HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-12-5, Page 7..a, ,Y,.. .,.,. - > -mail n� .� ..W.
Sig Drell and Doll Carriage
Thld leeir Don to 11 In-
ehea tall, has minted lone
and Wane and natural
lead, haode and feet. The
ell Carriage has steel
haat end wheels, and
re meed 02'et, bmadean^
meathoret e. 11 is 2
inches high 1 and 20
itor tee 131i( Dole ,stae
Just send us your
name and address
and we will send
you s0 Packages of
lovely embossed
Xmaa Post Cards to
sell at 10 cents n
package.• When they are
said send us the money
and we will send you the.
1316 Doll, with all charges
prepaid, and we will also
-Pea anen
q r
Del eloping The Bacon Hog.
Eor n number of year('; Canadian
tumors have ecinfiued their efforts in
hot; raising to the production of a
been type. This waa brought•aboitt
by a keen ticlnitnd in the British mar-
ket for what is known as the Wilt-
, shire cut --the whole side of the bog
with the head oil', and cured in that
way, While the consumer is will-
ing to pay liberal prices for a desir-
able product Ins taste is exceedingly
fastidious. Therefore, the producer
in catering to this market has always
:Found it necessary to exercise all the
skill at Iris command in order to hold
• the trade and at the same limo secure
DIA 0degnatn profit.
In the first place, the bacon indus-
try is founded on ;judicious: selection
and mating of breeding stock. To
make Wiltshire sides v. hog weighing that a mere gain in weight is not the
£ram one hundeed and sixty to two only object -that the feeder must have
hundred and twenty pounds, live in mind. All the way from birth 'to
weight, is required. The most value maturity he is aiming to build up
able meat is found along the upper quality.In his product, Ile must
Experiments have shown that soft,
1less may result from a number of
causes. Perhaps one of the most come
mon of these is exclusive meal feed-
ing, especially if the exercise Is limit-
ed. Swine are grass -eating animals
and phis fact must bo remembered
and acted upon in connection with any
system of feeding that may be adopt-
ed. Then, too, the trouble is frequ- scriptions have been found which send you the Doll tar•
ently caused by feeding only one kind lain! state that theNile failed to without an • cltlarge !r you will
plainly nage n thou 3
of grain. Where corn is largely fed overflow its honks for a member of show your Ilan to
there is a great tendency to softness, successive years; vegetation wether- I1,f,t thr anal in algia
Thera is, however, no grain grown
ed, and the land was devoid of crops. emu our cards and earn
that contains all. = the essentiale of a Lean Stanley tells us that similar prices tmo• Hand ,1•,
complete food and it is only by mix-
famines occurred in the eleventh and ae+ to day oral ral sd-
twelfth centaur}es. Look out a man can get your n111 nr:d
ing that anything like a perfect grain discreet and w; a -There is nothing Dolleerrtage toneell
may be found. Unthrifty, unfinished surprising in the readiness of Pharaoh ncaseses
over -done hogs also have a marked to believe the interpretations given by s neenF•vrnreel '
tendency to softness. Joseph. Several instances are known aonfs'eJw
It will be seen from the foregoing from the inscriptions of the Pharaohs .toevt. 3:90, Toronto
entering upon 1lnnportant undeltak
ings in consequence of intimations
conveyed to them:in dreams.
84. Let him appoint over.eere, etc,
---These were otiiciuie appointed to
supervise the collection of the grain.
Take up the fifth part of the land -
There was a regular grain tart which
.>e.w' 12
Lesson X. Joseph Made Ruler lrf
Egypt -Gen. 41. Golden
Text, Luke I.O. 1.0.
Verse 83. Now therefore -Refers
to the interpretation of Pharaoh's
dreams. Joseph predioted that there
would he seven years of plenty fole,
lowed by seven years of famine, In -
part of the sides a. fear forward as avoid such practices that will prove
the shoulder, When the shoulder deteimental to it and take advalltlago
and the neck are reached there is a of those that experience has proven formed a part of the government dutivaci an e :ceL a t thio in to .a nllttly `st=,l;v hoc r," �1'.:. v, _• . t1 rotas a,t hest 1,;
very material drop 121 value, This beneficial, Starting with a litter of revenue. ft is suppoacd that this le-eatitrr 1:'oreenet. 1 <} t, ,1 up ill the horn, There
means that the hog with It heavyyoungsters he pians to keep thein was ordinarily a tenth, but was in- day, if i?, be: claete , meth 20 in,t}ucle 2ncuccr1 for the 1 tale ones,win+at It 1- l;,• .• .,,. a, :rand talc f,r• her.
"c growing right from the first. The creased to ono )1fth to meet the 't\ daddy laolts into the pamper tc, ..+c? alit(' i a:::• ,, 51% a u1 1he.:;• of .mmacu- the delighted ._ 022:ion o!' the It:owe- "1, all ':,e tee darned cu: in 11 Int the
rough .,ueelde produces an undestra g g g e A
Me .f h caanse it is heavyat the ear} • sins arc the cheapest, 'beside, emergency et the predicted famine. 2,%hat kind of a d^.y it et going to be. late *.tu;:r; :•a•i 1 :1_- ter eare1 ups 4-2 well. Reacting r-}00:1, tee, i' OPieji ,1.1 mll;h . eRtt:r a mc10e pint,
der v .,t it is the thrifty i that makes the 35. Lay tip grain ---The ti anar}es Illy mother t;oc1 11:11 and looks up feed. Vac, re. :til , f los t^:, apt-- :1 ; r2 well worth ruleivrtnlg as n
end the poor mnima3 have to 110 disc
cheap end. It is lflcelu,.e an indica pg a s w11O large brick 12 114111.4 00ntatnfng - at the sky, Y.1141 this .1 2L -i c,-•. _-, 111.: roost pl(nrur, asset. and by the way, it 1
tion that there should boa good' best bacon. d he ,they are. about narrow uo110 There were o endngs ,. r . ', r. will Pl i- mit lett and both '•.o d- and. reader , posed r£ 12 drum of green pas -
tion And wondere if en of the eta he t menelenelou ' n i1:. .'ro:re the =-res. aced fount 1 :,reek wonted ,,,,ells•
length front the back of the shoulder; three Weeks.old they Will begin to et; the top for pouring in the grain flange Ghee ;11.0 co .v1 until rhe newt he 221' Sul] taorcn ," chi; uta + t,
to the bac, because this is the retest take a}ittlefe.edother than the moth- and opening:. at the level of the get dry' g y 1;; rn a far. •tn,il et,,t r, oto '<' o ;ce lir 1r uk.
;:11n,1 , art of aside of bacon. er's click. instead of allawdng them gruuud, to take it out. Grain lues blow why should 112(0 1001: nt (hethe:ea we -thine v 1 1 •ht 1 1, a_e e010111inmfl1t is to t -Ins ata,•ot (21,1 12•x,, the vet.:e'h:lo
Similarly, account of the belly 1 to eat from the trough With the solo been found in a l torr1 01750 sealed , dobe. :111.1 that Vire :' e..1 r. ••. e.r to al the fami.y ('0014; •121 5 brought u}, the 1.00;: every nighe
y part. > 1 1 I've nlnttth and
az t.hiel1 L tact, 11 may conte lllreugli a re voile:- fu=• yea!:.? seemed ha l.• 1'.. lit,
meat being cheaper than the •art man • feeders have a Iaet of the pen with the seal el one of the Pharaohs. y fru f,)r e::::Lin : .:rel a:(•a+n inn•• lion of s2nKs or a new tame or two +
above it explains why 10 bacon hag' divided oil, with a srnaU trough in it, Portions of this grain harp been kept •rely.. , We } 0 101n hr mu.' h t 11 or s]tut tip to
in the Cairo Museum. Linder thefor w. •h1eg. send ironing: 1':n• =•:tlnlin; --'nit in swine sincere, cordial, 1c•;,4 11 escape the da; rasher, anal is laced
requires to have a trim belly and al where the little ones can go out and And if you'll bel}0•'.1 wr 111 tea it. r,
1- he colt;<i only be sold under 1, 1 21..(1'. - an : ;;122212 and mend.- limy, ore all ntu.vt this winter e: tat•'1 21
,araigllt. underline, ' Also the la er 1n at will, A handful of short:4 mixed 1 for living•,
u the hack meet. be £ nn}- !n riittl new milkgives them a ^overmnetlL' su.:orvsinn, It (vas a yOi7 W t niwlly, ' 1p ; aur l.: .(1 }dt..c12 n±' ,venter and 1(1 aur homes a new regime of '.earl: The± once. peppy loan is 111. v sur-
af fat along s v q o ease of lrimitive farad control thirty I vee treed dt •olid koala that 1
form thickness -:from one and at guar- mart tend usually prevents any den, 1 A l r1 ( and st ease,: 1 n11. Do w11 La.nilCtd by play. roull,le=} with r n:fr*arnent. He
q odd centuries ago. In the cities-._ canes true. ..p
elan a• c r t t" f r minim f;r
I�-"9•--el 0- 42 M-.0 -W O.+ -Peen,
�+1:1OU1.1) BE MOVE
TO 1 Oi�i N : t
During This Winter We Must Balance Hard Wlit'k With Enough ,,.0.-.7.....0-.,,.......4_0_:.0...4._;.,,,,,,,,,, ,.�
Equally Hearty flay.
13y Florence Longley Fe:broite. under?vleery epeeist fimecs than
l zelter rn, :oleo could he made
There is hardly one of us who has suggeettons And we men r, , their en for an e l,ii=idh age nem to change.
not hoard, farom physician ar family till ,i.2 111 as ,ill ell Ltl i`l Nrtlge• h' = manner nl living ter emetif:;.' 1011.
frit+nd:s, great (1001 about the Ito y n( belic-va rt p 1 10'10 t* 11121rn1 111:,11 n f111•lnc,,, the proud owto of
clanger of aver•work. facture memvrie ui 441014) .1 i'"r your fcrtndc it .live ti as lice lxiy of y( 111'
To -day, when we are all trying to children? I de, firmly. And tvhelt ('limy, I acne('xu t mother bapu::=.,.i
do more work and hander work than they, grown x141, look 1,aek .o their «1.115•; the eld home 211 cruaged, bot
ever before, the danger bulks very ehildhu{u1 and youth, I • wo41.1.l fl'''' 1}lt1{. are rrt.alemorie, em eaorod [21 1
large and close at hand. But --I rieeher }lave them ie1reeninm a meths menet -h cot pay )ler then(, Hera
honestly believe that there is not one- (to say rk,thi1155 o' a father) 0210 pop- the r1,12dren were • bore; here they
half the danger in over -earl; that Pegl men 1 and told stories an=1playee arum to naar=h:r0d and womanhood;
there is in under -play,
g.me- Wills them than 0310 Mat here their let wee withal .t happy one.;
Under -play is eomethin, about Merely kept then} beautifully 1nen10,1, 1 here the middle -age man hen the re••• •
which we have heard very little. art( pet thein out of bel and eft to, st'r t of all t:ht•neighbo •.a; here he ie.
time and
IFas it ever *nee oerurred to us, for school in cokrpt.the.hon +: l authority at; r +tt.tta3 rend provincial
instance, that the woman wile oma dry Mean awl Die pantry full. p,l}tics; brit. the 101211 etran is al--
dropped her pot.,'and r uta 11(1 fled ltelaxutian, ('cart atiml, :.herr £oil, � ways nut an•I he deliHlrts in leather-.
eel, into h•a ii, 11 r.tful ptr.=_e :1r'ai lel • l.,rg ing. c£ free n,i. i'ar miie:3 arouiul.
w:utne befo,•0 1n Will Leer ;di 1erl "Ifome rr,,.., home"- o}rat has til.?
"A. vimkfete's. mereime nide aiel Mlle, frail. mile:- w,l ami .10 ....tear tart :vn 01- ell y to give the: fame]. in
in the ear! • -teal, wh::1 ,ire tr;,!•1 e•,:}ics the sal" (11 2 ,u;rar of r1 �,.il,, r<"o.1' cx In 11,4 •,
y c n �_ For .'+hc=u}i` lee run•a
too," 2.2 2 isle 11 t..., 11 t)o IL, .i 2 (.1 }poi l ,,, til I2 113.4 :. .x.1 .. Tlelg l.l'q,' n11Q.'}1t
tor, (11 ) , , work Salt :.lel1e” r 1;r tin,e enough to entice that some
;las lln.nee a 2411) 1211 (len 1 Wile, I12, a teme41405', to the l.ettle. (.:+idle r1; o•:.e was tllt,ding eat=) the vacant house
indeed! elle wee 1 riot.: her t •!: 1111- 1(1 2 have s121 . Let's Mete( on n1doer. Ina ‚.2re! 0r tty2 the,
done, her e : ay plane ail aawry.12,14 (t t11i, ba1,anced rm...,,,,,:•o iha node or us. mi , lite a} e reran has i.t ;::i; pre.tl
of her bens tnedn and her 1;v.•'ve ..offer ft 2n "'rickets.' 2511 .rattled in hi. rented or newlyttn
ended' dinner t-) cook? i Our `leilla11.41 r.tion" may tem, pe,„teleat „ay a„ate; lie tettd net
"EH'icic r -y ' 11 the oemerl: cry. Ef threw -:h an afterna,ln or evening tali- i ,:; of 1-111•}10 +
lel Be; he family
rieieney' ie an e::0,4!01:1 thine in my,en lath week for our Irl. -:41111, and Cil r.,w, cn :h.: fat nl, ld.,'S,tae ehe is 50
hit •hen but it meet 12:1(20 00171 room t:ei 1.111' . ,
A , r It may v:1mn thrown i ;1 I .i t`,•
and tv,uld he greatly missed;
for nay soul to grow. hr.1 ",, of t s * =.:1 Ttp faith`%1! :beast fir brought to
ter to one and a hall inches -while; ger of scours, skinlmilk being gl•ad-
ihe whole side thronghout its length ugly substituted. By the" time they
must possess a uniformity of depth. aero eight weeks old the process of
The breech from whieh this r lonforma-, weaning wilt hpve been brought about
tion is obtained }n the largest tie-; naturally with no setback due to a
gree are: Yorkshire, Tamworth and • sudden ahang0 of diet, Until they
Berkshires in 1115 order named. Hence,' are about three and a half months
among the producers of Wiltshire old they should be fed well with
sides practically 710 other class of
hogs are kept.
skimmillc and shorts, occasionally
adding a little meal. consisting of a
Where the granaries were, in which e toll b • my u9:..'! (Y et 1:70; len) FO ,... ,. 1 •
y p y T ,asn-e, ) • o•1:inl,. 1, 12 ..:,nt:.hnrne
C101111-- arternnonr eel evens Aad let
the produce of the surrounding disc
trlc is world naturally b0 stared .. ,pr.,17.1117.
7.1 • *.
(verso 48), There were _granaries in The tidiest kitly that ever • yc,u'ie us put. this ma:aton, -•even when we �,e"S. 4
all the important cities of Egypt, seen!)
do claim f or oursulvc'., either deliber-
partly for the reception of the corn When he washes his face (.ad his Ately or on ea41den impulse, a little When I wrote to a- friell:l that we
tax, partly to provide' maintenance and eyes mid 1113 !lose, leisure for etennereent or diversion, do -had pelt. 1I1 a milkiIlg machine, ha re-
fer soldiers and other public officials; 1 watch his paw closely; and why ---de
the supopintendent of the granaries you ('pose -e -
was one of tate highest ot1icers of •
state, and it was itis duty'te (00 that. II be washes in front but net peek of
they were properly filled and to re- i his ea'',
vests; ifbe reported favorably, y', ne and clear,
f ods the people to busy to bear the
thing; that interest him. 17e. finds
few in sympathy with 11 meet et life --
he is out of his element, become
restless and thinks ,porhape he may
engage 111 business; bat if 11e does he
will fin 1 that h;, has many obstacles
we include the f:atnily--esti of the plied, "I don't know bat wo shall have to eeeree.1.2 in business--basinsa
family --in our plen:ure :1 ne rest to come to it," from which I inferred that is entirely new to him.- It is R
12:x1111?? -' that he had so far booked upon this game of the survival <,f the fittest.
"'But securing the desired conforms• mixture of peas, oats and barley.
To In a Home. Mother i., th•_ big- dairy adjunct in the light of n delle d:- Iuexperiemee n1 go will tell the
tion is only the first. stage of the From 'this on they should be allowed port to the king annually on the h it That cbt 1a ju t erre to be
.,lc r int g''_t and 111 sI bent±til°n1 };art <.1 !ring awl pie: a of mel'lI 01s711 NA not. 11) tory- i'aiturc 11 1L_:t, :55 in many
t t d i l l tl y is Sb usekNeper,
the pinch in which the (molten• Buri ' ca .0,i; unhappine•e in tB; life of ease,
ironic. "rho hogs mus L• be fed and some green food, such as gra. s in
managed in such a lolly as to give the summer or roots in winter so that:
Ph 11101 lnrght decorate inn with a, Gut if he clean+ 1 011' ref his oar an:d
The human 1t. 141 n ..i1) ie. the, Meet itself rather :l n120 12 icy than :a hems- where ;n 111 11C11 2.12 hoped for. No-
right quality One of the greatest their ration will leo about one-third collar of gold." (Driver.) hehfnd valuable thing, as well as the most ing. (tune; anal a the average man more
the subsequent pieces, of curing. The two handled pounds live weight, when the spirit of God referred to 1n such r
life le colcernad, .getting work `clone" in it, at the liege -mime. I know - um plow r.
and losing soul -contact with the ferment have .trouble with it; but T -.�v._
workers, i. . -heating herself of the tun in+,lined to think this i.. heca.use Saville; 111loney.011 Macltiaery.
charm -that is her birthright and of they either have net procured teats erne junlnnat takes better care of
the love that ite her due. You and I cup, that fit. or (lee they lame not hit_ old Eerapeir•,n than many people
simply unmet afford to get along learned how to operate the rnacliinte l do of their farm }mplelner.•.s for Which
221211085 the intangible pas'.ssaions of Some care needs to be 11ken to adapt, they flay several hundred times ae-
life, which, atter all, era the only real. Dee cape to the teats of the rows, Il I touch motley. .files- oil junk await,
Egypt, but they had failed utterly.
The state of being a real mother or too largo or toe small, tate wore, wily ing shipment are generally sprayed
Joseph 1 1 1 h out heat, In other words, the roots 12 real daughter or a real friend, 11 not be perfectly done.
OR. 111e .only real estate which dues not But the point I have in mind jn4•tl ooh et month with weathering
to keep
the iron from tv0athcrint; and rust -
change value or salter less! I shall note to speak aboat i•, that the milk -1
never tiro of the story told in verse, ing machine never gets mad, 50eare loge ltatm,:u have learns," that •
of the welnen :2112, havina 011''; t:ca or keel up and thumps anal pounds Imes d 11 t 2 ,•x 11 (5 t and useful,
leave„ the ,` ass; acrd this I taunt one of the ness 11y rusting,: and that a Vr, cents
;;rent things in its favor. I sttpposc wart;(' of kerosene will save them
numerous tloiiar
"Sold one, 11112} with the do I ant ailing to t e something of a I f t
I sfany farmers leave Mune of heir
Beu.gllthyacinths to feed lea solo." crank on the matter of defog iha; machinery out •parr of tem time and
milking ,readily, quietly and without,1 11Son1c leave all their implements out
Inevitably, es she enriched her own lees of tuny,er, no matter what play! all the tame. Spch a pea(ttse is ex,
life, elle enriched those elieue her. I h•rppeu. Bot I know the value of this ; 1, 1.0 acre
± 38. A m01) in 1vihonl t o spirit of , tt it 1701.1. and hrantiful thing, in the Su Leer a3 ire are cen101(111. how -,miser: dr Than id}cnu_s -`:As the twig
c.efecLs ul this uvnnection is a tend- grain. Pia object now is to keep God dem' man of. supernatural v• -is You'll see the rain soon. a neaie_ y 1 the t e vvoman eve the nlilkin • m9(111 1" line ~raved is bent ; 1'
elle of same sides to turn soft Burin tllcaa growing. until they era about know, as you°ll find. tamely and 1 1 1 e world. d '1h 1 be so Le the tree h1._rned." Have
Y 1 g g r g dem. Phis is the first time we have who is inertly n me hauic as far as itr:lf worthy rel the eoniide1- r, ova had ing lived as hsi:Yti life,
idle inns asses
term softness as used here' does not they should be seed. It is desirable a connection. The spirit was the keeping hoots he Pita Over The
mean fatness; in fact, a tine side is that they he fed so as not to attain source of eminent mental gifts. 'Winter.
more apt to develop softness than a Dile weight much before they are Pharaoh was impressed by elle pivtctie
fat one. It .is a spongy condition and eight months old so as to insure firm- l'al 2' u er of JOSEpIl as WCIl Aa by Fl Toots are to keep 1t )11057 orlly
varies in degree. 0n1 - a sli •ht tens nese to the meat and prevent fatness. -}1y�'s gc d e (1110 l tlts2e7ht lnt11 iho in pit.e outside, it is et primary im-
8 P eel -angel) dreams that visited hint. per tame that, when steady cold
derness will detract eonsiderllhly from 1,lien they sooty signs of developing 39, There is none so (linnet and weather sets in, the, 411 in such a
the value of a side, while the mare too fast' the grain and milk may be t)*1S0 as thou -•-Pharaoh had called up- conciition that they can etand being
0x1101110 Oases well render it entirety diminished and the green food in- on the magicialt5•'and wise mon of eovored heavily teed tightly and yet
, osep hat c: ear y,, openly, without
I'reai;l air is needed in the poultry
house, but keep out the wind.A dli'ty egg' looks as if nobody
would want to eat it. What's more,
it won't sell. Olean it up.
Chicken 1(1t is more ess0nt1111 now
than over. It is being made a sob,
e:titute for beef and pork, which argu-
ment Is pretty much worn out; but it
has the added argument of being
quickly and Cheaply produced and of
milling On transportation less than
any other meat. Poultry is raised
end killed in the sante locality to a
g'r'eater extend; than aily0011100 kind -of
meat. It is also a chief diet for hos-
•3pltalL Thele is no hospital in the
country but. what considers chicken.
meat one of the main essentials.
Dry -picked poultry brings a better
EtGGQ$ end
lSlltheet Prices Pitta
Prompt: 12etunls-ane 00mtnl001an
C9 raonsec1nr1 02tua1et I9Mntrmal
,,mnva+ rrm�mvva r. ..
of all 4ttodd.
Flatter quality preferred.
- Write for prieea.
&T. FORD'S, Limited
IRS Mansfield St. • • Montreal
eafi>•+P,,,•.mw•onrrwp�•+KiT,,. �-�a:..vnwu
will nti
Raw l a u s xt ¢rCeL
1>rt rl_.
21 )oma. of reliable trading. '
lleberonee-ifiion 112, aaf cantata
aAo elt. Para eat. W manereal, 7e t),
31 You. Went ane Highest
M-arkcet Pr•toee
Ship all your
014»-Wri pay all o751153s themes,
(Th buel3ness for 80 yoaro)
t.o01t1 AE.INOV!TCH, Manager
810 tit, Petal St. W. Montreal, P,Q,
Itoferoilee, Bank of-leeehelut `, St,
IICnry, Montreal. '
price• --bath f1ee11 and feathers. SeeId-
ing the feathers removes the animal
oils and makes them comparatively
wort1110se. L'or dry -picking iho .best
method is to sever the jugular vein
'quickly and then thrus=t the knife into
-the brain. Bleed well. The fowl
dice almost immediately. The (oath-
era are loosened and 1nne .he plucked
by handfuls; 2'itlt quick but gentle
jerks. - They should be pulled while
the flesh is 'stile. warm, or they will
stick and tear iho skin.
Tripe as a poultry feed is n new
idea, but it remained for a w-idc-arwake
poultry -keeper to discover it. He
roughly washes the tripe, boils it in
a wash boiler, grainds it in a pleat-
ccvLter and feeds, two ('1 three tilnes
a day, to the frantic delight of his
hens. IIis egg yield le tremendous
and he gays that the pepsin of the
cows' stomachs (tripe) stimulates
the appetites of his }lens to such an
extent Celt it accounts in a large
measure 'foie the size and m1mber of
eggs he gets.
Value of a Friend,.
Ito caveat in your friendships, and
when you have found et friend, re-
member there are obligations as '.ell
as .edea lt0ges, there Is sacrifice as
well as soli, there is service as well
as 'sentirneut. We appreciate our
friends at their proper value, sand w0
shall act ror0eetiy toward themwhalr
all of us can with genuine sincerity
echo the spirit and sentiment erf these
little lines;
"I't`. I could tell you all that's 911 7ny
Or.even a fraction of lay thought
'Po tell my hopes, 1ny 021.11es, all .your
heart desired
Should be .fulfilled."
A. fray chopped dates Added to ap-
ple salute makOs'22 7017 hasty dish, •
The entries which have just closed
for The Toronto Fat Stock Show to
be hold at the Union Stock Yards,
December 5th and Otb, indicate a
splendid l
of f} ised live stock.
This, desIito the fah that the men-
have discontinued the otter -
Mg of premiums for female cattle
in thg, hope that animals suitable for
breeding purposes will be kept on the
fitxm for that purpose. It will be
well worth anyone's time t0 take hi
this shoo and also to be present at
the Auction Sale oh, Prize 'Winners
which is attended by Tetyers fent 1111
over America,
incantation or magic, declared the should be given "°`Y.c'bwee5. to lel, t
meaning of the dreams and given the
glory to (sod. It was a groat triumph,
for magic and divination were highly
organized and prefouudly venerated
cults in ailment 1,ryp-L. immediately after the roots have been
42. Pharaoh took oft his. signet paled up, A layer of coarse and per -
ring, eco. -Tic signet ring 13 used m featly dry straw to a tilieknass of
soaring documents and given as a' from four to six inches may be put
token 0f authority. It curried the
authority of t11e"'sovereign. He was all over the .pit, but the 101100intg
a lord indeed. No one might dispute layer of earth, amounting to about six
Itis word. The dreams of boyhood• inel2es, should at lint not be put
have begun to find ample fulfillment.
thoroughly -before the pets are cover-
ed over permanently.
In view of this, it is not as av rule
advisable to cover the pit completely
The Food Board Says
Canada'1 'War Exporte. •
In the twelve, months ending Sep-
tembell, 1918, Canada exported $103,-
488,362 worth of animal products and
$440,742,440 worth of agricultural
products, a total of $+101,280,792. In
addition to her farm ptoduats she ex-
ported over $83,000,000 worth of fish
over the top of the pit itself. In fact,
it 'is essential the the top of the pit,
he left open as long as this 01111 p05-
sib}y be done without enposiug the
roots to danger of freezing, se. that
as much as possible .of the moisture
caused .by the sweating of the roots
be let out befolvl it is necessary to
cover up ihp pit. perinanentiy.
Iu case of wet weather, the open
top of file pit should be prote.:ted se
as to prevent rain from soaking down
through the route. Thle can be done,
to the first 47 month of alta war tor iestance, by placing, along the
Canada axparted $1,874,701,000 top two hol(0(10 limbed together in the
wnrth.of f.'ood:duf0s. This effort has 102tn a1 a "V"'
helped to maintain the Allies and it When the weather begins to get -so
11as Helped Canada maintain her war Bold that there is danger of the roots
efforts.. The ea.le to Canada is still 'freezing, the •Lop of the pit :emend be
for production and by i11e};ease41 pro- covered like the rest of it. Later on,
citation Canada (211.21 easily spay her 1°31en steady cold weather sets in, it
bill-iont cloljtar war debt and maintain may be neeossary to put on another
3anadiau- prosperity, cover of straw incl on top of that a
second layer of earth. The thick-
S'eOding milling 11511c.id to 111211.ateek 11055 of the50 Iwo covers wild depend
Or poultry is forbidden ,by the t;anuda entirely on focal conditions it should
"0111 Board. be so chosen that the roots are pro=
tested against frost.
.12funi21palitiee have nolo the power In order to M alvle adequate regale,:
to appatut fair Price Committees In tion of the temperature !luring the
.publishing Este of • food commodities winter 'when the pit ie. all closed in,
iu their municipality. and; also :for mem mors: Of
ventilation ay `teIll
fuel, clothing; boots and • shoes, and
other. items of 00mmmett household ex-
can admire even more that woman sort of tiling note, atter a good many th.In like $1,000 worth of machinery.
who, not daring..to ee•11 the ono loaf Years of. experience. Nothing is 11.1 average' of a pure of farm
which must feed' her children, should more 001101y7 in the dairy than lack of Hutch}ncry when housed is ten years,
presently take these children with her solf-control.' The hired man, ei 5112' i
out to the fields where daisies grow. man who is net hired het is wonting! which meanie x drpreei'ti.ml of ten
To ray mince one of ,tho most wonder- for henself, that }els the habit of sited .1:r cane. a
year. What/. ±lot housed,
fur individual. I have known is 11 ting down quietly, as a man sh0nid.1 the clepreelata.n 19 1111:x1 as 1.015)141,
and milking front start to finish as if' tvhiah TlleallS ,, .110 n y,tar Ip'ar $200
wnsherwcman living in a large city, !' 1 a m1tc1110: shed rain be built that will
hs i new mild understoa=i th•et hE 1. a l
who, after a hard day e work k fn am
outer women'a kitchen, takes !ler two
WO 00115, in the evening, to a free
municipal cement to `'feed her rater
and theirs.
ing One of the most I:mere:e t jobs of hou.e all the machinery, elating the
the farm, is le jewel; hat, he is just, d1t01esatinn 4,nin to $100 a year.211.21The
about as rare as most precious g0ms. interest at six per cent. on the .00
a -.� } Ifor the uraroma shed would Le. only
It is hard .o find:garb itch a nand. e t2; hence, tavir6r of $1110 less $12, or
But the mt'_1 in nl u•h}ne ' 1a the e
'We 11ave never needed to cherl'b ` S ' $8u a year, A m a `h11te shed 10111 last
our ideals- 21. w^2 need to Che01 11 tltaxl bill in this respect. I am:solo war flet
now, And that ire may 12114201111 our more milk than. we 2201113 if we 1112(11 ?t lrae r t t as+s m ,lehlg a total sav-
idtx*11_ it is ab 2lutely imperltiive. that
to depend on harsh and i11 -tempered) ddee 1;1880. Who mould net save
men. These man cause cors to shrink,
that mane loss, 0 1 s:1y, "Tier.. A 01n111ne ;llyd seeded not be ent-
for the milkier: machine, t11 mate 1131 (.25 12 1ve, to steep dean.
of 1/ 212122pr•red hired uteri!"
oveeltead expen 1 s, A 1imgle-story .
in211(11ng with.t: 04]1..11 reel, or n lean-to
on one side of She bau•u, will answer
Cnh•d0211a Crean!. and be ('heap. Mang pt50011 -of nue.
the thoughtful Home Mother must One-half glaesfn1 of- jelly or jam e111110ry ren be .,towed Away in the
-satisfy their psychological need, the elle whit -teal egg, fleet until it will been by 1•emovime 1121rt5 of the ma -
held and soul need of good atheer and hell its shape 11110 whipped cream. cchines. Por instance, the bull -rake
happiness. To do this, will, I dare This d; delitioa8 and melees (1 1vel- and rielkers eon b* u)1rr1 evert. and
to say, call for all she owns of deft- cone change, put into a very small spoee.
ness anal skill and courage and Ia1511, -" e "" " A mixt n'4 to prevent reete ; is
It Se important for the housewife "0, such a days made by melting together one part of
eo c012301ve meat and sugar 0)1d flour. So fought, so follower, and so fairly resin and three of lard, Add rt lithe
It is even more important fol' the
WO p1510rve our t(114101+::at'y 1201 1170 0(101
fill•it full of warm and pleasant
th-aitgbts. -
just as the competent hotlss'l:ceper
of to -clay 'p111115 41 lull:Kneed ration of
food for her frnitty's .heel}1y needs, so
0 .04-stem
should be 'Metalled when the pit is Home Mother to cone/i-e in her Came not, till nom, to dignify the
being built. Perhape one of the best household, a ,balanced ration of caw., tim•es."
systems is one using vertical shafts, p'anionehip and 3204111 c.heme% -Shakespeare.
reselling front :the bottom to the top This is an ,individual "jar' each
of thelast caves of the pit, and placed„ homemaker must work out In her 01 11
at intervals of anywhere from six to''horne. If she 1s already on friendly,
Cee feet. These shafts may ,be plug, comradely terms with her family, if
ked net iha top in case very savors she and they know how to ,play and
cold makes it`'"necessary. relax together, then her problem i5
Tho advantages of using vertical half solved, her ,program beef ptlan-
venitekiting shafts are several. Ono tea, She can call a council of war
of the most obvious is that the tem• attd vote on the particular trend their
perature in the Pit can he tak02', at winter good times shall take,
any time, thereby of mune making it Some families are bored or indiffer-
pessible to ascertain whether the ent or even:sulky in their own men.-
em ature is suitable. The tern, Ian Theyare ill alt ease: when
t per pally.
peraturo should not he allowed to they try to be happy together. They•013.,
drop beldw 82 degrees' nor should it do not know how too play ;together. bo a=llowed to rise over 40 degrees. In In such a case the earps.ilr11 will
case the temperature in the pit shows need to be carefully planned end per- Ubion Stock Yards, Toronto,
a 'tendency to go too low, more cover sletently followed 'up before the de,
Tho Minister of Agriculture in
Quebec advises fanners of that prove
iilee that only hags weighing at least
100 pounds and riot more that 250
!pounds be marketed and only' oxen
weighing 500 potlnd.s. t
Peace does not alter the food de-
mands upon Canada and the Milted
States, lrnt in fact increases the load
and the demand for economy,
"What time it it?
Time .to do well,
"Tim to live better
Cave up that grudge.
Answer that letter.,
Speak the kind evotd to sweeten a
1)0 that kind. deed you would leave.
till t0'1) Orme."
lamp -black tc 111rlken the mixture:, if.
desired. Paint the iron or steel with
this pr2p•aratinn, petting it on l:1311 a
A gallon of kerosene used in an or-
Arratrgo to attend the Ninth Annual • dinary spray pump will keep all the
implements cit an averaged sized
farm from lusting if • epraye:T once a
month Snierel live humeri have
karned that the lubricating 011 taken
out of ['11(1r eete nnl»le On, -;ince is a
good thins; to Ise, as it la worn thin
° end 1preads iaseiy.
0f mune 11111 the scourine parts,
arch as pluwellates, planter shoos
cultivator shovels, etc., should he cov-
ered with axle grease. This 'pre.
vents ruse, keeps the parts from
wearing out so :fast, helps 'lite im-
plements oto better work (lnl cense»
intently is better farmint'•
should !promptly be put on; and 1n sired result of good fell,nw•e,hdp is ,1111111011: 10 item, Thursday, Dee. 5th. Ilroapority. '
rase the temperature rises too high, achieved, The more forbidding the ;Suction Sale of 1'(121 Winners :1A a.m., The notion is gradually ;'0eon11ng
the pit should equally !promptly be out -loop, the greater the need of fun lerteley, Dee.0th ilxc+d that prosperity is it .bigger
apen04 for a short while so as to propaganda, ohanre to work and not lrteialy tilt
Allow It to cool ofC, Children aro always open le naw cverybady Welcome( Aclmdasloit l rd0. vppiirttmlty to ioaf.