HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-12-12, Page 8••----- -gra-.r,o- - +,-4a ,:-..--•-- .-•..-.v+,+.-...r u,¢4•.. rvr.L..... i •`'♦,:r0=14•l•4":O•i'A4`♦4eb4.44444d•09'0.0444•.*0* 4♦ i l4d'dtF♦h04 5 `1VNUAvs iu 1401/N011/er. hristmas Shapers ellege {SblaiElBLRibll I HERE ARE ITEMS OF INTEREST y Uar taistrttas goads are in mael eolt tent t i et tion is selecting Gilts from then It t 1 _ the 1 1,. ii' .,nil looking for =aerate priced al t,cr ., here is the pl ice t„ New Dolls Dressed Dolls, very substan- tially made, with bard heads - 9„1 lea Dells 350. I2 in. Dolls. hoc. Baby Dolls from $t to $5. Stnall Dolls at the and t5e. Dolls' Carriages with hood top, $4.75 each. Picture Books Limp Cover, with large bright- ly colored pictures, at toe, Ise and 250 each, Linen Picture Books with Nur- sery Rhymes. at 151, 250 3 d 11 3 01. ea+' a Baird ('aver Picture Books with good stories, at Ise, 251 and sue each, Boxed Stationery New Christmas covers on the boxes, 25e and 351 each. Larger boxes at 5oc, hoc and $1.00. Very handsome boxes at $2 ao. Gilt Edged Correspondence Cards -25 cards and 25 envelopes to match, 401. Lord Baltimore 'Writing Portfolio, so Sleets Paper and et Envel- opes, 501. FLASH LIGHTS Flat Pocket size, nickel ease-- $I,35 and *zoo each Rotted Shape - $1 35. $1.5o, $2 0o and $2 5o Watera°1,'>aan's Ideal Fountain Pens \Vaterman's Fountain Pens, self fillet -so $2 co -with clip $2.75 Other Pens, e3.00 and .+".4.00 sa n Strap Sand Purses Magazine Much used this season. In Subscriptions out stock are those at ".r'troo, $I,20 and $2.00 New Perfumes - Christmas packages, all the choice odors -250 a bot. up. Exclusive Perfumes in bulk- Djerkis, Mebalia, Azural, &c. We take subscriptious for all the Popular Magazines - Saturday Evening Post. $ 2 50 roroato Saturday Night.... 3 Oe Country Gentleman 1 75 Literary Digest. ...... 4 85 Cosmopolitan, Red Book, Ladies' Home Journal and many othere. Hotly Tags, Seals and Cards, 5c and toe per Envelope S F. o The ,?../g.,021Q4 Store ATN Druggist and Stationer C+° + t 'T0001A8e „Irong D:lsl windwas a N r ♦ ♦ 4. .t, ♦ ,H fl ea A q- 0 N i .♦l. • 4t a •v ♦ e.e. • •4• • ♦ •4• • 4• •F A • 4• 4• Cis LAST Sunday's thaw put the sleighing out of business. Dress:see sittings of the County Court opened December loth befiore His CHRISTMAS in weeks. LOCAL news on page 5. LATE trains these days. CLUBBING rates 013 page 4. READ the advertisements and save money. BUsraa,s was especially lively on Saturday. DRESSED poultry is making its appear- ance now on the market. D. EWAN has a dandy stock of stylish matters. Read his advt. A car of potatoes was shipped to Tor- onto this week by W. J. McCracken. READ Wingham news on page 5 to see hence referring to 2 former Brusselites, ANOTHER car of soft coal arrived last reek, When is the anthracite coming we wonder ? BRUSSELS School children sold $g 20 Christmas stamps for the National Sani- tarium, Money was forwarded to the proper authotities. WILL RECEIVE,-Fridav of this week, from 4 to 6.3o p. m., Mrs, Walter S. Scott, will receive at "Blair Athol," William street. After that the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays will be her days. THANKS. -A goodly number of sub- scribers are balancing off past due atm cants to THE POST and getting a good mart on 19x9. We taupe numerous others will also make an early response. FRIDAY evening of this week a meet- ing of Brussels Business Mens' Associa- tion will beheld in the Audience room v• the Public at 8 o' lock o ofPub ca t dis t ss several uestions. Among others will be the Municipal Council for 3919. LETTERe from Captains George and Vernon Ross, of town, now overseas, say they received their boxes o. k. and are grateful to the Red Cross Circle for being kindly remembered. The boys hope to get home before long, They went with Dental corps. DURING 1116 past week by volunteer subscription $1a,0y was collected in Brussels School to place Library in Soldiers' Convalescent Home. Each book bears the name of Brussels school, It is a commendable project and deserv- ing of hearty support, WORD has been received that Claude Wilson, son of James Wilson of British Columbia, a one time Brusselite, was killed in France by a German flying machine. Mrs. lames Wilson is a daughter of the late Jno. N. Knechtel, a well known Brussels resident of years gone by. Capt. Wilson was a daring aviator with a heroin record, THE HOME COMING OF THE Boys, -- Monday evening the Committee appotot- ed by the Colmnedi met in the Board room of the Public Library and discus- sed the subject for which they were ap- pointed. Following decisions were ar- rived at :-Owing to the uncertainty of arrival, the fact that the night train is often late, the absence 0f a baud, pos. silly unseasonable weather and the de- sire of relatives to claim their own as speedily as possible it was decided that no attempt would be made to greet the returning soldiers, as a municipality, at the depot. It is intended after the rush of the holiday sea• :ten Is past end more of the boys home, to arrange for a Welcome gatheriug In the Town Hall to which all the return- ed soldiers will be invited. A program of addresses and suitable music will be peodvtte dd pPartleulars will be announo- Honor Judge Dickson at Goderich. BRUSSELS Branch of W, C. T, U will meet Friday aferuoon of aide week in the Audience room of tine Public Lib- rary. ORDER your suet early, B,tStES B900. Foua two-year-old steers and five good sows for sale. GORDON BIODONALD. 5 young Bwes for sale. Phyte 348 DUMC. McEraaoe, Grey Twp. SE1ONO HAND OARS ATA BARGAIN. -55y$ a Chevrolet touring car, 1 runabout Ford and 2 touring Fords for sale at bargains, S. CARTER, Brussels., MONEY found. Owner may ave it by prov- ing rowIng property and paying fort this notice. THE POST. 25 01)908 dry wood for sale, Russell Wilbee, Grey Twp. . Phone 4014. BOY wanted to work on faun. Mud , be able to sonata a team. JOAN ROBE, 8th Line. Morris Twp. Brussels, R, R. 4. Phare 136, COMFORTABLE house for sale, well located. Apply to Roy MOKAY, Brussels, ,LUTE horse blanket lost lm Brussels else pair of heavy gloves, Will finder kindly leave at TSE POST or report to VICTOR SPARLINO, Cranbrook, FOR SAf,E.-Roadster Filly rising 8 years and General Purpose Filly rising 2 years. .71n. GRANT. 22.8 Phone 258 I,ot 8, Con. 12, Grey, Fon SALE. -One choice registered Short Horn bull, 9 months old. Color, dark red. For immediate sale, 1135 00 Phone 860, TOOs. Ream, Renfryn. WANTED. --Deed Horses and Animals taken away promptly within a radius of 20 mile+. Will pay from ,g8 to 16 for live animals brnagbt to factory. No animals removed without hide. Phone. day 12. Phone, evening 178, The Farmers' Fertilizer Co., htd„ Wingham. HORSE for sale Cheap. Apply to JAR. BALLANTYNE, Br118se18. YOUR BYE$ will be thoroughly and asourate- lv examined by modern and scientific methods, the correct prescription iasu od and eyeglasses or spectacles fitted with lenses exactly to meet your requirements. It costa you noth- ing to let us examine your eye+, There is no guess work. Prices moderate. J. R. Werner, Optician, Wrox,eter,. De.PARIrnI), Osteopathic Plrysiatnn, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervous diseases suooes»fully treaters. Visits residences, Cnnenitetion at Queens Hotel. Hoven Huron bye election rather put what is called "straight politics" to the winds and lost the constituency to elle Government, Some say Dr. Case wotild have won bands down if Gen Spotton had kept out of the field, but were not s0 sure about this. The Conserva- tive candidates received scores of Liber- al votes lint ofconrse Mr. Fraser was favored with many a eau partisan ballet tom Grits incl Tories got quite a shake up and it may do good. Mr. Fraser will make a careful, square, going M. P. P. WARREN ELLIOTrr Crum -The Closing hours of the 'Huron County Council wituessed an interesting event, when Wardeu Elliott was preseuted with a fine gold -headed cane. A OOmplinlent- ary aildreee was read by Reeve Fold, Clinton, expressing the appreciation of the Council of the courtesy and mark- ed ability that the Warden had shown during his terra of office. Reeve Beat,. ers, Exeter, in presenting the oanemade R neat s I.ec,1, Warden Elliott in reply Tp Y thanked the Council for the gift, and also for the consideration they had showu him during the year. He refer- red to this yeer's Coutmil as a body of generous big men who bad not turned down one worthy Appeal. Warden El. liott has proven himself 0 worthy suc- cessor to the men who hold the position in the pest. He is the Reeve of Staph - en township, wh111y OW. $4 675 hate been paid ill taxes in Brussels u,, ei Wednesday of flue week. LTNlun 1 trnscr's' byg Convention in Tomato ilex week. A number of Bele gats w 1f attend from this locality.. ,$TEWARr Rem are caking for intwea51) +d sample of Crt:wm at the 55122112,1 emus Melte y. le,• their ralrt. 01) pag,P 31 l Ra t+ :i noir FOR 711,1051 1)A'TEE -- HOMO 7.1.12e111g8, Payment of taxes. L'hllAnus vacation. School entertainments Altival of cars of soft coal. S!eig11i00, Skating, Curling, hockey. PAY Vona '1'Astas.-There will be a rush tunonc the taxpayers this week as Saturday will be the last date they stn be paid before the 5% is added. Col- toetor Oliver will be at the Council Chamber Wednesday, Thursday and Friday alternoons. from l to 6 p. rn, Saturday hovil I be there front to a. in, to 6 p. m. To facilitate matters in a rush have the correct atnonnt in change. 't'ls.EPrioNR Pol.Es DowN-The vio- lent wind and sleet storm of Tuesday light played havoc with the telephone poles on the leading lines North of Brussels and has disorganized that part of the service for a short time Brus- sels is not the only instance of trouble Iron) the same cause. Our poles were fine large ones but were not gruyes East and West, They carried a tremen- dous weight of wires, DECEA+ED -THE Pon is very sorry to state that Mrs. Garfield McDonald, of Niagara Falls, died Monday of this week, from infiuel'ze, She was well known here being Miss Annie Gordon before her marriage. Deceased made her home with the late Wm. and Mrs, Gordon, Brussels, 5115 being a neiee, The husband and one son survive and are deeply sympathised with, Mr, McDonald is a former Grey township residect, being a son of Robert L. and Mrs. McDonald; loth Con, Mrs, Mc- Donald teas in her 29th year, Funeral lakes place Friday afternoon from her late home, A SPANKING BIG MAJORITY, -W. H. Fraser, M P. P., made a great run in North Huron bye -Election Mondev of last week, Iiia total official majority is 1257 or only gg less than the combiued vote of his two opp0neuts, Total vote polled was 6,416 out of a possible 9,37o. There were .23 rejected ballots We will forgive i'lowdck township for all their past sins as they gave Mr. Freser a sweeping 'vote of 56o, Dr, Case, 362 and Mr. Spotten 231 or in other words Mr. Frasor had within 33 of the combined vote cast against hien in the township. NOT THE SAME - Through a slmilari• ty in names a wrong impression has been created which may cause a great deal of harm. A few days ago it was re- ported iu many papers that the Montreal Herald had gone into liquidatiou. The news was true but the public should know that the paper in financial difficul- ties had no connection whatever with the great Weekly paper called 'elle Family Herald and Weekly Star. The latter paper is published by The Mon• treat Star Publishing Co., and is known in almost every home in Canada In justice to our confrere we make this announcement, The Family Herald and Weekly Star is one of the strongest papers on the Continent, 'rhe word Family" should not be omitted when addressing the paper. THANKS TO THE CIRCLE -DEAR Fasrr i s. -Received your lovely parcel this morning and it sore was a dandy, rt ks nice to get parcels while here and it is fine to know your friends at home ore thinking of you. I have been here now 5 weeks but have only 2 more clays then I go on my leave. I intend going to Scotland this trip so expect a fine time. Am practically all better now, although 11 will take some time to get my knee strong again. I hear they are going to strip us back soon so it may not be long till I am back home again. When I saw that picture of Brussels station I thought of many things and hope I will soon be getting off there. It is over 2 years now since I lef' it but now the war is over, it can't be long be- fore we start homeward. I haven't [Huth news to day but I want to thank you very much for the parcel. Remem- ber nee to all L. CPL, 5• AMENT, Nome PROM FRANCE.- Wednesday night's train last week brought to Brus- sels, Pte. Percy 'Phuell. He teas a ni,mber of a rail.,ay operating unit and had been put out of business by gas front I f 1st Hun shells while doiugY hie dot on the Somme. Percy was sent t0 a Con valescent home at Purpfleet, England, and was atlreeably surprised when he was grautecl permission to return to Canada. He came by the giant steam• ship "Aquitauia," along with 6000 other passengers, A number on list were RRssian doctors aid nurses enroule to Siberia to do cluly iu that field or opera- tion. The soldier boy who von warmly greeted and welc,"nad, has returned to Toronto this week for medical treat- ment, He says 84 Australian soldiers were buried in rare 1117 from the effects of gas Percy was overseas nearly r} years, being 2 months in France, before being gassed, He speaks well of the Dare and treatment iu both camp and hospitals nasi eajoyecl his experiences as he endeavored to do hie duty iu wearing the Ring's colors • PUBLIC L1a0ARY,-Board met Monday evening with W. H. Kerr, Chairman, Tr', H Gilroy, Secretary -Treasurer, and Directors. Reeve Plum, F. S, Scott and Rev. W. E, Stafford present. Minutes of last meeting were adopted, Treasurer's report was reclevecl and communication r•I,ibrary Couvontion to be held at Hamilton read, It w06 decided to ex- pend $75 0o in new hooks at 0110e, Magazines were ordered for 1919 as follows ;-Illustrated Landon News, World's Work, Country Life in America, Children's Magazine, Canadian Courier, Canadian Magazine, Rod and Gun, Mc- Clure's, Ladies Home Journal, Girls Own Paper, Boys Own Paper, Cana- dian Horticulturist. Popular Mechanics Everybody's, Companion, anion, . Satu r- day Night, Every Man, Literary Digest. Library will he kept open as usual if the fuel supply continues, Mrs, A, J, Lowry, Librarian was appointed delegate to the Aforementioned Convention with Rev. Mr, Stafford as alternate. The Board and same Committee as formerly will select the new books on arrival of a double gaontlty from the wholesaler, STA .c-ive,ii,aal.,. qm»_i-wVrvAn(rsmM,r4„w DARE BAA OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Money Orders and Drafts are issued bythis Bank payable inROT'D 1070 all parts of the world. BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, 1E3 ®® Manager. 234 H sun' ah 1-,:•l5iau„ They neerI it slid t are 1511)11110110057. MONTHLY Horse Fair in Brussels Th ianualy 2nd Tint S%eigll11115 brought quite a quau- lir, of wood 50 town, ft's welcome all 11111'. A tele;thane leis been installed in the Mane of Meet. : and Mrs, Mclutosh, Turuberry street South. 1t is No. 561o. THE Ameut timber gang is at work in the bush and will be ready to give the teamsters a start when good sleigh- ing comes. THE Pos'r for 1919 would make a flue Christmas present to the absentees and you would be remembered every week by the regular visit. $r.5o does the trick that lasts for a year. A number are doing it, A young fellow named Campbell blew into town on the afternoon train Mon- day from Luckuow and attracted atten- tion by chasiag some little girls and en- deavoring to be quite familiar with grown-ups. Constable Oliver took him in charge and alter consulting with Reeve Plum the visitor was supplied with supper auda night's lodging. In the meantime several telephone mes- sages passed between Brussels and Luckuow and a brothet8 of the man came on Tuesday morning's train and took the straying one away. His pecu- liar actions were explaiued by, the fact of mental Imbalance, Treatment at Loudon was on the program. DID HIs DUTY MANFULLY. -Tile fol- lowing letter was received by Mrs. Flook, daughter of D. 13. and Mrs, Mc- Donald, of Brussels, relative to the death of her husband in fighting for the Empire :-MY DEAR MRs. FLoox I have no doubt that before you get this you will have received word of Will's death. I knew him very well and liked him very much. I cannot tell you how much I regret his death, To you 1 know the loss will be almost un- bearable, but you, at least, have the satisfaction of knowing that he did his duty and did it well, In addition I know you will get a great deal of cOm- fortfrgm knowing he led such a good life and the assurance that he has gone to the land of Eternal Peace. Please accept for yourself and son and convey to other relatives my deepest sympathy in your bereavement, Sincerely yours, LIEUT, T, N. MotvuaeY "GOOD CHEER" CLASS -The y000g ladies of the "Good Cheer" class of the Methodist Sunday School met at the home of their ,teeoher, Mrs. Rands, Tuesday evening, Dec, loth, to re. organize for the coming year, Practical work done by the class for the last 2 years may be sutnrned up Rs follows ;-- Flowers, fruit. candy and ice cream sent to the sick, $15.91 ; subscribed toward the S, S, piano fund, $0o 00 ; subscrib- ed toward the S. S. Victory Bond, $12.00 ; subscribed toward. the Christ- mas Tree fund, $r so ; cash in the treasury. $t.24 'Total special collec- tions, $so 65. As usual the members of the class will donate homemade candy to the Christmas Tree, Following offi- cers were elected for the ensuing year ; --President Miss W, Morris' Vice - President, -President, F. Buchanan ; Secre- tary, Mrs. A. Backer ; Treasurer, Miss E, McCracken ; Supt, Floral Commit- tee, Nliss L, Leatberdale ; Assistant, Miss E. Bryans ; Look -out Committee, Miss M. Htaulel', Mrs. Roy McKay, Mrs, Ie. Downing ; Teacher, Mrs. Rauds ; Asst, 'reacher, Mrs. (Rev ) Stafford. $* People We Talk About $$ Jas, Ballantyne took iu the Winter Fair at Guelph. W. A. LowrY, has gone to Cobalt with a load of horses, A. C. and Mrs, Dames were visitors at Fergus and Guelph. W, F. Steelton was in Toronto this week on a business trip. Miss Madge Donaldson, Atwood, is visiting in Brussels this week. Cadet Roy Stewart is home for an ex- tended leave of several weeks. George Brown, Toronto, was a visitor in town this week for a few days, Miss Minota Duuford was 0u the sick list this week but is improving nicely ucw. Mrs • L R. Ruttan, Bluevale, was re- newing old friendships in Brussels on Tuesday. A note from Ivan H. Crooks, Calgary, says l -Father is feeling splendid but misses old toemelatious very much. E. C. and Mrs, Dunford spent a holiday with their son, Lorne and family in Detr„it autl -visited other old friends, "lime Lowry has been ou the siok list from an attack ,of asthma during the past week but is pulling up now all right, Miss Vara Hoist was a prisoner to her grandinothei's home this week owing to illness, We hope she will soon be out again, James Bowman, M. P. for North Heron, was visiting relatives in Brussels anal 10eatlly for a few clays. His home is now in Toronto. F. H. Gilroy, manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Brussels, will slog at the Methodist church anniversary services at Wroxeter Herr Sunday. Mrs h Russell and M s eeler and bah W 1 v, of Sotlthemptou, were welcome visiters here. They are changing their place of abode and purpose residing in Kluear- dfne. Lloyd Jecksoa, who ie associated with the Royal Navy students el Ottawa, was home for a short holiday, He lo writing at VArsi'y ex ins i11 Toronto this weer and has to return to Ottawa rafter tint 10 take ills tests in the Nasal course, t M, Yolleek,Toronto, was in town on a businessl trip I la •s t weak. i Weare h •ort y to hear of the 'serious illness llness of Mrs, Alex.0cInto511, Brussels South, but hope she will soon be lolly restored. Tuesday of last week Mrs, J. P. Brine, Sealorth, mother of Mrs. P. Scott, celebrated her 89th birthday and re ceived the congratulations of matey old friends. She is a wonderful old lady. Owing to the re -occurrence of trouliie with one of iter feet Miss Maude Bryans has been compelled to take a rest nod ar- rived home from 'Toronto where she held a good position in the optical de- partment in the Eaton store, We hope she will soon be o. k. Tax Pose, is very sorry to hear of the death of Miss Annie Watson, teacher at Port Arthur, Thursday of last week. Sire is a sister of Jas. Watson, Seaforth, and was a teacher on the staff of Brussels school at one time, Miss Watson was a fine woman with a host of friends. From a letter received last week from Roundup, Montana, by Alfred Baeker it was stated E Zino, (husband of Miss Lena Backer of other days) had been seriously ill with typhoid fever of a pneumonia type, but was on the road to recovery. Mts. George Baeker, of town, who is visiting there with her daughter had also been on the sick list but we hope she is all right by this date. Church Chimes Are 7011 a "Queer" or a "'!`wiser" in your church attendance ? or is y0111 seat always vacant ? A Box Social was Held in the school room al St, john's Church 'rueeclaq' evening of this week. -- The new Methodist Hymn Book will be introduced on Sunday, January 5111, as per resolution of the Officiel Board. Maitland Presbytery niet iu St. An- drew's church,,, Wingham, on Tuesday. Rev. Mr, Manu and G, A, Deadman at- tended from Brussels. The Methodist church of Canada gave nearly 500 ministers to military service during the war. About lo were chep- tains. the remainder having enlisted in the regular service. At the uuiou prayer meeting Thursday evening of this week at 7 30 o'clock, in Melville church, la taro views of the iuteresting story of "Pilgrim's Progress" will be given. Offering taken for mis- sions. See notes on page 2 conceru'ng the• Sunday School Lesson for next Sabbath on Joseph and his brothers. Perhaps if you read these lesson notes weekly they might induce you to set a good example by attending Sunday School, The Topic at next Sunday evening's Young People's joint service in Melville church will be "A call to se.•vfee for the Christianizing of all life," and "Our tnedical work in China" Names as- soc ated are May Skelton, M1 5, (Rev ) Mann and Miss Mina Hunter. Next Sabbath, morning Rev, Mr. Stride, of Wroxeter, wall preach in Mel- ville at rh church u 1 I o'clock Rev, Mr. Stafford will er conduct u i a n v sary ser- vices at Wroxeter and Rev. Mr, Mann will preach a memorial sermon at Cran- brook, relating to the late Gordon Cam- eron, who died for the Empire. Rev. Mr, Mann will occupy Melville church pulpit in the evening, A Mission Band and Junior League joint Christmas Tree entertainment will be held iu Melville church school reotn on the evening of Thursday 19th inst. The presents on the tree will be sent to the Toronto poor and Iodine Missions in the West, - An offering will be taken at the door. Good program of music, recitations and exercises by the children. All will be welcome. W. M. S -Following are the officers of the W. M. S. in connection with Mel- ville church for the current term ;- Hon, President, Mee. Wm, Mart1 p Presideut, Mrs, (Rev ) Mann ; Secre- tary, Mrs, Juo Meadows; 'Treasurer, Mrs. Andrew ianiont ; Mission Band Superin.lerldent, Mrs, 13. S. Scott ; Home Helper's Secretary, Mrs. R Oliver ; Strangers' Secretary, Mrs, A, McGuire; Messenger Secretaries, Miss Meanies and Mrs Jno Duncan, Rev. Mr. Thotnpson, Monkton, gave an interesting and profitable discourse in Melville church last Sunday morning His theme was 'The rich young ruler," In the evening Rev. W E Stafflyd was the preacher givinga forceful sermon on "Whole hearteduese," Choir rend- ered an anthem with good elieot iu the morning ani at the evening service Miss Mae Wood, Mrs, R Thomson, A Straohau and Fred. Wood sang "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" most har- nionlously and the soul warming solo, "All for me," was well given by F. H. Gilroy, DIED F9aatreoN,-At t5ingham,on December 7th, 11118,' Grime, aided daughter of Wm, and Mrs. Fergi'ol, Belgrave. • Fianna -At Wingham, December 4th, 1018, Margaret MacLenrin Maher, YOUNG. -1n Gerrie, on Deo, Oth, 1918, Robert Young, aged 81 years, Morris Municipal Elections The anneal meeting of th. ie Morris. or the debtors of the 'Irondidate Of Mlte o ,foo the Nomination DonOf Donnell - lore, for et for the oi152 of Reeve and O at the Tow for the year 1018, will a bold at the To8,frdeeolo Hall, on Mlt. SC, oben 00th. 1018, from 12 to 1 o'clock. 1t a poll bo hence• snow Snell poli shall be openeron Monday, Jan. etlh 1010 et the canal polltee Maims. Poll open from 0 8, in, to 0 p, tn, A Retix n g Oftioer, wMMs.'+mvYUNnfuukVM.r,gaelf.'+arrdlituYfnecOvrt•NnMeLLW.xvee.,i a = 112 40181 i014tptii000$0034241e84/6001grd000eir0,00tCt6a090/i7Bt96Y6r464: 1.0000 3 Fox s Drug Store 9 40 m 13 a U eJ t3 c5 W TI1Ls' STORE L 41"LQtn 'ar-ri` - 1101,10 OIFda' i We have given the selection of our Christmas stock special care and attention and we will be very pleased to have you drop in and see our Display. e fa Fine Liroge and ei Nippon China Phis }t t 'ci)itediler Of ll of our very epeoial 'blew/end we 41080 Clever shown a Hoer asilortIneut than at, re present. Hand Bags and Strap Hand Bags d Some very handsome Purees in this line 1 00 to 0 00 Fancy Boxed Stationery One of our most useful gifts 25n to 200 Perfumes and Toilet Waters Fine assortment of Seeley's well known odors 26e to 2 00 Safety Razors Always a useful and acceptable gift. We have both Giliet's and Autoetrap.:................. 5 00 Flash Lights The well known "Franco Line" in black and nickel, Splendid assortment, xa ei 0 et e tod 0 e 17 0 a0 sit w a ea 0? 4 09 6262 20 10 62 G 0 DEtrEp p ng p We are fortunate in securing an ample supply of this imable season's most popular Book, the sale of which has al- ready reached the 500 Thousand mark, For genuine humor nothing written in recent yearn surpasses it. Chocolates Those who Like a real nice Chocolate will find "Wil - lard's" one. 01' the beet. Slee our package at $1.25-I1'e certainly great value and a handsome package. Fountain Pens There may be others as good but none bettor. .A splen- did assortment in self•fillere, Safetys, Vest Pookot dee- nil regular style...2 50 to 0 00 Carreras and Kodaks Useful all the year rental. Our little Vest Poelcet Oaui• NM is a goodnue-$7,60- others up to $;15,00, And don't forget us when you have Developing and Print- ing to do. We assure per- fect satisfaction. Calendars At 25e we are showing a very special line. Others at 150. Ivory and Ebony Good SFor a Young Lady's Gift there 18 nothing more useful than a nice piece of Ebony it Ivory, We are showing some handsome Toilet and Manicure Sets, also Military Brushes, Hair Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Mirrors (all sizes), &c., &e. et et 0 0 0 0 (a ca 01 f3 (1 13 s1 t0 e 00060008i006®®(0000000003117A®c3(seeeseseeeseesoseeeelSsecesels FOR THE LITTLE FOLK Our Toy Department is always an attractive spot and they are always welcome to visit it, 0s: -Holly Tags, Xmas Cards and Booklets, Seale and a great variety of Xmas Decorations, JAMES FOX DRUGGIST and STATIONER MARRIED .BRIOxeo-Rows-At the Parsonage, Ford - 1918,, Misse Martha C lMatilda, dadsdale, onughters r Jamas Roe, Fordwich, to Mr. Herbert Brioker, of the 0th Cot. flowlek. Strayed Strayed onthe premises of the undersigned, Lot 19, Con, 1, Hallett, on or about 5118154 week in August, two ewes and one lonb. Owner may have sante by proving property , and pitying expenses, 0. J. DALE, 24.8 11.249, Seaforth. BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat 1210 Spring Wheat 2 05 2 00 1 00 45 65 17 25 00 1 53 Oats Pees Barley Batter Bags Hogs Wool Hay Potatoes per bag 52 0a -8 115 Teacher wanted for 0. S. No. 10, Grey Twp.; duties to oonorenee after initiations holidays. 17 ,62'15 2nd Class Normalite. Salary front y5050 to 5700, acootding to qualiflontiot and experrenee. Ap• 15 0 pliaatlons received up t0 Dec. 20th. 1 50 RICHARD COX., Sec.-Treas. 21.2 Brussels, R, R, No, 0, Teacher Wanted 11112I11II0I8111EMBEIIBI1111V@MBIRD111111llllluu111IIII11111IIIEIRIIVIInIIED1IMMERpuBIBINIMOE1131 I1INI114 P 11111111 Give us a i,s.a11 FOR YOUR tri all Lines of rote Bi AND y Go 4 1 •. ' , WE will do our best to please you and have you go away satisfied with your purchases and desirous of coming back again, gragfiNESERAREARPAREEIMISENSINERIZIER 1. Strachan 4. x IIIAilii®II@hIIIIVBIIIUIIiVII(IIViVllISgMBEIMIIIIWWViib(@ENIIBIABI Issitt iffingldmll situs