HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-11-14, Page 2DUST, BACTERIA, BAD ODORS AND FLAVORS Handling the Milk and Methods of Feeding Determine the Purity of Dairy Products. Dust, bacteria, bad odors and fla- mes are four wastes so big that to -day the dairy interests are dealing with them as live issues, taking steps for their elimination on every farm; and already much prevention work has been accomplished on the better class of dairy farms. In every business where food is handled dust means direct lowering of quality, if not actual spoiling, Dust- lessnoss pay's. Cleanliness is next to profits, • Dust inside a dairy 'barn or milk house often indicates faulty con- struction. When the trouble is stud - led, and when the cause is corrected the problem of reducing the amount of sediment and bacteria in milk will be partially solved. The president of one of the big city milk companies recently said to the writer: "We place 2110r0 stress upon the sc;jyCient test than upon the bacteria codnt, because if milk is comparatively free of sedi- ment the number of bacteria, as a rule, will not be excessive." In a broad way the ceiling of the side walls and overhead of the dairy stable and milk house with lath and plaster or match- ed material will lead to the production of cleaner milk. bacteria aro close- ly related to dust when it comes to producing sanitary milk, and the same care in stable and milk house construe - tion produces as pleasant results. It is still inspossible to produce a germ - lees milk—a few dust particles and bacteria. enter the milk in suoh my- sterious ways that there will always be more or lei's trouble from such sources, but careful stable manage- ment has reduced the amount of dust and number of bacteria to such an ex- tent that the milk produced on many fermi is a • pure and healthful food. As the dairy farmer understands that this sort of thing pays the incentive to al olis h dust and bacteria becomes very direct and practical. A few dairy farmers have become interested in the fact that dust and bacteria are injurious to the health of their cattle. Many preventative measures were introduced. In a lit- tle while it was found that the cows produced better milk, more of it and that the -men were better -tempered through the day and less tired at night. Dust and bacteria in the dairy barn often indicate something out of balance. When the trouble is stud- ied and the cause is corrected the cows will produce better milk, more of it, remain healthy and need less food than is the case when they are confin- ed in a stable, and exposed to bacteria laden dust and dirt. Even in the most carefully con- structed stables care trust be exercis- ed in feeding, cleaning the stables, bedding the cattle and preventing too free circulation of the air in the stable and milk house. Hay and roughage should not be fed until after miilsing time and it is better to change the bedding material during the mid- dle of the day so that the dust will settle before milking time. If milk- ing machines are used care should be taken not to allow the teat cups to • hang close to the floor where the suction will draw dust into them and deposit it in the milk. Healthy cows secrete healthy milk. Bacteria get into the milk after it is WANTED POULTRY, EGGS and FEATHERS Highest Prices Paid Prompt iteturns—No Commission P. POULIN & CO. tis aonsmcottrs Market - Mantras,1 ti ULTRY oe all kinds. Bettor quality proferred. Write for prices. STANFORD'S, Limited 12Z Mansfield St. • - Montreal Oliver Spanner & Co. 26 ELM ST., TORONTO TAXIDERMISTS TO PARTICULAR PEOPLE Send for Illustrated Booklet. Artificial Eyes and Supplies. RAW FURS WANTED drawn from .the cow or in the process of milking. The cow Li not the alley party, Milk does not come from the cow entirely free from baeterie, be- cause it ie hnposeible to keep the teats of the cow ,#exile; however, we can keep them c•ie to and reduce contami- nation from this source. The duets of the teats and the body temperature • of the •con :deed ideal conditions for the bucte is to multiply and, the best we can do, the lower ducts of the teats will contain considerable num- bers of hactoria. Ily using the first few jetof milk to wash nut the duet the mil'- thet ,goes into the pail will be nrl2 leafy f-;:0 from Imete'ria. If proper etre t.ntten at tele stage of productirn, Llty itiew Ism -eerie w1. leh get n to the 11'ik from thea source are of lint lir.le consequence to the consumer. 011 the other hand. cows that have beau itemizes of the udder may give milk whl.ch at times 1s contamina ei with the bent -men which cause this disease. There is many a proof that such germs can live and past Tato the body of the meer and cause the same disease as the cow was afflicted with, This shows us that tuherc'losis of the udder may readily be transmitted to other animals. Milk from unhealthy cows should never be used by human batngs, or to feed young stock on the farm. No matter how well all other requirements are met, if the cows pro- ducing the milk are not in good Nemeth we fail. The milkers and handlers of the milk in the dairy rooms are a prolific source of contamination. Unclean methods of mincing and the handling of the products afford opportunities for the pollution of the milk by dis- ease organisms, as well as dust and dirt that adheres to the hands and clothes of the milker. Here is where suoh diseases as typhoid, diphtheria and scarlet fiver get into milk. Milk as it comes from the healthy cow does not contain these bacteria. They come from the outside after the milk is drawn from the cow. Any person who has been }n attendance on a sick person cannot work among the cows or in the dairy room without being a source of danger to all who use the milk from such a dairy. Typhoid, diphtheria and scarlet fever out- breaks without number prove this point with their deadly results. In the care of dairy utensils there is still further chance of contamina- tion. This trouble is not from bacte- ria that commonly adhere to these ut- ensils, but from those introduced in handling and washing. The washing and care of dairy utensils is one of; the most exacting from the stand- point of cleanliness and the quality of water used. A supply of bacteria - laden water which will leave some of the bacteria on the utensils is an in- sidious source of danger to those who use the milk. When the milk goes into the utensils there is a fresh supply of food for these bacteria and they be- gin to grow and multiply with dis estrous results. If typhoid germs argil of them come during the first three farm need not amount to more than cweeps of the lambing period. six hours a year, At the end of the to contaminate in well - water they well have a chance: wThe ewes do not need to be rained minate any milk that goes' g year the hanker or county agricultural into utensils after they have been all winter where plenty of good clover agent will he reedy to 'help in balanc- hay, or other- satisfactory roughage is ing the books or taking the inventory washed in such water, Numerous; • fedhagg 5 , but more satisfactory results will which is necessary. FREE TO GIRLS 131g• Doll and Doll Carriage This Ble Doll le 10 in, chem tall. bas Jointed lags and arms and natural head: bands and feet. 'Vie Doll Carriage bas Stael frame and wheals, turd' the tient, bock and hood aro made of leatherette, rt lo .".4 Inches high as i le just the right slse for the Big Doll. Just semi us your name and address and we will send 300.40 Packages of lovely embossed Xmas PostlCards to sell 1t 10 cents a naekag'e. When they are mold send tie the 1111110y and we wfll cervi you the Big Doll, with all eherces prepaid. au1 we will also send you tltc Doll e.ar- ra wiii:uut ant' charge it you will sl,ow your :loll to u• friends and get lust three of them to cell cur cards and earn ... u•t�, too. Bend t:e. tour flame and an dress to doso You your Uoll and hon l.ar l2.g1 r;'liealy Address ZOMB E3-'MAIcRT-1M CaircPa.17Y Sept. 139, Toronto FUNNY roLreuPs CUT OUT' AND FOLD ON MUD LINE% roaeso ;1VILLIE'S SUCH A NAUGHTY BOY,' L0VE5 H15 5151ER TO ANNOY ;UOti'T YOU THINK 'WI 5HE'it FEEL SILLY ,tt)liftf 511.E FINDS I"t5 ONLY lU1LLl� with need. This mud dries quickly x11,1 readily falls into the mills pail. Ir is one of the most olljectioitahle forms of dirt because it quickly finds its way through rho bottom of the marking, Sinal] Farm .'coals.THIS WATCH FREE Tu a well equipped farm shop small T1) ANY IfOY tools are certedn to be dis.piaacuL Some plan for marking tools in order to : _, make them cenepienqus 1s needed. "'fry Seine plans we have used may help to s show. what I mean, Such tools as • - r t hemmers, hatchets, chisels, eta, wheels are used .outs}de of the shop a great deal are identified by painting chem a bright red color. This calor is ettslly distinguishable in the gx'ass, malting a tool painted with 11 con:micuous where it would be hardly seen if it were the natupal steel. The paint will also preserve the steel against rust and wood against decay, A moderately thick imple- ment paint is the best for this pus- poes. A small pint. can will usually cover the tools, but it is well to clean are all rust before using it. Sonlet}ales n0ighbors I1, ton 10011 1.'1.1.4 •',tn+l ad :fang lt•a1e11 ,x ',Aee- (ntr1P(ttt,:rtitl:eed fir, k. eel, lf. lS x11 M- t:v had the retest iiltere`'. ling didmee to d n g' 2rt 1(r bring deem hack, finally wln,f and otrrn set. Jattn)e 0'',;,x51,30'. haver, suns all emnmer on all sorts of sub - are tt}ng to ohont they belong, If t.fckel case, lteguta' uta**1 at,.,c. tilled u5 ' tout nf:ole art,l arldlase an•, we wire sued jeers. the- tools have some itleutificetioii tn, 40 Parl;ss095 o0 1otely m bossed On another deg 1 welted 1'ather if he marks on there they aro rtarh surer to flu•", t Set eto.rd to a»u ,'s til '---O-3ta come home. Apa'•ttnge. Rites SUrd (er Irl 110* 1.110 rnrev would nit?: 11. ks tl plCtlnt'L' oC 1* 11 Ilaw gaud pian is tn talar. Jit*I 0 Will Semi you ole 100.1^.h acrd a i.'i.a. Ile went out 15'i:lt If lit!: llekp a sharp steel punch and by repeatel get the best vi¢w. Denim r.21 put tapping on a smooth surface the iii- e HOMIER -WARREN 4.`U. ilio camera away, I had used a wlinle filar taking pictures of harem, hl '2023, cows, pig, and sheep. One cloy after that we spent half an heat gettieer three calve' in the corner of the fence so we could take a tool pioture, Path - 0 1.T t,ly T tr �Y ON l}'AT:EIERR Last summer I (tried an experiment or perhaps I sh000d say a series of exPerimente, with leather a`3 my sub- ject, I began the first oveniug that f was at Motile, by caking Father what he thought about woman entering Perna - meat, - The eofteraatiml turned to politics and before 1 knew it we had spent the Whole evening tallciug•aboue • current events. I was so ignorant that I resolved<{o study the weekly and : daily papers. I also discovered that Father vast interceded in many other things Gust appeal to me. We pure chased a bird book and looked up all the birds we knew. I''ollowhng this teals maybe cut Into the tool in im Xleslt• 000. Toronto. Cart. short time on a whole kit of tools.; - A single tap of a hammer on the' Diete';bution of Seed (wain From .the punch will matte a dot deep enough to! Iionxibion El1perimen'tal Farms, resist the wearing away of service aril r 1910-111. rust. Tt is seldom advisable to cute , Ly iustrurtiar. of (iso TIu•e alit -deter. er, wasiinterestede-,'P in, . developing and the name or initial:; in the wood of of A rum ere. n leer dt: me:beaten oprknt leg the.,e Ituf. • It'v fried all handles hcs:ause ox the rough surface! 'g t ` andler and aettla3 in the pail;, cams g supertor serfs of 15111 welt 1:> made sort., of ehplr1dte•xl;, tttt.112 tamer', and bo'etl•:s. It is aka leaded with it leaves for the hands. !,itirilag' the corning; winter an 1 lee One timeI e sen a way, 1 t o.:Otter, n dangerous bacterial life which have I.rceall one tool that turned up after tv Canadian to:u.fry, p}eters of one of the ,• i ,: Ido toe a delect011005 effect upon the mills and being gone for five years, the man The vain know whether he eo::1 1L_ calf but T • Why Keep Accounts? findin it reco nizetl the initials ane pies 1.o' di• 111121tion will its products, Cows that are plaster- g g con i t a 1r' h • (! t - leendo 1 rote that he enjoy 1 t'1 pie`nr+s ed with this kind of mud should be ac ts o« u arm business tool pat. for the time in marking tt the end the year he adds together 6 l�o ) and fled p'^ (^bcuL G lb) and T asked h'ath•+r t^1•'- h'• did nee A man in elanitoba kept accurate returned it. The returnof h s > o_ s , �n1t;• tv ea, 11leu know 0 c. t L.. cowl 1's tatole'chIle. ( t� ib.1 131101 (abeut 1h * +' f b At oat:. mauve >, ere was to 71,, a c?anae 1.0 town theron, hly ciesned before they are of)d g milker. the cash which he had on hand at the One of the most prolific causes of trouble during the •serener months is beginning of the year and his cash that of old, sour strainer cloths which receipts during the year. Then he are rinsed in lukewarm water and sube,trected his cash e: penses during hung, ftp to dry. These cloths should be put in boiling water and thorough- Ily cleansed before being used for an- other milking. Ordinary wire strain - the year to see whether the remainder equaled the cash balance which the bank reported at the end of the year. He found he was $8 short. He ask- ed the Dank to look up his cash 11'1 - are vary difficult to keep clean and are anee again, They reported the same amount the second time, almost Itva rthloss for removing fine He took his farm account -'book iota t' T1µ' M' K. the bank next time he went to town Casseroles and other pottery' .. whole kit. There, is also a plan for Teem,.'wi11 be eeee u n( Tree, by mail; go, He said he and Mother -were t,;o initialing tools with acid, but the from the Central l�ixperimental farm, aid. I said it was ting' for them to above plans will be found very sertice- abla,--.r. L. Ottawa, by i -he Dominioi Cereulist, grow young again. 'Phe tvhole•fantily who will tarnish tate eceeneary air- tinselly Went to the dance and I des.. It's a wiseplieatiot forint.. covered that leather t o as good a young man who, feeling - Only one sample can h WO. to oath dancer as the college l ,y ; and he des- tllab he needs culture, makes plans to applicant, A.3 the supply o1' F e,l is covered that he was not no old as he attend an agricoutural college. Minted, farmers are advised to apply thought he was. Mother dance,i too. It is seldom wise to pasture new very early, I tried a number of other little ex, poriments but the grand :.02051,, was when I started Father and Mother off to the National Exhibition. 1 mads each think the other wanted to go au+l to their malt surprise, each lead a filet times Men T went. b ,, to collage and told the girls that I had bads grand good +rummer they melted m, what T The man who chooses between alosses ore dairy tattle ill other cane_ did and all I could tell was that 1 good and indifferent tree, merely on! tries, losses which farmers in Ameri- ,j0::t stayed at home. --•P..1. Ellin, account of the difference of a few ca may be ca12e.1 on in a largo meas.- --- -•- - - cents in price, certainly does not look, toe to make good, it serene reasonable i'ITY 'l'IIle Pomo, memmIC'TI, to say that it will be prnitable for a �. farmer to 19lso eves more than the Retoerxt'bone Fashion and the War 1 usual number of wall -lend caves' IIs Hem Suffered Greatly. seeding. It is especially unwise to .T. H. Criedate, do so this year when growth is clow Dit•ector, Dominion 10vperinu•neal owing to dry weather. Farms. ^- - and found that a cream cheek of his dishes ahouli never be placed in a "You cath buy a home. A man had been credited to another man have veru hot oven or on te hot stove with- ! buys a hour ing the same initials and a similar nut first being warmed a little, A a:A.420 Withlambs at anywhere near pres- ent prices it is especially important thee every method be employed for in- creashrg the number of lambs that can very far ahead. The saving here be produced from 00' present supply although we do net know definitely. will be wasted marry times as crops of breeding ewes. One method not The incident merely shows that ad- gener 't toyed but well recogniz-, vantage of keeping accounts. The come on, ---but of a woman can l urate it a he sudden le • me.Ahouse is a bode change of temperature -may a home is Jho soul." --The Outlook. The lase of :518 wouldn't have rniu- Q surname cause them to crack. I When one considers the enormota ed this man --nor any man who is pro- gres?iive enough to keep accurate ac- counts of his farm business. Eight hundred dollars might have done so, a•,y em ed by old shepherds is that of flushing mast infportant, thing is that this mans ttte en'es Just •netore ^reeding time. made money that year, and having e Flushing' means graining or other kept accounts he had the satisfactionGOOD HERB QUESTION liberal feeding for a short time before of knowing IL, So he went ahead and turning in the ram so as to make the planned for bigger crops the next' ewes -especially thrifty and rapidly year. By Andrew F. Currier, M.b. 51r. Currier will answer all ctgned letters pretaining to lienith. It y052 trestlen is of general Interest it wilt be answered through thane eoluntne; It sot, it will be answeredpersonally if stamped, addressed envelope Is err ¢lased. Dr. Currier will not prescribe for individual cases or make tilmeneshes Address Dr. Andrew 10. Currier, caro oe Wiesen Publleb►n8 Co., 73 Adelaide Et, West, Toronto, I'aralysiv body would be rise enoughto tell Autiaus--Wllat'5s the beat way to when another break would occur any - gaining fieeh at the thioe of service. It has been found that where this method of handling is used, not only do a smaller percentage of the ewes fail to catch and come in heat again, but more ewes give birth to twins than when the ewes are on Poor feed at breeding time. Thus it both increases the number of lambs and makes more Keeping farm amounts is 1100 only an advantage; it is 'a necessity. Since farming people have to make income- tax returns just the same as other business people, it is absolutely es- sential to have figures upon which to base the reports. Hence every farm- er ought to; keep accounts. The time recekeary to keep accounts on the treat a person •who is paralysed on one side'? After a person hits had pile stroke hose can the next one be (10- liryed? Paralysis or what is commonly call- ed "a stroke" means that there is dis- ease or injury- of the arteries, The such as thoseI be cbtained if they are fed well en- There are at least four important arteries may be very soft or they that colored 1 s d 1' cause ropy. co oremY' mirk are frequently in well -teeter ater that ough to keep them from shrinking reasons why men on farms should meet 10 very brittle. When paralyrds is used in washing daily utensils. weight at any time between breeding keen accounts. The stain one la to occurs one or more arteries in the <+• seasons. Th tl f id ' brain has bee. broken, h blood t and lambtn eason . e Careful have a dofnhte mt thud o str ying n roken, the ooc tis Cooling the milk immediately after; ' it is drawn from the cow will retard shepherd will. be well repaid for the business with the idea of making forced its way into the 'brain some- d I his trouble of seein.g to it that the it more profitable. If farmers were what like water soaking into a sponge an . do useful tvoe'I* for 010110 y ars the development of bacteria and thel styes receive sufficient feed at this to produce wheat or other farm pro- and the preeeuro of this effused blood after' the first attaok. pus of the more the temperature is lowered the. . more the baster}al growth will be re- tame of the year, ducts without a profit, soon agaicul- injures or destroys the nerve centres greatest and oto?e eeefel men who j Sheep are often pastured even into ture would suffer. in the brain by wltteb motianl•and sen- ever lived was Pasteur, whim he orae iuccdterded1 Milk that is promptly degrees! early winter and they are all right .4 second reason :for occonts and sation in the paralyzed parts are con- between 40 and 1.,0 he hail a severe dined in temperature t¢ forty degreesi {here 1.P they really get snow„h food. farm records is that they improve a trolled, ]:110 paralysis 211 most case' e'troke niece, made him completely Tt.1, smelt' a gt•eat pity.'11122 lash I1, and held at that temperature until But the, frosted grass .sometimes man's credit. If a farmer can shorn is on the opposite side of the body Helpless cut 521.. aide and he ,raver cant, fret for 0since) plumes e ill. 1;+o(e 1) Mine. fee ten well keep fm• a fang; bloats them, causing them to look full from carefully kept records that the frim that on which the accident in the pletely overcome the peralysi„ but he, conte back, and they will L's very 0osi • reaMine. When the milk isiailyed toe and apparently doing well when they money 11r wish, to borrow is to be brain takes place, "The reason of -this heed .for thirty years - afterward lay- ;:vines. by rc,t,c.n o1. the .e<11111) of til the city the trouble }s invariably with! are actually hungry and losing flesh used for a purpose that. will increase is 'that the fibres proceeding neon the }u,; broad stud deep foueuletions for e the mornings milk, whirls goes Into r the aeience of bactcriulo t Prom the *tr u1ahs('s viewpoint it the cans without being properlycool- just at the time when they should be the profits of. the farm, then he will be brain teethe spinal cord, u.ong tv*hicii g',', saving to extremely, fortunate liras, the N'rrnt4t most thrifty to insure n maximum able to get a loan more read}ly and on impulses pass to and fro 1}eco the mus to Prance her si1101 orms, her vinegar ed, In the fresh milk the bacterial Co rtteimete, lnttintatna in the melee growth soon exceeds that in the older yield of Iambs the following spring, better terms, sages along telegraph wire$, cross industry, her sheep and cattle, (thew, n grant ^stn}rix preserve, in w'tich the mil that 1190 beets rn erly cooled, A few pumpkins scattered in the pas- A third reason for accounts is that from one side to the other at the jnne- sting the means lot tleatin,P, 10 elrc- birds are rot r �lowctl to t,:1 hunted Cooling the milk does not kill an of tura, oats once a day or some other theytoften are the m.sans of agreeably tion 01 the brain with tare spinal cord phobia Rad doing; many ^liter things, or killed, I+coni this movies the do g y a.dditioaal feed to short late autumn settling disputes or misunderstand- so that if there es paralyse;'on the wlticlt ?nada him one of the greatest the disease -producing 'bacteria or the i ft 'r1.+ 1 ^f t t) 1 nmet}cated flocks may be ;', 't'Ued later on, Not the leant fortunate among the sufferers :from the war are the oer- etriches. .• An ostrich a dozen years ago was a very valuable arilmui, the price ok' a well grown young bird being or,13n- arily about $500. °atrigll fare tag was a prospering and promising in- dustry In this country, though the main source of _ supply was South ACriea, Tho Cape government leas pet: an erzbargo on exportation oe the 10r,Ia, because it wished to diseoureg, •rads ln.ore than one can tell when another break }a goillg do occur 1.0 u water to the market. But there were a1W0 P1pc or gas pipe that has become old than °,000 in the 1 nitsd Stites •the and diseased. and has already bursted once or oftener, The on1v thing a person with demised arteries Bain do began, ostrich. feathers• suddenly went is to leadd ayery quiet simple life, free out of lathiest. The price of plumes from fret and excitement, from. heel- gestion and hard work. and from dropped. Then came Armageddon, rend everything which has a t.endutusy to the South African flocks mostly per - raise the blood preseulo. 1 y 50111 a is}rod of starvation. It did not pay to mode of life one army offer caulinuc feed then, provender being 0rame. d And tow eve lealtl that in Anemia largo numbers of the birds are being slaughtered for moat. Wcnten are not wearing their feathers, and it does not pay to keep them. bulk of them in Arizona and 50110 21.11 California, Unluckily, not long befero the mat, lactim acid bacteria Pas{u1e will often give much greater mgs that otherwise might oeeur be- a side of Che body tto may be pretty bc,;01an ort .1e t}II c1. 131 et,r had, ao that it cannot take the place of cleanliness in the letux•ns than the same extra food at tween parties, who deal with one an- sure there is injury to the brain ofr production of milk, All of the bac- any other time of the year. eerie present in cold milk become ac- tive as soon as the temperature con- ditions become favorable. Cleanli- ness is of first importance, cooling is next. Dairymen frequently experience considerable difficulty in the work of tracing the source of an unnatural odor or flavor in milk. In such cases it is first necessary to determine 9011(ibil. Selling at wholesale and buying retail is one of the sure methods reducing poultry profits Some po other and who never keep any record the -right side, When the lues of (lutetium and fttrsnvere, l'enti'l; 1.r Ttlarlt 1;';tlnutl. of their business transactions, blood 11 great and the consequent in- A. V, R;-1, Whel a person iliaa A fourth reat+on, and nee the least jury to the nerve centres in the brain nervous .11realcdowu, does he some- A black walnut tree onr'e planted important, is that a lean owes it to great the injured person may die in a times imagine that he hears vetoes? will take care cif utsclf, it needs no his family to matte use of every means few hours or even in an hour. If 2. After the nervousness has passed pruning or spriaymg, Ferlhermore, possiblt, to detect and prevent leaks in however the loss of blond is smell and away, tviil he soinetimes continnel to the .product is tot perirhah:e and can t the farm business, encs thus more ,the clot is quickly :Formed within the hear voices? be kept and •shipped when and where a . farm income e fficeent for the sup- brain, the opening itt the broken art- Meteor --1, Such a condition as ,you the Prices Erre the 'highest, In twenty - Amen rte port of the fam11y and the edemetlnn ery is closed by it and the bleeding refer to, is very apt tee be an accom five year stlte tree is easily worth $000 hildren. stops. Th clot then hegius'to sou- •animal;t of niorniu di a to $400 for, timber alone, With tete try -men purchase feed at the city feed of his c p l isease and if - - • tract, gradually relieving the pressure you are suffering from it, .I should ad- strong interest in 'tete airplane Indus - store and wholesale their eggs to the R' a urldiri makes a nice d a ext on the blain and if the brain has not vise vnu t t d • 'try and the great boom hound to eel - Lan S Ippi L st is Preset nhe such an lk l ar flaw their feed Othebl buy m mum rs for Sunday and can be made ori Sat ?men dextro •ed to a veru low at the conclusion of thle 1,resent �f:fif.� �Ot” r111i and 8hippingl Tails is present when the milk leaves the their feed as possible from farmers y great ex- by an alienist. 1 tent the injured pitsmi may 0 I ,1 . µ + war, F test Price i IC p g e5s o un ergo an'examination ort ay, , gradually As o k, al you eon.inue 0o hear w r the planter o 1,htcic w-alnuts evill cow or develops later. If any part}- in the fall and sell their eggs to eon - Market Tteportat 2221' Supply Catole , tp i Gomm Lows' x 'R'rapperaC:uidata'' hlppht, TiSSs Ir**1'1,4 Thisisgoing to bet/no of the bigsfst Years for trappers and furshippers ever known. More tura needed -fewer Motto trap, Get ready early fur big money. Leek, ¢ver Your trans an1'mupplibi new. rat Our FM 1000K• -Supply Catalog OameLawsandTrappinSecrets-ulthrue in one boost. Shows Mrs in natural col. a= , star Write today-egged!,r l ,t r' eft Inaiirna 1°or cam, item a1 ' a,'• i i't r r en 's r� t j. v tf. nd regain more or less conxplete use of voice' to 'which you refer, it is fair pular cow is giving mills which is sumacs who can afford tap notch Aprons, both of the attractive a - to serviceable sort, are becoming an the paralysed parts, But, of course, assume that yen. aye suffering tainted it is not duo to bacteria, but prices for high-class goods. The sec. to other causes, -. and class of producers usually find actual fashion, the arteries remain diseased and no- :from mental d} ease. If the milk from any number of that poultry can be made to returira cows shows the taint the feed or some -i profit. thing else which the cattle have found) -A poultry authority recently stated in the pasture is the cause. Carrots,' that hutte•inillc was worth five cents • turnips, wild onions, ragweeds, cub per quart to him in producing eggs. bages, off -quality grains and other' Ho was purcitasillg it at a price of strongly flavored s;,bstances will cause I twenty cents fur ten gallons. Many tainted milk. Certain foodstuffs for; farm poultry owners would make more caws not ordinarily consktierod likely; from eggs if thew were ablt.+' to obtain. . to produce bad -tasting .'milk will at; a raider) supply of hntteomllle at o' times do s0, Where the flavor is! lair price. thought to have been caused by sorrime It is said that the suece;3 in epe-1 thing in the ration a chango will from ciaiized t ming depeedrl more unpin gunnel./ renovo 111« trouble: i the selling ability filen the producing' Cows that aro kept in the pasture; ability, ilio egg beeinea3 probol,lyi will keep roa:lonaby (1101117, however,t falls in. that Classification, .Ar, co- if the mestere is -10 eituated that the; tei fc a:ten cents per dozen paid 1i err<1 •' i , + r. h u e they are of fine, s lir' e a ., t o nu 1 a eau y t e caw ,v v d >¢t • or for ego y y pools t t 1, stagnant; pons tiny will often stand quality may mean atl001a wt •1r 1.,, 1n the water up to 1,he1r knees; fledge',hcommaniy received Ir= 1'.. , ,e ing files end planlooing thelxlvel103 wool,,barely pay e:pewe., :::dt, , r 0132161 Co , ; ict e Scio i S - d4Pcces Fitt.% TO BO'S AND (.alx.0 Thee outfit ,:r•nt.,.ius: 3 Yen fall "a, 1 Oingiiah 2a0'o1 13as. 1 Box tlrsyerrs (116 coiorm) 1 Japnneae t'er: it tiof, t 1lrase0, 1 llpa. i(,[ 11 rawm;; P,=:,r Il, . (torpritd1 (d ;:einem) tyrlrte Brush, ' t tlontpass, raft•trttn Mortars, g Timmer a l2'p'ut l,..e4 r: em•It9, 2 v'a' 1te,tees Union Jack ging J4t21Krrs so 2 MAO + .,ad r.r+;3 l'+•tt Le, that yon ran put the tag on your 1 hal 90olu4, snivel :,,,ks, letters. air. We Will glee you lull whsle ;epl,'o ,Rcltinl Inapt free of 1211 aisxge if you will soil 1110, 110 pao1age4 of per lovoiy c robottite } Kinn.* Post Pards at 1.t1 ronts a pas:Mage Cede lovely ear2e In each rt•f,.gr}. Send lie your name end tr.p v i + c s.,:: t rl y r t 1 t a d, tomoil. r' ri. N ti hon sold Mind ns 1 11 12201.'2y arNi rte will ; e•341 you the i'aco • r A ddroaa: 1ONi T W VAJZia3<"•h1:11.4, '.C'ORO.t"ti',B`O, 0 .,...,.. a.e ,.a ^:wm.narnw�dex.rm.aa+ox. xwtiwo+W reap a fertun., for this wood is abst'- • Iwtely essential. Per the practical aide, a well cared for orchard of black walnuts at the ago to ton years is estineated-to' give a gross return of $200• 'and a net yield of 50 peb.r cent. of this. Prom that time on the pro- tluc'tion increases by leaps and bounds. The hlacic walnut 1a a beautiful tree as well as a productive one and makes a striking ell'ect along avenues, drive.. ways or ea a 'single specimen in the home grounds, under which tiro entire ' family will enjoy .gatherintr an.I ear. Ing the rich, nutritious note. The horseman who spreads liana on the land to benefit his horses will also stimulate h15 crops by that pro• cess, and the roan who spreads Blur ' for his crops thereby supplies lieq it t to I(h. a horses, In either case the heroes ' get the lime in the form in which the animal system is heal Adapted to 2 take it.