HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-11-7, Page 5tam
DEADENESS CARDS, pillini111111111103121
Griox,pm GiAT.itle167
Business Dards
171 ,.ittrZ U. 41 ander-
idritry '41114tt, 1.. TOIrIttO410
No, 'JR
T. T. M.' RAE
M. O. t. 1,11aBo of Brusecia.
Physieitm, Mogorth,
0111,...nt reAdt.1.4.. oop.,11.. id el vi Ile March,
0 rattan to Toronto Um ver.ity of Medicine.
Special attention given 1. 11. of ellildren
find Surgery.
Office: Or, Br vans Old Stand
Phone 46 Brussels
Licensed Auctioneer for uran Co,
Will cell. for Rs gond nrieesos any Other ALN.
tinnier Or ofinrge nothing,
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Offi.s, sn the Square, Bnd door from Hamilton
Private fonds to Boot ut lowest rates.
W. Pitontwoteriii< ..4, 1)01(10
-.1,-1,.. :. ! ! ,.r.:-!•44++++4,1.+++++++
+ ....
+ fall Term from Sept, 3 ....
+ 610MNBOole61,25O1MHZCHIEMI 1!
+ 4:
+ +
rtiliaw's Business Schools .,..
....i: .1.
.}. Toronto ..c.
+ +
+ levee Catalogue on request. 4-
:4) Igo and (4 el rued Ste., TorOOLo
4. 4.
Sam Weinstein
6 Is prepared to pay
highest price fOr
Highest price paid. See
me befnri you Sen.
Scrap BroH,
Rags, &c.
Highest Cash Price for :
\Ville or Phone 02x
live Poultry and Hides
111111111H11 II 11111111
Williams, Greene 86 Rome
Company, Limited
Cor, Benton & St, George Ste., K Frei IENER
Write for particulars
rar ! fiews tans
-•- -
JACK Frost is here.
Scerous Board Friday evening of this
FEW snow flurries last Friday, remind-
ers of what's to .come.
Toirele shipping is new ,on the pro-
gram Crop is Very good.
HALLOWE'EN passed by comperatively
quietly, barring a few of the usual
'firs area affects or Mermen al.
%verse thau the diseasT
e. ake care o
you rsel I.
CARDS of Thenks end "In NI einoriam"
notices are Sity ceuts 54 inch, each in-
sertion in Tire PosT.
ALFRED BAKKER shipped 3 cars of
baled hay last week to Toronto. He
handles a pile of 41 40 5 year,
Tee Pos'r is 30).5o net at the office.
Cheques on outside 15anks must have
exchange added. There is no commis-
sion allowed to agents or postmasters.
ANNOUNCE your Auction Sales in
THE Pose. and don't be eisap
pointed with the atteuelance. Ninety•
eight per cent of the householders to the
district read this paper.
ous response to the Victory Loan will
mean national security. It will prove to
the world that Canadians have confidence
in their own tuturo, Buy Victory
13E PREEARED.--Beware of the finan-
cial reaction that May follow the present
prosperity. The best way to forestall it
is to practice thrift now end the hest
form of thrift is embodied in Canada's
Victory Bonds, Buy Victory Bonds.
Dos 'r you know how hard it is for
some people to get out of a room after
their visit Is really over ? They want to
be off, and you want to have them MI
but they don't know how to mating° It.
One would think they had beeu built in
your parlor or stnely, and were waiting
to be launched.
SOMETEUNGS to look forward to—
Santa Claus.
Fun of paying taxes.
esisSleigh riding parties.
Peeve around the world.
Long eveniugs with books.
Share in Victory Bend :success,
Clair and her sou were principals it' a
double wedding, the former marrying 11
Mr. Carter mid the latter, Misr; Carter, a
sister of his new rather, Mrs. Clair
thus became both tnother-in-lew stud
sister-iu-law of her son's wife. Mr.
Carter, step -father mud brother.indaw
of his seder's husband and stepfather to
his sister, Mrs. Vera Carter step-
daughter or her mother and sister•in.law
and daughter -hi -law of her brother's
wife and Mr. Clair his own mother's
brother-in-law and his wile's brother's
step -son. Meanwhile the family is
honeymooning together,
At American Hotel.
Monday, Nov. 11th
of Toronto •
Doren w e nd's
Invite you to their
display of the
newest creations in
Artistic Hair.geods.
If your own hair
is thin, and un-
becoming, lel ter de-
monstrate just, what
IIS(( be done to elle.
ply youe lack of hails
mid hew pellet:Hy it
„is aeriomplielitel,
o •
CI 0
0) •
O •
0 •
0 0
G 0
0 o
a •
• •
• 6
FOR LADIES - Switchet, Transformations, •
o •
al; Waves, Pompadours, Chignons, Etc. •
will make you look yeasts younger •
0 and improve your health. Light, •
a as a, fentha
et. nd bidet solable on •
(S, one sanitary patent stamture,
0 A
CA ‘V This display is forl Day only t
54 MONDAY, NOV. 1144)
ppni n mon is nen 4I0 areanged nl,
• t esidottee if derriere],
te There is no charge for a Demonstration.
The Dorenwend Company of Toronto en
Head Office 103-105 Yonge St.
Tire pupils of the schools do net np.
pear 10 410 A 4 4 (1010015151 because of the
euforc,:d holidays; of tee past taw weeke.
READEks are Invited to send. tell or
telephone ue interesting items of news.
Help us to InSke nip. Pos'r inore than
ever the newsiest paper of the district.
Is you are loyal to your home town
you will pai ewer) yeti r home !merchants
In these days of heavy running expenses
the local !rum eau sell goods cheaper
than the big city stores. Read their
'este Pos'r has the agency for n No, r
Coituter Check Book Co. and will supply
your needs at the seine rate as the menu -
lecturer. Leave your order but done
wail until your laid book is used up,
We have samples end prices of the vari-
ous styles published.
TUE PosT is always pleased to receive
news items (rem Lbi, 01.161i0. If you have
a visitor or if you are going away on a
visit let us kuoty about it, We do not
know everything that goes on and co-
operation of the readers or the paper feta
valuable aid hi gettiug the news.
Arthur and Mrs. Caution have come
to Brussels from 3rd line, Morris, and
make their home with Ed. and Mrs.
Pollard, • the latter being a daughter.
Mr. Caution is past 88 years of age and
his wife ahem 8 vests Is junior but both
are realm kably smart for their years.
They have been residents of the 3rd
line ot Morris township for long years
mil are a worthy old COuple.
GETTING BETTER.—Miss Rhea Einigh,
Blyth, received word from her brother,
Pte. Roy Emigh, who has been confined
to an hospital in France through wounds
eeeived in action. Ile is now convales-
vent and speaks In highest terms of the
excellent attention afforded patients in
the hospitals in France.
"When Britain first at heaven's command
Arose from out the azure main,
Arose, arose, arose from ..out the azure
This was the charter, the charter of the
And guardian augels saug this strain.
Rule B ri [nettle, Britaun in rules the
Britons never, never, never shall be
FUNERAL.—The funeral of the late
D ivid Haim took place from his home
Albert street, Friday nfteruoon of last
week, Rev. W. 111. Stafford conducting
the service. Pallbearers were Beaver
Bros., j. Pisearclure, Will. end George
Heist and Win, Edwards, Among
friends from a distance were Mrs. Wm.
Edwards, Belmore ; Mrs. Piscarlore,
Exeter ; George and Albert Heist, Strat-
ford, and Wm, and Mrs. Heist and fatuity
Atwood. Henry Heist did not get home
from Michigan but may come with his
wile and son later,
S01.1)1ERS.—Orders have been sent out
from Militia heaclquarlers*to all Depot
Conunauding Officers, instructing them
to extend to November is, the harvest
leave granted M soldiers. The ortlei
applies to all men 110W 011 leave in
Canada for agricultural work. The
total number affected is 14,900, Bevor-
1(1 agriculturists, who as a rule,
were exemu
pted ntil the end of this
inonth, are now having their exemptions
extended for six months more by the
District Registrars in all easee where it
is shown that the grimed of exemption,
namely, neeessay .101111 work. Nl.
ruled during the past Summer, And
where the applicant for further exemp-
tion shows that he Is still couthosing iu
motive farm work,
From Sertheriote.—The following tele-
gram wee received last week by Town
Clerk F. S. Scott, referring to the seri
011511585 0( 1418 fuel situations 1—
'reroute, Ont., Oct. eetli, 1918
• le, S. ScoTT :—Authracite situation
acute, especially by reason of
Influenza epidemic demoralizing labor
situation on transportation and mines, it
is therefore Imperative your dealers at
once meet almost certain shortage lo
youe Municipal Anthracite Allotment for
his year by immediately putting in
a stook of wood and Bituminous coal,
You will impress dealers they roost act
on this advice immediately,
Fuel Arlteln 1st rater.
Bram; Boomer COLLECTORS.— Last
Friday the Bible Society Collectors for
Brussels Branch for 1918 were appointed.
kin almost every case reappointed) ats
the record was so eplendul last year,
viz :—Iftzor.00, there was tut disposition
to make a change. The books have
been placed in the heeds of the Collec-
tors and they are asked to Wittily com-
plete their cauvas by Nov. 3oth so that
returns may be made to Toronto before
the close 01 41(4 year. Society is urging
generosity in the contribetrons as they
have been at very heave expense in
connection with the gifts of bibles to the
soldier boy, To cut clown expense the
Society has omitted the names of the
contributors this year it theit annual
report but give totals front eneli branch
noel Magma statement of finauces, 8te,
leach set or collectors have been supplied
with a report so that any donator may
ego 11 41 they WISh, Help a good moo.
Thousands of Cases Reported
Witli Many Deaths.
°FRDIT-A-TIVES"—The Wonderful
Fruit Medieine—Gives the Power
To Resist This Disease.
The epidemic of Spanish Influenza
which played such havoc In Europe,
has reaehed tills continent. Thou-
sands of cases of the strange malady
have appeared andmany deaths are
already reported; Surgcon-General
Blue of the United States Publie
Health Service having stated that
"Spanish Influenza will probably
spread all over the country in
six weeks".
Practically every ship which
touches our shores from abroad,
brings those infected with the
Surgeon -General Blue urges that
"the individual take all the precau-
tions he can against contracting
the disease by care and personal
hygiene". Plenty of exercise should
be taken; the dietshouldberegulated,
Spanish Influenza affects most
severely elderly persons and others
whose powers of resistance are
weakened by illness, work or worry,
especially those who are "run-down"
or "not feeling up to the mark."
The really great danger from the
disease is -not so much in the disease
itself, as that it often develops into
What everyone needs now is a
general tonic: like "Fruit-a-tives".
This wonderful fruit medicine is not
a germ -killer. It is a body-builder;
a strength -maker; a blood -purifier;
a power in protecting against the
ravages of disease.
" Fruit -a- Lives" regulates the
kidneys and bowels, causing these
organs to eliminate waste regularly
and naturally as nature intended.
"Fruit-a-tives" keeps the skin active,
and purifies and enriches the blood.
"Fruit - a- tives " tones up and
strengthens the organs of digestion,
insuring food being properly digested
and assimilated.
Everyone can take ordinary pre-
cautions, avoid crowded places, and
use "Fruit -a - tives " regularly to
insure sound digestion, to keep the
bowels and kidneys regular and the
whole system in the best possible
condition. Then we are safe from
"Frult-a-tives" is sold by dealers
everywhere ab 50e a box, 6 for $2.50,
trial size 250 or sent postpaid on
receipt of price by Fruit-a-tiveS
Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
New Issue Of Stamps
There has been a new issue of
three cent stamps by the Dominion
government. The former mark 1 T C,
which Meant one cent war tax, has
been eliminated on the new stamps,
and the postage is now straight post-
al rate without any extra war tax in-
Leave Extended
Orders have been sent out from
militia headquarters at Ottawa to all
depot commanding officers, instruct-
ing them to extend to Nov, 85 the
harvest leave granted to soldiers.
The order applies to all men new on
leave in Canada for Agricultural
volr9k0.0, The total number affected Is
Needs no Warrant
The anti -loafing law has been amend-
ed in such a manner as to provide for
arrest without a warrant, "Any Peace
Officer," the amendment reads, "may
arrest without warrant any perSon
whom he believes on reasonable and
probable grounds to be violating the
provisions hereof, Le., the anti -loafing
law and such peace officer Is justified
in making such arrest,
* -1'.
. .
eat Market +
.,.,. ‘,.
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
I wish to state to Lhe public Lha; +
„1, I have opened up 0 1154) Meat +
4. Market in the +
+ where I will keep a choice etock
* of the best Meats to be obtrrined,
Will also handle all kinds of
Binoltecl and Otteecl Meate and a
1011 litre of Cooked Meats.
f, Roods Delivered on short notice
te nii parts of the town.
et Will be pleased to receive n, •-•
share of the patronage and will
guarantee satisfaction.
1: Cash Paid for hides, Phone BOX
O. O. McDonollil
kiettnistillit istWar Thaso
Experience, the best of all teacher
has siner) decisively that advernsin
pays better even during world w
than in the piping time of peace. Th
statemeut has been distinctly and d
cisively proved, beyond the posslbilit
of contradiction, and should be rime
niaed by the heads of all business 111depend to any extent on publicity,
Huron Deanery Pledges Support
At a meeting of the Chapter of the
Deanery of Huron in Clinton last Wed
the following resolution was carried
unanimously: "That the clergy of the
Deanery pledge their utmost support,
In every way. of the forthoming
tory Loan campaign, and urge upon
the church people of the Deanery the
supreme necessity of investing in Vic-
tory Bonds to the limit of their ability,
Honor To Huron Teachers
One of the Inspectors of the Tor-
onto Public Schools recently remarked
on the large number of teachers from
the 'County of Huron who are employ-
ed in the various Toronto schools, and
then made this statement: "I do not
know how to account for It. but my
experience is that the very best teach-
ers we have are those who came from
Huron. Whether it is their Particular
training, or natural ability 1 am not
prepared to say, but I am stating what
I believe to be a fact." Thls Is quite
a compliment to former teachers from
Good Salvage Work
The administration in England of
the Salvage Department of the Cana-
dian army overseas has effected a sav-
ing of 8257,369 to the Canadian people
during the last year. The object of
this department, mentioned briefly, are
the collection and conservation of alit
waste material, the keeping of a close
check on careless waste through all
branches of the service, the disposal of
by-products by sale, and the education
of all military units to appreciate the
value of stores, The Canadian Salvage
Corps has led the way in this work,
and its methods have been adopted by
the Imperial Army.
Puts on the Brakes
The Department of the Secretary
of State of Ottawa has issued a cir-
cular warning all patriotic societies
against issuing permits to persons
who may conduct entertainments on
a percentage basis, that is, when
only a percentage of the gross receipts
is handed over to war charity purposes,
under the penalty of having their cer-
tificates cancelled. No objection is
taken to entertainments advertised on
their own merits as such, but they
should not be proclaimed as war char-
ities when the principal beneficiaries
are the performers.
The Corps in the West
s, Thu fultomit,of Miter!, Tl alpeon
g (0041 piece Thureday of taut we front
St' hie residence 011 the Huron road. 11,1r,
is Phompsois was a victim of Spaniel' In-
a,. fitienza, anti wart in hid 55th year. lie
y 17(5(4 well kraown in this section, lu-
g- tot tuent was made in the Maitland
at Cerneteey,
The property formerly owned by
Willie !Jell, directly to the East of the
College Institute which line been pur-
eineeed by. the Board, io be ennverted
into tenors, and Merkel. ball courts, is
melte going preparation for the 43(11.
45)441', 'rho licehave been eut and
the house will be removed
Miss Cora Hind, a member of the
staff of the Manitoba Free Press and
an authority of wide repute, estimates
with evident reluctance a wheat yield
in the three prairie provinces of 149
million bushels or an average of barley
ten bushels an acre. Manitoba comes
out of the annual ordeal of drought
wind, hail, frost, and fungi with 47
million bushels frim 2,600,000 acres,
Saskatchewan has an estimated yield
of 92 millions from 9,200,000 acres
and Alberta is credited with only 10
million bushels from 3,000,000 acres.
The other grain crops, oats, barley, rye
and flax have, ito doubt, been injured
by the condition affecting wheat.
High Court Fees Increased
The judges of the Supreme Court
of Ontario have formality recognized
the existence of the bogey known at
"the high cost of living" and to pre-
vent it being too severe an affliction
upon the legal fraternity they have
passed a rule permitting a 20 per cent
increase in fees, The new rule declares
that owing to the increased cost of
living and office expenses due to the
present war it is ordered that until
further notice the total in any bill of
costs in respect of business done in
the Supreme Court or any county
shall be increased by 20 per cent, The
increase is to be allowed upon any
taxation of costs as well as between
party and party and between party and
client. The rule does not interfere
with the power to allow a fixed sum
for costs4 nor does it apply to counsel
A feW Javanese women have been
put on the cars in the Mino Electric
Company, because of the shortage of
mon laborers, who have entered the
manufacturing activities. If these WO -
men conductors prove satisfactory, more
will be similarly employed.
Only 73 In 1,000 letters delivered In the
United Ringdom comes from abroad,
Tho word "and" Oceans se,627 times
in Rely Scripture_10,884 times In the
Old Testament and 36,613 times in tho
New Testament,
Arizona, which produced more than
88 per cont. of the refilled copper in the
United States last year, is expected to
exceed Its record Ulla year.
Bettger, ;fr., felt a vietim to
pneumonia, following influenza, on
Monday, October 28th, after an illness
of about 2 weeks. Deceased was popu-
lar, having been in the general titer -
candle business in Monkton foe the
past 18 years a member of Weber
Bettger, and widely known through-
out the district, He was born in Log-
an, near Monkton, 138 years and 8
months ago, and had been a continu-
ous resident ever sinee with the excep-
tion of 2 or 3 years. Funeral WRS held
Iran the home 01 11114 brother, George
Bettgee, on Wednesdey, intermeot
Laking place In Geeenwood Dernetety,
Milverton, The late Mr. Bettger was
a bachelor, h consistent member 01 6419
Methodist church, and an ardent, sup-
poeter of everything that would help
to improve the villoge, He is survived
by his parenia, Woi, and Mrs. 13ettger,
Monkion ; 4 brothers end 2 slaters—
Edward and George, Logan Johlt,
Elite ; Henry, Routeen, Sus: ; Mts.
1.11dwin B,ei tee!, Kiteltener ; and Mrs.
D. 04 Ridout, Toeouto,
Over the week -end Mere were 3 (Meg -
ed rehheriea in the county. In every 4(1
0011150 the persons accosted anti robbed
were bald up at the point of ague.
John -W, Hanchcon. 524 Horton street
London, Out., died a few minutes atter
receiving word of the death of MS
brother Pte. Archie Heoilleou. A third
:on, f Mr and Mrs Hurcheon hag been
corn ;redid). blinded
I a town in South Dakota, A farmer
',I German elesce t called upon the local
cot»tnit t a e of t litt., iberty Loan and risk,
eal the amulet' o ' the towe's allotment.
When he W118 advised that it was
lete ! on; he Said :—. I have a boy in
Fr.tprO i.tiirl I . wish 10 subscribe my
toe,,', mut allotment in outer to prove
to me boy that I am barking him up to
the linet." This German American is
evitlently too ;ter ceut American and
doubtless there are hundreds of thous-
ands I ke him a United States and Can-
Teo Itlinktes ustie having
gested lim Attornerthinerel thet
the lrild ot.ftev. Bee. 14 Spence. charg.
ed with having obieetionable matter
printed, should nut be proceeded with,
it is -dropped. Be has leftthe final tie-
els1017 to the Attorney General. The
charge against Spence, . Loose evera
publication named "The Paraaite."
October of this. veer W8- 1I20111.2141141
in the matter of rein. aceindurg to lee
report issued by London obaervetory,
showing teat 5.10 inch, s, or 3 littiti
more than half as moc1-. f ej is in Ocloh.=
11, 1917. when 4 13 11 4.138 Ittitilt• (104)n
TlItt tertiptlttt re lest Olooll. was
75 degrees on the tom and the ioWSSI 27
degrees, .regrst erect on the ter, 144 -
27 was the lowest on the orst of the
month. In October mie, Lew pomp
flurries were seen on 4'., a0 h, 30" and
e thisanoyea n
bet tenet! to
For the seeoud #11345 in yeare the Can-
ada earthier Company, one of the hug-
est labor employing concerns; 0 Broek-
vine, W53 destroyed by fire which broke
out shortly before midnight Sunday
night and raged for several hours.
Apart from a few storehousesaed min
offices, only the charred walls remain
standing Tbe blaze started either or
the dry•kiln or wood shops adjoiuieg,
and according to the 01 y of the watch -
wan, Wil') dit•eoyt.ted it 3 344 preceded by
0 couple of leen explosiees, and the
(1115(0 01 winch cannot be (WW1/lined.
The loss is estimated et eierio.00d, fully
covered by insurance in American
Lloyde. The plant wag owned by the
-Carriage Factories. L•miled.
entral Training means Success 1115111111Ce
The °tie Who holds out diploma knows that he le qualified ,to fill tio•
vet y beet office noeitiOnS and, what is more, the bueitess0 woo of On-
tario know it too. This explains why we can so ea.sify
place our Graduates in desiraloie positions.
Stratford, Ont. and Wingham, Ont.
•454•••4.'4•544.4.•44.4•••0••09,11,0 4.4•490.4,•00404006 09 0•••••••
Notice of Sittings if OEViSifill Officers
TAKE NOTICE that the lisle of voters for Polling Subdivision numbered
1, 2,3, 4, 5 and 8, in the Munieipality of the Township of tiewlek ; membered 1
in te Municipality of the Village of Wroxeter ; L 2, 3. 4 turd 5. 4» the Muuici-
panty of the Town of Witigham ; I, 2, 8 and 4 in the elumeipality of the
Township of Turnbrirry ; 1 and 21» the Municipality of the Village 14' Myth ;
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 amid 6, in the Municipality of the Township of Moeller ; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
ti end 7, in the Mueicipality 01 4410 Township of AeLtheld ; 1, 2, 3, 4 mid 6 in the
Municipality of the Township of East, wawnooti, and 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 to the
Municipality of the Township of West Wawanosh : have been ptepated by
the Enumerators and have been delivered to the Clerk of this Board by the
Returning Olfieer,
AND THAT His Jimmy, Judge 15. N. Lewis has been appointed Revising
Otlieee for the purpose of heariteg complaints and appeals as to the said Lists
fur the towliehip of llowick and the Village of Wroxeter ; His Hotter Judge
Lewis H. Diekeen hue been appointed Revising Officer for the purpose of hear-
ing complaints and appeals as to the said lists for the Town of Wingham and
the Township of Tot ohm:LT. D. MeDimaid, Esquire, hue been appointed Re-
vising Offline. for the purpose erf hearing complaints and appeals ss to the said
lists foe the Village of Blyth and the Tiiw»shi p of Mollie. R. U. Reynolds,
&robe, 1108 1)80(1 appointed Revising Officer for the purpose of hearing com-
plaints and tomeals as to Lhe said lists of the Township of Ashfield. 0. Seager,
Esquire, has been appointed Revising Officer for the purpose of hearing com-
plaints and appeals as to the said Fists for the Townships of East Wawanosh
and West Wawatiosh.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the sittings of the said Revising
Officers will he held as follows :—
In the Town Hall, Wroxeter, on Friday, the 15th day of November. 1918,
to hear complaints as to the said Hsu of votets for the Polling Subdivutions ru
the Village of Wroxeter.
In the Town Hall, Goethe on Saturday the 16th day of Noverrabers 1918, to
hear complaints ‚mo to the said list of vutere foe the Polling Subdivisions in the
Township of Hoe, telt,
1(1 the Town Gall, Wiughatn, on Wednesday, the 13611 day of November,
1918, to Ileac complaints as to the said list of voters for the Polling Suediyies
ions Iti ((0' 'row tt of Wingliain.
In !he Township Hall, Bluevale, on Thursday, the 141h day of November,
1918, 4., Uttar 00101)lailtt5 as 80 the said lists of voters for the Polling SubdIvis-
ielts In the 'Township of Turtibeery.
1918, to hem. complaint!' ES 1..0 the said voters' lista for the
the Industrial Hall, Sly th, on Wednesday, the 13411ptulanyineofsuNbedrvievmisibueurt:
in the Village of Myth.
in the Township Hall, Mortis, on Thursday, the 14th day of Novenaber.
1018, to hear etomplaitits OS Lo the !said voters' listfor the Polling Subdivisions
hi the Township of Morris.
Ilie Towilehip Halt, Asslifield, on Wednesday, the 13th day of tNevem-
di V10111111. IiI1/11144 ell 1, 2 and 8, in 111e Township of Asibileld, and in the Town-
ship Hall, Aalitlelti, on Thursday
0111p141111 1.4 11.4 tat he said yamslists for '
Iste, 1918, 1.0 hear complainte as to the said voters' lists for thet1091elbso.51151.d4
tetiog hS,6
1411.1'1oldliarrg °SIM vviestiumbiest'll
and 7, in Me Township of Ashliald.
III OA Foresters' Hall, Belgrave, on Wednesday. the 18111 day of Nevem-
bar , 1918, to Mem complaints as Le Bp said voters' lists for the Pollitig Subs
divisions; in the Township of lettet Wawanosh, and in the Township Hell,
West, WaWalltish, MI Thesday, the 14th day of November, 1918, to hear come
plabilS as to the said yoteta' fiats for the Polling Subdivisions in the said
township of West Wawanosh,
leech sitting commetining at 10.80 o'clock in the forenoon.
ANL) littatTEHHI TAKE NOTICE 11106 1507 yam, who desires to own -
plain 111156 1110 names of any persons entitled to he °Mewed on the said lista
have been omitted &ern the same, or that the names of persons who are nob
entitled to be voters Mom been e)119466 00 tile lists, may, not less than 5 clear
days berme the dates fixed for the sittings of Revising Officers, apply, emu.
plain or appeal to have his OWII name or the names of any other pereon oor.
remit in, emceed on or removed from the lists, prepared under the Ontario
Eleetion Aets 1918.
AND truirretieR, TAKE NOTION' that such appeals nmet be by notiee in
Writing in the prescribed form, signed by the complainant, and giveu or ileft
for him at his residence or place of business, on or befove the eald date, to the
()leeks of bhe Revisieg Officers as follows ;—
Mrs, L Walker, Gorrie, as to appeals foe the Toweship of Howlett ; D. M.,
McTavish, Wroxister, for the Village 01 Wroxeter ; J. T, Groves, Wingheta,
for the Town of IVitighern ; Font Powell, Winghatn, for the Township of
Tornberry ; At Elder, 131y611, for the Village of Blyth ; Josoph Stobbers,
4317611, for the Towliehip oe Morels T, G. Allem Dungasen, for n-,
the Tow
strip of AeliliAti ; A. Porto:410d, (ielgreve, 1)11' the Totuwnship of 11.561i.VV
Walunth ; W'. 4.Vthon, Linektiew P. O., for the Township nf West Wawatiosh,
Levats H. DICKSON,'
Chairman Votove Registration Board, Ooduty of Hume,