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The Brussels Post, 1918-11-28, Page 8
eesiseet.O.stese, 41, oultry a 9 ! ace e eeeie4044444444+04•0444'4444 44440 Start Your Moulted Hens to Laying, The world is calling for more Poul• try and more Eggs, Dr. Hess' Pout. try Panacea will start your pullets '1' and moulted hens to laying prompt- ly. Aioulting with fowle is like go• ing through a lung spell of sickness. Dr, Hess' Panacea, besides other things, contains Nux Vomica and Quassia—tonics that ail} digestion 'u:,l tulle up the dormaut egg organs. It has iron for the blood and internal ate'septics. This combination will keep tee whole fleck healthy and slant tee Pullets a' d Moulted Hens to laving. A email outlay for Panacea may mem raa:hy times its return in extra rets received. Panacea comes in two 350 and the Large i6 5 lb. pkge. at 85c. t?3 gg Hess' Instant Louse Killer 350 pkge. Stip ck Tonic Keeps the Hogs healthy. Drives out the worms. The $3 no Pail is the best way to buy it. Catarrh Jelly 1(e lieVee cold in the, he:el. Reidy tel,; , eommom.i. Orderlies A mild, pleasant Laxative for young or old. 150 and 255 pkgs, Pictorial Review Winter fashion Book Is now on sale and contains a coupon good foe 15c which can be applied on any pattern chosen. Price of the book 25c. We keep the Pictorial Patterns. Christmas Number of Pictorial Review Magazine expected this week Price 200. Cherry Bark Cough Syrup Brings quick relief from Coughs and Colds -250 and 5oc. SMT The . avizatz,Store IlaZ 1:2 MARS Druggist and Stationer + 4 d• O • 4 4 0 &64.6 4.4>+.eg•C, 00 d e*004O++4,+0.0+++•G4•+0 4.04.0+044+0+0+04.0.1-0+44104440 +4.+i I eblm Items READ every page of THE POST. Wale geese have been touring South, COUNTY Council opens next Tuesday. CouccIL meeting next Monday even. Tag, SATURDAY of this week ends Novem- ber. GET reedy for the home -coming of the boys. Low. and District news of interest on page 5. IYInNT15LY Horse Fair Thursday of next we.it. DON'T expose yourself, unnecessarily, to the 'iia.' SNOW and icicles are reminders that Wiute: is on the way, ARE you going to the Winter Fair at Guelph ? It opens December 6. Igo. PUGH, Mitchell, is here plaster- ing the new Bank of Nova Scotia, TEE POST to end Of 1919 for $1.50. Now's the tune to subscribe if not re- ceiving it. Seneca, Saturday forenoons is not looked upon by the kiddies as such a boot) as adults -see in it. Pete of teen's Gloves were left at THE ''os'e ea' sameleely. Owner may have item by proving property, RAILWAY Board representatives Will 1,P1.1 a :leaving spf the telephone question .'rid=1' of this week, at to a m. in eandiel;r:c room of the Public Library. THE rise of the Maitland put the old foothridye out of commission for this a..ni and compels a number to "take tae lent; 5vav round" in going to or ::•0111 ir_1rt.. Eire what the Standard Reliance Mort- gage Association have to say in their ad- vertf :•inept on page 4 H. L. Jackson is the local representative who will be Old to give additional information con- vening it. Iatsiecroa Muz.s made his official visit to Brussels Continuation Sebool I.icenty and his report was tnost com- mendat"ry both as to teachers, students equipment. The young folk of this commnnlry have a great opportunity educationally and should not be slow in reakiu ' rise of it. HURTIcuL'ruRAL.—The Fall bulbs for lirtissels Horticultural Society are to hand consisting of Hycianths and Nar- cissus. All members for the coming year will get them whose fees are paid, 12tilhs :Any he had et Fox's Drug store or THE PosT Publishing House where membership fees of $t.00may :be paid, Flaring distribution will be made in due course, Now is the time. A NUMBER of subscribers are respond- ing to our notification and clearing up hack subscriptions to THE POST and t enewin a fe,r 1919, to whom we are grateftil. 'There are a number of slow - pays en our list but they will have to deal with the Courts after December 31st, if indebtedness is not met before then, as we cannot carry them ally longer. Some lose sight of the fact that subscription rate is $r,5o per an- num sines ret6, GUNNER FREI). HILLsoN WOUNDED.— Those who are acquainted with the lad whose Mame appears here will be sorry to learn that he was reported in last Friday's papers as wounded. Fred. en- 1,sfed in Brussels with the 261st. At Camp Borden he joined the artillery c ani- :'1> 1 ' 's no abl in this a rice I n and it h probablyP ty that he was wounded, We ell hope Serious and ' n cout was nots Fred's kok that we will welcome him home with the oilier boys. As this boy has no rel. atives in Canada, we suggest that his friends do not forget to show their ap- proolation of his sacrifice by sending 1rareeis and cheery letters. Address, Gunner Fred Hinson, 654183, 8th Cana• diau Artillery Co,1France, BRUSSELS Branch of the W. C. T. U. will hold its regular meeting Friday afternoon of this, week in the Audience room of the Public Library. LAST week another shipment was made to Hyman Hall, London, by the Red Cross Circle of 72 pairs of socks. 192 pairs went two weeks ago, The knitters are doing well. WEDNESDAY evening of this week George Spotton, Independent. Conser- vative candidate, North Huron, T. R. Bennett and Jut. Groves, all of Wing - ham discussed the political situation in Brussels Town Hall. Subject '(Kaiser land methods in stealing political Con- ventions," KEEP oil the batelevarda with your rige IMPROVRDn2N'1' was made t0 the front of W, J Mote arken's store by a new dregs of paint. Otto IltRr and n'sistauts are into the woud cutting in the 5511101) bush 00 the town Council's contract and will soon be ready to report, Orders should be left with F. S. Scott, Municipal t`tetIC end lee& Coe teeter. 1 X11 Norn 'co 3 r. 21 - 'L'Ite Banking hourl h tvo been extended in town to 3 11 111 1 32tentl of 2 30 21111111g the Winter months (excepting Saturdays when u'cloek N ill be the closing time ) Thia ,e 11 be (c .,uva•uitnre to the public who should ur.t take advantage of the exten- •.iou however. and expect all business to hettansactell in the las' half hour, Be Ee'nt:nONs 0n our program — 5t aping rink Christmas trade. The "flu" is no loke. Steer clear, You will lieu Horticultural Society. North Huron Election December 2nd, Prompt paying subscribers to Tae Po,t• Yon Will see stove Demonstration at Wilton & Gille-pie Thursday of this week. The Teeswater News says in spanking of the W. M. S meeting in the Presby- terian church ;—"Mrs. (Rev,) Mann, of Brussels, was the principal speaker of the day and had the rapt attention of the audience, while she told. of Women's work, past and present and pointed to women's increased influence on the World's life. The world's future de- pends on the wonhau'a lead. '1135 meet- iug was brought to a close by a solo Cram Mrs. W. Hiscox, "There is a green hill." The Thack.offering amounted to $192 50. Tea was served in the base- ment. Al oeether the meeting was a decided success." Guam Co, SHELTER—Wednesday of next week Huron Co. Children's Shelter, Godetich, will be opened. Meeting Nun a to 4 p, me when the County C,+nueil will be present in a body. T• T Kelso, Provincial Superintendent, Tor. (Pito, will be there. At 4.15 the aonu• al meeting for the election of officers. Public meeting in the Court house to the evening at 8 o'clock. Mr, Kelso over deliver an address, and o er too slides- will be used illustrating tbe work of the Society. Donations will be ac- cepted at the opening of the Shelter in the afternoon, and the bustuess tneeting will be held in the Shelter, Comm D WE ORGANIZE A S ExTETTE Been?—The Pesce Celebration held in Brussels recently impressed on many the desirability of having a 6 or 8 piece. Brass Baud. Had it not been for the willingness of Messrs. Rands, Smith and blcCutcheon with the fifes and drums and Earl Lowe with tbe bagpipes (all of whom live out of tomo) the performance Would have beeu void of music—barriog, of course the tin horns, kazoos and , drums of the Boy Scouts. It has been suggested that probably enough of form er bandsmen could get together to con• stitute a small Baud to welcome home our returning soldier boys and other such occasions. Instruments, belonging to the town and the K. O. T. M., could supply tke horns and drums and if ex- peuses had to be made for music, &c., the townspeople will likely be ready to meet it. The players will likely be out of practice, we know, but it is a eauti00 what can be done in a sbort time when people are wilting. If all who would be willing to help would leave their names at THE POST we might know what the chances are. A few have already ex- pressed a willingness to do their best if such an undertaking is set on foot. Probably J. G. Jones, H. L. Jackson and W. le. Strotton would constitute a Com• maim) of 3 likely to give a head 10 such a musical movement, 6or 8 iostrumeuts well played could present a program that would add very materially to the 'doings" on various occasions and would be greatly appreciated by the public. Town Council could be interviewed next Monday evening if prompf action is taken. If the necessary vim is possessed Brussels can have a good small Band ready and willing to get down to prac- tice inside of a week, What do you say ? Lo:T,—Black Breasted Red Game Cock. Kindly return to DR, WHITE, Brussels. 0001r1RHLs FOR SALE.—Several well bred Rooks, Ancones and R. L Reds. D1108 MITcFIcr.L, Graham's Survey. FOR SALE.—Roadster Filly rising 8 years and General Purpose Filly rising 2 years. Also 11 Piga 4 weeks old. TNo. GRANT, 22.6 Phone 266 Lot 6, Con. 12, Grey, 9 Pigs for sale. 5 weeks old.. Phone 8812 CRAWFORD STRAOHAN, Lot 2, Con. 5, Grey. Goan :ditch Cow for sale, Will freshen next April. Also 2 heifers 8 months old, from extra good milking strain. Good paper same as cash. W, F. STRETTON, Phone 848, Brussels. Two good M11011 cows for sale, to freshen December 18th and 2515. 6111ton Lowe, Lot 8, Con. 9, Grey. Phone 288. HAY for sale, specially good for calves and. COwe, G. A. DEADMAN. FOR SALE.—One choice registered '.Mort Hon boll, 0 months old. (Dolor, dark red. For immediate sale, ?111000. Phone 860, Tuns. Kelmm, Henfryn, WANTED.—Dead Horses and Animals tekeli Away promptly within a radius of 20 miles, Will pay from .r8 to .s for hve animals brought ht to factory. No animals removed without hide. Phone, day 12. Phone, evening 178. The Farmers' Fertilizer Co., Ltd•, Winghem,, 20 READ dehorned 2 year old Durham -grade steers for sale, Also 00 cords dry wood. Phone 2818 m.Lot 17 Con 16, Grey Twp. HORSE for sale to TAe. BALLANTYNE, Brussels. LolT Friday svening, a blank ostrich ruff, be- tween Cranbrook and Brussele. Will finder please leave at ME Foss, or phone Mrs. George Sperling, Brussels Phone 88. A ssw well bred Brown Leghorn coekerelo for sale. Price 41.50 each. WALTER Bru sets, Yana EYES will be thorongiily and accurate- ly examined by modern and ocientiflo methods, the correct prescription issued and eyeglasses or epeotacloo fitted with lenses exactly to meet your requirements. It melte you noth- big to let us examine your eyes. There is no guess work. Prices moderate, J. R. WENnm, 0514e1an, Wroxeter, ALL kiudo of dreeeed poultry wonted. On account of labor shortage we are paying extra prices for dressed poultry and premium on orate fatted chickens. For farther particu- lars 'phone 88, Roll, T1101100N, DRIVING Boise, 7 years Old, and arae•ols:s 2nd hand Buggy for sallee. ,Apply to 17-tf Binge harness pR201. 1O0n1,,94 Coo aecond•hand DR. PARKER, Oeteopathlo Phyeiolan, visits Brussels Monday afterilbon of mnah week. Chronic and nervous diseases encceesfuily treated. Visite residences. Coxaultation et Queen's Rotel, THE fire alarm ring last Monday even- ing and there was a hustling to ascertain the cause. Fortunately it proved to be nothing more than a burning chimney at tbe Robb terrace. Fire appliauce was out in gond time but was not utiliz• ed MAKE A COMPARISON,—NOW 18 the seasou when people are considering what newspapers will be taken for next year, THE Poor 15 iu the field for your approval, We are not saying whether than oitr confreres we are better o' worse bat are willing for the public to decide by comparison. Put THE POST, this week, alongside any other County paper and we are Satisfied 10 abide by the decision on merit. If you want first hand neWs you get it in THE Pose' Prom now to end of 1919 for $r.5o in advance. "Tut Peel glves the news" and if yam believe this give us: a little boost by a recommend to your friend, anT'D 1073 YP:uyi„y-e.1•�m.N.-.�...�l:R's'bsO. 0.t N4e23Y ,.—.--,n• ���.,..r--,- ---S iS3c.N-.'^d,AJ-..Y.'©NY CW�+^y^A» A teeftee efi7geeeteitagEffnOttelt;teibiieitete eeJalife07t5019000000001199 006100000 f7 0 p iMfi: TAN i alfl RD OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank. 238 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, ©®E'1 Manager. ir - �. x r z..a x• ss ,.� m ear 3, •� ' GI The St w ng Circle of Melville clutch ee $$ is qsl tog ties, 2. y the quilts to 5, , 1 People We Talk Aboutca e to St. HEAD OFFICE, 1 1 e, Toronto $$ $$ '1'w . of the town 11 +e'er beds have been Nurse Richmond gad Nurse Matteis plauta,l w,211 Tulip blabs for next have gone to De'roit to tctice positions in g sea<ou 1. fl,werin•: , by the Hot tide! lurid a 1181011311 d Society. Miss Belle Dark has been quite ill in m the West brit we wish her speedy con- valescence, Mrs. Alex, Thomson, Rrantetd, was a visitor with Brussels relatives during the part week. Mrs. Neil McPhail, Southampton, was a visitor with her 'brother, Allan La. mont, last week. W. H, Merkliuger, Hanover, was in town over the week end. He is a son. in-law of N. F, and Mrs, Gerry, King street. Mrs. Thos. Lott and daughter, Miss Mary Lott, Brussels, are visiting Mrs. Wm. Miller, Huron terrace, South, Kiucardino. Jno. Little jr , who was nperated on a few weeks ago, is making a good re- covery and will soon be as hearty as ever we hope, Miss Lou. Danford is visiting ber sis- ter, Mrs. Sellars, in Toronto. Miss Laura Bryans is taking her place at S. Carter's office, Mrs. Ben, Dark, of Galt was operated on las Monday t da at Fergus. Her case was very serious but we wish her a speedy recovery. T. T. Wood and son Fred , attended a meetiug of the Manufacturers' Asso- a ciation in Toronto Monday of this week, , of which they are members. Mrs. Jno. Thomson left this week for Galt where she will spend a few months with relatives. She is a smart old lady and in her Srst year, Mrs, W. W. Harris was called to Rothsay owing to the illness of her mother, Mrs. Delmage, bot we are glad to hear she is doing nicely now. P. Scott and A. Hislop were at Lon- don last week attending the meetiug and banquet of Westerly Ontario Liber- als to meet and bear Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Reeve Plum is at Toronto this weelc. attending a Convention considering Hydro -Electric railway . matters. It looks as if there might be something do- ing. Edward Bryans was called to Owen Sound hast weelc to help care for her daughter, Mrs Fefld who was ill with influenza. Favorable progress is reported, Jacob, Norman and Will. and Mrs. King, of Alma, were visitors with Jas. and Mrs, Evans, Brussels. Mr's King is the youngest daughter of the host and hostess. Mrs. R. Leatberdale was taken ser- iously ill last week but is now very tench better we are pleased to state, Her many friends hope sbewill soon be able to be about as of yore. W. A. Grewar went to Windsor 011 Monday to have his goods being shipped to California passed Lhrough the Cus- toms, Mrs. Grewar and family followed ou Tuesday. Good luck to them, Robt, McMartin, tormerly of Brus- sels, who had a stroke of paralysis a few. months ago, is now receiving treatment in a St• Thomas hospital, He is a brother of Mrs. Wm, Wilton, of town, Dr. W, J. Bryans, who practiced his profession for some years at Carmangay has moved to Moosejaw where he pur- poses making his home. He is the eldest sou of the late Edward and Mrs. Bryans, A letter from New Westminster, 13. 0, from Will, Long, who • went with the cavalry enroute to Vladivostok, Siberia, said they were to sail last Sunday. The infantry had preceded them and reach- ed tb, it destination, Teeswater News says:—Robt. Trench, of town, helped to put tbe objective on the Victory Loan "over the top” by sub- scribiug $2o,Soo on Saturday night, Mr. 'l'reuch built Brussels skating rink and 1 an it for a season or two, Du•iug the past week Cadet Harold Patterson, who is training at Beam - ville, has beau visiting at the home of his uncle and aunt, T. E. anti Mrs. Whitfield, Qaeeu street and with other relatives and friends In Grey and Morris. Cadet H, H. Peter, of Leaside camp, was calling on his aunts, the Misses Hunter, last week while enroute to the parental home at Bervie for to days leave, He says there were 500 ill in their camp with influenza but for. tunetely only 3 deaths. A good record, It is reported that Pte, Fred. Ruther- ford, a former teller in the Beek of Nova Scotia in town, who was drafted with the Siberian expeditionary troops, had died of pneumonia. He was a fine young fellow and highly esteemed in Brussels: We hope the storey is unfounded. Wm. and Mrs, Telfer and Jas. and Ma's, Farquharson, of Provost, Alta arrived here this week, looking well, Mr, and Mrs. Telfer went West last March and eujoyed their stay very much, Probabilities are that they will remain in this locality, melting their home with relatives. We welcome thein back, The crops were not extra good title year owing to dry weather, Captain W. Proudfoot, M, 0 who for several weeks was confined in the Ross Memorial hospital at Lindsey suf. faring from "flu" and poeutnania, has sufficiently recovered to leave that in- stitution reached Goderioh on the 14th i now ra ressiu fa varabl fn •t Hes w y a.g g P. 't h fu a short r and o e tslobeaa w111 and ex p U time. 'Phe Ca ltafn s Ole ieon of Bar- rister e . I rister I'eoudtaot, 55. P. P., for Centro Huron, Con MY Treasurer's Sale of lauds for taxes, announced a '• 1 held on 19'11 i11st , did no' cunni • ff, there being uo buyers pr,.et.t. Adjourned sale will be hefii December 1gth. St. Tohu's church has bean having a supply of wood cut by a bee of the mem- bers in a bush where timber was pur- chased from P, Ament, Rev. Henry Smith, rector of the same church, has been adding to his fuel pile by activities along the sante litre, DErloNSTRA'rION.—Take in the Demon- stratlou at Wilton & Gillespie's store, Brussels, Thursday of this week, 28111 inst., from to a. m. to 6 p in., of Firm) ranger: and heelers. A wonderful in 200(1011 in saving fuel 'Rend the an- nouncement on page 5 end don't miss the demonstration. 'Pence. SOCIETY.—This week Miss Lil- lian Duggan, Deaconess, Toronto, is in Brussels as the representative of the Tract Society in its Mission to sailors on inland waters. She is soliciting aid in. supplying good books and other Litera- ture for those who do business on the lakes and rivers, A goodly work is done by the 'Traot Society in reaching thousands who rarely attend a religious service and the reports published each Year show encouraging results: J. K MacDonald, Toronto, is the President of the Society and G. Speedie, who bas ad- dressed a Brussels audience, is the Gen- eral Secretary.' Give Miss Duggan e cordial welcome. CI'rIZENsUIP.—Monday evening of this week the Epworth League met in charge of A. E. Hersey, President of the Citizenship Department. A splen- did comprehensive paper on Municipal Government was given by Miss Morris. Mrs, Parker read a particularly appro- priate and pathetic selection, "Whisper - in' Bill," Though attendance Was smaller than at its predecessor, still the same live interest was evident. When meetings such as these are possible un- der the disadvantages of being so long disorganized and a rather small active membership, it certainly "augurs well for the success of the united forces of the League and the Christian Endeavor, whose first meeting will be held next Sunday evening. MRS. GILBERT 'Th1IBIDEAV'S FATHER DIES —The funeral of John Ducklow, who died at Listowel, ou November 1315, was held on Friday to Fairview cemetery, being in charge of Rev, W. H. Dunbar, pastor of Christ church Listowel, who conducted service at the house. Mr. Ducklow was horn in Low- er Canada and came to Elms township when a lad of 7, where be resided up to the time of his death. He was wedded to Mary Jane Gray, 52 years ago and to them was born a family of to children 5 boys and 5 girls, namely ; William John, Atwood ; Pater, San Francisco, California ; Isaac, Listowel ; Samuel Howard, Newry ; Gilbert, deceased ; Mrs, Gilbert rhibidean, Brussels ; Mrs, Adam Wilson, Kitchener ; Mrs, William Morrison, Washington, California ; Mrs. Free Candler, Listowel ; and Mrs, W. E. Bristow, Seaforth, Goon ENTERTAINMENte—Tuesday evening Miss Ida Bailey's Sunday School class gave a musical and literary program in the Methodist church schoolroom. Program was excellent consisting of;—Chorus, 0 1 Canada; prayer ; Address, Mae Skelton ; piano solo, Miss May Wilkinson ; class chor- us 1 recitation, Bernice Colo ; solo, Muriel Hoover ; Club swinging, Ella Rands, accompanied by Margaret Brown ; piano duet, D. Stafford and Miss Bailey ; address, Margaret Meun- dere; solo, F. H, Gilroy; recitation, Mildred Maunders ; solo, I. Wilkinson ; humorous duet, Muriel and Marjory Hoover ; solo, May Armstrong ; patriotic song, Mr. Forman, Vancouver, B, C. ; reading. Matnie Flan ; piano solo, Dorothea Stafford ; reading, Viv- ian Harris ; closing song, Maple Leaf and National Anthem. W. le, Kerr was chairman. Proceeds of evening, MRs. N. L. MCDONALD.—Teeswater News of last week says :-Funeral of the late lamented wife of N. L. McDonald, Edmonton, Alta , whose death from in- fluenza followed by pneumonia took place on Saturday last, from the reel- dence of her father, Reeve and Mrs, D. Ferguson, Brownlee St. Deceased was burn in Brussels, 39 years ago. and mov- ed with her parents to Teeswater when only 15 months old, where she grew into splendid young womanhood, of charm- ing persouslity, fine physique and lov- able disposition, she made friends every- where, many of whom will hear with deepest regret of her decease, She was married in February 1905 to her sorrow• ing husband, who with 2 children, Douglas and Ruth, survive her. Her parents, a sister and 3 brothers oleo mourn her loss. During their 6 years residence in Edmonton, Mrs, M°Dlnald made many friends, and was very popu- lar with all who knew her. She was the Vice -President of the Western Ontario Aesoeiatior, a member of the Asquith Chapter I 0 D E. anci an active work. er for the Red Cro,s. Beautiful flowers from these orgnuizations and also many friends accompanied tier body from the West, Funeral on Saturday WAS largely attended, the stores closing for an hour for the °ere nony, Rev eV, A Bradley officiated, interment taking place in Teeswater cemetery, Edmonton Journ- al :—Funeral services for the late Mrs. Norman McDoealrl, of tune 87th avenue were held at the mortuary chapel of Wainwright & Jackson, Monday even• ing, Rev, McGotigan, of Knox church, being the minia1er in charge, Among the many friends of Mrs. McDonald the event was one of 0111600 sorrow. To them she had become by her charm of manner, inmate kindliness of disposition and enewerving loyalty of heart, prized and valued in large measure. Her eveready tact and enthusiasm of pur- pose gave splendid service in social and Red Cross work. To this Last she brought an added interest by reason of the fact that a broth`ar, Sergt. Ferguson, and a nursing sister at Orping- ton hospital, have been on active service since early in the War. Ill s') far as floral offereegs could give testimony, tier friends found expression for their feelings at this last leave-tsk- log ere she was borne to rest in her old home at Teeswater, Ontario, where sorrowing parents abd others of her family circle awalt to pay a final duty of love and respect. $2¢,00, which goes to School's Victory Bond anci to piano fund Miss Bailey and class are to be congratulated on the success. Goon START --013 Tuesday, evening, 19th inst., the Brussels Epworth League held its first social and literary meetiug for the season, The subject under dis- cussion was ' The Life and Works of Henry W. Longfellow," A few re- marks bearing directly on this were given by Bert Lott. The speaker point- ed out that the chief reason for the poet's universal popularity was that ;lost of his subjects were those of every- day aa0ntrel:C•: end Viet he described those in a clear, lucid style that even the unlettered might understand. Other numbers were ;—Synopsis of "The courtship or Miles Standish," given 10 three ports by Milnes May Skelton, L, Bryans and Elsie Spatting ; duet, "The bridge," by Misses May Wool. and Elia Rands ; reading, "The Stave's Dream," ti. Cole ; synops's of I 'Evangeline," Miss Vera Hoover' solo, "l+excelsior," Miss Dorothea Stafford ; reeding, "Hiawe- tihaet 220011) ," J T. Wood; reading, "The Legend Beautiful," Sirs Parker. All the numbers wore well given and greatly appreciated by vire audience. There woe a splendid spirit of 10tet est and co•operatimh manifested and both the participants in the program and Miss Florence Buchanan, who had the ar- ranging and ec*nductittg of the etitertain- ment, are to be heartily congratulated. THE PosP Telephones are Nos, 31 and s2, Call up early and often if you have a neWey 2Ot0, We tlattally start 0111• press Wedueadav afternoon and oftcu re- eelve items too late toe use. 4. p G 21 43 0 tB 0 51 0 t5 (0 tl p to cit 0 4 W Q t8 t3 Fox's Stfence THEoim. STORE eek y Store liet n tievi Books Here are 00111e 01 the new Books Jost to 1101111 011 Money 1 Money 1 by hleauoe A. Porter --A romance o1' a New Eng- land Cinderella and a Western Millionaire g 1 60 The Magnificent Amberenne -- by 13011111 Tarkiuglon, A book daitlleg with wealthy Society life ..,. 1 50 The Young Diana—by Marie Oorelli. In 51)1011 modern science is success- ful iu the rejuvenation of youth ,...., . 1 35 Canada's Day of Glory—by FA.Me- Kenzie. The description of Can- ttda'epart 111 the great War.,. 1 510 The 1101nen00of Western Canada—by R. G, Ma0Bet11, The story of Settlement, In. Ginn Upiteing, Po., in the life of the 1 Great West Out of the Jews of Hnnland—by Pte, Jnolc Evmla and Corp, bred. McMullen. Story of their escnp0 from a Gorman pt•18011 camp acmes the Holland harder 1 95 Dere Mabel — by E. Streeter. I.inmoroue 'Love Letters of n Rookie" 76 The Fni lane.11l A story of Love s d Clark in Amn it 1 85 In thean Dep ofericaBat61Ce—yby various writers such as Kipling, Service, CO 1 25 Jcseelyn's W}f0—n stirring Society Novel by Kathleen Norrie 1 85 The Cow Puncher $t So The Flotnesteaders 75 Kitchener and outer Poems 100 In Orohard Glen—a new hook by M511011 - Keith1 50 The Hope of Our Ceiling—a now book by - Rev, Prof, Robt, Law, D. D. 1 25 Three Times and Out—by Nellie D7eOlung. p Areal Ilya story st ea Canadian's escape :from different Gorman mums 1 60 Robt..7.0. Stead Rural Phone Orders We wish to remind our Customers that orders and heir Telephone it13 G a reg wenu consider don't it n pleasure to look after thorn ttiierig y 'Phforgeone. nYour orders will re. 0 eeive prompt and careful nttentiou. 18 tv i8 tb prints Following ttre seine of our naw Reprints 1 The 31101111 Braman -- By B., A. Cooly The Rocks of Valpre— By Ethel M, Dell '.Cite Trail of 201t13 .yelgll1— By Rnbt. W, Service The Long Lane Turning— ley Bettie Ranine RtVet• The Life Evel'IRsling— By Marie (Jerald The Long Patrol-- ByH.A,Cody The Doctor— By Ralph Conor The Black Creek Stopping House By Nellie Metlung An Old Fashioned Girl - 133, L. Dl, A lleett The Treasure of Heaven By Marie Corelli Mr. Bingle - 13y Geo, Berr MoCutehton The Fourth Watch— By H. Al Cody The Bail Juniper— The above are splendidly bound and provide" excellent reading 75c each As They See it in New York "Ihn surprised nt you, Sammy," said the teanber, "that you. eam1o5 tell me when Chrletopher (Wending discover. ea America. Whet dnae the chapter bending of the week's lesson read P" "Oelmnhns-1902," replied Sammy. "Weltint plain enough P " ask- ed. he traeiar, " Id you aver see it before 7" "Yes'm, Yes'm," 5nswered Sammy, "but I 021203s drought It was his Tele- phone number," JAMES OX DRUGGIST and STATIONER m W6,Fi$6ii550cR£+06 22(5e60,RPE`U9it,.e 4322r 66322081 FnF440'OO®®QD2Sex®a0®4*8*8 R CO 49 51 M 07 43 h a f,1 Eh to 0 0 r9 a W m 0 0 eacisocil I8 e9 D e 10 131 C•i B 0 01 9 55 r3 00 ti 2) t9 1e 5) d B 0 3 e El 0 U Church Chimes Rev, Mr. Malcolm, of Wroxeter, preached two good sermons in Melville chu roll last Sunday, Maitland Presbyterial held a special session in Wiugham Wednesday to dis- cuss the Forward Movement, A W. M. S. Thanksgiving prayer meeting was held in the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon, Bible Society Collectors are dolug well this year, thanks to the liberality of the people. THE POST is judging by the books already returned. It's a Wonder- ful cause, Special'PSauksgiving services for:the victory of our armies iu Europe will he held in St, John's church, Sunday, Dec. 1st, at 1I a. m. and 7 p. m, Preacher, Rev. H. Smith, rector. Sabbath evening last a. memorial ser• vice was held in St. John's church for the heroic soldier laddie, Corp. Harold Campbell. Rev. Mr. Smith gave a most suitable address and J. G. Jones sang "Crossing tile Bar." • Harold Campbell's name will be evergreen. At the Official Board meeting of Brus- sels Methodist church W. P. Bray was appointed Steward for Crar.in'ook in the place of George Menzies, who resigned, Rev. Mr. Stafford's salary as pastor .was placed at $125o, he to arrange for cou- veysuce to Cranbrook Sunday after- noons. Rev, G. W. Dewey, of Trinity Metho- distchurch, Stratford, announced that he had received and accepted an invita- tion from Empress Avenue Methodist church, Loudon, to become their pastor at the beginning of next Conference year. Rev. Mr. Dewey was pastor of that church for 4 years, leaving it 7 years ago. Thursday evening of this week the first union prayer meeting of the series BORN AnORTBALD. In 8oaiorth, on Nov. 19111, 1018, to Mr. and Mrs. Sao. R. Archibald, a daughter. 3s50'aaSON—In Mo2{Illop on Nov. 18th, 1018, to Capt. 512(1 Mrs. 3, RS, Jefferson, of Re - gine, a daughter, PRr1018 tlto IMr. Toronto, n ilius. J. November i0t 9t n [laughter—Is1bell Anna. MARRIED M00a5011012—WENSLEY.—On Nov. 21st, 1918, at St, John's Anglloen Church, West Tor- onto, by Rev, 0101001B. McNatnaro Miss Tda Reba, third daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Wensley, ('ollhIGGWood, to Dr. ;Mole Fleming DleOrnolcen, oPHagerovtlie. SPEI IIAN—H100.—At Maple Grove Farm," Elmo township, by Rev..7. W. Johnson, on November 20th, 1018, Mr. Wnl, Hartwell 8peirnn, of Grey township, to Mise Flm'- eno0 Matilda, yyoungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A lex. ldird. SEEL11110—STawAnT,—At the Methodist Far. soilage, Bruesele, by Rev: W. E. Steitord, B. A„ on November 2711x, 1918, Mr, Joel R. Sellers, 8rd line Morris township, to Mrs, Mattliew Stewart. DIED AYLE0Wn11Tn —Ill Fordwioh, on Nov. 14111, 2018, Peter P. Aylen Worth, aged 78 Terve, Cox,—In Godoriob township, on November 16th, 1918, Jolm Cox, aged 76 years, 8 months and 24 days. 00lltrra,—In Morrie township, on November late Douatd Carrie, in her 05tli year, of the IIoI$000-Ie Saskatoon, Sask., oh. November 29t11, 1018, Rev, J. W. Hohneo, in his 88th ,7A0xe0N.—T11 Tisdale, hada, on Nov, 22nd, 1018year,, Hazel Elizabeth, second daughter of Peter end Mre. Jackson, in her 51st year. MEI,—In Howlett, on Nov. 1415, 1918, .Goo. Mee, Otll Con., in his 88rd year. RO7LAND,—Killed 1n sOtion, in France, on November let, 1918, 3050511 son of Jno, and Mrs Rowland, of McKlliop township, in his 10th year. 80OT43.—Iu HowIck. on Nov, 18th, 1018, Addie Scott, of near Lakolot, Auction Sales FRIDAY Nov, 20,—Anetlon Sale of Perin stook and Implements, Honeehola goods, Pc. for Cereal Yerhoyo, at Lot: 1 and 2, Con. 10Elma township. Salo at 12 o'clock and without r000rve. O. F. Vmidrfak, Auctioneer. between the Presbyterian and Metho- BRUSSELS MARKET dist churches will be held in the former -- churol;school room at 7 3o o'clock, Fail wheat ... $5 10 Union choir practice at 8 30, Prayer Series Wheat 2OMNI 05 meeting is changed from Wednesday to Peae 200 accommodate people who were tied up Butter 1 00 40 Eggs 60 Boge 17 Wool 0 . 14 00 05 .Hay Potatoes Per 11010 1 50 to business, Next Sabbath the contemplated plan of union services for the next 4 months will begin, when congregations will assemble in Melville church at n. a, m, and 7 p, m, Union Sunday Schools meet at 3 sharp and Young People's Societies at close of evening preaching service, Tlhis Sunday le set apart by the Dominion Government 'for special Thanksgiving over the cessation of the world war, If you are thankful you should bo at church. Both church hymn books will be used in the union services and pages announced in each. R210 2 05 1100 1755 0 1i 00 60 Hound Lost Lost nonr Brnooels on Friday, November 52nc1, amen bloolc and white Beagle hound, biteh ; one am slit eboot nn filch and nnew0rn to ills name of 'Nelitel' Any information whioh will lead to he,' 00002003' please 'phone 2 or Bond to G. A. Sills' bordtStore, Sea- ' ford', and 11117080 harboringg her after this notice will be p('Oalonted,wM TL•@OMPdON, Od444000®4444A449a000t 4.;149. oof,,000 P96•®• 4©440041't0**O0 04 9 4. 0 0 w 0 t e 6 I --e n J" !1► - of e .. a $ r, Stratford, rd, Onix. and Winghant, Ont.. t 05,40404444404N4444.a404a440.404400440444+444444.4404.4.0 OU BLE YOUR P Y A young lady who was earning $10,00 a weak a few n 0111110 ago, is now receiving a salary of $20.00 a Weep as the roanlll of our training. We useisb graduates to good positions. Enter any time. Catalogue Free, Winter Tartu'from January 0111, 1010, A •