HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-12-5, Page 8Were -seeSseteeele, eelle esce see ase ei tee leesee t'eeie<A4'iefsese lege eel.Sa3'04.4 e ieeeieeeti0+44044' 04/. • + • • i • • 1. 0 + • 4, Christmas YI SMP.@aGEES�141445-�CQ5611r^5MeE =7210172 h oppers r, HERE ARE ITEMS OF INTEREST rain t. rri.'trniet good, 111' in rind yeR1 nett Mel Irl11, •-Ili: i:u•- (10u lu „aleutrog Gifts from theta it you line :t lout- list and looking for tm derate priced articles, here is the place to come. New Ochs idCbK4•.0 4+0F Dressed Dolls, very substan- tially made, with hard heads -- qi in Dolls 35c. 12 in. Dolls, Goo. Baby Dolls from Sr to $5. Small Dolls at roc and isc. Dolls' Carriages with hood top, $4 75 each. Picture Books Limp Cover, with large bright- ly colored pictures, at roc, iso and 250 each, Linen Picture Books with Nur- sery Rhymes, at 150, 25c and 300 each Board Cover Picture Books with amid stories, at 150, 25c ate: sec each. Boxed Stationery New L'h stn•0S c.v.,s on the boxes, 251 and 15e e eh. Larger011101 It 5 e, b •e :mil $1 tar. Very huudsoms, boxes at $2 00. Gilt Edged Correspondtt ee Cards -25 cards and 25 envelopes to match, 400, Lord Baltimore ',Critiug Portfolio, 50 Streets Paper nod 24 Envel- opes, 5no FLASH LIGHTS Fiat Pocket size. nickel ease - $1,35 and $2,00 each Round Shape - $1 35, $1.50, $2 0o and $2 5o Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens I K^ v �H•k>3.in :xt�a r � " - '' at a w+c 2,..°) i J�},, W aterman's Fountain Pen4, self filters,, $2 5o -with clip $2.75 Other Pens, $'i.00 and $4.00 Strap Hand Purses Niece (30031 this season. In "nr Stock are those at $t. no, $1.20 and $2.00 New rertnmes a 4. •1' Thea Store Christmas packages, all the choice odors -25c a bot. up, Exclusive Perfumes in bulk- Djerkis, Mabatia, Azure!, &c. Magazine Subscriptio s We take subscriptions for all the Popular Magee nes- Saturday Evenine Post $ 2 50 Poreto Saturday Night3 o 0 Country Gentleman 175 Literary Digest 4 S5 Cosmopolitan. Red Book, Ladies' Home Journal and many othere. Hotly Tags, Seale and Cards, se and 100 per Envelope F. A. SMfl]1 Z.1 -04-0-!,..c-1-04,1.+0+-.÷.44+04.4.+0+41 ,sus• -.-.- Druggist and Stationer • + • 0' + 4 4. O + • •r O • • + • + • • • • • • + • • ♦ + • •• 4 4. A A + •s 4. ♦ •Y ♦ •• •• • • •+ • • • • • 4. • + ♦ •• 0 • • +0+45.+•+04• A+O+4,4.0+•+•+0.04.0 al(eB,, SATURDAY evening a regular blizzard ,a'1 dos pins was on the program. HURON County Red Cross will meet in Clinton on Saturday December 7th. DECEMBER. This will bean important meeting. THE POST gives the news. SCHOOL Board Friday of this week, LOCA`, sad Di trict news on page 5. READY sale is found for good wood. LAST Saturday was mach like real Winter. MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of this week, Tars Logan chopping mill is a very busy spot these days. FOUR weeks from Wednesday of this week will be Christmas. H. R. ELLIOTT sold his poultry with one week's advt. in THE POST. Nut secl, see added to the local taxes unpaid after Saturday 14th inst. See Collector Oliver in good time. TU&SDAY the first jingle of sleighbelts was heard for this season when a few clutters and sleighs were out. Teta demonstration at Wilton & Gtl- le.spie's store last 'rhnrsday was quite a revelation in the stove line. Owing to the rainy day a number were unable to see it. A NUMBER from this locality will at- tend the Winter Fair at Guelph, al- though we have not learned of many exhibitors from around here. Walter Rose will have a poultry exhibit, 4 CARS of stock were shipped from Brussels last Saturday, 2 loads of cattle and 2 of INNS. It is probable they rep- resented from $12,000 upward. Barr Bros., G. A. Best and 5. Walker & Son were the sbtppers. $337.46 -The subscription taken in Brussels for the Sailers' Fund this Fall totalled $337 46 This included $ro6 78 proceeds of Rose Day, which was carried out Brushes Fair Day. Amount was forwarded to the Treasurer at Toronto, Rem (:Ross CIRCLE. -The ladies are sewing every Tuesday afternoon for the Belgian relief. Patterns have been secured and garments cut out ready for those willing to help. Socks knit from Red Cross yarn are now sold by the Circie at $7.25 to tbose wiabing to send to their boys overseas. 40 pair of socks were brought in last week and 26 more this week. PAY YOUR TAXES. -There will be a Pleb amour the taxpayers next week as Saturday will be the last date they can be pard before the 5% is added. Col- lector Oliver will be at the Council Chamber Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each afternoon from t to 6 p, m. Saturday he will be there from to a. m, to 6 p. in, To facilitate matters in a rush have the correct amount in change. The roll this year calls for $x1,6g5.19 and of that amount only about $250o has been paid 111) to Wednesday morning considerably less than other years. DIED AT 'PHESSALON.-A message WAS received by Mrs. Alex, Anderson last Monday that her sister, Mrs, )as. Thom- as, had died at Thessalon that morning from influenza. Her maiden name was 'Nellie Harbottle ; she was born at Craubrook and was 3r years of age, 13 years ago she was united in marriage to Jas. Thomas and s have m a ate they ha a made their home at Thessnlon, Algoma. Mr. Thomas and 6 children are left to miss the lovo and care of wife and mother, Deceased lived in Brussels for a num- ber of years with her grandparents, the late Jno. and Mrs. Howard and was highly esteemed by a wide circle of friends who will be very sorry to learn of her demise and wild sympathise with the bereaved, A letter from Pte. Harry Fox says his wound in the thigh was not gunshot but shrapnel. 311e was getting along fine in. the hospital. TUESDAY evening the Girl Guides met at the borne of Mrs James Fox and spent the time patching a quilt. The next meeting 2 weeks hence will be held at Mrs, James Ballaatyne's, Queen street, COMFORTASLI 110082 for sale, well located. Apply to ROY McZAY, Bruseels. Seism horse blanket lost in Brussels also pair of heavy gloves, Will finder kindly leave at THE Poem or report toVromon S?ARLINO, Cranhrook, Fon SALx.-Road_ater 1011y rising 8 years and General Purpose Filly rising 2 years. ,TSO. GRANT. 22.8 Phone 268 Lot 3, Con. 12, Grey. Two good Mitch mews for sale, to freshen December 1851 and 25th. Milton Lowe, Lot 8, Con. 9, Grey. Phone 226. BMA SALE. -One choice reglgtered Short Horn bell. 8 months old. Color, dark red. For immediate sale, 2182,00 Phone 859. THOS. KRRR, Henfryn, Am a bargain price. One set of second-hand single harness. RwHAIIDS & Co, WANTri,-Dead Horses and Animals taken awes promptly within a radius of 20 1niles. Will pay from 25 to 85 for live animals brought to factory. Nn animals removed without hide. Phone, day 15. Phone, evening 178, The Farmers' Fertilizer Co., Ltd„ Wingham, Jammu for sale Cheap. Apply to JAs. BALLANTYNI, Brnseele, YOUR EYES will bo thoroughly and accurate- ly examined by modern and scientific methods, the correct prescription issued and eyeglasses or spectacles fitted with lenses exactly to meet your requirements, It Coate you noth- ing to tat us examine .your eyes. There is no geese work. Prices moderate. .7, R. WENDT, Optician, Wroxeter. DRIVING Horse, 7 years old, and firsa•slass 2nd hand Buggy for sale. Apply to 17•tf Wat. LITTT.e:, Brussels. DR. PARKER, Osteopsthle Physician, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of esoh week. Chronic and uervans diseases 8uec858011)1y treated, Visits residences, Consultation at Queen's Hotel, War,r¢N's Institute ns Mute wilte t m e In the audience ronin of the Public Library Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The topic 'Selected" will be in charge of Miss Bessie Moses, Jamestotvu, There will sten be a program of music. All the ladies are invited to attend, LrerLE STAas-The annual 'thank -of- fering of the Little Star Mission Band of Melville church was a 440002583u1 and en- joyable event. hire. IS, S. Scott, the Superintendent, presider] and program was renderer) in an excellent manner and was es follows :-Opening hymn ; prayer ; Chorus "Sunbeam song," : etec-Treat, report ; recitation, Jean Stewart ; solo, Margaret Wilson ; selec- tion by 4 little girls, Reta Burgess, Win• nifred McMillan, Dorothy and Helen Kyle ; Chorus, "Carry your Bible with you" by 6 little girls ; address by Mrs. (Rev.) Lundy. Walton, on Mission Band work in the West ; piano solo, Frank Oliver ; recitation, Jean Fergu- son ; solo, Rive Oliver ; Chorus, Pri• mary Class; recitation, Margaret Strachan ; Chorus by older girls ; red - tenon Lillian Ftatt ; solo and chorus, Edge IvleCall ; address by Mrs, (Rev,) Mann ; National Anthem. Tbe offer- ing Was $29.og which goes to missions of course, 'Thanks were expressee to Mrs. Lundy for her visit The Little' Stars are doing a good work anti praotl. cal results are not wanting of the out. come of this meeting, elry the Prograttt._ • Slim l day:. Payment of 19x15. ?,1 1(144.11241 c,iu sedates. WiutOn Vair Guelph. VII 01100111141111101110, KM/here, 3 a erpronl11 at d uuthte11S. Blsneeniteit m1d Cti(lotnlaa peed lege in setts:Cog yoet' reading for tyre de not overlroh that old standby, The Fat W,»elav tiva. There ie nn 011111 pre+p''T I0st Ike it. No ill eretiOe I prier, aur reeler per year. Free "nlnllle apples will be sent 011 rrquesti address rhe -Weekly Sun, Toronto. The dollar iuvtt•'cd Will bring you a handsome mime. Try 1t.. 110RTi(,•U11U gAL -The Fall buibs for Brussels Horticnitlual Society are to hand consisting of Htmaunts 53131 Nar- cissus. All members for the corning year will get thein whose fees are paid. Bulbs may be had at Fox'S Drug store or Tee Pose Poblishiug House wbere membership tees of $t,00 may be paid. Spring distribution will be made in due course, LITERARY Soctz'ry.-Brussels Cottle - nation School Literary was held on Friday afteru000, Nov. 29th, at which a very enjoyable time wse spent, Pro gram Was as fellows :-Opening chorus, "0 1 Canada" ; reading, Margaret Maunders ; solo, M. Wilton ; debate - "Resolve that the Armistice terms were not ne exacting on the Germaus as they should have been " Affirmative was upheld by M. McNab and Edith Ring end the negative by E. Sparring and V, Blake ; a short criticism of the debate, Bert Lott ; chorus ; reading, Bernice Cole ; resdiug, Mildred Maun- ders ; reading, le Sperling ; reading, Mr Scott ; reading, E. McCall ; God save the Kine. We were glad to see that some of our ex pupils had not for- gotten. We cordially invite all, CURATE FOUGHT TO COURAGE 'US DEATH .-Particulars of the dea'h of Pte. (Rev ) Harold Payne, received by the widow at 162 Rose Avenue, Toroo to, state that he was killed during a brilliant attack epee Upton Wood on Aug. 3o. Reports frau the trout state that Pte, Payne displayed great courage as be pet himself at the bead of his plat00.) after many had been killed and that he led the men in face of heavy machine gun fire until he was shot down. Before going overseas he was curate of Preston Anglican church. Rev Mr. Payne supplied St , John's church, Brussels, for a month or so after the late Rev. Mr. Cameron removed from town and was back here for a few weeks later. Old friends bare regret the demise and sympathise with the bereaved, Klee WORDS TO MRS, ANGUS CA,1IP FELL -The following letter was received from Capt, Morrow, relative to the death ot Corp. Harold Campbell :-My DEAR MRS. CAMPBELL,-Pleaseaccept my sincerest sympathy to you in the loss ot your sou, Corp. H. Campbell, 127356, His brother will give yell, derails of his heath and burial, He died like the hero he was leading his section into a nest of machine guns and a trench mortar. A bullet bit him and killed him instautly, I lost a vety valuable N. C. 0., a mighty clean living boy and one always to be re lied upon, Often I thought how proud his mother must be of him and his brother, who stand out as two real men. All 111s pals, as well as all the officers of the Company thought a great deal of him and all of us feel bis loss very much. With all our most wonderful outstanding victory of the day a loss such as this softens the glow of triumph, but alas we cannot beat that beast of nations unless we fight, Again all I can say that my whole heart is with you, and your hus- band in these hours of trial, From another mother's boy. H. G. Mofeow, Captaiu. • THINGS SAID PLENTY GOOD ENOUGH Foss A 'TOMBSTONE, -Wednesday even- ing of last week a good sized audience, of men and women, assembled in Brus- sels'lbwn Hall to hear Geo. Spotton, the independent Conservative candidate for North Huron, peel the bide off the "Ananias Club" ot Wingham. Richard Procter, Belgrave, made a model chair- man and introduced the silver toned 'rhos. R. Bennett and Juo. Groves, town Clerk, oe Wiugham, as curtain raisers, They did the trick all rigitt and with humor, "jabs" at the Kaiser band and hogeess for their favorite candidate filed in their time very well. Mr, Spotton spoke at length and almost en- tirely on personal matters and the way he had been cheated out of what was honestly his at North Huron Tory Con- veutiou. He bumped Hon, 'Ikey" Lucas for bis visit to Gerrie and Ford- wich and his attempt to stir up anti- pathies by disparaging Sir Wilfrid Laurier before a body of Orangemau ; of the members of the Provincial Cabe net to coax him out of the contest ; of Pion. Ferguson's denial that he said he thobght Spotton was cheated out of nomination and produced affidavits from Messrs, Procter, Vanstone, Town and Ellis who declared they heard him say so, of the silliness of Dr, Case peddling bis soldier boys pictures through rbe riding to draw sympathy ; and of his (Spotten't) disinclination to be hound down to follow the Hearst (hearse) &c., &c. A couple of hours were occupied in all but no attempt airs made to deal with public issues or discuss the questi- onsot the day. Mr. Spotton has a glib tongue and Irish wit and gave his W eig- ham political frieuds of other days a great blackballing. His crack at A. H. -Musgrove accepting Wingham Post - mastership instead of passing it over to a returned soldier lost its thud when folk knew that Geo. wss one of the head pushers urging Mt. Musgrove's ap- pointment, Meeting closed with the National Auteem. 1 People We Talk About #t tt it Miss Freda Vanstone, Wiugham, was a visitor in town last Week. Reeve Plu:n is attending the County Council this week at Goderich, Miss MargeretAment is home from a short visit with London relatives and friends, Principal B. S. Scott was off duty Monday owing to a bad cold but was at work 'Tuesday. P. Ament was at Windsor and other Westerly points last week 00mbiting business and pleasure, Miss Geddes was able to resume her duties on the teaching staff of Brussels Public School on Monday, after her ill- ness, .i \ ,p .r. .x/•r-.'n ��irc'tJT".. a`nY 1 :.d..:t{.....�,(G x. 'w `w a Hared 01W4A11' e STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO 4. 0 5, m W 4. TRUST FUNDS a Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and I• ea 007'0 1072 interest at current rate. 239 ' (f�Jy. 9 I` G. H SAMIS, M El El Manager. a ae.-erraam-ora-auawwssd a' esamne-:maKaar s -rzmt enemya n :.n. r BRUSSELS BRANCH Miss Winne. Lang has taken a pu.l• tine in 1" It sue he ditlg store Mies Isobel 1511achan is visiting in Wi'i4lham. She 102 0'3 at 11 seere:l cote car iu the Auglirau One e'hursclat' evening. Mies L 07, 0 1'3111, 4, dsa1 iter of Huge n u„ !t Enter ,Bois<t'i•: S .uin, has beau ill w to u.ilu"ori hu'.'Ng hoed she Is u. k. by this orae. Editor Bamford, of the Listowel Stan- dard, was a caller on THE POST Tuesday atteruoou, when we enjoyed a "shop" °bat with hila, The item last week referring to Dr. W. E. Bryaus, should have said Beth. bridge instead of Moosejaw. Dr. Bryaus is on the hospital staff and will no doubt ail the bill exeellootly. Rev. Fred. and Mrs, Hinter end sons, who have been visiting relatives in Brus- sels for several weeks, left last Monday for their new home iu Lousianna U. 5, We wish them prosperity in their new field of labor. Mrs. Frank Clair, Kentucky, and Mrs. W m. Flook end son, William D . of Chatham, are here for a holiday visit with D. 8, and Mrs, McDonald, Turn, berry street. The visiting ladies are daughters of the host and hostess. Mr. Clair is a supervisor ou the railway. Mrs. Flook's husband was killed in France A short time ago. Church Chimes Melville Church Youug People's Society purchased a Victory Boud for Missionary advancement, Rev. Fr. Pallet), parish priest of Wingham and Brussels, who bas beeu seriously ill with influenza, is some better eel are pleased to hear, Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Mann will preach anniversary sermons at Blyth, The pastor there will go to Monkton and Rev, Mr. 'Thompson, of latter place, will come to Brussels. "The Poets and Singers of the Old Testament" will be the subject at the uuiou service of the young people iu Melville church next Sunday evening Miss I, Strachan, Bart Lott and Miss Margaret Ross are the names associated with it. Tbe total receipts for Melville W. M, S. 'Pbankoffering this year is the largest on record, viz $180.83. Rev, Mr. Mal• colm's sermons ou the anniversary were much enjoyed. Annual meeting Thurs- day afternoon of this weelr at the home of Mrs, Wm, Martin, Flora street. At the union prayer service Thursday evening of last week in Melville church Walter Yuill, P. A, McArthur and Andrew Lamont gave interesting re- ports of the special meeting of Maitland Presbytery, held at Wingham the day previous, to discuss the Forward Move- ment at which the speakers were dele- gates among others from the congrega- tion. PASTOR INDUCTED -Tire Presbytery of Maitland met Thursday of last week for the induction of Rev. James Scobte, at Whitechurch. Though the day was disagreeable,there was a good cougregatiou. Rev. W. A. Bradley presided and inducted the min- ister, Rev, Robert McCallum, Luck- uow, prtached the sermon: Rev, A. M, B01ye, Belgrave,'addressed the min- ister,, and Rev. David Perrie, Wingham, the people. UNION SERvlcss,-The first of series of union services between the Presby- terian and Methodist congregations, Brussels, for the ensuing 4 months, was held iu Melville church last Sabbath, when large congregations were present morning and evening. Both pastors, Revds, Messrs, Mann and Stafford, took part iu each service, 'elle latter preached in the morning on "Be ye thankful," Col, 3-15. It was a most ap- propriate discourse as the Domiuiou Government had asked that the day.. be observed as a time of Thanksgiving over the cessation of war. Rev. Mr, Mann's theme in the evening was "Thanksgiv- ing." Neb. 6-3, "I ata doiog'a great work so that I cannot come down," was 010 text. Ho dealt wills the ucw Forward Movemeut launched by Ilse churches end pointed out in a practical way, ways earl means of siding the crusaders in doing our part. The union choir did their part splendidly, render- ing a fine anthem in the morning and a double quartette and duet and chorus at eveutog service, 'there were 40 mem- bers hi choir. At the Young People's Society gathering, that met in the sc11o,1 room after the preaching service, lops(; was ••All for Christ -our pleasures," Mrs. I Parker CRS in charge, Miss Marion Shut read rbe lesson 13011 Mss M, Yuill tools the topic, giving an in• lerestrng paver. A uumber took past, List of topics for conlitig mouths hes been issued, stied, It was monthly to IRSlOnal'y Clay in the Sunday School w1iclr as- sembled at 3 p: m, in the Auditorium. Melville school went to the basement after the claming exercises for class work the Methodist school continuing in body of the church. Brussels Council Regular monthly session of Beliesele Council was held Monday evening. Present, Reeve Plum and Councillors Wilton, Walker tend Preget.. Minutes of last meeting rend and canfirnie(L Following accounts were presented : Gerry& Walker misc. 34 01 $ Northern Electric Company15 47 Thos, Walker, expenses celebra- tion . .. ......... . .. , 8 52 S. 0. Wilson, 431t Division Ooultfees . 12 00 THE POST, advertising 20 00 Thos. Dougherty, tile 11 02 Geo. Best, repairing fire bell 50 Robt. Olives', salary ... 45 00 Robs, Thuell, salary and rent,120 00 Jas. Kerr, gravel .... 17 50 Jas. Kerr, gravel 55 00 D. Ewan, miscellaneous 35 Angus Oampbell, electric light 2 75 Jno, Long, Constable...-. ..... 2 110 John Wright, electric light. 72 Jas. Henderson, miscellaneous. 60 75 Moved by S. Wilton seconded by 111, Fraser that above accounts be paid. Carried, The annual report of Dr, T. T. MIc- Rae, Medical Health Officer, was react. It was as follows BRUSSELS QouNeiL, GENTLEMEN. - Allow me to report conditions per- taining to Board of Health for the Village of Brussels, Influenza has been oar only disease of an epidemic mature this year and inside of the Corporation we have had only 8 cases. Of these 6 cases came home to Brus- sels suffering from the malady. There were only 2 cases of people who worked iu the Post Office. We have had no deaths. At present we are entirely free from any infections dis- eases whatsoever, When the epidem- ic reached Seaforth South of 319 we at once closed our churches and schools and forbade assemblies of any kind within the village. The advice ae to preventive treatment provided by the Provincial Board of Healtle and re- ceived by the Local Board, was hand- ed on to the citizens through the agency of THE BRUSSELS POST and also by the local physicians privately and my private opining is that the village was saved from many a death by taking the action we did. Every stable where horses are kept is pro- vided with a manure receptacle, with the exception of one, and Lille will be remedied before May lst, 1919., There was some Carelessness with some of the receptacles :not being covered, those rases were reported to our Board by the Constable regularly bet we diel require to use drastic measures to accomplish our pperp080 to have them kept closed, We appeal to the citizens to'report• cases of carelessness to the Constable. We must congrat- ulate the proprietors of our industries, the woollen n1i11, butter factory, plan- ing mill, livery stable, and carriage factory and blacksmith shops tuid •044♦•4••4.4.4••OO4.e-0•♦0000 0••0.0••04••••000•••0400•• 0 • 4 A 0 0 • s • 0 0 0 ♦ A • ♦ A A A A A A 0 CUTTERS LE 1 WHEELBA'HHOWS G e Now is the time to buy. Fine assortment and A A i Goods at Reasonable Prices. • A • • Repairs in Wood. Work, oa e es Attended to Promptly and in Workmanlike :•, manner, : • • s Give us a call and add another to our long list • r• of Satisfied Customers, • O • s t m� Brussels • • Z ......................................... 40.0♦A••••••, S • s 9 • e • e ® Canada's Day of Glory -by F. A. Alo- e Kenzie, The cleaeription 01' Can - o 9s Store THI, ,,,tmlialeave STORE oekly St re Bulletin The New books'lieprfflt Isere are some of the new Books jive; to hand ;- 011 Money1 Money 1 by llleanol' II. Porter -A remauco of a New Eng - laud Cinderella and It WesternMillionaire '6 1 511 The 1\Iagniilceut Arnbersons - by Booth 'reeking ton, A book dealing with wealthy Society life .• •. 1 50 The Young Dianne -by Mat•ie Oorelli. In which modern science is success- ful in 111e rejuvenation of youth 1 85 ada's part in the great Ware. 1 e0 The Romance of Western Canada --by R, G. Mael3etb, The etm'y of Settlement, In. dian Uprising, &o., in the. life of the Great est - 1 60 Out of the Jaws of Hmrland-by Pte Jack .Evans and Corp, Fred. McMullen, Story of their escape frmu a German prison camp across the Holland border 1 25 Dere Mabel - by E, Streeter, Humorous "T.ove Lettere of a Rookie" 76 The Crook in the Bell -by Peter Clark Me' Fariane. A story of Love and Polities in an A.nroricen City 1 06 In rho Day of Battle -by various writers sno11 as Rioting, Service, &o 1 26 Josselyu's Wife -a striving Society Novel be Kathleen Norris 185 The Cow Puncher 71 50 The Homesteaders 75 Kitchener and other Poems 100 In Orchard Glen -a new book by Marion Keith 1 50 The Hope of Oar Catling -a new book by Rev, Prof, Robb. Lew, 1). D. 1 25 Three Times end Out -by Nellie 51801ung, A real live story of n Canadian's weep() from different Gorman camps 1 60 Rabb. J.C. Stead Rural Phone Orders We wish to remind our Unetomers that we nppreelate their Telephone orders and consider it a pleasure to look after diem so don't forget our number -81 -when or. Bering by 'phone. Pour orders will re. ceive prompt nnd.caretul attention. Following are some of our now Itefrr•inls 1 The Econ t iersmau - 13y 1I, A ('oily The Rucks 311' Val )rt'-'- 1(3 Ethel M.0all The Trail of Ninety -eight - By Robt. W. Service The Long Lane Turning - By startle Ermine River The Life Everlasting - 13y Marie Carelli The Long Patrol - By it. A, Cody The Doctor By Ralph Omer The Black Creek Stopping House By Nellie McClung An 010 Fashioned Oirl- By L. M. A Ilcott The T'reasuee of Heaven By Marie Carelll Mr. Bingle - 13y Geo. Barr MoCutcheon The Fourth Thatch-- . 13y H. A. (Judy The Bail Juulpee- The above are splendidly bound • ej and provide excellent reading 75c each tl As They ,4 it in New York a surprised ab you, Sammy," said 'the teacher, that you cannot tell me when Christopher t'04nnbne diecever, ed A,u rirn What does the chapter ha l to r heading of the lesson rand 7 "atmbn22," replied Som "Well. Weisn'tthetrintn enon5" 1,811 ed the teacher, "DM you never see It before 7" Yea'm, Yes'm," answered Sammy, "hut 1 always thought it was hie Tele• phone number," JAMES X DRUGGIST and STATIONER Im • • • A • m • • s • • • • 0 0 e;siasetcceeetiateeseeeseeseneeiteesscastaceseseeseeeeeesseeespeopeeste, fOj cold storage plant for the clean and efficient way they carry on their dif- ferent places. We have unfortunate- ly made no progress along the Mica the out -door closets and still have the old privy vault unprotected Prom files, in nearly every case, so that should there be a carrier of typhoid in our neighborhood, the whole corporation would be liable to infection. I ap- proached the Commit in 1917 to pass a By-law to introduce the dry earth system and have the closets cleaned tet least twice e. month during the Sum- mer months but they thought, how- ever, that it would not do to put the village to any extra expenses daring the war, and the matter was laid oven'. We expect however to remedy this condition during 1919. We had only 18 deaths during the year 1018 and only 8 births, Before closing my re- port I wish to congratulate the teach- ing staff of the Brussels Continuation and Public schools, for the prompt action they Lake in having pupils who apparently are suffering from infec- tion, or adenoids. &c., sent up to their physicians for examination. T. T. M'RAE, 131. 0. H. Reeve Plum introduced the question of providing a memorial for the sol- dier boys who rnade the supreme sac - 'ince in the war and after it bad been discussed for a while the subject W118 laid over for further consideration. In the Matter of arranging for a re- ception of the home corning soldiers a committee was appointed consisting of Reeve Plum, M. Blade J. Ferguson, B, Li, Scott, Jon. Galbl'attll and \V. H. Kerr to plan for what would be best A vshort, report was given by the Reeve of the Hydro Electric Conven- tion he attended in Toronto, Oouncil adjourued to meet Mon- day evening, 10111 inst., to conclude the business of the year. BORN MOINmosn,-In Grey, on December lst, 1018, to Mr. and Mrs. Jno.P, Mclutosh,a non - Malcolm Ferguson, PALME1.-In Brusels on November 25th, 1018, to Mr. and Mrs, William Palmer, a eon, James Allenby. W'IL'oma,-At Racllhavet, Soak., on November 11th, 1918, to Mr, and Mrs, Harold A. W11 - bee, a ditug)eter, DIED Roan, -A1 Clinton, on Nov. 27111, 1018, Wil- liam Robb, born at Huntley, Aberdeen' shire, Soottand, January 17th, 1828, THOteAe. At Thessnlon, Algoma, on Decem- ber 2ed, 1018, Nellie Harbottle, beloved wife of Jas. Theasa, aged 51 yearn. BRUSSELS MARKET i ll Wheat lra8210 52 10 Spring Wheat 2 06 2 05 Oats 2 70 711 PeasBarley 100 1 0 2 110 Butter 48 40 Eggs - 65 55 Hoge 17 75 17 75 000 16 0 14 1 60 1 00 Wool HRP Potatoes per, bag Vv�'Y' •, C AMA VA WAR -SAVINGS STAPS 'rhe Canadian Government offers interest-bearing . War -Savings Stumps Issue of 1, 19 Pa able ,Tan. 1, 1924 RDER-IN-COUNCIL P.C. No. 2462 authorizes the issue of War -Savings Stamps for the pur- pose of assisting in the financing of Government expenditures. As Sir Thomas White, Minister of Finance, points out, W. -S, S. will provide "an excellent investment for small savings; and a strong incentive to every -day econority." $5.00 for $4.00 • Until January 81st, 1919, War -Savings Stamps will be sold by all Ivloney-Order Post Offices, Banks, and other authorized Agencies, for $4.00 each, and on January 1st, 1924, Canada will pay $5.00 each for them. fltegistra. tiara Against Loss A Certificate is provided for the purchaser of a W. -S. S. On the eartificate arc 53)0005 to which 10 W. -S. S. may be affixed. A certificate bearing one or more W. -S.5. may be registered at any Money -Order Post Office, fully protecting the owner against loss by fire, burglary or other cause. The Certificate also shoe t the Cash Surrender Value of W, -S. 5.., at various date Loforc ,, iturity, SOLD WHEREVER '1'I11S S SIGN IS_ DISPLAYED 11