HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-11-28, Page 2lytemps ease, he goes. on: "I heard a man ppAUSTRALIAN iah *IAA, howleig one eight when I was h CRUEL 'h AS fr. at AVERSeeil, aria I am sure it was another aiee of Ragging, as I heard the blow's. AO erwera 1 hailed it was a French- PEARL FISHERIES • ........_ ub,,,„. „„ ,,,. flogged. It seemed to • be -alneet Madam' to knock a man eillENIOIlle IN FINDING WAYS • • 1,b0111 011 lee mitry i> prison. WHERE FORTUNE HUNTERS shells from a depth of 120 feet and it TO TORTURF. BRITISH entire wae a bad case of flogging REAP RICHES is :le ordinary thing- for them to work ai urred after mine, in water fifty to seventy-five feet reaesel whah ma — deep. They do tais without diving the victim beim, 3 bon:mailer in the .-- , equipment of any kind. Humane Thatment Which Thee we. 1 R, G. A„ te fine, powerful man who ...., , 1 'names Gems Have Their Own I roe The troical waters of beautifel, . luta he ea a matropolitan police con- ceived in English Camps Stire etable. I forget his name. He told i lectors in Sharks, Which Inhabit shimmering lagoons of South Sea VE0 for personal adoenmene In the THE SAD TRAIL HOMEWARD A mD/Ne New Hebrides, the Soloinan Islands • Lila and in some parts of the Fiji group Thousands of F'reneli al -inane Trudge pearls are gill obtained in consider. able quantities by natives:These dive B• ack to Ruined Villages. AIRSHIP IN STORM Gamer W. A. Murton, Canadian rs perform wonderful feats It is not unusual for them to bring up Field Artilleey, \NAOS the following from Franee, on October 2Amiens tie WHAT 61 HPVEA,NSWHEN A ERIAL DISCHARGD Eel EN LONG Ell T() It's a long way from Douai and Gambrel, It's still longer MONSTERS COME HOME RE.EN'PER CONFLICT when the road is wet and muddy mai it's raining. But when you have pas- . . sed the age of three score years end The tepetetieg of Landing in StormyPartly _Elam n Sense o1 Duty earl ten, and you've got to lug all your , Also Becaurie of Priendehips and household goods and pennies it seedy.. Weather P a eria of N WHIT BACK TO FIGHT , 'se Peeling of Compassion. nee that thee, struck hint across the Islandswhere pearls may be found Beautiful Lagoons. back, and be retaliated and laid out are often filled with lurking dangers. The gems seem to have their own the etriker, Nothing wits done to protectors. Of these the shark is the most feared by the native divers.' Some of the hays and lagoons of the islands of the South Seas, are inhabit- ed by a species of fish that ejects a elack, poisonous fluid when the water more, an it is not ruler° a thatis disturbed by a pearl diver. This the man ViaS :,0111Q chance fortune- fluid not only obscures the vision be- • neath the water, but serves ae a pow - hu War, In no quarter of the world do there erful irritant to the ileele great crielty to prisoners which I (mg such largo elements chance wish to mention. Thai le the way in in the accumulating of fortunes as EARNING 1110? NAME wIdelt Wounded men are sent into Australia and the isiende of the Germany in truiles witheut medicial South Seae. Closely interwoven in the How the "Vindictive" Meeured 'Up to The Germo 0 priam camp author- ities before the war ended tried an- ben at the time, hut n number of Ger- weighing 100 grains and valued at other metigid of treatment of prison- man eel:Vara came into his cell at about $140,000 was recently • found ere of war. They Metalled at certain night and gave him a severe thrash- by a diver in the waters of the In - of the camps German ofileers and men aee and laid hiM out, He was, I am dine Ocean off Brocme, West Aus- who had beet meehangei frem Eng,- told hy him, black and blue all over. teethe it was not accompanied by in- land, and calla acted ae officere of • reie WaA the talk of the camp among fel mation as to who was the lucky justice and corporals of justice to the the prisoners, but nothing was done • , • • earime. These officials were allowed . eilleielly ubutit it. . and no one was Mfree hand in the treatment o1 Pile- penithed. oilers of Nillr, 0.1111 to judo lee their • "There is one matter involving behavior in seem easee, the exeellent conditions of British prism' ramps had made little impression on them. According to tle sevorn statement While the report that a pearl is a long, long trail. And that was done last week by several thousand French civilians. Heinie got all he Pour Hundred eleu. This eternize; at live o'dock wile bright and 'fair as the gallant Airship "Good Times Had in Pranee. "Perkins le beck agnie!" wanted from Sunni tind he got the "What? Pereine ? Not Harry Per - wind up and let them go. Re told XX set out for the coast, rie buoyant kins?" "Thai's him! Chap -alto wee wound - them the British would be along in to me the hearts, of her cam day or two and that would be the But now a darkening in the welt ed iu the 'Meg:Ines gunt!" • end of the civilians. The civilians tells of the elements in conflict not "But, hang it, he got hi.; Wadi:lege! man methods of MU -eating them. ()logical ()Mew, divining 1110 v01I1W "Thztt's it; but the all reol dido't Surely ----" doubted our ability to improve. on Ger- a great dietancei off. The meteor - They watched Heinle take all thoir stotm, hastens to eonorataleato with • know when ha Wag well off! Ilee get horses and cattle and produce and - the abecnt Aim There is a letweewez Meek agaiu, somehow!" start for tho Rhine, Thee they asked from thrawiedese hut. and the ware- Nehody who has inepeeted war 84. him mildly, "Ou allez-voue done? Au Ina spark goes out to where she hov- drew-, quartere-thie war juee ended, Paris?" (Where ere you goarig now -to Parts?) a a recently repatriated Englishman, attention. 110W thate. e etories of many men of wealth in the Her Pretentious Appelation. When the Health reached the lib - the officer of justice at one particular been several cases of men dying on Antipodes 'are romenees of unexpec- melted ones it was early in the morn - camp hal been dealing oat punish- the journey Sirongh bleeding to death ted t, kes to, tertune mule le are.. It has happened, more then ()nee, I ing. Soon they all started back to ment with a very free hand. He pub- from want ol atten ion.' ' '*° • e " ' e" " I e th t -h• le 'I .- - - LI • 1,- le I thee homes or back from the hated Hely ,annoanced that some of the Brie Another :repatriated prisoner, a earl ashina than'in at other of the carded a$ Betimes after launehleg ' belt where fee four years tho iron for himself the ominous weather signs It is geite underatandelle. that to Imbly true to a ereater extent in . tish prisoners wire elever, but- that naval A.B., wait one of a party of have come ta a great and glorious heel had held them fast. Old men I tie he speeds his craft in her into Pallurin p 'ortunities gat are offered he was "cleverer still," A favorite eighteen Englishmen, who, while in eat The Great Eastern seemed' told women poured down the Cambial for poLi°14..1), (-nick gaining of wealth. practise of his was to order a par- Heisenhagen carap from March 80 to Although miost of the boys and in- doomed to inglorious idleness mamde ewer! all day, Whenever possible the ado of the camp at 9.80 p.m.„ and then April 29, 1917, were set Mem bY ,e,... ae ase remota aeale areape „,,, _inevitable by the very grandeur and aerey trucks and -wagons gave thea at 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning give eleven sentrice, with the result that ''''' ""- size of the „thip, Yet fate reeerved I lift, the army cooks held cope of hot the South -Seas have be.en stripped of the -fire alarm, following this with a his arm was broken MIA tWO other their pearl -bearing bivelye mollusks the the Great Eastern the honor of.; tea to their thin, bloodless lips, sot. kit iespection• at 3 a.m. His sole ob- I Englishmen were tiredly injured. He 1 venter -rime world-wa farere, theee tbaesiiiirgoifaelayoiliellgy tyheeseeAltifaltntieirel for the I dices carried li•ttle tots barely able continues to tee found occagonally cable- , to Walk, -Male women clung to babes ject seeme to have been -to make the I ,aeee ea, "in this condition we Were 3Y. . ' . ., Y • .. prisoners uncomfortable. I earth ordered to get on with our work, s all are • as of these watere that have and what greater eeent ever happen- on the breast as they trudged along In the same camp a German ear- which \\,e were quite unable to do, and ed than the laying of that same over the wet cobbles. And ovary one been untouched ht pearl divers aud , i ,, Few ships can raak, bistoricalle, of them wore that. half -nourished look the cry. "Clear lower-deeksle some - pond who haa escaped from France about an bout' later we were taken to ailich oft n aield e-lealth to the ex- ea'he ' was put in charge of the Freneb, and our shed, but did not receive any _ . e --- s of a people W 10 had known real bond- one Shoute, This call v I 1 WTI ill he carried out a program similar t° , treatment °whatever for our injuries.. al°rels• •- with the Vindictive and yet her age and real hunger, and Who mug emergencies, orders evever man to the , ma. i o more than a second-claes miser., landing -ground. that adopted by the officer. When 1 We asked for a doctor to see us, but Richest hi the World. builders looked upon her as nothing I indeed have wondered often when the prisoners complained to the camp ' this request was absolutely refusedf The richest peed waters in the The simple peciesdere of landing a commandant-avhom they describe as ers over the heave and swell of the at ell eyente-elekes it. It is 11 mon - ocean, Even now elle ie drii ing at serum, ena beastly team, with nothina full speed for the long, low ledge likeable about it, 'There may be south-west which denotes land. lief spasms during which the exhilaration engines roar *Me loudest., while the that eonies tn man in reml fightina et:evewain guides lier stleolY, ireading is awakened; but they are rare. ngainst the storm. For Hundred Mem Meenwhile, on the station all pre- parations are being made for the re- glory in riding ou the rearm, even caption of the belated home -coiner. of the riding is rough; but it %void Ile The repeated blaro of the bugle has jest as accurate to describe a man .15 summoned every man from Itis work, revelling iu a job which compelled him sleep, or play. "At the double" is to climb amongst intrieute machineree where at any moment a cogwheel or n running -belt might eateh and mutilate him, and at which lie bas continue for hours and days 00 end, aa to :ay that any man enjoyed this war. But it; drew Men back again. men- of certain -temperameute, pro, bably to all men in menu degree, there some ecstasy in a battle N'Atli the elements or with their hind ---a a good man ready to consider their Early Pullete for Whiter Eggs. 1 world are those adjaeent to the pie_ E,Jan lair naine was not much more la, I t - f Bename than a "hand-me-down," Twenty complaints -the °Meer of justice simply showed his papers and intim- ated that lie was paramount in the camp. This practise of giving German ex - prisoners of war a free hand in ill- treating British prisoners is typically Germau, and one which would hardly though improvement mieht be 111000, the beach-combers frem the far cor- '.. P - • appeal to the subjects of any other ever dreamer:I she would measure up,1 not go. unpuniehed, that .o day of re- in the class of stock many keep. In I ners of the earth are wont to congre- eourtry who had themselves been in , e b ••d t -k ' , . • b•••• tl . She was speedy lmt not able to fight. I tribution would have to come. eeptivity awl regained their freedom. Worked to Death. Another maprisoner, a Royal Navel Division private, in a sworn state- ment, deseribee his experiences at the tamp at lerankford-on-the-Oder from January, 1:117, to March, 191S. There the commandant in charge said that he world like "to shoot evere- English :wine who put his foot into tho Meer." Although there were 20,000 men in the camp only fifty or sixty were Enalleh. Some will never come back. "They went," says the depon- eg, "before civiliau doctors, who ordered them to work, notwithstand- ing their ecairlitien. They were told to work, and, if unable, were liable to be shot by the sentry or killed with the baycnet. A notice to this effect was posted up in the lager. and pris- oners have been killed in this way." One Mean of the Re N. D. was very wick when isi the lager. He was order ed to go on tommando, and reported :ado but was made to go to work in a forest felling- trees in the depth of winter. He had to sleep with eleven others in a civilian trieon cell 9 by i layers. If you, are killing oil eetaio‘ , i ..v. i Then came the awaaening. Nebel? ! the little toxic') at the end ethich the 0 feet. Ile reported Mot: eeveral , hens, do not kill hens that motile the collection of pearls thae : n -e'ense of the .Navy desired. times, ad although he was worn out, lin the fall. Ihey rlire yieer bes, l'Irr'I-t he 511W --::;! were harvested from the luage.r's : Instead of eending the Vindictive 1 -le wanted to gw to the lager to see 1 the German doctor. ju .was I t not al- layers. The male te molethan la. aiways be ina et "ea.:: i .. 1 • if ; :unbitten te go into the -busineee 011 L001100 lee be 11510 imbued a 1111 an , loaded her with cement, handed her ' Inter to Vice-Aelmirel Sir Roger Keyes lin , elle doctor said that be most work. I eas and wall tyriur . 8-1•;:?-sIef7ox 1;011 periodical visit to the posei !tolling I up the Thames for Charity the Navy lowed to, and one night he committed 1 the floe 1. A male from a good ..lae -1 his own account.. It WAS many inontas i who, . in turn, entrusted her to Com- enieide by:cutting his throet. Ile had 1 ing strain and eepecially from a .ieledeird . before he had laid by enoue,h from lee i modore Hubert Lynee, C.141.0., and, been un the work for some months. la a" mother wiel do marc to i t earnings to 3)011 10,0 and outfit a lug- t 0111.11 more s.le 1 pieked her way be - Before be committed suicide he wrote a latter to his wife, but Ws were not allowed to see the letter. band of ,vengeance would rise against shi in fair weather with perhaps no the foul thing that was in their midst. raorPe than eighty men is changed by Men ho swore as he 111111 us any , _ - the advent of storm into a difficult that they were sick of the whe',P, I saw stern Highlead faces, facee of that the average egg produetion on . : faSchiating bueiness, It lures the builaing, it wasthecustom to select t which le now immartal, gamy very operatiom Her huge envelope • 11 free .anny business. and once they were When we take into • consideration , Pearl fiehing, as it is milled, im a years ago, whemmethe Vindictive -wee that great Hignland . diviegge i typical 'Mach -comber to de 41115 of a ship's name from the sigma book. I white, and hard as tine wonderful pro- eurface for the wind to phis', upon, out of it Would- take were pewee to the Canadian farm is 75 or 80 eggs ' per hen and when well managed flocks I Damien" that ofttimes have come to They simply received a name which1 cession weed. On every side ono average 120 to 1130 eggs and Mai- I a full realization. Finales; valuable hail already belonged to a warship of could hear a, mutttered curse at the • is going to mance difficult handful for the landing -parte-. Out across the darkening folds 13 crowd of four hundred meet or more run. In obedience to a suceession of tomo a ve y itcen e. eo victual hene even go higher than 300 pearls- ie to these men the fulfilment the cruiser staWeed out with her rath- eggs in the 12 months, it looks as ee a gambler's ehanee. At Broome, nation who had committed this cow- ardly crime, awl human nature cried out in wild indignation that this must tee ii 51000, , gateg • , . best. They should be from a good ; belay any ether spot upcm the coasts • She carried she four -Inch guile and I • -____-_____0-----. laying strain. They should lie from ' of the seven seas. To bring ap pearls! it of 4.7-ineh the latter of which.' pReemeak] TIMEKEEPERS good healthy parentage mid for win- ! ethyl the depth of the ocean that t were , eftorwards replaced by 6 -inch ter egg production, pullets only -and may enable theta to indulge In that 1 f;11,..... .1 en t.....O0 eae was not a sue- , eueemieue methods rime by A n c i en 1 s ne• lev el -i -I early pullets should be kept. In an I luxurious lila of ease that so forcibly. ease anti was finally sent •to the Dock- ' to Kee Track of the Houre. experiment conducted at one of the : appeals to the indolent nature is the 'Yards Reserve at, Chatham. From P .. ' The philosopher will tell you that in reality there is n0. such thing as time -that whet we mean b•e time is merely the decay of thingee It is WO Branch Experimental Farms where t highest ambition of many oe these 101-- lee ea- en, to oe is aforlore hope fleet" made up of Alpe four different ages of birds were In ! men, In rare instances the else to i which through ago or other causes competition for winter egg produce ' for -Lune in this manner has made a I tion it was food that early pullets 1 new man of a member of this riff-raff were of little me. • 7 ...., . . 1111 111I (and other things with tua that piss, produced eggs at an average cost of i ee humanity. ono short'1 1510111- gslie inot 151'acle herself' 'ine- I riot time. 16.7 cents, late pullets 28.2 cots, I. . ' On the occasion of a visit which the two-year old hens 95.1 cents, three- I five bincee:titil, mei no prouder name eau ever I Neveetheless, in the conduct of our year old hens $8.76 per dozen, Figures 1 writer made to Broome nearly pointed out to . , italiin any ship in the British Navy. 1 sublunary affairs, we are obliged' to somewhat similar to those could be I years ago there Was T1M pent at Zeebrugge made establish an empirical arrangement of procured in larger quantities. The me a case of this kind. Ile WEIS 11 41011, whose life's history previous to hie , . the- Viinglelicstive so famous that Shea hours and day (having relation to remand to be shown on the ' certain astronomical phenomena, and early pullet is the only bird that 1 advent in Broome was a sealed book ; eneeemi,n. should be kept for winter egg pro- 1.-ao,ratt soonInich a head, for char- in articular to the revolution of the so far as he made himeelf known to it auction, awl it is the winter eggs that u.nrake y the Navy, uninten- earth on its axis) .that is a business pay. A dozen of eggs at Christmas I the people of that place. Ile had tiocilla.,h.,vevi [ed a lot of smith:lent and social necessity. drifted in there like jetsam thrown: liata` 'ndactive's history and is worth tAVO 01: three dozen in lelo.y I For keeping teaek of thee hours WO or ;rune. Early pullets. mean early up be- the restless tido. Ile was a I eee.e..eti,', .with all the glory use clocks and watches. Boa of beach -comber in all that the torni' taar 0":11:1 Ar taal possibly support. -course; these are relatively modern eggs and early chicks in the spring, ' implies. His feet wero unshod and . The Nay; ItiPeueria 'abide of course, mewls early pullets • ed to "think it over" inventions. Modern, that is to say, in the fall. As a rule, the pullets that; his clothes in rags. Ile shifted around I when the.ehaWity scheme was mention- if we limit the terxn "clock" to a from one job to another until be was i 0.a. - Tile a .. lay earliest are the best layers so that , eieu t WIIS that the Vindie- piece of mechanism with a dial -face taken on as 0 member of 0 • a every pullet tht lays before Christmas ! 0110117 crew of a pearl lugger. It was a I ;live. wog a lawca to eamplete , the and bande. should be marked. They re your best ' , e emu:, woric commenced on St In •a broader sense of the word . life that seemed to suit him admirabe Cam. e" Hey but whi-h- lacked just there were clocks in very early theme!, Sonte of them, like the water -clock ro "clepsydra." were most ingenious. Title even in the days of King Arthur the time-reeping candle, marked off in sections to halicate the hours as it burned, eves een common .aise -in return, came back aftei• they had been discharged to join the men who con- sider there lucky, and ere still wear- ing their hatred of "the game." Perfect in Comparison. Partly, of course. it is a :4e11SP if sheep orders, the men form up in a long line, two deem directly facing the duty, but it is not ouly that. One looks back to tbe "good times" one MIN, strong wield; This position of the men enables the crew of the air- bas had in France, There are the "mate -ships" that have been aormea, ship to Mimi, the direction of their worg enemy -the wind -and to man- drawn closer by the constant prox- imity of shared clanger. Brutally oeuvre accordingly. Preparations completed, . all ee-es shattered in many caees, a sem- oe that friendship still linger:, with a are anxiously directed to the line of hills eastward, and amidse A thorue feeling that loyalty to the memory of of "There she is!" and Now, look the slaughtered mates demands a con- tinuation of the eervice in the cause out! Here • she -conies!" the pale nose • of the ship Call be seen mem over the crest of the hills. Hang on Leke Death! Now, attached to the car of the ship is a long, neatly -coiled length of rope, known as the "trail-ropm" This rope is thick and sarong, and when in which they dime There is the memora • of the try, ntendous enjoyment of little thinga that in ordinary life would be but drab comniceeplaces; lent in France, by comparison with previouely-berne die- careforts or hardships, seem to con- tain the germs of •eeetasy. the ship has manoeuvred as low as One recalls how the ruin stirred the. possible over the -heads of the land- . veins after "stand -to" oo a cold, bit- ing' -party, engines engines are shut off and ter morning, when Fritz bad been the coil isa-eleasere. to come bounding expected every minute, buteilhad done rind leaping through the air, unwind- ing heed in its progress. This opera- far worse than attack -had had our nervee edge with expeetancy; the tion Is not a pleasant one for the luxury „,„in food em „tee, unary landing -party, who, while baying to nightie; tho comfort of warm billet:4 stand firm in their ranks, watch the heevy coil' of -rope boundleg down with dean straw after sleeping in the rain; or the genre feeling upon re - from above, to hit the ground with -crash after narrowly miseing some- treat into a deep dug -out, after ex- poeure in a badly shelled area; the one's head. delightful anticipations of velief from A shout goes up, and mad gam. the line, and afterwarasethe intense pedo for the' t"aili"ta 10130- ensues In enjoyment of everything associated,- ordee to stay the progress of the ship ere the gets under the •influence of with it -the wash -end beneh. up, shave and deem --clothes, the breakfast M safety after the march -out, the Me- ury of sleeping in and getting for tee whole of the first day "out" -the memory of all these things coma, back. And then there are the 0,7^ England. the wind. Too late! She has broeen up the laying quality o . the oc . , ,er of his own. But tine was finally This. sort of candle as doubtless of rieemy from her lendineeparty, ancl the, any other ,one thing. Don't ese then , l'accom liehed and he. set forth on his hend a smoke co•rtain, to Ostend. The . of considerable antiquity, was the theaeir, Two men ma lifted off their very ancient oreein. , Less old, thout:b. rope's ena is mew ai hundred feet lit for laying marposes cockerels whoee Germans, as soon as they realized lmr I lamp, 'placed on a standard with glass feet and taken up in the eir, but, ,lrst foPrtuneeliuntina expedition. What , ' hap -maid •Im him has hapPened to I .. , r 1 d• peeienees and jollifications an the dirree V011 know nothing about, , - appreach, greeted her with the best - reeeteiee - havina the sense to leave bold, eave Better pay a good price and get a I \coil, of their most powerful batter- of a i'tV.V feet. The ship " . eicii. Between the r;andbanits Which r eated the elapsing of hoes by the 0.111Y a aroP French villeges-the mere abandon of falling level of the 0,-3 111.1211bOted has broken Away feorn her landing- happiness in the . tamportity milt:nee Would Not Allow Exchange. • A private of the Weet Yorks teas emod lard. . molluske lie obtained a yield of pearl:. , ! guarded the harbor she slipped along I eaude to werk while in a very bad ----ea- --• seale .showing the thne. i ,,,.ai,eosd taita,reve,i-0411]-1:alli Ifitlii10,„4000. tiIII.I'i until at last see. reached the spot 1 6 tate and list his mind ne a conse- "THUG" AN INDIAN WORD I 1011.'. '-e" 31' '1 ' 11 ' e‘ • of.° 'at ,t1'0 11 ,1 10 1, -,Sell in eerier totit ft e No two candles can bo made exactly ; lugeoes and at the time of my visit '- - a ` ' 13 • 1 - alike, 01. will burn at precisely the imenee rif h6, tree -tenet. Ile was put — feat ' e touch n St C- re,' 1). - Iturlyard Kipling Tells Story of 00- - he was preparing to embark in pearl u ' line ' ''' " ' .' "0 (--1 9 4' same rate. The tune-eamp was more . - And then, Ito ir, a earned her own A4.:, but wae then sent back to the - 1",01.1ends,,,, '.0011 115 i..,:::,,,,.,,,,,,e1,.01101ge. leeee awl ordered to work by the Min ,, Assaseination and Robbery, I fishing in the Persian Gulf, wince , ..„ _ . , _,_ _.o. , ,,,,_ e. 1 ,e accurate, yet liable to eppreciable . ta,oapdeSt110OulactbS:g I Ice meet to the wettil7 at Brieime , e' 1 eli. eine rine. ee otavy vitn error. Even the hourglass -surely oue eito ..1raildenburg Asylum for three f , amen lector. The 11 ndei -ofacer, :10WEWCT. JUi,.I he was too ill and told bim to lie in bed. In a few (Jaye he 4 I.L0c;ri alto hospital. A Russian .1.nctor at the hospital asked for him i•e be exebangea to England at once, awl told the German doctor that he muld net live more. than a month. The, Ceernan doctor would not hear ef hie beleg exchanged, and said he WaS 41 1 l'101t. He died two weeks afree Site. many others. •In his first haul of party. Doeyn below, while the -officer from the strain of war, and sergeants curse, the rank,: eve The Mart Who Hates, la eeformed. The officee swings wend to the men 01 comae, it needed an amount; of misery to ethphaeize these enjoymente until they good out SS moments el great happiness' but there is gals - faction in recalling the cimerful eta durance of rnieery and the quelling of fear -the things which rause paper corespondents to Bay, "Oee men aro exeeediegly cheerful," or "The one thing they desire in anoper time we bold her, and, dragging the go at the Hun." There WM: SatIgli.O. rope te gigantic Inellev-blocle in the tion, also, in making the deeive eeem • . in the matter el' ribunclueee rend glee_ ' , . . -, .. :. , • • oe the cleverest inventionsrea on- on like &Atm" •,,.. -. ,-1,.• ,o01- eac where F.aie Wag The word ',fettle has an interest- I rill' '— us from India. In a recent address 1-- ° ' ea ' , 11 11 ''''' " • slfitli "er 3-rt"st her 1 tiquity, and still in use at the pees- Once again the Alp, buffeted and in England Rudyard Kipling told the i White Labor Employed. : Twain can be givrei than was_paid by : rtallant commaname, and no bighea Oat d".--WaS • nearly alwaye at bit beatena drives her nose into the wind, ing historical origin and conies to . ,, , te f the Er.0tR story 150 10110118 Distances are el' 01 4! moment to • in the simpletreente: "He placed his , et„, "off." Peeliaps, howeaer, the ancients and dips. A few eini!de of rope trail "Once upon a time, a hundred years mcn of affair, of the rinttpaleo A - did not .feel oblig•ed to recaon min- swiftly along the grotind, W.ith a his seperior, wlio (.xpregsad volumes ago, there WaS a large and highly few months aftwe my viett t. Breorne - eisiP Just whey', 1ta ea"nied It t° he.' ; do, ' • (mite so Closely ae we moderns shout end another marl rush, we pile rim:selves onto the rope. 11 thee organized community in India who I came aeroes thie rew r,r,%:d miaa , 1) 11011014011 of iroa lived by assassination and robbery. Bonaire at the Taj eleeel !Tete! in ;he Ana& Ceosses. . They were educated to it from their Bombay, He wee retereae, leer,. an Best He Caul& Do. infancy; they followed it as a pro- inyeetigation of the T.,..ar :7.....:.try ]n One of the meet: gallant dame', tells . It WAS leather's biethday, awl her eeeemee. alma, iiiiin all Australian I however, to give her a present. Unfortunately, small son, Bobby, was very anxious the recent lioliaaYs at f , ' , and it WaS also their religion. tee Persian (lithe wherie- ei, ene :-.- me, says a writer in the London 1 Arother lamal Navia Division man They were called thugs. Their method vested in a fleet, tif 3•,t,,;,t .;; ,,,,,..;,,, • ,, th selVe'i OS pile *11 p rilume.e .r ..', ,, , r • ,,,, . • . •ea,wien had it seay interlude during I somewhat depleted the change in }bob - has eteteil an oath that while working w e, - . are eeeent operetions iii which they in the 1165nli. line on the German -Ruse grilles or travellers 0)? au.ereeants., and wealth of Auetralie •eeieet-; a, ,, Sten front near Edelen, in February to join with parties of pdgrime, trav- some years aw, vre,i;,.• ....,•:'... .;.;:.:, ,:.,... . ",..', eeeerely drubbed "Jerry." They wed efiteele 1 51 7, forty pristmere died ellers and merchants inevirge about ployment of Asixt:- 1544,141, ,,.!A .,1•.. :.'..,.1.,.,' a German Genoral'e hand - 01 L'.',' 1111?'. "The genre's." he save, India, They got into the confidence •laborers in that f:'„ ',..n%_,-; ,„1,-. -,-,,,.,,,. .,:.,;:•.n.,,., und found there, among ehad orlers that if they were seen of their aietims, found out what they divers and other ',;,:',?' :,ff,t,, '1. ,,. ..,,,,,.•.. '.....! 1.1- ,,,, ,4'5)!f (1, a box of brand new treating a pelsoner liodeneler .they had on them, and in due time -after industry eit Broome •orae lea ee,,, 4 •... ,''!. '74,,:,.7:(•3 ready for issue to the n'ould bo 11 111 • to the firing line for weeks or -menthe of aequaintence- ee ,. ty. r 111 1, ' „, ..:. ,...,,,, ;':7. ,:.. 'L5)-' Arr4k(T. rose to the oe- a forteigla. The tent wt' lived in was they killed them by giving them poi:r- ebelled ematently. When we were out • oned foods-eweetreeats for choice -e- at work eve have seen the ehelle 'West. or by strangliva them from leihind, as log in and around the tent, awl it they sat over the fire of an eveninee . ... 1,„1„a me, a eepper pot aftemeard.• with a knotted towelor ti sp ,' •isiiIY • There 117,i15 An old.hare neer the tent, prepared piece of rope, 11107 then the Asiatic and Japatelai were ,,yd. .;m4,•., 1. rel thi elormitne had e inaeldne gun 'gripped the corpse of all valuables, eeee &pawl, who ,aee, me. (Arriqd were employed iT1 1.0..; - 07,-1 0'; Y00n as they got a few fleets. For a 01511 it, wee: "br,,,I,'h(fr" they hem an in_ the new Lew would deetrey ee ,-ewee t‘: their Own aectord, The try, but no altempt wee, tng,1 tx, cm. 5, tee earet a then, heel force the act until lel 1, "o er en :ten eimet edernely pinned to his , ie it. mil :hiring one night they taayed threw it down a well or burled it, ovar ter tent just to chow us what and went on to the Yield job. they voila do to us. The top of the "At last things got ea bad that the Lent twee Aye eiddled. Government of India had to inter- • nogging of Prisoners. • •• fere. Like all Governments, it ere, aced a department -the department Another member of the Royal Nav- of thuggee-to deal with the shun-. al Division who was e°,1)tOred • On 11011, bitiliko 11141.31 dePartMent,S, this lamed the steamship Prinz Hendrik 1 depurtment vi:ler:a well, and after while, galog on leave from an •intern- male yours of traelrieg down and moat crimp ip Holland to Eaglande hanging up the actual murderers, awl • describes the fioggiere of prisoners era imprierming their spies and cone • sorted to at Cassel between May and i federates, who inolteled all ranks of August, 1917. society, it put an end to the whole After' detailing his own partieulaT leusitwss t theggeoa out and whit:Orin:1 won:: wept -eyed it. their placnt itt dieere and i5, all ether capacities connected with the indue- try, There was little if any falling off in the bueineee on atowent of On some a the islands lying Lo , he north itiidat of Australia, inhabit- ed by natives who still practice can - tillage, gores of valuable pearly are not infrequently :found by daring white tradere, even to this day. Na - levee often. part with their collections of gems in exchange for mero trifles, riareteulaeler for thin& that they asn leferdfuia Then it Wali Ito who gave me all - Hie joy, Ills 'Tight, Itis song, His treasure, Awl I went forth, in feast and brawl; Spent all, and in all found no pleasure. Now it is 1 who give Him all -- Tho coward Mint that could not give • 1110. I turn; but back He doll me call, And glace MI more than first He P.41.`17A 111(1.,% • by's pocketbook. "I say, mother," he asked, "would my drawing slate be •of any use to charged and could 'have reeled en you?" around, begin to had down oneleuge A Tieldisla Hnsiness, Our last operation to got the ship into the shed without damage le a dangerous one both for men and ship. °Man the guys!" annes tho order, and aopes are reeved at right angles to the envelope about 'COM` COI -tido reel! So from the drebncee rf ordinary eeistence the men go back. There are thousandof disehavged Men who went hack with .the forces agate; nee quite a manber of the reinfoeconamte coming ramie from .Aus-tralle, •ehetio enlistraene'is needy volunthey, are returned men who have been dila - of these we aeci able to control her their laurele they had wished h. regulae intervals,. end by means "No, deariT-don't think it would," when on the ground. Moaned,. , It 'Would seem Suet it le the mew she replied with a smile. Ile a "Well, do you think you would like • „mw, i:aea p ,W.1e100 IlaaristiSInleeeve:fstielelYn t‘vVilZtafiteli sW re siup tertina the .. to have my tin steamboat?" " 111 1!1o. No, than.k you, my little manee.ear, to prevent . A • drivin • into the, '1 h e lama, "wee, who was really keen upon 11101 1115 answered mother. "I say, mother," as a happy thought the ship killt,n-i!" WC IlOaT uPct. and struck him, "I'll tell you what I'll do, then a start is made for the :died, I'll take a dose of eager oil f or you Frequently there 111 e halt, endevery- one healing on Spelt, eve wait foe the gnat to die alown, Under ten ear the men have a sweating time. We are now approaching the gloat where the final tussle takes piece. Our task is to prevent the envelope from crashing against the sides of the shed nn entering, the "car•men" meantime striving their best to stop the thip from flattening on the ground. We halt before the yawning mouth of the shed, and again bang on until the blast gives mom "Now, boys," there is a shout, "Tun ectk salt, some of -which is as clear I her In!" It is a MSG of neer or no- es evade". thing, without; crying,' Mountain of Salt Crystal. Palestine 'memos a remarkable Si'.', mountain situated at the south owl of the Dead Sea. The length of the ridge is six miles, with an aver. age width of three,.quarters of a mile, and the height is 110t lar from six hundred feet. There t1,170 places where the overlying oath deposits ere mealy feet in thiekness, but the as of the 'mountain is composed of eoliel the lent, 'Pe Denim) Natural Reeources. The Greater Winnipeg Water Dis. trict is planning to develop its own resources and an immediate survey of these will be made. ITevotofore, has been the mediae to appeove of permits to peewee parties to cot, time bar in the District, It is oxpe.q.,:d that large quantities of ceder punts and poles, pulpwood and other limber will be eat end Marketed under the new plan. The eosultinee traria: will Oleo 'Uinta pay the running eXpemies of the construction railway • which cog over, )1,000000' to Maid and Well it 13 now hoped to inekeeptetne Anent. Y