HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-11-28, Page 5F ..ter.,,.... It BUSINESS CARDS, .m JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS �1 LIMITED tf H17r.10if �JJ!%f11'aliN0 WM. SPENOE OONVidYANOlfill Alen ISkiU:)Lt or MA1tl'4IAGI LI.O101E8 thou An. the rest 4 t1oe, Ntbet, 80.4 AUCTNI EERS, _ 1{i fi. SCOTT AS AN AUC`TION- ,M AR, w111 N001 for better t rima, to be01 -1 won, in 104)0 b1n10 1401 lees charges than any s4htn Anotln neral In East Homo or be v:.,o'0oOOtage anything, Lutes nod orders pan ,1lwaye bo orrougod at this piece or by p ere 4111 applioatlou, n r ,'SAL q ,,ql��E At�glt�gt l.E. AN Y [�7 Ai, S1NCLAIR- VV Barrister, tlolloftor, 005011ya200r, Notaryel'ublic, dm, 0111a0-800wart's Block 1 doer North of Central Uotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank. Businexu Cards JAS. ANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON. PtweeoNor 00 yl lI. More. OIHco at Ander- son Broe. Livery stable, Br'omsole. Telephone No. 20, DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinory College, Dayy and night palls. Oliieo opposite 8'lour ;Kill, Ethel. T. T. M'RAE M. B., M. O. F., &S. O. :41. 0 H., Village or Brussels, Physinian. Surgnal, Accounhe.'pr ONoo at roeidone4), opposite I1leivate Church, WIIIianl street, DR, J. H. W•IITE, S. A. PHYSICIAN AND 1 UN010ON, Graduate Toronto Ualvorslty of Modleine. Special attention given to diseases of children 4444(1 Surgery. Office: Dr. Bryans Old Stand Phono 45 Brussots JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Will sell for ns good prices as any other Ana' tloneer or cln,rge nothing, B1;LGI0AVIG P. 0. PNOUOf00T, NILLOHAN & COONE Barristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &e. Offioo on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, (30014)50014. ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. P1t0nlI004', R. 0. .T, L, Kn,LORAN H. J. 0. Coosls d•d-^9.3•d••1•a•+a-'1••Na•d•d•a•-Ft.1.4.4 a••f'F•F•1••F -r n 3• p Mai Te i In a It , i rntc S 4. 1 4. r aa... ems* a■.•■■ :j. e• -IN- -y ''t' �.F. Shaw's Business Schools 1' 41. Toronto .1. + Free Catalogue on request. Write to \V. 11 SHAW, Pres. •(• '1' Yongo and Gerrard Sts., Toronto + &•1.1•+++F•bd•d•d'•N d•'F•i+'F•h'N•F'F+++•1+•F+F•F Sa y S ■ y 9 k. r ' ani aaa��� 4 • B p • • • 0 O 0 0 m • • • 0 O • m G e a e� a 0 + Is prepared to pay the e highest price for Scrap IIron, Q Rubbers, 4 e Rags, &c: a • 0 • • 0 • Highest price paid. See m rale before you sell. o4) 40 4 ice for o IIig'hest Cash PL F V R S Live?ocitry and Hides QQ � c \Veil. or 1 hone 02x .a SIAM WEINSTEIN MILL ,STRIEE'i` BRUSSELS 4 • 04000400•••••••••••O.4AC0• Perth County Tloward Morellln.m, Mo,1)1 /newt', appertrrd before Polite) Magistral:e J, 10. 'I'erhtlne, T,iot'nwol, 0,n aanswe' l.o two charge's, one of tieing 1u,det, the inflnenee 01' lignin•, and the 0l ha')' 1'or e estte1Lillg 3. 14. 110dhnlvr, of 41te Queen's hotel. p 1?', E, 141111101, License Inepeetcn' r,, 1,ert (tnuh1Y, pl10een0• 0d 1),d'endant pleaded gnfll.4'. 0u 1 ' rd $2(1 and 1.111 first. (,hat t Li' a•us Im y' 1 (' rat' e On he seao,t h .> nf, I0 2 t hes eves fi Ied81)110 anld costs of )13 110,ga tol:al of $58 d2 Production of crude nil fol' the 0061- 1 m un ad to 5 S nr 97 n t W 1 lr I a , d .i , 000 barrels, the Unined States pro- dueilg 67 per cent., of 335, 000,000 barrels, I f3�°ld�mp rii�91A?x Rpt' aiz Ciar anussst-S 00001111040o)n 001430 Norvrn iCxproos 1a0 a 01 I Mail 11:10a1 m Ilxproos. 8100 p m JGxpress 0:11 9 til C>et,atfAd:1x P, G1FA[J WALTQN 04) 'l'oronto To (tudertrlt ''xl ro,r+..... ' . i n m t0xprnss 1.2 na put 14)1 prole.,......9.944 1+ m I axprae1 0:hl;p Il WROXST1R 00;4411 ISesa - '•:11a m tied 3 44'3 n>. (403444) West - 12:80 told 0 G, p. til. Ali tretne going N.nst connect wit11 O. 8'. it at 0l nngrville fol' Owen Sound, Elora Find T (0. 13, 0tm0108), GIGO, ALLAN, ireeM Agent. Mrs W. H, Merlclinger, Hanover, to vielting at the parental home, Brussels, fo' a f4) weeks. l w M G. Cameron, K. C., Goderich, 141 convalescing after the attack of pneu nlonia which has confined hint to the Muse the last two or three sleeks. Tug Puss' received a most iutert'sting "letter front HIarold Armstrong, of this locality, who is sailing the high seas with the British navy, It was written at sen on October 18 and play be read gu another page, Harold asked that it he not published ou account of the rigid censorsllipbut with the closing up of the war we feel the are relieved of his vito au(1 give it to our reader's who will read nevem as much pleasure as it brought to us, no doubt, SPLENDID WA L At,uuM.- The War Album issued by The l+amily Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is one of the best souvenirs of the war, Future generations will cherish this book, It will be a complete diary of the great struggle and contains a whole mine of information regarding the Allies. Wo learn the supply is limited. Any home that fails to secure a copy uow will re- gret it. 1St. m5 pays a lull year's subscrip- tion to that great weekly paper and a copy of the War Album. Saulple may be seen at the office of Tem Pos'r. J. te. Hess, General Secretary of the Quebec Sr b1. 0. A., has accepted the ;lppcinunent of General Secretary of the Stratford Y, M. C. A. Word was re- ceived by J. A. Gray, President, that Mr. Hess' resignation had been accept- ecl by the Quebec association, :Che new General Secretary comes to Stratford, highly recomlmended. He was for some years at Kingson, tied during that time the new building, rated as one of finest in the province, teas erected. Mr. Hess is expected here about the red, or moth of December. OWEN MCGILLPlUDDY'sPOEMS,-TOr- onto Daily World comments as follows ou the poems of Owen, eldest son of the late Dan, McGillicuddy, who was a former proprietor of THE Pos'r Brussels :-War 118) evoked the lyric mood in many of our citizens, and it is not surprising to find the Autumn crop of poetry unusually large. Osven 1✓. McGillicuddy has just published "'!be Little Marshal and Other Poems" Tor- onto : Frederick D, Goodchild, l$1), a slender volume of verse of which Mar- shal Foch is the titular hero. The selec• lions cover a dozen years or so, and while the war poems possess an im- mediate interest, we are more attracted by such fine compositions, as the West- ern poems, "1u the Open" and "The Prsyer of a Plowman." The latter es- pecially is distinguished in thought and diction : Beep rue fro>n turning back I 01y hand is on the plow, my f alterh,e hand ; nut all In fron0 of mo is untitled land. The wilderness and solitary place, . The lonely desert and ate intoropnee ' Dread husbandry. And for the years of pain Whethervsat conies to mo 4 My mead of grain, These dwindling husks, n handful of dry corn, These poor lean stalks. Ply 1onrnge is on0- worll. O Lord, Koep Inc from turning back 1 n" i toff settin "The 'tl Admoul o s a g Y service of the .rest democratic rule of . f A ua"lnt Little m is "Comfort." q g4) A lire to poke, A pipe to smoke, A 110010 curly trend to stroke, And four feet on the fonder. This volumne is beautifully produced, aid should he a favorite for Christmas reme lu bran ces. Fordwich Ben. G. hent picked a snowball per- fectly f,)rmlled that had just come into bloom, while last week Thos. Downey pinked a ripe strawberry in his garden. Jan199 Oatt(una011 arrived home from the \Pest looking as i1' the cemCry agreed with. hint. lie is look- ing flue an(1 expects to rennet in the Spring+ , r fine farm at Abbe Sass(, 7111 Y+ owned by Aire. 11, 3. Gibson, of )1118 place, has been leased for a term of years by the Wrightlltan tiros,, 040211 t l ear '.pees wit tor. . r i' 1 r r i lu l x Motu - lt i �h ] a list 4) 0 l 1 l.(t(vL t I ed 1) 1115109 from May 8x11 to Octobe' Bid, 1018, for [ted Orns8 olid °thee elm itable 11111 )1081'8, tvlI II 1'eeei118 101 Id l i n g '$11)111 05, \' \ ('814)01111 L ld Alnrley n.ud t [t s. t y L ( 1 daughter 1}('1043, were tip 1'1 nm Toe- d 1 i , g funeral of formel's c 4410 alit d r R 7 , father, iheludm 1 star 1, Aylestvolh. Dr. Aylestvotlh,'Toronto, wabsalso in attendance at the funeral of Itis b4 Otter, LATS Pl0'riot P. Avrtr•15Vi�o)arrr.-AL his home in ll'ordwiclt Nov, 1111(4, the death O enereal or Peter Ayiosworih, nun of the pioneers of Itowick in his 786)1 year. Ile was linen Dec. 20111, Is nles0owll4 AdiliegtoneCounty. 1)1- L , i, Y' ceased rules eehneated in the old Bi Sett Mettle my, afterwlu'ds teaching school fo' a tinme. Ile then ioolt 0ouree let (nmieeyeiet (lollege in Pi,ghkeepsie, N. Y. To 1500 he graduated from the school of IM(litary ln5000ptto1 at King'+ton, 1(2,1871 decea.8011 eft1n0 10 ll,'wick, where h0 Set1led on Lote 0 rand 7, Oein, 0, a mile South of Go'rie, .lune 1878, lie nem ie(( Mat gavot A.dejr, a . ddin t n Comit . •Iu 1) npswnllh r\ 0 b Y 0 , 1008 be l elfre(9 from the Paun to I!nul- tair:ll where he lived fill tlpe. time or his (death, 110 wasta memberr or 111 o Mel hod(st 011111'011 for 00 years and in polities a staunch .Liberal, Was' of a kindly though reLit(41 disposition, Intl a 401 ghl, in all his dealin s, /14404)1• r ❑till, g Me. Ayleowllt•th Ss survived by leis wife and 2sons, 110000er, of I3oissevain, Man, and Mot10)1 l nrontc ; and G L AtenstrFlig, Mellon., Hook, hlrx, M, EaHtrlau I)1'uhulua HnHlc, ; dao net's, 11aerlet, Net; Y urk 1 Mee. A t Mary and 01)0110, 144 luau( Ona sun, 1lorbell, and one daughter, Ante', preileceaseil 1)1»3 110 is also survived by Olin brothel Ur 11, 1f Ayle5wollh, o` n 441144. 1 un Int I k le 1 f I 1 day et�e 1onnm le Die tloatll. c''lue'1.1•ty. Iservice he"l)g a un(1urLevl b1 lir; lea' ler, ltev, I ,I1. ('lyeedltlr. Seaforth Ale(btulist chair prl'xe ll(ed 011's. Jae, (lrltnln('r with 14 bean)ll'ul 11)4(4) melee- tal 4)5 14 wVeddi>Ig gift, Mrs, AV. 1l 1lillan, Uetr"ie, la with hut' x18(0', 14118, John 151.01110, tvho has been serinllHly ill but. we are+ gia(1 t.o 1ea111 is (1011' till 1110 way 1. , u•ruvet y, 100111. 80011, (11' Iiarlurlte�, hue hurt the sod n1'w. Ilan hi'a xuu•in-I:,n•, \Yin, Slimmer., femme ly of McKillop, h11(1 dieel ill SaH1CILtchewalr, 11e WAAS only 3 years m1Lrried. 1 le e( o The Bc I Uo heas Ic w SnsLr I t l l I e 111 slels stn � 4 0u(0 (LII npitu4l tvm I r n ! 3 t1 alyd a otnpleteiy stop by Dee. 1•b. Nigi11 8/101 has alre ally gull C om- pany will rete n t0 tn14lting thtesh(r8, Trowbridge 04 Nu oN INFI.XXINZA.--\Vnrd Woe reeeive(1 of the. death in 1laulilton tin Nov. 171.11 of Ewalt P, Benner, a4) e result of iulhleuze, The dx'censed will be remeulbered by 11)a1y 0f the. older residents Isere, he having been ;tsenci- ated with his brother, J. II. Keener, in business' at Stratl'ot'c1, before leav- ing Lo reside in Hamilton, about 2O yeat8 ago. He is survived by his wife, two brothers, T. II. Kenner, Stratford, and \Vrn, Kenner, Hautil- ton ; two sisters Ples. W. R. Bell, Toronto, and hire, Thompson, 11oth- well ;. also his father, 'IRev. John Ken- ner, of Bothwell. The lateen' 4408 a fo'meo pastor here. Blyth Blyth subscribed over' $100,700 to the Victory Loan. \Vin. Moore has purchased the 1\1iss- es Bentley property, Queen Se., aand will get possessiob 1110 (!est week In December. Mrs. ei, A. Pople5t0ne attended the banquet tendered Sir Wilfrid Laurier, by the Liberals of London 011 Tuesday of last week. She was chrism) on the Executive of the ttss0ciateinn formed, J. Ce. Emig/ has leased the dwelling just vacated byJ. 0. tend Miss ltoss. Mr. }toss and -daughter, Margaret, and Master James will leave. in the Cotrrse of a few :days for 1110 \Vest where they will make their horue. \Ved nesday evening, of last week the SV. 0. T. U., of BIyOh, held their regular monthly meeting at the hone 0f A'lt's. Geo. King, in honor of her Diamond wedding, when an adcltess and presentation teas given Mrs,(King. Address tyles read ,lay Miss Snrath Bentley and the golden bow lvith atn0thyse se11ing was presented by Mrs. Benjamin Taylor. Mrs. King, although taoken entirely by surprise, made a very aPPI0P5late and eloquent reply. 3 other Oounty Life Members received their' degrees at the same time, namely : Mrs. R. Slater, Aire. E, Bender and Miss S. Bentley. After the presentation a very enjoyable prn- graun was vendered by 10ea1 talent, as "i1 ' dum b ' lr -''Be a I lesal 1 t 101 .tva Rev. and Mts, McCormick ; 01rs,+ It %Vightuxan gave a humorous reading entitled "I. air) t dead 3 0 " ; "Silver T1feads amongst' the (xold" and "When yon you anal .f wore young Maggie" were among the choruses given ; short addresses by President, Mrs. Young, and others, Alter sing- ing the closing hyt11)1, ' Gnd be -with you till the most again," t11e meeting was dismissed with Benediction: sr- , �I i� 1 k J, G® Expert Watchmaker Has returned t.o Brussels an(1 is prepare(l Lo do all I(inds of Watch aad Clock Work Yours play be a capable I i ee- keeper hot by incompetent re- pairing yon 111ave lost 0i i1h in it, Bring 1 0 111 tile. 1 will repai' the wo'st wrecked watch or clock atld will d0 ie reasonably, \York Imo be Iri't a1 m /onto. Y Y Call 'Phone No, 80 for iufnrn)a- Hon, Eyes Tested and Glasses Supplied o Et i� F y011 want to Ian( tv (('ha1 1000)4' 81tme1114L1 Service moans, give 6 Lae your order aunt you will apprOeaLe my worst ill every way. A i101Inment, or Menke' ie tnnl'e thee just ra Nerved piece 0f stone, 11 is I he lest tribute I o those whose lives hel ed tri h1.on 0401 Ln 1 , P g Y It is posiLively tleerseesy, ht or. d'er10have'it erected )text Se111. met', that yon plane yotn' order ttiis Pall, Brussels Granite & Marble Works A. Id. itSAUEY, ProprIetot'. `.•••••••e•••••••••••!••••••••••••••••••••••••••t•WOw•••••••••••4Ori0a40v0001'" j �° CN Y MEDICINE STOP THAT p i� 1� 1 AWFUL II1ADE FROM FRUIT o WASTE OF - WASTIE i"UEL Extraordenary Success dhich ttFrult-a-lives" Has Achieved 1 STOP THAT AWFUL FUEL One reason why "l1ruit-a-Lives" is 4)0 extraordinarily successful In giving relief to those suffering with Cnnaipalian, 'torpid Liver, Indiges- lian, Chronic Headaches, NeuralM; ia, A'i,lnty rrnd /Madder Tn,,,,lles, /1;,"e,n;/i;nt, Pain rn the Bach, ,f ,::+ufa told other Skin AH'ections, is, he*muse it is the only mrtlicine in the wo•lr1 made from fruit juices. It is composed of the medicinal ra e pliuri ins found in a Ics o n s 1 P PP , g , .figs and prunes, together with the nerve tonins and antiseptics of proven repute. 50e. a box, (l for $2.50, trial size 250. At all dealers or sent postpaid by I''ruit-a-fives Limited, ()ttltwa, A Brussels Boy aboard a Mian of War Noway Lotter from Harold Armstrong, Bon of Wm, and Mrs, Armstrong, Brussels.• DEA5 Mia, KERB. -This afternoon 1 have Ileeu "roosting" on a gun ba'rel perusing a copy of Tnls f31;1TSSIiI B POST. Here on the confines of the Empire, it affords one uubourlded 11leastll'e to read doings awaay back inn our Houle. town across the seas, which Lu -dray alP00rh in one 1101111(11('88 blue expanse, under ton equally blue sky, without a break in iL as fat' as the eye eau reach. So pertcei'ulare the waters that 011110 I read of "Frank Smith's Sunsei 9(71111 dyes" an(7 that "Burd- ock's should not be allowed to go to seed" I have forgotten aLll abort the peril greater than wind or wave which upsets the waters of Lhis Northern latitude, Don't think I ant away tip in Silleria ot• tvltere old "Cap" Peary eon5Lrue.Led bis (1115 -Orli in the snow- drift. \Vhilo I wi11 admit this is uo spot. fur pauama suits, It is not quite so Northerly as where I first joined toy ship and chased the submarines along the Arctic Circle between Ice- land and Norway.. 5huae then the were based off the Northern coast o1' Paddy's Isle. 'tVhrt a great old coast it is -one gal- lant battery of wind-swept cn•ags fac- ing the grim old sea forever nloa ring ILu(1 croaking, and tossing high its spume of grey-white foam. The Gil )11,4) Causeway, which we visited, may well be recltoned as one of the 5te1Ltiet volcanic fan tastes of the world, \Vhile at sea in those waters we never lacked excitement. 'The buzz of our rattles frequently sounded day and night. To be aroused front dream„ of Dur dear homeland was quite 140411111x11. In less than a Minute everybody was scrambling up the lunch. Weather conditions are never a barrier to operations 044 such occas- ions., \Vhaller it be one of those heautifnl ('ve)ings-Moonlight on the ncetl(-or one of those nights when all arotnld is mte wild seething lmass of waters, it (makes no (iifference, There is nn back floor in kite navy, Hence it behooves everyone to bo con- tinually on the qui viva night and day, and when at night. there is a heavy sets. and. the rattles sonnds, it is tip nn deck with all }possible despatch, 24 salt S 1'18 slot a r et b Ult.le m Y Y P y+ sill itr light is showin each than l 1, g+ 's 1114)! inn to which 1(L hol(1- lcnn vs lu l t I � ing on Lo rails 0r ropes 10 keep front bel lig washed OVet'b(M40'd) 111101(08 1115 wa.y In I.he (lark. The strip plunges, lases and rolls from side to side furi- mealy. All around the great black Lins of water called with mnt)tl , II grey -while crests, rage in the ilarlcuess an(1 keep up a continual splash, splash, splash, A big fellow peescntly play caat h us abeam then follows the "stv14111" of wale's ae'oss the deck, but the glut layers carry nn quite heed- less of the se44s, Dark forms r18tle about the gnus, tongues of fire illulmi- nate ail i'oe a second or more and 441051 likely, we feel our ship heave up suddenly at the saute Little the death charge exploding with such t 1 as to (:rause our steel plates to nim c4) v a } 31'44 h rhLng its (hough stn l(1 y anme 515n:olio sledge hanmDer. Following operations off Ireland we cart'ied pub ()menial stunts off the. Orkneys, and often crosse(l over the 1' T 1• sle va' s put tvhera IZ lubes o. a s. pY t t '> orf.11 eat n 011 kn0 l lam mulct, 5(ty N 5 4)w 40 to me now. Once again tvo have shtfle(1 and int present are enjoying oneselves flue. '1 '11)' 1, a' a u eunlosl l a Lc c f the d ul C r g iS Y paper primed it the Ot'Itlteys, this is all Lime ever is 10 it, en possibly some of your readers of '('x317 ]31at18SMLs Puttilvotlid appreciate the rant Ihat they are getting good value fo' their money when they compare ib with "The (h'citdien." Show tit e to them and they will 00015 across tvitll the long greens. Owing to tech rigid orders as regard the lublicaLiOn of naval ,afi'aies I deem it aedvisable to not pebli8h tabs letter. I would indeed be delighte(1 t.o tell yon 1lluly interesting phases of our w0rlt bet, 11)1180 not, All 1 can say is that. only t.he. 11 in d handlof Provi let ce 0ot11d bl'in5 ns through what the have experienced 014 the higheeas. I have 11)10 the pleasure of viewing aur grand fleet, both in its nntivety en(1 as 80parat0 squadrons, at sea. Noe long ago the battle cruiser sgnad- 10n crossed Dur bolus. Those huge ' + Vonder11111 •re. rnnnslus present a t ti Y l e 111It 8144 le lute s lec1ao10 as Ila e 4)t 4)r a n'oss Lha seas They laugh at the waves. ' l'ltelt decks bn8tle Willi guns and from .010(4' turrets hnlle bal'rels pi to rt as thnngh stretching their necits in search of liun craft. It was a beanliful sight to see tlleln eight-0'1e- 1,ant from each outer, silhouetted against the evening slay, C�����TP�iiQN V t7 '+irS/ o C�1' 'I'IIE WONDERFUL INVENTION anti: ' and fE�, r F reco "' '"h e treat F u& Saving Stoves" Thur J� �u �' 28th t� a, m. to 6 p. m. You cau)'t buy Kitchen Rimg,e. War or uo war we ;are at the point when we must use soft coal for cookie;; pnl-poses. Colne and let u5 show you how tc' use this fuel -without DIRT, DUST or SOOT and twice as satisfactory as hard coal. Combination of Effiiciency, Economy, Sanitation, Simptlicity 1►J' U LT 1lard Coal land n1) we1111:ln wants to burn soft coal in thr' ordinary on an entirely New Principle from any other F■ Etrrtt Y H 04)448 N r B The fireco Haages and Heaters Show the Way, and Saves 5o Per Cent Saving in Fuel Go Per Cent Less Ashes to carry out 5o Per Cent Less Labor to Operate loo Per Cent more Cooking and Heating Satisfaction No more Ashes to Sift No more Fires to Kindle \!1/i Ifo n STOP THAT i AWFUL WASTE OF FUEL No more Stoves to Blacken No more Black bottom cooking utensils Better Ventilation Absolute Safety in Fire Protection A 13ig Reduction in the High Cost Living Gil9espi� BRUSSE3oS 40 o) 44 t E'r 0. d 0 r a t5 6 0 0 0 O A A 8 m 0 • d 0 G n 4 0 G O F 0 ti O 4. G 6 '3 0 4. 08 0 4 a of o N E>3 • • a • O 4 • 0 4 • s O • • m • O O 00•!!!4•••AOl O•l000040E}•000000000.0000.000000®000000••••000.0.00000000000000.00 MOO, STOP THAT AWFUL WASTE OF FUEL S1i11 how interesting has been my trip through one of our latest sub- marines. The commander is a most fascinating chap to talk to and he spent a couple of hones in an endeavor to make sue acquainted with the principles underlying his handsome craft, Ilad a look through t11e pert - scope, tot my own ship ; had hire demonstrate Lhe process of raising and lowering the slab by Hooding and blowing nut tanks ; had him shote 1110 the process of loading and aiming n torpedo, eta He is a very outspol(en chap and tants quite frankly of his cruises in enemy waters. On board my ship everything is go- ing eking fine. My work of late leas been very interesting and I stn really enjoying life fine. Each letter froth house bears the sls • m r ( Buts e n s Pole en toe o cad 4)w n ] at the o L e heron kil ed bo s w1( ht v Y b ul • > 1 r rssels )s CPrti41111 ( runt. Ul(B t Y 6 hit hard, but we are here to see rt through, which please God may he before lung judging from the latest War news. \yell, Mr. Kers•, I must close fur now.- 11ol>e you and Mrs. Kers' are enjoying the best of health "in the. pink," so to speak. Everything is "top hole" here. Sincerely, 1IAttotee AlaotwTRONO. Spr. A. Aitcheson Writes from France )1e•Ala t Ms I B it a1sT, MaNU. 1'( 1 r' c d write - t ail no tr a t I RIIGNn. I v w you a fete lines in the forst of a letter in acknowledgment or what I have received front you' 11 is impossible for 01e to find words to express my ap- o earch '01 and if I vers t e IreciaLl t >1 inc>CHnd: �Vebstet s DieLionlu• I cc t h Y, any. But yon can. pctnre For your- self 3 fellows tvho had been out work- ing, hued for 10 hours without any - C p +11 pelt[' LntCheourha 11w thing toeata ( 6 i of rain which drenched tts through and on coining helve T teas hlanded your parcel, Use I}rse sweets the had for neer 3 months, Oran you imagine you see our faces 11 .Jost puts you til mind of a hone picture of a bunch of children on a Cheistnlas morning. We forgot we were in the ariny rand while we enjoyed some of the contents eve jestt dreamed of home and friends. Although .1 ()tuft thank yon as :1 world lilte, 1811(140 sue to stay that actions speak lender titan words (32)11 1 have formed my opinion of yon rand you have Clone Iver e foe rue than 811144[. off my 80-c(llt(1 closes friends. low you Ituow what. to sen(} i0 MOM lan T 0411 figure nut for it is ,just what T %vented, las we haave been unable for some titme to get to a Y. M. C. A. 0r canteen, You asked if there ryas anything spoiled and I may say not until rabout 80 seconds after I got into 1l din '1 s1 hamefl d 1( i ns r s it au t en t w 1 ,'>p " t seared, 1f nl.hrt (( 10 a iL(b4)( x w } p} i 9 t '1 1 t r n . 101 1per(t ( tvho soot bnx(s 1 all t1( t t t•Iley got Lo their destination you can give yonrs0lf eredi1 rot• knowing Itowto ,tack a box, It was ass good as (bough 11 had just beet cooked and which I consider ryas very ood. T9te box hacl done co side •able travelling he• fore it reached. me for you posted it August 30 and it reached lye October 22nd. With' my tFrance address it conies straight through, even if we do go from place to place as the alae hav- ing a hard ,job to keep up to Fritz these clays. 1 wander what the peo- ple of Canadat think of the Peace negotiations but every soldier nearly to a npan bacics General Foch and if you knew whaat I do you would want b'ritz pushed clear into the ocean and wiped off the face of the reap entirety, 1 rm. one hope to see 1110 day w11en he wilt cry for mercy. You aske(1 me about using tobacco and I must confess thatl d0. One has to (10 sotllethiug to take his mind off his tvnllt for a little while and we find this is the best way. \'Ve are all issu- e(1 three packages a week and so I broke theta up and use it in my pipe and as 1 am nota ver heav smoker Y Y , I rind ft is nRul(ul. I 1044 t 1(n w of i n set' vho don' e e en v a n les Id t t stunk v g n 1 e "ha 114):1 and von wont uudar- t tt � t It d stand why il' yon were here. My address is Spr. A. Aitchison, 0, E. Battalion, 1st Division, A Coy. 13. A). F. France. I am Dot) allowed to say anything of the country, but God willing, I }lope to be able to return some day and try to give you a picture of the country and life in general. 1-lowevel• I can assure you I am enjoy- ing perfect health and despite the 11a1'clships I am glad I am het'e and hope to stay and do my bit to down LARGE STOCK OF a Ti �� p h I.: �� ��:� and FEED Just to hand, Mance your' pat is known Salt11 you requhre Salb In hull( 0110 can supply you, Out' stock of Groceries is Fresh and Up-to-date, Phones 1 Stove 43 ; Residence 27, W4' J. McCracken, Brussels Germany that she shall never rise to any }popularity again. It is kind of tough but I have a reason. And now thanking you wit11 all my heart and wishing you and Me. For s 1 1 the rest the v bet of ood Iet4au Bey s g luck and happiness, Your sincere friend, SPR. A. AITCrHISON, Its s estimated that somewhere be- tween 90,000,000 and 000,000,000 pounds of cod should be available for export this year if shipped fresh or frozen, and between 50,000,000 and 55,000,000 pounds if cured. 'F •F+F+F 4"1' 4'F'F++1' A+•1••F+F+F+F d'+F'F 4+F+F'F+4 • •A . 3• 1• a' v � r- 4 , F Wil■ 4 ■ + s� n 6i .I. + Out Ohi'istu/as stook of a. Jewelry 11as art'(vecl anti is now on sale, Needless .(. to say this is the time to 10 bu your• Christrmas Gifts. If there is same .1• person on your Christ - 1 of +F t a lists for w lam t 1 s Y 1' acre finding diffie 01ty in + getting a present, drop 'F in and see us and our + suggestions may help ,F yotl to ovel'0ome your F + ditliculCy. lou sten help us to serve you best by + doing your . + Christmas Shopping Now + + end J. t +F ao• Jeweler and Optician, Wroxeter +l+ 4k'F d++k'L' •1••1•+F+F•i+•F't'4.44'F•F •H+'Ft't++F'M'1+ • • + + + + +F • • 4. + O • +' F + +l' .F 0600•••A•P•+p'NOl14040.0••P•m+x0000040aD0®P@••4'8®9a''•01lpApd an "Cel�tral" Traiaiag means Success �nsvraace 4) ! + 00 +i 0 F, R e P • 0 a • 0 m s e 0 h it 0 Thi' One w1(0 1101(19 our diploma knows that he is qualified to fill the very best office positions and, what is more., the business men of Olt torte know it too. This explains why we can so egasily place our Graduates in desirable positions. 4 Stratford, Ont. amid Winghawn, Ont. b 4'44•••444.4•••••4••4••••4• •.••4••$••4••••4•••.•0• 4'40