HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-12-12, Page 5/0-
tair*ii.,14h,44:2111.,......enia.4",14.444.144.1,41W41.4,1740 *44417.144.144.14111.414404
OUOINES3 CAROM, 6'4001,13 ratiwa 114,Wi
OtinAPP avronia
OINVNYA NdE fl tn 04M1/ JiH
tie MA1Uti0 i Li,
nice la the tem iPit.. ((no
Strtsintesta Garcia
Sueneee” to itr. H. (Mine io Aitteq,
eon Orel i very stable, reiephect
Ore„ eseAse.01
Bonn, siteinitte ,
1 IMV 011(1 0311.f•I .,
lelour Miami.
7-, 7. 44"ses1
O. ff,
Office et reglavece, Melville Chart:hi
DR. J H W .' I TF, L. A.
Griiiinnte Termite Go iticriniy of Medicine.
Special intention give.i i‘i of children
Ofeo Dr. Oryans Old Stand
Phone 45 brussels
licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Win(1e)! for RH P1101,4 ASV ether Atte'
tieriser or charge nothing.
BBlitiltit VIC P, 0,
barristers, Sulleitore, Notaries Public,
Moe un the Square, linil door frion Hamilton
OnEttiere, oNT.
Private funds to loan at lowest rate*.
W. Plinttbrocrr, If. C. J. L. KthhottAN
H. J. P. Gongs
+ +
t. fall Term from Sept, 3 +
+ +
+ —IN— +
+ +
• Shaw's Business Schools +
+ +
+ Toronto +
ialeiSSESSN4bigra2031=5=5 2241245533
+ • Free Catalogue on eequeet,
Write to W. 11 SHAW, Pres.
Youge and Gerrard Sts„ Toronto
Harr! Weinstein
Is prepared to pay
highest price for
Scrap iron,
Rags, Etc.
Hight:St price paid. See ;
me before you Sell,
Highest Cash Price for
live Poultry and Hides
Write or Phone 62x •
+ „ hip ,.
.614i, it
RI ,li
i ,?..:
..,......... ....,
I A Suggestion
4. One Christmas !stock of i 4.
+jewelry has arrived and +
,4'„ is now on sale. Needlese
to say this is the time to
1. buy seine 0 h r i e tin a s 4'
+ Gifts, It -there is some
+ person nn yone Christ:-
* nuts lista for tylintrt you *
+ are finding difficulty in 3:
:I: getting tt present, drop
in and see us and um. +
suggestions may help +
+ you to overwrite your +
diffieul Ly. 'You can help
,..1,' us to serve you best by
4. doing ynur +
+ Christmas Shopping Now i
J. R. Wendt 1:
+ Jeweler and Optician, Wroxeter $
+ +
tionolintnisi (0111111 460,6111
Faure:is Tilt{ a m I Mall 1 1 ass m
Excrete! 1.1;1(1n tn I Express 11:17 out
• •
eteWS09611.1gX Pat CIPIC
Toronho '10 fillitgriPit
rupre..8 ..... 7 11 II, ItYppUtI1i 11111111 IU
.(01,-16 , 1./ 13 In 11.14 4+,314 r1.1 IA pig
irdh ti e
C i;llo. 143 nit) 3.41 p.
(icing Wert and 4:77 p. m
(ratan going Hain er»uniet (05111 1'. P 11 11
ortinsevine Owen Sound, Mora and 'I'
(4, 11. titat(etei.
(IM). ALLAN, Leen/ Agent.
fatal .Petos IithU
Goon morning ! 'tow 413 yotu sub.
[thou lo !Of Pcmr, e
1.41,61, Tile Pose Clubbing offer fur
1,110 on pinto .511) ,his (01110.
KEEP id the lee forimug on the river
unless you desire a cold batb or a watery
1919 Calend irs are making their ap-
pearenee, another evidence of the flight
of tone, s
5% added to the iocal taxes unpaid
after Saturday tell inst. See Collector'
Oliver in geed time,
iiimsx !Psi r stirred up buehiese Thurs-
day of last week. Next Pah will be
held Thursday, tannery 3rd,
1441.11 T. Doss sold her house and lot,
Turrtherry street, North. to Mrs. Thom -
a13 Lott. who is residing in it.
Munnetra'. Noinivations will he held
Moutlay, Dec, 3oth, this year and Fiec-
tiou Day, Monday, January 6111.
Tett Skating Rink is being got ready
for the season's enjoyment. Chas.
Meadows will look after it as he del last
BRUSSELS Council wilt hold its Statu-
tory Council meeting on the evening of
Monday, zeth inst„ on account of the
15th falling on Sunday this year.
Is' you are n farmer and are at a loss
to 10101V wet)( to give your town rela-
tive or [Heed for tt Christmas present, --11
nice load of wood would be the most
Tuts is the reuewing season. Send in
your subscriptiou. If not already a
subscriber, subscribe now. $1.so sec-
nres THE Pos'r to the close of 1919 to
uew subscribers.
SEM) us the ;sews from your commun-
lLy and be ou the map, Send it in early
and don't be discouraged or offended if
we sometimes condense, eliminate or al-
ter the rending of parts of it ; there may
be good reasons for thus detug. Lastly—
sigu your name ; this for the editor's in-
formation only.
As a business proposition, there is no
comparison between the value
you receive from a year's subscription
tor The Farmers' Weekly Sun and that
of any other farm paper, considering its
accurate market forecasts and reports.
e Sisters' page doubles the value, It
is a woman's page and life in every line.
No increase in price, one dollar peril/ear.
RTIcULTURAL.—The Fall bulbs for
Brussels Horticultural Society are to
!mud consisting of Hycianths and Nar.
cissus. All members for the coming
year will get them whose fees are paid.
BOWS May be had at Fox's Drug store
or 'Pee Pose, Publishing House where
membership lees of Shoo may be paid,
Spring distributiou w be made in due
letter frotn L. J. Pepper, a former Mor-
ris township resident, speaks for itself :
Sie.—Enchised you will please
lied postal order for five dollars
to pay for THE POST. I would not like
to be without it as we get news of old
neighbors and friends from its columns
that we otherwise would not get at all,
We regret you have had so many eases
of the influenza epidemic and sorne of
those we used to know have no' recover-
ed. By reading THE POST we learn of
a great many chauges and a number of
the old settlers are gone for good, It
seems to us there can be very few of the
old people North of Brussels ,'-einaining,
Crops in this section were very light this
year owing to dry weather and frost. In
fact.the crop in all the West is much be-
low the usual, find in some parts there
is no feed, We are all web having as
yet escaped the "flu,"
11)11TER1(G INTO Ittesr.—Following all
illness covering several years there
passed away on 'Friday, Nov. 20411, at
bee home On the lst Hee of Morris,
Agnes Spence beloved wife 01 Alexand-
er Mach:wan, in her 68411 year. Deceas-
ed was one of the most highly esteettl
ed in the township and also in the
village of Binevale where site reeideel
foe some years prioe to (tiering to
Motris. She had rip to her illness,
beret all aelleti WOrk el. in the Piesby-
torten 011111011 5,4 Bluevale and was
always willing to lend a helping hand
to anything which W008 00119'54161Pa for
the good of the community. 5410 18
kievived by her hoslet»ti, 2 some Wil -
feed, of the Bank tif Hemel on, Whig -
ham 4 James, with the lelyieg GIlopO ;
and 3 daugli 163 8, 'Will. A. 54. Sznidt,
De troi I; ; Mrs. Wi 'trod Fey fogl e,
Winghatn, mid Miss Dorothy Mac -
Ewan. John 8 Spence and Mrs.
Henderson are Mother and eister to
the deceased lady, Funeral was held
00 Sunday aft seitoon front the family
home to the Blnevele cemetery, the
services being (milder:Led by deceased's
paetole ltev. Ceawford Taite, The
bereaved shrive laege/y in the evil-
pathy of a wide °irate of friende. 141,5,
MOBW11 had been ati invalid for yeries.
TOWN8B1P TA X.Ifai —ThiS 1101100 is Lo
r0(01156 11151 ratepayers that all taxes
will been to be paid to the Collector
this yam. as [he Banks decline to
handle therm 5%,. will be added after
the 14t41 inst., which will be Saturday
of this week,
P. ,T. 13rserme
Tax Clollectot,
Semen, RisPolrf RePof 14
, • S.
No, 0, Grey, roe Acme:utter. 1 V, S,
ltay nerd 78, 51, Jack lie 07. Se. 1 I 1. --
le. lloy 82, W. Kerrie '77, J. Ihytuuti
72, ie. ilL-111. Cook 71,
00, 14i., R. Elliot t 80„I, 'Funded!
88, 0, Attlee 82, O. 1 tny nava 70. Mr. 1.
Ste fee, V Jacket! 80, O.
Elliot t 76 Pi inter. edreelleot, A.
l'enteon, (I. leeltee, Al. lloy, (food
:t) , !fay Dully AI I end.
ems, 11.1,
M. SPA 1.100, 'Peng. he]
A hetet to Tills POs'P It 11.
Netthe 311 lefizzem tom eases : --A
find my 1,0 1109PE f4111/fir( ipih
Lo bl ['OST LO Jan. 1920. NVe
the paper regularly and are always he
torested in the II(`WH 1001 19V1111141
out. ft lends 'melt leetet, Am glad to
Nay 51P8. Neale anti baby (431614411 13' 11,1
11,1411 11'1..11 (.1,11.131, far wo ILL..., 1.01/
l01.111111111.4 (010005 1, pwrin pp (4)''
It, ham been very bad indeed Ile,
sity Rod our (If 11111-40-,,
0111e. 1.11110111,1111, (If who tu.-
ell 10 be 10 the 840111 (1/1141 11(31' 1141,11611
at Ethel, bete berm very 411 with it, et
die home of het. Mr.
;lees. She Is now tip nettle and the
high rozel to recovery kauI pleased to
any, Wishing you the ooliiplifriell 15
of the settein. &p,
Ctil'Nul -Uotilieil OWL
here Illonclay Nov. 18. All members
present. Minutes of last. meeting
road and approved on motion of
Wbeeler—hloffatt. Moved by Wheel-
er—Adair that By-law No. 16, 1918
be passed foe the purpose of hold-
ing a Nomination meeting in the
Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, Moncley
Dec. 30th, at 10 o'elock, Fol-
lowing accounts were paid :—
A. Moffatt, $9.00 culvert on 13, 1465;
R. Yeo, $2.00 spreading gravel ; Jas.
McTavish $8 00 Drain and tile Com 61
P. Powell, 5330.00; Fees and publish-
ing drain By-law ; A. G. Smith, $50.00
Agricultural Society ; R. Hogg, 535.00
rep. to roadway. Alovecl by Scott—
Moffatt that next ()mitten meeting be
held in Bluevale 51 onclay Dec. 16th,
at 10 a. na, as per Statute.
P. POWISLL, (Ames.
Wni. and Mrs. Logan arrived home
from a couple month's sojourn in the
Robt, Howard left for Sault Ste.
Matie, Ont., where he expects to work
at his trade,
S. IL and Mes, Gidley were in
Exeter last week attending the funee-
al of an auta.
It is expected Mr. Alcitiimon, head
miller for Blyth Milling Co., will
shortly go to Lem!' to take charge
of mill there and Addison King, who
is in Lucan will take Mr. McKinumes
place here. .
Robe Oookeeline has purchased M.
Taylor and Scrimegeour's interest 111
Myth Planing Mills, protwietors )1037
being Deviti Flooely and Robt. Oooker-
line. Latter will move to town from
his farm which will be conducted by
his son, William.
Until She Tried "Froit-a-tives"
--- Mode From Fruit Juices
112 (101:111110 ST., 87. .105:14, N.B.
of eel 1 must tell you of the great
benefit I have received from your
wonderful mediciee, 'Fruit -a -Oyes%
1 have been a sufferer for many
years from Violent Headaches, and
0011111 get no permanent relief.
A friend advisedme to take 'Fruits
ti,livee' and I did so with great
snreve; and now 5113(1) entirely free
of Headaches, thanks to your
splendid raedicine".
50e. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size 25e.
.At all dealers or sent on receipt of
price, postpaid, . by Fruit-a-tives
limited, Ottawa.
leolleveing pneumonia and inflitenze,
Itsv, Father J. le. 1.1ti0ni (411'111-0 alSI,
JO13PI)11'13 (111u rob, Stratford, and a
former priest or St. Michael's Chureb,
!Myth, died in the Get/era) Hospital
in that ells,. Ilia home wee in Wy-
al nit) hers of (hp VVOIllalfr; 0111181lal1
Tem)1erance. Linton met ttt the Mune
of Afes, M. Young, It Wne It farewell
to Miss Bentley, before elm left to
inake her bottle Goderich where she
has been appointed Matron of Child -
roles Aid Shelter. Miss Bentley was
m peon ted with a. gold.heacled umbrella
aionumanied by a complimentery
DeWitt 11,11113.13 left for Toronto
where he has Hemmed a situation.
Happy Gleaners' Mission Baud of
Si, AitdreW8 church will hold a
bazaar in the basement of the church
Sat nrcitty afternoon December
14th. Panes, articles aticl honte-ntade
cooking tvill be acid.
Gordon, 9011 of 30)1,! (((Id Mrs. Wray,
Turnberry, is t•epcnted dangerously
111 391141 "fin" in an English military
hoepital. Gordon was just recovering
['tom gun shot wounds in the right
knee, His many frienda will be sorry
to hear of his illness.
Al, organization meeting of the
directors or the Farmers' Fertilizer
00., Ltd., was held in the'office of the
Plant and business was arranged' to
commence at once. Shop is DOW
manufacturing complete fertilizers in
large quantities. The officers anti
directors are :—Thos. Taylor, Presi-
dent and General Manager ; J. 111.
Stoakley, See.-Treas. ; Directors, A.
0, Parket., Iogeesoll ; Amos Tipling,
Wingliain ; and Prank Pettit, Inger-
Ship your Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank. •
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you
will not want to discontinue.
Brussels Creamery5hvipart
Phonographs Records t
J., Alia Mrs Dougherty, (9 410 have t
been residents In this locality for tip -
wards of 50 years, have gone .to the 14.
home of their somin-law, Daniel +
Meehan, 11111 Cott, for the Whiter.
The o141 folk are each over 80 yeate of S
age and had been keeping house bub
will note be freed from that respotesi-
Nothing nicer for Christmas
Or a good
Singer Sewing
Makes a dandy Gift. Call and see us and se-
cure Choice Goods at Reasonable Prices,
'We aim to please our Customers,
Large Stock of New Records from
which to make your Choice.
Pte, Tom Let too, con of Thotnee
Lut ten, has wo(3 a counniesion fee
Mat el y 111 emir ying off the the bill tie -
4,4,1 Cap!. V. 14. VAN -tone whit...
won folPil. 11114' impolite v
4Vitighno) inen. and. Went 0V('(".'10 4.
With 111181.
11113 I1l'll( 091.1. OW kip it *
wee itempletely buried by zt shell bui
Hitt. 5.141,.1 Wi/40 P30'11511.11 11011011. •
Elm.. (*.emit v.eeit 125.1,{1 lo
kgricition 61 .43. -(et v.
141411 OILL?".011R r14)6ple1e0 theft
tenet fee the Elute rectory. •
Leer ("outwit ineetiter fot this yeitr
Saturday, 1/ecenther, lilbi. , •
Clerk flee. Afternici, 4.
broke his eight arm endeavoring to5 0
1.! to 11f his ear,
1„ (1. 1,, No, (teo, sleeted follow log , o
eflhe ('((31 4,11(1 I
11,1,51•1 301111 1I/10 I.11 11111/311/ 11 1111,11 1 4
Muni el, 1 11, ,,t ii -t IhT141 y• 41
NI WI, .1141:11 .11,y11 : 11.10. ;
1 . . 1'.'. 1Viliiiii ;lo
y ; Pin .Sei• , Havel,'
Ireatturer, D. A; Theneeme ;
of Ceeemonies, J. Smith ; let. (7! na.
Mitt:, WM. Sweet gni ; 2o.1 Coto. Mat',
deo. Must 4 3,6 (low. Alen, Ifarry
Brown 4 1th Com Men, Liu f..111.,Lq ;
11111 00111. Mae, .4, P.
Tyler, Rohl. hint' ; Aitilitore, A. AI.
Sweetie! inel J. P. Greimeidee. A l'irt
3311.0 0901, to alit
Wall epent, over (1.441141113' hetet!.
4004 4. 4.4444444441444444444 4444444444444+44444144441444
4310 (IONTHAiT Tell(1618
ened by Elem. Commit for cgoigti
of Not tit Maitland enlargement as
follows :
G. Graham Reid, Toren to.
1200 yards at 50c. ..... ,„ $ 000 00
9859 yards at 32c. ..... 3154 88
85800 peels at 24774 00
1760 yards at 30e .........11250 00
4800 yards at $1 ..... 4800 00
119157 yards 5338,578 88
Geo, Arbuckle & Liddoo Brooks
84002 yards at 4n0 $33840 20
34657 yarde at 600 ...., 451,11930
Moved by Illtuan—Vallaime—that
tender 01 43. Graham 4eid to construct
the North Maitlau41 enlargement ac-
colding to report, plans, profile and
epecifientions thereof for the even of
$88,578,88 be accepted and that the
Clerk and Reeve have a contract pre,
pared and signed in relation thereto.
East Wawanosh Council
Council met on Nov, 181h, with all
the members present, 51ine tes or ia,:t
meeting were read and confirmed.
Ooinumnication from Toronto asking
for a grant in aid of the Sanatorium
for Consumptives received and order-
ed filed. W. Potter was present ask-
ing for compensation for a sheep de-
stroyed by dogs last Summer. On
motion of Irwin and Buchanan 531200
was granted Mr. Potter in this matter.
By -Law No, 10-1918 appointing place
of Nomination, places of election, D.
R. 0. and Poll Clerks was read (1,1111
passed. Following accnunts were
Joyut, 14lave1,—$1.26 ; Isaac
Brown, tilefor culvert Con. 2,—$12.00 ;
NV, Debits, drawing tile for culvert
Oon. 2 —$8.00 ; W. Potter, sheep kil-
led by clogs,—$12 00; Sam Jordan, re-
fund error in clog tax,—$2 00. Coun-
cil then adjourned to meet again Mon-
day Dec, 1011.
Huron Co. Children's Aid
Following is financial statement of
Childeelee .A.icl and Humane Society
of the County of Huron, for year end-
ing October 81st, 1918
Balance on band
0007747 Heron 56000 0040
12858 001
Usborne ....,...... .„.. ........... 1100 0000
West Wawanosh .., ...... .....• 10 00
10 00
Goderich 10 00
Seaford' . ... .. „. 1100 0000
Exeter 7 00
Blyth 5 00
Hay .. .. 5 00
ile3aitleitki,41/01173 abnooxsehs 5 00
11 26
Women's Institute, Goderich10 00
Pocket Testament League
Victoria st, °Minh Godeeich 31.(0) it))00
(Mnton meeting
Mrs, D. Miller 8 00
Patriotic Fund."... ............ ..,7 50
Seafnrth meeting . 7 45
St. Thomas 0, A. S. .... .. , ..... 6 70
Pines . 5 50
Mrs. \V, L. Horton. ..... ......„. 5 0(1
Mrs, Twyford . 5 00
141re. Madel sr 5 00
Women's Itistitnte, 81. Angus -
tine 6 00
De. Emerson 5 00
F. 3, Lewis 5 00
Geo, Porter
141, G. Reid . ..
A. M. Robertson ,.., •"••
252 (501000
Mee. J. Mills . II • :
2 00
26s. P. McFarlane.,„„,„„,„. 2 00
Mrs. Leech ,.. . .1.410. „
2 00
Mrs, R„ G. Reprolds—, „, 2 00
Mee, Carrie 1 00
C. E. Wring :',,.... . ... 1 00
J. Linklater ,,„,.......
1 00
Jas. 0(1(1 .... ... 1 00
Rev. W. 13. Hawkins 31 00
Mrs. II. I. Strang ..... . ..... .... 1 (10
L, S. WillMms.
Miss Washington . 1 0010)
1411.a, A. Million
1 0
Itirs. Jae, Olark 1 00
W. L. mob.-- .„
Rev. Mr, Osterhont 1 00
1 00
Mrs. Aiken., .. 1 00
Rev, St Coreoran..... ...... „„.. 1 00
Rev, A., L. Clarke 1 00
Maintenance -for Werds27 00
004011y Huron, maintenenee
for Wm& mid Institutions, 808 19
. --------
Balance on ham! $ 1982 00
.fc 170 40
Sarleata, ryelsM. Elliott, 00. See-
., ... .,, . $ (300 00
Railway and traveleg expenses 59 00
Typewriter for ofttee......,...... 55 00
LEI 115'
Now is the time to buy. Fine assortment and
A 1 Goods at Reasonable Prices,
epairs in Wood Work, 84c.
A ti -lied to Promptly and in Workmanlike
Mann( r.
I• , Give us a call and add .tnther to our long list
• of Satisfied Customers. •
• •
• 1• ). Ewan,
* 44144 00.4 4•••••••• 4,0664444 444••••••44,6404,44 0+ 64404+8+4
• Soda Crackers
Fine flour ---expert mixing—careful
baking and hygienic packing make
Telfer's Soda Crackers twice as tasty
as ordinary crackers.
They are always fres/j, crisp,
clean and appetizing.
Packed in air tight packages.
Sold by all grocers,
6 "The Buy Word for Biscuits" Foo,R=
Licenlie No.1 I-589
Children's clothing
Annual reports
Telephone account .
Printing mid eupplies
Childreies rail wey fares
leurnitme for Shelter ......
Organized 0. A. A'S
Photne and slides
1440(11 exchange......,.. ..... .
Maintenance for wards .........
Maintenance of children in
other shelters cn• institutions
Balauce. ..... ............ .............. .
29 14
29 82
24 25
23 50
20 48
18 33
10 05
10 00
5 00
4 25
27 00
898 19
170 49
$ 1982 00
Directions for Knitting
Child's Socks
Now that attention of Red Cross
writ k 8 is being turned toward aid-
ing li.,1g,i50n and French vertigoes, the
1011,39 111g directions have been issuecl.
coneerning the knitting or childeen's
sock,: e—
cumn's settee (rvor 8 neestEs)
Knii, on No. Abone, on steel needles.
Cast on 4S gi iiches—this will leave 16
stitelies oil each needle -4- inches, 2
plain, 2 pine. Now commence the
plain knitting mi the hack or heel
needle, (the bank needle ie the needle
where the end of the wool is at the
join in ('ornmencement of sock.) 1st
round knit 8, lake 1 stitch in back
needle only, which is done by taking a
stiteh nom the back nf the 9th stitch,
and kit ling through it ; (tide stitch is
your cent te s t «•11 through your whole
so(1k) yen 3'0»/Uldllf`6 round of
heel, and yen nitiet be particular. 111
every !mold 1 41118 etitelt must be
seemed lim knitted, keit plain 10 end
of mend. On haek needle you terve
17 et itches --keit 2 inches plain, al-
ways seltill youe centre stitch on baek
You now continence LO
1'Ow. IsI 100011(1 in the bark needle
only ; knit 5, knit 2 toge tiler, knit 1,
seam your centre sliteh, knit 1, slip 1,
knit I, pull the slipped stitch over the
knitted 1. Knit plain to end of round.
Knit 5 Pounds plain. 7t11 rnund—Re-
duce 2 stitches sante as in 1st round.
Recollect alweys to knit, stitch plain
between the narrowing and oentiet
stitch on earth side. Keit 5 rounds
plain. 13th romid—Nerrow as at 7111
round. lezdt 5 rounds plain. 19111
round—Narrow as at 13th round.
Knit 1 inch plain. This finishes your
sock to the heel. You should have 41
stitches, In the lest row when you
get to centre stitch knit 2 together.
This brings your centre stich to an
end and you will have 40 stitches in
all. Put 20 stitches for heel, with
back seam in (1011116 (111 heel, 10 stitches
on each 2 front needles. Heel—Knit
plain 20 stitches on one nee(1le, then
purl back 20 stitches. Repeat (always
s)ipping.the first stitch) till you have
20 rows in all for back of heel. (N. B.
—This makes a square of 20 stitches
by 20 stitches for back of heel.) With
the inside of the heel towards you,
4161112 131)1,11(18 purl 2 together, puri 1.
Tern, knit (3 stitches, slip 1, knit 1,
pull slipped stitch over, knit 1, turn
purl 7 stitches, purl 2 togethee, part 1,
continuing in the same way until you
have only 10 stitches on your needle.
Pick 1.141 1(11(1 knit 10 stitches down the
side of heel piece. Knit 1115 20 stitches
of the front needles (on to one needle,)
pick up and knit the 10 stitches at the
other side of the heel piece. Divide
the heel stitches on the 2 side needles
and knit right round again to the
centre of the heel, lst needle—Knit
to within 8 stitches of the front end of
side needle, knit 2 together, knit 1.
Front needle plain. 8rd needle—Knit
1, siip 1, knit I, pull slipped WW1
11661. Knit plain to end of needle.
This reducing to be done every other
row until there 1110 40 etitches on the
needles, Front needle 20, side needle'
10 each, Then knit plain ftve 2e luck -
es. To reduce for toe :—Begin at. the
front needle, knit 1, slip 1, knit 1,
pull slipped stitch over, knit plain to
within 3 stitches of the end of the
needle—knit 2 together, knit I. Sec -
mid needle—knit 1, slip 1, knit 1, pull
slipped stitch over, knit plain to end
of needle, Third needle—knit plain to
within stitchee of the end, knit 2
together. knitl. 14311111 plain rounds,
thenidecrease as before ; knit (mother
3 plain (ennuis then decrease as before,
Keit 2 plain tonnde, thee decrease as
befive. Knit another 2 plain rounds
(heti ileerettee as before. Milt 1 plain
round then decrease as before, which
Will leaVe Yrill with 16 stitches and
finish with Kitchener Inc. For larger
sock, increase number of stitches.
For smaller socks, decrease number of
Child's dress.—Open all the way
down back. 5 buttons and button
holes. Draw tape through 'leek.
Women'e chemise—join seams to
within 10 inches of neck, Hem open-
ing. Face neck, R011 tape through
_ .
• A young latly who was earning $10,00 a week a few months ago, is •
• now tem,' ving a salary of $20,00 a week as the reselt of out training. es
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intee ,eu rt nay Ot9,0Enter.anytime, so . 1atalcan° I'lIP'W'VrfonJaurh119
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Stratford, Ont. and Wingham, Ord.
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