .A. very successful anniversary was hold on Sunday in the Methodist (a)11ide when Rev. W. E. Stafford, Benesels, took charge of the services. The vermons were listened to by large and attentive congregations. In the morning the text was "The Triumph of Christ," and in the evening "The prodigal Son." Special Singing was given by the choir, a duet by Miss Kate Hazelwood and Mrs. Allan, and solos by F. H. Gilitoy, nf Beassels, which 3001.0 much epprecieted. Jes, lefel3nrimy met with as painful and serious ambien1 while sawing wood 101 1118 farm in '1'nenberry town- ship, A poi:tine of wood flew up striking him in the face and piercing one eye. He was immediately taken to ft L01111011 Hospital. The sight of one eye is gone but the other may be saved. BIONGOUSTI COMING.—The L. R. L. have eeenve0 the services of 3, W. liengotigh, the well known Cartoon- ist, monologist, Dialect Reiter and Singer for Feiday evening, Dec. 27tit, in the Town Hall, Wroxeter, Admis- sion,‘Adults 85c, Children 12 years Fula under 25e, Proceeds for reception of boys on their return, Following press notiees speak for themselves :—Toron- to Glebe,—"He Is a born entertainer, his versatility is mate/ellen& Aer lightning sketch Artiet, his work, es- pecially in the production of local colebeities, was a revelation." The SVintripeg Telegram *Qty.. ""l'ilee. 1r''''t 10111 long remember 3(1'' ijilisi be h10/101. Of 1,11,. New York World sitys.—"lientemeh 1148 been withoul a rival. lie i4 11) his very beet toelay." Pte. B. Itann, the that 1VroxelFr moldier Lo roue, home sinee the eign- ing of the A enlistees 01.1 1 10,41 hew Tuesday 0151131mid 1011,1 530011 a warn' WeivoinP by his 111411y 111011118. 11,• the eldest 8011 Of 10. J. and elre. Rom and enlisted with the ltilet Rot g,,• overeeas 2 yeare aim hist timelier. In a couree of a few weeks he wile ref tea (3, Pi at Ivo 101,1 3I-1 V,•11 111 1110111,h8 111 1,11P 111.11,'),''4 When 0e, severely wounded 1I3 the t !dell by Shrapnel. 1-Io4 11/11.0 in Esiglisli hale title until a few months ago when he reentered training at Witley camp. Morris The query is who will be the limo lIseve e Municipal Nomination Day on N11111 - day, December 30th at Township Hall, Phone 20 A. C. HERSEY, Proprietor. Geo. F. ble0all, 8th line, has 11,.11 011 the sick list during the pest week, lea is improving. George Davis, 5th litre, has been on the sick list during the past week but will soon be o. k. we hope. Farmers are feeding large 01u1101301',. of cattle this Winter and hop al keeping up a good average. A. number of fatuities have been bothered with hifluetiza bet in most cases are getting over it all right. Mervyn, son of Newton and Mrs. MoCauley, 5th line, has been on the Rick list but we hope he will soon be as hearty as ever. Mrs. Herbert Manning stepped on 100 uptiumed nail which penetrated her slipper sole and wounded her foot, sevevely, We hope elle will soon be better, Friday evening of this week the Sunday School at Browntown will hold its annual Christmas Tree enter- tainment, when a good program will be presented. Mum OP TRANKS.—We wish to thank neighbore and friends for kindly words and deeds in connection with the illness and demise of Mrs. Georgia McOall. It was most highly appreci- ated. Yours truly, GEo, McOar.a. AND FAMILY, The faun of David Jamieson, 3rd line has been sold to Councillor El- ston for the sum of 51000. Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson and Jack are living in Brussels, the latter looking after Rural Mail Route No. 4 in Morris township. Mrs. Jamieson's health is not very good but we hope the rest cure will help her, CALLED TO DER REWARD.—An old and highly esteemed resident of the 8th line passed away last Thursday, in the person of Mrs. George McCall, in her 71s1 year, Oause of her death was a stroke of paralysis. Funeral took place Saturday afternoon to Brussels cemetery, Rev. Mr. McCor- mick, Blyth deceased pastor, conduct- ing an appropriate seivice. Mrs. Mc- Oall was Miss Sophia Small before her marriage, her home being in Lanark County. Mr. McCall has been tel in- valid for years from rhenmatism and will greatly miss his helpmate of many years. Subject of this notice was a fine 3001111411, a true wife and loving moth- er and a first-class neighbor ever ready to do 0 good turn, In addition to her husband she is survived by 6 sons (Wm., George and Arthur, of Morris ; James and David in the West; and SO. Harold overseas) and 3 daughters, (Hisses Atm Jaue, Banns, and Maria, the latter being in the West) who share in the sympathy of a wide circle of friends. Pallbearers were Geo. Kelly, 3, Bewley, Harry Jackson, Ed, Bryans, A, Knight and T. Marshall, THE LATE Nynex GRACE FEROU- soN.—Evening Review, published at Niagara Falls, Ont., on Dec. Mb, con- tained the following tribute to the late Norse Ferguson 0—Many citizens, and especially the tmrses and doctors of the General Hospital staff, were greatly shocked and distressed to hear of the sad death at the Winghtun hospital of Miss Grace Ferguson of that place, formerly of this city. Miss Ferguson had been ill in the hospital for about a month, aud favor- able reports.had been coming eve): the wives as to hely condition until about at couple of weeks ago, when complications set in, and all medical aid was of no avail, for weekened by much illness clueing the past year she had not the strength to combat the disease, and Death, with kindly hand opened the door and led her forth in- to the eternal haven of rest, from the vale of pain and suffering. Miss Fergueon, who Was well known and beloved throughout the city for her sunny disposition and truly. fine char- acteristics, reeeived her teaming here, and for 3 years was head nurse at the hornet, till ill health torced her resignation. For over a year she sue - forma, bravely and uncomplainingly— suffered as few have suffered, her in- domitable spieit refusing to be beat- en—and came out victor. Recoveving her: steength to a great extent, elle again took up her profession. Then came the epidemic, with its urgent need of nurses and everybody who had any intreiter capacities whatevev, and though Miss Ferguson was watm- ed against taking a case of this Icind, she could not withstand the call to 1101' womenhood,—her nuesehood, 10 help her stricken fellow -matures, bub sacrificed self on the altar of devotion to tree ideals, making the supreme saateficeas truly as any of our dear. lads, "in Flanclers' for human- ity's sake. Truly ib can be said of her as we say of them, "Greater lova 110111 no man than this." The funeral Grey Township, December 13, 1918. Was held Monday afternoon, of last 13eief but appropriate replies were week, at 2.30 o'clock, from her late made by the recipients, Who 0001931(8. home in llelgrave to the Wingham 010(0(1 1110 good wishes of the people Of cerneteey, where interment took the community. A very enjoyable place, and though time did not per. evening was spent in music, games, ^ . • uovial chat 1,111/1 1 tuloh and tin- l'0111 fumy , separated hoping to often have the 4; optee trinity of meeting again. Will. Cardiff, the only eels. has lake)] over the farm whleb 11101 broil in the family preetession for petit 00 pare, and the week secured 111P QUE'011 of his house. 1)01(1, 111 the persou (If Mimi Mabel Bruee who will be heartily welcomed to the 111 .". The U.F. (1 0. Convention at Toron- to is the centre of attraction to a number of Greyites this week. Wne, and Mrs. Whitfield, of Gerrie, MOT renewing old friendeltips in this township this week and were wet - come visitors. There 010e Minter/A shooting 11180 bulletin through windows and brealc- ing doors off hiegee in unoccupied Melees 01 the township of Grey, If they are found out they will be dealt 301111 according to law, LIEUT. HARVEY HOOVER ARRIVES Home—After a vigorous campaign in Femme for 21 years Lieut.. Harvey Hoover, son oi R. J. and Mts. Hoover reached home Monday night of this week, safe and sound and looking the picture of good hettltie He creamed the briny with 1100 troops and MO civi- lians cm 3111(3 8. H. Minuedosa, arriving at St. John on the lIth inst. The newe of his expected home coming was welcome but of course not to be compared to hie arrival after the anxiety for hie welfare in the strife of battle, He recently received a commissioh as Lieut. His many friends are well pleased at bis return free from injury after: many a close call and arduious day's toil, MaTezetreveere—Tuesday of last week a pretty wedding was on the program at "Maple Lane Farm," the home of Jno. and Mrs. Lake, 3rd Com, when their youngest daughter, Miss Mary Emma, and Pte. Lyle S. Hop- per, Morris township, (eldest sun of Flarry and Mrs. Hopper, of Belgrave) became man and wife. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. W. Johneon, at 4 p. m., under a wedding bell in a green and white arch, in the presence of 25 guests. The principals were triv attended. Bride wore a becoming costume of pearl gray silk poplin, witia pearl trimming. After hearty congrat- ulations the company sat dosser to a splendid repast, prepared in the hest style of the hostess. Dining room was decorated with Christmas and patriot- ic emblems. Presents were numerous and well chosen. An enjoyable even- ing was spent and Mr. and Mrs, Hop- per have taken up housekeeping on groom's farm. The bride's going away dress was midnight blue, baby lamb coat, aud black hat with ostrich plume. " Many good wishes follow bride and groom to their home on 3rd line Morns for a long, happy and useful life. Bride will be missed from the community in which she has spent her girlhood. "SitowEE."— Friday evening, 6th inst„ a surprise party visited the home of Jno. and Mrs. Lake, in the form of a "Shower" for bliss Emma Lake, whose marriage to Pte. L. Hopper was to take place shortly. After a lively contest had been finish- ed and 1st and 2ud prizes distributed, the company, composed of the young people of Roe's church and the immo. diate ueighbors, was called to order and an impromptu _program, in the capable hands of L. Frain, was carried out. One of the most interesting numbers was the "showering" of the bride-to-be with a large hamper of useful and appropriate gifts. Mies Emma was surprised in earnest but made happy acknowledgment, thanking the company not only for the beautiful gifts but for the kindly. thought behind the deed. Miss Lake will be greatly missed from her home commuuity and especially from Roe's church where elle has been a faithful member of the choir and Sabbath School, When a tasty lunch had been served the guests turned home- ward after joining iu a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Lake, who have al- ways kept "open house" Inc friends 1103111 01(1 and young and in ,wishing Miss Lake many happy years with the husband of her choice, Order the Monument y1.11 pinti 110W. Du not let, the grave of your loved tines go un- marked and negleeted. Give your erder now while memory is still fr,.011. A neglected grave is a re- proeell yi(1) surely will not 1031111, 111 enffer. If yen cannot 00100 10 my office 'phew, or write and 1 will gladly eall en you and 5111(30 7)131 the late lee (beep)rs in memorial art. Brussels Granite & Marble Works mit of her elassinates of this city at- tending mute tribute of their loving esteem and deep sorrow was expves- Ned in the beautiful flowers they sent. Ho pteseeth a noble, true -hearted gentle- WOLIIR11. Grey Municipal Nombre, tion on Monday, December 20th at Township Hall. Wednesday of this week Will. Car- diff and Mese Mabel Bruce, both reel - dente of Ude township were united 111 marriage. Further particulars next week. Mrs. Frank Woile, 15th Con., underwent a successful operation last week at 1,Vingleun hospital, and is making favorable progress her numer- ous friends will be glad to hear. Charlie Lake is home on a visit from Glidden, Sastre where he is en- gaged at farming. He is still a bachelor but you never can telt when a partnership may be formed, 00) Christmas eve Union church Sabbath School will hold their yearly entertainment when a musical and literary program will be presented, concluding with unloading a Christ - 11111,4 tree. cured the set:vices of The Trustees of S. S. No. 10 aveHoover,s e ikh Coil. Grey, as teacher, duties to commence after New Years, salary will be 5700 per annun, Miss L. Rich- mond is the retiring teacher. Mr. Hoover is a Normalise with teaching experience. DEATH too MRS. 3270. GILLESPIE :— Monday afternoon, of last week, after more than a year of extreme suffering bottle with Christian fortitude and patience, the spirit of Mary R. Barn, beloved wife of John Gillespie, John street, Seaforth, took its flight to the Better Land where there is no more sorrow nor suffering.. Mrs. Gillespie was boon in 1848, in the pariah of Strathiniglo, Fifeshire, Scotland, but passed her early life in Kirkcaldy, Fife. In 1876 she came to Canada, was mauled to her now bereft part - nee and since that time resided con- tinuously in Seaforth. Mrs. Gillespie was a life-long member of the Presby- terian church and always an interest- eti and active worker in the Ladies' Aid, which organization showed their kind sympathy by a beautiful floral tribute to her memory. She was an interested Red Owes worker and rim bililel illness knitted industriously for the soldier. boys. Mrs. Gillespie en- joyed the love and respect of a wide circle of friends, but it will be in her home where she will be most missed by her husband and 2 children, Mrs, James Fulton, of Grey, and Dr. limn, of Itittilieuer, to whom she was a meet devoted wife and loving moth- er, A MettEee :11411 PRESENTATION.— Last Fridayevening agoodly company of neighbor's and old friends assembled at the comfortable home of W. J. and Mrs, Cardiff, 711) Con., to spend a social time ere they departed from the neighborhood to reside at Brussels where they have purchased the home of Mrs. Ohms. Ritchie, Following ad - drew was read by \Vm, Work and two oak rockers were presented to Mr, end Mee, Cardiff and a eut glass tray and pitcher, to Miss Addie Oardiff, by George McFarlane, Alex. Attu - strong and MissMillie McFarlane ;— DEAR FRTENDS.—We, a. company of neighbors and old friends, have as- sembled this 808)111)5 10 enjoy a social hour in the old home before your re- moval to Brussels, While regretting your proposed going we are pleased you are to be ineated so near by and also 111101. 1.118 Oardiff homestead is to be retained by a member of the faintly. For many years you have proven yourselves to be A. 1 neighbors and ever ready 11) assist 111 the promoting of the i bestinterests of the community. Vette geniality and hospitality will not 80011 be forgotten. A token of remembrance we 11810s baMr, 10)10 Mrs. Oardiff to accept these oak rock- ers and bliss Addle this cut glass tray and pitcher. We wish you many happy years in your cosy home and will be ever, happy to meet you in the various walks of life, You go from our annuli unity with the good opinions of everybody and orte best wish is that when we get through with the ocoupency of tenthly homes and the sweet; intereourse with one Wends here, we will meet to part no more in our Father's House of 1Vlauy Mansions. Signed in behalf of your old Neigh- bors and Friends, wm, Worm, ALEX.. Anntwraorto, GEO, MCFARLANE. Jam estown Mrs. Job King and son Ben., were visitors at Guelph. The latter took in the Winter Fair, There will be 110 service in Victoria Hall next Sunday eveiriug on aceetint of the "flu" epidemic. We are tuieshig the Brussels Tele- phone connection very much and hope the Company will soon get it re -con- structed. Next, Monday evening the Christ - Mas entertainment of 5, S. No, 10 will be held in the Johnston church, lst line, Morris. Good program is being prepared. Last Sunday evening J. T. eWood, Helmets, gave an interesting address in Victoria Hall, Miss Mae Wood sang a fine solo, Miss Fern Balmier playing the acconmanimeut. .A fine time was enjoyed ab the Fowl simper recently held at the hospitable home of G. and Mrs. Eck- mier. After supper Robert Strach- an gave a couple of good recitations and Miss Fern Eckmter contributed well played piano solos. Vote of thanks was passed to host and host - 885 on motion of A. Pollock and D. Mc- Donald, A lst and 2nd prize was awarded to the two who repeated the greatest number of Bible verses and attended most regularly during the year, in the Intermediate Class 01 Jamestown 8, S. The report is as follows :—Verses —Ella Barnard, 211 ; Dunelda Mac- Donald, 141. AtteudanceBila Bar. nard, 40; Bessie Wright and Ernest Rerges (ties) 87, Tho others dicl Well also. Fred, Woad, Reeve of Logan, has sold his farm bo his nephew, Wesley Wood, and has purchased a fine fart). neat Fordwich, Huron County.