HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-11-21, Page 3THE IRON MINES - BRITISH AIRMEN OF K ! WELL SCHOOLED 1•tihile at thi., seined the etadet pass - 1 ing t'1 Um ground or mieses him. The lesson La elementary in its simplicity but wonderfully ceffeetive. THEIR, 1�Ilt(/It'1`ANCel IN 'ClIL A1lceii' k't'nDY GUNNERY AND eimple feeding pleee is mule of en �.... .- _ -m•� " open froneed box, Pae.e: it o'7 top of a poll., t'faiest :1 building of an a tree. le Stoll a box eh uid edgers s be es through a gun -tenting section. placed with he bel: to the Prevailing ;livery nratitint, gun wed for a it• ',elude. A chces.w-bex lid ori top of fighting lel eeanihied minutely aid p, a ettrects bird,, kind •:u will be 1, Peverely trle.l before it is sent over- :-:l' fa v; trh the birds feeding. j PRESENT WAR • l*li;i.LPSel TI:LI:GItaPRY Beau. Ilona, zle dnvutod to the ncrut- Whitlow Luxes are excellent. At -1 my of eat i i t :=pun. Guns 86 they aper themto pier wind+, v and volt come i'yorel the rna1 era a.re finite good aiumielt fnr Teemed use, but for use Aspirants for Royal Squ d'.'crl .Are l,n the Cri t tee:, meet 1,0 tuned up so Inter: ivcly Trained from the that the risk of failure is reduced to Ore -Bearing 4hcet Made Lip, of Sur- erimposed' Layers Seperated by the nuntutunt. Crotntel lip. , ! Strata of Sande and CRaye. It ja a ;neat day for the flight ca-- The ismer part should be fee. and i One of the most important arra- IV1!.n tint young oadot of ;.he Ito •al. dots, as the boy is nevi called, when be ort -,riff dquare felt. Upper fettling! tegik objects of .General Fochie to i+i! R'rirp ham Idarne,l to laarch, to - rePorts to the training squadron table, two feet square and placed four 1 • where lie is to learn his flying. Hu fground, six inches from round, This is us a good type of huusc to e, as shy' birds can be fed by scattering food on the floor, Many birds will feed only from the ground. On this Mame ! suet should be fastened to one of the! supports. It is no- uncommon thing win liege the dcelightful experience: of 1 rear •11i ( the Meet one with skin 0 i h e1: glees r,t •.'e•rt you a:, i theist. I A good general height fur a fried Lr.t e is five feet to bottom of vorf. gam possession of the great iron 1111c1 a fnr; hes tines with the Jtflue88 itp mind is packedwith the theory, but that lies to the west of Metz, or at all teemed by his insLruetors, to salute • before him lies adventure. events Lo interfere as far as possible air iLt wale- ime ii,ib eceY considered The pupil taken uby an in - with its utilization by the Germane,car:iet by u flying ufhcer, to reed I structor and is•oee "dual" before he whose main dependence it is for sup- the utter .e}iow from - nutting tlnm is allowed to Kandla a al" bee anent. plies of an indispensable 'Wile mater- when he }las the gime; ml, uhe' , i "In the old days," I ryas told at the ial. fact, he leas learned discipline, and i,In n days,' ' The first silo of the original (>er» his body has been hardened by Ph3'si Son were count- to find birds nesting u'- .the upper geel a dub if you r:ould not get along i y man invasion wets to obtain; control cal training and games, he leafy— the I after three }burs' dual, If you took parts of these houses, and theanon oes—to school. come to them for protection inuring of •this field of ore, the loss of.which was a deadly blow to7the French.,It is of great 'area, stretching all the way from Longwy on the north to a point not far from the Moselle River on 'the south, a distance of nearly forty miles, The vast ore body fortes a confine nous sheet that lies at n slant with' the surface o the earth, To the east,, =tics, but engines and aerial nam - in German Lorraine, its edge appears *tion, signalling and wireless tele - at the surface; but, a$ it is followed g westward, le dips stead}ly,dotvtt, so that in order to reach it mitre shafts must go cleep'er and deeper. Water( from rains) enters the iron bed along the exposed edge, in Ger- man Lorraine, and is carried by gravity along the pervious stratum as it dips down. This renders mining difficult, and powerful pumps have to be used to keep the. underground workings dry. The French before evacuating the territory, destroyed the pumping plants, making it a huge job for the Huns to render the field again productive. How Iron Bed Was Formed. The ore -bearing sheet consists of number of superposed layers, sep- arated from one another by strata of sands and clays. The explanation of how the ifon came to be deposited in this way is by no. means devoid of interest and even picturesqueness. The iron was originally derived from sea water. The ore sheet long ago was the bottom of the sea. Par- tildes„ of the metal (combined with silica) were deposited on the bottom as minute grains, forming sands. Afterward the layer thus formed was covered over with quartz sand and clay. Suppose this process to be re- peated half a dozen times, and it will be understood how the sheet assumed its layer -cake make-up. - To form such a bed exceptional conditions wore required. There must have been a great embayment along an ancient shore line, shutting in a shallow area of sea. Rains washed the iron out of the. hills and brought it down to the sea in minute particles. Because of the embayment they were ally in his cans. If he is not familiar not borne out into the open oceanbut-in the Vickers and Lewis guns as but were dropped upon the shut-in' amp UY the sea enol. g rein hours you were heaved out. To E fl but h trust be' cold and blustery weather, Ea as eagerlo y, a note t this recollection the officer with whom taught him before be can leave must In feeding the winter birde, see I talked added another: "When the that it is dorso regnilar�y in all tvea- g Soitis that the boy, by now very instructors had learned their flying," thers. The best foods are, suet, pork much a soldier, goes to the lecture d. he said, ' It ryas considered an insult rinds, bones with shreds of moat, room, and for period '`swots" as if n pilot who had once gone solo vans eoolced meats, meal -worms, cut -un ap- hard ae military necessity and his told that he was to be given more Ales, birdseed, buckwheat, crackers, own keenness dictate. He does not dual. This simply meant that men crumbs, cocoanut local, cracked corn, hemp - study languages or history or =the - Marvelous upr way gotd oflying to had habits and seeckle2m flet, dog nlnt itsneF}xreats �nsPecially Marvicelous Gunnery peanuts), whole or rolled oats, pep- graphy, aeroplane rigging and map reading. His professors and lectur- ers, like himself, are in khaki. Highly capable N,C.O: s teach hint the why and the wherefore of cranks and rods and cylinders; he palls engines to pieced and sets them up again. Studies Mechanism of Planes. He sits in a seat with a "joy -stick" manoeuvring a quarter -sized airplane in front of him, and roes the effect on the machine of different movements crashes, by comparison, are insignift- strained into a bottle containing titres !of (he control By ingenious devices cant, and an accident on the occasion ounces of orchard white mentos a he learns the .art of observation from of a first solo flight is almost un- whole quarter pint of the most re. the air and how to report what his known. markable lemon skin beautifier at eyes have beheld. He comes to know When the instructors are satisfied about the cost one must pay for a why, to correct the deflection of the that a pupil can fly a service machine small jar of the ordinary cold creams. properly, the boy—he has still to Care should be taken to strain the lemon juice through a fine cloth so no lesion pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every es and instruments. All that is shown woman knows that lemon juice is used him he must absorb and remember, so —is transferred from the elementary to bleach and remove such blemishes that, at the end of the course, he can side of the depot to what is known as as frecirles, sallowness and tan and is the "special flight" side and is taught the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra- grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. Memory. I know a Ione spot on the Arras road Where I shall hardly bear to walk again For fear of waking those great souls I loved Who struggled to a death of piteous pain. AhI.I should hear their laughter on the way, And round my heart their boyish sighs would creep; Till I roust long to leave the rushing world And steal away to join them in their sleep. For only'ethey who tread the tortured path Of those torn roads where swaying poplars sigh Can drealn of how God could give no greater bliss Than the hushed peace beneath the sad French sky. Before, a pilot goes solo at n11 now he is taught to loop and spin and hal/- roll, and to land in any field which the instructor directs him to get into. Even so, his progress is still closely watched after he is given single con- trol, and at intervals the instructor goes up with the pupil to correct any fault he may have developed. The number of machines crashed at one time was enormous; to -day the r.Ltie Weekly The round poke of thie design holds the fulness of the bad: and front bevel.ped in plaid materia} it is suit - pees, pop -corn, pumpkin or squash able for school. McCall Pattern No. seeds, raw or boiled rice, sunflower- 8518, Girl's Coct. In 7 sizes, ° to 14 seeds and wheat. GIRLS! LEMON JUiCE IS SKIN WHITENER How to make a cream- y beauty lotion for a few cents. The juice of two - fresh lemons wind, he must steer a machine at an angle which apparently contradicts the direction in which he wishes to fly. He becomes wise about compass - graduate for his wings, but if he fs of the right stuff he is by now only a boy in years, and his fresh, virile manhood is an inspiring thing to see pass the test of a strict examination. It is hard work. IIo cannot "cut" lectures. He must not sleek. When he leaves the school a little more of boyhood has gone; the man is emerg- aerial fighting and the use of his gun in the air. Some of the instructors under whom he is trained are mar- velous gunners. ing. But he has kept fit, Every day I watched one of them swoop down after work he goes from the desk to from the air, firing bursts into a tiny pond as he dropped, and there was an upward leap of glistening water for every cartridge used. One could im- 1 the playing fields. Games count for so much that at each stage of his training, the narks which are to de- termine his suitability -for an air agine the hank such firing might force commission include an award create among marching -infantry. • for the degree of proficiency he shows at^ play. How I Select Seed Potatoes. Testing the Guns. Much hasbeon said on the question From the school of aeronautics the of seed selection of all the farm crops cadet passes to the school of armee which we produce, this is most parti- ment, and for a time has the "tock- cularly true of potatoes and corn; but tock -tock" of machine guns continu- in the interest •of better farming it is well to keep the pot boiling. After a five-year test of seed selets•- tion I ant convinced that no man who raises potatoes for market can afford to follow any other plan. Breeding holds good with crops just as it does with live stock and can be carried-ou with a fraction of the expense. A small potato from a hill of large ones will be pretty sure to produce fair sized tubers, while a fair sized one from a hill of "bullets" is apt to produce bullets. Ilence, if we plant small potatoes we are planting a doz- en representatives of scrubby hills to each representative of good hills. On the other hand, when we go to the bin and select the largest potatoes for seed we aro devitalizing our stock; my readers will have often noticed hills containing but two or three pota- toes and they are usually very large because the whole strength of the plant went to feeding these two or three tubers as against six to eight in the average hill; this means that when the largest potatoes are taken Liniment Co.,imited. for -seed each of these above mention- Minard's., Land o the Beyond. ed hills will be represented by its Gentlemen; —In July, 1905, I was There is a country into which there thrown from a road machine, injuring is to -day a yearlyimmigration with total number while a large per cent of average hills will not have tubers large my hip and back badly and was obliged which no other country iu any age to use a crotch for 14 months. In enough to be selected. After a farehas had anything to coplee. Every Sept, 1006, Mr. Win. Ontridgo of La -years of planting the largest we are chute. urged me to try MINARD'S year 36,000,000 of people. enter its raising large hill;oes but they tart LINIMENT, which I dict with the most ports and crowd its territory as new - very few to the hili; our stock bas pe-) satthfaetory results and to -day I am comers and colonists. conte devitalized until we aren't mach better off than the fellow who has been planting haphazard. By the process of elimination we have arrived at the only successful so- lution hill selection. The time for hill eeioction is now, when the po- tatoes are being dug; a part of the Patch should he dug by hand and the perfect hills selected Por seed until enough has been secured. In this sten. The man proving, aparently, meeting with a growing demand. 1t manner the fanner is enabled to breed unable to make response to the most is estimated that 2110,000 cages will just the typo of potato he wants, leo simple questions, the examiner final- be packed this year, an increase of is not in danger of running down the vitalityof his stock and to is also to e very Barge extent breeding away feign various diseases. -•••H. F. l)e La Mater. area of the bottom, their accumula- tion in the course of ages making a sheet that eventually became part of the dry land. When, in very modern days, mining was begun along the exposed edge of the sheet, the workings necessarily followed the latter as it dipped under - he is with a knife and fork at the end of his lessons, it is not the fault of his instructors. In the beginning the fact is' impressed upon him that -an airplane is merely a means of taking guns into the air, and that if a pilot takes up a gun without being able to use, it he is asking for trouble. ouble in such a case means death. ground. Its slant downward and west- Diagrams, cinema demonstrations, ward being fairly regular, engineers, sectional models and guns, complete in sinking a mine shaft anywhere within the ore -bearing area, know in advance. at just• about what depth they will strike the igon bed. ENGLAND'S COAL CELLAR Millions of Years Ago Britain Wes Connected With the Continent. It is o:Cten said that Britain owes her commercial supremacy to her coal measures. For her size she has more and better coal than any other -coun- try in the world, and for steam pur- poses -South Wales practically sup- plies the world, Where did the coal coma from? The coal seams, lying one below another to an unknown depth, and not infrequently cropping out at the sur- face, are sure •proof: that tropical con- ditions once prevailed in the lattitude of the British Isles. In primeval times, a period whose remoteness is measured by millions of years, the strict which is now Britain was connected with the Con- tinent, diol, the coal of England doubt- less runs under the Channel and the eouthe'ru part of rho North Sea, and continued in the coal fields of Nor- thern France, Belgium and Flanders. All this region was covered thick with .l treat tree -ferns, growing to a gig- antic height, of exceeclingiy raped growth, in the clamp, steaming heat of a tropical climate which exceeds- the ;teat, of the equatorial regions of Africa to -day. Growth succeeded growth, slid in the course of ages probably, scar flowed over it and de- e posited elle sated which is now rock. Then came another period of growth, and the pressure carbonized the fallen vegetation and formed lay - ears of cr aleppleces of which still bear imprinted upon their fiat aurfaao tiro beautiful ta'acary of the original fronds of rho tree -ferns, Diego ,e of 1111 etcept the strong, healthy bra, for nowadays it does not pay .to keep weaklings. It i well that God answers our needs rather than ottr wishes, else intent of us would eecime the hard- ship:; which have most- to do with ltrnultthening and beautifying trei 91 1''-, tree." and in part, are brought into use to make instruction easy. Fon one in- genious lecture the pupil takes a seat in a cineilla hall, and his position in relation to the pictures which pass over the screen is that of the pilot of the photographed airplane. Here is shown how to aim his gun. He sees the approach of an enemy machine and the burst of fire which, according to its accuracy, sends the Hun crash - BMW .fit' � «ii t;ytr jll.'.r WI A Combination ata Good Qualities invites your eittent ion to y Gra pp .. t1 . po+ 0 e� v Vat' VI ae Na sweetening rr uired, No cooking. Needs but little milk or, cream. Fine with evapo- rated i=nilk. Keeps indefinitely Not a particle of waste. A wonderf=ully attractive flavor.' 'Mores' Reason" for Grape -Nuts. Cs -da food Board Lie e fatyyW�2 02}11� 9u'ti.4Q9:Vr3. A Dost-"ltalncdl I carioca King, Albert, •,!lung of 'Belgium, le the hero of (he boor; Hu'o the greatest Ring iu £:nosey, lle'fl a rural 08011 and tower; Ile 11 bigger in the t r m:herr than the Raiser c'1 hie threat!, Axel trot v bete v el le] 10 OIS hint fur' the ,I•orrewe he hue known. Beet -ewe teas; lie mower to the Tem, tetts at baro gate; Then he loe•kiod to Me twiner and p t di ern his son:! to fate. Ii tnu i between ween his people ami the 1,,legeet Essen gun, Fee he feared not -hot nor tihrtipnrfl a3 Ids little army won. Ring of Belgium, Dense of Brabant, Gotta of Plunders 1111 in one; Little Itingdcm of the lirlgae .reearr'd with honor in the sun. 1 ou have won n pine8 to history, of year ucede, the world will eine', 13 +,t glory of your oativrt i; your ,L .teined, fearless Ring. MONEY ORDERS. IncieR by Dominion Express Monsey Order. If lost or ct',ien you get your moue" back. A chill is prey to many forma wheh boyo lit: le to do with physical cow- elice. rite sensitive dile! is past-' t,:ely afraid of rrany things without realizing he is afraid. What he needs is to be logon a greater confidence • in life a8°} in himself. New winter model of velvet trim- med with fur, Simple in line and smart in effect. McCall Pattern No. 8053, Ladies' Coat. In 3 sizes; email, 34 to 36; medium, 88 to 40; large, 42 from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St,, Toronto, Dept. W. 114Saaed's &Jntmant Orman Diphtheria. to 44 bust. -Price, 25 cents. These patterns may be obtained Had No Respect. One artillery unit worked hard dur- ing the afternoon of the second 'May of the attack to get its pieces into po- sition. It had moved up for the second time, and had not fired a shot. It was four o'clock when the lieutenant in command gave orders for every one to stand by. The gunners were to fire their first volley into the German I know a lone spot on the Arras road lines. Everyone stood waiting for the That murmurs with the moan of final word when the telephone rang • Memory's pain. and word came that the infantry had And I should grieve my heart with advanced so far that it would be nec- stifled sobs essary to move up again before going If I could boar to walk that road again. —Lieut. A, N. Choyce. into action. "Oh, hell!" said a gun- ner; "those infantry guys ain't got no respect for us at alt!" =navd'a &Mirient Cures Diateinncr. as well as over in my life. Yours sincereiy, his ;MATTHEW x 33AINES. mark What He'd Do. An army examiner bad before him a very dull candidate for commie - Every month 3,000,000 are Dutulxer- ed as fresh arrivals. Every twenty - our hours there etre 100,000. And this has been going on and will continue century after century. For the country in question is the Land of the Beyond, that is on the other side of the grave. British Columbia cranial herring is First Aid for the Winter Birds. Naw is the time when the birds especially need your care. Thousands of birds die every winter from lack of food and from severe storms. It is up to tib 10 feed these birds and. to provide shelter. The more birds we have, the greater out crops; so, you livery time you fill the tank of sec, it's a patriotic duty to save the your auto or tractor by lamp or other birds. Feeding the birds will not open light, you are inviting an or- 1teee 1t 1110111 teat doing their work plosion. ly grew inpatient and quite snrcastic- ally put this question: "Let it be supposed you are a cap - twin in command of infantry. In your rear is an impassable abyss. On both sides of you there rise perpendicular rocks of tremendous height. In -front of you lies the enemy, outnumbering you ten to one. What, sit', in such an mummies emergency would you do?" "I thick, sir," said the aspirant for military rli$tiatotton, "I would resign." as nature intended. As 9e011 err • ` spring arrives th!i wily ]cava your food stations for their natural food. Remember that food must he pureed *hero .the birds con eat in safety. See .than dwellings nn small is},tn,ie and that no eat con leach it. A. very pike drivels into the water, • Vencauela arenas "Little Veniet." Early ey-plorcrs_ so named the South American country because of its in - 15? per cent, over 101.7.• LIMBS evre PASTES zraatat KEEP YOUR StIOES NEAT Fin _ SHOE PUISHES ern. SLICKAURffE,I•AN Salieffilel i=l Ole OX-81.0C4l SlifitS 1 ' PfE Eli"JEih0EEA' HE ,?, '( 1 .oca 0n„� 11. 7. Ii3lil:B 1 'Iv, Se'leare'u Liniment. Oozes Galget in Cors "Thy yesterday la thy Past; thy to -clay is thy Future. thy to -morrow is a Secret." --Talmud. 41 A bee, unladen, will fly 40 miles an hour, but one enuring home laden with honey does not travel faster than 12 Arctic Curio. In the midst of the, Arctic swarms are often found- curiuns formations which travelers ir, these inhospitable regions call "ice mushrooms.” When the summer sun banishes for a brief while the frozen crust of the landscape, squat pillars of ice (some- time as much as ten feet high) re- main here and there, covered with /noes that has actually grown on top of them and by which they are kept from melting. It is nature's oven idea of an icehouse. Minaret's Liniment Cases Colds, eco. WANTED �1 i S 1. .'1 BLAcscg.tIITIL REID 71- :;ins.. 8ot1%.-eIl. Ont, %i1 e t tiTF.I': - AT USntC!•i, Bi.' 1'HO- Fr.nive r' -ern !n the Na x nmwlathe j rd n Spot of ("anode. RollermaRers. Iff.lners and Handy Men. Steady employment. Engineering and Machine Works of Canada, Limited. St. (101. roil BALL UT ELL k;t1i8IPPED NEWSPAPER miles an hr,ur, end Job printing plant in Easter* } Ontario. Insurance carried 51,600. Will ern for 61.200 art quick sale. Box 69, ®®sAa,ez. o,nmm661WaM®mmmbgW1),cn Publishing Co.. I:td.. Toronto. i A Kidney Itemedy I e Kidney troubles are frequently g 1 caused by badly digested food which overtakes these organs to eliminate the irritant acids formed. Help your stomach to 1 properly digest the food by taking 1S:to 30 drops of Extract of Roots, sold as Mother Seipel's 6 Curative Syrup, and your kidney - disorder will promptly dis- ty appear. Got the genuine. 7 9L1 e. MI1aa m e c r.m ems er a,ee:. e, s z V71:EIcLY NEWSPAPER FOR SAL82 111 New Ontario. Owner going to Ftarce. Will sell 32:000. Worth double !tat emennt. Body J. 28,. elo Stinson Publishing Co.. t.lmited, Toronto. 0810204 WINDOWS POE SALE 'T Q E. PRICE LIST SHOWING Ulf -cost of windows glazed complete. any size. IlaIliday Omni:MAY, Box B61, Remilton. MXSOELLAREO110 LACER. TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC.. iJ internal and external• cured with. cut pain by our home treatment. Write un before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co,. Limited, Co111Ntwood, Ont Will reduce Ynflamed, Strained, Swollen Tendons, Ligaments, or Muscles. Stops the lameness and pain from a Splint, Side Bone or Bone Spavin. No blister, no hair gone and horse can be used. $2.50 a bottle at druggists or delivered. De- scribe your case for special insirue• tions and interesting horse Book 2 R Free. ABSDRBINE,JR,, the antiseptic linimenttot mankind, reduces Strained, Torn Liga- ments Swollen Glands Veins oe tI.__les• EHt.2ta!stole,, dnie,rordervered, ennk"Evidence"tree. VAS (0098,1'. D. f„ 515 Lyman 011 „tlontreal, Cas, .eau, n.ai ala nosucuam JO are L102 to Casal. Will not Euro eels Cuts. Sores, Ulcers. Arrays psis. Prcc av Easy +O use DON'T NEGLECT A . E MATIC. AI Go after it with Sloan's Liniment before it gets dangerous Apply a tift7e, don't tett, let it pew,- irate., anon—good-by twinge! Same for external aches, pains, strains, stiffness of joints or muscles, lameness, bruists. lnrtant relief without mussiness or 'oiled clotting. Reliable—the biggest selliltg 11111) tent year after year. Eco- nomical by reason of enormous sales. Keep a hug bottle ready at alt times. Made in Canada. Ask your druggist for Sloan's Liniment, eine., 60c,, $1.2fl, SUFFERED MOYERS WITH PIMPLES Child Could Not Sleep Till Cuticura Healed. "My title brother suffered for about two years from tiny red pimples. They appeared constantly ii V l on his body but he had the greatest trouble under his ears. The skin was red and very sore and at the • least ve a howl touch Afteld r a few seconds he would have to scratch, Sind he was not able to sleep. "A friend advised me to send for Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I no. ticeda change, and I used three cakes of Cuticura Soap and four boxes of Oint- ment when he was healed." (Signed) Louis Frantz, 746 City Hall Ave., Montreal, Que., February 2, 1918. Keep your skin clear by using Cut!. curs Soap and Ointment for every.. day toilet purposes. For Free Sample Each by Mail ad. dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. R, Pain? rate at'o, will atop it! Used care to relieve rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, sprains, lama \ back, toothache, macho, swollen joints, sore throat and other pain. Ott �4 fu! complaints. Have a bottle is the house. All dealers or Write as e fi sew. EtInST IlEM1;DY COMPANY, ElntuOton, Canada eraseMenemettesemeareaseesasneemaemegsweerstememeeragemerseremesee Hotcl !ci Cor Coronado Beach, California Near San Diego POLO, MOTORING, TENNIS, ` , RAY ANID SURF ,T3ATFIING, FISHING AND BOATING 18-1 101,9 Go,IP Court unto is equipped throughout with Auto! le, ' i ptriltiCit 1 AMERICAN PLAN JOHN J. HERMAN, Mcenatler ;u-�^••a�.:.eau+c..n..,...,=.,.tr.;•u;rgm.....,, ,..,... -