HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-11-28, Page 41be $russels est
7,'Ht31i.SDAY, NOVEMBER, 273, tool
in a course of good lending for
the Winter aud practice penmanship.
Both will do i g
you good,
TAURNIAle of Lett wool) kir Wilfrid
Laurier celebrated his 77L11 birthday, pos-
sessing good Health and vigorous mental
powers. Loudon people presented him
with a birthday cake with 77 small
candles on it at the banquet he attended
GERMAN losses were over 6,000,000
Men during the war. They paid dearly
to "get a place in the sun" and continue
autocracy but after years of fighting
democracy has eclipsed their expects.
Sons and the common people are going
have a chance iu the world,
VICTORY Bond campaign was a sweep-
ing success and reached over $7oo,o0o,-
000, The goal set out to attain was
$300,000,000. Well done Canada and
good old Ontario led the way with a
subscription of $330,000,000 There is
evidently o
some me u in then
r yet.
THE Food Controller, Fuel Con-
trollers and scores of other unnecessary
officials should be allowed to take a walk
and thereby cut off thousands of dollars
now paid in salaries. Conservation is a
fine thing, let us show it in curtailments
on the public pay roll and tbe sooner the
"XERP the home fires burning," as
demobilization is already in progress
overseas and thousands of the boys will
be home for Christmas. With the sub,
marine menace at an end and the Ger-
man U-boats in the keeping of the Brit-
ish uavy, the odd Atlantic will sbow a
great tonnage afloat. zo,000 a month
should get all the boys home in xfr years.
KrNG AIEERT, who so valiantly did
his duty in tbe recent war had the great
joy of making his trinmphal entry into
Brussels, Belgium's capital, on Friday.
Reception was enthusiastic- von stay
be sure after his long absence, Many a
year will elapse before his heroism and
integrity will be forgotten. Brussels.
Canada, extends beartiest congratula-
Some folk figure the cost of the war
just concluded at $24,000,000,000, an
enormous sum, almost beyond coucepti-
on. Many a generation will come and
go before the burden is cleared off. The
peaceful Arts can be plied at a much
oheaper rate but it takes a long time to
convince some Nations of its triumphs
and advantages. Germany's national
debt is said to be over $35,000,000,000.
WHATEVER excuse might be made for
jubilation over the recent announce-
ment of Peace, the ringing of the fire
alarm was, in the judgment of THE
Pose, a part of the program that sbould
have been omitted, The purpose of the
alarm is well known and the sounding
Of it to many people is un -nerving and
disquieting, not got rid of for many
hours, if not longer, The fire alarm
should be left severely alone, and unless
when, unfortunateiy, it may have to call
men to duty to save property from the
devouring element. In many a place
anybody meddling with the fire alarm is
a sure way to secure a sharp reprimand
if not the imposition of a fine in addi-
"BRtTArN's Rag has always stood for
Britain's hope bas always been for Peace
Britain's foes have known that they
could trust her
To do our hest to make the cannon cease
Britain's blood will never stand for
Britain's sons will rally at her call,
Britain's pride will never let her exult
But we'll never let the old flag fall,"
WE'LL never let the old flag fall,
For we love it, the best of all,
We don't want to fight to show our might
But if we start, we'll fight, fight, fight;
In Peace or War you'll bear us sine -
God save the Flag, God save the Xing
At the end of the world the flag's un
We'll never let the old flag fall.
WORLD wide Prohibition of the liquor
traffic would be a genuine Thanksgiving
offering of real value to the world. It'
coming but if everybody who loves
sobriety will push ft along this wonder.
fel boon will arrive all the quicker. In
another column we are publishing an
Editorial taken from the Toronto Globe,
entitled "The Traffic Raises its Head,"
that every reader itt urged to carefully
peruse, United States distillers and
brewers spent millions of doliars iu an
endeavour to buy up the Dress but the
pubite cannot be fooled nor jollied these
days reger+ling the drink question, as the
practical benefi's of Prohibition already
demonstrated are irrefutable. Boost
temperance cameo wherever you get e
°Mance and thereby prove your right to
be celled a patriot,
÷÷+÷÷÷÷+÷+÷÷+÷+÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ Prom here up as fru, as Steventn
eat Ma kit
a I wish to sotto to I h" public (het H
hued' e
19 Alf
emote lH
l have opmwa up n new Meat,
:thtfkrt in the
• 131.At11IlLL lll.O('K,
U ld l'SS I: LS,
' • where 1 will keep it'•hMee stork
;t,, of the beet alettts to be obtained,
• Will also handle all kinds of
• Smoked and tamed Meats and 0
• full line of Cooked !Heats,
GoodeDelivered ori Short Notice
to all parts oftho town,
Will be pleased to receive tc
Aare o1' the patronage and will
• gamete tee sati.11 1iuu,
Cash Pahl for Hides. Phan 66x
D. B. McDonald
first Nand impressions
Of the Great West
Editor 71rBeth, t.f the Milt-etton
Sun, took dLpleasure trip to the Pacific
Coast told published tire following,
which THE POST is pleased to pass on
t0 its itu'ge family of readers :-
Vancouver, which is situated on
Burrard Inlet, False Oreek and the
North arm of the Fraser River, le the
Pacific terminus of C. P. RR., 0, N. R ,
P. G. E., G. N, R., N. P, R. lines and
the mail steamers to Honolulu, Japan,
China, New Zealand and Australia,
and at present has a population in-
cluding Greater Vancouver, of about
150,000, It was incorporated in May
1880 and up to that year its site was
covered with a dense forest. Trout
May to July ire growth was most
rapid, but in July a fire spreading
from the surrounding forest swept
away every honse but one in the
place, and with one exception, every
building now seen has been erected
since that time. The Pity Is pieturea-
gnely situated on sloping hills and has
one of the finest natural harbors in
the world, The Lather Bas 80 miles
of water frontage and 40 miles of
anchorage. It is open all the year
round and has aver twenty square
miles of deep water anchorage. Its
drainage aud sewerage system is per-
fect while its soptlly of water is the
most ample, being obtained by means
of pipes laird under the inlet from a
mountain stream fed by pure snow
water from the glaciers and snow
capped mountains, It can be used for
every domestic purpose and as a
result a cistern forms 110 part of any
household equipment. The city has
numerous industries, such as lumber
mills, canning factories, wooden and
iron ship building yards. In fact the
largest Avon ship building yard in
Canada is situated here and at the
time of our visit five large ocean go.
ing freighters were on the stays or in
the slips, notwithstanding that a few
mouths previously the plant had been
damaged by the to the extent of over
a million dollars. Over 8500 men are
employed in the works,
The county South of the city and
along the Fraser river, especially on
the Delta and Lulu and Wee(it n Is-
lands, is adapted to farming, the soil
being very rich, as it is composed
mostly of the silt btonglit down by
the river from the fertile and alluvial
valleys hundreds of miles above.
Most of this land sells at $300 per acre
but farms are not frequently pot on
the market. 1lany land owners tent
their farms to Chinese truck fermetis at
$50 an acre, plowed and disced. The
City for the niost'part is supplied in
roots and vegetables by these Chinese
who are very capable and intensive
farmers and etre very punctual and
regular in their deliveries, It Is not
an uncommon sight when motoring
along the highway to BOO 40 or 50
Chinamen laboring in one field on
plots that do not from tt distance ap.
pear to have any line of demarkation.
The province has been mistakenly
supposed to be non-agricultural owing
to ite mountainous titaructer, but the
river bottoms and this delta land and
amazing fertile valleys like the Okana'
gat, the fulkley, the Nechako and
other are rioh in grain and almost'
every VhLI•ir,fy of ft flit,
In Vetticouver are many points of
interest among which is Stanley
Park, which comprises ever 1000 atet'1
of ov ntlerful virgin forest and is one
of the finest pteservttlimie r n the coir
tided:. In its confines one finds bears,
wolves, Itemise, trtountain lions, lynx,
buffaloes, kangaroos, deer and other
smaller animals itt well tis birds front
all parts of the world. The big trees
are a special feature and Horny snap
shots are tatted or these teweriug
growths, one being (15 feet in c}rcunt
Across the inlet is the lawn of
Myth Vermont -ere in wit Mbiseftuatet
the i iwaLsh Indian Reat'rvt'. where a
quaint old native (Mouth is to be
viewed. !onetime ou is the famine
Capilrnn Output, a Blare of exti-inti
rugged twenty, through which with
(freta impel imaity t'nalies the Capilrmo
Rivet., the 811 Pam which 1'etl'teieltes
Vanentiver with writer. Over the
ranyier ie (0trlsl mated a Nli.snelislon
bridge over 301) feet high tool a31) feet
long, - -
12 miles from Vait'ttrt'I't• nt the
ntnnl.h re' the Nr met' Ifvel', is New
'Westiniater, the eldest lawn in the
1 1
ei'aletl by Japes, dot the rivet', coed
salami fur the canneries which n
bee merely :Ile
The rartnhtg 1 iduelt'y is possibly
oldest and audit Important in
pro einem The Hudson's Batty Cl
i 1
tr west us *Iver t•
t 1 1 c
R baric' the I. l l I
nigt•i•hLs '
1, j, m sold,, hays, Miele
t lets a itt the premised off the 11114
tiny at't'ic \Vtosl. of the Honky e
tains. In 1821), at Nuri Langley,
salmon wore elrtai/lea from nal fye
a cunt of 1'.s than 1;1.1 in got
'Trade 1oeteased remit ye'ttr to year
itt 1813.1 and 18$5 front 300(1 to J
httt'rels of salted 5010)0) were ship
to the 1-htwaliatl Islands, in 1
('apt. WVnt. Spring, after whim
grade e1' minden take its mo0e, he
salting and teeing t it itt Bee
!Bay. Jn 18(3( a salwott salt et
opened ten the }Prosed' Havel•, Seo
trap arts were °seri at fleet, but l'iti
its a Means of catching the satin
'['ire drift nets then came into use t
proved it great suceest, in fart, that is
'still the net need in fishing in all (-mist
waters. The first attempt to preserve
Hairnet] in berme! 'ally settled ean.v
was made in 1807 by /antes Synes,
who cooked tlu'tt1 on a kitchen strive
as an experiment, lit 1871) the first
cannery was built atAnnieville, below
New t1,eettninister. Cooking at first
was t •e
a Nth alt process but with the
iotroduetion or the steam oven it be -
chine a comparatively easy matter.
A visit to a
cannery is very interest-
ing as well as instructive, Al, Weal -
habil island the had the pleasure of be-
ing conitetpd through one by Chas.
1I. T'iut, W110 Is the manager of the
big plant there operated by the Im-
perial Cunning Oo., one of the largest
companies doing business on the
Fraser Riven' and were shown the
process fl'otit start to finish, Hun-
dreds of Japanese fishermen with a
sprinkling of Austrians and Oanatli•
ons go tip the river and remain fishing
continuously from Sunday night at
13 o'clock to Friday night at the saute
hone when they lift then' nets and
mine in giving the fish a chance to go
tip to the spawning gronnds. Collec-
tion boats go out and visit their' own
fisheunten and bring in their catch
eater day. These fish are unloaded and
manvt'yed up to bins on the hoar• of
the tannery and tho•nughly washed
nit' with a hose before being conveyed
on belts to a machine known as the
'erne chink," which cute Mf head, tail
and fins, opens and cleans them.
"hey are then passed on to women
nosily Indian and Japanese who
scrub them in vats oi' running water,
From thence (bey nee conveyed to the
Beer where they are cut into such
englhs its lit the size of can they are
teing packed in, The peeking in cans
e done by hand, mostly by 1itt Lanese
wntnen, 'vho work with thele' !babies
.fed on their backs in touch the same
matcher: that an Indian wOmall carl'iee
ler nominee. The babies are ikt all
a s)ttres-conte asleep, others playing
vith toys, while other's loudly protest -
ug in manner similar to its white
anadiaht sister or brother, Until 'e-
cntly children were notpermitted ac-
es to the cannery, but the scarcity of
bar has compelled the companies to
'-lax their veleta One pleasing feat -
re abont the canneries is the fact that
hey are kepi scrnpuousiy clean.
t the close of each day's pack hose
re turned on the floor, and machines
rid everything thoroughly scrubbed,
The present year has nob been con -
tiered a favorable one for packing al-
it was a fourth year aud there
lonid be a large run. The cameo of
re failure is alleged to be due to the
tot that font' yea's's ago the Fraser
ivqmillers rcast intructed by the 0, N. R. whks en
sing construction work with the re-
lit that but few of the Reit were able
get up to spawn and fish always t'e-
00 from the sea to sprawn at the
e of four years. The damage done,
is said, will take years to remedy,
There are five species of salmon
town as the red nr bluebach or sock -
e, the humpback, the silver or steel
ad, dog salmon turd quintet. For
eking purposes the sockeye is the
ost prized as it ie firmer and retains
deep pink color after being cooked.
ears ago the dog salmon was ant
eked at all, in fact, when found in
e nets they were cast out as useless,
t now no fish is wasted.
Tho Pacific salmon after spawning
not velure to the sea but die on or
ar their spawning grounds. After
awning they rapidly deteriorate, the
sit shades off to a light dirty pink
d they become foul, diseased and
rh emaciated ; their scales are
telly absorbed in their sit in, blotches
fungus, appr'irr on their heads and
die+; fins and tails become badly
tillaed and in tt short time they die
A great Industry In British Oolum-
is the lumbering trade and with
e scarcity of timber in the Haab and
enhanced peictes as a result, it is
tined to berone a ranch greater.
'retry still, The moist and rrtndev-
elftuate with the long seasons is
teeve til'raval growth nr lies and
ars gt my 10 once Mialle peeper
err' rimy be found seeciniens that
tw to a height. rf 8)10 (''' and a
outer of 11 to 32 cert These
111.e to t. els pet 11rrndiruhtt as a rule
1 are f)'tgnenily linemen!, 'I 0limb
wig to height o1' 150 or 1.00 Prof,
IN Ills ground. fide lbw art' known
Dangles lits(P1n t, Deepest!) called
1' David Douglas the Scottish
artist, and hot:mica] etilleclnr for
etierdu eat Hoefety of London, who
s sent out by the Society ib 1823 Int
United Stales, in 1824, he was
t nn a second omission to explore
vegetetion of the ronntry adjoin.
tate Columbia River' and South -
.0 to eitlifnrttitt, De 0rrived at
yet in 1825. , Cnttsldcrable df(i3-
y is expelienr•ed in Molting this
her out., Senffolds due built:
told flle1roe at a height tf from
10 55 feet from the panful on
eh the tintypes stool vt'heir mitt -
it down. Fri rinettlly 1111•. treys,
utse or dude peat bright, break
thing anti srltn ('111(51' harem Mill
'1' tint bee ill their (ltnvnwatil fiip,lit,
Inuit of I ho I rye when very old, le '
;ed and iv „item neon (3 to 11 audios '
tick rives. The tern ehnmide in a
ryellow smile and the timber is
y, lit to end valuable, ho id givers
arming tmtnh tone° r(epdfly t)nttt
arlo pins, 11Hthense fot'ests of It
h .
w n . i
H is
dH. Positive—Convincing Proof
0111 We publish the formula of Vinol
'111(1 to prove convincingly that it has the
fled power to create strength.
1 tt
vita• Any ttvoman who bays a bottle of
tilt Vinol for a weak, run-down, nervous
1P,1 condition and finds after giving it a
oto fair trial it did not help her, will
tad have her money returned.
You see, thele is no guess work
about Vinol. Its formula proves
there is nothing like it for all weak,
run-down, overworked, nervous men
and worms} and for feeble old people
and delicate children. Try it once
and be convinced,
vs Cod Liver and Beer Peptones, Iron
and Manganese Poptonatcs, Iron and
Ammonium Citrate, L1me and Dodo
Gl'ycerophaaphates, Cascada.
in 1'
pstvinr ;nnr riantuat,ut'tnpillUof Ihn The
mainland, - It ie Pommeled It ith Van. rug!
Nerve!' by tramline and a splen(lid le 1.1
lt'Ivemettl+ toad over w'llicll tttlintno- Wen
biles deo? oh to 0 Geemandpns rate. A heat'
monument of 8imnn Feasor, dissoyer• to w
er of the Fraser rig ver is on view her,', Ont
may he found from (lttlifornia its file
North us Iltd 13r11 degree. Up the
rive and dud 1 r
til a the shores 1
(t he 'u-
(, t in-
lets ettwntills abound land these great
"tooth picks', are being rapidly eon-
verted into ItttnIter and in almost
every int of the way place may Tie
found "ground hog" ahfogle mills cut-
ting shingles for the local and export
trade. The labor employed int the
hills for the most part is Japanese
and lfindu, The latter are big sten
physically and capable of doing
much work and ere readily sought
after by employees. They adopt the
Canadian style of dress in everything
but the Lintel, which they retain as
a mark of their (taste.
Through Siberia, the Land
of the future
The whole question of opening up
the North of .Russia and Siberia to
European trade is of more than aca-
demic importance, The tel'ritory
traversed by the Yenisei it'd ite tribn-
Levies is a fertile 'velem including
wheat lands far greater In extent than
the combined territory of France and
Geruuuly. These wheat lands nay
prove tt deeidingfttctor in relieving the a
pressure of famine that threatened the
et -mettles at war. Dr. Neilsen shows
how the resources of Site.' is may be
increased for the benefit of the Allied
nations by establishing regular water,
cohntn1111itatinil between the laarasea s
and Western Europe 'luring the ice-
fe'ee months. Foe ltn'ee centuries
Russia has possessed Siberia and Macie
little uee of it, eavP its 11, great penal
settlement 1'r»' political prisoner's, 70
that capacity it bears a sinister and
dreaded name, but the Devi -Outten and
the wet' have re -discovered it 108 the
great rival of Canada as a land of vast
The population of Sjberia and the
Nast Asiatic provinces 'of Resale, vas
only about eleven millions, less than
50 per cent greater than that of the.
Scandinavian Peninsula, which offers
fewer opportunities, Russia has not
proved successful or enterprisiug'08 et
ctllonfzer, and Siberia had such a bald
name that few went of their cswn voli-
tion as settlers. While Siberia was
neglected its a colony, Russia sent
millions of emigrants to the New
World. This policy of neglect` was
remedied to some extent in recent
years by the Depot trona of Agricul-
ture in Jttissia. Between 1905.13 tht'ee
millions of colorists hays settled ill
Siberia. New towns are growing up
with Canadian rapidity, clinging 10
the Siberian railway. Great efforts
have been matte to Improve agricultur-
al method%, In 1009 there were sixty-
four Grlvernmen1 depots for agricul-
tural machinery in Siberia ; ill 1913
the, number iied increased to three
bombed. Catnad'L was it large export-
er of harvesters to Russia before the
WRY and ;thou id find an increased out-
let for trade when peace is declared,
The greater part of the machinery
goes to Western Siberia, which leads
in agticltitttral enterprise, Between
1000-13 seventy -Ran thousand equttre
miles 01' land have been pea celled out
among 350,000 families, containing
about two million souls This menus
about fifteen thrinsand square miles it
year, or an agr'ic'ultural district t'gpal
to rho whole ales of Nneway in eight
years, The usual scale of allotment is
twenty to forty acres of land to each
(talc: meatier of the fluffily. Freehold
17tins itt t' ttlliii (ed In parrots of sixty
1+t one 'meth ed neves to eau) family.
Arrurdieg to etttlis)irs, the eeotomlo
position of thekiberitLn settler is bet.
ler than that o1' the ltusslttn pottettnt,
\�rt.Itrn Siberia
t i111011, )01,
deity (hinting, Cool 1al Siberia I',
t•.isingtye, ' onto, whrwt barley and
ilex. tieing virgin .. il, the e
uros of
t'iiher'ht are ray 1111ey,. the 11ueeian
ntentgr. ('alt it' raking mel
brit t fat ming pay the S1bei iai
tee der better than emit -growing, hut
with helter t:dimly and Mater trans-
port said i1)')1, 111 eilotlyntfon, Spri,„,
la le belied soon 111 attract to it feeble
soil ntfll:mei of eel Ilers who it °thee
s tt0 11,1 t'mfprale lit Carman tit' the
1', fled States Nerway le keenly in-
I'feted 'n little N.101,014 with Sitter -
be but (he poseihilitir'e of Ounittlt
eh, Mil he utne folly knot% ti In our
nvt• nl'.e urea 1111 expart ors as a re.
still 01 111,•piesolO 111ilir.iu•y t'xpeeitiuu,
The "Traffic" liaises Its Head
The liquor trttitle promisee to fight
l'ur the it -etiolation of its "right;' in
Oltlei'iu. 1'he "right" In millet, men
to spend on strung drink the money
needed for the support, of their wires
apt children ; the right:' to fill jails
and penitentiaries with criminals
IVf use only r
u t t .
1 ne is "I w'av druid(
and did not, know what 1 was Luing"
the "tight" to send sdreowing women
beekeu-Itettrle(1 to the grave and little,
neglected children to utphatnages and
houses or eort•ection-all these rights
the [estrum traffic' proposes to maintain.
Tha Prohihi1i'm lttw in t0 be swept
away, The friends of the traffic due
already promoting discontent, especi-
ally among returned trod returlting
soldiers. The I•letu'st• (loveminteh1 is
being attacked by means of handbills
for the dyad-Liine prnhi10lion measure,
the beet bit of legislittion it has put
upon the statuLe bock, The Toronto
IVnild, Irl trays Seeking to eleer' down
sht'eam nn the floodwaters of moment-
ary p0palatity, says the question of
pt'nhibltion ie. coming up again, "and
there is no gtesicn but that. the soldi-
ccs who ate coming back will demand
some change lit the sttength til' the
beer that is allowed to the public,."
11 ratty be taken foe granted that
the ligtor trttlfle in its last h-d(t,(e itt
(MUCK) will advance t° the assault
with the cry that it worried be a creel
wrong to our returning herpes to rob
tem of their beer,
Friends of prohibition cannot ton
snort restore their organization 114 an
active -service basis. The timed! of
another Province -wide discussion of
dud vote open ti gltestinn that most of
the electors believed had been settled
forever, and settled in the best inter-
ests of the whole people, 10051 retain
be undergone, If a vote is to be taken
the temperance electors of Ontario
honirl make certain that there shall
be no next time tor the liquor traffic.
It must. he but ied under tt prohibition
tnejori)ySo great thud it will tweet'
ag tin eulerge. Auc1 in that great
work the tens of theusnrtds of return-
ed and returning suldietw, who knew
what prohibition hits done to Mei ease
the prosperity unci happiness of On -
Mein, will take as large a part its oily
other section of the electorate. The
liquor interest meet. not beet mil tea
to camouflage itself in khaki, 1t
must hoist its own colors and fight in
the open its battle for the "right" to
destroy the bodies and souls of its
victims.-Torot_to (globe.
SHOP EARLY - 1 for many years nn metals, timber and
many other raw materials. There will
be little surplus to eke out for the
prime wants c,f civilization and no sur-
plus for waste,
dark, hark, the dog do batik, -
Christmas shoppers are coming to
By train, in autos, suburban cars,
And all with cash to put down,
The stores are all ready with gift
Stocks big,
Prom a diamond ring to a little toy
YOUR Christmas , get
s irit et
started too,
The sooner begun—the sooner you're
Before the war we lived in an age
of careless waste. Raw materials
were abundant; free imports from Ger-
man factories compelled our own man-
ufacturers to cut prices down to the
lowest limit. The result was tit'tt
coammodities were cheap, and, being
`cheap, were squandered. We squan-
dered coat petrol, paper, metals, tex-
tiles, bread,- meat, and other goods,
The famous saying of the mustard
manufacturer that his fortune was
made out of the mustard the people
wasted was true of many other things.
The age of waste has gone, because
the age of plenty has gone, not to re-
turn in our generation. The world
food shortage will last much longer
than this war; the shortage of met-
als and other raw materials will see
out time out, The reconstruction of
Europe's shattered cities, the replacing
of sunk shipping, and the restoring of
Lvornout railway lines, engines, car-
riages, and trucks will have first lien
a siiiisur111111NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl111111111f1111111111111111m111111111011111111111111111111111111111llliIiIiItlIll11111111111iIB11i18111iiIIIIIIIIHI81i1milii1111ttfl iL
' r tis
– "The
l Biscuits" '',, V Conaria
Buy Wordfor Biscuits Food
;= 4 -. 1 I.iounxc Nu.l! Board
1111IllilIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIli1111iiisil11111111111lIiIl111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII(I IIIIIIIIIIIIIip1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 iIlIIII mffinnlbf�
I r
Soda Crackers
any time, any clime, in doors or out
--when !lunger nips ---the answer is,
Teller's Soda Crackers. The most
nutritious food made from flour."
Packed in air tight packages.
Sold by all grocers,
.� �-_�•- its u -�
Keep t e home brffih and cheery Se It will he ready to ,welcome the boos
when they come back tram "over there,"
Music is a' vital nece5sify in times like these. No other afiehee ten se
effectively"turn the clerk clouds Inside out" as the stirring songs born of the
terrible two'. You can have these 'songs ptnyed by the greatest military- heltds,
aline Imam best singers, and loin in the chorus yourself, if you pave a
The Brant•olalays all recorduhe;
equally well, so ell the patriotic songs can
played,m your home, And It is built Ina variety of etylee ej CObit'(till, sp 915 clteierl
Of one 1i
t to st 1our
y home and your purse will be easy,
The Brent -ole 1e made in »oven different styles, .inishe)! M Walcot, Ettmedi
or Maho an .
1'001 R y,,1 will play.tlny make of disc daSOrti,
Mkyear dealer-to-doritom
ntrnte this bonuttlul
lnstrumunt to you,
SSALD IiEltl3 $X
J. Obeli
Styli",t I Y
Nt+'IypInOt o -
�tt Ilrepiford Boloe, V;(4
N.y e5d' $gt4TFtlat7'fQ CANADA).
Notice -
. Residents of the Township or 1t1rlClllop, who
regoire noel luso retrrnested to forward n writ-
ten requisition to ,7 M. Oeventueir, who bus
hetet appointed Pool Controller for tho Munt-
eipallty of Meli11lop, Only those who haw no
wood or reit fences nerd apply as the quantity
of coal promised to Atr•1Cti
lop 1, limited, By
order of the (lounnit.
Af. MURIIiE, C'ler'k, SeafortlrP. 0,
Meeting of Huron County Council
The Council of the t:arn)rntton o1 the Comoty or Heron will meet in the 0ount it Cham-
ber, Goderich, at 3 o'etnrk hi the afternoon on
Toesdoy, the 3rd day of December, 1018.
(ih0. W. ROI.MAN, 00. U1erk,
Goderielt, Nov. 13111,1518,
Hog for Service
The undersigned will . keel for service on
Lot 1•l, tin. 15, Gray, a Registered Berkshire
Bog. Pedigree may be soon 05 application,
For further particulars phone 145.
10-tf J. W, FISCHER, Proprietor.
For Sale
house and lots, containing 8N acres, in the
Village of Crenhrook, the property of the late
Arra, Agnes Itrown, i+oliuretilfor side, Frame
hnniu, barn, fruit trues,..to. Possrsston could
be given et once. Per Curtain. particulars 05•
p)Y 10 1(11M. Tlloa. ('.AAIHltntr or It t, ('AAII010N,
Exeen taro estate of the late Airs. Agues Brown,
Bull for Service
Pita undersigned will peep for service, on Ste
Lot 80, ()on. 2, AIm•rlt tsWitship, the thord-11rtd
Short Etorn Bull, Gainford of Salem, No,
--(10118-=. S1rwl by Noniron). Marquis (105800) ;
Dm Mildred VII' by Royal Sailor 118050). Ped.
igree fluty bo aeon on opplientton. Terms—
$8.50 fur -gentles and S1.0'03 for thoro'-Ireds,
Farm for Sale
Containing 200 apron, viz., 034 foot 00, Don, 5,
Morris township, nod Lot 1, Con, 5, Grey town-
ship, Well watered, comfortable house, bank
barn nett manure shed, driving lronse, wind
mill, orchard, &0. 2134 mitis North of Brnasals
on gravel rend. Rural moil and rural'pltone.
3.5 odic to school, W311 sell elther or both
farina. Por further particulars apply to
ALEX. PORsyTE, Proprietor, 13t•nistols, or
F. B. SCOTT, Brussels, 5-4
B }I aks
1`Iua Posw is prepared to sup-
ply the various styles of
Counter Ohecic Books ou
short notice.
Samples may be seen and
prices ascet'taitied by culling
at one office, You can buy
tts cheap from its as front
any company,
Let us have your order.
Horse Fairs
Regalia' iilnnthly horse B'ait's will
he held this sl'ititnl its follows ;-
!I'tiui:tSOt1Y, 1)130, 510, 3918
" JAN, 8rd, 1010
Ph,R, (90, 3911)
" 111A11,'(hh, 1150
APR,. 810, 1010
Leading local and outside Buyers Preseet
I3y nt'dtt of Donnell,
F, S, SCOTT, Cl 111,
lisili1 mseilifl7fpm 11)Stll 1111E14. ORO "3:-.47
l y$(.s
itt) O911EV—
"o s t.
1 31 l
be :,I ,oiutely
Ilteft vie; ht.
of ev t} t tl4Wlot.
1'iltrt sever(
elimas this
Sloe Invested
I11)0 moved
ore t, 'it'd in
1^14u3 19 814))
1., rlo 1,),. on
No trouble,
goon( 6t't'lI(iti never
Not adollar-110s
the•,e doom t ores,
An interesting
Paid nr Capital
,' .
V 1�. X01
�F co'
�.•.:..'. c+ti
to clearly
the day
no worry,
ill be
and Surplus
f, C
••r tr �r they -Mil
a,vht s l L e t v
11t, lit u-luallb, 0113 C1110
of Ittle.leel, le the .1.'hdrO
money enured. Net Wire,
ori the rat that --
at .5isq double, itself to
la rears.
5,';, 1,11ctot 43'v veers 10
Horne thing.
5?•r;", MORTGAGE
of Sloe ttnd ups:,r In 1"r a ttv',
c'0nverArner. Mit0 • t et 1' •',,
it is doe,
no Incent'ta;.•pre, Your
boon lost by an investor in
ninon "110111'18 ItttOAM
sena fcoo on reepto,i.
fonds $3.362,378.63
a' a 1
Tlii _. R'
�5 .
oevica---'I-(7 (S CS i�I TO
Bra oh Offlset'
lnnunllnnnmunlunnnoum 1 iuu lelGnJ�a�:
SHOP EARLY - 1 for many years nn metals, timber and
many other raw materials. There will
be little surplus to eke out for the
prime wants c,f civilization and no sur-
plus for waste,
dark, hark, the dog do batik, -
Christmas shoppers are coming to
By train, in autos, suburban cars,
And all with cash to put down,
The stores are all ready with gift
Stocks big,
Prom a diamond ring to a little toy
YOUR Christmas , get
s irit et
started too,
The sooner begun—the sooner you're
Before the war we lived in an age
of careless waste. Raw materials
were abundant; free imports from Ger-
man factories compelled our own man-
ufacturers to cut prices down to the
lowest limit. The result was tit'tt
coammodities were cheap, and, being
`cheap, were squandered. We squan-
dered coat petrol, paper, metals, tex-
tiles, bread,- meat, and other goods,
The famous saying of the mustard
manufacturer that his fortune was
made out of the mustard the people
wasted was true of many other things.
The age of waste has gone, because
the age of plenty has gone, not to re-
turn in our generation. The world
food shortage will last much longer
than this war; the shortage of met-
als and other raw materials will see
out time out, The reconstruction of
Europe's shattered cities, the replacing
of sunk shipping, and the restoring of
Lvornout railway lines, engines, car-
riages, and trucks will have first lien
a siiiisur111111NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl111111111f1111111111111111m111111111011111111111111111111111111111llliIiIiItlIll11111111111iIB11i18111iiIIIIIIIIHI81i1milii1111ttfl iL
' r tis
– "The
l Biscuits" '',, V Conaria
Buy Wordfor Biscuits Food
;= 4 -. 1 I.iounxc Nu.l! Board
1111IllilIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIli1111iiisil11111111111lIiIl111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII(I IIIIIIIIIIIIIip1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 iIlIIII mffinnlbf�
I r
Soda Crackers
any time, any clime, in doors or out
--when !lunger nips ---the answer is,
Teller's Soda Crackers. The most
nutritious food made from flour."
Packed in air tight packages.
Sold by all grocers,
.� �-_�•- its u -�
Keep t e home brffih and cheery Se It will he ready to ,welcome the boos
when they come back tram "over there,"
Music is a' vital nece5sify in times like these. No other afiehee ten se
effectively"turn the clerk clouds Inside out" as the stirring songs born of the
terrible two'. You can have these 'songs ptnyed by the greatest military- heltds,
aline Imam best singers, and loin in the chorus yourself, if you pave a
The Brant•olalays all recorduhe;
equally well, so ell the patriotic songs can
played,m your home, And It is built Ina variety of etylee ej CObit'(till, sp 915 clteierl
Of one 1i
t to st 1our
y home and your purse will be easy,
The Brent -ole 1e made in »oven different styles, .inishe)! M Walcot, Ettmedi
or Maho an .
1'001 R y,,1 will play.tlny make of disc daSOrti,
Mkyear dealer-to-doritom
ntrnte this bonuttlul
lnstrumunt to you,
SSALD IiEltl3 $X
J. Obeli
Styli",t I Y
Nt+'IypInOt o -
�tt Ilrepiford Boloe, V;(4
N.y e5d' $gt4TFtlat7'fQ CANADA).
Notice -
. Residents of the Township or 1t1rlClllop, who
regoire noel luso retrrnested to forward n writ-
ten requisition to ,7 M. Oeventueir, who bus
hetet appointed Pool Controller for tho Munt-
eipallty of Meli11lop, Only those who haw no
wood or reit fences nerd apply as the quantity
of coal promised to Atr•1Cti
lop 1, limited, By
order of the (lounnit.
Af. MURIIiE, C'ler'k, SeafortlrP. 0,
Meeting of Huron County Council
The Council of the t:arn)rntton o1 the Comoty or Heron will meet in the 0ount it Cham-
ber, Goderich, at 3 o'etnrk hi the afternoon on
Toesdoy, the 3rd day of December, 1018.
(ih0. W. ROI.MAN, 00. U1erk,
Goderielt, Nov. 13111,1518,
Hog for Service
The undersigned will . keel for service on
Lot 1•l, tin. 15, Gray, a Registered Berkshire
Bog. Pedigree may be soon 05 application,
For further particulars phone 145.
10-tf J. W, FISCHER, Proprietor.
For Sale
house and lots, containing 8N acres, in the
Village of Crenhrook, the property of the late
Arra, Agnes Itrown, i+oliuretilfor side, Frame
hnniu, barn, fruit trues,..to. Possrsston could
be given et once. Per Curtain. particulars 05•
p)Y 10 1(11M. Tlloa. ('.AAIHltntr or It t, ('AAII010N,
Exeen taro estate of the late Airs. Agues Brown,
Bull for Service
Pita undersigned will peep for service, on Ste
Lot 80, ()on. 2, AIm•rlt tsWitship, the thord-11rtd
Short Etorn Bull, Gainford of Salem, No,
--(10118-=. S1rwl by Noniron). Marquis (105800) ;
Dm Mildred VII' by Royal Sailor 118050). Ped.
igree fluty bo aeon on opplientton. Terms—
$8.50 fur -gentles and S1.0'03 for thoro'-Ireds,
Farm for Sale
Containing 200 apron, viz., 034 foot 00, Don, 5,
Morris township, nod Lot 1, Con, 5, Grey town-
ship, Well watered, comfortable house, bank
barn nett manure shed, driving lronse, wind
mill, orchard, &0. 2134 mitis North of Brnasals
on gravel rend. Rural moil and rural'pltone.
3.5 odic to school, W311 sell elther or both
farina. Por further particulars apply to
ALEX. PORsyTE, Proprietor, 13t•nistols, or
F. B. SCOTT, Brussels, 5-4
B }I aks
1`Iua Posw is prepared to sup-
ply the various styles of
Counter Ohecic Books ou
short notice.
Samples may be seen and
prices ascet'taitied by culling
at one office, You can buy
tts cheap from its as front
any company,
Let us have your order.
Horse Fairs
Regalia' iilnnthly horse B'ait's will
he held this sl'ititnl its follows ;-
!I'tiui:tSOt1Y, 1)130, 510, 3918
" JAN, 8rd, 1010
Ph,R, (90, 3911)
" 111A11,'(hh, 1150
APR,. 810, 1010
Leading local and outside Buyers Preseet
I3y nt'dtt of Donnell,
F, S, SCOTT, Cl 111,