HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-12-5, Page 1•
VOL,, 47 0, 23 y$r.50 Per Annum in Advance
US,SI L.'S, ON7' 11:1 ),
W. H. KERR, 1lrapf•i(or
i�A11ffl iii>Iomlmlaninmll�mlrli�ilr "m� Ui�Wilii,r
Sensthle I +yen
a;.,d T;:;{_ot e'en
do not keep surplus money in their
homes, or carry it around in their
They put it in the Savings
Bank so that it may earn more
money for them.
Decide, now, to let us help
you to save. Interest paid every
six months.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capftal
Reserve Fund •
Resources - .
$ 0,800,000
- 130,000,000
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
Planes—S, Curter,
War•Sevingo Stamps.
Service—A.B. Hersey.
Tex notice—R, Oliver.
Cutters, 8s1.-13. Ewan.
House for sole—Ray McKay.
Ohriatm8s Shopping—R, R. Smith.
Horse blanket lost—Victor Sperling.
zstri..ct 14IDS
Anniversary services will be held in
First Presbyterian Church next Sun-
day, anti will be conducted by Profes-
sor Ballantyne of Knox Oollege, Tor-
A. number of influenzal cases are re-
ported in the County, and a fresh out-
break of the trouble is feared. One
death occurred near Seaforth, that of
Miss Emma Elizabeth Hart eldest
daughter of Jno. end Mrs. Hart, at
the age of 16 years,
God erica'
Annual meeting of Horticultural
Society was held here and the follow-
ing officers were. elected :—President,
J, 1', Fell ; Directors; George Wil-
liams, John Steelton, R. 0. Hayes,
Win. Octets, J, Vanuattel, J, 19. Torn,
Oharles Saunders, Joseph Kidd, J. P,
J3.utne ; Secretary -Treasurer, Wm,
Lane ; Auditors, 0. 11, Seeger, and
Sheriff Reynolds. The amount of
$200 wits set aside for premiums for
the Members of the society in the
Spring. The omumittee to ee10c11 Lhe
premiums is Wm. Coates, John Strat-
ton and Wm, Morningstar. The sung
of $10 was also voted for' flowere for
the hospital,
.A. eall from Rockwood and Eden
Mills to Rev. John Little, of St.
Helens, was sustained and Me, Little's
translation agreed to, to take place on
and after December 1. Rev, R. Mc-
Callum, of Lueknow, was appointed'
interim moderator of the vacancy,
SPEoInL • SB`sstoN.--The Presbytery
of Maitland reel: on Wednesday of last
week in the interests of the Forward
Movernent, There was a splendid rep-
resent t
epresents aion from all tlhe charges in the
Presbytery. Rev, Prof, Kilpatriek, of
Toronto, dealt with the Home Mission
problems that confront the Church.
Dr. R. P, McKay, Foreign 'Mission
Secretary, pt•eeented the Foreign Mis-
lion needs, while Miss E. Mitchell,
Field Secretary of the Women's Mis-
sionary Society, showed the work that
the Society was doing and the needs
of the present work. R. D. Cameron,
Lueknow, presented the claims of the
Aged and Infirm ministers and the
Widows' and Orphans' funds. At the
evening session a rousing address was
given by Prof. Kilpatrick on
"Stewardship and the proper use of
money." Rev. W. J, Knox, London,
spoke on Sunday School work and
recruits for the ministry. Helpful
discussions followed the addresses.
Harold 0. McLean, son of J. A. Mc-
Leatl, the local lumber merchant, has
been awarded the military dross for
bravery during the battle of Arras.
He went overseas with the 161st Bat-
Gospel meetings have been held in
this locality by Me. Stewart of Guelph.
Miss Eva Bryans, 130ussels, was a
visitor with Ni's. Jon, Fraser during
the past week.
Wm, and 11Irs, McAllister, of St.
Augustine, were visitors with Duncan
and Mrs. McDonald.
A Brussels, Grey and Morris Tele -
plume has been installed at Thos.
Wilson's. His number is 443.
IL is expected service will be held in•.
Victoria Hall on Sabbath evening,
1501 inst, commencing at 7 80 o'clock.
The pupils of S. S. No. 10, Morris,
are preparing for an Entertainment,
under the training of Miss Elliott,
The Jamestown W, M. 5, held their
annual xueetng at the house of Mrs.
Wm. Moses Wednesday afternoon of
this week.
The Women's Institute will hold
their November and December meet-
ing in Victoria ball Wednesday after-
noon of next week, A.full attendauce
is netted for.
'VICTORIA HALL—The Annual meet-
ing of Victoria Hall was held hast, Fri-
day evening and reports presented
showed a small •balance on hand. A.
Pollock and Robb. Strachan were re-
elected Trustees and along with Geo.
L+"chrnier,Duncan and Will, McDonald
eonstitnte the Beard, A fowl supper
for director's, their Wives and fnnri-
lies will be given at the home of Geo,'• 4.4.N4'•i'3.4'+44.141't"I.4.4.+A4.4'+'i'•➢'•:0.1.+++++'N
tai +i'
Nothing nicer for Christmas Presents.
Or a good
Singer SewingMachine
Makes a dandy Gift. Call and see us and se-
cure Choice Goods at Reasonable Prices.
icerour Customers.
We a to please o s.
Large Stock of New Records from
which to makey our Choice.
and Mee. Eekinier'Pueeulay
next week to keep (alive the s1, la1 rade.
Sunday Seined le held regularly enei
5 n dlream
iludluy afternoon and it is 1 h p
1111' p('eaehiug Rewires may be 1Ii'(' eg-
od for on Sabbath evenings as Was the
Gust 010 for a number of years. 1)ue
notice will be given when plan is cora.
School report on page 5 of Life is -
Deputy Reeve Jnlul MnNabi, 10 do-
iug duty as Omnity 00uncillor tat
Goderieh t'1e week.
Rev. Mr, Dobbin, Oweu Sound, will
preach in Knox church next Suuduy
morning at the usual hour,
The good name of Crauhrook and
locality tvae well sustained by a con.
t(ibution last week of $37.00 to Ole
Bible Society. W. P. Bray slid the
collecting and made a good peened.
George Gramm, of New Hamburg,
and 700. Ritchie, of Galt, were here
looking after the Graur)n estate of
which they are the executnls, The
Gramm fancily removed to Galt this
week carrying with them the good
wishes of all Victor Sperling moves
to the vacated house. He is not go-
ing to keep batch Long though,
EXTENDED A CALL—A meeting of+
Oraubrook and Ethel cengreglttfons
was held here Monday evening to
discuss the calling of a pastor. Rev,
Thos, E. Kennedy, B. A. whose paten -
tat home is Ripley, Ont., was the
choice. He preached bore lest Spring
but afterwards enlisted and withdrew
his name. The rinsing of the war re-
leased hili from duly and he resumes
enlistment in the service of the
nlntrch, Mr. Kennedy graduated
last Spring and is a fine young meal.
The rail will conte before next meeting
of Maitland 1' ('esby Ler',', which will be
held in 'Vii ghaut next Tuesday. It
is hoped he will accept and an early
indactiou arranged so. that the con-
gvegations may once mune have a
'vegeta)? pastor. Rev, Mr, Mann, 13rns-
sels, presided at the meeting Monday
even in g,
Jno. Rutlege, Brampton, called on
friends here last week.
Jno. Brawn, Toronto, spent several
days with his sister, Mrs T. G. Hemp-
Miss Oassie McDougall, Harr'iston,
spent the week end with her parents,
A. and Mrs, McDougall.
Pte. Harry Westlake has returted
from Toronto and will remain at his
home here until the New Year when
he will take a business course.
There were large congregations at
the union Thanksgiving services held
i1( the Presbyterian church 10 the
morning and Methodist church in the
even ing,
The Red Cross society shipped the
following articles to Montreal last
week :-90 pairs socks, 51 suits pyjaul-
ae, 18 flannel shirts, 42 pillowcases, 30
towels, 12 wash -cloths, 6 quilts (con-
tributed by Ho wick Girls' 011111.)
Refugee work is a new feature in the
society's work.
THE POST gives the news.
1V. H. Fraser, M. P. P., that looks
all right. Oongratulatfrns,
Reeve Fraser is in Goderich„ this
week attending the closing sessions of
the County County for 1918.
The Provincial bye election was on
last Monday and notwithstanding the
fact that Monday is usually 'wash
day" the urgency of the work did not
keep the Women folk from the polls,
Morris whooped it up in good style
last Monday for eeve Fraser in seek-
ing promotion to the vacant seat for
North Huron in the Provincial Parlia-
ment. 1'Iis vote was 520 in this town-
Jas. and Mrs. Lawson and daughter,
Liela, 811) line, leave this week for a
month's holiday with Eastern Ontario
friends. Their place will he filled by
T. and Mrs. McCall of Brussels, in
Lheir absence.
Wednesday afternoon of last week,
at the Methodist Parsonage, Brussels,
Rev, W, 131. Stafford tied the matri-
monial knot between Joel H, Sellers,
3rd lice, and Mrs. Matthew Stewart,
We wish Mem a long and happy life,
Announcement is made of the fnrtlr-
&trning matrimonial alliances of. Will,
Speir and Miss Mary 0, King and
Itobt, II, McKinnon and Miss Annie 13.
Spence, all well known young people
in this locality; although Mr,' McKni-
non lives in Grey township, The
nuptial bows will be tied this month,
The Jackson chnteh has been closed
as a regular preaching appointment
and the member'slrip will go to Blyth
and Walton it is said, It is many a
year since the church was established
but the many changes by removals to
other places or by death cl'ea10(3 a
condition that rendered clnsiug up a
natter of necessity, it was thought by
the majority,
While Mrs, 0„1". Rintonl and her
son, Chester, were driving from their
home neer Brussels, along 11110 5th
lil'le of Morris, on the way to visit Mee,
Rintouls daughter, Mrs. 1ieLean at
Beigreve, their horse seared 1(t (1 new-
ly painted letter box and bolted, turn-
ing over the buggy into the ditch,.
Mrs. Rintoul was badly shaken 03,
bob we are pleased to be able to report
that no 'bches were broken, The
horse ran for a couple of 111110s before
it was stopped,
The 06acre farm belonging 10 the
estate of the late John McElroy, 8th
line, has been sold to John McNichol,
Grey township. Price paid was
$5,500. Mr. McNichol will Bike pos-
seseion shortly, The other farm, con -
Mining 100 wee (1(p 1osite the 96
aures) was sold to Wrn. Pilate, a
neighbor. ?Hoe was $8200. Mrs, Mc-
Elroy and family Have moved to
Blyth where they purpose halting
their home, Many good wishes ac-
company thom to their new home.
R VI ii+...r
Ae a motorist the favorite spot 1 of
every ear 0171(00 15 10 brag about
how good ifs particular little
"bus" is—how many miles 11e gots
to tie gallon, eta.
f have the Rattle weakness only it
is about my SERVICE. But o1(
the other hand 1 think I and justi-
fied in bragging from the letters 1
11(1111.0c'eired front satisfied chs-
Simply drop axe a cart' or 'phone
(tad I will call on you and 111017
you my line of designs and quote
you mines.
Brussels Granite & Marble Works
A. E. HERSEY, Proprietor.
CARD OF TFIANKS,—We wish to ex-
peees our thanks to the harry fi lends
for sympathetic words and deeds In
connection with the illness and demise
of our mother, Hits. Donald Currie.
They were appreciated.
Yours tl uly,
Sleighing has been on the program.
'high Fulton 11(111 at St. Marye at-
tending the funeral of his sister, 5115,
B. F. Stumpf, Toronto, was a visitor
at the Methodist parsonage this week,
Mrs. Bentley is adaughter.
Nelson Govenlook, of the Aviation
School, Deeeronto, visited at the home
01' his father, Reeve Govenlock in Mc -
Ki gl
Quarop.terly Communion, -hili be ob-
served in the Methodist church next
Sunday morning, Service at 11
The Bank of Oommex'ce will open a
branch Here, itis said, as a sub-ageney
to Seaforth, The store formerly used
by L. Blake will be the location, we
This week A. 0. Foreman left for
his home in Nanaimo, 13. 0. Ile was
a big shipper of haled hay, which was
shipped to New York. Mr. Foreman
made many friends around here.
ENDAOEMENT.—Andrew and Mrs.
Flume announce the engagement of
their daughter, Mabel E„ to William
J. D. 011ydiff, only son of W. J, and
MI's. Cardiff, of Brussels. ' Marriage
will take place in December.
Prof. W. H. Greaves, of Victoria
College, Toronto, will preaohannivers-
ary sermons in the Methodist church
on Snoday Jaw. 511,. On following
evening a fowl supper will be held
when Prof. Greaves will take part.
Leadbury Beef ring has been in
operation continuously for 18 years
and during that time over -400 fat cat-
tle have been killed and the beef divid-
ed among the patrons. J. McGavin
and H. Alexander, President and Seo-
t'etany-Treasurer, respectively, were
re-elected for another year.
Last Sabbath evening at the Metho-
dist church an interesting time was
enjoyed in connection with the Mis-
sionary anniversary. The pastor was
assisted by Mr. Gilroy, Brussels, who
spoke optimistically of the outlook 'of
winning the heathen world. A duet
was well sung by Messrs, Foreman
and Gilroy and the former also rend-
ered a Rile 8010,
CALL TO REV. R. A. OR,twsroN.—At
Knox church Palmerston, Rev. Mac-
Gillivray of Hamilton conducted its
55111 anniversary services and an-
nounced that its pastor, Rev. R. A,
Oranston, had received a cull to Trent-
on. Sturgeon Presbytery dealt with
the call Tuesday December 3rd. Dur-
ing his 12 years residence in Palmers-
tnn'Rev. Mr. Cranston has done good
work and 5 years ago saw the congre-
gation cleared of any indebtedness,
Many old -friends here wish hint eac-
ces wherever' his lot may be cast.
THE POST gives the. news,
A number or Greyites purpose at-
tending the Winter Fair at Guelph.
Wedding bells are to soon chime
and brides brought to take charge of
several bachelors of this township,
Some hint there may be 11 Municip-
al election in Grey this year and sever-
al names are mentioned as possible
DM her.
The Golden Wedding of Andrew
and Mrs, Turnbull, old and well known
residents of the 15th Oon., will be cele-
brated on the 18th inai.
Last week F,verett 1 -hover decapi-
tated a portion of one finger on his
right hand by getting it caught in a
turnip pithier, It Was a sore injury
but we hope he will Rothe be o, lc.
Word lens received this week that
1,ient, Harvey Hoover, son of 11. J,
and Mrs, Hoover, 9th Son„ is on his
Ivey homh from ovevse is and may
arrive any Qay. Ile will be Welcome,
Tilts week 'Wilbur and Mrs, 'Then -
andof jack tookpossession of
e 1 Ja
their new home, Coe, 15, where w0
11'11813 they may enjoy many happy
prospeentis years, The farm adjoins
tint, of Oliver Turnbull,
ToWNsHIr TAxos.—This notice is to
remind the ratepayers 111111 all taxes
will have to be paid to the Collector
this year as the Banks decline to
handle them. 5% will be added after
the 14111 inst., which will be Saturday
of next week. Will bo at Walton
next Monday, Obh Inst,
P. 3. Blsliol'.
Tax Collector,
Tax erica
Robt. Oliver, 1'ux Collector, will
h+l 111 the (Suomi] Chambre 1(,l
1Venrllyd,ty, F(tiday
,a:.11 net I. week, inure 1 to li ir. 111., 1"
rrevive rate.'.. Saturday, 14111
ft 11111 10 tl. in. to (1 p. to.
This is the last (lay before the
will be added.
Please have the neeessar'y change
ready and thereby avoid delays.
Accredited Cheques will lie accept..
R. OLIVER, Collector.
Sirs. 1V. Mehieliereu, of (Ji 81,11 (1113',
Manitoba, is here 00 a visit will( her
parents, William and Mrs. 1lenat'y,
0th Orin. Mr. Melecher0u is expected
shortly. They may make their hurtle
in this locality,
Tuesday evening :Hiss Ivai Speirrtn
entertained a few friends at a birth-
day party. Music, gnome, a c00lest
and lunch filled in a most enjoyable
time and the guests departed wishing
Miss Iva' many happy r0tuens of the
Mrs. Geo. E. Speivan, 1213 Con,,
left Saturday morning for a visit with
relatives at Walkerton. Sheeny after
she received a call from Ofillia, asking
hetto go and 111(1(15 her daughter,
Miss Mabel, who was ill with iuHtten-
za, We are pleased to (tear 1110
patient is getting along all right.
The amnia. Christmas eutl•r1riu-
inerlt at Bethel church will be held
Monday 23rd inst.
McKillop Council meets at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Dee.
11th in the afternoon.
Missionary anniversary was on the
program last Sunday at Bethel
church, Mr, Gilroy, Brussels, gave a
practical address.
An Auction Sale of Farm stock,
implements, tic., at Wi Lot 41, Con.
6, East \Vawanosh, Friday. Dec, lith,
at 1 p. m, Sale unreserved as 3103(e -
tor, J, A. VanOamp, has sold the
farm, Jas. Taylor will be 1110 Auc-
Reeve Livingston is at Goderich
this week attending the County
Alex, MoNah has gone to take a
course at the Stralfued Omitted Busi-
ness Oollege.
A valuable Inure, worth from $225.
to $250. belonging to Angus Carmich-
ael, died from indigestion recently and
will be quite aloes.
We are glad to welcome Pte. Bert,
Snelling home after spending nearly 8
years in Franre doing his duty to-
wards King and Country.
On page 5 is given the portraits of
the 3 sous of Peter Patterson, of Log-
an, two of whom died for the Elnpire
and the 3rd istrecoveringfrom wounds
in an English hospital. They have
numerous relatives in this locality,
Miss Ora McKay, who has been do-
ing her bit on the farm during the
Summer months, bas gone to Handl-
ton and taken a position as bookkeep.
er with G. W. Robertson, who has one
of the largest departmental stores in
that city. We wish her success.
A letter written by Gunner Elmer
McKay on Nov. 12111 to the homefolk
says in part :—Yesterday the 11th
day of the 111)1 month an6 at 11
o'clock the guns stopped firing: Lieut.
Gen. Onerie inspected the 1st Brigade
and after it was over he made a short
speech as follows :—"Mei1 of the good.
old reel patch, it is loW 24 minutes
Educe_ the guns stopped firing and I
hope the last shot has been fired in
thwar, Now for a minute let us all
bow our heads and thank God for giv-
ing us the victory. For 4 years you
have carried on the work of destruc-
tion but you are now going bank to
begin the work of construction;" He
was filled with emotion as he spoke
and so were'W0 a11, We 1(0 )e to soon
be beck to old Oanada and the friends
we hold dear. EL.11ER,
lIliss Tense)), Robb spent the week
end with friends in Brussels,
Miss Beatrice Turner, of Toronto, is
spending a couple of months at her
A branch of tihe thuds of Hamilton
wi11 open here with Mr. Pogh as
Monthly meeting of the Woman's
Institute will be held at the home of
Mrs, W. H. Fraser Thursday after-
noon at 2,30, Papers will be given by
Sirs, Jos; Robb aid 1t's, 0. Garniss,
Roll call answeted by Ohristmas re-
cipes. All the ladies are invited to at-
Ethel cheese factory has closed up
for this season,
Rev. Mr. Dobbin, of Owen 5011101,
will be the preaoher in the Presby
teriall church next Sunday.
I. Al, Henry has changed his place of
residence 11 i 1
and is now living 11 the
horse lately vacated by Jno, Kreuter,"
Another ear of soft coal Was die -
Whirled at Ethel station last week by
Ole Partners' Club, whi.C11 will certain-
ly relieve the fuel situation.
11, Barr spent; Sunday in Guelph
Visiting his sister, Mrs, McKenzie, who
received word recently that her son
died in England of pneumonia,
Representatives from the Presby-
terian church here were a1 Cealbrook
lest Monday evening dealing with the
question of calling a new pastor, Rev,
Mr. Kennedy.
at,,,,, May VtJdee uec'ideltly brunt
tel DAot en Monday night s1( sovei'rly
11 11 1 en00('ing lard, that it was 110008-
su1 y to have the Dr, to drew 1t,
l'lle l:'lucitliunul
Anniversary was
erlrnpleted on the label 0110011/ hest
Sunday. Pastor Wee in charge and 6-
(11)0 fel ('1 Lorna Were spleurhd. 'The
lad'01 anumr(1 subset !bed on 111e eihrnit
i" 11 $8,0)0 incl $10),00 an l 1.
' t•, t , d. over $30.00
.A is (1' 1' 1111111 01 ', llal'voy Mcl,ra.
band, writ ton on Nov. 1311), says he
was 22 months to Fra1100 all the (103'
the 'Armistice vvns signed (111(1 was en-
joying good health, He expected to
be heading off to Germany with his
Reeve W. H. Fraser Elected by about
W, H. Fi(1501', Liberal, a farmer of
Mot Ile township, was elected in Mon-
day's bye -election for the Legislature
by a majority of 1,203. The total
Vole p1,1110 by Mr, Fraser was 3000,
only 139 less 1111111 the en(nbiued votes
of his two opponents. Dr, T. E. Case
who had the Goveluinent endorsation,
raltte second witil 1,887 and Geo,
Sputtnu, the. Independent Oonserva•
Live, was third with 1,342,
'1'he election was peculiar in the
fact that none of the candidates had a
p1111101 in, and that the successful con•
leslaut, lir. Fraser held no meetings
whatever (tering the entire campaign.
Ile did not have the endorsation of
Willialu Prouclfoot, K, C., 13 P. P„
the Oppesi Lion Invader, and all his ef-
forts were concentrated on personal
canvassing. Tire election of Mr. Fres-
e1 1V(15 largely due to the farmers,
who compose a large part of the elec-
torate in the riding, although even in
1Vinglham, the principal town in the
r'onstitneucy, he polled a very con-
siderable vote,
With the exception of the Western
end of the riding, the farmer's almost
solidly supported Mr. Fraser. He
polled a larger vete in the six town-
ships than Dr. Case and Mr. Spotton
together. In his own township of
Morris, where, as a member of the
00(11(101 for 7 years he had become
favorably known, be received hearty
endorsation, palling 520 votes. West
Watvannsh, in which Dungannon,
Dr. Case's hetes town is located aced
Asilfleld the adjoining township, poll-
ed large votes for the Government
candidate. Many Liberals in those
two townships supported Dr. Oase on
personal grounds. Elsewhere In the
riding Dr. Close was but little known.
The Independent Conservative can-
didate, 5J'r. Spotton polled his largest
vote in Wingbam, This was to be
expected as he lived there for the past
15 years, has been Mayor twice and at
present owes a business college, Mr.
Spotton slumped riding from one end
to the other Many times in the last
few years for Conservatives and he
was depending to a large extent 0(1
this acquaintanceship to elect 11110.
At 2 polls In Ashfield township Mr.
Spotton failed I0 get a single vote.
The results were as follows
Fraser Case Spotton
\Vin baro 802 218 485
Blyth ................. • 135 107 48
Wrox+'ter. . 1011 27 40
Hnwiek 576 352 228
Ashfield 425 406 47
Tmilherrv...... 365 87 189
Slot is 5211 141 181
West \Vawannsll, 337 376 81
PI.)Vtlwall 041.. 324 173 93
8,090 1,887 1,342
1411. Fraser, who is the Reeve of the
Moi pis Connell, has been active in
1'111111,0e' W..111 for it number of years.
His appeal during the contest has
been to the (10110(11)111-111 section of the
cotmnulity. For the last four years
he 11 is been engaged in Farmers In-
stitute 370111, and last Spring was a
meenler of the farmers deputation
which went to Ottawa to protest
against. the Union Goveiimneut can-
celling rhe exemption of farmers'
sons, The metuhrt' elect is a quiet,
le8er'0etl 111:111 was e o on He a born o the
farm on whiei he now resides. In his
eanvnsaing appeals the one thing
which \Ir, !eraser laid stress on was
1,1)11,1 11' '1 '''1 c'I 11,, 170016 tin all in his
power 1" bring 30(88ure to bear on
the G' a'el•tlln eat. to secure a greater
equality in the rates of the Hydro
Power Commission in the Bruce
Peninsula, as compared with those
elm) i;ed in the Niagara district.
Mr. Fraser interprets the support
whinll the farmers have given him i1(
the campaign as an evidence that
they are dissatisfied with the attitude
of the Governments, both Provincial
and Federal, to the fermevs for the
last Ii or 7 years. The United Far'm-
er's of Onttu'f0 did not officially en-
dorse Mr, Fraser. The withholding
of approval by the Provincial Liberia
organization Was becalm of the agree-
ment between IMIr, Prondfoot and the
Prime Minister, Sir William Hearst,
that there should be no eloetions dur-
ing 378.1' time. There was no demon-
stralion of any kind when the
result became known,
Sir William Hearst Monday night
gave out the following statement in
reference to the result :—
The result, is Wilat was expected, in
fact, the Liberal candidate lrlajnrity is
not any stare than was anticipated.
Mr. Spotton the Independent Conser-
vative candidate was web known in
the riding and carried on his campaign
with considerable vigor. Dr, Oase on
the other grand, was unknown in
many parts of the riding and was not
an Unexperienced campaigner, A
number of Conservatives did not want
to be mixed up in the quarrel and
abstained from taking any part in the
election, Ave1y bitter spirit develop-
ed between the different factions of
the Conservative party over the con-
vention and it Was generally conceded
lha( whilt+1111'. 14pott.11 e„uld cullie
eleeted if he (0(1)01( cit in Ilie 11)01, lie
3701116 draw enough via., from 1)r,
Case to render that gentleman's Wee -
tion impossible,
The result 1e 11''( ph using to the
Government. NVe had hoped Mutt the
expense and interne.„ of an election
Might have bred et,dded el 111th time.
The fact, however, tl,ab the a uruti1ed
tote'. of the we Clenservative et1tidl-
dates exceeded the vote pulled by .Mr.
I+7111501' would not indirale a lack of
point lal'ity 011 1Ile pall. of the
Government in elle tiding. As
tar as one could judge, had Mr. Spot -
ton kept nut of the contest, Dr. Case
would hhave been elected by a satisfac-
tory majority.
The scat Was 111100 valuta by the
resignation of the sitting member, A,
H, Musgrove, Conservative, who wee
appointed Posltnaster of Wingliam
Norrie months ago.
Brussels, Grey and Morris
Telephone Company
Railway Board fixes Rate at 2812.00 for
coming 2 years
The Ontario Railway and Municipal
Board, composed of Chairman Mein -
tyre, Vice Chairman Ingram and tele-
phone expert, F. Dagger, Heid a meet-
ing in the Library building, Brussels,
Friday fotencol, to filk the future rate
On subscribers of the Bb'ussels, Grey
and Motels Telephone Go. whose
term of 10 years ilas expired, or for
new telephone owners and tenants.
Former Prate 201' owners wee $11,30
and tenants, $11.(10, which was in-
creased 2 years ago to $12.00 nn ae.
WW1 t 1(l' ueeessary expenditure nevus -
toned by strengtiurnitg the main lead.
Company at lest annual meeting hav-
ing fixed tixe new rate at the suns of
$12,00 and Council of Brussels having
passed a By-law confirming, it the
Board came here to ratify the By-law
and rate. Previous to coming here
they asked a full statement of all
proceedings of the Company from its
inception to the present time, which
was furnished them and covered 16'
pages of type written foolscap. It
showed total debenture issue since the
start, including this year, to be
$68,888 00, of which there has been
paid $40,260.00 and interest, leaving
the sum of $19,578.00 to be paid, which
will be provided by the rate of $11,86
against each subscriber who game in
after first year.
Number of subscribers in the first
year was 178 and they have paid their
payments in full and their lands are
clear of any ineumberance on that
Total deficit at the end of the
year 1918 is put by the Board at about
$1200.00. This is largely attributed to
war prices and but for this there
would be no deficit.
There are now 888 owner and 87
tenant subscribers, in all 925 on the
circuit and no doubt 1000 will be reach-
ed in due course.
Company asked to have rate for
future placed at $12.00 per year on all
subscribers who were formerly owners
whose terns had expired and on new
ones and also on tenants, feeling
satisfied it would in 2 years wipe out
all deficits and in future provide a
fund to maintain and improve the
system, such as putting in more cables
and snore lines in the country so as to
reduce the number of phones on some
of the lines.
The Bolted, from the figures asked
and supplied to them, thought we
should have at least $14.00 or $15,00
for the future rate and quoted the
rates of other Companies to support
their views and also pertain deduc-
tions from the material in their hands
bub the Company was able to show
that there were receipts that they did
not ask for such as Debentures issued
each of the first 5 years to cover both
capital and maintenance, expet(dittlre
and interest on them while held by
the Company until sold, showed that
the deficit that they thought existed
was not correct but as the Company
had stated.
The Company showed that deficit
would be at the mid of this year, as
was expected, about $1210.00 but (lur-
ing next year they would receive
$12,00 each front the initial subscribers
and from all new ou0s which would
make in all about 200, ot• the sum of
$2,400 for whlell Company had no
bonded debt to pay and the following
year Flom in the neighborhood
of 625 subscribers, at $12,00 each would
reach 01 make the surer of $6300,00.
Railway Board agreed to pass an
order that rate be fixed e1 $12.00 as
proposed, by the Commissioners, to
stand for 2 years and as the Board
Wee not full, owing In the absence of
a member, they had not yet fully
agreed on the way they will in future
lix this new rate on Municipal Tele-
phone associations, B0usseis being the -
first Company to apply,
McKillop Oo, asked to have the
division of the tolls from Brussels to
Seaforth changed from present plan,
viz 10 cents per message, 7 Dents
to Brussels and 8 to McKillop, but
Board refused to Intake any change.
Wroxeter Co. was also in attend-
ance to have Brussels Co, comply with
an agreement between the Companies
which they claimed Brussels had not
carried out,
Board asked why as it is
now 0 year's since it WAS made. Ripe
ply of Brussels was that if an order
was matte insisting on the agreement
Brussels would ask for a new agree-
ment feeling certain 110 Board would
order a shriller agr0ernent and also
that it was impossible for Brussels
Company to comply at present as more
wires could not get into their office
111gable being 2(311
F, S, Slott, 1?resident of 13rues015,
('Grey and Morris Company, represent.
ed the Uompany,