HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-12-12, Page 4I4e tr oers Voss
'XHtI1 St)AY, DECEMBER r2, 1913
Leerase military news is that the Cana-
dian soldiers, as far as possible, will
come home from overseas in Battalions
This will be popular bath with the soltli-
ers and their botnetolk as compared
with arriving as a "solitary." Interest
will not abate until the last Tohuuie
Canuck bas reached home.
Comes as if the Conduetoret tes in
Hamburg, Germany, were not far out in
demanding that if they have to surrend-
er their jobs they must be guaranteed a
husband. Wbether a hubby and a street
car ca becompared n om seed is not for us to
say only we believe both lare badly
when their trolley is off. The street car
appears to come first in the demand tbe
husband is in lieu of.
IN St, Marys they have an organiza-
tion known as "The aelp•a Bit Club."
that appears to do things. Seems to us
almost everybody in every town sbould
belong to that society. Things go with
aboom when every person pushes. The
knockers and kickers are the mischief
makers and often give a black eye to
many a worthy cause. Help a bit is a
fine metro.
Iv looks as if the Western Farmers'
Association is out to make a stir up in
the coining Dominion election. There
is going to be a smashing of old policies
and a line up of practical new plans that
will do good. The old hardebell petition
will have a dizzy time of it unless be for-
sakes the idols he has bowed to in the
past. Eastern tillers of the soil have a
program to present that may prove just
as radical.
THERE is to be A sudden cessation of
munition plants in Canada and by • the
end of the year this great industry that
has done snob a rushing business for the
past 4 years will be at an end, we bope
forever. Some men made millions out
of the war and those who have been re-
ceiving abnormal wages will find it
qnite a come -down to get back to former
schedules, especially if they forgot to
put something past for a rainy day
while the coin was coming their way so
freely. In many cases it is not likely
this was done,
CoxscRrrxloN law will be abolished in
Europe if the Peace Conference has its
way. We don't wonder at it after the
turmoil of the pasta or 4 years. Krupp
plant in Germany and other manufactur-
ies of death dealing implements
of war should be wiped off the neap as
wall. Some say the European war
would never have started bad it not
been for the monetary interests in the
Krupp concern. Let us prove that the
Arts of Peace are beyond compare with
those of strife:
A few months ago the leaders among
the Hun militarists were very willing to
claim credit for the war and its continuo
mace but to -day every mother's son says
"It wasn't me it was the other fello,v
wbo is to blame," It was ever thus,
even since the day of Adam and Eve in
the Garden of Eden. How wise it is to
consider well our plans so that there be
little need of recanting or disavowal.
"Be sure vou'r right and then go
ahead" was Davy Crockett's advice and
we think Davy's head was level.
By the record of the U boats during
the war, viz 5,222 British ships, 2,475
sent to the bottom with their crews and
the others with a precarious chance of
making land and to these terrible figures
add 15,000 men lost on tbe toercbant
marine service, end some faint idea
may be arrived at of the scourge tbe
submarines were to the sea. It was no
fake game Germany was playing but a
genuine menace to the Allies. If they
were asked today "What are the wild
waves saying?" the answer might be
"Britannia rules the waves."
FROM the Hun to the Bolsbeviki would
be out of the frying pan into the fire, If
it is Democracy we are after no fellow
who spells bis name as the "Bois." do
should get a look in. It's freedom and
Righteousness this old world wants sot
anarchy, riot and grab, We have had a
big enough share of the latter and
should see that those who wish to incite
to insurrection will be sat on with such
emphasis that they will know it has been
Ovee leo acclamations took
place in connection with the British
Elections last weep out of 707 seats,
Lloyd George has opposition, 16 women
are candidates, 2e Sian Feiners secur-
ed seats out of soy Itieh constituencies,
There were only a in the last Parlia•
melt, What is to be done with the
Kaiser is one of the red hot topics be.
fore the electors. Probabilities are the
next Government will be a Coalition,
They do better witb Union governments
overseas than we do in Canada, probably
they are more than a name in rho 01d
Land, Election Day in Britain Is Satur•
day of next Week,
BRUSSELS IEOrth Buren bye -Election
Tax Notice
Robt. Oliver, Tax eleelevtcr, will
lie at the Connell (`hautbet on
'1'hut'sday and Friday of this week,
from 1 to 0 p, to to reeeiTe tLOOM.
Saturday, 14th itts1 , Is0111 10 a. ut.
to 0 p. m.
Tlti is lho last day before the 6%
wilt be added.
Please have the neetet t y change
ready and thet•ehy avoid delays.
Accredited Chsquse will be accept-
R. OLIVER, Gollector.
The Branch lees Beyond
The Toronto Daily State of l.lenoinb-
er 3rd, (tits the nail On the head in
dealing with a proposed reduction
of passenger trains en the branch
roads running out of Palmerston as
follows :-
Last Winter quite a few G, T. It.
trains were taken off the branch lines
in Ontario, and itis rumored that it
will be done again this \Vi5tter. Be-
fore it is done it is to be hoped that
the manner of doing le is well consid-
er ed.
One train each way per day consti-
tuted the Winter service last year on
the four lines radiating from Palmer-
ston to Kincardine, Southampton,
Wiarton and Durham. Ae present
there are 2 trains daily each way over
those lines, +old there is a strong feel-
ing that lat year the wrong train was
Take Durham for example, for the
cases of the Kincardine, Southampton,
and Wiartou lines are identical with
that of Durham. The present
G. T. R. train service between Toron-
to and Durham is as follows :-
M. & E., 6,50, 4.15 p. in, Arr. Dur.,
12.05, 0.15 p, m. Ret„ Ivo, Due. 7.05
a, me 3 50 p, m, Arr, Tot', E„ 11.55
a. m., 9.45 p. m. Fr., $3.45, Ret.,
$5.75. 100 miles.
With the present service the return
trip between Toronto attd Durham
can be made either way in one day,
and the same is true as regards any of
the towns on the fear branch lines
that run in different directions from
Pahnerston. But the complaint is
that each year the wrong trains were
taken of those branch Ines -the
morning trains leaving for Toronto
were cancelled. The result was that
business men in all the towns on the
four branch lines beyond Palmerston
oould not make the trip to Toronto
and back in one day. They could not
do it in two days, but had to make it a
three-day journey. A business man
leaving Durham (or any nue of scores
of towns on those four branch lines)
was forced last Winter to leave home
in the afternoon and reach Toronto at
9.45 p. m., too late to do business that
night, nor could he do business early
enough to catch the train at 6.50 next
morning. There being no other train
he had to stay over until the third
morning before he could return home.
Strong protests are being made
against a return of Lhis plan.
Toronto, it is contended, has less
need of a direct daisy return service
with all these towns alum all these
towns have for a direct daily return
service with Toronto, Commercial
travellers do not make the direct trip
from Toronto to one town and back
the sante- day, but are 001 all week
from place to place, It is not
therefore, in the interests of either
the city or the scores of towns served
by the four branch litres beyond Pal-
merston that the wrong train should
be taken off this year as was done
last \Vetter.
Order the Monument
you plan now, Do not let the
grave of your loved ones go un-
marked and neglected. Give your
order now while memory is still
fresh. A. neglected grave is a te-
proach which you direly will not
want to stiffer,
If you cannot come to trey office
'phone or write and I will gladly
call on you and show you the lat-
est designs in memorial art.
Brhssels Granite & Marble Works
Phone 23 A. E. MERSEY, Proprietor.
J. G.
Expert Watchmaker
Has returned to Brussels and is
prepared to do all kinds of
Watch and Clock Work
Yours may be a capable time-
keeper but by incompetent re-
pairing you have lost faith in it,
Bring it to roe. I will repair the
worst wreaked watch or clock
and will do it reasonably.
Work may he left at my home,
Call 'Phone No, 80 for lnforma.
Eyes Tested and
Waimea Supplied
2'ullowiog is the record of the bye -
Election in North Hut on for the
Legislative on Dec. 2nd,
Wiugha,n Ward 1- 48 52
2- 39 44
3- 89 85
4- 63 88
5-- 4 33
218 802
Turttbera'y Ward 1- 31 103
2- 48 104
3- 10 69
4- 8 80
-97 366
Ashhehi Wlu'd 1- 107 31
2- 97 80
3- 34 5U
4- '77 32
0- 5 125
6- 9 81
'7- 17 70
406 425
W. \Vawauesh W, 1- 185
2- 70
3- 07
4- 36
5- 18
376 337
E. Wawauosh W. 1- 35 45
2- 59
3- 28
4- 35 00
5- 20 58
173 324
Blyth 107 135
27 106 40
Howick Ward 1- 62 59 29
2- 12 132 81
3- 108 97 64
4- 80 110 81
5- 34 90 25
6- 56 70 18
352 576 228
Mortis Ware 1- 16 99 6
2- 26 78 20
3- 22 68 49
4- 1 91 88
5- 17 59 65
6- 09 125 11
141 520 1S1
Totals 1897 3090 1342
Fraser Oase Spotton
\Vingham e02 218 485
Blyth . 135 107 43
Wroxeter , 106 27 40
Howick .............. 576 352 228
Ashfield .......... .. 425 406 47
Turnberry . 865 07 189
Mortis 520 141 181
West Wawanosh. 337 876 31
East Wawanosh324 173 98
3,090 1,387 1,842
Feaser•'s majority over Oase 1I93.
Case's majority over Spotton 55e,
Following is the summary of the
General Election of 1914: -
Anderson Musgrove
Ashfield 357 287
Winghaut ..,198 309
Blyth............. ..... 76 96
Hawick 340 474
Turnberry 213 282
Morris 280 288
East Wawanosh,.. 225 179
West Wawanosh. 922 207
Wroxeter ........... 58 33
1973 2103
Majority for Musgrove 180.
Toronto Beaus as Unfair as Usual
In speaking of the bye -Election in
North Huron the Toronto News
says :-
The resale in North Huron is whab
was anticipated. 13y splitting tks
Conversabive vote George Spotton
has defeated the Government candi-
date, Dr. T. E. Case, and elebted W.
H. Fraser a Liberal, 10 the Legisla-
ture. Mr, Spotton will be proud of
his achievement, and North Huron of
its Laurieuite representative. A clear
majority of the electors was cast on
the Conservative side, but for the re-
mainder of this Legislature the con-
stituency must put up with a minor-
ity member. Mr, Fraser was an op-
ponent of the military Service Act,
and possibly agrees with Sir Wilfrid
Laurier that the German's at'e "one of
the noblest races in the world." The
I H am I
+ +
Meat Market1
+ .+1.
4. I wish to state to the public that +
+ ,i, I have opened up a new Meat
er Pdarket inthe
+ BRUSSELS, ."l.
+ where I will keep a choice stock
+of the best Meats to be obtained.
Will also handle all kinds of
Smoked and Cured Meats and a
full line cif Cooked Meats, '
Goode Delivered on short Notice
to all parte of the town.
Will be pleased to receive a
share of the patronage and will
guarantee satisfaction.
Cash Paid for'Nides. Phone @9x
D. B. McDonald
4 4'+'bel+'!'ile 4,4,h44'4V't'i++++'P+++++
And She Soon Got Back
Her Strength
New Castle, Ind. -"The nteasles
left me run down, no appetite, could
not rest at night, and I took a severe
cold which settled on my lungs, so I
was unable to keels` about my house-
work.Mydoctor advised xne to take
Vinol, and six bottles restored my
health so I do all my housework, in-
cluding washing. Vinol is the best
medicine I ever used. -Alice Record,
437 So. xxth St., New Castle, Ind.
We guarantee this wonderful cod
liver and iron tonic, Vinol, for all
weak, run-down, nervous conditions.
1e, R. SMITH
North Huron election like Wn
it in
Manitoulin was marked by unusual
conditions. In neither case was the
Hearst Government under attack.
Two other contests are coming on in
the near future -the bye -elections iu
St, Oathariues attd New Ontario.
These should al•Pot'd the people an op-
portuniey of passing upon the Govern-
went's record. If they are contested
they may indicate the real drift; of
public feeling. It behooves all those
who believe in Prohibition, women's
suffrage, the Hydro -Electric system
and generally progressive government
to rally to the support of the Adminis-
Any open minded person will not be
apt to think the above criticism is
possessed of much fairness, bub per-
haps as much es might be expected
From the nteurow souled News. It
never misses an opportunity of giving
Sir Wilfrid Laurier a dirty slap
whether he deserves it or not and the
inference that on account of Mr.
Fraser being in the minority that
"the constituency must pub up with
him" smacks a trifle of parcelling out
the loaves and fishes from a purely
political sense. We thought the
Hearst Government was elected to do
the square thing with their constitu-
ents no matter which side they were
Our Letter Box
Following letters have been received
from various localities by TEE POST
and we pass them along to our read-
ers, some of them iu abbreviated
form :-
DEAR MR. KERR .-I just• received
my copy of TEE POST and the first
iteut I read was your reminder to
those in arrears. In cotsulbing my
label I found I belonged to that
class so ate enclosing money order to
start tne afresh for 1910. I believe
most subscribers are like myself. 1
look for TEE POST as a weekly letter
from the old home town but through
carelessness overlooked the fact that
Our subscription was in arrears. We
are having our siege from "fin" out
here but Mrs. Mooney, myself and
family were fortunate enough to come
thtongh o. k. With kind regards to
yourself and Mrs. Kerr. -
I am, Yours truly,
Meota, Sask., Nov. 19, 1918.
[NOTE BY DDmTOR.-Mr. Mooney is
a son of Gordon and Mrs. Mooney
farmer residents of Brussels. Mrs.
Mooney is a daughter of Anthonynd
Mrs. McDonald, formerly of Gran -
brook, Ont
DEAR MR. KERB, -1 thought I
would drop you a line to let you know
that the "flu" has not been very bad
rouud here so far. Our crops were
away behind this year making 8 years
running, Wheat 8 to 10 bushels to
the acre and oats in many places too
short to cue. Late oats were the
best. Barley not much but we are
going to try again. Hari a fine Fall
for getting work clone. There is go-
ing to be a shortage of feed hue fine
weather will help a lot, 2 of my old
friends have passed away who used to
live near Ethel 85 years ago. First
was Jno. Oughton, who formerly liv-
ed on Lot 22, Con, 5, Grey township,
who died last Spring. The other was
Jno, Raynard, who owned Lot11, (Jon.
6 Grey. They were both well•to-do,
The latter passed away about; 8 weeks
ago. He lived 11 miles South of
Stoughton, 85 miles straight West
from where we live. Mr. Raynard
went out; and did the chores and on re-
turning to the house complained of
not feeling well and died before night
fell. I am enclosing $2 00 for Tone
POST which we receive the following
Monday after itis printed, \Vith nut'
beat t'egetels to all old Mends in the
Dust and hoping yon are. all web.
Remain, its of old,
J. W. Ross,
Wordsworth, Sask., Nov, 80th, 1918,
BitusssLS Rion GROSS 0111cLE.-
Kindly accept my sincefeet thanks
for the splendid Ohrietels box which
I have this day received in good eon-
dition. I cannot tell you how de-
lighted i am to be the recipient of
stteh an excellent choice of "eats" and
comforts. 11 you could only see us
when parole arrive from Canada it
would do your hearts gond, In each
do we find nue recompense for terms
at sea. Aly Captain sae's he must
have the receipe for the Christmas
Cake, it ie so gond. The maple leaves
I have meted on my cabin wall and
the clothing has been put, into com-
tnis(otl already, The dear homeland
seem quite 110se today.
And ort the top of such' merry -mak. -
Ing Dame the news of Vlatory, thank
(sod, Ae yetwe are three!' and do not
realize till that i1 means to ns. llttV'
tog been attached to our antssnhutat-
int fleet, we eagerly await the haul-
ing (wet' of the U•buats, whnse mates
no have been beating in Northern
status, and then wo will eat t7 on in
some oilier t,tpnei(7 a+ yet unknown
In us bit pos slily we ui11 be employed
ht refrying troupe from Franco 10
se Vi.
ht d nl a v e
clod t
11 Rl)
• , • re,-. hon tit
. Neel
Ilne cit} 1 11 1/ t l, l I
hind, 1, wit hill right . 1 I I(1 'n,o , t ulI 'sl
peaks of the 1Iieltt aft,- 1, l sol:
pi a„hod the deep 111' the �ihalhwd,
th Mule, N ,rllt Sea and Not 111 of
While 1 will 1101 bo permitted to
spend (liviellnae in Canada. I aur sure
wherever my duties herd me nn thews
day, by land or sea, I will certainly
t1)11)13 of the Ilrntsels Red (Ir"ss tense,
Kindly convey to the uu'tthet's of the
Society my ver}' hest wishes for it
Merry Ohristrnas and a prosperous
New Year, Again thanking you fee
the fine 0hfi:+ttints ti'itt toll wiehiog
the. 3eeie/y every etocl'tib in its eplt'u.
did work, I eeotaiu,
Yours very sincerely,
Morris Council
Connell meeting was held in the
Township Hall, Morris. Monday, Nov,
25th. Reeve and Councillors present,
Minutes of last meeting were rend
and approved, Dougeld 1VIcllonttld
was paid $50 for 2 ewes killed by dogs,
The Engineer's report on the Magee
drain was read and provisionally
adopted and Olerk was instructed to
prepare By-law to be read at Jame.
ary meeting 1919.
Following accounts were paid :-
Winghaut Advance, advertising,
31.00 ; Philip Ament, lumber and
gravel, $16 75 ; Dudley Holmes, Got-
ret'idge account; 3- ; Finlay ielc-
Oallum, 2 culverts, $1200; Blyth,
Wingham and Brussels Agricultural
Societies each a grant of $10.00 ;
Frank Smith, fixing culvert, $100;
H. Bosman, Bone drain, $162 50 ;
Arthur Shaw, Tt easut er's salary and
postage, $140 00 ; Chas. Bernie! idge,
nutting willows, $2.00 ; F. S. Scott,
gravel, $L20 ; J. Gibson, gravel, 38,20 ;
John MrArter, work on Coenly road,
$5,40. Next meeting will be held
December 14th, A, MACEwEer,
"Do not cough or sneeze without
a ' handkerchief before the face."
Since the outbreak of influenza, how
often halve doctors, and others inter-
eeted in public health, advised us of
this, and yet how frequently is the
warning disregarded?
The failure to obey this simple
rule is probably responsible for the
spread of much contagion. Take for
example those in the early, unsus-
pected stages of consumption -a sin-
gle, unguarded cough may release
millions of deadly tubercle bacilli;
to be breathed in by''others around.
Until recent years consumption
was considered incurable, but we now
know that it can be cured if taken
in time. The Muskoka Free Hospital
has proved this without a doubt, for
thousands of its patients have been
restored to health and lives of use-
One ex -patient of that hospital
writes as follows: "Just eight years
ago this Christmas time I entered
your Sanatorium. I was a very sad
and discouraged girl that Christmas
Eve, but I have been home over
seven years, and I can hardly believe
that I ever had T, B. I look back to
the days I spent ,there, with great
thanks to God and those faithful
workers who understood our'lcases
and needs, and ministered to us so
To carry on this great work the
Muskoka Free Hospital for Con-
sumptives Is again appealing for
help. There 1s much to do. Will you
lend a hand?
Contributions may be sent to
Sir William J. Gage, 84 Spadina
avenue, Toronto, or to George A.
Reid, Secretary -Treasurer; Gage In
stitute, 228 College street, TSronto.
Listowel No Cancellation.
$18,000 will be expended in exten-
sion of paving streets.
To get after the surplus dogs in
town it is proposed to Lag them next
Mayor Watson was paid $100 by
Co. Council for damage done to his
Labatt truck by it going into an un-
proteoled culvert.
The Odd Fellows have bought a
business block from J. H. D'loDneeld
paying $0,250 for the stone, Hall will
be fitted out in Lhe upstairs.
The death of Then, 11. Roils, pro-
prietor of the Grand Central hotel,
Listowel, one of the nldest and hest,
known hotelmen of tho province and.
a resident f Listowel for more than
halt a century, occur) ed on Friday
root ping, November 20,1). 110 was in
his 75111 year, and had been ailing for
several. weeks with diabetes. Mr.
Rolls was born near Newn,arkel. and
about 55 years ago came to Lirtuwel
to take charge otva hotel for a 0101'01-
iu-lacy, lie later purchased the Royal
hotel nett after condnoting IL for
many years, disposed of it, and pur-
chased the Albion in 1878 He bought
the Grand Central which he has Own-
ed up till Lhe time of his death:
In 1867 he was married to ,hiss
Martha Kidd, who with one son,
Johnston Rolls, Moosejaw, snrvive,
Albert Rolls, Moorefield, acid John
Rolls, Mary borough, are brothers,
Funeral took place Tuesday afternoon
of last week from the Grand Central
hotel to Fairview cemetery and was
conducted by Rev. W. 1i. Dunbar,
rector of Christ; church,
It is estimated that about too farm
tractors are now owned and operated by
individual farmers in Lambton county,
Each tractor under good condition plows
an average of 5 acres per day. This
new power has added materially this
season to the area now fully plowed.
Agricultural Department Office in
Lembton county, which was the pioneer
in the tractor plowing enterprise in
Lambton, is selling oft to farmers the 7
tractors it has had in service this Fall.
The Department will not import more,
as the use of tractors by individual
fanners is uow past the experimental
stage and established en a profitable
working basis,
gar .7057;',77
F r'•
War-SaVingS Sta
On Sale at all
UY War -Savings Stamps for $4:00 each, place
them on the Certificate, which will be given to
you; have your Stamps registered against loss,
free of charge at any Money -Order Post Office; and on the first
day of 19.24, Canada will pay you $5:00 each for your stamps.
As an aid to the purchase of W. -S. S. you can buy THRIFT
Stamps for 25 cents each. Sixteen of these Thrift Stamps on a
Thrift Card will be exchanged for a W. -S. S. Thrift Stamps do
not bcar interest. Their, virtue is that they enable you to
apply every 25 cents you can save towards the purchase of e
Government, interest-bearing security.
"If high rates of interest must be paid on Government borrow-
ings it is but right that every man, woman, and child should
have the opportunity to carathis interest." --See Thomas IVhifn.
$5.(2 for $4.
It was stated at the police station
that no orders -in -council effective for
months past on acceuut of the war
have as yet been ordered rescinded.
The matter of carrying registration
cards still stands as much as ever. The
police authorities were inclined to ex-
pect that the platter cif foreigners re-
porting twice a month would be modi-
fied somewhat, but as yet no change
has been made.
The B ossels Post
For 1919
Tut: Pose and Daily (-iobe .......$ 5 00
Mail and Empire. 5 00
Toronto World... 5 00
Toronto Star 4 25
Tannic) Newa'3 75
Ian eters' Advoc'e 3 00
Fatuity Herald2 (15
Weekly Sita 2 25
London advert'(' 5 00
Free Press 5 (10
Satin clay Night . 4 25
Weekly Witness 2 80'
Nm'. Messenger2 00
Youth's Compel, 3 75
Presbbytbytetian . 3'10
Above prices are foe addresses in
Canada or Great Britain. If publica-
tion you want is not in above list, let
lis know, Toronto Scar rate increases
a dollar at New Years.
Remit by Postal Note or Express
Order. 11' Bank Cirque add exchange,
Tl1E Pos'r, Brussels.
For Sale
Transcend lots, ountoinivg,et acres, in the
Village ar Oranlrook, the property of the late
Mrs, Agnes Brown, Isofferttltfor sale. Frame
house, born, fruit trees, Co. Posarssiou could
he given at once. dear further mrtlonlacs •apo
ly t0 alas. Taoe, t)AMlRON or WM. (.'ATI NRON,
Executers estate of the late Mrs, Agnes Brown,
Bull for Service
The undersigned Wilt keep for service, on 9;G
Lob 00, Con, 2, Morels township, thetharo'-bre
Short Horn Bull, Getntord of Salem, No.
-00410=, Sired by Gainford Marquis (1001100) ;
Dont Mildred V11 by Royal Sailor (10860), Ped-
igree may Is seen on ep.l)oation, Torms-
80,20for grades and 71008orI oi'o-E11101reds.
Farm for Sale
Containing 200 acres, viz„ 834 Lot 00, Cort. 0,
Morris township, end Lot 1, Con, 0, Grey toWn•
ship. Well watered, comfortable house, bunk
barn and welfare shod, delving house, wind
mill, orchard, a&e. 2344 miles North of Brussels
on gravel road, Rural mail and rural 'phone.
Annie to school, Witt seal either or both
farms, For further particulars apply to
ALEX, 7OR;3YTH, Proprietor, Brussels, or
P. S. SCOTT, Brussels, 0.1
Horse Fairs
Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will
be held this season as follows ;'-
THURSDAY, DEO. 510, 1018
TAN. 8rd, 1010
•' FEB, 0th, 1019 .
MAR, 0th, 1919
APR, 3rd, 1911)
Leodlag Local and Outside Buyers Present
By order of Council,
Pi 8, 800'3211?, Olerk,
, T ' Il 1111 IIH 0111111111I[r 11111111 Lh .. ',. _•„�_ 't'
A Time }illi Ik o y `1 ". ut nus
1t iS uo
liter it
leave hitt
r,.t ld
At the
citron 51e'e,,
and safe
Interest rin Principal
Tho Fns'
no winc!,lne
never shrinks.
Not a dollar
0,>hcnnr era..
An later rn
will be sent
Patd up Capita/
r ^-'`•�,
.9ae toPv
is poh'dble
14 nu rl'.t.,on
WI ea,ily
: , . ,c by
or inceperleneed
of 3')
has 1,el-
•1 Inr{,, b
tt bene to be cautious.
(1) be over ruulluUs.
why it man
on deposit when
eli,d )11) tt tt.11
tweet ria;; it in
5312-, o Debentures
lime, Mortgage (orpor-
form It profitable
for idle
the dole agreedlupon. the
investor has
''s and markets. 1117
been lest by an Investor
tmtlrl about "PROFITS
some valuableadv
on requca[. very
Funds • • $3,362,378.63
Branch Offices:
day' It
no worry,
In these
it to -day.
tit I
Listowel No Cancellation.
$18,000 will be expended in exten-
sion of paving streets.
To get after the surplus dogs in
town it is proposed to Lag them next
Mayor Watson was paid $100 by
Co. Council for damage done to his
Labatt truck by it going into an un-
proteoled culvert.
The Odd Fellows have bought a
business block from J. H. D'loDneeld
paying $0,250 for the stone, Hall will
be fitted out in Lhe upstairs.
The death of Then, 11. Roils, pro-
prietor of the Grand Central hotel,
Listowel, one of the nldest and hest,
known hotelmen of tho province and.
a resident f Listowel for more than
halt a century, occur) ed on Friday
root ping, November 20,1). 110 was in
his 75111 year, and had been ailing for
several. weeks with diabetes. Mr.
Rolls was born near Newn,arkel. and
about 55 years ago came to Lirtuwel
to take charge otva hotel for a 0101'01-
iu-lacy, lie later purchased the Royal
hotel nett after condnoting IL for
many years, disposed of it, and pur-
chased the Albion in 1878 He bought
the Grand Central which he has Own-
ed up till Lhe time of his death:
In 1867 he was married to ,hiss
Martha Kidd, who with one son,
Johnston Rolls, Moosejaw, snrvive,
Albert Rolls, Moorefield, acid John
Rolls, Mary borough, are brothers,
Funeral took place Tuesday afternoon
of last week from the Grand Central
hotel to Fairview cemetery and was
conducted by Rev. W. 1i. Dunbar,
rector of Christ; church,
It is estimated that about too farm
tractors are now owned and operated by
individual farmers in Lambton county,
Each tractor under good condition plows
an average of 5 acres per day. This
new power has added materially this
season to the area now fully plowed.
Agricultural Department Office in
Lembton county, which was the pioneer
in the tractor plowing enterprise in
Lambton, is selling oft to farmers the 7
tractors it has had in service this Fall.
The Department will not import more,
as the use of tractors by individual
fanners is uow past the experimental
stage and established en a profitable
working basis,
gar .7057;',77
F r'•
War-SaVingS Sta
On Sale at all
UY War -Savings Stamps for $4:00 each, place
them on the Certificate, which will be given to
you; have your Stamps registered against loss,
free of charge at any Money -Order Post Office; and on the first
day of 19.24, Canada will pay you $5:00 each for your stamps.
As an aid to the purchase of W. -S. S. you can buy THRIFT
Stamps for 25 cents each. Sixteen of these Thrift Stamps on a
Thrift Card will be exchanged for a W. -S. S. Thrift Stamps do
not bcar interest. Their, virtue is that they enable you to
apply every 25 cents you can save towards the purchase of e
Government, interest-bearing security.
"If high rates of interest must be paid on Government borrow-
ings it is but right that every man, woman, and child should
have the opportunity to carathis interest." --See Thomas IVhifn.
$5.(2 for $4.
It was stated at the police station
that no orders -in -council effective for
months past on acceuut of the war
have as yet been ordered rescinded.
The matter of carrying registration
cards still stands as much as ever. The
police authorities were inclined to ex-
pect that the platter cif foreigners re-
porting twice a month would be modi-
fied somewhat, but as yet no change
has been made.
The B ossels Post
For 1919
Tut: Pose and Daily (-iobe .......$ 5 00
Mail and Empire. 5 00
Toronto World... 5 00
Toronto Star 4 25
Tannic) Newa'3 75
Ian eters' Advoc'e 3 00
Fatuity Herald2 (15
Weekly Sita 2 25
London advert'(' 5 00
Free Press 5 (10
Satin clay Night . 4 25
Weekly Witness 2 80'
Nm'. Messenger2 00
Youth's Compel, 3 75
Presbbytbytetian . 3'10
Above prices are foe addresses in
Canada or Great Britain. If publica-
tion you want is not in above list, let
lis know, Toronto Scar rate increases
a dollar at New Years.
Remit by Postal Note or Express
Order. 11' Bank Cirque add exchange,
Tl1E Pos'r, Brussels.
For Sale
Transcend lots, ountoinivg,et acres, in the
Village ar Oranlrook, the property of the late
Mrs, Agnes Brown, Isofferttltfor sale. Frame
house, born, fruit trees, Co. Posarssiou could
he given at once. dear further mrtlonlacs •apo
ly t0 alas. Taoe, t)AMlRON or WM. (.'ATI NRON,
Executers estate of the late Mrs, Agnes Brown,
Bull for Service
The undersigned Wilt keep for service, on 9;G
Lob 00, Con, 2, Morels township, thetharo'-bre
Short Horn Bull, Getntord of Salem, No.
-00410=, Sired by Gainford Marquis (1001100) ;
Dont Mildred V11 by Royal Sailor (10860), Ped-
igree may Is seen on ep.l)oation, Torms-
80,20for grades and 71008orI oi'o-E11101reds.
Farm for Sale
Containing 200 acres, viz„ 834 Lot 00, Cort. 0,
Morris township, end Lot 1, Con, 0, Grey toWn•
ship. Well watered, comfortable house, bunk
barn and welfare shod, delving house, wind
mill, orchard, a&e. 2344 miles North of Brussels
on gravel road, Rural mail and rural 'phone.
Annie to school, Witt seal either or both
farms, For further particulars apply to
ALEX, 7OR;3YTH, Proprietor, Brussels, or
P. S. SCOTT, Brussels, 0.1
Horse Fairs
Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will
be held this season as follows ;'-
THURSDAY, DEO. 510, 1018
TAN. 8rd, 1010
•' FEB, 0th, 1019 .
MAR, 0th, 1919
APR, 3rd, 1911)
Leodlag Local and Outside Buyers Present
By order of Council,
Pi 8, 800'3211?, Olerk,