HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-11-14, Page 5.41611141 cuipa
Business Casae
Successor to 05. 13, Neer°. Cairo at Ander.
don tiros. Livery stable, Brussels, Telephone
No, '„'0,
Honor graduate at the Ontario Veterinary
College, Dar and night calla. ofaoe opposite
Flour M115, Ethel,
M. PJ., M. ea, P,...2 S. 0,
M. 0. 10., Village of Brussu;ls.
1'hyai ien, :4urgeon, Accoucheur
Office tat residence, opposite Molvilie Chetah,
William street.
DR. J H. WHiTE, B. A.
Greduste Toronto University of hi (Moine.
Speotat attention given to dtsreses of children
and Surgery,
Office: Dr. Bryans Old Stand
Phone. 40 Brussels:
Licensed. Auctioneer far Huron Co.
Willson for as good prices no any other Aim.
Donner or charge nothing,
Barrfstors, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Oltlae uu the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rates,
W. Pnnnbroe'r, K, o. J. L. 0 ILLOUAN
• H. J. D. 00000÷÷+ ++++++++.1.4.+4.
t fall Term • from Sept. 3
ss-.sRrxr.a vmm 3,
4. —1N— • +
• Shaw's Business Schools M
Toronto f
•+'r Free Catalogue un request. ,++h
IC' Write to \V. 1I S1IA\V, Pres. +
,+,, "rouge and Gerrard Sloe Toronto M
++++4. 3.4'++d•+•b 4•+-F+++++++++++•P
Sam ehnstein
Is prepared to pay the
highest price for
Scrap Iron,
Rags, &c.
Highest price paid. See
me before you sell,
Highest Cash Price
for e
Live Poultry and Hides
A Write or Phone 62e
Farm for Sae
160 nares, ono mile West of Brussels, on the
• 6th Lime. Good soil, tilled and well fonoed.
Good bank barn and frame dwelling, Open
for ani offer at $00 00 per hare, For farther
partioulnro write W.A. GILBERT.
010eole at , Toronto, Ont.
For Sale
House mid lots, oontehhin- g (3 ncres, MMI the
Village of Cralhroolr, the pro>orty of the Into
Mrs, Agnes grown, is offeredlfor sale, Frame
house, bion, fruit trees, Sao. Possession ooald
bo Wren at aloe. For further pnrtioo)oos op.
ply to bMlle. Tltna, CAMERON Or WN °ANI ON /N,
Executors estate of the. late Mrs, A goes Brown,.
Farms for Sae
100 neroa of land] for solo, 0710 Peri Lot 12,
Nortel half Oen. 0, 'Mortis township, containing
PO nares. There Bre nn the premises a good
fraise house, bank barn 00x00'00, also eddying
shed with .ppig too underneath, a ]Tey ban
with oemont atnbling and a Promo hlahlee net
Mead,' Fan 1s in n good state of cultivation
and is watered with a Roving orook and well.
With windmill, A too Si Lot 18, Con, 8, non.
talniaeg 100 000(0 mostly grass, well watered by
spring ; 400'08herd woad bosh, good orchard
end "801011 house. Those farms are in first-
tlene eontlition and will be sold eopnrete or to-
terrlrtt>>.npNrTelopatiouno,o WEJohM01y,
of estate of John Mol0Iros , 111yth P. 00
or Robt, Sha'treed, Waltoft P. 0.
Bull for Service
The undersigned sv 111 keen for service, on S
Lot 80, Con. 2, Morris township, the thorn' -bred
)Short Horn Bull, Gainford Of'Saloni, No,
1)0410.-a, Sired by Gainford Marquis (100800)
Dart Mildred VII by Ruy'ol Sat for (18000). Poco;
1 Teo. may ho seen 60 mmol leaden. Terme—
IMO tor geodes and $10;00 I or filhoro -broils,
1� 9IulClU..l.l.�1i 1EILIllJ�' II,II.�uj,r: itq,l�t6�fW9�.tilG,l.i, lJ�l.11.l��i�, plI,I�. I;Is* I.I�li er<l]i.l, tlk..l�.
'• - � .
AMU. itkiii yii,4«.-i,;,
"Fra1tm8-fives.” Quickly
Relieved Thos Ghrocic Trouble
WHIlams, Greene & Rome
Corhpany, Limited
Cor. 13ento11,.4ez St. George Sts„ KITCHFNER
Write for particulars s„
I 1
rand Vet urs
Sheave days,
THE Pusrgives the news,
FALL moving has been having its in-
How does your label on THE POST
read ?
SCnoo1.S got clown to business last
HALF of November passes Friday of
this week.
THE needful supply of rale to fill the
Fall requirements should soon be com-
Now for a clean-up on Victory bonds.
Saturday of this week is supposed to be
the last day,
FOURTH Division Court was held Wed-
nesday of last, before Judge Lewis,
Docket was not heavy.
0). CARTER'S Ford Tractor has been
busy plowing for several Partners and
does the job all right,
WALTER ROSE, our new 'poultry -Canc.
far, is getting his show birds in shape for
the coming Poultry Fairs.
Ownso to coal running short at the
Electric Light plant the hours tor light
have been abbreviated. Two cars of
soft coal are expected auy day.
DON'T forget Annual meeting of Brus-
sels Horticultural Society Friday even-
ing of this week, at 8 o'clock sharp in
Board room of the Public Library.
Everybody welcome.
18 PouNDEa.—A monster turnip has
been ou exhibition to D. B. McDonald's
butcher shop window. It was grown
ou the fano of Geo. E. Speirau, Grey
township, and weighed no fess tbau 18
pounds g ounces. It is some turnip all
OWING Lo the continued indisposition
of Charlie Oakley, Rural mail Courier
ou lt. R, g. bliss Lillian Davidson has
been looking after the work. Geo, A,
McCall and John Long lent a band for
several days. Charlie is bothered with
asthma and the rainy season is not favor-
able for him.
ON 'TILE Pts ertelr ,—
Cold weather.
Coal shortage.
Christmns planning.
.8 "Hearts of the world."
Churches doubling up.
The season for hunting.
Horticultural Society meeting Friday
Eveuiug, ..
DEAD IN FIANCE.—Brussels friends
heard with sincere regret of the death in
France of Walter Hyatt Jamieson, third
son of Mrs, ,Jamieson and the late Rev.
W. S. Jamieson, commanding officer
No. go Balloon section, R. A, F., form-
erly Captain with the :Moth Battalion.
His death occurred Oct oSth from pneu-
monia, The deceased's mother is a
daughter of the late Mr..lohu Acheson,
of Goder)ch. Rev. Mit lnnhieson was a
former junior. pastor of Brussels Metho-
dist church.
Album issued bthe Family Herald and
Weekly Stat' of Montreal is to hind and
in a credit to the Publishers. A copy is
sent free to all who order that paper for
tem. The Alban coutaius a mine of
valuable ioformatiou and the color work
could not be unproved on, It is just
such a book as one would like to have
close by at all times. Every 001)001
child in Cauacla should have it, In after
years when the war is over it will he a
valuable book of reference, The
Family Herald. costs only 1 25 a year and
wan the Album is certainly big value.
Lost(` IN' 1300910 room 4 on 5 DAYS,—
J. bl. Brown, of1'In'ee• 11 ills, Alla„ in
a le 01 et dated Oct.24th, 1918, wl'lLes :
Reading of ),hi deal[lathe lair Ml'sShine, nee Ciento tine Tennant, helegs
1,0 memo) y rut 00011, which happened
to her when a child under 10 seats Of
age, letek in the early I'oetles. At +
((10), time her home was Lot 0, Col, 4,
or 1,1111 Wort 0ectton of the township +
of \Vclleeley, known as J01111 Omnp- l
bell's monnl.aiu. Some time about
the end of May 1110 child was lost i1 l•
the. wild wombs or which.y, there was
little else in those days and was 1101
found far roue or five Clays after,
when some people in the (04411ning
township or Woolwich, hast or
the town of 14eidelboig ou their way M
to church, discovered her, and ,,NN
most of hor olotlil (1 113001 been 1.0111 off h
and all she could toll them Was LhaL 't'
her m11110 was "Clemy." The only *
things elle could gat l0 eat was beech.. +
nuts and pigeon berries, which 101'0
plentiful in those days, but 51010
most unknown. 10is needless to say +1+
there was great enrpr'ise and rejoic-
ing 10111.11. the people by whom she
wars found, carne upon a party of her +
rnot:her's friends who had been
sear'ohilg for her, when they were +
taking a lunch at:nnon, Her mother
wets a Sarraris, aero Wilmot ani rte'
ship and 1501' father known fit 'hat
time as all Ibogileli epo10, 1005 ollppos.
ed 1;0 have been lost when crossing the
oceali, bat Afto'wot'ds eel -netting to
Wellesley with money, moved C°ALhol,
W est and located on the present site
of the vi liege of Milverton, on what is
now the S. H. Pugh fem. Truly' the
late -Mrs. Shine may be said to he one
bf the earliest children of what was
then known as the Queen's bush, ho
0(01(00 1)10 original deeds or the land
carne direct ream the Crown to the
settlers in Wellesley township. The
late Airs. Shinelived long before the
eighties and nursed Airs, Brown when
a child, previous to het' marriage to
Mr. Shine.
Moncrie' f
George Dunlop Wag Called Ln Ashley
Penn., owing to the dem lee of his
brother, Allan. 51e bac) been an in-
valid for years, following 00 attack of
typhoid raver,
We welcome Curtis (0111 Mrs. Rath -
well and family to this locality and
wish them well
RFD eaoss (5,aponfr FOR OCTOBER :
—Wm, 5 ibson, 52,00 ; Alex. Higgins,
$3 00 ; Gordon Massie $8.00 ; 13. Long,
ley, $2.00 ; W. A. Mines, $1.00 0, 33,
Alnffet 51.110; .1. Morrison, 25r ; D.
MLKeecher, e1.00; Mrs. P. 1Siclbwen,
$10.110 ; Wm. Robinson 50c ; R. J.
Rann, $2,00 ; Mrs. Ram), $2.00 ; Mt s.
R. Stooks, $2,00; Jas. Swa0, $1,00.
13al. in Bank, Oct. 31st, 83 57.
Mrs. R. T. Bnllautyne left for Bas-
sett, Iowa, to visit Rey and Mrs. Bal-
lantyne far several' weeks.
Dr. floe disposed or his fine property
to A. M. Sweeten, Elmo'
Who intends
having a sale this Fall. De. will move
with his family to T05'ol(0.
Alex. and Mrs. Hied annnrmce the
engagement of their youngest daugh-
ter, Florence Altai Ida to \Vin. Speiran,
wedding to Lake plane in November,
J, 0. Hardie, farmer of Lima town-
ship for 45 years, moved to Listowel
anti before his departlhre was 1'eluem-
beeed by a gathering or friends and
neighbors, who presented hits lvilh a
complimentary add' errs and a DI 1091011
rocker. Mrs. Hardie was also kindly
reuternbe.red with the gift or a Bilk
umbrella. Following the conscription
of hie son, Rhieh lift hint in ap08)110n
where he was not, able to take care of
of the work Mr. Ilardie recently die -
posed or his farm to Henry MOFaddeu
or Wellesley,
Blyth -
Max Welsh, who hes been quite ill,
is eomecvhat improved.
Norman Taylor has returned from
Toronto suffering 1vit11 rhell ma1ism.
Mrs. (13.00) Telford still steadily it.
p50055 since her eeeenl severe illness,
which fact will he pleasant news to
her numerous friends.
Owing to eom° defect in the heating
appasalus At the school fire tricorn was
sounded Monday morning of last week
and the scholars nettle their exit from
the building. Fortunately it was
only smoke forcing its way throngh
the register I hat. caused the alai et.
Mrs. Wan. Johnston received a let-
ter from her sou, Pte. Kelley, 111
which tin staled that he had jest re-
caived word from his platoon Sergeant
i 11'm'tnieg hien that he had 10055 the
Milittsl'y hlrlhal, Pte, Johnston went
overseas with the 10140 Heron Balla -
lion and was drafted t0 the 47111 and
.1a. Hy
Meat Market
I wig!) to elate to the public that
I have opened up a new '530at
Alaskotin the
0h01'0 I will keep a choice stock
of the best Meats to be obtained,
\'Vial also handle all kinds of
Smolted and Oneed Mettle tool a
full pine of Oodked Abetter
Roods DollVorod on Short Notice
to all parte of tho town,
Will be pleased to receive a
'share of the patronage and will
guarantee OaLisfaOton,
Cosh 'Paid for flldos. Phone' 119x
Dr B. McDonald
b89 Costumer Beam, Moo r'nseo.
"In my opinion, no other medicine
58 So curative for Constipation and
Indigestion as `IOruit-a.tives'.
I wits a sufferer from these Com-
plaints for five years, and my
eed1ntary occupation, Music, brought
about a kind of Intestinal Paralysis;
with Mads Headaches, belching gas,
drowsiness after eating, and pain in
the hack,
I wee induced to try'Fruit-a-lives'
and now for six months 1 have been
entirely well". A. ItOSENBURP.
50c. abox, (3 for $2.50, trial size 25c..
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit -a -Lives Limited, Ottawa,
spent some months with that Batta-
lion in Frannr. 135 ie a stretcher
hearer and won 'he D. S, 0. 1'(14 deem-
ing wounded soldiers tinder heavy
elheil fire hefm'e he hiuleell' was wound-
ed Sept. 3. He is now in a Canadian
Illilitru'yHertel tat in England.
Mrs. W. Westcott returned recent-
ly from spending the Summer in the
Mr, and Mrs A beeat r, Hi b l ht
have soul their faros and intend mov-
ing into Egmont -1011e for the Winter.
R. A, Goldhawk was offlmially noti-
fied that his son Trooper W. D Gold -
hawk has been wounder) and was in
No, 2 Austrian hospital Winnereaux
suffering from gas wotulds.
Hay pressers are busy in this vicin-
'I'i'inity Church basement is nearing
Tax Collector for the Pastern Divi-
sion 110,v is Wm. F, Wade, instead of
Wm. Jamieson,
Earl Patterson left here for Hamil-
ton, having received word to report
for Military Setvice.
W. Walker received a telegram con-
veying the sad news of the death of
his nephew, Roy Bell, Port Arthur,
Recently James Downey had the
misfortune to have one of his fine
Hereford cows killed, by the train.
This was one of his show animals and
wnt'th a nice sem.
The residence in the village belong-
ing 00 Mrs. 0. E. Watters was purch-
ased by Mrs. Tames A. Sanderson.
We understand k0 is the intention of
Ales, Watters to n1OVe to Toronto.
Mee. 0. N. Griffin has gone to Van-
emtvet' where she will spend the
In Pretty Valley, Sask., on Oct. I6th
(he death ocrnrred of Mrs Frank
Ilaight. She was the second oldest
daughter or Mrs. Jenny Shell!, ofPret-
ty '700t10y, and was been in'4Vawanosil
about.$2 years ago. She was noosing
her brothers who wet° ill with influ-
enza when she contracted the disease
and was only sick a few days when
she died. She was of a pleasant dis-
position and was loved by all who
knew her. Deceased leaves besides
her beloved husband, Ther widowed
another, 4 sisters and 4 brothers.
The deceased was a sister of Herb.
Shiell. near Bluevale, and Mrs. V.
Bteen, Turnberry, At the time of her
death her another 10a8 visiting with
friends in this vicinity and was un-
able to attend the funeral.
Then Grudge Ye Not
Awarded First Price in Victory Loan
Poetry Campaign.
Since neither word of ours can raise,
• Nor prayer of ours restore
The dear lost lads of other days,
That legion "gone before,"
Stow shall wo grudge the yellow gold
To heat the Leeman down,
Where the Red Prusetans pitiless hold
Sacked elty; plllegod town 4
But'if some faith of ours could know,
Some prayer of ours awake,
The dear lost lads of long ago
That perished for our sake,
And at the dusk their spirits dins
Carne wllispgring sweet and far
From that fair land beyondthe rine
Of things that mortal an•e—
If 0110h could be, would these not asst
That we should help- the wind)
help—ab, humble taste
Thelraolneadaq left i>slnnd
Thou grudge wo not the yellory {;old
To beat the Poeinnn down,
Where the Rod Prassstnua pitilees hold
Sacked city, pillaged town.
(}11011010 01. MAITLAND.
Stratford herald says :—"Mr, Mait-
land, who is a sot or G, Ir. and Ars.
Maitland, received his journalistic
training o1 The Herald, Stratford, on
which paper he became city editor,
but his poetical gift was from his
mother, who has written many choice
poems. Ale. Maitland went from The
Herald over 32 years ago to the Tor-
onto Star,1 being 11010 tele of the chief
Men o1 that paper's brilliant staff,
Prof, 51. W. Wallace, or Toronto
Univet'slty, was judge of the Victory
Loan Poem contest, awarding the ls1
to Sir. Maitland for the above poem,
The contest atbr'aoted wide attention,
more than 1100 poems being offered
from all over Canada, and some from
England and from several States of
the Union.
1bfr, Maitland's vases were judged
as of exceptional merit, 24 poems by
other contributors were deemed
Worthy of honorable mention,
,Stratford may be proud that one of
its sons otos distinguished himself so
signally and honorably as Mr. Mait-
land has in the abovei noble poem,"
Tho poet's father was a reelde(10 of
J3ruseois for over a. year in the photo
Lafe Joh �uilu�oii, [undesDuru
Wednesday, October 130t11, Loudes-
bo'o last its oldest and most, highly
reepeeted citizen through the death of
John Jlrnnednn, who lord been as lost-
demb of the village for nearly DO year
'Though unwell for eume n101,1.1-' h,(
MIA 01)005 hie telemeter the ptevt)'ri0
day tie usual. A sudden anti eert„i t'
attack of pneumonia seized hint 7V,.'l.
ueslity tnnr0iag early and al nt,nel 5,
paeard quietly to his final 10':1, at lou•
I ipe nod cage of 82 years and (1 umethe,
AI r. 13rnnsdon was horn May 20')),
1830, in Vork Hobe, 1isighted, and came
to Colada with his father and loolhor
and family when 8 )Teles of age. set-
tling in Toilette), where Iris teener
kept a general store. lie learned
trade its a svagonntakrr with Vig.sr'
mai Colby, ()h.inguarnrlsey. 111 1860
he 0.00') 1110.11irt1 to Margaret Blake,
who predeceased him chem 16 verbs
ago. For a shote Iunit' (. hey lived neer
Brampton, resided in ICiabut(1 far 1%.
year, from which they moved 10
Londeohoro, where he beget) a Par.
ring). business that flourished few
Horny years end in w11ir•h he 10(111 u
oi,lendid reputation as an 'permeable
Ilusin500 titan, whiter be held la Ibe
day of his death. As the huge eat'.
nage and implement firms began 0.,
develop and extend their trade the
character of the village business
gradnally changed. Mr. lit unsdon be-
came an ageli1 of the Patterson ('',.
which in a few years war a111a1;'a
rusted with present Massey -lieu 1 ie
firm. 'Phe agency was an extensive
one and Afr. Brunedo continued to be
the bunk -keeper to the last and wow
always on duty at the office day turd
night. The stock taker and seteler 1'"e
the form always found the clank
books in gond condition. He bweaute
0.'tnember of the 0. 0. F. in 1879, a
charter member of village lodge, in
which he served as Financial 54 '0,4'.
tay for a number of years and Ilion
as Treasurer which he held till hie
death. He was identified with Orange
Order for many years, being enrolled
as oil's member at the time of hist
death. John Brunedon was coo vert -
.ed to God while still 0 youth and be-
came 0 member or the Methodist
chinch in which he rendered splice
and devoted service to his Mosler.
fie was Secretary of Sabbath Sehonl
ere tar dy yel}ts and foe More 32 year's
war Bee ettu'y of !11 eolortt 13r>arfl. At
yellow.; 1tmes hie sell'-tactdieinglabors
W1.1 r puldiely leeoguized by a grateful
eongl egatien He wee a roost regular
mitt udallt to tote lamb tome the 01.101ces
oi' worship and preeen1at chmel) an-
n-nivtrMat y, Sunda) Or,(, 131.h. Ih.eeae-
ell ie survived by a 00015, Wm, '!•
with whom he lived; Albert with
army' u' F1'am'e and a daughter., Mrs.
,I. A. Adtun':, til' clip village. 3 broth-
\\'nr., in A110105851 t Jaute';,
Alameda ; Richard, find a. sister, Mee,
1",'rl,,'o, two MI let of llnrtney, Alan.
entitled Mel vire Wll0 brick FI'idey, Nov,
lot, et 230 hi the Methodist einirch,
1.0,, 1(108111 rwil(neteel by paeetar',
Rev. T, 13. Sawyer', ltasisted by Rttr,
11t11ea Abrey, of Pt5,071titian ahurcll.
Interment 10(10 anode 11) village came.
;toy. But int service of 0. 0. P. wee
rnntlurted by mentbet's or the )oral,
ledge, "Pt id, t f the \Vest." "\Vrpaths
andnprays of lioweto, loving gifts of
I',uuify, rhumb, fraternal etteleLies and
',Prewar' trienda, ttwd the large asrssw-
bly were indienlive ul' the esteem ill
which deeetteed WES held throughout
etel((01I1lil y.
A substitute for gasoliee, invent-
ed by a Trenton Ingn, will be riven a
test by the 0utoorohile Club of Amer-
ica. It mill cost about i i cents a
e1r you want to know what Moe-
t omental Service means, give
1)10 your melee and you will
appa'eciate my work In every way,
A Monument or Marker is 10, -re
than poet a carved piece of atone. .
It ie the last tribute to those whose
lives helped to brighten yours.
It is posiblvely necessary, in nro
del' to have it erected next Sum-
mer, that you plane your order
this Fall.
Brussels Granite & Marble Worlcs
A. E. HERSEY, Proprietor.
P V4004J00.600404040440.4ti44,3045443-b,Po➢Pr16000iOM041 i`yJ lO.
• "• Central"
s Insurance
Gcutral Training means � Succc s I 6
.The one who hulls our diploma 11)10105 that he is eualIRed to fill the
4' • Dies twit nftkre p0511imla and, what 18 mm'e,, Lhe business men of On. 0
4 los to know 11 1,111. This explains why we can so easily
place our Graduates in desirable positions.
•Y" 4
• Stratford, O'nt..
anti \gingham, Ont.
mo -
H * t . a xis for
� a
our 4i or Flag
Of course every city, town and district
will earn its Honor Flag,
But. how about the crowns?
For every twenty-five per cent. in
excess of its quota, each 'city, town and
district will be entitled to add a crown to
its flag.
Can you do fifty per cent. better than
your quota—that means two crowns for
your Honor Flag.
But double
quota and n it means
four crowns.
Hang a Flag in your hall, that for
years to come ill show that your city,
town or district did better than well---
That it was a real factor in the huge
success of CANADA'S VICTORY.,
LOAN 1918,
Issued by Canada:a Victory Loan Committee
in co-operation with the Minister of Finance
of the Dominion of Canada