The Brussels Post, 1918-11-28, Page 1VOL. 47 /170, 22 Per A Minn; in A dva nee
- • • - • ."
28. 1918
" 0111 11111101.11..11.01.1110.1/180. 11 111 11 1111. Ma 111
rik Here
Just mail your cheques to us—
we deposit them to your credit
and send you a prompt acknow-
If you need cash we cash your cheques
by mail, too, sending you the money in a
registered letter.
We understand the farmer's problems
and gladly assist him in every way possible.
We will welcome your account.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up capital 8 8,000,000
Reserve Fund 12,000,000
Resources 100,000,000
Brussels 'Branch
New Advertisements
Lost—Dr. Vane.
New books—Jas. Pox.
Par sale—Joim Grant.
Por sale—W, P, Stratton.
Cows for sale—Armen Lowe,
00 mud. lost —Wm, Thompson.
Hay for sale—G.A. Deadman.
Anotion sale—Cereal Verheye.
Wanted—Farmers' Fertilizer Co.
Piga for sole—Crawford Strachan.
Double your pay—Central Business College.
A. number of frieuds presented W.
Somerville, agent of the G. N. W.
Telegraph Company last week with a
handsome gold headed oane, bearing
an appropriate "Victory" insceiption,
as an appreciation of the bnlietin
service furnished by him during the
The annual Thank-offeeing meeting
of the Womenat Missionary Society
was held in the fleet Presbyterian
church, Thersday afternoon. Ad.
dress, given by Mis. Grigg,. of Bur
mah, India, wilt) is vieitiug friends
here, was listened to with tnneh
tei'eslO by a large am:liana% Offertory
amounted to $222, Me, and Mos.
Grigg were assigned to duty in France
and are now in Canada on furlongh.
Mrs. Wm, Lowry is visiting her
claitgh ter, Mrs. W, Nichol, Teenton,
Nes, Jno. Coats, &Blarney, is visit -
hag her daughter, Mrs, H. Lowry.
Miss Blanche Iewin "Tent to few
clays last week with Wingham feiends.
Mrs. R. E, Jackson,Witigham, visit-
ed her parents, Wm, arid Mee.
last week,
The Presbyterians Sunday School
has begun to practice for the ()heist-
mas Tree entertainment.
Mrs, Geo. Bremner left on Friday
to spend the Winter with her daught-
er M1'8. Carmichael, of North Bay.
The Presbyterian manse is about
finiehed, It is a fine structure,
*We hope Rev. Mr. Sinclair and family
will enjoy its nomforts.
Wm. Tremble has sold his 100 acre
farm, 1711 Cone Howick, lo W, B,
Edwards. We tin not know what
Mr. Tremble Intends doing.
Rev, A. A, Laing. of Beitansville,
is expected to officiate, in Knox
chinch next Stanchly morning,
Partners' Club is expecting a ecor Of
soft mat for their members. They un-
loaded a car of shorts this week,
Friday afternoon Mrs. (Rev.) Mann,
of Brussels will give an addeese at the
W. M. 5. Thankmffering service of
Knox Ohurch. She Is a good speakei.
and is President of Maitland Peesby-
A busy season has just closed with
George Siernon's cider mill. 'Median
Wonder when George is sura a good
haml at cider throb he makes e(0d) slow
progress getting side -het ancl still
tiontennetlane bachelor ways. Ghee I
who is to Mame
Falterers' OLTIB,—WednOSday even-
ing of host week the Ceanbrook Farm -
eta' Club met with President It
L. McDonald in the altuir. Addresses
were given by Peesident lialbeet, of
the U.sts. O. and Manager Biatchfued,
of the 0o -operative Compatty, The
following delegates will attend the
Annual Convention of the 'United
Peewees of Ontario, ea Toil:Into, on
December 1(3-18 .-11, L. "McDonald,
Ftlitoe, Roht. Mt:Taggart, in°,
MoNab, 3no, Shiele, Joe McKay,
There are up weeds of 1,80-membere be—
longing to Cronbronk Olub. The co-
operative shipment of liege will be
undeotaketa Thustalay being the day
of shipping from Ethel when ears are
available. McNaught station on the
C. P. R. may (0180 be a chinning point
if Mattes are put in for loading. Ed,
Fulton, See.-'1'seas., will look "Mee the
shipping, which will be cm the f. 0. b.
Next Monday a meeting of Oran-
broolc and Ethel Presbyterian con-
gregations will be held here to consid-
er to call to a new paatoe. Rev. A., J,
Mann, Brussels, will preside as interim,
Representatives from KDOX cloned"
were at Wingham Wednesday attend-
ing a special meeting of Presbytery in
considering the Forward movement.
The Gramm family, consisting of
Jno, and ;Jacob and Misses Annie and
Eliza purpose removing to Galt where
they will make their home. Good
wishes will accompany hem, Ibis a
good ninny years since the late Jacob
Gramm firstilocated here,
An addition of 1843 feet has been
added to the front of Harry Keys'
house on his farm. It will be veneer-
ed next year. Mr. Keys has also put
cement flooring in his stables and also
a system of waterworks. - He is de-
termined to have everything neat
oral handy. We commend him for It.
Council met Monday.
Jimmy Jackson is back from a, trip
to the West:
A few weddings are programmed for
the next two months,
Several cases of influenza in the
township but all improving, we are
glad to hear.
Nurse Ferguson, who has been very
diligent in caring for others, has been
ill herself bot is improving nieely.
- Mantua and Mrs. Jackson, Sth line,
have been on the sick list but miasma
they will soon be as hearty as ever.
Among those who attended the
lammed of the late Mrs. Donald. Currie
were Mrs. Arnold and Mrs. Bayne,
Hamilton ;. Geo. Kennedy and Wil-
frid Oumbetland, Listowel ; Mee, W.
Williamson and Miss Margaret and
Murray and Miss Wilson, Winghate.
We are sotry to hear that Mrs.
George McOall sr„ Sth line, has been
stricken with a stroke of paralysis,
affecting her rightside and her speech.
She is about 71 years of age and a
fine o'd lady whom we hope vill some
allow impeovements Mr. McCall has
been an invalid for years. He is in
the eighties,
Miss Violet Anderson, eldest
daughter of Jas, and Mrs, Anderson;
5th line, Monett, was operated on last
Iselilay at the Wingham hospital for
appendicitis. She is getting along
incely. 'Violet had been attending the.
Brussels Continuation soline1 up to
the Wetinescley night before her
operation. We hope she will anon be
att well tos,eveis
Nor111 Huron bye Election conies off
next Mouday with the 8 candidates fir
the flehl, making it a difficult problem
to cipher out as to the winner, IF
Morels will give Reeve W. H. Fraser
200 of a majority it tvill help him
welt° AL P. P. after his name. Some
say he will win by.a big nount but the
way to get there is by the record of
the ballot boxes.
Oora Butgoseas.—Last Saturday 8
pip' about 0000113118 old were market -
eel by Robb, Soott, 0111 line, at 131,119 -
seat. They weighed 700 pounds, end
ab $17 50 netted $122.50. The pigs
were the property of errs, and Miss
Scott who fed 4 but reserved one for
the family table, This is 1(0 new
venture for these ladies ancl ehould
encourage ahem to get busy in the
badness of helping supply tiro world's
MoOneogree—Wasstatasas—A qtoieb
wedding took place on Thursday, of
last week, at StS John's Anglican
elitiech, West Tolman when Miss Ida
eba, third daughter of W. ti. and
ire. Weneley, Oollingwood, wee un-
ited in maeriage to John Flemieg Mc-
Chaelten, 15. D., of nagersville, late
of the O. A. 111, 0,, teranee, Rev.
(Major) Re McNamara officiating. Dr.
and Mts. McCracken, aftee a short
trip, will live in Itagersville. Cott-
grattdations, The groom is 0. een of
VV.'''. and Mes. McCracken, 4th line,
Dna is well known here.
11111111' flitay J. Wilson, retitled
England on Oa. 1811, going with the
Canadian Tank twit. He 11.01113D3
nhaUt 800 other e 111 wi al 1111110'DM
011 thiphoard, 38 being consigned to
the deep Garry 3988 /I/ 010(4100mm
hospital, when %whims whet e he watt
receiving splendid trPatment,
FlY2I2 YOUNI; LADY 11(09
entry to 10.1)01 30 the decease ((1 1(11803
Elizabeth, seeond daughter or Po vr
and Mrs, Jeektom, Tisdale, Sask.,
fornteely of Ude township. She pas -
sea away last Malay, in her 21st year.
Mise Jackson was a school teachm and
when bee tehool was tensed, on an-
emia of the influenaa epidemic, !she
volunteered to rendre' much needed
help in nnesing the sick, She con -
teamed the disease and passed away
aftee an illness of 2 weeks, This is the
(181. 11(11931) in a family of 11 children.
She virtually yielded up her life to
save others and will long be lean -lat-
hered for the supreme sameness The
bereaved will share largely in the
sympathy of old Mends,
Erereneem item REM—About 3
o'clock last Friday morning the Spirit
of Elvin, Blackburn, widow of the hole
Donald Currie paesed away to the
Great Beyond, in her 00th year. Hite
was conscious to timely the cloue,
Deceased was boon in lreltuod and
came to Canute in her youth, locating
in Galt viol nits,. About 111 years ago
she was united in marriage to Donald
Currie and they came to Morris town-
ship taking up 100 acres, Smith Lot
28, Con. 4, then a bush farm. By in-
dustry and thrift the land was tinned
into fruittul ileitis and is °still in 3)05'
805910(1 of the fatuity. Mr. Ourtie
died 28 years agn. ft will be up to-
wards 00 yours since Mr, and Mrs.
Ourrie atrived on the 4111 line. The
sifeviving children are aa foliowe :—
Sohn, Maiastone, Sask; ; Nelson,
Young, Sask. ; Robert on the home-
stead ; Mesdames Jno. Bayne and N.
Arnold, Hamilton ; Mrs. Al beet,
Crooks and Miss, Martha 000710, Mor-
ris, There are 18 grandchildren and
7 great grand children. Funeral took
place Monday afternoon to Brussels
cemetery, Rev. A. 3, Mann, deceased's
pastor conducting the service. Pall -
beavers were Jas. and Harvey Bryant,
L. Armstrong, F Duncan, Chas.
Davis and Jno. Work, Mrs, Currie
enjoyed the goodwill 02 (1. large circle
of friends and was a splendid type of
womanhood. She was diligent, neigh-
borly, a good manager, hospitable and
ever ready to do her part. For a
number of yeare she was vets, hail
yet was bright and cheerful. Like a
ripe sheaf 51)8 0080 ready for the heav-
enly gamer.
Oliver' and Mrs. Hemingway and
family visited Jas, and Mrs. McCul-
lough, Teeswater,
Mise Helen Notton, who is training
as 0,110058 at Stratford, was 100(90 101' a
shott vacation during the past week.
Will. and Miss Beth. Hoover arriveol
home last week from an 'enjnytoble
trip with relatives and friends in the
PoNSAGEMENT,—Mr. and Mrs, 100.
Lake announce the engagement ot
their youngest) daughter, Mary Et to
Pte. Lyle S. Hopper, of Morris town-
ship, marriage to take place in De-
Norznan jackson, of Tisdale Sask.,
is visiting relatives in Grey and Mor-
ris. He is a former Alorrisite being a
son of Peter and Mrs. Jackson, form-
erly of the 8th line, Movels. Mrs, T.
Al000k is the visitoe's mint.
CARD OP THANKS,—Ittrs. Robert
alcOutcheen and family wish to thank
their warty Wends and neighbors for
theft, kindness in their sudden bereave,
meet in the loss of a kind husband
and father. Those kind acts will
never be forgotten.
Cadet Harold Patterson, who is
with a Flying corps at Beemsville
camp, is calling on relatives and
Mende, He is a son of Jno, and Mrs.
Patterson, or Oarrievale. Sask,, who
were forum residents of Ibis town-
ship, who went West a number of
years ago. The visitor was born- in
MATRIMONIAU—A pretty ond inter.
estIng event took place on Nov. 20th,
at, Mettle Grove Farm Rhea town-
ship, the home of Alex: and Mrs.
Hied, when their youngest danghter,
Floretme Matilda, 0088 0131105 in mar -
siege to William Itnetwell Speiran, of
Grey toweship, The bride entered
the wipe lerming on the arm of her
father, and the ceremony was pet -
formed by Rev. 3. W. Johnson. Men-
cielsolms wedding march was played
by Miss Myrtle Spelean, 8191:00 of the
groom. Beide was dressed in white
silk crepe -de -aerie and pearls with
slippers to match and retread a sheaf
limpet of chrysanthemums and (11)11)]'
011 hair fern. The groones gift to the
bride was a handsome ennbuest of
pearls And 10 his sister a white ivory
toilet set. While the register was be-
ing signed his sieter played Iltrevetore.
The young couple led the way t1,oeful,1111ye
dining MOM, which was 189
1011)110' in pink and. white and all
partook of a sumptuous wedding din-
ner. Bside's going away suit WU of
taupe silk with shoes to match black
velvet hat and red fox turs. 'Guests
were.present from Atwood, 13tusseht,
Haveiston, Britton and Listowel,'
May many blessings and comforts
come to the home of Mr. and Mee,
Rowe, aloCheretrealote PAesosts
—By the death of Roble W. McOut-
ehoon st•the family eesideene, Con, 1,
the township lost one- of its best
known and most 'highly reseeded
citizens. While not seemuely ill, the
deceased bad been in failing health
for the past few years, and of late ho
suffered from a heavy cold. Despite
all that 000(15 be done for him he
putted peacefolly away fialnrclay
evening, Nov, nth, in his 82nd year.
Me, McOutcheon was both in Ireland,
County Down, but whenlo young Man
firtiesele and Grey township oven a
Victory Honor Flag by attaining a,
higher standard than was set for thein
in the Victory Bond Campaign that
closed on November lath, The totals
09029 1305 follows :—
Is. S. Scott, 1118 subscribers $ 102,080
MeDonald, 02 '. 31,050
A. 11. MaeDonald, 111 " 30,400
Paid to Batiks, 57 " 35,750
The County.Cornmittee set $175,000
as the approxmnote 81(100(18(1.1)5 many
V7000. (101)1009 filtfli it was prohibitive
as 100 89 flag earning was conoerned.
18 111 a. compliment to the 011.11V/18SP113
and alert the subscribes,• Flag is fly-
ing et Ole Brussels postoffice. Above
ant is a representative oetline,
19'. S. Scott obtained the eecond larg-
est emount in the ()minty and was 1st
111 the number of subscribers,
Huron 001101.0' reached and passed
310. goal with total subscriptions of
$3,479,950 to the Victory Loan. Origin-
al objective was $2,750,000, which was
later increased to 53,850,000 and the
large', objective was exceeded by over
The town of Godexieh contributed
5403,850, winning two "crowns" in
addition to its honor flag.
Only 4 canvassing districts the
County failed to reach, Gael!. objective,
These were Oolborne, McKillop, Bust
Wawanosh and West Wawatiosh,
Amounts subseribed in the V01.1004
dietries n
f the C
ounty 10(9(9 0,5 fo1cAshliela ...........................1l2331()
Oolborne 711Goderirli town . 4(85
Goderich township ...... 128,700
Stvaillallaegyetownship and Bayfield
Hay township and Hensel! vil-
Stephen . .. .. . .......... 251860,4853°
Usborne township and Exeter
Tuoketsmith ..... . 12176350°
Grey townsbip aud Brussels 30°335°
vihage 202,250
Hullett township and 0111010(0
Morris township and Blyth
villageEast Wawanosh ..... 111°25°0°
West Wewanosh. ........... 83,800
Turnberry township and
Wingham town ..... ..... 300,000
Howick township and Wroxe-
ter village 207,850
came to Canada, first settling ab 0o-
bourg. He later went to Hamilton
and from there to St. Marys. When
Grey township was known as the
"Queen's bush," he came into it and
by commendable enterprise and ener-
gy he made for himself ancl family a
comfortable home. In 1802 he mar-
ried Elizabeth Stevenson, of Bien -
altars!, to them were born 4 daughters
and 7 sone, of whom the following
survive :—Mrs. Andrew Good, Walk-
erton ; Mrs. Wm, Martin, Listowel ;
Samuel ancl John A. McOutcheon,
Listowel ; and 'Robb. J. AlcOutcheon
on the homestead. Funeral took
place from his late residence Tuesday
afteenoon, interment at Molesworth
cemeteey, Rev, Mr, Bell, of Moles-
worth Presbyterian church, officiated.
0 nephews of deceased were pallbear-
ers. The bereaved family share in
sinceve sympathy in their sorrow,
Another wedding or two are on the
program but cannot give particulars
Rev. Ale. Bentley attended Goderich
District Meeting. at the Nile, last
We wish George and Mrs. Jackson
many yeaes of prosperity and comfort
in their new home on theiio fine farm.
St. George'e church Guild will hold
their annual 13aza8e Thursday, De-
cember 12th, in the A. O. U. W. Hall.
Victory Bonds went with a
swing evened here, ander the diree-
Hon of Jon. McDonuld, who secured
$84,050 from 02,subsoribees, .
Next Sunday afternoon F. H. Gil-
roy, Beussels, win give an address ab
Bethel church in the afternoon and
in the. Methodist olitmeh here in the
evening, The mutter will also be
present. Mr. Fennell will sing a solo
at Walton.
J. H. Young, of Vanarsdal, B. 0.,
in remitting his sithseription to Tun
POST 00r18t.18, under date of Nov. 10 :—
"Tuve POST is always welcome and
reaches here generally on Thursdays.
We have had an abundance of "Fie
at the Coast but our household has
escaped it so far. Weathee is very
Auturritt-like but the Indians predict
a mita Winter. Wishing you all sole -
was 19(101000 my "sub."
welcome news that ever entered mil-
lions of homes was heralded to all
earners of the globe when it was an-
nounced that "World war was over."
Canatle has been exalted through the
deeds and sacrifices of }tunic sons.
Would that we all might celebrate
this glorious victory with the same
degree of enthusiaem, bob to many
the news will recall, with pangs of
sorrow, the departure of those near
and deal. ones who gave their lives
that we might enjoy this lainntpla and
clelivetunce from the threatening
tyranny of the Hun. A. cloud of
sorrow was cast over our village and
stareounditig ocnattey lesidey, Nov,
llith, when the news flashed over the
wire that Pte. Joseph Rowland was
killed in actiorren Nov, 1st, He was
the 015808 800 02 3110, and Mee. Row-
land and was only in his 10t1>
year. Joe was 0.50(10(81 favorite, be -
mg a congeniel, kind hearted, jovial
little ohap, and our sincerest eympa-
thy goes to his heart stricken rela-
(Ayes toed Mends, Re is survived by
his father and mother and 2 brothers,
Normal) and Lewis, Deceased enlise-
ed in Brussels and sailed with the
IfIlab Batt, November of last year.
Wednesday a delegation Prom Duff's
church attended a special meeting
of Presbytery at Wingham,
Regular meeting of the Red Chose
Society will be bold Tuesday after -
n00(1 in the A.. 0. U. 'W. Hall. Lunch
will be served.
Word was receive5 that both Rev.
and Mrs, Chalk, of Dawu Mills, form-
erly of Walton, who were on the sick
list are now better,
Thursday of last week the W. M.
5, of Duff's church Walton was fav-
ored with a fine address by Mrs, (Rev.)
Mann, of Brussels.
Chifdren's service was ecinductes1 in
St. George's church last Sunday after-
noon when Rev, Mr. Smith preached
an appropriate sermon.
The Sacramenb of the Lord's Sup-
per will beheld next Sabbath in Duff's
church at 11 a. DI, Preparatory ser -
vine on Friday at 2.30 p.
DIED 1011 SCOTLAND.—At Illael bo-
rough Avenue Glasgow, Scotland,
James Nisbetb, the only son of .Mrs.
John Niebett died Oct. Met, aged 51
years, On the 25th, 4 days hater, his
mother passed away, aged 89 years.
They were lovely and pleasant in
their lives and in death they
were not divided. Mrs, Nahai t was
the only sister of James &Mine, of
Wal ton.
annual meeting of the Walton 13eef
Ring Was held ae the hotue of Jno.
and Mrs. Bennett Friday evening,
Nov, 28ncl. Jno. Watt, Walton, who
had taken over the butchering for
the ring, as a patriotic duty, when J.
Bell's son was called away by the
Military Deaft, reported dividing
18882 lbs. of beef to 4S patrons, The
82 beeves averaged 448 lbs, each.
$105,48 was exchanged to settle ac-
counts with each other and everyone
was settled and every ticket taken
for the coining season which was
ample proof of the satisfaction Mr.
Watt had given. Wm, Murray was
appointed Sem:Okay instead of Jae,
McFadzeati, who has filled the post
splendidly since the beef ring began,
owitig to his leaving the community,
having sold his farm. He will be
geerttly missed, The alio., Offi0P1'S
were ee-elected, viz :—Jno. Saltine,
Chairman with Jno, Bennett, Jas.
Lawson, W01. Natal) managing com-
mittee ; 3.13ennett and D. Johnston,
inspectors whose duties were light.
M1'. 11/101 Mrs. Bonnett were tendered a
hearty vote of thanks for their court-
esy and kindness and obliging man-
ner to the p810008 830 all times. Wal-
ton Beef ring le a well managed con -
Last Sabbath a very large oongre.
gallon assembled in Duff's church,
Walton, at the morning service when
a special memorial service in bonne
our fallen heroes, Ptes. Thos. Sullivan,
Nelson Davidson, who paid the su.
peeme socrifice, ho the last victorious
drive, also in honor of Pie, 30110
Kithconnell, reported missing,
Ohnrch was apt-wept:lately draped
With flags and buntitig. Choir led in
a solemn eoinfoeting service of praise,
the ladies singing an anthem and john
11,1cArtlinr a choice solo, "Ife wipes
the tears from every eye." The pas-
tor took for his theme, Rev. 0:0, "I
SAW under the altar, the souls of them
that were slain for the word of God
and for the testimony which they
held," The sermon wee full of 11i
'tote of Thanksgiving to Almighty
Goa for Victory and Peace and of
deep and tender geatitude to the
imy for I !wit. loyalty neat
1" '0 would's Liberty nod
1 !ip h eta 1141.112418t "Dead Mat cit iu
S1.441" WM played by the organist,
while 0144 ettegregallon stood with
bowed heads. The 01)1(91111) reverent
eerviee plotted with tilt: N811011R1
All 1111,11.1.
.A1.131.00` 81014110' Rewire Dale 0.—
Tht. roopli. of LION lotadit y, will deeply
1.141 P, 1,, 1.,U.11 of the death of Alhort
gidiley I ewil I., Who to:eh:led
Wrn. linevh1,1 with the faint work on
the 139 11 Con. foleKillop, 2 yeats ago
;ant up tin. Pt Must y ['Xiang of the
y,.ar talrn of Iliti istiAhtaliRt
,•linrefh, o. Oraik, Beet,
es he oyes (momently ealled, beard tin-
e ef his et:teary and humanity
while leherieg its 11 local aSsieLan on
01 ('10(90 11 in Essex I'0)11111y,
int however dearly he loved his work
in the Muster's 9100yard, yet he felt
(1111Y -hound along with whet, young
neuthood of Canada and oir,irad 11101.
.41' in 1 he infantry, training at Lon -
11011. N.,1 min; after enlisting lie was
prowl,1 oil to 1110 rank or 0o/1,0E1d and
94a4 "1 ('('10(911 an efficient offieer.
Then it ova. that the mil came for
volunteer. fin. API.Viet? in Siberia and
throwing aide his entemission he
signed on with that Battalion and
was on hi. way to that dietant post
w hen i [Monza overtook Iiim and
phoetel in a 110(31(1(001 111 British (4)01(100'
Ilia, the dreaded disease plucked out
the ardent Ill'e on Oct. 31s1. Belt was
a young men of stirling 011(0081130.1 (0))]
noble ambition and had he been spar,
eft a blight future awaited him but
the Mitetee (9101105 1)100 to a life of high-
er serviee. While we regret 11111 DO.
timely death we cherish the memory
of his manly Christian endeavors on
1.1119 Walton circuit, both in chuseh
service and Sabbath School. The re -
m001115 were brought home to the stir -
rowing family and laid to rest in the
Kitchener cemetery. A rich profne-
ion of flowers and the many expres-
sions of sympathy were tokens of the
respect of which the deep:vied was
held both in civilian and military
Geo, Pollard and Wilfred Eckmier
have gone to work in the G. T. R,
shops, Stratford,
Neil and Mrs. McDonald, Acton,
spent Sunday with former's brother,
1110 McDonald, Ethel,
Miss Lizzie Hall left for Toronto on
Tuesday, where she intends to spend.
tit ee Winter months vvith friends in
The service in the Presbyterian
church next Sunday afternoon will
be in charge of Rev. A. A. Laing, of
The Farmers' Club are again mobil-
izing ancl intend to ship a load of
stook this week. They will require to
concentrate their forces to down
The nembers of the Wonten's In -
slime packed anti fomented 22
Cheistmas boxes to one boys overseas,
recently, valued 81. 54.00 apiece. Mrs,
Ferguson still has a qnantely of yarn
foe knitting socks for the soldiers.
The boys still need socks.
The good news has been received
that Tom 'Welsh, son 02 11)0 late Geo,
formerly of this locality, who
has been a prisoner in Austria, has
been granted his release and is ex-
pected home shortly. He was study-
ing the (landau language there with
the purpase of furthering his work in
the Alaimo]) field. His home is in the
goodly number of the Presbyterian
nongregation gathered at the home of
Mrs. George Keauter, Thursday even-
ing of last week, toes:tend congratula-
tions to J. and Mrs. Nicholson, who
had. recently returned from their
wedding trip and. presettt Mrs. Nichol -
800 Set Of 811r consisting of
knives, forks and spoons, Mrs.
Nicholson has been a faithful leader
of the choir for many years and ap-
preciation of her services was mans -
rested Thurerlay evening. Mrs, A. H.
alettonalu read the following address
and Mrs. W. 0. Stevenson presented
the silver :—
To Mate. NionoLsox,—We, the mem-
berg of the congregation of Ethel
Presbyterian church, have met this
evening as an evidence of OUP recogni-
tion of your services in the nateieel
and Other work of the church. 117e
cen assure you these seevices not
the hese appreciated by us because
they have been freely and voluntarily
given and we wish yen to feel and
1011000 that your efterifice and getter -
teats' Inove not been passer' by un -
walked and unnoticed by us. We
have fatten this opportunity, on this
occaition when congratulations and
good wiehee are in older, to express
our gratitude for these services and
we bust as in the past we leave enjoy-
ed the companionship end counsel of
Miss Spence, so in the future we raay
not be deprived of the fellow.
ship and assietanee of Mrs. Nioholeon.
On behalf the congregation we tosk
you to accept this set of silverware
81)01 11(03)0 that you may long be spared
to enjoy and use it. We sincerely
wish both yourself and Mr, Nicholson
a safe and prosperous jouruey. on the
Impulse of we, and that your ;toys and
1)158511154 1007 be roomy and your trials
and diffinulties few, Signed on be-
half of the congregation of the Ethel
Presbyterian church.
Wm. Brown, Geo, Dunbar,
0, Istokinier, Leslie Lake,
Alex, Dunbar, Geo, Hutellineon,
Mrs. Nitholeon replied briefly, thank-
ing the friends for their Mildness and
good wishee for herself and Mr.
Nicholson. .A. abort progtana was
given consisting of violin and mouth
omen selections, solos and reudings,
also some Scotch dancing by Miss
Kate Stevenson, dressed in the High.
land costume, after which a feudal
Mine Was 5140108 101 games, Music, Ste,
before "Auld Leeg Sytte" was sung,
W. 11. /RR, Pito'
A. 11. Melninald rounded tip 81 hula
eetillere for Vattory Bonds who in.
V1.1111 530,400. P1110 is the way to
back op the Empire 81111 secure it stole
investment for coin ns
We are sorry to report that 'One,
youngest daughter of N. aria Mre,
who has been staying with
het uncle,. G. Addy. is down With ty-
phoid but we hope she will soon be
Grover 0111 has ateeived a car of
soft fetal width is giving satiefaetion
both for stove 81111 Ininace, P. J.
Bishop is Fuel (Ion boiler and 50 1110'
11104 1,Vith`111iy held the balance in an
even hand,
The many friends of Rev. Dr, J. T.
LeGear, Mansfield, Ohio, a one time
Methodist pastor here, will be awry to
learn that he WAS overeome recently
in his pulpit, while preaching. 11 18
feared he will have to give up his
church for a time.
Aboutea dozen Ethel teeme were
busy heeding stone hom the township
cruehee in the Bateman pit to high -
wept needing fitting lip. Road to
the (4. 'P. 11. depot men in for rotten -
tion. IVOI, Stevenson's engine suppli-
ed the motive power foe the eroelter.
Regular meeting ttf Ethel 1Vonien's
inktitnte will he held l'hursday, Nov.
833.11)11 2 30 p. 01. 81 311'' home of Itirti,
A. 11. elethmeld. A patriotio read-
ing by Mee, W. Klein/0011 followed by
Ron Call answered by a ilia re Ininan
Lallc on "Unnecessary West," also
music.. Ladies are invited to attend.
A splendid social evening was held
under the auspices of the Epworth
League in the Inteement of the church
last Issidtoy. Theme was to fine pro-
gram of games followed by music and
retulings. All who were there seemed
to enjoy themselves and the new base -
merit proved to be an excellent place
for such an entertainment.
We are very glad to notice that
Corp. Howard E. R. Strachan, of this
locality for valor on the field last July
090.8 rewarded by a 'unitary medal,
Corp. amoebae was wounded but was
soon back to the lines. He was after-
ward slightly gassed but not very
seriously, we guess, as he was over a,
it shortly and once more after the
enemy. With a big farm in Saskatche-
wan waiting his return it is to be hop-
ecl he will eoon be allowed to come
back. Corp. Strachan is a good one.
Friday evening of this week, at 8
o'clock, the annual meeting in Vic-
toria Hall will be held to receive re-
ports, elect Trustees and attend to
any other business, All interested
are asked to attend.
Miss E. Hazelwood was a Clifford
visitor last week.
Remick Mutual Directors will meet
here next Tuesday.
Rev, Mr. Mann occupied the pulpit
in the Presbyterian church on Sun-
Miss Della Rutherford, Toronto,
spent the week mid with her parents,
Wrn. and Mrs. Rutherford.
Letters jest received from Ptes,
At thur Rae, Edgar Lowry and Harry
Wallet., who were recently wounded,
state that they are progressing well.
The monthly Hoose Fairs will be re-
amed here this season, the 1st being
held Saturday' of }next week, Decene-
bet 7th. Succeeding dates will be Jan.
4, Feb, S, Mar. 8, and elpril 5, the first
Saturday of each of the months.
John McConnville, who has lately
returned from the West, has gone to
take a situation in Toronto.
The Lotd's Supper will be held
next Sabbath at Knox church, Mon-
orieff, at 2.30 p, na, Preparatory ser-
vice on Saturday at 2 30 p. m.
One of the finest baby girls in Hur-
on Comity came to make its home at
0Rhten 811 IRveoebtehrt ss o2101:8.000,Russel heft' n
certainly ittereashig in value as well
are sy to say that Marshall
Harrison had the misfortune of losing
2 cows by part of the straw stack
ou top of them during Sunday
night of last week, It was a heavy
loss as cows are a big price at the
present time.
The memorial service held last Sun-
etiray4efeteri3neoraereiuh, e ot,,ophaotit"eoereothue, dzeeecins.
ry Patterson and George Crawford
who died for the cause of Liberty and
Righteousness, will not soon be for-
gotten. A large congregation filled
the church and a chow of 22 young
men led the praises, Rev. Mr, Lula-
day preached a very appropriate 51
001.11108 that was most comfoeting and
reassuring to all who heard it. Ser-
vice closed with Delta March and
National Anthem.
A very interesting meeting of the
Women's Institute was held at the
house of Me& 0. Garniss, Thursday of
last week. Papers were given by
Mrs. Geo, McDonald OD "The care of
the house plants," also one by Mrs,
J. F. McCracken on "Siete lines on the
fOrin," which were very interesting
and profitable, Miss Margaret Gas-
niss sang "00 the Road to Home
Sweet Home" in her usual good style.
Report for month was 85 follows :—
Donations'5 pillows, Mrs, G, Gannet ;
5 pillows, Mrs. W111. Mundell ; 1
pillow, Airs- G. Wright ; 4 bunches
batting, Mrs, Stamper. Shipped to
Red Gross 00 pairs pyjamas and to
our boys overseas 04 pales sox and 12
hagto the sugar shortage there 15 a coria -
plaint that the usual simply of Christ -
MEM 080(5109 Will fall far short of other
years and Scalia Chem may have to 1111
019 00 other ')ees not dependant oh the
saccharitte tnarket. This Might do good
for one year.