HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-11-14, Page 8Y?> ♦+t.•f 4e+4.+444+4.+4.+$+++ d•i 4 -fel i ee 4 10,14d'tb+0 44.4.4be 4.1*
1121 n,R eedsWali
Pa er
Of the Times
We Can NI Your Order
i Disinfectants
Chloride of Lime, toe & zoo pkgs
Formaldehyde 35c & hoe bots
Carbolic Acid 2cc & 42C bots
Lysol 8c per oz
Sulphur zea & 150 Ib
Carbolic Soap 250 takes
Cough Medici1tnes
and Tablets
Cherry Bark Cough Cene
251 & 500 bots
Blood Root Cough
Cure 250 bots
Laxative Bremo Oltfni e n
X a 3 c pkg
Renal' C. ,1d Tablets 252 pkg
Throat Eos me & 25C pkgs
Paraformic Tablets ass pkg
Catarrh felly 250 tubes
652 up to $1.75 and $2.00 each
Good Sprays for use in them are
Resell Antiseptic Sol.
Hydrogen Peroxide
3oc bots•
25e bots
250 bots
Tasteless Prep. Cod Liver Oil
$I.00 bots
-coil';: En:elision 750 &$1.5obets
Wer ->pole's Cod Liver Oil Sr bole
Vivol $z bots
Kasagra 252 & 5oc bots
Epsom Salts 5c & rockgs
Reran Orderlies 251 & 250 pkgs
LTHOUGH it is November,
the gloom associated with
the month eau be dispelled
from the house by having the
rooms freshly Papered. Now is
when you will get the good of new
Paper, when more time is spent
Our Stock Includes
Plain Fabric Papers
Stripes and Chintz
Bedroom Papers
Oiled Papers far Kitchens
and Wash Rooms
New Ceiling Papers
See Them
7..1ig cs,Aca Store
Druggist and Stationer
•iP IN WRON,i. Buous.-Last Saturday
® afternoon a small parcel was placed in a
4, buggy in Melville church shed; by mis.
• take and the owner would be much
obliged if the Ruder would leave it at
„. Tint POST
♦ WOMEN'S Iustitute will couvene in the
Public Library, Friday, et 3 o'clock.
The tople, '"Phe U1(122002 of environ.
• meut" will be in charge of Mrs.. Gilroy,
,r Roll roll ausweted by verse of favorite
+ Canadian poet, also music, Full attend-
an0e +s requested 212 business of import -
env • w..1 be traw-mete(1.
+ 0111212 to ins illness of Miss Geddes,
• she was unable to take her work this
♦ week nu ills teaching staff of Rr1vsels
Public School, Miss Marjory Yuill
' kindly acceded to the request of the
6+0++4.44'0+.+0.+1+0+♦+4.+.4.04.0 +0+.+4,+4+♦4.0+♦+0•FE%4+4+144.6
Pad e gids
LOCAL news 012 page 5.
DAILY papers are in great demand
these days in an endeavor to keep tab
ae the kaleidseopic war news.
REMEMEER Friday evening's Horti-
cultural Society meeting, Public Lib-
rary Board room at S o'clock. It had
to be postponed from last week.
A beautiful specimen of the Mrs.
John Laing variety of roses was brought
to THE POST last Monday, grown by
Mrs. Jas. Anderson, 5th line Morris. It
was a novelty for November. The bush
was received from the Brussels Horticul-
tural Society.'. Flower was a :choice
sample, pink in color and large size.
ELECTRIC Light service was minus
Tuesday night on account of coal short-
age. Sufficient was borrowed to operate
Wednesday and two cars are on order
and due to arrive any time. We have
been faring fairly well but hope the
furnace "fodder" will arrive so as to en-
sure regular service.
THE comfortable and eligibly located
home of Mrs, Chas, Ritchie has been sold
to W. J. Cardiff, 7111 Con., Grey Town-
ship, who purposes moving to town in
course of a month or so, Price is said to
be $1100. Mrs. Ritchie and Archie will
remove from Brussels THE POST under-
stands, Auction Sale of furniture, &c.,
on Saturday, 23rd inst.
Rap CROSS Circle met Tuesday after-
noon, with eo ladies present, 53 pair of
socks were handed in. Mrs. Alfred
Baeker,°Treasurer, reported $85,00 in
treasury. It was decided to order q or 10
spindles of yarn to add to the r5 now 012
hand. A number of snits of pyjamas
are cut out and waiting somebody will-
ing to complete the work.
report of the three canvassers for this
locality in connection with the Vict'>ry
Loan of Brussels and Grey township is
as follows up to Wednesday: -
F. S. Scott $64,000
km. McDonald 28,60o
A, H. McDonald 14,9oo
$ 107,300
Don't forget that Saturday of this week
is the closing day, Now is the time "to
go over the top."
Donald has disposed of the Central
Hotel.to 5, Carter, of town, who will
remove partitions and make alterations
arranging ft for a garage, office and im-
plement Show department, He gets
immediate possession, we understand,
Building is centrally located, well built
and should prove a good buy for Mr.
Carter. The large brick barn has been
retained by Mr. McDonald and will be
utilized, it is said, as a sales stable for
cattle, horses, &c„ by the proprietor.
The closing of the Central Hotel still
leaves good accommodation to the
travelling public in the American and
Queen's. There was a day in Brussels
when there were 6 hotels, if not mere,
doing business but times have changed,
The sad news came to hand of the death
of Mrs. Blackstock, formerly of Brussels,
from pneumonia. She is survived by
her husband and 3 children, Their
home is at Saskatoon. Her mother,
Mrs. Adam Good, a sister t0 W. F.
Vanstone, Wiugbam, was a former well
known resident of Brussels. Her nus.
band is hurled here. Mrs, Good is be-
ing sorely tried these years. Her 3 sons
enlisted, Harold is a prisoner in Ger-
many ; Joe was killed a feW weeks ago 1
and Will. is recovering from wounds
in England, Now oomes the sore
stroke of the death of her eldest daught-
er, a bright attractive woman beloved
by ell who knew her, The deep seated
sympathy of many is accorded those
called 10 mourn,
BY notice elsewhere it will be observ-
ed that Pte. Eimer Ewan, son of L. and
Mrs. Ewen, of town, was united in mar-
riage with Miss Gertrude M. Specs, of
Toronto, on Nov. xst, May their joys
be many.
CARD OF TISANES -The family of the
late Mrs. D. McQuarrie, desire to give
public expression to thelr appreciation
of the many kindnesses shown them by
friends far and near during the illness
and in the subsequent death of their
mother, THE FAMILY, -
A Wow' well bred Brown T,eghorn cockerels
for sale, Price 51.10 each. WALTER 8, Scowl,
LOaT.on the Oranbrook side road between
the 0th and 18th Cons,, a clevi'e'and a swivel
grab hook, Finder will greatly oblige by noti-
fying Wm. Hall, phone 846.
8 Rose tomb White Wyandotte Ooelcerals for
sale. Pure bred, HUGS R, ELLro,T, Brussels.
Phone -6017.
9.8 P1028 weeks old for sale.
Phone 208, R. MOALLIeyit1.
LosT-Spectacles and case, lost Monday.
Finder rewarded, G.A.DBADMAN,
PLII0a Rug lost last week from auto. Find•
er is asked to kindly leave it at Tun Pose,
Taos. ALOooK.
Yova EYB0 will b. thoroughly and aecnrate-
1y examined by modern and soientIflo methods,
the correct prescription issued and eyeglasses
or spectacles fitted with knees exactly to
meat your requirements. It costa you noth-
ing to let 110 examine your eyes. There is no
guess work. Prices moderate.
J. R. WENDT, Optician, Wroxeter,
20 Cleans of Stovewaod wanted, Beech or
Maple, Apply at Tan P000,
R, B. STBWART, pianotuner, will be in Sous-
se ls soon, Leave your orders promptly with
H. L. Jackson.
ALL kinds of dressed poultry wanted, On
account of labor shortage we are paying extra
prises for dressed poultry and premium on
orate fatted chicken. For further particu-
lars 'phone 88. Rosi. T2021r oN,
Darvmo Horse, 7 years old, and fires.alaes
end hand Boggy for sale. Apply to
174f War, LITTLE, Brussels,
AT a bargain price. One'set'of second-hand
single harness, RIOEARD8 & 00.
DR, PARRint, Osteopathia Physician, visits
Brussels Monday afternoon of each week.
Ohronio and nervous diseases successfully
treated, Visits resldencee, Consultation et
Queen's Hotel.
THE farmer who fails to take a weekly
paper that is devoted to his in'etests,
surely is not farming with a view
to profit. Yeti cannot make a farm
pay all it can pay without a paper that
takes a lively interest in your welfare.
One reason wiry other branches of in.
dustry are united more closely than the
termer, is because they support the pub-
lication of their respective businesses
So should you, One Dollar sent direct
to The Weekly Sun, Toronto, will pay
your subscription for that paper for the
full year of 2919 with the balance of
2918 free, Yon will find The Sun a
very great help to you and well worth
the price. Every reader of the Sun is a
Sun booster.
day at 2 a. m. Cora Ferguson, eldest
daughter of Reeve D. and Mrs. Fergus-
on, Teeswater, and beloved wife of
Norman McDonald, of Edmonton, was
called away to her eternal borne, after a
short illness of influenza followed by
pneumonia. She was in her 39811 year,
bad been married neerly'r4years and is
survived by her husband, a son, (Doug-
las) and daughter. (Ruth.) Mr, and Mrs,
McDonald went West 10 years ago living
in Calgary before making their home in
,Edmonton. The funeral takes place at
Teeswater Friday afternoon of this
week at 2 30 o'clock. Mrs. McDonald
was a fine type of young womanhood,
who enjoyed the friendship of many
who will hear with the deepest regret of
her decease, To those bereft the sym-
pathy of a wide circle of relatives and
Mende will he manifest, Deceased was
bol•t1 in Teeswater and is a grand-
daughter of Mrs, Ferguson and a nelce
to Jno, and Robt, Ferguson and Mrs, G.
A, Seat, of Brussels,
School Board and is supplying the room
un 'il Mies Geddes is able le resume
work. Owing to so much lost tilne from
the Board of Health ban the teachers
are putting in long hours to endeavor to
catch up the work.
RInAY, 29th. the Dominion Railway
Commissioners will hold a meeting in
the audience room of the Public Library,
Brussels at co a, m„ to hear objections,
if any, against the fixing of annual
rates 'o
for Brussels Grey and a Morris
Telephone p 1 ue Co, The 10 year period has
lapsed and this step is necessary where
changes in rates are proposed, See
a(lve in another coltt= and goveru
yourselves accordingly,
THE following item is taken from a
Saskatoon newspaper, the first mention-
ed person being a former Brusselite, viz.
Bliss Pearl Sharpe, of other days, now
the wife of Dentist Ibberson, If the
other ladies are as goo,( hands at manog-
inghorses as Mrs. I. they would do all
right :-"Mrs. W. Ibberson, Mrs. J. T.
Merrick, Miss Ida Thayer and Miss
Edna Caswell have responded to the
call of the harvest season and will leave
to•clay to drive grain wagons on the R,
W. Caswell farm. $4 0o a day is the
pay, "
Howard Hall, whose property lies to the
North of Brussels, is making quite a
record as a grower of onions. This
year from a half acre he harvested 5,60o
pounds Yellow Danvers Dutch sets and
had 120o pounds pickling onions in addi-
tion. The sale of these, (while they
may be a crop capable of bringing tears
to your eyes) are also competent to
provide a smile, if not a merry laugh, as
the financial results arising from the
sale are passed into the pocketbook:,
Mr, Hall's experience could be duplicat-
ed, we daresay, by many if they made
the effort and acquired the art of de-
velopment. The "know bow" is evi-
dently understood by Mr, Hall.
MAN, -THE PosT is sorry to report the
death of Walter Smith, eldest son of
Mrs. Walter Smith, Brussels, at Trehern
Man., on October 28tH, aged 65 years.
He had a stroke of paralysis a year ago
and another the week previous to his
demise. He lived in the West for the
past 35 years and was a blacksmith by
trade. His wife was Miss Dennis, sister
to H. Dennis, formerly of town. She
3 sons and 4 daughters survive, Walter
is deceased. Mr. Smith's brothers are,
Thos , Newark, N. J. ; Wm, C., Brus-
sels ; Alex , Rossland, B. C. ; and Jack,
of Salmon Arm, B. C. ; Mrs, Murphy,
Eotait, Wash. ; and Mrs. Currie, Sal-
mon Arm, are sisters, Mr. Smith visit-
ed here on different occasions and was
known to many of our readers who will
sympathise with the bereaved.
home of her son-in-law, A. G. F. Ross,
Montreal, Mary Morshead, widow ot the
late Teo. Parker, formerly of Brussels,
paid' tNatre's debt on November 4111,
191S, aged75 years. She had been in
tailing stealth for past 9 months. Mr.
Parker died iu Brussels on April 16th
1880. The family moved from here to
St. Marys and Went to Montreal about
30 years ago. Phe surviviug children
are William J., Mrs, T. Kenny and
Mrs. A. G. L', Ross, all of Montreal.
Deceased made her home with the lat-
ter for past 12 years. Mrs. 1'. McGol-
ricb, Port Arthur, and Mrs. el. J.
Brown, Toronto, are sisters of the late
Mrs. Parker and Fred, Morshead, New
Westminster, B. C., a brother. The
casket arrived from Montreal on Wed-
nesday noon train, accompanied by Mr,
Parker and Mr, Ross, and burial was
made from the G. 1'. R. depot in Brus-
sels Cemetery, Rev. A, J: Manu con-
dnaed the service. Pallbearers were
6 members of the Masonic Lodge, of
which the late Mr, Parker was a neem•
her :•-IyI. Black, F. H, Gilroy, I, C.
Richards, D. Walker, Jas, Fox and W.
Gillespie. Mrs. Parker was a most est-
imable person and is well remembered
by the Olde; residents of Brussels,
THE LA'!E MRs, D, MCQI/ARRrg,--Fol.
lowing an illness of 6 weeks, which was
marked with intense sulfa log, the 1 pirit
of Janet McIntosh, widow of the late
Donald ticQuarrie, entered its eternal
rest Pr1d=1y morning of last week. For
years Mrs. McQuarrie had uut enjoyed
good heal 11 but bring l ossesscd of a
remarkably strong constitution she was
able to rnake a staunch tight against the
ravages ot disease Mrs. McQuarrie
wee the oldest daughter of Johu and Mrs.
McIntosh, who were numbered among
the pioneer settlers of Grey township,
She was horn at Blair Athol, Scotland,
77 years ago and about q years of age the
family emigrated to Canelo. They liv-
ed at Hmpurhev for 3 ears and in r855,
Lot 12, Con. 7, Grey township, was pur-
chased from Thomas McQueen, There
the subject of this notice continued to
reside until het marriage le September
1865 to Donelri McQuarrie, at that tine,
a sturdy young p'oneer settler of the 4th
Con. of Grey township, After resitting
there for 14 years they moved to Morris
township where r2 years Were spent on
the farm on the 6111 line which was pur-
chased from the 0atete of the tate Ed-
ward Nichol, 29 years ago they bought
John Vincent's farm, roth Con , of Giey.
There they lived until 1905
when they decided to retire
from farm life and selling their farm to
their eon, Charlie, they moved to Cyan -
brook. 6 years ago failing health made
them decide 10 speed their declining
years in Brussels, Mr. McQuarrie
passed May 58 months ago. A faintly
of 7 children is left to mourn the loss of
a loving mother whose life was cons•
tantly devoted to their interests :-Mrs,
Robt. Oliver, Brussels ; Charles, Grey
township ; John, Montreal ; Mrs, Tiros.
Brown, of gravel road, Morris township,
Souter of Brussels; Dan„ of Nutana,
Sask. ; Sant, of Heward, Sask, ; and
Athol. of Toronto, Alex. McIntosh,
Brussels South, is a brother, as also are
Angus Mo1ntosb, Hartford, 18181, and.
We advise the purchase of
Canada's Victory Bonds
as a safe and profitable investment in addition
to being a help to your country.
Sal if) sera Any Bronoh of this Bank will take 868
your subscription without (Iberia.
G. H. SAMIS, ® ®CI Manager,
M°sts s"a"ha�-s,a
Donald McIntosh, Hann:•,h, Nerth Dale
Pelletal, which was private, tools place
on Tuesday afternoon to Brussels name -
y, tree. A, J, Mann, rleeea:ed's pastor
Gond c i
1 to
g the services el vices at the pause
end graveside. The ntllbearers were:-
(N Ipt0s11, Roht, Oliver and
Charles, John, Athol and Peter Mo.
Quarrie. The bereaved are sympathised
with in their sorrow. Mrs. McQuarrie
waS an industrious, kind -hearted, soci-
able woman who enjoyed the esteem of
a wide circ:e of friends,
Church Chimes
Evangelist and Mrs, T. Dewitt Johns-
ton will opeu a 10 days series of evange-
listic meetings in Grace Methodist
church, Essex, on Sunday, November,
Rev. Mr. Mann spoke on "The mould-
ing influence of the Home" last Sabbath
morning iu Melville church and in the
evening preached on "The call of
Rev, J E, Holmes, Presideut of the
London Conference, and pastor of Rid-
out Methodist church, Loudon, bas ee-
cepted the call to be pastor of the Tr'n-
ity Methodist church, Stratford, at the
close of the present Conference year,
In St. John's Church last Sunday Rev.
Mr. Smith discoursed from Eph. 6-10
at the morning service and in the even-
ing dwelt on "The witness of St. John
to the Ministry of Jesus," St, John 1-12.
The latter was a sequel to a former ser-
mon on the subject "The Approval of
St. John by Jesus."
Wingham District Methodist church-
es will observe next Sabbath as their
Educational Field Day and interchange
of preachers has been arranged. Rev,
C. R. Durrant, Teeswater, will occupy
the pulpit of Brussels church at I1 and
7 o'clock aid preach at Crauhrook in the
afternoon. Rev, Mr. Staftor'd will go to
Sabbath afternoon last the World's
Temperance program was taken up in
the Methodist Sunday School here, In
addition to following the outline an ap-
propriate reading was given by Mae
Skelton ; a fine solo well rendered by
Dorothea Stafford and inspiring ad-
dresses by 1. T. Wood and F. H. Gilroy,
Monthly Missionary offering was $3.65,
School decided to take a Victory Bond,
UNIbNilSERVICES,-Ata meeting, held
in the Methodist church Tuesday even•
ing of representatives of Melville and
the Methodist Churches, it was decided
to hold union services for 4 mouths
commencing on the first Sunday of
December. First 2 mouths Melville
church will be used and for February
and March the Methodist church, Sab-
bath Schools, weekly prayer meeting
and Young People's meetings will be
included and a joint choir will lead the
praises. Object of uniting is to conserve
fuel, Monday evening the Committee
appointed to arrange the plan will meet
in the Methodist church at 7.3o o'clock.
It consists of the pastors, Sunday School
Superintendents, Presidents o1 Young
People's Societies and W. M. S. Bus-
iness Committee chosen is Jas, Fox, D.
C. Ross and A. Strachan, for Melville
church and F. H. Gilroy, H, L. Jackson
and W. H. Kerr for the Methodist
church, Hours of service will continue
as at present it is expected, The meet-
ing was most harmonious and was pre-
sided over by Rev. W. E. Stafford.
Rev. Mr. Manu offered the closing
prayer, Fuller particulars will be given
in neat Week's issue of THE POST and
from the pulpits of the interested
Ontario Railway and
Muilnicipal Board
(P. F. 4087)
Irn the matter of the ap011150 ion of the Nun.
laipality of the Village of Brussels for the np•
proval of Byelaw No, 0,1918, providing that the
charges for Telephone service I•n oonneotinn
with the said system shall hereafter be t -To
renters, 112,00 per annum 1 to all property
owners having telephones metalled upon their
ppremises, 812,00 per annum, (A. copy of the
before mentioned By-law may be seen in the
Milos of 811e Clerk of the Village of Brussels,)
The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board
hereby appoints Friday, the Twenty-ninth day
of Novenmber, A. D. 1018, at the hour of ton
o'clock in tho fm'en8on, at tete Public Library
Auditorium, in the Village of Brussels, for the
hearing herein,
Doted at Toronto this Fourth day of Novem-
ber A. D. 1018,
2g•2 Il, 'O, SMALL, Seorotary,
Auction Sales
Mut, aP'OVBwOOD, &a, -P, S. Scott,
Auctioneer, hap reoofved lnstrttotione front
the undersigned to 0011 by Public Auction nt
Lot 04, Oon, 11, Grey Monde November18,
at 1 o'uleok, the following effects te:-11bedrm
suites, 1 sideboard, 1 writing desk, 1 08001181on
table, 2 smaller tablas, 1 ideas nupboaed, 1
8287 chair, 2 rookery, 0 cane seated chairs, 12
wooden alleles, 2 oouehes, 2 feather bads, 8
ma0traeses, quilts, blankets, pllloWo, &o„ 2
8 -day aloohs, 1 alarm cloak, 2 ranges one nearly
new,1 parlor Dank burns coal, 1 heater, dishes,
knives, forks, apoone &e., 1 weeping machine
1 wringer, 1 arch tub,1 goat robe, number of
platurea, 1 rug, ndmbar of mate, 4 bags Fall
wheat, tempo and lanterns, 1 hanging lamp,
1 Milk cooling tank, 1 set hoomales, ales, 1 lawn
molder, 1 extension bidder, 1 step ladder, 1
4'gallon coal oil On, 2 eraamory cans, 1 Stam
(lard crown separate', 1 0hnger sewing
mnohhre, table limen, towels &e„ 1 roll poultry
netting, quattlty of Witter apples, einint187
of potatoes, pile of hemlock (heli lumber, 28
corde stemmed wetly maple, Merolla, crow-
bar, garden tools and other nrtioles too intim
crone to mention. Terrain -All auras 16 and
under moth; evor that amount 12 months
credit given on furnishing approved joint
for Ni
Melville church young people and also
the Methodist young p-ople 1211' ac-
cepted the proposition of the heals of
their , espective churches in purchasing
a memorial Victory Bond that will
donate to '
d aiding
a Forward '+s'
i, wet bel.
7 Slon•
ary crusade now being undertaken by
the elnuuhctand al the sante time com-
memorating the sacrifices made I y the
:oval soldier boys who gave up their
lives ler the Empire.
Lost Sunday morning "I was glad
when they said unto me let us g0 up to
the house 'of the Lnrd" teas Rey. \V, E.
Stafford's text, Communion was ob-
served at the close id the eel0.00 In
the eveuing Rev. Fred. hunter, of
Bowen, hl., preached, his theme being
"Memory." Se iptnre chosen was
Isaiah 46 and 9, "Remember the former
things of o'4." Rev, 5lr Hauler is an
old Brueaels boy, who attended the
Methodist church for years and the large
congrcgatiou was. greatly pleased to
have tete opportunity of hearing him.
His closing remarks ou the relationship •
of the U. S. and Canada in the great
struggle for Liberty was most appro- ei
a A Good
H.,.t Water
QAIWA.), I; tt most useful 1101.120.
1101d article and More pltetinular-
e ly 81 this season of the yeas'. A
really good article to have on
hand just when you need it.
Dialogue Il.ie and
Recitation Books
For School and Church
ty Entertainments
g \Vo have freshened up Dur
stock by the addition of 801815 20
new books, containing some
esplendid 11Uulbers - humorous,
pathetic., dramatic and senit-
nlental-1u poetry, 1)1(80 and
aoseeaseasyssoepsoossssse a�ea ltseadeoes8iuce•t8t8tltOtBfY••
ox's rug Stor
Weekly Store u etdn
EI001NO, Iu Turnberl'y, on Nov. 10th, 1918, to
Mr, and Mrs, Chester Higgins a son.
LAIT LAW. -In Morris, on November 8, 1018, to
Mr. and Mrs. David Laidlaw, a daughter.
Strive. -In Morris township, on October 28th,
1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Smith, 4111
line, a sot -John McDonald.
VANOAMP.-In East Wnwasosh, on Oot, 28rd,
1918, to hir, and Mrs. Jas. A. VanCunp,
a daughter..
Woone.-In Los Angeles,Cal., on Nov. Ord,
1918, to Dlr. and airs. Dot. W. hoods (nee
Mise Norma Hoover), a son -Warren Whit -
GLouertga-RRTnl, -In Walton, by Rev,- Mr.
Lundy, on November 16th, 1918, Mr..iso,
G1ott her, of Me.Billop township,to MissSophiet Walton. of Mr. and Ms, Ohne.
Rena, alton.
EwAN-SPBax-On Nov. 1st, 1018, -Gertrude
Mary Speck, third daughter of Arr. end
Mrs. Benj. Speck, 60 Hamilton street, Tor-
onto, to Pte. Elmer Dougal Ewan of Bras -
eels, Ont.
,SIBLING-RH1nT,.-In Walton, by Rev. Mr,
Lundy, 011 November 6th, 1018, Mr. John
Henry aioling, of Grey township, to MIAs
Mary Barbara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas, Reihl, Walton.
BBDNBDON.-III Londesboro, on October 801th,
1918, John Brnnedon, aged 82 years, 6
months and 6 days,
Lovn.-At Mooselaw, on October 80th, 1018,
Arthur Love, formerly of McKillop town-
shiP, aged 29 yent•e.
MODoNAnn.-At Edmonton, on November 8811,
1018, Cora 8, Ferguson, beloved %vile of
Norman MoDonald, in her 80th year.
MOQDAnn1B,-In Brussels, on November 8th,
1018, Janet McIntosh. widow of the late
Donald B1oQuarrie aged 74 years,
PARKel1.-In, Montreal, on November 4811, 1018,
Mary Morehead, u'tdow of the late Joint
Parker, (formerly of Brussels), aged 76
&lacune, -In the Sanitarium, Hamilton on
November 71h, 1018, Pte, Clark Sanders,
aged 42 years and 6 months,
• 427'
CDD000esteaeometegmenootocom3r ta(cBoiSW5f3C0C33f 2149®d8C969Qt3ts92g 03
After the "flu"
Nothing is better than a real
good builder and tonic. We
would like you to try,
Cod Liver
with Malt Extract arise Hypo -
phosphate. During our many
years in the Drug business we
have sold nothing that has giv-
en such general satisfaction as
this splendid preparation. Two
50c and_$1.00
The Now
od st
Hy '>
HOW 1u slocic 001119rinus some very
handsome editions, I3041,01trg
with Lilo cheapest ttt40c, a book 4,}
1. 05inches in size and half u i(
i l l ni n I ch
thick,cloth bound, rrlecedges ; tI lien
at 00c we have vett' convenient
little book 8;tx 533 inches whirls
makes a splendid else for the poc-
ket and the pt int is a gond size.
\Ve also 11110e the sante book in
Morocco Grain, India paper, red
under gold edges, at $1,75, An-
other 09 Willy 10nv('uieut size, type
it trifle larger, is our S0c book ; Ihis
' is.Jx0111oheo, and we also -112212 IL fu
Morocco Grain at $1 1)0.
Those wanting a t('ally fine book
with large type and not too large
will fled the edition iu Olcrcacu
1rnfl1 leather lined, Todia paper, at
$8.00, a very handsome book.
Then there are the music eclf-
tione. These we have at $1 50,
9;3.50, $4.00 tend $4 50. Step in and
look theist over.
When John D, Wore Father's Clothes
In Itis younger days Mr, Rookfeller's.
olothes were n trial to his friends mid n
story hop been told of hots ono of them
once made an effort to get the multimil-
lionaire to mond his ways in thio respect.
Ho pointed out to fir. Rockfeller that it
was not the right thing for a man in his
position to be so shabby.
I nm not shabby mildly objected the
budding millionaire. "Yes you are" re•
torted his [rind, TUlnlc of your father
and what 211150117 dressed manhe always
was." At this Mr. Roekfeller smiled,
Why," Hudd he "this Isa eult of my Pater
er's t've got on now,"
STswAnT.-In loving memory of our dear son,
Matthew J. Stewart, who departed this Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
life four years age, Nov, 9111,1914, youngest
son of the late Alexander and Mrs. Stele•
art,10th con. Grey.
"Four years have passed since that sad day.
God palled the one we loved away ;
Forget him 4 No, we never will
As years roll on we love him still."
Deeply mourned by his aged Mother,
FRIDAY, Nov. 15. -Farm Stock. Lot 81, Com
12, Grey township. Sale at 1 p, in, John and
Mrs. Dougherty, !Proprietors. F, S. Scott,
MONDAY, NOT, 18,-Houaehold Furniture.
wood, &c., Lot 24, Con, 14, Grey Townehip
Sale, unreserved, at 1 p, m, Donald McNeil,
Prop. F. S. Soott, Aao.
Nov. n• -Household furni-
ture, &c., corner Johnu and
and King streets. Sale
at 2 p. >n. Mrs, Ohns. Ritchie, Proprietress ;
F, S. Scott, Auctioneer.
12 10 82 10
205 206
Pots 70 78
Barley 1 0 110
Butter 411 .8
RM... 60 60
Hoge 17 20 17 25
Wool 05 85
HRT 15
Potatoes per bag 1 10 11 60
Wool (unwashed) 00 00
Hog for Service
The underoigned will keep for service on
Lot 14, Oen. 10, Grey, n Registered Borkehire
Hog. Pedigree may be seen on application,
For further particulars phone 246.
18•tf J. W, P2124812011, Proprietor.
Perhaps you never had an account in a bank -maybe you've
never done business in a bank -hardly even cashed a cheque in
one. But•
that is no reason why you cannot go to a bank and borrow
money to buy Victory Bonds,
If you are a steady, industrious, thrifty citizen, working and
•saving a part of your income, you are just the kindof person
Canada's chartered banks stance ready to help to -day,
Any bank will lend you as much money as you can save
during the next twelve months, with which to buy Victory
Bonds. •
All you have to do is to pay ten per cent. of the amount you
want to buy and deposit the receipt for that ten per cent. in the
The bank wil lend you the 90 per cent. balance at 15A Per
cent. interest and will give you a year to repay it, the interest:
you get on your bond being just the same as -the bank charges
°:Cilie is a fine opportunity for you to begin a relit savings
account, to make a firstclass investment and to help your
country at the same time.
Why not see a banker to -day --he will tell you all about it
and you will be glace of the advice and help he can It1VC you.
1 .� Z
Beircow and c TyVictory Bons
/sods(' by Canada's Victory Loan Committee
in co-operation with the ?,linietcr of P i, ,,nee
of the Dominion of Canada
xi+,s reuraanalOrat( tee