HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-11-21, Page 8. - .ax. 111 ..,:. _, -.. 1w •-..rv_.c:,..: ; •..k.-3s�-. r...�.", . _ LAR'Erg 5't't)Lt . Ot' 1411•wti?++i++0+0+eeleeeet. 0+0+e+VeSit•ceeoe'e,r04..e, 0 +0�t'0'b0+0+i'49� 04, eee .1 4 oultry anacea Start Your Moulted Hens to Laying The world is calling for more Poul. try and more Eggs, Dr. Hess' Poul. try Pauacea will start your pullets told moulted hens to laying prompt- ly. Moulting with fowls is like go - lug through a long spell of sickuess, Dr. Hess' Panacea, besides other things, contains Nux Vomica and Quassia-ronles that aid digestion and tone up the dormant egg organs. It has iron for the blood And internal antiseptics, This combination will keep the whole flock healthy and start the Pullets and Moulted Hens to laving. A small outlay for Panacea may mean many times its return in extra eggs received. Panacea comes in two sizes - 35c and the Large 5 lb. pkge, at 8Sc. Hess' Instant Louse Killer 35c pkge, Hess' Stock Tonic Keeps the Hogs healthy. Drives our the worms. The $3 oo pail is the best svay to buy it, Catarrh Jelly lteJievee cold in the head. Handy tubes, ;t5s Orderlies A mild, pleasant Laxative for young or old. ' 150 Aud 25e pigs, Pictorial Review Winter fashion Back It now 013 sale and contains a coupon good for 15c which can be applied on any pattern chosen, Price of the book 25e. We keep the Pictorial Patterns, Christmas Number of Pictorial Review Magazine expected this week. Price 200, Cherry Bark Cough Syrup Brings quick relief from Coughs and Colds -25e and eoc. Fd The SMITH Store Druggist and Stationer 0 0 a 0 4. 4 + 0 0 + 40, S +'*+Q• ebeiel 4+004000•+4+4.+0+4.0+04+0+0+0+0+0+04',+O+00000 qeceecm Karat betas Pins WATCH THE Post' for gains. -Freer Monthly Horse season will be held in Thursday, December 5th. HURON County Commit will meet at Goderich for the December session on Tuesday. Dec 3111, at 3 o'clock, THANKS. -Our thanks are due to a number who are clearing off arrearages te Tice POST and getting a good start on SOME coal has come to town from Wroxeter and Listowei, to private parties, who notioubtare well pleased to add to their meagre stocks as most of us would oho be glad to do, SAPPER W. H. Coox, who is with the Canadian Railway troops in France, was wounded last montb by a gunshot charge in left hand and is now at a French dres- sing station, We hope he will soon be O. k. THE Knitting Factory received a car of soft coal last week and a car of much rile sense quality arrived for the Electric ;fight plant this week, which will put tree town on Betsy street for the next semath or so as far as it relates to lighting conditions. P'rR. Hatay Fox Wot'NDED,-A tele- gram was received by Druggist and Mrs. Fox, stating that their son, Pte. elat'rv, had been wounded in the right leg by gun shot on Nov. 7111, while do- ing duty In France. We hope it will not prove serious and that he will soon ha 2Lie to get home. His brother, ,..'ewart, was o. k. at last word. ter24.15.-The following letter from tle Ontario, Branch of the Belgium Re. list Fund, Toronto, speaks for itself. It refers to the contribution at the union Thanksgiving service held in Melville clmrc1 Mouday evening of last week I- F, H. GII.aobr, Este , Brussels, DEAR SIR. ---T enclose Treasurer's receipt for $128 es with many thanks to all contributors. Youdid indeed chose Et practical and generous method of cele- brating the Armistice. The coming of Peace meaus the beginning of a long period of reconstruction for Belgium. With thanks to the kind citiz- eee of the Canadian Brussels. T remain Yours very truly, . R. CORY CO. See. GOING To FLORA, -After being in brussels for nearly a year Carswell Bros, are removing to Elora, their home town, here they have secured double stores in which in place their large stooks, ad. ding groceries, lineoleums, rugs, &c. They ,lid a targe trade here and purely cash and attracted t acted custom r for s f r m any miles. Messrs. Carswell are sharp, shrewd business mon who are convers- ant with all details, good buyers and most courteous and gentlemanly. They will de well no doubt, in their new steres and we wish thele the success their en- ergy deserves. Their families have made Elora their ]tomes while the men have been in other towns, A card of thanks may be read in another 0011.11110. GOOD LUCK ATTENDS AnvaRTIa1N0,--. 'THE POST is credited with being a good advertising medium and often hits it io a very noticeable manner. One ineer- &.inn F,ronght the owner for a lost water. proof coat ; One week's advt, offering a brood sow for sale sold 2 of them ; A local last week recovered A lost plush automobile rug ; Another notice con- cerning a parcel being put in wrong buggy discovered the rig it bad been places i0. But there is no need to furth- er multiply instances as the Above is duly a sample of past results. One feature In advertising is promptness. Let your wants be made known or goods you have for elle sud in q cases out of en results will follow. THE Pon tree a large ott- aulation earetully read %very week, holiday bar - Fair of this Brussels, ou WEATHER has been mild and a great saving in fuel has been made thereby, THIS Fall a contribution was asked for the Sailors' Fund and lists were opened at the two Banks and THE Pose Total was $321.25, which was remitted to the Treasurer of the Fund at Toronto. DEMoNsTRATION,-Take in the Demon- stration at Wilton & Gillespie's store, Brussels, Thursday of next week, 25,11 inet , from Io a. tn. to 6 p to , of Fireco ranges and heaters. A wonderful in- vention in saving fuel. Read the an- nouncement on page I and don't miss the demonstration, Coots FOR serge -Several well bred Rocks, Anemms and R.I. Reds, Mr88 MITCHELL, Graham's Sarver, ANY person having any information regard- ing the will of the late J. C. Denbow would confer a favor by communicating at once with Samuel Carter, Brussels. 21.1 20 HEAD dehorned 2 year olS Derham -grade steers for sale. Also 50 cords Ary wood. Phone 2818 wu. SeitAea, Lot 17, Con. 16, Grey Twp, LAROF• Goa t Robe for sale, in good condition Phone 18x J. J. GILPIN. Hosea for sale Cheap. - Apply to JAs, EALLANTYNE, Brussels. Lose Friday evening, a black Ostet.* ruffiyan- tween Oranbronk and Brussels. Will ffif0er please leave et THIO POET or phone Mrs. George Sperling, Brussels. Phone 88. A PEW wall bred Brown Leghorn cockerels for sale. Price $1.60 each, WALTE2 e, Seomm, Brussels. Lop Onnthe Cranbrook side rood between the 0th end 18th Cons.• a elevlse'and a swivel grab hook, Finder will greatly oblige by not - tying Wm. Hail, phone 845. 8 ROSS condi White Wyandotte Cockerels for sale. Pure bred. HUGH B.ELLIOTO, Brussels. Phone -5817. 8 Pros 8 weeks old for sale, Phone 208, R. MoA.aklemsa. 'Tons EYES Will be tltoroughly'and accurate. ly examined by modern and selentifle methods, the correct prescription ieeaet2l2 and eyeglasses or speotacles fitted with lenses exactly to meet your requirements. It costs you noth- ing to let 111 examine your eyes, There is no guess work, Prices moderate. J. B. WENDT, Optician, Wroxeter. It, H. STEWART, pinnotune', will be in Brae eels soon. Leave pone orders promptly with H. L. Jackson ALL kinds of dressed poultry wants& On 850ount of labor' shortage we ere paying extra prices for dressed poultry and premium o1 orate fatted chicken. Iron further particu- 1a9' 'phone 60. REPT. Tfr'11yoN, DRIVING Horse 7years old, end drss•etass 2nd hand Buggy for sale. Apply to 174f WM. LITTLE, Brussels. Am a bargain price. One set of seoond•hand single harness, 50285.92102 ,Ss Co, nit. Pen mire Osteopathia Physician, visite Brussels Monday afternoon of coni weak. Ohronio and nervous disreases eucoesfnlly Qtreaters,ueen s HVis oteil,ts residences, Consultation at FRIDAY, 29th, lost,, Dominion Railway Commission rs e , will s hold a meeting g In the audience r nn m of the Public, d ' s t Library, Brussels at Io a. me to hear objections, if any, against the fixing of annual rates for Brussels, Grey and Morris Telephone Co. The so year period bas lapsed and this step is necessary where changes in rates are proposed. See adv&, in another column and govern yourselves accordingly. BOYS AND CIGARETTES .-P1ere are numerous parents in this locality who are maybe not Aware of the widespresd and growing tendency of their beys to smoke cigarettes, The youngsters copy from their seniors and unthinkingly see no bass (results from "playing the men," The taw is very explicit as it relates to minors and the cigarette and possibly a few examples will be rrcp lrecl before both buyers and sellers will come to regard the Statute in this behalf as all• plicahle to thein, We noticesane towns are drawing a cordon roiled the trans, gressors and fines as high as $eo.00 have been exacted, It might be well to look ise the By-law and see where we are at. Some folk call thls "interference," Every violator of law talks the same way but that does not alter the existing Kittle- tlon, ELOUR and FEEU JMI 10 hand. Make your wants kuuwn sag&it yon require 131911, ;u bulk we EMI supply you. Our stock of Groceries le Feesis and L*p•to-dale, Photsge : Store 43 ; Residence 27, W, J. McCracken, Brussels Does's' forget the Auction Sale 08 Honsehohl effects at the home of Mrs. Chas. Ritchie, corner of Jolla and 1ZIug streets, Saturday afternoon of this week, at 2 &&'clock. GIuL GUIDES -Tuesday evening of this week tite Girl Guides met at the home of Mrs. A. Strachan. They decid- ed toold regular h l gala semi-monthly meet- ings. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Jas, Fox, Tuesday evening, December 3rd. 0312 next two or three years are bound to be the most importaut to every Cana- dian industry, and to none does this ap- ply to a greater extent than to the farm ing industry, To make the best of your opportunity, read each week The Week- ly Sun, the most helpful farm paper in Ontario. No increase in price, One Dollar sent direct to the Fanners' Week. ly Sun, 'rorou'o, will pay your subscrip- tion for the full year 0f Dem with the balance of 1g13 free, There is no other paper just like The Sun. DIED AT HALIFAX -George Beverly Ball, son of Dr. G. L. Ball, of 15 Glen Grove aveoue West, North Toronto, died Friday at Halifax iu his gist year. He was a wireless operator on a govern- ment steamer running from Sydney and was taken ill the previous Sunday with influenza followed by pneumonia. His mother and brother, Dr. Earl Ball, were summoned to his bedside at Halifax. Before going into training at Ottawa last Mareb deceased was a law student in the once of Shirley Denison, Toronto, Beverly was a general Favorite and his demise is deeply regretted by a wide circle of friends. Funeral took place to Wingham last Monday, interment being made in the family plot on arrival of the 0, P. R. r o'clock train. Casket was accompanied by father and brother and was taken direct to the cemetery. Rev E F. Armstrong, conducted the honial service. Floral offerings were beautiful, the casket being loaded. Dr. and Mrs. Ball were former residents of town years ago, (Mrs. Ball being Miss Isla Sheriff before her marriage) and are known and esteemed by many who deep. ly sympathize with them in their sudden and unexpected bereavement in the loss of their youngest son. Deceased was a grandson of the late Henry and Mrs. Ball who also lived here, 1 People We Talk About $# tt Jas, F,ox is on a business trip to Tor - Onto thee week. Miss Myrtle Wilson is visiting relatives and friends in Toronto. W. H. Willis, Wingham, was milling on old friends in town on Wednesday, F. S. Scott is attending a meeting of the Independent Telephone Co. at Tor - " to, Mies Coleman, of S6, Thomas, is a vis- itor with Misses Alice and Kathleen Wilton, Flora street. Rev. and Mrs. Mann, of town, and Rev. and Mrs. Lundy, of Walton, motor- ed to Exeter oue day last week and visit- ed relatives and friends. John and Robt, Ferguson arid 0, A. and Mrs. Best attended the funeral of Mrs, Norman McDonald, of Edmonton, at Teeswater last Saturday, F. and T. Mc:Perim:Id and their ladies and Willie Cossie, of London, were week ens] gsests at the, home- of J. '1', and Mrs. Wood, Albert street. Ml's. Harry Mci3ain, Detroit, is a visit- or at the home of D B and Mrs. Mc - Donee, Turnilury street, She is a sister to Mr. McDonald and daughter of Mrs, Robs. Kerr. We were .sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs, J. H. Cameron, of Loudon, former ly a well known resident of Brussels, and hope sbe will soon be restored to robust health Tuesday of this week Mrs, (Rev ) Mann went to Teeswater and addreseed the Woman's Missionary Society, She is the Presislent of the W. 11I. 8, hi Maidais d Preshytery, Il, L. and Mrs. Jackson and W, H, Kerr were at Wiugha:ii last Monday at- tending the funeral of Beverly, youngest son of Dr. G. le end Mrs Balt, of'Lbr- outo. Dr. and Mrs, Ball were fanner Brusselites, key. D B and Mrs, McRae and Miss Mina, of Kincardine, were calling ou relatives and old felends in Brussels and locality last week Tney may al.vays ex- pect the latchstring outside when tbey come this way, D A and Mrs. Lowry, of Debticlge, were welcome visitors with Brussels relatives and friends during the past week. They t9 o1 were residents Brussels for aan oodyears g m y awl we hope to see them back agaln as olden as possible, if not permanently, HARD TO BRAT. --Mrs. ellar1ot1e Men• zees, sister to the late Donald Scott, and aunt to le. S and Peter Scott, of Brus- sels, although in her Both year, has knit between 20o and 300 pair of socks for the 6ol(ier boys since the war started Her home is at Pittlocbry, Scotland, Mrs Met12'e: never came to Canadn. INgnth YEAR. -M W, A. Grewar, went to Bright, Ont , to visit her father -Hugh Williams --a former .well known Bresselite. Although he is in hie 9oth year he is wonderfully bright end quiz. zed Mrs, Grewar very closely about old friends and the news generally from the Carpet town, Mr, and Mrs. Williams are making their home with D. 5. Asci• ridge, the tatters's brother, who was a resident for some years in Bresseis and locality, being a son Of the late Wrn. and MM3, Aldridge. 0, P. R. TICKET AGENT AT VANeeuv+ ER, -"Pah" Leckie, son of the late ex. Reeve Leckie, was here renewing old friendsbips, He has been ticket agent in the office of the C. P. R. at Moosejaw 213T '12 113 7 3 A G. H. s MTS, x-�". _- .«.•a..x w,tiY+ w .:>5, .a , ♦ , 1111 Fx.'.,w.•v.- ... ' ST:NDAIWPH 10 BA OF CANADA HEAD U1'1"ICE a YOIieeNTo Your surplus earnings in oillr Savings Department earn inter- est at current rate.. 236 USSELS BRANCH, Manager. 111131.113.116113,29; SOW •c Vaucouver, l., C., to the city office nod this week has gone West to assume hie new acd important uost. The Yancouv• er people will find i1'lr Leckie worthy of [heir coufdeuoo, We all suis@ hint the i+e•,t 91.1c0515 anal an enjoyable slay, "Boli' was laid aside by iulideuze iu a Meoseja v hospital but made a good r'e- eove8y and cause East for a brief holi- day before going to "Caoacla's paradise," so some of the B, C. folk denominate their territory, 505E PosThopes to have a few pen pictures from our town boy as to his impressions of Vancouver and sur- roundings, Church Chimes When reasonably certain that full Casualty List is reported the Presby- terian and Methodist churches will hold a union Memorial service he Melville Church. A Memorial Service for Corporal Har- old Campbell will be held in St. John's church, Sunday evening, Nov. 24111, at 7 o'clock. Rev, H. Smith, rector, will conduct the service. • Miss Martha Smith and Mrs, Fletcher Sperling, Bible Society collectors for 13russels West, were very successful, re- turning $32 eso to the local Treasurer from their division. Will the Bible Society Collectors for Brussels Branch kindly remember that the work should be cleared up by Nov• ember Both if possible, 'fake advantage ofg ood weather and. good roads. Next Sunday will bthe closing day of the Missionary Campaign iu the Metho- dist church, Brussels, when subscrip- tions will be received and a canvas ar- ranged for. Last year Brussels circuit raised $537.00. Tuesday evening next Miss Bailey's class i0 the Methodist Sabbath School will give a Musical and Literary pro. grans, in the school room of the church, proceeds to go to Victory Bond feud, Admiss'on so cents. Views of Pilgrim's Progress were ex- hibited Wednesday evening of last week at Melville church prayer meeting in connection with the monthly mission- ary prayer meeting service. By request they are to be repeated with additional views on same subject. The Thank -offering service of the Women's Missionary Society will be con- ducted next Sunday, at ez a m., iu Mel- ville church, by Rev. C. Malcolm, of Wroxeter. He will also occupy the pul- pit in the evening, Rev. Mr, Mann will be at Wroxeter for the day. Rev.Mr. Durrant, Teeswater, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church bere last Sunday and preached interestiog and profitable discourses. Morning theme was "We know whom tee have believed," Rud in the evening the topic was "Man " The speaker also called atteution to the Educational interests of the church, the valuable svorlc being done by tile Methodist colleges and the need of hearty support in their mainten- 5ne0, Union Church' Services for Coming 4 Months - Monday evening the joint Commit. tee appointed to deal with the con- templated union services between the Presbyterian and Methodist churches in Brussels, met in the school room of the ]alter. 1V. H, Kerr was elected Chairman and Mrs, B. S. Scott Seam - they. After a hymn olid prayer by Rev. Mr, Mann work proceeded the following decision being arrived at 1 - Pastors to arrange for preaching serv- ices and weekly prayer bneeting, latter to be changed from Wednesday to Thursday evenings, commencing at 7.30 p. m. and to continue one hoar. Union choirs to be managed by Miss Minerva Jones, Mrs. ([rev.) Stafford, Mrs, j, Meadows end Mise Bailey, Practice after prayer meeting Thurs. day bight, commencing at 8.30 o'clock, Sunday School to owe vete at 8 p. 10, Sunday afternoon, assembling in body of church, After opening exercises Me)ville school (during December and January) will refire to school and class rooms and Methodist school use the auditorium, and will not re -assemble for closing. Two Superintendents, 2 teachers of Adult Bible elassee and 2 Secretaries will be the Committee of management. Yonng People's le's S oci sues will meet in school room at CloseSabbath at evening presching servicee, when a series of top105 will be introduced by 2 leaders, 1 from each Society, Presi- dents, Mrs. Parker, Mies Buchanan, Bert Lott, Mr's, H. Speir, Missea I, Deadinan and Grace Stewart and Al- lan Lamont will plan for the coming 4 HUM Lh's gatherings. W. M. S, will held monthly prayer meeting.Phursday evening with 2 of- ferings in Melville church to gd to ',heir W. NI. S. and next 2 months to Methodist Society. Regular meetings will convene in homes, separately for the 'inter, W Ushers, with necessary additions, to attend to the seating of congregations 011 Sabbath h1 their reapective church. es. Tiaoh'Treasuree will Ibok after' the ehvelopfe contribution of their own church and the open offering will be divided, based en average collections for similar period a year ago, Opening Sunday for Union gather - Inge Sun'slay, December 181, in Mel- ville church and colstinning for 0 Sun- days, then to Methodist ehtltoh for 9 for tnortths brit has been ptomotet1 to Sundays wllioh will bring it to April x: t 1st, It necessary a few more ,Sabbaths may be phusued for depending on the ,Palter sad fuel situation, Each cotjgrogaliol will pi ()vide for heating, lighting sod caretaking while services are iu their thnnch. Bu8iliess Committee. cnnsistiog of Jas. Pox, Alex. Mtraahlui, D. 0, ROSS, H. L Jackson, F, H. (silroy, and W. H. l(e'' will deal 1viL11 any em• ergeneles that may &trite. The union services should be repre- stinted by apletulid congregations, both on Sabbath and ''Thursday even- ings, and better pi:eaebing, tinging, praying and hearing 8huu1nl be the wenn.. Sunday services will be held at 11 and 7 as at present and will be looked foe ward to with no small in- terest on the petit of buts] member. shi pe. Presentation to W. A. Grewar A Cold Headed Moony. Cane. Thursday evening of last weelc a company of old friends of Wm, A.. Grewar, who expects to leave shortly with Mrs. Grewal' and family for a so. jou•1'n in Oal1fnrnia, assembled in the Odd Fellows' Hall, Thu Pose., block, to enjoy a social evening with this well known resident, Ree3e Plum was voted to the chair and after appro siate Introductory re- marks -marks called upon M. Black and Alf, Seeker to read the following address and maize the presentation :- Ma. W. A. GRRw.sss, Brmveels. Dene 3'at11so:-We have assembled this evening, on the eve of your departure from Brussels, to expreea oar regret that our pee'e011al 10.20ire Mons , so much enjoyed by us, are to termin- ate. Here you spent the merry days of child - hoed; grew to young manhood with the good wishes of everybody and matured in the broader eehool of business and fenternal reln- tlons, Well eueteining the go0d opinions of old and young. Never will we forget the impor- tant part you played in sustaining the proud record of the victorious "clipper' Base Hall nine, who like Alexander of old, might have' shed tears because there were no more ball teams to conquer. Perhaps it would not be a, difficult matt to sign poo up even tonight to "Put them over the plate' Then there was the town Brass Band While some greenhorns might assay to blow the bell off their Metre. manta, year trombone always produced music (hot was melliflaonsly fall of harmony, Yonr jocularity has been provarbinl and Arbenue Ward or Josh Billings Gonia have received in- spiration in pFroducing te.'l jukes heti they been fortunate enough trill ve been on year lint of intimate friends. We well remember the Liberal Glee Club where you helped the boys to win glory in the dnys when politica were sung as welt es epoken into tate minds and hearts or the people. I11 your absence we hope you will not backslide from the strnight end narrow path patiently, nor be forgetful of the beliemnnfc watchwords "Friendship, Love andmruth" and the rose bo Jericho Time would rail us to retrospect the happy nee thnow impressed into t t lia> 00108 ae "Billy" y b me o u , Grower will be like messages wrltteu on tab• Lets of atone. Probably you require no further proof of our kind regard and good feeling to you than our presence on this occasion but we desire, as a small expression of our esteemto present pen with this ebony walking stick, representative of your straight walk and our golden opinions, May it often remind you of many old friends and humpy scones in Ruhr long sync in Brussels and perhaps you will pass it o1 to the next generation when you are through with it, 40 or 60 goers hence; Our very best wishes will accompany you, Mrs. Grewar, Dries Verne and Archer to California, We trust you may enjoy many happy years, where sunshine and flowers; orange groves and bowers await those who ole able to soy good-bye to the Northern winters and short- age of fuel. When you want a good whiff of the real old ozone we hope to have you come back to Brussels, -where a cordial welcome will always await You and yours. Signed on behah of old frionde, Mr. Grewar was taken by 'surprise but expressed his rearmost thanks for the kindness shown him. There was no danger of slim forgetting Brussels as it was his home so long but he world value the kind wishes and the tine gift beyond any expression he could give in words. 511011, reminiscent and cOmpliDlelt- ar,y speeches followed, after singing "IIe's a jolly good fellow," by F, 11, Gilroy, "V, 11, Kerr, Jr. T. Wood, Rev, 0L Smith, 11, L, Jackson, D. 0. Moss and Jas. Fox and the interesting pro- ceedings conoluded with "A.uld Gang Syne" and "God save the King," A few games of carpet balls, interspersed by instrumental music, by IV. Olonse, followed, until else coming of Pte. Joe Timeli, who had just arrived from overseas, He watt greeted right royal- ly with cheer's and a very hearty wel- come, Brussels Horticultural Society The animal meeting of BrassLls Hol'tioultus'al Soeieby was held in the Board ]morn of the Public Library Friday evening of 'testi week, Presi- dent Pox in the chair. after appropri- ate 1'5111ar1(8 on the work of the past year, minutes were read by Secretary 13, 8, Scott and adopted, Annual report alowed receipts to bo as follows :-Balance from fast year, $37.37 ; members' fees, $83.00 ; grant, $80 ; total, $203 70 ;. expenditure for bulbs, &c., $138.20, leaving a balance of Si15.50, with a few accounts to settle. Favorable comment was offer- ed incl reportwee passed. Following officers were chosen for the coming year :-Jlore-Plssidents, W. II. Kori and Jae. Fox ; President, D, C. Ross ; let Vice Pres., Miss Annie Ferguson ; 2nd 'Vice-Pv'oaideut, A, Strachan ; Secretary-Tieas„ 13, 8. Scott ; A11dieore, Ii. L. Jaekaon and G. 11, Samis; inembere of Executive, MI's, J. 0, Warwick, Mrs, ,Jno, Mc- Donald, MI's, A. R. Curtis, Mrs, (Rev.) Lundy, Miss lel, Amontand Mies Mary MaLauohlin. Delegates to Proelpeial Convention Proelclsnt Hose and Mrs,. Lundy, . nM4•r, hug ,, Hr n. mL d t'sY + • y +. -..r-..AM, ,mm. tS•'.A1t^>; 1'4; e®seecpesosapeeseeoegeo®BesssenevoonoesesegoseeAgeosamtplie p ei a 0 m 117 m 0 0 0 W h a a H 111 5) 13 0 O O O O 9 A a e 10 0 9, 15 1; e sn 2 Fox's Drug Store 1 a THE PI,NSIJAR STOREI 1s Weekly Store Bulletin • g A Good Hot Water Bottle Always a most useful house- hold article and more particular- ly at this season of the year, A really good aellele Lo have ou hand just whets you need it, Dialogue and Recitation Looks ForSchool and Church Entertainments We have freshened up our stock by the addition of some 20 new books, con raining some splendid numbers- humorous, pathetic, dramatic and Bens• mental -in poetry, prose and dialect. After the "flu" o • Nothing is better than a real • good builder and tonics. We • would like you to try Pehslar Cod Diver Extract m O a a • ej with Malt Extract and Hypo - O phosphate. During our many years in the Drug business we 1 have sold nothing that has giv- e au such general satisfaction as this splendid preparation. Two es sizes - 50c and_$1.00 a O m O 10 e The New ethodist Hymn Bok now in stock comprises some very 1laudsotne eelilion8, Beginnlug with the cheapest at 10e, a book 43 x 61 inches in size and hair an incl] thick, cloth bound, rets edges ; then at 00c we have a vor y convenient litile book leex Se inches which makes it splendid sire for else poc- ket and the print is a good size. We also have the aa1ne hoolc in Morocco Grain, India paper, red uncles' gold edges, Its $1,75, An- other equally eon aeni011 size, type a trifle laigar, is our 800 book ; this is 1x0 incises, and we also have it in Morocco Grain at $I 50. Those wattling a reniiy 13110 book with large type and not too large will find the ediliou in Morocco Grain leather 11110(1, India paper, et $3 00, a very handsome boost. Then there are the music edi- tions. These we have at $1 50, $3 60, $4.00 and $450. Step iu and look them over, When Jehn D. Wore Father's Clothes In hie younger deye AI r, Rootdeller's clothes were a trial to his Montle and a story has been told or how one or them. once muds an effort to get the multitnil• lionaire-to mend Iris ways in this respect. He pointed out to 11r. ltockfoller that it Was not the right thing for a man In his position to bo so e), l by, Immnot shabb , mildly objected the buddingmillionaire. t YO' Ol, ftr,. tar re- tottedits friend, "Think 11 your always and what n (111,. drosses mea ,' alumya wee," At this Mr. Hop.,8 s r yfrith- Whv1'snid he "this is n snit of my fntdr gralvegotonnow.' STORE ..A DRUGGIST and STATIONER sonoaaaa aatuaaa 6/dGtaaosieoata.i93teozeeeeGerbeeeeefine eeeeeeee 3 10 19 Os cl 2113 r) 0) m a O 3 e 4. m 9 a a 10 a Ci m e 0 O 19 11D fie 10 18 b fJ 1d 51 52 €1 It was decided to snake a present of 8 Narciases and 2 Hycianth bulbs to each member for Winter culture, so those who wish to secure then and be ready for the Spring distribution had better hustle in their names, $100 is theanembership fee, Mrs. Wat *seek and Mrs, Lundy were delegated to confer with East Huron Agricultural Society as to suggested amendments to the Flower display. at hall Fair. It was agreed that the Society prof. fer flowers for 2 beds at Walton if they care to look after the same. An interesting time was (spent in a Question Drawer when dilllculLies and successes were chatted 0551' thin were mutually profitable. Mee, Lundy, who spent the past Summer in the West gave an interest- ing talk on Flowers in that land, illus- trating by a number of choice pressed specimens. A vole of thanks was passed to her. Meeting closed with the National Anthem, A good year is noun ted on its the outlook is favorable. Become a member, invest 31.00, receive treble and help beautify your properties and the town as well. BORN Mmblli.-I,, meads townehln, on November 8th, 1018, to Mr. and Mrs. Jno, M. Miller, a dooghter-Margaret Frebis, BOnERmeON.-In Grey township, On Nov. lith, 1018, to Mr, and Mrs. Russel Robertson, e daughter (Hazel Blowier.) 01E0 BALL. -On November 16th, et the Naval Hos- pital, Halifax, George Beverly, second son of Dr, G. L. and Mrs. Ball, 18 Glen Grove avenue, West, Toronto, in hieA 21st year. KaAUwolt,-In Ethel, on November 16th, 1018, Elsie Bentrloe, twin daughter of Jno. nod Minnie Kreuter, aged 0 mouths end 27 days, KE1-,l'.Y,-At Oprtngwater Oasts,, on November 4th, 1018, rhos, J. Kelly, of Cypress River, Man„ formerly of Morris township., aged 62 genre and 10 months, AUCTION SALES SATURDAY, Nov. EOrd,- Household hunt. tnre,,Oe., earner John and Ring 01,881,., Bele at 2 p, in. eMrs. Ohm, Ritchie, Proprietress ) F. 3, Scott, Auctioneer, BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat 8210 $2 10 SpringWheat 2 o0 2 05 Oats 78 Paas 2 00 2 00 Barley Butter 1 W 1 13 Rggs 00 all Wool 17 60 17 t0 Hay 14 00 16 00 Potatoes per bag— ..... „ 1 60 1 60 Notice Residents of the Township of ala2.illop, who require coal are raqueebed to forward 8 writ- ten requisition to J. M, Govenlock who hes been eppointed'lruel Co,troner for the Muni. Moab .ty of.MeKillap, Only those who haVe no wood or rail fences need apply na the quantity of coal promised to McKillop is limited: By order of the Murton, M. MURDIR, Clerk, 8etrforthP. 0. Meeting of Huron County Council The Conned of the Corporation of the Conn• ty of Buren will meet in the °Millen Cham- ber, Goderioh, at 8 o'clock in the afternoon on 501e8dey, the Brd day of December, 1018. .GEO, HOL MAN, Co, Clerk, Goderich, Nov. 16th, 1018. Ontario Railway and Municipal Board (P. N. 4007) In the matter of the application of the Man. lolpnlity of the Village of Brussels for the np- proval of Bylaw No, 0. 11118, providing that the charges for Telephone earyico in oonneetlon with the mild system 'stall hereafter be :-To renters, $(2.00 per annum ; to ell property owners Sieving telephones Metalled opo( Choir promisee, $12.00 per annum. (A dopy of the before mentioned Bylaw may be 80811 in the aloe of the clerk of 'the Wine of Brussels.) APPOINTMRNT FOR HEARING The Ontario statlwey end Mmdcipnl Beam hereby appoints Friday, the tw anbyninth day of November, A. D. 1018, tit the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon at the Public Library Anditorium, in the Village of Brussels, for the Moving herein, Dated et Toronto this POttrth dny of Nevem.. her, A. D. 1018. 20.2 H. C. SMALL, Secretary, $1 111201 IIIIIIIIIiIIIIVIO@MEE®@UIDnVIIIIEMNV EIMIIII11IpII1111111111111111111111UIIIIIIIIIiIIIIInIlmlliiuiIDMIImlimlimmmMliniiNmmllmnElliallN Card of Thanks IN LBAY.ING BRUSSELS, after a stay of nearly a year, e We wish -to heartily thank the eolnntunity for the splen- did bodiless we slid, IVe certainly appreciated the way they treated us anti we gave them goods at tight prices.. We wore never in a place where our Asveetising brought us 80011 satisfactory results and must (weak "'.3:115 B0Luseg'Ls Poem" with being a line medium to talk to the public through if lt5 lousiness you're after, Our ihtenii0n is to resume business in Elora, our home town, where we open up stocks, at Once, in a modern double store, We will always have at kindly feeling foe the willing sl>aff of helper's in our stores in Brussels and also for the fine people Of the town and surrounding country who patronized us so get(erouely, Yours Truly, CARSWELL. BROS. SEM 2211115=11 W➢W1VI Milia t''1 11 5) l