HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-11-14, Page 1VOL, 47 NO, 20 $1.5o Per Annum in Advance BRUSSELS, 0NT.ARIU, 'THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14. I()18 11111111111 11111 11111101611111111111111.1 LIEJ:11111(1[llp IMIII lIDlI1NA@Min.. The Vict r Loan Should be loyally supported by every citizen. This Bank, gladly furnishes full information, and is pleased to co- operate with intending subscribers. —THE • Bank of Nova Scotia Paid-up Capital;; 6,500,000 Reserve Fund. 12,000,000 Resources . 130,000.000 17 F. II. GII,ROY Manager Brussels Branch New Advertisements YlotorL_Loath Lost—Wm. Hall. Your eyes—J. 10. Wendt. Auction sale—Donald McNeil, Weekly Store1lnlletin—Jas. Pox. cockerels for fn1(—H. R. Elliott. Counter Oheok Books—Tun Poem. Cockerels for sale—Waltor 9. Scott, Creamery Station—fliuevale Creamery. Ry. and Municipal Board --H. C. Small. M tstrirt .t.lus Moncrieff School re -opened on Monday after the enforced holiday. A. Stalton and sister Mary, of Mit- .lhell,wvere visitors at Mee. M. Hod- ges. Mrs. M. Hodges has been on the sick list, but we hope she will soon be ae hearty as usual. A. goodly number from this locality took in the Peace Celebrations last Monday at Wessels, Listowel and other points. Regular preaching service it Mon - oriole church next Sunday afternoon. '1'lle October make of cheese Cron the Silver Corners factory, consisting of 233 boxes, weighing 18,366 pounds, was sold to the Swift Oanedian Ooun- peny, Stratford, at ate and 25 eente per ib , totalling Lite tidy sum of $4,567 331. The sad trews was received here this week that Lloyd McKay, orEarl Grey, Sask., son of Walter and Mrs. Mc- Key, had died on Wednesday of last week, in his BMA year, of influenza. He was a grandson of Mrs. M. )lodges and James McKay, of this locality. The bereaved will be sympathised with in their great loss. MILITARY M1:DAL.-We areglad to bear that Pte. Wilfrid McNaught, sou of Ray and Mr's. McNaught, formerly of this locality, has been promoted to be Sergeant laud has also received a Military medal for courage displayed, He was gassed but' manyold friends hope he will snake a complete recov- ery. Sergeant MoNaughe is now visiting in Scotland recuperating and may be sent home before long. Wile INISIN•90111110bliMAIMMOROWICOMILIZIPONIXIMIto ••••••••••••••••••••101111.•91110•011211 00 1111111111111111111p111111IIIIl1911111111111111111111111111IgIli138111111111 latII tll(_III elle IIIIIIIIelelllllll�llllll101illti teilleellIIilllll1 laille1111111111118 refast 1 a ., Nothing more appetizing or nourishing than a bowl of delicious TELFER'S GRAHAM CRACKERS. Takes the place of ordinary breakfast food. Sweetened to the average taste— always crisp and light. Packed in air tight packages. For sale lit all grocers. Hers "The Buy Word for Biscuits" 2 Canaan Food Board License No.11.599 LC`'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl1111111111111111It111111IIIIIW11111111111111111111111111111011(IIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111 1111141111 11111111111111111111111111111111E We have opened up a Cream Buying Station in Mitchel! Bros.' Genera Store LESW $t r f u J. 9 3 • A• Tested will be 7. ested while you wait and .Highest Market, Price Paid—SPOT CASH. a s Cream received any day of the week. � 1 Cans supplied FREE. • Call at Mitchells for your Can to -day.' • • • Z • 1 i ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0.404.4444:114.0.410400•04,00.S.At Nueva a Dreamer y 11. H. HAMMOND, Proprietor. BI.UEVALEr'ONT fret belonged to the 101st Huron tint- I "" talon, ti 11(8 Tohn 141)(1 Harry Patter n, nephe ws of Wm Patti t ro3 and W. j V. ',McKay (.1 this locality, were kill- i n ed in 1,118 great fight at. Cent Mai a I short time ago, . Ito harry golly, another nephew of eire McKay, also fell in the salve battle The trio (n - listed in the Wiest, They died for the ,uuwcipati0u of the race, Jamestown Ati'rs Vlnl t 11e.11and has relented to Normal Schaal at Stratford, (child- ren •s n and 1 n CouncillorMee. War 00111 c1 and t ren and Alex. and Mrs 5mfth, 131y tin, were visitors ut the hones of C. B. Forrest and Anson Shaw, lastelitnday. Gorete !Mel), Clegg hnssold his 50 arse faun to A, L. Toner and has purchased Jure lineston's farm on the 12rh;0on, ' L. F. and Mrs, Ashton, who have been visiting relatives and (311lends in Manitoba and Stuck, for the past three months, have returned home. They are very much taken up with the 3STc35tern county and it evidently agreed with them. Both have been ill with influenza since their arrival. Oranbrook Rev. Mr, -Douglas will preach to Knox church next Sabbath morning. In the Methodist ellurcb next Sun- day afternoon Rev, Mr. Durrant, Teeswater, will speak on the Educa- tional work of Methodism. Oranbronk Femme' Club is asked to meet Friday evening of 1115 week to discuss further the question of "Co- 3)peeation irk shippiug of live stock." Members urged to be present. W. P. Bray has been appointed Collector for the Upper Canada Bible Society as s(0cessor to A. J. Helm, removed, who rendered such efficient service for years, We hope Gran - brook's splendid record will be sustain- ed this season as the Society is urging generosity. Wroxeter Miss Lila Kaake left foe Toronto on Thursday. Rev. le, Stride was a visitor in Imtl- don this week. Mrs, Wm. Garter area children are the guests of relatives in Wingluarn, Official word has been received that Pres, Edgar Lowry and Harry Waller of the 161st Brae., have been wounded, 'former in the knee and elle latter in the arm and leg. We trust the wounds are not serious. It was learned here with mush te- gret, that Oswin Smith, youngest sol of the late Oliver Smith, had passed away at his home in BalLleford, Stasi(., after a short illness of influenza. He is survived by Ills wife, formerly Miss Rinda Martin, o1. Wroxeter, to whom our deepest sympathies 'ate extended in her sorrow. - The clang of the fire alarm and :ringing of bells early , Monday morn- ing aroused the residents here to the glorious news of victory for the tallies, In the morning a procession of -autos and all mauler of vehieles.paraded the streets and visited the neighboring villages, great enthusiasm being shown. At 2 p, in. an open air Thanksgiving Service was held in front of the' Town Hall and was con - dilated by Rev. 01145, Malcoim. Lat- er in the evening, 50 automobiles from Gorrie and Fordwich paraded the village and a lively time was spout. BI uevale Miss'Teressa Robb is spending a few days at Henfryn. Bluevale Red Cross workers 'since the war began has received $1,381.00, -Work done by the Society in manu- facturing comforts for the soldiers, totals $1,500.00. Total value of Inauu- 1'aetaced goods sent nutis $6,I8L00. PTE. DAN. O':1'oo1n Dns AT POST OF DUTY.—Official nOliee was rereiv- ed last week I:hat Pte, Dan. O'Ponl e had been kiiled on Sept. 2811. Dan. enlisted in 1110 109th 'Victoria and lialiburtnn Sir Sam. Hughes hone BaLI„ three years agri this (r1n1I3.31. tieWAR 11w('1 'u years 1)1 France leas wounded in the left tarter in Nov. or last yen1 terel .enc to England 'Otero he remained 0 mouths, return - 115 to it eliolIes again in April of this vein. Pte. O'Toole came to this 'worry from Ireland 13 years ago and matte his home with L. W. end Ales. Reitan,. Bluevete. - He received a 1.1igb School also College education in Wtughanl and 1)20010 enlisting had beep engaged in iileel:rical work in To'b n to "We little thought when) we said Gusd.b e That Ivo parted forever and you were to dive, Grier stat Ivo felt Words cannot 1011. Icor we could not be with you to baa yen 1'are.wU, You noblynanswered duty's ,ill And gave your life for one and all, Tulle ooShiimwn death was abitter blow, That none but an oohing heart can 1mow," QUITEr AN EXP13RI1"INO19,--Sapper Albert 16. Thomas visited at his form- er home in Bluevale after about 2 el He ri ); years spent overseae. 1. enlisted in oodsock, in the 108111 Battalion, but was t'r'ansferred to the 43.11 Pioneer Battalion in datlalla, and wont over. seas with that unit.. He went to F333000 148 a Sapper in September 1010, After serving foe a time lie took trench fever and was sent back 1,0 England. Upon recovering he return- ed to France where he 5)1316004 a re - lase of Leen fe r and as ordered backh to En land. Ilet�boarded a steamer and leering the tett) across 3110 channel, the steatnee just ahead of the vessel in which Thomas was 'crossing, was torpedoed by an enemy 8nb3nar- ine. The pas8engere on the torpedoed boat were trensferencl bo the second vessel with the result drat the over- loaded etpeized, 'i'1101na9 was thrown into the water whore he lost, ltonscione- ness, Ile never knew how or when he. leas rescued front the water but ere, posited chased lmaleria fever to set he " "-j •!'hos, and glee. 8urtlldoe t 1 1leiril • rp hie, Mir•hy uta welcome v3.-313103 )11;1) At'W.Po nes r�SI �y' relatives and Mil friends 111 Grey mei I COr�,yro- (N3,. '� .N.14/1 liSi , y y 1 1z Anrrerx SA 1,I, John l)ouglert'. r: , Int 331, (,'1111. 1:', rut. announced ;w Auclinn sal, „I learnt Steel, for 1-'1i. Expert Watchmaker 11(3y an ('3 nom, 111 week, ....rmen" 1 i Hues eel nr)u'6 10 13"11NNe1S Una i.9 premixed to (do all Merle of Watch and Cock Work Yotttw tray b0 to eapahle amu+- ke,per but by 1100mpt'teat re- pairing yell 116,07 lust faith in it. 13ring it to me. I will repair 1-h33 tvmret tvreel(ee watch or cluck and will d0 it reasonably, Work may be left at, my home: Call 'Phone No. 80 for infurnla- Lian, Eyes Tested and Glasses Supplied and sometime later, paralysis of the hips )resulted, IIe was seat Moate to Canada upon his arrival in England. He is quite well known here and has gone to Burlington where be will be treated. Sapper Thomas is a son of Philip and Mrs. Thomas, Bluevale. Walton Mr, and 1Irs. Dundas who have been quite ill are progressing favor- ably and will soon be o, k. we hope. Next Sunday the services to the Methodist churches, Walton Circuit. will be as follows ;—Providence 11 a. 01. ; Bethel, 3 Land Walton at '7 p. m. `Missionary exchange will be held the following Sunday. FARMERS' CU/B.—Tuesday evening of next week at 8 o'clock Walton Farmer.' Club will meet in the A. 0. TT. \V. hall. Mr, Morrison, Toronto, is expected to give an address. Theladies care also invited to he present. A big time was put in here last Monday in jubilating over the good news from the war, The children arid young folk were the chief con- tributors and with processions, music of various sorts, bonfire and the burn- ing of an effigy of the Kaiser, the day went past. Walton Women's Institute will be held on Thursday, 281!1 inst., at the horn of Mrs. (Rev.) Lundy al 2,30 o'clock, Report of the Toronto Con- vention will be given by Mrs. 0. Drager and Miss Rose Simpson, dele- gates. For Roll Call members are asked eo respond by an item from curt'ent events. A chapter, will be read from "Our Government." All will be welcome. The people of this community were very sorry to hear that Arthur Love, son of Joseph Love, 14th Oon,, Mc- Killop, died at Moosejaw on Oct, 30th, from Spanish influenza. He was 20 years of age, unmet ried and was en- gaged in farming operations. De- esased teas esteemed by a large circle of friends who sympathise with the bereaved family. HYMENEAL.— Wednesday of last week Rev. Mr. Lundy pronounced the magic words that made Jun. 11. Siel- ing, of Grey township and Miss Maty Barbara, daughter of Chas. and Mrs. Refill, of Walton, husband and wife. Oeeeulony was performed at the bride's parental home, The same rev, gentleman performed like service Wednesday- of this week in the same home when 11159 Sophie joined hand and heart with John °lonelier, of MoKillop. Both couples have the good) wishes of the communi- ty for a long, happy and prosperous lives. Grey Fred, Mitchell and sot Marl are away to Oalednuia locality engaged in bray pressing at the present time. Miss Mabel Clark, who was on the sick, list is able to be abort once more and we list, 1 peshe will soon be as hearty a8 ever. Mrs. Oenege liewilt and daughter Mary, Hamilton, were welcome visi- tors at the 103033 of .Lrret, and Mrs. Mitchell, 411. Con, The former is a ods tare n• ttw. School has resumed in. S. S. No. 0, Miss Burgess was called home by the death of her brother, Kenneth, a fine young fellow 22 years of age, Iu- fluenza was the cause, Dnyrn—'Chis week Mrs. Fred, Blit - Miele 44.h line, received the sad news that her fatter, John R. Hewitt, of Sinclairville Haldimand ' Go,, had died, aged 78 years. Ho had been ail- ing for 2years, Itie wife, 8 sons and 3 daughter's survive. Me, and Mrs' Mitchell will attend the funetal, De- ceased was a fine man and a worthy mender et the Methodist church, (Ltltn ol? TerAN1ts.— We wish, through your valuable paper to thank the n3tany friends for sympathy shown 08 by words and by letter over the death of our dear soldier boy, Thomas. The messages were very comforting and much appreciated. Yours gratefully, T. I3. SAVACi 0, Wn?L A DAllGIayscICD Bs, Canfield, Ont„ Nov, 3111, 1018, The 100 acre farm of Donald bio - Neil, Lot 21, Oen. 14, watt sold last - week 10 John D. McEwen, who )fad been keeping store at Monceieff, for the suns of 80,500. It is 3) fine farm and Mr, Molltvon should do well on it. He gets immediate pn58eset(m. The property was in Cho McNeil ftamlly for the past 50 years, Mr. McNeil still owns 100 acres in a glass farm, lie may Lake a trip to the West whore he, has many relatives and friends. Some me weadoring if it will be a Wedding tour, Au auction sale of furniture next Monday afternoon don't look much like present dense. keeping, int( at 1 p. r6,„ wrt1) 1'. S. ti,'ott ns 111(13 '.n ''u'. 313 awl 01,-,,1).,,, I,•, t y ars ,.Id 11sid,,nls of 64,5 ) "'.1n3p 11,13333133 spun! 03 yet Mere They at'+ along ie the 80'e. no. 1utntct 1 r3111 1ralativ71) rtigged for Ina ape hid 101es. 1)uaghetly 3s 6,'nr having v') y 6 good health 6, e are .-r'1' t 1 •t "te 1t a Belgrave B1iuumvI; P,v1'Mfu'1'11' No e-; - I'rt). rintir Sort 11y trek Now ld ;e,, 0t 1311 lhm3ke, the fnitnwiug dottrel w ;— MisSe5 I izzie and\5330 sere t teener; Mies Spie at. $2 ito , �Irs, st) ong. $ p,0A) ; Mrs. 11111. (', l., *Inn: Mrs. John Sewall Kt. el 1111 11r, le, Kearney $1.011 1 1118. leets.(, 50 • -- 3len;bet's of the Patriotic h ,'iet.y 111' 301 the FoteslSill' Hall, 071. 111111 Slid packed 80 (ihristlnns 1,r ar for our Wye overseas. Each boa pe wee:e(l fruit cake, r+uukt(34, ctualy, maple sugar and fruit.--glli(3in5 Contest Which ha8 aroused SO r(ith 111311,'st, closed the last. week in October, la'tug- 415 hi 550 pair of socks (Intentnsfor the North side of elle village wet e Airs. Jno. Ar teetering and elle. ('etas Procter' and for the South, 111os, Will. Geddes and Mrs. David Scott, the lat- ter winning by 32 pair of sucks. Society wishes to thank all who took part in the knitting. Concert, tvhi"h MIS to be given by the losing side, late been postponed indefinitely on account of the "Flu." Morris Some of the schools were at work last week and all are hard at it Mie week. Pte. Roy Thuell was home for a 01011 visit from the hospital Tor emu. Re is melting better progress i1' late and everybody hopes he will el e long b31 able Lo throw away his et uteltw. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Staff red,, Brussels, will preach at Johnston's i t 11a.111 ., Ileo 'u a and Bleu, n taw 141 3 vale at 7 30 p. In. Ile will tical with the Educational phase of the work et the church. Rev. Mr. Burgess will he eeudering similar duty at White- church next Lord's Day. Township of Morris 1140 given $6,800.40 in donations by Lite Council, the individual entertainments and Red Cross workers of the township toward the comfort of our soldier boys• since the war began and $410.00 to the British Red Cross. They also paid 1,0 the different. Reel Cross societies of the towusbip, $3,070.50 lar Ole County. Owing to deaths, removals to other places and the number who have en- listed it has been thought advisable to close up the Jackson church, Sth 113(4-, which has been in connection with Blyth. It is probably over 50 years since services were first held in that. neighborhood by Lhe Methodist church, This is one of the rural prnh- lems that is troubling mlatiy a Man- mnnlity, Ethel Kaiser and his state have taken the "ftew,r, The Sunday School in the Netlln- dist church will hold service Sunday afternoon next beginning at 1,80. Next Sunday afternoon Rev. a Mr, Douglas will oerupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church at the regular hour. On a 000111of the memorial service in Ethel on Sunday afternoon next the service 6,t'Uuiett will be in the even- inga1730. A meeting of the League mud Sun- day School will be held Thursday evening at. S o'clock(, Tilers is import- ent business and all member's are re- quested to be present. A memorial Service will be held in Ethel 11ethodist Church next Sunday afternoon1 1h t ' r, r6, do of (Nov.( 7 ) a 3 i honor of the lute Pte, Lawrence H. Dobson, This service will take the place of the tegulaf church Set'vt00 in Ethel on that day. Thanksgiving Service WAS held in Methodist 01101011 on Tuesday night which was well attended. Addresses by Rev. 1311. Fair, R, McKay anti Rev. Mr. Johnson. Oholr of Presbyteuuuu and Methodist churches futrntshed the 1011830, Collection ,333)14 taken for re- lief of Belgians $17,50. PTtt. CLARE; SANDERS ANSWERED CMIt ROLL CALL At the 111 iii tatty sanitarium Hamilton Thursday of last: week, Pte. Clark 43131(1,8 passed "over there," aged 42 years and 5 months, Funeral took place frim the home of his brother-in-law, Isaac Lake, Lot 20, Col 10, Grey township, Sunday aftefnnon, service being con- ducted by Rev. el. \V. Johnson, In- terment was blade in 13rtISsels ceme- tery. Pallbearers were (3 retuned eoldiors, Harold Love, Ralph Bartley, Russell Knight, Wilfrid Thompson, Noble McKee and Fred Cox. Deceits. ed was the 3rd son of the late 'Thomas and Mrs;a n 1 S 1 d(.1'e and was bore 111 Grey township and left it about 20 years ago. He went overseas front Toronto, 2 years ago be was gassed in France and had been wounded slightly twice before. About 14 Months ago Pte. Handers was sent home in broken health 011)1 had been in. the Sanitarium 011101'', passing out of life a victim to tear's terrible Or- deal holt the effecter of the deadly gas. The subject cf this notice was to smart, light-hearted manwho did hid duty faithfully, 3 sisters survive (Mee, Isaac Lake ; Mrs. Ti.. Brown and Mrs, .Justus Lake,lianlilton ned 2 brothers (Wm. +., in Pennsylvania, and Alfred, of Bay City, Mioh.) The parents of Pte, Sanders are buried in Bruesels cemetery. MI'. Sanders Lias- slug away 82 years ego and Mrs, Send- ers 9 years later, W. 1+1, and David 1 I1;111(1 ) > Sr )rciai Price off Car Potatoes u' an 1 '(• rt'd 11 1 6 14 ens!) rax 1 i 1 1 Y c 1 f rot shriveled for 311.1 u,o"a ly next Nevelt, Ph+'r+, , . Stan. 4., , Iteeic ecce 3.17. W. lea McCracken, Brussels 4atlr+lr 3, :curl 113. Sanders, Ethel, and Jr,,,. 6,i uirle31 4, lit useele, 31)13 0,13.151115. (1,0 I: Sandie:5 will nn( 80011 be 1013' lay rimming during the Peace ('.l'rllatdnn the people 1111etrlel had the pleasure of celebrating another very important event when J. T. huh..1.0n and Hiss Rebecca Spence ever, going away, quietly as they ex- pected, by auto to Alitchel1 to her stat t ' e 's !318. J Hrrn.cvnith to have t be ceremony perferme(i neressat'y to mulct- the t)1 tnan and wife. They were met with drums and banners with muses of lieu and talcum and also found trouble in gel ling car started. No further iuf,3'(nation t0 hand_ Is to when they may return. No use of trying to keep same-ts in Ethel. They went le George Kreuter's. ern, Mrs. Kr au t ed' accompanying them, The Peace Celebration in Ethel wan gone into on Monday school children and citizens alike paraded streets from sally Morning, elegem. and waving their banners, with ;Y3ti'h,ti3al beam- ing in their faces. Those who were rompclled t( eery at home were beat- ing tepees from the doorsteps. We had an exhibition of cannonad- ing, - Punt anvils being load- ed and discharged continuously from 111orning )ill 'light- Exhibitions of 4,01 11111.0i ng, etc., frutu some of Ile- at I t :1110 had seen service in F,.1 0 a we„- given. In 11e afternoon .1 (1,,stli013a8 formed, headed by Pte. 1'. Holleebee1, with the Bagpipes and A. Fletcher as dl'nullllel'. After night an effigy of Kaiser Bill was 1)1(31)176 after which the crowd dis- persed. Blyth REEVE N. J. TAYLua KILLED.—A must regrettable automobile accident occurred Monday night 4 miles from Blyth, when ;t car d133"n by Neil J. Taylor, Reeve of BIy11, overturned, breaking the neck of the Owner and thereby causing death Mr, Taylor had been out participating in Ole Peace Celebration at Blyth, after wllicll he offered to drive friends, H. McGee told wife to their hone near Anhurn.. Ou his returning (trip, about 10 30 clock, the 6,t r hit a bridge. r' ae. H. dg Schultz, a farmer living nearby, heard the noise caused by the accident, and 00 visiting the spot found Mr. Taylor dead, He leaves a widow and a daughter, and 2 brotllees, J. A, Tay- lor, Inspector of schools, St. Thomas, and Alex. Taylor, Port Stanley. He was about 5o years of age. Previous to coming to Blyth 8 years ago he was Reeve of Morris Township. This death 00(03115 as it does on the very heels of the proclamation of Peace, seems more 1111111 ever deplorable, Nigh Jinks in Brussels over End of War, Old and Young Ootebratod When the telegram am cavo Saturday evening statin Khat 111e armistice had been signed the bells were set a -ring- ing, whnetles blew, horns were tooted, anvils boomed and bonfires blazed. 1londay morning a public meeting was held in the anthence Library 1o(1n, presided over by Reeve Plum, when it was decided to have a half holiday and (committees twete drafted to at mange for it and another com- mittee named to plait a program for a (31131110 meeting for Thanksgiving. Shortly after 2 the prneessma( lineal up consisting of horsemen sdho(1 1, children,,Soy Scouts, Town 00110011, Citizens decorated automobile, See, 11any of the mistimes were got up regerdless of style, while othe's r epres('nte.1 national chaeactees. 11 VMS to 001 y comical exhibition. In lieu of a brass band W, Rands and Rule, Smelt ou 111e fifes and Wm, Smith and \V, It McCntcheon wttl 311 1)15.11.111118 set the echos ringing, 141111 Lowe in Highland cost11111r skirl- ed the pipes with many ta:111elan' air, 011 1each 3 )5 Victoria Park cheers were (riven for the boys overseas. In- troductury words were spoken by F. 11, GSlrny and l3. S. Scott called on fur (r,)1 address 051110)) greatly pleased Llle big crowd. Patriotic songs were snug twee the procession disbanded wit -h 13311: 4315. A671.80'.lelock Melville church was filled to the Boots when a service WAS engaged 111 that twill not soon be for- got ten, Program was as follows, Rev. A. T. Mann, presiding :—Doxol' ogy ; Invocatiot ; hymn ; prayer, W. 11. Kerr ; remarks by chairman ; solo, "Itnte Britannia," Miss Verne Walker, with chorus by audience, address by Reg, lered, 1-h)nt'.33', of Illinois; hyn331, "0 God our help 131 ragas past ; ad- druss by Principal B. S. Scott; solo, "Lest we forget," by F, 1-1, Gilroy ; address, Rev. W. 1:. Stafford ; hymn, "A hide with ole" ; address, (isv, 11, 1',• 1$ 'ybody did first-class, W. H. KERR, Iro/o,' etor Back Subscriptions to "The Post." How d000 Yount utane t This Week the 111131i entered on attl' ''all OauIpi i r6, to ' loot' up pool. due Suboo1i31110n1 to ?W1 Pus')' nod 1,31ve mailed notifications to a (mintier of amount du11 some of tin Mab 311311 ions aro rang. years behind and t(1 sever,1 111 110 a1lentnn has Imo)) paid to olo alp - i 11+1 peed,: tint a, i :31:•11 143'3 out•' tell .( banded over to the Comb. for ,n.11ec' Lion, unless nettled by the close of Chit year. with expenses (counting (311 US they have no argument will lie required to Shote the 1e1e$',it.y of clearing off theee arrearage+. 1\'e will not be to blame if poets are added as we have given ample untie,. We appreciate a barge area growing cirrnhUien but 3o n"3hti1ue to do busi- ness lir these high cost 311' living days mere, must be furthennting sand. THE P(,5T is Lha only farm from wheel we can glean out. harvest. \Vhile fully appreciating the sup- port of the publie we hope they will see that long past due uecnnnta eau - not be traded off iu lieu of our -present. 1.e ria mitt s. Remittances by cheque must carry - exchange as the backs will not cash them at par. If everybody will lend a hand in (hie Clear-up Campaign our Het should be well straightened up before the close u0 \Vial1518. you do this and earn our 34311001'5 Menke i' TM`. POST, Brussels,, Addresses were only 10 minutes each but brimfull of gond things, the solo- ists and union choir never sang bet- ter and the audiemee was appreciative. ve. An offering totalling about. $3120.00 was taken for the Belg111115. The National Anthem and "00d save our splendid (nen" and the Benediction brought 1111)3 program to a close. The main street was 1 hrforged with people. A greeth,ou11' a 00(131 er't age- ing and effigies of Kaiser Bill and Grown Prince Willie went up in smoke, Valle le stunts ower, put on by a broom 13(igade and drum hand. The bells and abislles worked over- time to ding doag and bet saw out the victory. Street decorations were profnse and. it certainly was a red letter day, ob- served in a meet orderly 111a1111PC. Long live the B, i;ieh Empire and the cause for which th'e ,.hies freight so valiantly to swim fee 41 ears 11 was a glorious vie(' I't ler 11 the. Caiueks were in it to the last shot. $ People We Talk +about $ Barrister Sineuair made a business trip to London Menem, Inspector Field is making his official visit to Brussels school this week, Mrs, J, T. Woad, Fred and Meru- er were at Kitchener over the week end, Mrs. P. McQnarrie is Welting with her daughter, Mts. J. 0, Priclham, in Toronto Roy Stewart, who is with a Flying Corps at Leaside, Toronto, was home for a few d:acs, Mrs. Teasdale Whitfield, who has been on the sick list 1' improving nicely now we are glad to hear, Clinton New Era says Jno. Shaw (for- merly of Brussels) has returned to town after spending..everai months with rela- tives in Toronto. Mrs. E. C. McIntosh, of Toronto, was visiting in Brussels this week, attending the funeral of her sister-in»law, tae late Mrs. D. McQuarrie. Miss Maude Bryan% has resumed her position with the l'. Eaton Co., Toronto, in counentiou with the optical depart - meet. She was home for enforced holiday for a few weeks. A. 1). and Mrs Lamont and daughter Isabel, who were visiting in this locality have returued to Loudon. Mr. Lamont is a teacher in the Technical School of that city. Miss Marie Crump ,vas operated on last Friday for a serfou< ease of append., Mote, at the home of Pos. milker Scott, and we are glad to say is getting along flue, We wish her early restoration. John McQuarrie, of Monts e i nl s spending a few da s in town Nein cal - 1 g Y g led here by the dearh of 1»s mother Mrs, D. McQue'rie. Mr. McQuarrie is plan- ning to leave shortly for South Africa on ' a nussiou for a Montreal locomotive firm, B. S. sad Mrs, Scott were calledto Coilingwood Iasi week owing to the seriotfs illness of Mrs. ee Bleckstot:k,. Mrs, Seattle sister, from influenza and pneumonia. We are pleased to hear that marked improvement bas followed since- then, One of the largest specimens of moose ever shot in Colada hes Follett to the' gum of Orley Smith, Kingsville. The following description 01 Orley's big bag WAS received from Jacic Motor, . "Some., where 131 Northe1n Ontario" t "Orley 5m011, Kingsville, 54110, a tow years age distinguished himself as the big beae hunter of Western 'Ontario by killing two extra large specimens in one seeso3, bas now got the 3130058 bunters backed right off the platform ala has killed one of the largest moose that ever roam, 0d the wills of Cauade. The bead has a spread of be inches, and has about 25 points Thehoe us a points. the ht ns ds front 16 to re tock i eg wide, To Ave kllfe. monster's plead causes Orin to wonder how the Animal ever, got through the woods Ato picked fie living, - halld(cap. ped with such a enewu of fremitus',"