HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-11-28, Page 7-
WM A t. he (least Are Under Cover.
'11?' ry entV ha:; 1-101,4•(111.7, tem-
p:e'en:eel whieh is eueily dieidirhed by
emeeee vekee in the leirn, Slieh iu
1.1111vt,,ary 1;houling
et-nong iht, mon, It pays to be quiet
Around rho 't Lk, fie everything that
diet:trice them 1elp:4 to rttdave the milk
Flew nad cute down tho dairy pro-
The pure:ewe:I bull in a community
is a fine aeeet and farmere owning
euch nahnals should feel -free to ask
theie neighbors a servieu fee for Lhe
min oil Lhe animal that is in propor-
tion to its value irs a breeder. Neigh-
bors Hale bring their cows for Service
ehould be premet hr payingfees as
thie le oely right and it encourages
her to hut" Pere•hred balba.11.011
;hie eure-bred bull owned by a
mighbor it gives a farinee with nn
ereinary herd oT eowe an opportunity
to improve Me %Lock and finally ewe
o herd that is nearly purebred, eIL
may not be neeessary for every Win-
er to have pure -heed cows. Of course,
there ar0 not; en01.10 tO g0 around.
llowevee, it is imeortant to *keep as
good mresible and item. I -tee: -
led an opportunity to improve .thent
hy good breeding methoils.
The farmer without a silo should'
eisit the neighbov who owne on and
nate the keen eatisfactioa that
dairyman receives from owning one
the tall cans of feed which bring
-summer eonditions into the barn in
the winter. Silage is too well known
:tiniest to diecues it value, but there
are minty fin -me without a silo, even
though the owner posseem nere than
enough caLtle to mike Bach an invest,
meat pay. In eome eaeee it will pay
Farraersatte'sell a few head of cattle
hi melee to buy a Ale if they certnot
obtain oho in any other way, The use
of silage will enable them to give
much hotter ogre to the remaining
members of the herd.
Ice water is not recommended as a
milk' producer and yet Many dairy
cattle obtain their water through a
hole chopped in the ice in the water
took, The feed that the animale eat
has to help heat up that ice water.
Bow =eh better it is to uee. a tank
heater. Them the cows drink More
water mid it does not have to be
weenie& by the heat of theie body.
Cows .do not like warm water and
they do not like ieowater. The tenk
beater cell be regulated just right for
them on a cold winter day RDA it has
n fine influenee on the alliOtalt of milk
When Lhe wiads are cold Mei the I
:now is blowing, the • dairy erevs
shoeld not be left out in the field. I
Cows like fres'it air and they will en-
joy a protected barnyard eveit in cold 1
vmather. An evergreen windbreak
iround the bernyard 'fa espeeially de-
eirable on eold windy daya when tho
min is Alining. Then the sows can
enjoy eche sun without tho exposure
of the wind. Never leave the stable
door open in retch a way that the.cold'e
wind can blow through and expose the
cow's flanke end udders, A cow
eteadiug in a draught is in more
delver than as if he Were outside in
severe 'storm
When the cows freshen in the Win-
ter therie ise"more time fin milking
and caring foe the melees. The milk
brings the beet price and the income
13 often needed more during the win-
ter than in the summer when more
money Is constantly coming in for the
varied crops and produce that can be
:told, On some farms there is a steady
income front produce from the time
21, Reuben delivered him' out of
the nsparagus and early truck ere sold 1 their halld-He persuaded his broth -
until the last apple is picked in the I al:a liPt 14) kin bin"' but merely to east
fall. From November 1 iintil April I hP11 Into ill' pit, intending to rescue
him and restore hint to hie father. )
...3. The coat oil many rolora---It
was Jacob's choicest gift to bit fate,
orite ,0011. Orlerbtals delight in rich-
ly colored garments, It liraia 110t a
RiPee Of gay petehwork, but a long
mat or' tunic of! rich ellath of anred
etripee or embroidered.
23, They eat clown to eat bread
--The heartieeenees of this febtat is
the znain point. Jaeob had aent
lie concerning the Value of milk and 1 Jeeredi to theni on a mission of deep
butter. The oleo interests are organ -1 fetherle euneere, probably Inhering
Ned and the middleman handling i•them tokens of the retherie good rill;
evevy kind of dairy produets have 'the boy' was overwhelmed by the evil
treatment of his own kindred, while
they feasted and gloated over theft.
triumph.• It ie. one of those prtieful in !laid it will be fonnd highly pro- beide prfeture a barrel Nett seeing .er
eviaencee oe nean's ininimanny to Mateo to regard fmehearere as some- if he does uut ii.ecal it a.1 he can Sha
num. Thee 13 the central evil in thing more than the e.ource• of pelts, it with Me neighber,..
soeiety, wax in the. home and euvimes - lite an, ground UP meet 13 reeree- et) neeesearer to haw, t.., ie. -ea,. peni
antagenisme in eociety. A eatavan nixed as an eecellent prainee feed, a .good 11 rd pump will rei e.t, r nieel
of ftlimeeeites--"The plain •of Dothan but mie which can only be iteed in a hut the firm allYfr, tO .1'1 t .1 prepat
is irnevereed by a regular trade route limited way where the %lively is el)- the tree, 'sr earetyine. Ideeely a
from Gilead through Beiean te Ram- tained frein dorneetie animate. It is of thee:e, eel .0ertaneet, 1,,,,e, beee a
loh and theme by tho 0004 te Egypt." dieeee,,,,t with memae.,,,,,,,„ of o.ame 0,11„ gleeted fo lone' civet re-e0Mr. melee ne
Spicery and beim and myrrh---rheee . mills,
Loi while some :ire used for cee.ealle yreeee-ie efte-tle ... sprayin
predate ',vele much in demand in isee.,, reee.
Itigypt :for embalming eral medicinal e.,. -see many are :limply thrown 1 age :1ina. it Wiii 1'u 1:,-41.) Mtpeesili
purpoens. nway. This ie an economic weet:e• to teeey thereagee. to the ecebeat 0
- 0111211/ '''' brother? eta -Second theughee since such meat le 14545 (114 effective. that an. the, trate Meeker Leen twent
20. Whet profit is it ir we •eley our end rather an inteneleed one at that '100re then teenle i',,.:. '1 i',1 1 mem
raged their view to some ee,•tent. On Terme where it is lbe practice, to
fter ele, rtewoued net pay to kill ceek, grird and feed ir to poultry, egg feet ahnet. he eve bee): Le filet Imiet
4110 a.lieulal 1,EavaAlre inunedioto etten-
When a hen beeomes :crop bound, their brother. Ferthermore, the He- production has been inereaeed rattier h„..,„,e, iloo.,, ‘...hi ha 4.‘,
, This also nosing tbst ti.,,, 1.f.14,elltemroveo,
brew believed, according to the. anci- remarkably. Hens have been found All cuts should be itirefe. :tree tho has
bort to avoid its much of the divitalix- eat idea, That the liocal would cry to so ke,..„,p
Mg effect of the trouble -as possible.. God from -the- groin -id. It would lee on laying during off (08 0224 of a limb in ozder thet 'they may ha
Half an ounce of sweet oil or melted less a crime if they vefreined froM whee °thee hens, pot so fed, were not in re •.- di' •
lard should first be Poured down the leocul shedding. Here Ls the evidence peoducing. Coneniering. that thie feed era used 'to thine i'. r ..e,e, n. t3
throat, taking care to -keep it fro.m , , ,e,
of. the eon tee Ki rfg powee of an in- costs nothing, the extra eggs 9100 '-etr • teint an ,,er -tea lerrae ..,':.;,.. 1,22. 4,E
profit. And epeakine of fue-bearees 'pri.,,,Ii. .tim,ro„ h., a'r, I, ,,,,,,t
the evincl-pipe to eveid strangling. all'Ilea "u". .
Then knead the crop with the littera% ' p • 7. I.et us :E,,,,,,.11. Ili,ra.111 to ti a Ifirmee- and trapping. it will be found exceed- of ophilon about thie 1.:0.1.:tieu and eon
to break up the mass and 1008011 an2'. tue unnatural' ed 0.3. ingdy profitable to get after skins this
ea:ie.-1 1.?eflateer lin and Altering the :merrily of 1:-Iltor on the
1 bit 'Of strat,v or feather which malt ent times . To these men it would yea:, with the utmost vigor. On the. ,
term, I would ranch rather (pin paint -
ono hand there is a greatly increased
' be restionsible for the dogging. Le be far tem criminal than Murder. like Ing ihe limbs than to 1..aglea, cuttiug
demand for all kin& of furs. On the
a few hotnes the material should be- 1 human nattere in all ages, these inen them. baek. Doubtless the too that
other thero is an ;wine ellortage, do.
gin to pass away. Isolate the bird believed in woe-kteg a seale M' corn -
to the fart that so many former trap- remain,: V', C..1 be .00 full CA! brueli to
.,_ , admit of very,thorongh eereying, but
piers have gone to wo.r. The reside is
it is 131....illably 111141148 to exune the
prices higher than (1,00 iluf000 and an - ....
trees Too sevevety end W4,' 4, 1 C4.11.30.1
inescapable further ipereaee as time
the memo from a few dairy Solve is
much eppreciated and it has often
brought a family many pleasures
which would have been imposeible if
it woe) not for the 'money received
from the COWS.
R will pay every dairyman to join
his 104)11 aesocletien and help out in
She efrerl to educate the 'buying pale -
been more or leee organized. The pro-
ducers have been so busy tending the
cows that many of them have lest
money on the marketing end of their.
bueineee, This'eondild011 is being
remedied by the many fine orgapiza-
Hoes which are tiOW wotking in pro-
tect, the dairymen's interests. Every
farmer with dairy 00W4 8110111d be
willing to do hie part and attend the
ineetinge held For the purpose of pro-
tsieting the deity business. ,
HOCKEY BOOTS, SKATES, No Farm Is Complete Without An Apple Orchard. How to Pre.,
HOCKEY STICKS, SWEATERS vent the Ravages of Enmities Whieh Are
Outiltbere to most of the leading
By W
Our Orchards.
Hockey Clubs in Canada, Scattered over a goodly portion
southern Ontario are old tetcha
Send for free Catalog. • varying in numbers of trees, in vat
j, BROTRERTON tie e -of fruit and In vonditionv
ti78480 Yonge St. Toronto oechards are slowly but Furely
" inge Their owners WV ereiNVIled w
work, harressed with eine and cl
eoureged with the proeeeet furl)
profits from apple tree-,, In :Fe
thousands of feerners hare ermidod
to let their or:di:vele eie :ad then
dig them out, tetra there up, foo
them, and devote the land tu oth
The home in te.bieh flitere aro no a
Ides throughten long w ter ;Mill,
."-omiatlaing. A
wisely say:, omit:P.
r From the ecete reel eh, *awl
. jeetify the ea:en-deer.,
end teerear. Teine eelphur
Pur-Bearere ae a By -Praline, be item) ely. owner
On the theueunde of farms Where ens oe these Mice:ad oreherds w
trupping and poultry raisiug go hand e; ori vixen gionane
. le, Taylor tWe here One to do 11. 1t.5'
15s1 auming for a week or tan days, it "No; you are thee
•ie- would he well to melte a seeend uppli. net. geleg to kill my fechse,e
of' ation, though tbis is not generaliy Se the yeung fernier led the oely
SOLDUERS, 11/011.f01
Wo haVO done 14014 (p11 fee tee time.
father. Let's quit new." "Oh, e. 1a4
((It One M -re ee,e1..,
of i should ensue, and prevent. the Mos- choreo."
vigor. The greater 2111Mbet th
`1341 Do not spray when tbe truce ere 10! dety'a -eerie beefer.e• theee ens st
neceesary. me, of the LAP ItLeI4, tot to met hie
I:11f 111
bloseom; it is el tango thee we heve ' enneit to du !wane hie night tua.1
tf-i 50 01.17 that, ane really, when we come ecene, len ee thet he might eel e the
'7eto think abeet it the whole program) etreeefli of hie fether. Bea aleeie
(:e1has been gone over and °WO* 10 print' 1/1511 %vete putelpg tho 1.,,,Ty h:T1. there
year after year, until it would Ra.,alr, 'W113 hi 'their irrte their job cif cotthig
" , imoless to 'write it iiirele, Lit we farm. that hig ficed ae ewe,. Th„ f," a
ere are buey with other mattere. We the old men waa fairly White, he Wag
i)-;thnt we ean forget and the writer is and that wee uhy ha was rieterrnie-
0; do net (Merge oer min& with things zo tireci. lie had elready tame hoe
, family poeeed in their automobile. yend trio at1,,,T.:1.1. ilia Ctey knew it,,
4 ibo • exception to nembere of .eeople ed thee; ne mere cora Amulet be eut
It' 0.110 htavu 5., ;w eeminderi ef "things. thee they. And the young farmer
Id ferget." was tired, toe, F.very (ley is a hart
no Nee., i.e, ,,,-, ec,,,;,jder br.if,i;:v the 4,04- ottO fir him i15:7, Thet0 are t1031
- diing meth. The Mlle fellowe who 1T1V.41. he fairly elagiers under the
of, , ,
flei happ,v homee in hien eiety to one welahl: that lt.0 wane tieen him It ie
ill remarea per tent. of all the apples in ,.,',) WO/OA. harsafigil, U1 get help. The
o- '
reepeeeted orchards. The inether lays ed.: for ..i.ervive 1-4 fto greet; ane these
d , let ezekeenee of Othera, 800
•veerking on--erue soldlers, theugh net
wzaring the unireem of the counery.
But the thing :lett meet irapreesed
her rgee at the leneefsming thee ora
leter, und the tiny larva semi
re' lunch ulit find their Way to the
elle tups of the little apple's. Is it
rot strange that iestinet le present me abut tees rare teat yota,,,k
e animels mitute :es ilwee to 1121. 111$11 Waal 'taking of 11:,3 fetber, Hp
ri pet them to do the thinfe- eseential te te beve 1tie father well hire...If:very
Ilse preeervatiee of life? Opee eaft• leiil ef corn the old 111211 cat itl9t
e- inside the ealibc .eup, the little worm • so muth work on the part 03 11113 eon;
raal:es itself at home anti begin -Sat- yee, tometting kept tin:. Ivy from
fig it5 way inte the centre of the ap- p-ermitterig his father to go to Gibe
f plc,. If we tiee on the geound with, Limn hes: ambition might have led hem
a spercy inix.bere like the one need' to do. What Nve.s it?
ellen the buds are in the pink with One day poet our feem hente o.
Y two pounds of ereenate of leutt en wagon evert. Tt wa,e, drawn bet a fine
f each fifty gal/ens, le we hare spray -1 teain of Iteezee. I had Iceen the man
e cups with the poison, the little worme; many a time, tinting up like a king.
I will die, but they do not all hatch out; But now he was not sittin.g that way.
at once and generous 1`0111S wash thoi He leas not driving at all IT •
so thoroughly «: to fill all the eallee whe 'owned theete horses delve by
sevoral days and Place her on a diet , ptirative gat; thie is always a de-
er shore rations with plenty of fresh ' ylee of the derii to Inta:03d-
v,tater. ', 28. hero posited by Midianites,
merehantratbe-Called leehritazeito5 in
It pays to kill the lion that eats veree 27. The 11,313 01: Inc two 1151/103 goes on. Ftm-heerers areto be Found to cut off 11 211 0.,. 121.. 11:1::::::.4. limbs
egge -unless she ie valuable as a.e,,ha„ eftea .,...ani„„.,0 e.,igeined. so,.ne I yitI1,11(1 ilOit the thinnMg of the. to
that 100 valiin most farming, communities -for in -
breeder and there are ',eery few hens iseeekee eee bore etrceleate 4tea.m.e„,, ..t ., k lc.mot, k, .t.. •except -where bratehes wore vele
- E, enoug 1 o pity or - n ice agre.e in the main k I letopos
I 1 1 ,' ,
risking the eer*eating habit in the !differ in these /1.9.11103 alld fi'l:..ataing 811111, 00011 and lex--and 05151) harvest • deter), until the foliering seecieg.
flock. Hens will imitate each other - the ereeet of Joeceph'e veecte, the ono
boy who will trap theme The condi-
of .cloilars Awaits the farmer or farm'
re1.51efetvlbYcbelaltuTe tfliae.iyite(h1 act.: c5.1..onittaseipli.s.t.hed
nud when one he oats an egg it does Ito P,euben and the other to Judah..
not take long fox wine of the &Mere (See vereee 22, 20.) 'However, the use time; undoubtedly wtarrant the outlay thevoeghly eremeele Seale multiply
to learn. However, do not conclilim I of twe namee In desagoteGng the cam- for a goodly number of traps, and as very eapidly. 11 e• ey a few are lef
i ya 11041 (1 not occaelen any difficulty. much time as- cmi be given to the .alitre after •the srayIng 14 4' t'1 11
a hen that eats at egg that is sect- ,
dentally dropped on the floor and .,..jiltie rnoightt. be madded; Arabians. The, work. The market for the skins is. plenty of them by the end 1.)1' the Sea
broken. It does not mean that she is I i.entiled tl.
t'. f IIIS 11a00atty0 Probably re-eabsolutely assured and the trapper on. They aro liable to be anywhere
le names as interchangeable; sem e
the kind of hen that would break egg8 , termite It seems dear that Reuben' ""t =cod farerY neit he taltea snapped on the Baths and the only way to
in the' neot and eat thein. Almost ' was alra7 SI the thee the sale Woe up at, most satisfying prices. make sure wadi: .. cif thcnt Is to cotter
any bee will eat an egg that is broken made; this Wild explain wily Jedah he- -. 511 4531514 to Questions: every bit. of the airtime of the hew
on the ground. ' • canes conspicuoue as the one who Again neer • have -helve I will to
. .
4'-'"10`8 c'r t1"1" 1:"11)51* 14153' a/ualte weak a solutiete le treee are battle
The hens should receive oyster i revenge Joseph from death, Twenty
pieces of eilvereeThe price of a man.
shells throughout 'the year to inenre 1
A little mon than twelve cloleare of
strong hard shells on the eggs, but if
the supply has been neglected during 013T 13200147• •
the summer it is doubly neeeesairy in The trnited states/ tteeeeee to Britain.
the fall when the birds are more con-
fined to the laying houses. The Hafted States 'of Ameriem is
Fowls that are dependent upon an to ney a tribute to Britain on
exaet ration me a system of feeding, December 7th: The inetional event
are either constitutionally weak, or will be known ss "kinerica's Tribute
rectuire a ration adapted to their to-Britein Ray" end hundeed3 of cities
evenknese, or there are wrong condi- and towits over the natioe will hold
None which something in their ration IWO 8 mot:tinge and eeeehratiene. In
CallatOk„OtS, NalW York the Hippodrome has WAD,
ta...............0................. ougaged and speakers et national 131'
1111131.1011 wild outeine Britaip's part in
the great erotki war.
Organizations of oveey character in-
cluding religion., , industrial, deice
e„,,, social and foreign bellies will partie
.e. .
poieon out of the eups so that the lat. I now eitting on the brick nee, while hie
or worms are not killed. It is there -1 aon ieaa helaing the reins on the. frcnt
fore 110088435y to spray again in frozel stet, It teems to aria thee: WaS ene
ten days to two weeke, even then, the eeddes•t eighte I ever ewe-eel:hat
there are always poasebilitiee of a few' old man 'Laing oVliS laet, long ride tee
worms escaping with the moet thor-
ough spraying. There make it pos-
sible for other moths to come oilt 1413-
e' in the season so that an.other gen-
eration of wornis may he emticipated dangerous 1131,V; k1111,11y look WaS
end a thorough spraying ebeut She ',till on his fe.'et. He was pale s.nd
lest of July or the very fir -41 of Ane- I the. face: wore a blank, ashen appear-
ust usually netieeeary if the. beet of taltee, Ehowirs. that his mind was no
suecasts le to be obtained. It is well longer suptierec. Hard work and .eare
to acid a little .111050 of areeziate of had done its worst' ard there th
lead to the ramture for ties hist 59-1 were, cm the vey to the TIonie,
intention, as in 511144 eaRo the 1iitha 14 ray Meet of hearts I pity that
t' worms eat into the eider of the ap.. yeimger men ince. I am sterly for -
pies and the only chette te destroy ttiiineugttr.111ehrel Idriezif,z1niclattdesloetufitileife;plablelet
any man that will let his own father,
especially 13 115 be only a pear dement-
ed old matt, go to a publie institution -
is fit for r;etening hut the •eenterept
hie fellows. What shocilei he have
dant.? N1,3111.11 say, "Keep father
1.3(0 you as long Oa be lives.
price of eopper, Lerdeaux nab:tare is I :Make here eeinfmtable hero -where he
very expensive. The Smeller pto-1 has Lowe eo Ineepy-stel in the cernmu-
iney IOT rime% he has done so much In
his better days. Dou'iekt him elle bie
days in the Home:"
New, I ltneW that. boy Who rt -it
hand on his fatherte arm and checked
him room over-cleing in. the cornfield
11145 eseettneedzig in his heart that will
keep him always from letting. thee oId
man takre a trip like that awey from
the ctel farm home to the Lorne for the
worn out. And is there anything ener
in all the 'world than thee? Can 7.011
not think. what sert of a home it wee -
in All: ',hat father and Fen lived?
Surely, it 1953 0. 3101110, NV3301',3 101,0 veit
ot 5114 threne; whew: eta does his
best to make the rose happy; selmre
kind yemels and surrshitie Latte the
voinelt edge elf every herd task arid
heaven lights ehe way !etre iield
to- lenneetead,
Soldiers, therteeh taut ie khaki! There
$n a Cell for them erverytehere. Pot
there ere alterp bate -des to flebt 1.414111
'tr..1.4 fail)] 111 th.‘,1,,ta 11a1.140,11
t.t41 for the bcet there le in
us. Celle fee all fleet the faem eau
tarn out erete every day; but the cell
0 kindly eerviee is loudest of all. We
do get t.ireit, young end old; len, keel
'keep reeed ana head and brave and
'tree le ere, smother. It is the way
greateet victoetes are, gained.
Yeimg fence, tales+ COri, of Father end
elearretlher! Keep there rs long e.e. yen
the Ohl I elks lime, with hie own
boy on the front seat driving. The
del man had simply broken himself
down on the fame He was net et ale
them is to (0585 the surface of the rap-
t ple with a mixture ataleiently poison-
' eus to kill them while eating through
the shin. There has been some quer-,
lion almut the comparative valuta of
Blin013coderiat entlituurrom11151 rctrt,idtht.10/1e ent
• apple scab. At the peesent high
- •
Sentries ie./IWO-Nov:Nth. 1.0.8
Make Onte103 cm blanks In bitok of
thentinni Llet and mail to ,
C, re, TOPPING, Seceetary
Sox 636, West Toronte
show dates
gam er 5th & Ih
mg DOH and Doll Carriage
This tilw Doll is 15
Olen tall, has Jointed lens
and arms and riatoral
leend. hands and feet. The
Don Carriage has sten]
frame and wheels, arid
. „„1„,„ In the bottom oil' tile pail end notice is far more difticult to emetrol it than
v . Tho t t v - 1* d b 061111111tt"e' •17he British day
hoed are reinde of .i.nr
leatherette, It is ill " - ' elm 1 ab" afire le ihn (Litt :and filbh it oontains. Seeing others. 'The development or all fun -
le the beethel,s ae a eleeisive nicknaneZ brations are under the teltleitive
Just the right Silo an expreesiott of 'hatred, but it callei Sulgrave inetitaien he eseoein,ehe,of, tine eley alter day ehould convince glee diseases 'depends largely lipon the
tnehes h1,1th and
for the 1.41g 11011, attentiem te the spiritual character 1 With tam .1`11rtional Canunittet of no that it would pay to uso a bruelf weather conditions:, but ba -Ac for e me.
nopittft :triad in.a,V,0,0%. of joaePh. Irn was a dreamer, or Partriotu Societies, Natio/lel Seem.- and a dallill ninth on the flanks and meet to the question of the destrne-
end we wni and nether seer; lie had the gift of rare iler League and the Atneriean De. 13tkier °f the ca'w, tion of the tiny epplco by the seal% X
:V01.1 SO PaelreSes of tdatity of vlsion, an 051 1. desire to fens, soeieLy. ' The milk pail with a emelt open. think it is not too much to sny that at
, mas oet arcs 0 . .
1.,,,v013,1p 1,1 bon 810 ettl . know the fliinge of God. Xi/slight and' lag is nem& many times its Actual least in one yeer out of fivo the great -
sett at 10 cental 0 ., vrtsclorn bertime hie because he sought teeeteseemetfesteeteeteeeeeseeeeseseeeeetee- emit. In spite of your ortenost taw, er meet of the tipple crop ie destroyed
re. '
ft Certain amount of dirt will find its in this Ivey. The only WAY 'to peer-
ing only it third the size of the or. fora the blossoms °Peri, that is eallod
way into the pail, hut 'with art. open- ent it, is to spray the trees just be -
the expenditure of errIv a few cents
dieary one the entrence of dirt is re- the "pink spray." Wo 3110 ft weak bur liorgenitil honk rests 0 d treapetb fever, I eor reetariaL „,
ile met le whore int heW trl en% beet baits
&teed accordingly, solution of lime and sulphur, gen- tot 1=4A, fillsrap .Pervara ,ctip141.2.91a
The inapt important part 'of the orally a quart of the 5021(0141. 1415(1 }easel Oa loin:100,51 Gam Lema: Flowers as Timelteepers.
Work, and else one that is most 'often mixture in ten gallows of' walme If reee„a„idtees,,,,,q%,„,,lauzz.41:
of Man , vo 11 a ''t ' ..• The dandelione evert in the 215001 ((3
neglected, 1.5 115 peoper removal of the it is desired to nee an 31)533'') 1(4(18 with tr,li"t; '''' °11'n1"1"4 V0‘311 g'"1
I'^a*00 MO MOO atta alit1 close in tho evening at the earem
,j bo ..1? Ivaco in n;f.syiz
1114! Antivliflot 1 ' goat's beard aro quite as rtrilar. If
authoritative information on any i ri, I, -•,. . e
..' • et
qeesleon pertenang to trapping end ref nned lime sailpher mixture in 1tfty
treatment of l'10,' fure by addreseine ..
gahene Ll'i spny is not a hit too emelt.
".,....Tri„4'. P'er", "r" ,03 th,e ea,le" "n4, "11"' We (menet pese wiihnnt :raying that
erosmg irailiptot $111a1 110135068411, en -
e elope. far reply. the only soles -way eer the beginner to
e''. .
.. Too inerty claiey farmers have the
Producing elette Mille
idea Nine -Unleest their barns and
equipment are expensive it is impoe-
eible for ilium, to produce eleen, whole -
:a4.0110 11111k. . With' this idea in mind
any eirert spent in trying to better will be liable to navel; by the code
, 1 • . 7 t ,,..., , . se. their conditioe without ettlially re- (Mug meth. 11 21111.'. and wormy 141)
45111 le retearded as to waste of 'Wee are bettor Dein 110 4" at 311, and
will be Mid in the public etchoole, on • • , fe erevente years froth as to quality
Fe•iday, Deeembev te in theatres and time. (Inee buildings and equipment if ihe 471 ib eantiot be given ur,', and olvIllbcro. Anyoue coAtomplating
publie. Miele en Saturdey, and Sunder Shold lee the aim of eVery dairyman, later sprays which will 2(1 41 it. enterire,.. ee,o‘yeehe„id get „trios, ou
in the churches. bet care cuid cleanliness ebtrerved in 03(111 11 511* 4' nests, the owner 10'1Y y.'khOut ury dOlay PIO avoid mesitelity
Speakera win- ten or Oho great the ordinary barn will brine enrolee- still have fruit, but it is always „1i e„ti.y „Tri1.1„3 site,. „1„„1„, date.
tk,t 11 3)1 .-S.:111,-.toxincT vp.i. ryOdwe desirable to . eorry out the entire •,",-------------------
work...of Britain's navy and air' power
,aad hex wonderful traatmeet of c 1'4" raltk:
American boys emit to British 11011103
to recover from wounds. The, bane.. ',..1.11;alalr,,iY 111444 few:feria, depends; adage will el:ply-where there'e a .v..ill
I'are 1,1:ift',,, re; tita,t vh+rli coetalue a 11.1 in a meimety ra eiteee tho nid q,
spree:mg 15) 34( re it ean be done, t"e".•*"'""*---""--v., . , er _ eet
. • •, , POULTRY,
EGG8 And
bit day eviel ,fureher cement the frieed- •.'47::01:ir l'21 fe'lll tilill-'•:',i. - 131 14 are: ' thrre'tl a waY• I Ilighetit Pelecte Paid
ettlp exieting' L'2.5.Veen Alnerlea one $1.e 4111 .1:; e.,3 flail er effeedlt; elean Apple s2ab "10. 11404 peevente the
+Iowa, especially Ch. 111 11,1,411.1,1; a.111011i 10141 (1,11 cf a erop ef appree, It is Prompt haulms -Ku (01050 18)51
Britain and, Will in many •oveye be
lop milking pane; propel. Manure re -i a fungous diseese, -The epores, winch
similar to the Bastille day , ..4 .1.....
. ,
spraying one' side of the trees first
and the Mace. dee later when the wind
chunges. 'rhen, too, he mint not be
in a hurry. 'Ire west think while
handling that Tod and be sure that
the speay penetrates every bench of
limbe and compfttelY coeere all e11 1111,?
eurface. Warm dayst‘ in the latter
part of March are gdmirable for this
'purl/nee. -If the mile ere killed the
trees will live,"but they will etin ho
=posed to apple seett ami. rite fruit
Lesenn IX, Jeesepli $old By His
Brothers -Gen. 37. Golden
Text, Prov. 10. 12.
VOWS 1-17. The firat seventeme
vemee of the chanter stipple. the 1110.111
motivee of the story. Josephie broth -
Ten were alienated front him, first,
becatede of tho favedlisen of their
father; this WEIS 0, persistent eotree
of trouble in the tamdey; his Mt ex-
cellence ef eharaeter was a rebuke
to them; end they were stirred to
0115,y by hie dreams of we -eminence.
Env working itself out is the key
that 2111 45(2' all ordinary mode.' ing thickly on ono side ef the /mole
o .ns 035400. Man of the national organization and
dureng applee mainly for 11=10 114 0
W01.114.1 110t s0.5101161y rensider it tee the
present priee of teenier eulphate and
coneidering the many 0e:temp1es of
pecfeet fruit obectined by the use Of
lime and sulphur, it would eeetn to
She writer that it weuld hardly pay
the commerical fruit ewer to re-
turn to the old pear/Nee. Then, too,
the use ell Bertkaux nth:Lure often
occasioned much damage in the russet -
Mg of the elfin et entail) varieties of
readers '5 ill note. by aevertien.
tient carrie.d in this iesne that entries
for the Ninth Aurand Toronto Irat
Stock Show close 'Nov. nth. Prom
eutriee alt eady reedved thee show pre-
mieee to keep up to the high staedare
assoosiro Til.arleet 28-0115ren)
P. pouta-N & CO.
tion of Jwiy. 14 when a nata tre. /novel end plenty of good bedding. are ilw seede, ledge cm the stone of
blete 'was Paid tO Preece by the ailiee. Absolti,tely cleanliness with regard; the hluseem buds and on the bade
People of nit mrtioas atm toke port collet:niers end 17.1.011SitS 14 the {teat, thenieelves, and taking rot thus effriy ,
in the New Yeek celebration. , -Dr. rtel.'' Live AL,}0ri give the loest' they often prevent the ,wiling of the
Charles W. Valet ie honorary chair- resuit% and $10 will buy a eteeitieer fruit. Sofootinoz the seab chwehm-
lelany nevnere are careless: ati the prevents the growth of ihat el 6
TheY. easy him afar off-. 11 Parker, Clia•irman. Honor -
eonention of taw cow at milkine, thne. Sometimes it hut injures the
Joseph 11,11$ 111 search •of his brethren ttry vice-chairmen and vice-chairman
of an kinds, •
in obedience to his fathee's concern include Charles Evan ITughae, Dirt is often left dinging t'e the growth are] again it inei.dy makes tho Better quality preforred.
for. their welfai e. He found them at Charke S. Whitman, ri my /ins& flanks and uddee, a largo poition of frull. unsightly. It can be perfectly Write ?or pricee.
Dothan. ing, Charles 'Stewart Dtivison and which well tend Its way into the pail, controlled if. spraying is therniig,11 en- STANFORD'S, Limited
11) tiohoid dreamt:A. iometh- charios E. Lyd,„1„, Jelin 4,1 The next time you pour milk into ta 0110. It muet he adreitted.hewe‘-er, 128 itaneficItt Se • • Meeteee;
This referetice to the dream of pre- esseeeefeefeteete-,eeseereefeee.,,,.,.
ewar • Is mumen n le exam. bowl of the separator leave a little that there are some years in eolith it
St t ' 1:*
5113111*11(0 1 1 t She
eaeicage. 'when they are 'te know the things tif God. He pos-1
atold scene usi the nienoe. ' seseed gate of a high order, like
Allrepte011,ww11.1geartilt ah'I'‘'alentl,': • .Haniel, end Med thorn because he kept1
erepeet naul Wo Win a103 :311.1 t111.1 IM10. , I
5end r,13 the pou Ger: 1 20. Let us ?day him-. he eight oll
- T
nhow yoUr DOD r>»,
mago .-11.11"111 Au, '1"'' ir Sl" 4J14351311) :stirred ten aill theie envy. !
Ytur friends and led
1ust three of thena t.,
Sall our 00 acha nel eon,
prizes too, Rend 110
rOtlr atifno 01103 att,
dress to.Ony S01,1
pen art your Don and
5/011 Cliividaae
4440000 •
Pert, 190.' Woe/tato
ow oft, the eight of means to do
I ill deeds makee the ill deeds done."I
Iff, who herbore mellee win find tt
charfee fe de au evil deed, Into One'
of the rite -Undergrotind eisterne
abeurel Priketine, There is great;
need lo vonferve rain Witten in that'
dee eennteer, The Cemattnites had
euch eletorne ever the lend, When'
ery e'eterns were weed as den-;
VOTh XIMOZt vozons
101116 ASOW
Nre nzy Asproso and osttis4,. W1,011.115
Within 24 Valium, •
Send for Illuetrated Booklet and
Price List
Proteet Fruit Trees From Rad, rite
Thous:nuts of, young fruit trene are
annue7,y injueed and many tr-e kilted
by mice and rabbits tbet gnanr the
treee just aelove the ground. 915.
(31011117 young trees are completely
girdled. This tremble can be largely
avoided by protecting the 10WOD part
of the tree trunk by banking it with
earth late hi the fall ov by wrapping
the trunk with teending paper ow' even
old newspaper. Wood veneer anti
' wire meth tree guavds oney be pur-
chimed in lhe market. One ter more
of these presautions ought by all
means to he taken as means of
protecting ehe young tree. A $t or
$10 tree can be protected arid awed ,
by thei 1)110 1.'!' only ti little labor and i
Intmitre, It etns. like a mall thing, this mixture, tete) pounds of ereftnete t
of lend may be added to fillet eallens
OLIVER SPANNER Sc CO. etens only once or terice a week, of opraying, material when it is rsnrly
When a cow is convened, to lie in a for 1180, If the application is suf-
. trastmernento • stall That Is 115 5h1 eondition, is it tic/it/M.1y thorough, the m(l) will gon-
20 LLttlIt22:4Tx 0 NT() , etonzr Vewoanydeinrtothtftehte xtlisr,1e1 rid filth find orally he controlled rind Ilw fruit will
111t rnstey 'farmers clean their cow
«et, , However, 13 very 5501 wont:halt
threi,i,:e..*Lecatt re‘ordoraii%; time every day. The hawk weed and
;tPiNtlYghl CO.
atata,. tal.t , vnnaa, Ito dottl;t, he poSeibre
14110 51015 lethiectioe 1.5101.Vi lantett 51±
13e4 of &Were that Valid toll The
met hour of the drip/ fretet 314315158
orggpiNgalt tenteet,