HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-11-7, Page 74;1 ;. FRAUDS THINGS TO WEAR TBE SECRET OF SOME CHEAP MATERIALS 'Tests One May Use to Detect the True Quality of Silh, Linen and Wool. Even nowadays ono may buy cheap shoes. As the curate said of his eggs: parts of them are excellent. Tho rest (particularly the soles and coun- tere) are made of ground -up leather scraps mixed with paper pulp and treated with rubber to Waterproof it. Fur economy's sake, the skin of the cow is split into half a dozen layers, which are stamped by machine, Some of the material. is thus converted into and other such purposes, Some of it is transformed by the same means into pigskin for leggings, even the bristle holes being artistically repro- duced. My Ittlyti silk stockings, of cheap- pacify his creditors. At one time, gre were) unaccustomed to the splen- tree main . . ground upon which theY 'mere acting when he was in the service of the der of bazaars; ,1,1,1 they weteheg Whether ehe knew what London obvious utility of these rarkSIS ,Tffered terrible PlialS11111eat, Mght, est grade, are sometimes made of they were not fereiliar with the fidal silk, but with listia•thread feet, "' Marquis de Venom a wealthy noble- with expectant interest, pietomw c. rememe I cannot say, bet her limited incomi of going °vet' the harri'm final- seheole were establiehed which wood •pulp. Or they may be of arti- because that kind of silk is liable to "Their tasks accomplished, two of nian of Holland, the Emperor Charles low was looking at seeming brushee, vocabulary expressed morn in ite wey 1Y led him to ask whether if he (mild nreeks. including a number of men • to.nerattrelndYeln;5 f°eIr'cLe. wTerhee lieb°rnall4lieedf melt, If eeal silk, there may be an same_ imhan the gushipg nereses of 1,1•1111ant not go over it he might not hP able. tO eviler it. the dog conductors were compelled to V. made a visit to the eetate of the To the surprise of the girls he• -admixture of mercerized cotton that cross the M.arne under the fire of the mart -leis, who made magncent pre- , Led the best one out of a tray of very tail:ere. FRANCE'S DOGS OF WAR Marvellous Servicee Recognized in Official Orders of 4th Army. Franee's dogs of war have been cited in an order of the day fox con- duct rivaling that of their human mestere at the second Bettie of the Marne. Tw of these dogs saved the life of a soldier who could not swim by permitting him to lean upon them es they swam the stream. The official order recognizing the value of the eervices of the dogs of the Fourth Emrich Army reads time: "Three of our dog conductors of HIS PAPER SUIT A Noted Flemish Artist 'Vas the Costume of Scottish Highlanders El- It Stood for a Good Deal in the Way. of CUIlversetion. First to Wear Paper Clothes. kited Intermit Among French. Conservation in clothing is being It is not difficult to understand the It le curlews that the llama London freely preached and obediently prae. I interest aroused in France by the is move generally known the world deed among patriotic Canadians, but ! coetatne on the Scottish Ilighlunders. over than the name England is. In we have not yet felt the necessity of . "An. Exchanged Officer,' who dee- commercial circles "London" stands replacing cloth with paper. In Ger-1 tidies his experience in Wounded end for most articles of English maim - many it him been done with some 1 a Prisoner of War, gives ti glimpse facture. In all the East it represents succees ' 1 a the humervue side of this interest a nation. The author of Under the e, nee • "LE KILT OVERWORKING "LONDON" ICRAWLING UNDER A GREAT BARRIER AN ELECTRIC PENCE BETWEEN BELGIUM AND HOLLAND 13ut, indeed, peper clothing not' in lliS fleeount of a vieit to a French Red CI tut who was a surgeon m With German Guard un (me Side, a German invention. The idea has I -village. Ile was accompanied by the TurldeMermy in 1877, found that Electrocution on Hie Other and been suggested and advocated by Capt. Maiton-Warlow of a Seuttieh in the near East, no farther away Threutened 'With Starmitioe. daring innovators of several natiora 1 regiment whit, of course, afforded the than Bulgaria, "London" served to alities a few whom have appeared ' people a welcome chance to view le identify him. It diet even more than that in a converettiotial way, as he 1,A Teas ree netted what • . in paper costureeo—but never to the ' kilt at close quarters. The good eiti- the Eighth Division have been cited in an order of the day. The division convereion of others, or their own! zene (and citizenessee, too) climbed tells ins in his hoot". equator. He immediately replied that not only deported many of the papule- - - fought on July 15 on the north bank entire satiefaction, einee in no in- , mi and into the car to sea and feel. aly first landlord --who was land- he would "crawl under." When Lieut. Mom but also treated harshly them:, ef the Marne and was compelled to stance was paper actually adopted for I "The bare legs!" they exclaimed. "But lord hi name only, for couree I did ' • Pat O'Brien, after eseaping frien the left in the town. says a despatch from BULGARS LOOTED GREEK TOWNS BURNED SCHOOL BOOKS AND VALUABLE I•IBRARIES Allied Troops Reoccupying Eastern Macedonie Femierttyll4gPd In a Lamentable Condition. During their occupation 'of the Greek town Seres the Bulgarians fall back for a time despite its heroic defence, 'The dog conductors did not re- treat until after 'they had received and •transmitted to the commanding who was horn about the tune that mei pens, ink and ettationery . len_ foetid that the problem et' ernWnWg tivoreberi erei the school bardes of I "Till, yes, mensteer, I will show oar igtmeardie or (mob othm..t, officers 'the important messages car- Columbue diecovered Animate,- ender tette not so easy ne it ie at 4.10 the ClAteh S,hools were burned rind ried by the dogs. These dogs had Mabuee was of 11 12:zty and .iovial I them to you inunediatde," And we mime, Mr 1 lin et te‚ireely any Buie established and maintained commulli- disposition and helplesely lavieh with ' •meee led m and the bhop to eneepeet mien, and tLv clay word that 5:,he equator, for one level; of the biehlY , rePlaeed by- Ibilrearien books. The cation day and night between the rear money. Generously pent by the rich I the metes. ronld may was "London." Wherever , charged wire mean'. Menne. death. . reeidents of Seree, having refueed t He theueht of vaultine the (Met:tole for several months to attend chnrch army stations and the firing line under nobles who were hie patrons, he was,1 The thopgirls supposed that simple- I saw the girl she would show her mme, flash with a pole, and even of eon:emitting service in the Bulgarian language a terrific bombardment. Their feat nevertheless, always hard up. and re- I minded inhabitants of a wild and white teeth in a charming pail. of stilts OP• -ea,:h he veld to send their children to sehoole s the more remarkable because sorted to Many amusing rhifte to . mountainous rdadon ( let Mel le 1 1 • her big. Meek eyee, and with beeuti. a giant -0 1• • i .i. 3 it, ' could sten over inn) Holleed. But the where elfin Bulgarian was taught, habitual, daily wear. All these cau- winter that must be terrible. tious. experimente were long ago Picton-Warlow refuaed to sit in ian, saye, end ; daughter was notpdy m :tee a , • Germane awl nuking his way through Salience,. The fret persons to be de- Belginen, came to the greet barrier ported were the priests, •profesears anticipated by the noted Flemish art- t the oar at our nuxt stop, and we went one of the few pretty women that I ,• d e eeparetee Belgium and Holland, he The holy books of the Greek of electi•kally cherged fencien that :mil other well•denown persons. ist Jean de Maubouge, Mahuse, together into Le Grantl Bazar. "Ilave meg }taw in Melparia. Conetireation v The she said ,M,ondeme with a rtline. be saye in eie poen, Chit- the Oreelt mourietery of St. Jelin. is bard to detect, or adulteration of Pim- • the fabric with tin may cause the etoelcings quickly to drop to pieces. A Test for Pure Silk. bridges had been des- partitions to receive his imperial second-rate brushes. When 0 f thdo e g conductors gAmongother things, he orde 1 ttSee m said one of the girls, nudge briptht air of wdeome Stail ft freak witting' the Mien 'tee to dig under- neer Seree, rieh in old mannecripte, • en• me 1. eolith it anti amen throtigh. 1 had .;teas destroyed. troyea. 801110 1(2 11111e swam the stream, his two dogs fol- erecl all his household to be attired , mg another. "He knows, le grand! S1111.0 as a me lowing him. The othev dog conduce in immaculate white damask. Ent me took the best one, first thine, out with my day's work, I knew •that; • milt' ran hande to dig with, but 1, Mistreated the Inhahitante. tor could not swim, He coupled his when the taller mune to measure Ma- "But don't talk so loud," raid her she tempt "Goon evening., doctor! 1 avnt at it with a wme: ill. and fort Cnim aptGhesgief, the Bala:mien • 1 't Ird a bed day to, 1,n ferment was not hard. cemmandant at Sores, according to It is partly the customer's fault. two doge by their leashes and ringed base, the artist requested that the friend, I tell you the other one -ea- - - 11 'Women use always looking eagerlythem into the water. houses and in mireating cloth be delivered to him instead, as ' understands.1 day: and see. here is your Wept end Wilen I had ii"tz 0' OU .11"4. is I the residents tbel'e, took the lead in • e st fig bargains -.meaning usually some- "The brave animals understood and he had in mind a habit of new and 1 While "le grand" eras makin,e; his coffee reinim" came to nn inglerground Wire. I knew looting th thing that is cheap and has a good they permitted their master to rest elegant design, which he would pro- , purchases, a French reservist, the When be uttered the word w!th a , enough shout electrieny to melize Greek women and girls. Greek Mace- donian newepapere, includieg- the He- aPPetirence. To meet this demand, his weight upon them while theY cure some o•ne to execute under his • only other customer in the shop, loom backward turn of the head end with that this wire multi not b^ eintrged• menufacturers reeort to adultei ation. swam to the south bank and safety. own eya The tailor readily assented, ' ed on with sleep interest The brave e pretty lenge an she patteed out of al it was in eontact with the (teeth. I brew newspapers of Salnnica, request body" to poor silk by TheSe dORS had been left by order end delivered the neceesary number 'rhea nine the ellied governments to undertake oakine the thread (before weaving) of Getieral Gourau.d in the battle zone of yards of expensive damask. Ma m poilu could no longer rontain lliS ear.. the door, it 011,1 very 0%14007 that she . took hold of the wire iln(1 pullPa up iosity, and beget to follow "le grand," was really saying, "Good Mght WAN', with all «v strength, lint it weeld not an invettigation of the action a the - " e ; in a solution of tin oxide. when the enemy attacked. They es- buse promptly sold the cloth and sent 1 pretending to take an interest in the doctor! Pleaeant dreams to yon, and budge. I was just about to rive up Bulgariene eo' thet when the imace The bargain hunter buys a silk tablishecl and maintained lines of the money. He then made a suit of , pens, ink and paper. Suet as ‘le I hope a Russian shell even't find ;gm in de pair when a Staple perm way in ronvention comes the world teed the skire which, of two or three Wears, communicatim with such seccess that paper, painted it with the same design ' grand" was choosing an indelible pen- in the mornin.g." ; the nearest post Thot erehlea rne delegates to the conference mem know develops numerous tiny epinholes. General Gouraud was able, through- as the clamesk, and finished it so : em •the poiln ventuved to stretch out ---M— to pull the wire f. hrenerh the ground how the Belgariare acted toward non Minute particles of tin arc scattered out the attack., to keep himself fait' cleverly that he walked muletected in a hand and feel the texture of his TANKS SAYE MANY SOLDIERS ' e little and I renewal Ille efforts. Bulgaria n netional it ies. through the fabric, and their sharp informed as to the movements of the the procession between two -other pen- : kilt. .-- After a moment or two of milling as , The fillnwirT. efficial Green state - mince mit the threads. Often more German troops. skaters of his patron, a philosopher , "But how cold they. must T ust be in he More Tanks \l7e Have the More I had 110Ver pulled befeee 1) 18 life melt has Mem issuedi than half the weight of the garment "The dogs Were employed because and a poet. . 1 winter—the hare legs!" he said, ad- Asstired the Victory. , a etaple in the ncet 1,.. t- , ne. e Nt . 41N, , ,meer treers erhich reoccupied metm• is metal. The skirt evades along the violence of the bombardment made But the joke was too goad to be dressing me; and then, as 'la grand" ! and I pulled and mellita egan until . astern Maeedonia found the twee lir es where it is foldeel. Cheap silk it impossible to make use of horning kept; a friend who wets in the secret `turned round, "Pardon, quel rang?" Thirty-six. tanks, one battalkay in all eight staples Il given teem : ,. eava, P. end Malty 0 er vii agee ef r 11 th I ribbons must find quick male, else pigeons or to maintain the telephone told the marquis, who turned to the . "Capitaine," said I, in a solemn save at least a ti 00 casualties i Every time a stzinie F-'''''' 0 a''''raY "to be in the same lamentable condi- they will rot on the store shelyee. and telegraph lines. emperor no the three advanced, ve- I roam, every day they are in action. .. estrintied like the report of a gun. ate , tine as the town of Sexes on account Beware of silk that feels. hard. "These good dogs that day were questing his majesty to observe their i The poilu in horror stepped back a The British vier expert who IlleAt though I mippose it didn't really make of the enereceekelted atrocitie.s of the Tiold it between the eye and the light, Serving all the world!" attire and point out which costume 112,ce and quieted is grand." "Par- this statement while discuseing the ; very .1-nuch noise. :N10;'fbf..1:7,:ix, eech Etdra.,d,„e, and if it 10 18 any degree transparent, am-- be preferred. don, mon (.11 1(011)2 I didn't known' present allied offensive continued: , time I put My ear to the premed to , .m.---e.---- it is a net filled with metal. Take a"They appear to me to be the We have used in the fighting to . listen for the guard, an1. not hearing ' 'N'ATIONAL NICKNAMES POST OFFICE AT FRONT I then explained the significance of small sample and touch a match to it same," AWLS the reply, "except that , the dress, and with great difficulty date only a fraction of the men the , him, I would tfo on with my work. in a saucer. If pure, it will disappear he in the middle wears a fabric whiter . Dia& B Not a Build'ne- the Head persuaded the abashed ad no' longer almost enthmly. Poor silk will yield ' - ' "' - 1 ed n " and niore richly flowered than the! curious soldier that we were not in from one-third to one-half of its quarters for Mail in Field. others." I the least offended at his unintention- weight in ash. A Field .Post Office is primarily an When the marquis toldthe emper- al breach of discipline. High-priced - tablecloths, napkins iron box—not a building; a black or that the costume was made of pa- I —en ---- and sheets advertised as "puree linen" heavy box, under the care of a core per he would not believe it until the mmeRACLE OF MODREN SURGERY biggest reserves, . often contain much mercerized cotton. pored and two sappers. The box mild, half abashed a the betrayal! --- have the more assured our victory 1 eide death from eleetromdieu on the the Governor of Connectic , wh 1 • t ' ; ut on . Swift Extraction of a Bullet Which Tho tank -makers aro as much in this . other. and starvation starinn 111? hl General Wes g • - hitt ton never failed to l' d • was anethire but consult in cases of emergency. He Formerly Would Have Killed. enemy has been accustomed to em- 'Many times. in aim I troaeht HOW f•'toe Popul"r Designations ploy for similar offensives, and we him coming and Mopped ley ei min and , First Came Into Use.. have made up the difference large- I then discovered Hatt it WAS only my . ly with tanks. Since the ultimate imagleation. I certainly sufreeed., Brother Jonathan, the popular.. Mei:- victory will fall to the side with the enotigh that night to lest me e life- • name for the United States, arose out • With Comae guard on one a the person of Jonathan Trumbull, Women commonly judge linen by its holds postal orders, stamps, casn, and half exultant at the presentation fight as their brothers in France. 1 11101000, „ "Similarly, the more numerous : comfortable. ' would exclaim: "We must refer this i the tanks the less risk of their being By pulling on the wire T 57:1.:1 remr . matter to Brother Jonathan," when if held between the eye and thalight This box may be lodged anywhere— them until they crackled. . ni ' cl'ffi " P.' .- It 'le Sam another . hospitals with, say, a bullet, or other gunner can deal with one or two, per- : ala 1111110 a space for digenant. Fin. popular name for America, arose _Mm body, an X-ray photograph is taken haps, but he is overwhelmed with ally I thought that I had made tbe a vulgar misconception of the letters .. ; ; hole large enamel. -Lying en my U.S. (United States). —me — . foreign substance embedded in his . ---,. and developed, and the operating sur- "11 has It has been commonly thought : stomach I crawled, or rather writed, - John Bull was derived from DM • A sure test, however, is to saturate Every F.P.O--------42,, abattalions Well -Educated People and Loyal that a direct hit by a shell means i writned, under the wire like a snane, Arbuthnot's satire of this title .of a to geon works from the information thua • . a scrap evith glycerine. If linen, it and other units attached to it fax obteined destruction. Not always. ai, fortm with my feet Meet. and them wasn't typical Englishman, published in 1721. cool 'feel," bat manufacturers some- Lead seals for mail bags, rule books, had keen summoned to the dais and . . . ing cotton with agnesia. Good linen, Mug the red and white flag of :Elite. over cloak and doublet and pinched . In ,tient is brought into one of our great the ordinary way, when a pit the out A German anti-tank able im drag it tin ong t er. times counterfeit the "feel" by treat- and scores of othernems—notforget- 1 Charles hadrun Is irnpe will show tiny lumps or knots along in an open field, a barn, a stable, a the threade, whereas cotton fibre is tont, cellar, dug -out, or a chateau; but smooth, wherever it is dropped there is the To Distinguish Linen From Cotton. Field Post Office, THE UKRAINIANS IN CANADA will become transclucent; if cotton, it maili. The mails are drawn for dis- There are about 220,000 Ukrainians Heed is impossible, because an instant But there are cases Nvhon this me- night ego a tank received seven di. any emestion of ere hegginte mother The name of the author of "God Save will remain oPaque. This can hardly in the Canadian Northwest. They be- rect hits from a German seventym earth as close es poseible. :becalm. I the Xing," is John Bull. Tommy At- tie tried in a shop, but the peer gan to emigrate from their native seven gun, but the tank finished its realized that even to thud: the wire kins, the popular mime of the British tribution fee= a railhead, or from mo- • maser tor lorries at established refilling operation alone can save the patient's may afterward demand her money points. Accredited post orderlies hind in the MO's. Most of them were In these comparatively rare in - job and trundled back to its lines. above me with my back meant instant soldier, arose because "Thome At - Another in the Gambrel region death. Analeies es I was to net on kine" 01014 a fictitious name that fignr- W dlen oods are sophisticated in pointed, with their own wagoes and . . . whole counties in Alberta end Sas- oceuPY stances the injured 1111111 is operated life. went over a rise directly in front the other side, I didn't hurry the op- ed in the soldiers' monthly statement ' of accounts. bark.. from each unit come to the place ap- farmers, and to -day they the Dominion. many ways. Plenty of blankets "war- limbers. Little time is lost in distal- katchewan. They were not illiterate button, because the mail bags—made ranted half wool" contain hardly more when they came to Canada and they up at the base post offices in Eng - than 10 per cont. of that material. have been busily educating them - land and France—ere addressed to Often the background, so to sneak, selves during the last thirty years. of an "all -wool" fabric is a wide- the units direct. But a great deal of There is now a Ukrainian publish.. miscellaneous correspondence, include meshed net of cotton, against both ing home in Winnipeg, This concern ing registered letters, has to be sides of which waste wool fibre hasdoes not merely issue a foreig lan- dealt with before the orderlies dis- been blown with an air -blast, The appear, and this part of the open air task is a pretty mover trial in wintry or in wet weather. The reit of the mail is for the staff at the Bri- gade or the Divisional Headquarters; and this is usually distributed at the sign of the P.P.O. flag. But distribution is only half the business. Tho troops are regular and persistent correspondents, and every P.P.O. has a big outward despatch of mails daily. Early and late, batches of letters and bags and parcels arrive at the F.P.O. from its battalions and units, and the man left in charge of the black box can usually find plenty to do, selling and cashing postal orders, taking in registered corres- pondence, and stamping, sovtig, and bundling letters for home. The Army Postal Service is an organization vast and efficient. The best blood of the Home Postal Ser- vice is in it, and' that largely aecouets for its magnificent success. It is no exaggeration to call the Army Postal Service the commissariat of the af- feetions. The troops value it as such —and so do the people at home. . stuff lute tdl the appearance of woolen cloth, but, of course, it will not wear. Wee or twice in the tub and there is nothing left of it. The best test is to boil a scrap 10 a little caustic soda dissolved in water. If all -wool it: will wholly dis- appear. If it contains any cotton, the latter will remain undissolved, The principal sufferers Pom the practice of adulterating fabrics are the poor, who cannot afford high-. priced stuffs. Naturally, is it the cheaper materilds that are most so- phisticated. They are really very costly, relatively to length of wear, and to poor folks the rapid wearing out of clothes (which they are not easily able to replace is a serious matter. „ammemom.._ Last Year's Victory Loan. The following amounts were sub- scribed by the various Canadian prov- inces to the 'Victory Loan of 19171 Albert—Population, 406,000; sub. seription, $16,515,1.50; per capita, $33.29. British Columbia—Population, 394,- 000; subscription, $18,814,700; per aapite, $44,75. Manitoba — Population, 555,000; subscription, $32,326,600; per capita, $58,25. New Beenswick—ropulation, 350s. 000; subscription, $10,483,360; por capita, 29.89. ' Nova Scotia—Population, 508,000; subseyiption, $18,588,150; per capita, $36.59. Ontario — Population, 2,582,000; subecription, $204,185,400; per cap- ita, $70.08, Quebec—Perulation, 2,263,000; sub- scription, $04,287,250.; per capita, $41.66. 'Prince Felevard 'shied—Population, 93,000; sultsceiption, $2 881,850; per capita 325.07. Saskatchewan—Poptittetion, 850,000; stebscriptien, $21,777,050; pet caleita, f83.50. Germany's Food' Outlook. Germany and her allieslace another serious food shortage. Roumania and the Ukraine, which were counted on to supply a large neett, of the Central Powers'need's, will themselves have a shortage and will have nothing,to export. 4. drought is vesponsible. Roumania provided the Central Pow- ers with 8,000,000 tons of grain last year( but this yearit; really. needs inn. port to fill its ONV11 1100dS. The Ulm venial) supply is disappointing to the Germans, mid may- be regarded as negligible, The Getman crop is of average dimensions, Hangary's the seine, bat Austria has a 0i'op failure. Hato the Central Powers face a hard winter in rained to food conditions. Montreal has 18.839 city lots, here- tofore vacant, under cultivation. this year, " * ' upon in the X-ray room itself, a a German 'howitzer. Tho howitzer ei ei. . weird apartment, where dynamos fired from fifty yards away, and a When finally 1 got threenth mid - Sambo, a name used for a nigger, buzz and blare, and strange electric shell tore off part of the tank's side, • straightened up there we 70 .still sem is used because 'Lembo, is the native contrivances crackle and hiss and but the tank went on, driving right oral feet of Bele:him liettf:001 U10 and. term used to designate the off -spring screech. over the howitzer and putting it out libertm—the little stretch tif gromul , ti' a black person and a mulatto, • The operating table here is not un- I • two yards wide that seperattel the , e a— — like a coffin in appearance, teat the of action." Recently Major-General Seeley, electrk barriee Mem the last bathed- ' bottom is of thick plate glass. In Deputy Minister of Munitions, said: wire fence, --bin. befcre advanced AN OPTICAL ILUCSIOIsf beet in Ukrainian literature. The Ilk- eanian farmer in Canada has a TOW beinging out reprints of all that is of well-filled bookshelves such as the average Canadian farmer might not guat e newspaper. It is gradually this the patient, having been vi aotriyely anaesthetised, is laid. The ordinm dr, so that the room is plunged in . profound darkness. electric lights are then switched Ina -- "I speak the literal truth when 1 1 another step I went down on my knees Atmosphere Makes Setting Suit Ap- say that I, and hundreds of others and thanked Goa for my long singes, it has been ray privilege to lead, • eke of escapes, and eepeeittlly for this would be e ea towforthe en b.lastit 11 N t . t1ad . hut te le" el 'e :eland Than 1 crawled ee---- and often of an oval shape, bin a Mites the setting sun seem larger We all know at optical illusion pear Larger Than at Midday. bo able to show. And the way in A moment later the X-ray operator certainlya it They probably saved Amiens. Theyntindee the beiMed-wire Terme and n 000011i: explanation by W. F. :Badgley clicks a lever, and through the glass save US. breathed the fine air of Hothied. of some of the; causes which bring this about is interesting,. The atmosphere near the earth's surface, when hot and dusty, acts as a magnifying glase, so distant oh - Sods on the horizon are seen through a thick layer of seir, which ineretiecs. its size many times. Looking upward we see throughmore rarefied air, which does not pessees the mageifen tug power. The oval appeataece is due to the fact that the sun is seen through the edge of an aerial tens, which may be' dearly illustratat by drawing a small circle 011 41 piere of white paper and. placing a reading' ease over it Under tho eettre of the lonedtho circle appears round, but if the glost.' it; moved until the eivele te neer its edge its shape changes to en oval. --....e.---- races and Beards. The first Tominy was ruddy of countenace, with a huge beard of the hue politely knOwn as auburn. The second was smooth -shaven, "/ 'New toils arise, new hopes aro born, i tester have a beard like that till 1 New struggles daily We begun-- 1, saw meself hi the glase, Then 1 cut . But still above all foam tTl :morn, Jit afl'a. Ring the great wordst "It can be donor which the Ukrainians have taken to English and volunteered in the Can- adian army show that Canada is none the worse for this apparently divided, loyalty. ' Slogans for Calendars. "Slogans" which might be very ef- fectively used on Canadian Merchants' calendare ariM other printed matter are given below: No one is outside the zone of food saving. Be careful of food; It must be saved RS conscientiously as last year. Re- gard it as your war effort. Eat more fish all the year round: it is wholesome, brain -forming and delicious. Our food saving success in 1918 should be an incentive for greater ef- fort in 1919. We have leaned the habit of food saving. If we continue it will be- come a Canadian virtue, It will take a long time to restore a emend food sapply in the world. Conserve and still conserve. Until every eitieen oats 0010 pound of fish a vedhlt, we shall he bolow the right scale. Fish is cheap because we haven't to fatten it. It is our best substitute for meat. Substitutes for wheat are available in abundance. They must be used. Our tables vet -Retie enriched by them. A fish diet le delicious in summer and invigorating 111 wiater. The patriot is the man who does whet the country wants done. rood eaving is patriotism. Economize, not 'criticize, in nation- al food measures. Share in the war for right by sav- ing the food the Allies want, bottom of the table there springs up a pale. abeinthe-green light, which 'WAR CALCULATIONS Penetrates the patient's tIseues, en- — staling the operating surgeon and his Something of the Awful Waste of War assistants to see right through the Gathered From These Figures. man's body. The bullet is discovered libaoseleosintamdll and swiftly extracted. A swabbing to (hat tuitsh the latelywnr out and binding up of the NVOUIld fol- the nations engaged on either side AtheS t :AMC t°1(0h1 10108, and a little later the patient, the stun of 3:32,000,000,000 ($160,000, - still enconecious, is taken back to the 000,000). Such a statement is not ward he quitted an hour or so before, really impressive, because it conveys freed from a danger that would have very little of actuality to the human mean3 a speedy cleath to him in the mind. A U.S. paper has, however, old unecientific days. come to the rescue of poor humanity --.4*--- wallowing in a elougs of figures and GETTING FIDO'S WOOL OUT expressed this total in comprehens- ible terms. A NOW Souree of Clothirtg Material It seems that the entire cost of the in These Strenuous Timm • American ('Mb War has been dupli- A valuable source of clothing lies ceted every twelve weeks, and each on the back of our friend the dog, and Maid of five weeks of the present this can be taken away without in. war would pay for the Prance- PAIS- juring him phy leally in the slightest shin War. These thirty-two thousand degree, says se English writer, pillions stinting would pay for 400 Sheepdogs (mows, and the like, in Panama Canals, or would construct good condidon, tan, and should, clo 92 world -encircling railways, their bit of six pounds of wool yeavly. But the cost it Minim life and limb A toy pout may yield at least two is far more terrible than any rtione- pounds of finest: quality wool per year tart cost. If the proceemion of the wotilt about, to shillings per pound slain were to march past in battle am in the wool inavket. ray four deep, ten years -would pass, In this way may all dogs, both large and even then the proceseion would and small, justify their existence in not be over. If, behind the dead came these hard Hines by yielding up their the host of maimed, blind, dumb, and warm, 'woollen code. The Red Cross paralyzed, fifty years would hardly One $50 bond will render painlese tame xt in the glass then T greened profit by wool leaks of this te(ure, all exhaust the terrible spectacle. Yet, 400 operations and give enough of this beavd." • , . t paoceeds going to the benefit of our unless we go on till the e11810 of this 'bandages woun for 555 de. Try to . , a. •,.....—..03.•,,—.. , sick and wounded men. Many dog 001711011) are busy cultivat. Lig their pots' mate far the best and lavgest output. A Maltese recently contributed 20 pounds of wool; rin. other 30 pounds, which haye been knit- ted up into 40 rich woollen jerseys, Impel in texture and warmth to finest lamind wool, It Can Be Done. How came the pyremide to rise? Some old Egyptian builder's mind, Brooding beneath the desert. skies, Their neat sublimity outlined; He knew the cruel toil they menet, The shifting sand, the burning sun; Yet steadfast to the work he went With ono brave will; "It can be dime I" How 001110 the Parthenon to stand? Far-gleeming from its classic height? au The brain of Phidias, d the hand Of stanch Ictirius, day and night Shaped forth the visioe—they alone The triumph of its grandeur 000a, Per deeper than its corner stone Stood their 811170 thought: "It can be done!" 0 talisman of mighty deeds Fronting all laboes unafraid! Thy power each young endeavor needs, By many an obstacle dismayed; Lest It Be Some One You LOW, But the bearded Mita Wag net, dim masted. "Muck hettev 'Ave left it on, mato. ust,tn, AM) a face like yours till I awful war is removed; that is, 01810814we put flown Prussian militerism, all this sacrifice may be tri vain. Shot in the Melee. Loquacious Visiton—So you were wounded at the fvont., my good man? Irisheuth—No. Begoi•ry. I was wounded in the rear av me. 1.0ft 12'0 whatit 11100118 to 110 03______ on without aneteethetic. Then buy just, dlemt.. heee, rat," do old gentleman . one more bond in the name of the boy said; IMMeorrovV - emening, if "yen bring my tea without spilling- a drop e who ought to have the best there is In the world to give! 111 the Anomie I'll give ynn a shining for yonrself," When the Meg and Queen of the "Itight, tile," said Pat. 13e1giaps visited Edinburgh. the King The following eveniete ho won the handed the Lord Provost 5,000 frolics shilling t*, brippluty the cup ht One for the poor of Edinburgh, hand and the saucer in ilt:t other, k'rkt Made Good, •