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The Brussels Post, 1918-11-21, Page 5
•^ • vtsrl x:•".-, +•r+-e +.• r. !;c;r.attarua •ar xtre" , arer-»ns+•rez r * S; auu lsr:+ratr +t^a •ra•ra•a a?A•s twxa;re 10010•-t r : stx,vrall A :" ws>,r .,,,, ....-,a....,.,.,,..,,•.u o,V.. ,.- n. :..'a.,,,K.°A. a'e' .-.,. , •Y.. ,.... ,,, ..-._-. „ - .., <.:.,. a , . -,.r+.,.•.. ler..., ... y RI IRISM won, 3, JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS y)7AW ,f. s/M y, 7ge jg7s LIMITED Qt'?koil.P131 00lfir4,0B0 WM, SPENOE OUNVI+)YAN(ThU' AND I.88UER 1 or MARRIAGE. LIUI!;NSliS 1110": in 0010 Pont (/Inco, Ethel, 06.4 AUCTIONEERS. itvtbl, Fie Rt 1i'IivaAlll 114 :Moir Its (:ree811t al die opening. :fe5et. .. al donations of I'nrnnul and other BRUSSHtS 1'r(Jllitllo4 fur the I'uu)1'.hitig of the (3o1Ne 340(1'100 (2e1Ne Noct'ra 1101110 IIaVH been (Peri ve 1, 1411d 111" Express :1 a l Mall 11:113 o n x1106 7 0 a r 1 \V°uleu'e 111401 1110 of Godes lett i9 nr- Express '1.531) 1,l I Express 11:17 U m ranging for a sublitanthal assistance in , 111e Way or (1 "t.huwer." iva.l1' tla.V a?C.rFlf: WALTON To Toronto To t3adurluh tsarists 7:16 8 le 1 ICxpreeN ,..... 16:00 pm 'Ixpraes 3:210 p s1, 1 Mxpreoo 0.04;p rn tVROX#;TEf+ Going Must - 7:11 x. n>,. and 0:111 p, an. Going West - 1'1:011 mul O:5a p, in, . - I A11 trams gcia(( 10114 conn„ut with C. P. R at Orangeville for Owon Sound, Elora and '1' G. 11. stations. 1+100. ALLAN, Local Agent. 10a.1 ti SCOTT Ali AN AtJOTION- 11 . men, wtll soli for batter prions, to 13,1101:005, in else time a11,1 loss U11)rge0 :,an aty ether Auotimroer in Bast ilur0n u1' Ivo 011)x(3(1 )uythrl:g Isamu and orders Dan 11,0848 be )cr)))ud at Lhis onion or by p 110 1,1t1 upplloatlon, LKLI. AND CONVETAI uIN ie r M. SINULAIR- 9'Barrister, 140119100,ay Cuuvaouer, L(et,rv l'ublic, ho, (lmee—Stewart's 1310001 1 doer taor123 of Central Hotel, 030 lioitor for the Metropolitan Bank, Business Cards JAS. ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON. Su$ce.1so1" to M. H. Moore. Office 1,t Ander- son Brom. [Avery stable, Bruse1300Telephone Ns, 20, OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night galls. Oftiae opposite Flour M101, Ethel. T. T. M' RAE M. B., M. C. P.,. & S. O. it. 0. JI., Village of Brussels. Physician, Surgeon, Acooueheur Mae at residence, opposite Melville Church, Minim street, DR. J. H. WHiTE, B. A. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Graduate Toronto University of Medicine, Special attention given to diseases of children and Surgery. Office t Dr. Bryans Old Stand Phone 45 Brussels JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, Will sell for es good pprices 1)0 1103' other Aua- Monoer or oharge no5htns. BELO•RA VE P. 0. PNOHOFOOT, KILLONRN & COOKE Garristars1 8olicitors Notaries Pu bile e&c. (Mae on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERICH, ONT, Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. Paoun000'r. N. C. J. L. E1croRAN 13..1. D. Cooxn +++++++++++++++++4•4++++ +++ .p •r A 1' fall Term from Sept, 3 k —IN— Shaw's IN—Shaw15 Business Schools o5 Toronto ie Free Catalogue on request. 17 Write to W. 11 S1IA\V, Pres. 17 Yo lige and (3esrot' d Sts„ Torou to '1111.* q'•F4•'b•h'f•'§' 3• •Pd•'d•'A•t•'1d'dt••1.+++ t'3' Sameinstein r .a Is prepared 70 pay the ;- highest price for g e • 0 0, iron, a o Blubbers, •o a • 00• Rags, &(c. g a e • FURS g EHighest price paid. See a •• me before you sell, & 4 • for • 0 Cash Fria Highest i 4 A, 4 4, 9 ka Live Poultry and Hides 4 0 r,, Write or Phone 02x to . • SAM WEINSTEIN 0. MILL STREET 191tussi LS • 4•4411,4404 •09',400@04©0'40440 WHERE CANADA RANi(S Canada standsfirst in nickel and asbestos pl'oduotiou, Canada ranks third in railway mile- age increase (luring past fifty years. Canada ranks third among the world nations in ratio of trade popu- latipn, 'Canada ranks third among the silver producing countries of the world, Canada rankseighth In t he list of G mining g o ten told Itil int countries, t Canada stands eighth in world's pig iron production, Canada stands eighth in world's steel production. Canada stands ninth in world's iron (bre production, Canada stands tenth in world's steel tonnage, 4 :t$trici L.E1tr5 WIngham \VIlile at. hiss work 11, the Advance °!Tiee \V. 11, M((loel met with an nn- 7ortauo119 (teeiileul, 111tving the 8rd linger on his left hand ja111ulw1 ill the G(Irdo11 prose. Grey N0101110 ai.Y.—A month ago Telford 401101.8 (lou., lieu) Iht. ndsforttme to fall and break a ley;, greatly in- ennuun,lil,ti him 0u h04 farm work. Last \V>>111esday 0161111.141,0011 t to his. >:10113 and plutve(1 all day by way of show Mug 1118 spill+ of the neighbor- hood. 010. Sellers 11ppreclaled this and of ilex nets of kindness very highly 1011.1 11"1109 t.0 bu able to repay the kind11Pes if occasion pelmets. 113 01110 11 1(0130 little lust omit is credit- able to the folk who did it, • Ethel N1(HOLSON—SP1ai3oE.—'the Mitchell Advocate 1,r hist weer( said :-On Mon- day afternoon, Nov. 110 li, after the Peace celebral ion, there took place at 5 o'clock at Ilse house of Mrs, Joseph I tem*w•o'lh, the wedding of her sitter, \lies Rebeonn Spnn113, to J. T. Nichol - '.nn, u1' 1340.1101. The i(ureia7e 10r0 - '11011y was 1101401 flied lir Rev. Dr. D. N. Mael3ae, of Knox cliLn•d1, in the presInc0 of the immediate relatives of the vont acting parties, After a trip to the 'Western part of the province, Mr. ant( 119. Niebnl8on will go to Ethel itnd 1'esid(0 amid the gor'd wishes ora host of friend4 and uegnaintauces. Jamestown WALLACE. SIMPSON KILLED IN Ac - TION -Det col l Fs ee. les Fes of Nov. 5111, slays of a grandson of Andrew Simp- son of Jamestown :-Word was re- ceivecd by his parents, Alex. and Mrs. Simpson, 218 'fireman avenue, 011 Suu• dey hast of t1,0 death 11110 wounds of 'oh Junes Wanness Simpson. 000 1 1 P• Simpson 5104 with the first Canadian contingent, being nue of the, first 12 nun to be 8011 from Windsor at the opening of hostilities. He tools part in both battles of Y),ree, the battle of the Snnlule, and General 13yng's' fam- ous tank dash at (Iambi ia, corning out of all these without serious injury, only to 01511 at this late (late. He was cited 0n general orders in December, 1917, having gone out under fire 18 t0,ues 011 one clay to 1611x00 broken telephone W1108, which had been put out orconvn10sion byahell-flre. Prior to hos enlistment. Oorporal Simpson worked al. 1I10 trod Motor Company. Besides his parents he leaves 2sisters : Mrs, Benjamin Flonell, whose hus- band Os now in France with the old 3211c1 of Michigan,aaher eialeAirs. Morton Gray and one brother, Wil- liam, of Atwood. Fordwieh Ho wick Council met here Wednes- day. Rev. and Mrs, Mahood and family, from the Slates, ale visiting at the home of the forgler's sister, Miss Lena Mahood. Political meetings were held here Thursday rsda of last week byT)r. ase and ImC Y Hon. 1 B. Luscas 100(1 SuUu'dat even- ing on T Gen. Slate on held the 19:01 sold I fired some hot shot, • Amulet meeting of the BBible00:0ely for Ibis (110010t was held in the 0lethodist churn!) here last Sabbath evening. 101'v. F. 15, Clysdnle haul ellarge of the meeting. The ch Diu of 1t,v, A Lang, of this village, and 011•. 1>03 01un, of Hareoslol, against the Hawick Council for dam- ages to Linde autos' til i,eoilard's ewnul5 n 1'614 weeks ago 17(50 settled. Smash up was lice result or a collision which was nnavoidabh, owing In the I:mn'nw rami and (ali(1 denee11ea0 of the swa11(01 at this point. Goderich Alex, (11141'1( 0509 118u•10y Marled by a cave-in while he was digging IL :flan 0"i el alible vr111cl1 l) hole, ]Lc l t(v t t y . but, th9oc(nuClI.1' abu I >, Ahlnlek Chapter, 1. 0. 1), 111,1s en- deavoring to buy n bond or 10014 Fur the Hospital and have already over $100, ex.l3,reve R (1, 1flltaiug-, 1,r town, has been 0u Ilrani1gt(1 file 001110 10(1(1', whole he has 0011111.13(:00 toboded 7 houses, which (tee (1(009 well limier -way, St !pogo'+ church dispatched 02 Chl'i0lnae besets t.1, boys from the con- gregation sweess cls, •One to Siberia,. one to Aalonien, one to British \Vest Indies, nue In the 03v1t)sh Navy and the velnitinder to Masser' and Englund. M AT ILON Ok' 0Ir1LDlt131'9 'rho regular monthly meeting or the (11(11d:en's Aid S(11)e1y was held in the grand jury room 071115 (lom•t :brie, Groderieb, 1,u Tuesday, Nov, 12. Fol. lowing ao(ttilahtinns wren 14c0tnnw• ledged: -Airs. Il Moller, $2; Mrs. W. 7,. 1("rl 0',$5 Nit s.Praia k l}odgens,. Toronto $2; mite boxes in local banks, $(> Several applications for Illy position of Matron for the new Shell es rvern considered, and drat of Miss 1x14 13r011 eY, Blyth, 1,, was as eopted the will begin her duties with h 1rc.lat( executive is enflame) ed to endeavor to have formal opening of 811e1 les take place amiss%that _week while County Connell is at session to that the niember1 of Commit natty see the Ilonlc ant 110 0110 10 jutegg'e of its requirements and fitness for the work, 11: is hoped that 3,1 1feleo, Prov, ,Supt, of the 0, A, Societies, will McKlUop Next u1(Ptn g of Mel( ilio[) Ciounr0l 141 V'Valtou on Dec 2nd, at. Jlt it. t1,, (hall 108 Bagels 04 lutvin)1 ^c'nn• id' the Canaria Co, :olds tensest fon' past Ming ipurposes, ,James Unrralle1, MsK0ll0p, received word Hint his sop, 11ienl, Hsu vey I me - ranee, won the coveted Military (31 041. 111e11t, Dnl•i'oslil'eenllst('(1 Willi 1110 111Ht• contingent with 0vhlch he went ov0r. seas 4 yeal'a 1140. Ile was 1110 11191 9111(1)131' 1(mn this district to be droolal- ed with 110031ary Set vice 00(1 1-, Joseph Duo t, sun 1,r an, Ince 1l0,4h Dunn, of McKillop, (100(101,0 Woed.u„•I( hospital tl'tes n lout; illnes4 0l' nerve trouble. The r101a1119 were 13000 ,111 10 Dublin cemetery I'ut• inlet atria, Ile is survive( by (t 0111thel and '2 .•'0• - Leen ; Jim 1,l' Verona ; Mrs. Pats irk Kerns, of Logan, stud hers. Jori( Mt11- ligan, or Logan. Blyth J. G. and Miss Emig)) returned home hast 'week Trani eau enjoyable few tnotthe visit 011 the West. Councillor Heusi Horsley and family left town for (30(.410011 where hr has seem ent as hue alive position with the Godes ich OI 501>) (0,, Miss. \Vm, Sims received ward that. her 0011, Pte. Jno, L Tasker, had been wounded Oil Nov. lst by gun -stint in the left leg and was ndnitied to hos- pital. Anniversary services w011 he held in the Methodist rhure.h on Sunday, Nov, 24111. Rev. G. W. llowsnn, of Landon, will be the special preacher. An offer- ing of $400 is asked 11001 the congre- gation. Seaforth HOIaT1cUL'ruR.4.r, Socrla'ry -Annual meeting of Seamed' Hot ticultuesti Society Was held in Council roam. Pr190dmit \Vm. Barley presided :and gave a shot t synopsis of the work of the Society in past year, 'fie haul \yoking Secretary, A. D. Sutherland read the P0naneial report of the audi- tors whdeh showed a balance" of $155.39. The procuring of Full bulbs will somewhat reduce the balance, Society find expended $289.40 O'or plants and seeds daring the year. Slndry Whey expenses were $19168. 1.s0+0. of members ler 1018 had 150 names. $19.85 07118 spe111011 civic Om- provements 0u town, Report was considered very satisfactory, Mt', Ilas bey declined being President again and Dr. Grieve tuns elected Other 14'1100111appointedwere :-Sec.-Treas., n l[nw Vice-President,A, D. W 1 y Sutherland ; Director A P. (0,11P, W. D. 1-loag, R. F. Jones, Jno. A. Smith, W. Smither'e, 0. Stewart, H. l.dge ; Auditors, R. M. Jones, Dr, 0, McKay, Delegates to Provincial Cow- ventinu, Rev, T. H. Brown and J. F. Snowdon. Atwood A car of wood w10 loaded here'and shopped to Kiuclu'diao. A large quantity of balled hay has 1' been shopped from this point. Sotne of She town people have put in pea coal which they purchased at Listowel. Mrs, Ti. Lord has returned to her home in Flint, Mich„ after spending a month with 0(x' 8011, \Vin, Holman. At an auction sale of Jersey cattle held 111 Georgetown, Arthur Simpson purchased 3 hesul, Rev. and Mrs. Sutcliffe and fatality attended the Funeral oI' Mls, Sutcliffe's father, I,he late'('. 0+1 000l pal Thnrndate last week. Much sympathy is extend- ed to tihe family. OBIT.—Mary Ann, t he only daugh- ter - ter of Edward Boughton, of L1L aunmmle1 after a brief attack °f She )1 P t i4 following Intl tl ell'/.tL. a Ie 1 IlTllo 1 i i g was a bright. young lady of Only 17 summers and het' early talking nil' has cast 11. pull 1,r gloom over the neighbor- hood. She tviil 110 generally ud000d: During 1.010 past few months she was n 111'1111100 0l' rho Mo(11(ton Methodist Uhurch Choir, The funeral which was conducted by Rev. Mt'. Allan Enol( plane on Friday afternoon Nom the family ((00ilence to Green- wood 136100+Cary>, Milverton, where the remains (28re iit11'o'ed, The following acted as pis11bearcls :-\73000100, James, Albert and George llroul;htol, Geoeg0 Edwards, une100, anti Ja111o8 Broughton, eou00',l, 4.461.4•++lid'4'•1•47,++313'd•'Fk3•d•+-he" ee' • 1' .y. • d' '1' ,.h 4 4 4. 4. d 4, 4 4' 4. o0' •3' '1' 'i• Sugestkin Our Christmas 01-0elc of Jewelry has arrive(( and is now 001 81110, Ne0d1e813 to say this 0s the tine Ln boy your 0 011' 3 0 11(1 (1 10 Gotta, If 16916 08 some poems> on ynui' 0ln'ial- nuts lists for whom yon sten finding difficulty in getting a present, strap in and see 119 .and on,' snggestlons may help you to oveecolrle your difficulty. Yon ran help us to serve you hest by dont, r your 1 Shopping" Christmaspro 1; Now .l. J. R. Wendt Jeweler and Opt ir.Oan '4Vroxet(nt J1,\ya 44.444.14++++++++++.101414+++ e Ymer ,mw r7e-nr .•esl'er^*?::,1erna.mtint esso'^seeseast A:ih'•"`N - e l.+ "'•s.... -.f.. • ... - -,r a,,,a.-+.e.-.,sv+w..0SrMa+nrnVarOrS.S.ASSmom.-:.r..ONiu ,.:aa. 7.w,,,+,..) , BDPIDDEN rH RHEUMATISM FelgThatHeWould Never -Walk Aeafu "FRUIT.ATIVES" Brought Relief. Mil. LORENZO. LEDUC 3 Ottawa 81., Iiull, P.Q. "Fruit-a-tives" is certainly a wonder. For a year, I suffered with Rheuma- tism ; being forced to stay in bed for five months. I tried all kinds of medicine but withotat getting better; and thought I would never 130 able to walk again. "One day while lying in bed, I read about `Fruit-a-tives' the great fruit medicine; and it seemed just what I needed, so I decided to try it. The firrl Ler. Icel,5cti me, and took the tablets regularly until every trace of the Rheumatism left me, I have every confidence in'Fruil•a. lives' and strongly recommend them to every suffererfrom )Rheumatism". LORENZO LEDUC., 606. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial. size 26c. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit•a•tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. ABSTRACT OF ONTARIO GAME & FISHERIES LAWS No person not residing and domicil- ed in the Province of Ontario, shall hunt, take, kilt, wound or destroy any game, or Carry or use any gun or rifle for hunting purposes, except under h d r t e authority of a license Deer -Open season, November 1 to November 15, both days inclusive. Only two deer may be taken in any one season by - one person. Moose, Reindeer or 'Caribou -Open season for that portion of the province IyinLr to the south of the main line of the Canadaian Pacific Railway from Mattawa to the city of Port Arthur, from the ist day of November to the 1501 day of November, both days in- clusive, Open season for that portion of the province lying north of the said line of railway from Mattawa to the Mani- toba boundary, and that part of the province lying to the south of the Canadian Pacific Railway from the town of Port Arthur to the Manitoba boundary, from the 1st day of Nov- ember to the 30th day of November, both days inclusive. Only one bull moose, reindeer or caribou may be taken in one year by any one person, and 110 cow moose, or young moose, reindeer or caribou, un- der the age of one year may be hunt- ed, taken or killed, No hounds or dogs accustomed to pursue deer are allowed at Targe where deer are usually found, during the closef c, seasonor deer; and houndsor dogs found running i Sduring n deer tine close 8100500 may be killed on sight by '2(113 person, who shall not be liable for damage for So doing. Capercailzie-No open season until 1920, Ducks and other water fowl -Open season from Int clay of September to 15th day °f December. No wood and eider duck beforet5th day of September, 1923. 13118 limit -Two hundred ducks per 's'eason, Wad Geese -Open season from the 15011 day of September to the 31st day of December, both days inclusive. Nares -May be taken by any means, at any time, between the 15th day of October and the 15tH day of Novem- ber, and between the 23rd day of December and the 2nd day of January following; and may be taken- at any other time by any other means than shooting. 'rabbit -Notwithstand- ing ' 1 '' - Cotton -tall nallrt Notwitllstnud- ing anything in this act tine Wood - hare or cotton -tail rablbOt may be token or killed in ally manner by the owner, occupant or lessee of any hand upon which it can be proved to cause actual damage. Grouse and partridge and prairie fowl -No open season until 1920, Pheasants -No open season until the 15th day of October, 09203, Quaint -No open season until 4920, Shore birds, band -tailed pigeons, lit- tle brown cranes, salldhill cranes and whooping cranes swans, curlews, and all shore birds ant before the 15th of September, 1928, Plover and snipe -Black -br'ea'sted and golden plover, Wilson or jack snipe, greater and lesser yellow legs -Open season 15th day of September to the 15th day of December, both days in elusive, Squirrels (black end grey) -Open season from the lot day of November to tine 15211 day of November, both days ' inclusive. v 1 7 thecounties f N( 1,i. ear season in o L 11,Wentworth, Waterloo, Ynrk Peel, Oxford, Halton, ilaldiniand, Sin - cos, Grey; Wellington and Dufferin. Turkeys, wild --Open Season from the 1st day of November to the 15110 day of November, botil days inclusive. Woodcock -Open season from the 1 51 11 day of Oetober to the 15th day of November, both days inclusive. No pattlidge, i{uu(l, ',lupe 1:,'101 11(1013 51 bought or `;j.'/ting between blast and :lac. rise.•--.fe ri'iddrn Braver and ,,iter --•1)060 xr(suu fa, heaver or Utter Shall be hunted, taken ul killed or had In pldsses0ion by a'll I person before the 151 day Of 011761:7 her, 1914 and , #1 11ter sot Il (1100 Ili, r hunlim 1111nt 11104 l 1 .0 „ori Ltll , 1. I r 1'''Ic)lltl 1 ,encu:. ',u,'0) 0'0.1 1, ,'11,1 , :u.1, 0 Iur_ ,,.'1 rou,liti.o, a•, 111105 113 pY n -d ed 1, - the , •the 0eufenal,C-)11 el U' r-01 ,ii'il Mi )k—Fisher and her [ar )p + season from the 1st da'; ,•f Pio •:.,t 00 lira ,401 of April, hIllskrtLs—•-((poll sv.ly115 114401 Ihr 1811 ay of March to the 21st day 1.1 ,hprll, 1'ut no muskrat shall be shot on'. speared al 10(15 time, Insectivorous birds must not be caught. killed or t•uld, or had lel pus - session without a permit, savant cr,,iv5, I'Ltckbirds and 1'nglh,lt so',trrnlvs, Ihu'•0'nn0ne 111,0111,17---1 et,.nr, en f,tgad in the In'cine'.'. n[ I+:,•)stn; 1:101111) ''1' (ill' bearinr, :1 111111 0 1%, t-o.n'lil ,• +, rerJni1 Buying and seining—Pers"ns bu7'Ing and selling protected fur -bearing animals, or the skins protected animals, require a license. License fee, 810. Fire arms—lt is illegal for parsons employed in connection with the con- struction. lmprnvenlent, or 1nah111:n- :u1ee of any railway, t elegr:y1l1 line or public work, to h:n-a firearms in their possession. Gama dealers—a•Persens engaged in the business of buying and 451011g game require a license. (;old storage—Persons engaged 011 the business of cold storage of (3101111 require a license, Hotels, restaurants and clubs -11 is illegal to supply gain+ or fish, for or as part of a meal, during the close sea- son, except under authority of a e(1Se. liunting Itcenses—Non resident lic- ense fee fur deer, moose and all kinds of game, On season, 550. Ducks and all other small game in season, 825, Non-resident license to trap fur - bearing animals, fee 850. Resident license to hunt deer +;3. Resident license to hunt moose, reindeer or caribou, 55. Persons acting ns guides to hunting and fishing parties, require a license, fee 52. Resident license to hunt and trap fur -bearing animals,55. ETHFI SHE Fin Prir.c (List , Ethel Following T i the Prize list of },thee P1 s 6 school F1ti • h held Inst month,which 1 r 8 e owing t 1 the- illness o F Miss 1 \i hel- land, was delayed in Pa preparation :— Glass 1, Potatoes. Peine donated by 0, Kerr.—Susie Rowland, 11111'1 Bowes, Ruby Cleaver, Rheum Engler. Class 2. corn, Prize donated by A. Ii, Mnr,Donald,- Edythe Dane, Myrtle l>l cKee, 73113001' ((ogler. Class 3, Mangels. Dnnated by A. McKee. -Leonard Kreuter, 1Metvyn EoklnOer, Turnips, Donated b F. Glass 4. Turnips , y , Rowland. -Ralph Ratvland, Leonard KI x11(.101, Class 5, Beets, Dnnated by T. Kerr, -Susie•. Rowland, Ulterior Eng- ler, Jean Stevenson, Jennie McKee, Pearl James. - Class 6. Cucumbers, Donated by 0. Cleaver,-Mnrgalet Clarke, Rosy Rowland, Gwen James, Hairy /stitch - ell, Harold Flood, Ruth Murray. Class 7, Apples. Donated by Mrs. Dane-O0oyne 0lic eO, Layton Muir, Dorothy McDonald, harry Mitchell, Gwen James, Howa o,1 McKee. Glass 8. Oats, Donated by G. Baeker.-Jack Sanders, \ValkerMitch- ell, Willie Mitchell. Class 9 Barley. Donated by tl. 3060160. - Willie Mitchell, Hewittold l.Dunbar. • McKee. Lloyd Class ]0. \711601. Dnnated 1,c• T. Bowes.— Ralph NI Doti Howard 01cKce, Claes If. Cabbage. Donated by T. Bowes.- Margaret Olarke, Cloyncl Michel, Blesser 0l0tebell, Mellor Png- ha', Edythe Dame, Class 12. Tomatoes, Donated by \V. Spence.-li'leno' Mitchell, \Villie Mitchell, Walker Mitchell, Edyl,he Dane, Oloylo Miehel, Glass 18 Squash. -Donated by Mr, McNeil,- Howard McKee, Sylvia 'phonpeon, Fred. hiureny, .lira Mood, Glass 14 Pumpkin, Donated by Mir, McNeil, --Howard McKee, Harold Vodden Wilbert Flood, Jim Flood. Class 16 Carrots.-Dnnated by Dr, 1+'ergueon.-Susie Rowland, Edythe Dane, 4.110111e Mitchell, Mellor angler, Audi ey Bemuse, ,. Class 16. Potabo onions, Donated by Mrs. J, Engler , -Willie Mllnhell, Menne eno' 0(ltcht'il Walker Ali t 1'. 1 eI1 1 1 , Oenyue 01' + 161 11 ('leaver, tel , Rutty 1 11 Class 17. Seed onions, Donated by G. 09itehell,-\Villie Mitchell, Walkr.t Mitchell, Edythe Dane, Stone lowland, 011188 18, Pole beans. Donated by 3, McLelland., -Doris McDonald, ()wen James, 1Je1'y1 Goll, Dorothy McDonald, Class 10. Butter beans. Donated by J. M,Lelland,-Edythe 1)0117, 3011nie McKee, Blesser' Mitchell, Susie Row- land, Class 20, White beans, Donated by hire, Bremner,- Layton Muir, Walker Mitchell, Jim Nlnocl, W01Ole M011311td1, (Mass 21. Milking stool. Douatnd by WuO, Mlle -Ralph Rowland, Toon. and I('rauter, Wal ker M1 DabelI, 1Iambi blood, Lloyd Dnubar, Willie Mitchell. Class 22. Waste paper [casket. Donated 11y Miss Ballantyne,- -Jim Flood, Walker M0teheOl, \V0000o Mitchell, Clues 23. Window box, Donated by ,0, hleDonald,---Willie Mil'nc l0, Ralph Rowland, Eddie Gill, Ralph 1' fnbonrsid Glass 21, Writing. 0r Dona lF01 by W13fl'h healite nal4 Trcl(miet , Jennie McKee, (Moyne M0c lite, Eddie G011, Hyl Via'1'hnulpenn, Wilbert, Mood. °lase 26. Writing. Donated by \Vooten's Distillate,- Myrtle McKee, Rhea McLelland, Motor Mitchell, Roby Cleaver, Willie Mitchell, 8naie RMV plied, Clans 26, Map of Huron, Donated .1.+4,44.‘414.10.1444.14,14.14++ eat Market 1 tvl4h to PIOUc to the politic sir R• l have r>plvrz' 0 1,p n 11.•,y117*ist. 11,0I.at in the 13[,AS11ILI, 1014;CM, 4. 11Rl.ti!+, wh'•1•e f wi1I ke,•1> a01?Lclu,h•., .4 1 he beak Meats to he, 001/1 14011000. ,IT, Will al:40 handle all kind+, of Sou:ked awl l00r,l Vents and a •: full hoe tl 01>,oke•i Meals. Goode. Delivered on Short Notice t, to all parts of the town. \\'ill be plengod in repel!)• n shale of the p>u(onage 1511(1 will gnat stave satitfl(('tiun. . .1. •M r• i Cash Paid for Nidee. Mane 69x 0, B, McDonald g, •F•M31.1t••Ft-1i•dFi•i r°rd'+•hd'•1i'3+F' ;,nin'o'4 0nolilute,...Marl Bowes, v \Vernlie Melee, :hurley , jjf,rktnier, Ralph 11.1eDonttlfl, .lint Ulnae`, Frank Flood. Class 27. Map of Canada. Donated by Women's List itute.--\Villie 0711rh- ell, Melo. A11:,'hell, Edythe 1410010, Hollow M. -Donald, Audrey Bremner, Snoie 1'{.0 11(01, Walker Mitchell. ('.•Inns 130 Map of Europe. Dnnated by Win. Love. --Rhea McLelland, 51y111,' 01rKre. (Ins, 211 C011001 kw 01 weeds. Do- 110(ted by Mrs. S. S Oole.—Ruby Cleaver, Riles, 011L1311ane1, Edythe Dane, Ralph Rowland), Burton Mc- Donald, Myrtle McKee. Oh184 80. Collection of leaves. Do- nated by `114, 1011164. 3(0144 10 McKee, Ralph McDonald, Earl Bowes, Pearl .1t1n1P9. I'>rihe $1. Golden pint Donated by 'Miss 1l, McLelland. -Willie Mitch- ell, Ruby Cleaver, Hanley Eckrnier. Class 32 Oall. Donated by Dr. Wardlaw,- \Villie Mitchell, Lloyd Dunbar, Ralph Rowland, Walker 'Mitchell, Ralph McDonald, Ian Mc- Donald. Class 33. Colt. Donated by Mr, Boar.• --Leonard Kt enter. Class 31. Poultry. Donated by Mr. Walker all(Pr \J' 1'.l 1 It >e 11 G" ldwi(1 Thompson, Olo '1,e Michel, Layton 1 }Muir, Class 36.-13aired Rocks. Donated by Mr. Pnllal'd.--Myrtle. McKee, Violet Heath, \Villie. Mitebell, Siis0e Rowland. Obese 36, (.'at. Donated by Wom- en's fast int! 9,— Denis McDonald, lt'xy Rowland, Eddie Gill, Barry 01itchei4. Class 87. Pet, P118R donated by Women's Institute.— Prank Vinod, Lillie Sanders, Eddie Gill, Jim Flood, Class 38. 1)ng. Dnnated by Mr. Mitchell.— Marry Mitchell, Harold Flood, Violet Heath. Pearl James, Claes 89. Moron. Donated by Mrs. Rowland. --Lillie Sanders, i(llua Me- Lelland, Ruby Cleayel. Olass 40. Doll. Dnnated by Mice T. Engler.— Audrey Bremner, Jean Stevenson, WeilerEngler. G?lass 41. Lace. Donated by Miss 1. Finggler.-Velma Michel, Lillie0andere, Ruby (lle:Seer. 011188 4s. Dnnated by Mrs, Chatn- bers,-1':leuor Mitchell, Ruby Cleaver, Do It I1'' you want to hu"w v. hal Mon- ` (11111051101 0101 0•i('' 10131111r, hive 11111 your order awl you will appreciate 1113' 1500lc. 011 every way. A Mon untont. 1,l Mio k'rt iv 1au,1'e tllnn :live. la car ve.> pict :.1: ,tone. it i9 Ow last trib(11. 1r, r Iwo)'+ live:, help'd In 111 iglu Il is positively ne00l,410.1y, 111 01'. del' l.,? h(t9,' it ere -r', (d 111'; t SUM.. /Her, (110(1.you pin.ee your older this Fall, 4-4 Brussels Granite & Marble Works A, 0. HERSEY, Proprietor. VPlrna Mlcht1. ( ,1+5 4 ;, Patch. lbrnetted 114 14110. 0101131,1310.- 1+010001' lat„tt'r, Jennie Mt Kee, 14471114 1)aue. (''lass 11, Sucks! Douai t 0 by 5.be 130r1. Patriot s (`0,15'-000ythe Iktne, Lillie tiautl:re, 12110a .11, (.,!Munn(, 01(8:0 Rowland, Ruby Clearer. Class 15. Collection of fruit,. Do- nated by Mr. Mi11'i011. -- Elenor Mitchell, Lillie Sanders, Velma. Michel. Class 46. Rutter, Donated by Mrs. 0J1tr11"11.—. Roby Clg'aver, Velma Michel, Susie Rowland. Class 47, 131 eat!, Donated by Mr. Michel,— Velma ;glebe], Memo(' Mitchell, H114: Rotvu;u,1. Class 41,. Pie. Don.,t»d by Mrs. Glen vet', -- Pen rl James. Ruby Cleaver, Velma lSliohel. °las9 40. Muffins. Donated by Mts. Ferguson.--Vedtua Michel, Ele- nor 31)50111401, Rhea hleLelland. Jean Stevenson, l.letior Engler. Class 50. Asters. Donated. by Mr. Lo130, Velma Mieliel, Audrey 13rnm• ser, ltnhy Cleaver. Class 51. Dcthli110. Donated by Mrs. T. Kerr, L'lenor Engler, Ruby Cleaver, MI cum- 131itelsell. ()lass 52, Bospset, Donated by Mrs. T. Kee( .-Velma Michel, Elenor Mitchell, Doris 10cDnnuld. r„ J. G a Jii Expert Y atchmaltr Has returned to Brussels and is prepared to do all kinds of Watch aid Clock Work Yours may be a capable titne- ke0pee but by incompetent 1•P - pairing you have lust faith in it. 13riug it to rise. I will repair the worst wrecked watoll 01' clock. and will do it reasonably. \Vork may he left at, my Ilotue. Call 'Phone No. Rin roc informs,. Lion. Eyes Tested and Glasses Supplied 0 4464'6'444 5,4 d 0000 4..000000 ••0.0000.0.0••N40.400404104 0 1'D • • R• • 9 • 5 • • • • 1'p .4 a • • • • • 0 • 4 0 • • 4 6.64'40(104"0' tb1 1 ..a x , Y. 1 t F a* 4, travgiNliETFEMrafklOattMAisalil Wet hare Opened up 0 Cream Buying), Station in Mitchell :.res.' General Store MOLES 0 R.T 4. • 4, c, Cream will be Tested while )7ou wait and Highest Cream received any day of the week. Cans supplied FREE. I. 4• Call at Mitchell's foryour Can to -day. Market Price Paid—SPOT CASH. 'A veva a Creamery H. 11. 0-OAMMONNYD, Proprietor, 131.UI1.VAI.0, (.INT. e a* P • b • 00.4.0040.160.9044-e 04400•0.0•00..4044000000'684.. L O 0446•••4.44e1.1)4.0.44444404•e•440004444444.044440444141000 d+ 1. "Central" Training means Success insurance • 0 • p The (ale wipe 1100014 our diploma knows that he is qualified to fill she very bust.'000(7 positions and, what is more, the busineet men of On- e taxi° know it 1.,,o, This OXplaIns why we can so easily o place our Graduates in desirable po§)tions. 0' 41' • oe A 0' • 4 a Stratford, Ont. and Winghanii, Ont „ a 1)444.4404•,4.4 444+00444+4 a••o•a'4+*•0m4e••44.44944 ; ,a; ' /fin//i !% ' Ie '. :dl '.- GGa►r