HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-11-21, Page 14';
VOL, 47 NO. 2t
991..50 Per it Mill lit in A (WHO'
BRUSSELS.ON T 1 RIO. T7l1ikS1;.-IY. NO11;.•.111.1FR t I ca 8
.11 J » NI,
1111111111 01 11 1111111 1 III 1
Makes Moneg
"Opportunity" means having a
little capital to invest at the right
The way to get that "capital" is
to save something each week so
that you can make your money
work for you when the time
Decide, now, to let us help you
to save.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid up Capital - - g0,500,000
Reserve Feud 12,0c0.0(10
itcsimrees - • ustuetteee
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
Last—Men, Sperling,.
Local—Samuel Carter,
Shop now—J. R. Wendt.
Robe for sale—J.. J. 011pin.
.notion sale—Gran= emote.
Poultry Panacea -7.R. S3nith.
florae for gale—Jae. 13a11autyne.
Card of ThankR—Caraweir Bros.
Flour and teed—W.,T. McCracken.
County Couneit—Oeo, W. Rotuma.
!Biz -trio Reb3s
Word was received lint Pte. Will.
Heinbele had been wounded in France,
J. S. Gee received word that his son,
Sydney, has been granted a commis.
81011 as Lieutenaut in the Royal Naval
Air Force.
A. very pleasant event, took place at
the rectory, the residence of Rev. and
Ales. Dunbar. when the members of
the Indies' Guild and the teachers and
officers 1 of Obeli»; Church Sunday
School assembled to "shower" Miss
Oorts Forbes, one of thole members.
Sunday School presented Miss Forbes
with a quctetee cut oak centre table
and a week basket ; and the members
of the Guild gave her a miscellaneous
Al 2811 p in. next Sunday a
morial service will be held in the Pres-
byterian ohtuch, having reference to
the demise of Ptes. Archie Barron
and Jno. and }leery Patterson, who I
died foe the lempire'e ILtil0Jh. MANY HAPPY RETURNS
evieff and Val til eon tri Ind ed 18
noble young r &him to the dentli iid
10 battling fur the (muse of Freedom,
The Pitt Hello Snidely sh limed I o
11 yinali Hall, Irn nth»), on Nov. 701,
1138 pales of' eocke. Society aeltliote-
ledgee with thanks a donation of USN
from Aire. Melt. Pt•ocl or.
0131T.,-0,) Nov. 011) Alm Bolder, sr ,
died. al lb, resiclrneo by,. Finn, H. 'I'.
Bolder, (.3 tielnb, formerly (3, '1',
agent at Belgrave. She will be very
pleat -Ian tly remembeved by many
the villagers as she often visited iter
eons (luring their stay here. She WIN
57 years of age and had betel e great
sufferer for months from -cancer,
"And well we know what she beyond
has gained,
Gladdening for mote than trouble
here her pained,
That as the Altteter's hand bestows the
Our ft lend will smile upon her Cross
laid down."
SOCIETY.—Priday, 15th inst.,
the executive of the Belgrave Branch
of the Bible Society met in Trinity
Ohtwch, Ptesident Rev. W. B. Hawk-
ins in chair Among other items of
business brought before the meeting
was appointing of a Sec.-Treas. to
succeet1.1, 0. McOlelland who had very
^acceptably filled the office for many
yeave and came from Blyth to attend
the meeting, Henry Hopper was
chosen and will make a worthy sue-
ceesor to Mr, MCOlelland,Nag he has
been 101 ereeted in the Society a long
time. Rev. A. Al. Boyle was elected
President for the next year. The per-
eonnel of E'xectitive was changed as 2
members of Knox congregation, A.
Taylor had removed to Wingliatn and
our late respected fellow workee,
David Sproat, had departed this life.
George Proctee and MrS, Geddes were
selected to rept esent Knox, As .1ffr.
Hopper; had been moved up to See,
Treas. Robert McGuire was requested
to take his place and with Charles
Procter represents the Methodist
church. R. Procter and H. Johneou
ft oat Trinity church, These,vvi tit the
cletgymen and the SeK-Treas. cow -
mese the executive. The collectors
for the year wine appointed and will
be at their work as S0011 as possible.
Last year was the best yettv in the
Branch $110,00 being conteibetecl. A
letter was read from Mr. Gibson, Sec-
retary at Head office, Olin -king the
people of Belgrave and vIcinity„for
their splendid contrilantiou to thegrent
needs of the cause. It was suggested
by President that we request Mr.
Gibson to come to Belgrave and give
13 addresses on the workings of the
Society so that we all might better
4 *oe**************eo******4******4:0000440***********************************0.*
r.'. 1'
Fireco "The Great Fuel -Saving Stoves', ‘a
se 6
i Thur 4 L [IVO 1 2 th ill a. la, [a 6 P. m.
0 0
. .
. You cant buy Hard Coal and nowoman wants to burn soft coal in the ordinary
• Kitchen Rancre,
• t,
: War or no war we are at the point when we must 'use soft coal for cookintY purposes.
: Come and It us show you how to use this fuel—without DIRT, DUST or SOOT
and twice as satisfactory as hard . coal.
Combination of Efficy, iencEconomy, Sanitation, Simplicity
.. <, ...
• .
• NILT on an entirely New ,Principle
from any .other
I The firece Ranges and Heaters Show the Wei and Saves
o° -
so Per Cent Saving in Fuel No more Stoves to Blacken
* 6o Per Cent Less A.shes to carry out -
• No more Black bottom cooking utensils
: so Per Cent Less Labor to Operate Better Ventilation
it mo Per Cent more Cooking and Heating
Absolute Safety in ,Fire Protection
A Big Reduction in the High Cost
: No more Ashes to Sift Living
No more Fires to Kindle
. -----
ilton & Gillespie
: -
a; WASTE or
: •
6 Notice relative to the Fuel Oontrol.
4. ler, Reeve Govenlock, end the duties
of the people of McKillop who want
6 (tool, ate pointed out in en ad Vh.11
e this issee, Read it,
Sabbath morning next a tnemot lal
4 service will be held in Detre church,
• at 11 o'clock, relating to the impretne
sacrifice made by Pies, Thee. Sullitan
and Nelson Davidson and- to Jno,
Kirkcontiel repoeted missing. Rey,
Mr. Lundy will lake charge of the
0 set•
AValton Women's institute will be
• held on Thueeday. 28th inst., at the
• home of Ales. (Rev.) Lundy at .2.30
o'clock, Report of the Toronto Omt•
volition will be given by Mts. 0.
Drager and Aliso Rose Simpson, dele-
gates, For Roll call members are
asked to respond by an item foto
cutrent eVente. A chapter will bo
read from "Our Government." An
will be Welcome.
At: the annual meeting or Brussels
Horticultural Society Aline
Fermin/1i Crag elected 1st \lee ?wel-
ched and Nies, John Melionald and
Mrs, (Rev.) Lundy on the list of
Directors. Tho latter was also ap-
pointed one of the delegates to the
Peovitmial Hoeticultural Convention,
Walton Is also to be made a sharer in
ts.couple of flower beds in beautifying
the village. Those intending to be-
come menthol:ft should give in their
natnes at once so they may abate iti
free Fall distelbution of LIMN and
0 else the donathms next
4 The 'Walton officers Will take the
names and fees and pass theta on to
the Treasurer.
Thureday 1111+1, Week, 111. hie loons,
11131,111 AL 1101," Willie 111 MI Pet, 13', S,
Scott, a well known t eeident, ho
clone to 13 tissels 18 years ago the ist
day of last March, celebrated his '71)rb
birthday, iti the enjc,y went. of a go1,0
degree of health, He Walt horn nt
ilarporhey, hist West of Son forth,
November 14t11, 1818 but would pass
f(»; inuell younger man.
lir 8entl; was appoililed Mitt! lei pal
Clerk of Benssels in 1878 and holds the
(nee at the rnesent time.
8 years ago be was clumpy Poet -
master, Mr. Seat Mut been Isveetilent
of 131 useels, Morrie and CI vey Telephone
Co. shine 114 inception and Is also boo-
m ti.1 this yearly the Pi esicieuey of
the Western °Mat to Independent
Telephone Co.
Ile was Captain of this Hiatt let in
the Victory Loan campaign juet clos-
ed and wrote 0101,15010 the 19 daps
30 applications were taken by him last
Saturday and there were 190 subscrib-
ers In all,
Congratulations/ were extended and
the hope expressed that, be may be
Spared for many a year yet to attend
to his onerous and =lilies ions duties,
know the plans, the aline and the
needs of the work. PI esident was
asked to invite Mr. Gibson 1,1 come
some Sunday ing the Winter,
After getting the new Sites -Trews faits'
ly started at his work th • meethig
was brought to a close all going away
with an earnest desire to in tke tics
you, ever better than last,
"We love kiln because He first loved
us," I John 9:19.
Rev, S. P. &McInnis, who has been
doing duty as a Chaplain, overseas,
will be the peeanher in Knox church
next Sabbath wonting.
Next Beesley after/Ion will be Mis-
sionary Day in the Methodist chnech,
elosing itp the campaign. Pastor will
130 in charge, Communion will follow
the regulav service.
AUCT3Oltt SALM—Tuesday afternoon
of next week. a clearing Auction Sete
of farm stock, impleineets, (tc,, will be
held by the Executors- of the Gramm
estate., Posters and advt. will give
further perticulars. The farm has
been sold to Victor Sperling, of this
local i ty,
Hoe.n TO Soon SEE Hist Hans,—
Sergt. Harvey, son of James Mrs.
Noble of loeolitY, who is in a light
trench mortar battery, has spent 8
years overseas, 21e was wounded
twice being burled tip to the neck in a
shell explosion once and afterwards
shot in the leg. Sergt. Noble was
presented with a military medal for
conspicuoue bravery, the numb prized
award being sent to the parental Immo
here, Tine brave soldier boy wee
overseas with the 34th Perth Batta-
lion, Hie many friends hope he will
be spared to return to °amulet and his
old hotne.
Dolma Eltrarnm,—Thnesday mein-
ing of last, week about 2 a, rn,bbs
house owned by Victor Sparliog, op-
posite the hotel, was destroyed by fire
and the pt opvietor who Wag sleepiiig
there alone, had to make his exit
through the window 00 account of
he progress: t he flames bad made when
he was roused from his slumber by
the smoke and noise, Five, which is a
tilystevy, started in the woodshed.
There hail been no fire in the stove all
day and no sign of danger whett
pioprietor went to bed at 11 o'clock
the night before, There was insur-
ance of *700.00 on the premises in the
flowick Mutual Company. The lame
stable owned by Jacob Long neat, by
had a close call and was on fire twice
but by prompt effort of Mr. Sperling
was saved. The lattee reetnitly
(Matted the Gramm Paten and will be
moving there 111 then time.
Public school te,openeti last Monday
after Lite long holiday.
MoKillop Township Sknnwilloes will
hold the next meeting in Walton,
I/ate will be December 2nd.
0******************••••••• 4•4•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44•••••
POSTMASTER F. S. 8001"17
Rev, P. S. Banes,. 11 As, of Betnoill-
er, will preach In the Alethodie
chuvelt next Sunday 11)11 111 al. 1
a. ni. Itev, Sisley will be et Au-
W. N. Knechtel, who moved to Sew
foal), fecon Afeltillop township, and
occupied the residence recentlylen.
chased by J. J. Alerner, Al P., hai;
moved his family to Stratford as he
was unable to secure a suitable house,
Stratford people will find Mr. and
Mrs. Knechtel and family well worthy
of their highest eeteem.
Walron Red Cenee Union ,.hipped 11)
Hyman I fall, London, on Nov. 1401,
the following articles :-30 tewele, 17
pairs socke, 20 atm net shirts WW1 21
suits of pyjentas, The ladies Men
packed 25 Christi -um boxes roi•
boys overseas. A pair souks was
sent in each box as well ae smokes,
eats, etc. Packers wish to thank all
who contributed so liberally for the
fruit cake' maple sugae, home made
candy andalso money which was used
in helping to fill the boxes for our
OBIT.—Arthur Wellesley Love,
eldest son of Joseph and Mrs, Love,
Meliillop, died in Mbosejaw Hospital,
Wednesday, Oct. 30, following a 3
day illness of influenza and pneu-
monia. He was 20 years of age and
had been in the West for 0 years, Re
left his lunnateed at Waller& Sask.,
Oct, 18th, to was* in Moosejaty, when
he VMS Stricken. His brother Sam,
of Wedelns, was notified of his condi-
tion but before he arrived at his bed-
side he had passed away, Funeral
took place Thiday, Nov. ist, to Moose -
jaw eemetery, Since's, sympathy
pee out to his paretds, brothers and
Township Council next Monday.
R. E. McKenzie has been appointed
Fuel Controller for the township,
$120.00 was paid Andrew Laidlaw,
81h line, for sheep killed by dogs, It's
all expensive sport for the canines
slietehp.the present market value of
Guae, Cum. OF TURNIPs,—Alex,
8-1 c1Jt11eblt n, East gravel road, had 3
acres of turnips this year that yielded
2;500 bushels, many a sample sealing
from 12 to 15 petunia. Last load Mod.
ed into the barn eontained 100 bnehels.
Atesul. 1,1100 bushels of sugar marigold,
were hatvested from an neve, Mac,
eays he had a record crop barring one
specially good year,
DAN:mtgs.—W. J. Bernard, Lot 23,
0ou, 0, lug,i a fine emu of apples this
Year, In pulling the New Ontario he
came arum a limb 2 feet Ion
g (111
which 11 apples were growing. (Inc
sample apple tueastwed 110 lose than
11 x lle inches. '.Past ilisussEre PseT
18 able to vouch for the con sonless or
the lattee statement as it among 4
othere of genet oue p114501110115, WSW
left on the counter of the office.
WILLOW Bina—Thursday of last
week a lively Willow polling bee was
held on Hem y Bone's feein,
foimetly belongilig to Stun (4(4117 Pant,
8 LOMB end 23 men rendered good
service, Dinner and simper were
served In the w orkers. A kodak
pietnre: was taken of the company.
"Many hands make light work" is a
true saying and proven so by the
diligence at Mr. Bone's bee.
73rso 131nputmvs—Ltst Sunday the
731.0 birthday of Bold. 818J (1(11(17, 5th
line, was celebrated, 1 le was born ill
the On. of Hastings, township of Ty-
endinega, mid after a tiojonen of 10
years in Goderich township, ealne
11,11(.15 33 years ago, purchasing the
Hoe. Dr. Pyne'w farn3, Soullt 1 Lot. 11,
(on, 3, Ales, McMtneey died it) y eat s
.ago last, Friday and wits buried on
Sueday, The ehildren eve NV, J., on
the homestead and Airs. Richard
Procter. tIOr, c m n vray's pat eats
chum to this coentry in 1837 Ennis
Otmety Monaghan, Ireland, and died
at 00 and 85 yeare of age respectively
20 and 28 yaws ago, Mrs. Irvin Ray
mei Alie, D. *inter, of Belleville to-
celity, both widows, are the surviving
sisters of 110 McMurray, The le.tter
le a hearty man for his age, herring
an occasional twinge of 1 1101111111( ism,
Ha hag the 0111411e tempt' of veiteld ng
his time of life withont hemming
acquainted with a doctor plofeesion-
ally. Mac, is a salons Anglican in
religion 1 and there is little donbt as
to his political leanings— which are
Oonservatives—and he lute been an
entliesiastio member of the Orange
Order, THE Ps r Wlehes him many .
happy returns of the day,
1‘111,t, ,
1,i e. \Vin, 'h od,'
, was ellisially atelit 11 1,,
ea uslty 1lij40 ne Nes
floin 4li,ll gee. 1'1, . 'pleat!, tvir,
4411 0134111te itey, lea, '41/(4,14,1 11 A
1411) at the "idle, 3113'.
xxt, as =ED • '1'1,er 'VI est, of
S. No. 1, 1101,t -
111i. 01 Ihr1 .1.1 14 1•11•1,',
10111, , 1, I 114 i11
.11'!),,I•!,Ilo :!”.,t1 1144, 1
i0.1111 111 11 11,1 4 1 le Id is
se, s plistand test i4++1 11 l•
TI 14,
I.. t/i,: '! lilti ;1.01E.IhiUllt
nigh, ,.1 1114 TittlAi,
.11i1 I•j. WI)), 111111 Mi., '1 heel!, tith tint*.
111.11.1vt.t1 how° bit ral(1s 1,101,11,g
11111'. 11,1 1.1,11,0,1 it) 111. 111111 .1.11(1
%Vim!. (leol soas with Om 101,1. 1 1 woo
fiat tato], lie wee Iveleeted 1 11,
;410 I ream 10 tra,, tv 14
Mee,. of 1,141 tlllIl..
ine favorable jrrsgresS 13'111 go to
\Vintly 0, rev. -'se '11,e1 c•
tdbott 13011 on 1 Ito 1r,,,,e1
'IlUaII 1.ain,.111/111e on, ly(4511(1
l'iwre trete 11 '1'1111(.11 Mother-
weei ing 1 118 1,11,re. Roy has
sod Mr- 1 t1)1' 1414 1'v 1 1.1 to t
so 1' tml to.
11,,141i hitt; 140140.i
t•44 1 1 li 1111,,I moperty here viel air
4, up i5p 11 ji Shin
It, titeithamet.00 Ms,
8.1 ill,, ilinsbut g ; A. mid Mrs. li.
54, 11.11, 14, (0 easel Aire, Gibbon and Ties,
1 Buries t, 13,005a1, 1,Ve1e 11011,
1 Ito 1.11111 11 1 or Eleie litsttnie:
41..1101, 11 le) till 11
i0 lx1..1011' bisSI, fig 31) 11;•-istlat,s• 1•1 bij
11-1,14 411 Altlikot .41 Nt•L'vii 1. 11181
s'ort,11,,y 111 . mei Alva. Conet 111,
.41. rust 131E8.e1et 1. Aitt% and 141 I's.
alt of 1,oi,inm and locality,
re'ati(4 e, or 10,1 1 lay/lard family and
ate, 1 the dee,se„el. Ehvyn 1)1,64()11.
—The Metho,.
war owdect to its VaPitel•
Y Sontlat atternmiti
nod in! sertlerr Pre. LaWl'enve
1.1e, yo 1.30lisron, IV Int 111011 lolOt1Y
01,1 Ilf pneumonia. Ohio eb was
eepleptiqtell drapod. Music of a
elm] acter was rendered and
81r%l.I. Sietnmen sang '•CroSei rig
the 8lr„b11111,11•11 enebeti
a tine di-erturve from (h4, 1tey,
lawk Uwe and is now ((3'tortal'
al the voovuleseent 110111e, Fred,
111.11111ir levueiclie.°111
hi'el‘;e t'vi
(soon regain 1 be ti's use of his arm.
Ktusse llo Syow Smuts --A i.vert
from Nekon, B. 0., says :—"William
Bennett ie dead, Alexisucler Forest is
miesing and George Blaine is setiously
itijured ag a result of having been
caught in a Reim slide near the
'Wm.:lain Consolidated Aline, near
smitten, 11, O. Blaine, with his 00
et m.11,41, crawled to a miner's cabin on
the 15th innand said that Bennett
WAS cart red twee a preeipiee and that
Forest had not 11 011 heard of sine,:,
5 o'clock Alondase aftet 110011, When Ile
ter ted for Sention to cart y the news
,f the tragedy. Blaine watt hutt by
the slide which killed I3entiett."
b'orest 18 the youngest brother of Chae.
Forest, 2i0 title, Morris township, and
had been away for some 20 yeave. A.
telegram was received apprising Mr.
Foleast of the facte as related in this
note. The missing matt 31,71,3 12 years
of age, was unmarried and followed
mining as his ocetipation, John Fit -
est, of Alberta, is a in other and Mes-
dames Harry Fear, Blyth Mvs, Jno,
Forest, Michigan ; and Alre. Anson
Shaw, Illuevale, Sisters. 137e hope
tidings may yet be received of Mr,
Forest's safety.
T, J, KELLY DEt'E.AsED.--There died
at this home of P. L. Graham, Spring -
water, Sask., Monday morning, Nov.
4111, 1918, Thos. J. Kelly, a one-time
resident of Morris Township,
the eldestr
son of the late Gengeand
Aire. Kelly, thli line, ad was 52 years
and 10 months of age. Mr. Kelly
went to Manitoba while a young man
and farmed 00111111i311113' at Cypress
River until about 2 years ago when he
sold his farm on accocnt of failing
health and has since lived with his
sister, Mts. Ross, of Cypress River,
and later with another sieter,
Mrs, Graham, of Springwater, Sant,
He was of to relitiug disposition, but
kind and generous to all he met,
especially those who knew him best.
Heart, failure Watit the immediate
cause of death. Deceased was rising
films his chair when the call came to
him. The funeral was held Wednes-
clay0 1,30 p, tn. to Landis cemetery
wlisiesS kind friends and neighbors laid
hid( quietly to rests Rev. Mr, Tuckey,
or springwater, conducted the ser-
vices both at the home and the 111l11 -
Mrs/. The subject of this notice leaves
to molten the loss of a kind aed loving;
brother, 3 ;deters and 3 brothees,
Margaret, James 111111 Frank, at the
old home Hear Welton, Ont. ; Gem ge,
of Ketiora, Ont. t 'Mrs. Ross, of Cy.
111184 River, Man. ; and Mrs, Graham,
of Springwater, Sask., who share in
the sympathy of a wide eircle,
,) Mr, Deettlas who wee, supplying thia
IS terian plllJL1, gtve 1111 IlddreSS
k at the close of 1 he sermon,
Ethel news on page 5 elec.
0110. and Airs. Krantee and Wm.
and Mrs. 01a1 k -are moving to Strat-
ford where the menlia,ve 111)1)5,At the close or the eennon next,
Sabbath evening in the Methodist
(Meech the Communion set vire will
be obseeved.
It J. Nieholson and bl 0,, have ar-
rived -Intel. 10 Phltel after spending
their honeymoon at Petrone, Saville,
Landoll and ()thee poin 15,
An ttlirti Chriettnas '['ree Entertain-
ment will be held in the Methodist
rimed) on Monday evening, Deetenber
23rt1, Further particulars later,
' Next Sunday afternoon Rev. P,
AlanItinie, wilt ronduct the service 01
Presbyterian church at tile 11611141
lie lias recently returned ft con °Vet.-
sette where he NVOS 11 military Chap-
h'erviee was held in the Peesbyter-
itm lee( Sunday evening in -
14(1.)111 of afteettoon ott (lemma of the
me1011tb0 service in tbo ATethodist
church for the late Pm, Elwye D00 -
CAM) TI,TANKS. —John and Mts.
Krarllor sincerely thank their friends
and neighbois for their' kindnese Pod
wovde of sympathy veceived during
Omit remelt ead bevetiventeet 03 the
Inse of their fleughter, Elsie I3eatrice
also for he beautiful floral tributes.
1,MA0118 SciotArs—Pviday (welling of
this week a eoeial will be held in the
Methodist el ni tell school room nom -
ramming at7,30 o'clock, Mnsinal and
literary program games! and a 13ible
Base Hall mateb between the Adult.
hie chow vs. the school, A.dtniesion
25 and 15 cents. Preceeds for Mission-
ary (1muse.
13.ury 1)18O'.—We regret to report
the death ne 'Elsie Beatrice, tsviti
( ang iter of Jno, and Minnie Krauter,
aged 0 mont hs and 27 days, 00 Ifritiay
Mitts Funeral took place Sunday
afternoon to Mount Pleasant mune-
MIT, Ethel. Rev, Mr. Douglas eon..
dueled the Service, Mr, and Mrs.
Itranter are deeply sympathised with
In their low.
We are pleated It. 1,1 at (1 1 brit, Harvey
HOOVer, 1011 of R. J. and Mrs. Hoover,
has been promoted to be LJeatenant
(1181 1(1) woo hie way by long, patient,
faithful serviee for King anti Comitt•y.
Hope he will soon be able to cross the
AtImitie mi the inanolval 0 1ri1. Von-
21,1111111.11,ms Hoovet.
Mrs, Sem Dark, of Dail, W110 was
taken ill hist week at the tonne of her
futile), J111,, Bellinger, lush Con., Was
erniVeyed 10 Fensite hospital last Sat-
urday where she underwentan opera.
tion on Monday. Many friends will
be delighted to hear of her complete
restoration at an early date.
Ansa Mary Spred has 1 eturned from
a week's visit 10 Toro1110,
Mts. IL Waller and children are
visiting friends at 131itevide.
J. 15th, -,,n, IIeteitII, ie the guest of
his daughter, Mrs. 0. D. Simpson.
Wte, Sauderson, Toronto, spend-
ing a few days under the parental
A. T. Cooper, Olintnn, gave J. tem-
perance address in the Presbyterian
church Sunday morning,
Mrs. J. O. Rae has received word to
the effeet that her son, Arthne, is suf-
fering from gun -shot wounds in the
left leg,
A 5)51 -3' impressive Thanksgiving
service was held in the Anglican
church Sunday afternoon by Rev.
Mv. Powell, assisted by Rev. Mr,
Mt'. Powell took for hie text,
"Greater love hath no man than tide,
that he lay down his life for his
The First Presbyterian Ohm ch Sun-
day 8013001 has raieeil tlx nice sum of
$400 foe investment in \items, Bonds
for the benefit of tint elitiveli budget.
The amount deSignated by the board
for Searoeth wits *AM.
Morris Council
Morris Council meeting Was held
Oetobev 20th. Members were present,
the Reeve mesiding. Mentes of last
meeting tem1 and adiid ed.
Moved by Eleton—Proetee and re'
511(4(11 that John Roger, 0, L. 8., Pat -
(hell, be beeeby appointed to examine
Magee drain as to the grievance cotes
Lplained 1)2 117 William Olegg, owner of
el SA 15 and 10, Con. 1, and repot 1 to
Coutwillore as to its eondition and the
Means of remedying the defects 12 00011
exist and he ie hereby authorized and
111511 1)0114 also to maks a report on
suet) repairs, improvements, change of
eourbe, or other alterations, 1.1.8 be may
find to be necessary to remove the
grievance 01 111(3' complained of by the
said 1Villiam Clegg and to provide
effleient drainage for the lands Intend-
ed to be chained by the said Magee
drain and the said John Rem is
hereby authorized to vary the molter-
tiott of misossmoot for his work and
the maintenence of the said drain.
Audrew Laidlaw Watt paid $120 for4
eaves and 2111111114 killed by doga.
Tender rot, 11..,8 011,Adovnatt botwoon
Lots 1(1 and 11 Con. 4, wee not accepted
by the Council.
11. 14 MeKenzie trae appointed
Fuel Commieehmet for the municipalls
t y. •
Following tleemIllts Were pad
Alessi -8. Fraser, Miller RIM W-
E:wen, sideetingjnrm 1, et1,011.$ 4 00
Municipal World, forms for
selecting ........... ......
James Peaeock, gravel .... 10
A. Polloek, gtavels, ......... „.. . 4 50
Aiarthe. Roe, (111(111 ((411111155 1(111,115 4 00
Alessi s. Johnston. Mehlwan,
and Fraser, Boutd of Health,
each . • 8 00
Dr, White, Board of Health.,„ 12 00
Albert Meehan, repairing road 4 00
IL 13ottatan, fixing ,tujvett 2 00
Al. Haley, cleaning admin. 3 00
Beach Aleock, tile and draw-
ing for Bone drain . .. 40 00
Beach Aleoek, tile tot llanlla
drain „. 125 00
John Patrott, drawing grader 2 50
Next meeting, Monday, November
A. Alttlilwsts, Olerk,
Upwards (>2 1)1) men In the bridge
and maintenance of way departndolte
tif the O.T.R. 111(131,111(1, or the McAdoo
award amendment, provide...for an 8.
hour day. a mi»iintlin wage Inc ro1111.
men of $115, for sub.forenten, $1O5,
and for men 1$10 10 *53. This is retros
aetive to :leptetraber1.