HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-11-7, Page 4be igruss'is Vint
a dog ot•a sheep the more uecessaty
animal on tete farm ?
WHERE are you going to get your
turkey for el111$11irla5? The Sultan hos
been supplyitt;; the ,tike'
DEMONSTRATION ` t, 11,,01, to tt.(eh b.ys
and girls how to use tractors ate i❑
vogue and should prove of real value.
Illinois has led off, the age limit being 16
Years and tuition free, Next to ytars
will see many innovations among the
Sons of the Soil.
Do you iuteud to visit the wonderful
Provincial Winter Fair at Guelph,
December 6 to 12 ? For a entail expen•
'diture of caelt it k a valuable educa-
tional trip if you have never gone and
are anxious to learn. It's of value to
more than the farmers.
AEROPLANE a.teu's may be expected
next Spring as soon as air navigation
will be comfortable. Automobile artist.
who "item ttp the highways" will uut
be in it for epeed when the plane takes
its tunings. One tiling is certain these
"birds" are come to be in evidence
when the hove come borne.
Oe all the methods minuted to avoid
arrest be the minions of the law the
latest is where a Brace County violator
upset a bee hive by way of livening it up
for a Constable seeking his erre:0. The
man with the handcuffs did not wait to
see "How ,inch the hick t,u;,t' bee im-
prove ea,h ;hieing hour" ati he had im
portant husiness elsewhere. The Con.
won after all.
\t'F.EEtx Sun points out that while
the °uteri° Plowman's Association met
wit', a rebuff in calling off the annual
Pln.ving match for fear of the "flu" a
big Golfing tournament was permitted
about the same time. Possibly the
ozone may have a different effect with a
sporty cro rd It looks a trifle funny all
the same but is no sillier than hundreds
of other things done.
Ix fuel continues so scarce Community
housekeeping may have to be more
generally instituted so as to conserve
wood and Boal The pronounced short-
age should draw out methods of econom-
ic firing that would leave us less depend-
ent on the bucksaw and coal scuttle
routes in removing from cold storage.
Not much fun eating your meals with
the ear laps tied down of fur cap or
drinking your iced tea with your
"patties" enswathed in a pair of fur
gauntlets. Coal is what we want and
right away. quick instead of cart loads of
circulars from the • Commissioners
and Controllers.
SOME wnnderful tooting is done over
the fact that women in our land are to
have a chance to exercise the franchise
but in Queensland, Australia, boys and
girls of 18 years of age march up to the
polis and mark their ballots. The ex-
tension of the privilege to Canadian
womanhood should have been
granted ro years ago. Don't get batty
about their not voting as they won't re-
quire half as much urging as hundreds
of men who have often holdback straps
on when it comes to Election day and
if they don't dodge their duty many
times have to be driven to it. Driven is
the word. We'll bet it won't be the
women who will rock the boat on polling
As the war draws to a close-up the
political parties, who pretended they
weren't on the job during the past few
years, are planuing to "go over the top"
in the orthodox hammer and tongs style
The heelers and the fellows who want a
job, wilt be quite willing to sound the
tocsin bet there's going to be a good
crowd on both sides of the political
fence, who ere not just so willing to
jump when the wires are pulled Elec-
tions are going to be a trifle different to
what they hove been is the pait and
both before and atter polling day the,
public is going to have something to sly
about how things should be run. Prom
ises will have to be redeemed ; graft cut
out ; party favoritism dispensed with
and the good of the people in general
sought. If A government is crooked or
unable to fill the bill they are not going
to he kept feeding at the country's crib
but will have to give place to a more
honest and capable set. The lent;,
dragged out terms et office have seen
their clay, and properly so, and govern-
ments will have to live on doer'
ants rather than on their past history 01'
pledges for the Mere. What Canada
needs le democratic principles and
movements inaugurated and carried to n
auccesstnl issue in the m'at practie4l
manner for the good of the Dominion,
Scallawag politicians or party favorites
lnutt he beheaded, politically, and value
given by those who assay to hold 11(e
reins, Party form of government may
be all right so long as "party" rims not
loon up to the exclusion of the rtquire-
meats of the people. It requires to be I
big enough to say "Yes" or "No"
prom i • and at the proper 'nie, 'i'..e i1,' l'• .cc r' 9•14. , .'ts a.,.
prop ' 11 We li rtg141 1'' 11' 'lr:n',1 41,1 writ 1 u 14,'1'1 i4.1 urr I o, 111) 1' 44 "'In
have!+"t,trihint; to 44/111 11141 1'111;• 11,11 111•
ways wont )u in: heard by the 0111 410111
$11011 pulitinlans. '111„'1--'4 fun ah,'ad.
I7tn roti .,pn'y 1.,4 n V'let„ry 11.41)1?
1101 it's 4),•t h, 14'4, n• 111 est !41 1,'n
1(11:1' ( „nt •1 4, inn V y i.
thma'(ti 11nc i( t the tittitt
people i i4 1 .:1I ! r 1 1 "_-
t'ic I 1.. i': [ I - if It of ,e.1
of d,'i •+'.1 44.1 ,, r I I'.--. -4 ! 1 4t
a., lane ' 4. .4 .v ,1 I:.' . 1':. at
¶410,4,04'0, ani drpr 11,114.44
noel(•' 1,4'.414 l'.'np!' '1,•n -4i 1401 r'e
eredi dl .. 111 too 11,41441 144.441440111,
W114:11 5114 ,'.1244•41 4 ,; "! i! r in i.1[' I'I(rir
priuclpl ,i' g1., v., r 141 1111.1 411.' ,441',..1•.
mint tit 1)1111 t 444 ;,4:t k.y tit, r l4
shuwusiucll the ralnl.;v,u ,I, 11,11 itis'
0h1 olive - [s'')1, 1,1•,41,:e!'o-d
lone iy,te^e ti.e 4•1,14141.4 41 .4', t'•t+. (tt1 . t
16111 We vg 411 not lig. 411ep1i-c1r r,4
tkt,-- 511111 don1t1el
'; n { ; :.: 111,4 47-gy .:: 441+. 114,+
If +4 a .1 4.1,• r 1,c . , 'o , .. I
citier '1 .111'4" •( ..
in 4 4,11,1.1.., - '1')
rot .i 04 l4li'' 40 t - - ti „tit 1 1 in AI 11 3 44 . en 41. 1 1 :.t 1.+ 41I 1
ly rtq nt t 11111 0,1
10 p r/1111.s a 41,y t, , .114
/1"1141 ! 11) 1144,7:541-l .1' . .411,
it 1: -aid t'4'''11111, u.',
11441)441 i1 nil 70'nt•. ' 11,'1.4''; '1. • '1•• 11. 4
tit- p111l1,1 in 141' ni,.l••.,• 1,• r••'_niar
shops in 1).e '. 4'r' ri.141444 pec' '-114, 4114
1041..041;' . 4)44, 140th 541r,1ra!x
1111'1 4,11t 11 ;IOW 1,.:11'; 44,+ _- „1 1
r .:.41 11 • Ig :14
44,.11'14 a .'5041:,1 utak, 11 I114
Ir ,vile china.
Points to he iieml;tered
The teat lite e.t.a Canada 440'• 1.411i1,)
Evert tho111411 the H;:htin4r 'It,.•„ end,
the mints, 4•x4.1u41itul• 1,141 ('ntni'4
1(44111411,111111,' $140th,';'; are ,.„1„, t,.1
425llllll l'stnadi.uw 111)Ve gnu., ev.'i•
seee and Lot41 9h•nt^hles.c ,.lys u
will probably take is 1(414(11114 to bring
thecal back.
If the war were mend it would prob-
ably v0'1 '2111,0110,11I10 1)t d,•innhiliz0
the Otteadian infantry.
Foot Canada's Eepr•ditinnnry Force
pay and allowant'es alone /omelet 11
$14,000,000 it tuonth, whether the men
are fighting or not.
Of the .500,000,000 desired lIt) ungh
the Vicrory Loan, this year's w(1,- hill
will he equal. to four•fiftlis of it.
Bear in mind that a large pro line
of the money received 11(tough the
Victory Lnan will go to 110,al4'I' snie7
of Canada's prod art. to fit'itain.
Possession of Victory Bond: is an
evidence of patriotism and of good
business Cense.
Make your dollars tight fat Free.lnm.
I•temeltlber you are not giving 11(4'
Government your money, yen 111'"
lending it,
.A Victory Bond for the kiddie will
be an object lesson in palriulisnl,
What would Canadian faint pen•
ducts be worth to -day were it not for
the Allied fleets and armies
For four years the Allies have
fought a gallant tight for Freedom
and money has paid for it. \'aur
money has helped to pay for Catnndlt','
share in this wonderful etruggir
against the forces if oppression.
Last year 800,000 people in Canada
loaned their money to Gamin, to two_
tect their homes and 1tesidrs against
the ruthless advance or the enerniee (�1'
Invest your money in your country 1
buv Victory Ronde.
The safest Thing in t•anet.la is a
Victory Band.
Rennnsta'uetiuu will en11 money
which the'Vierm Loa i tci11 provide.
Chan;;., ynlu' 111111(11'44 11111 h"nr u','
1lu het regi ; Lit• eeee..r1 a ill help 10 ,•i,
11et' . lette,
Thi, k,4 the per'pW4 way mei Ihe
ln•;,1,h• 11(1151 pay f,1
1'ireory Itnude will 1114"'1'..4 y.1,,
11)17 V1,1 01....• 11.,1141.. I1dpe'1 14' 1„11141
141100+ 111 .1'4 . in 1 11.,
tl ta(4 , n -.( 1.• ,411 i • r
1--1t I.,., t„ t•t
i t 4,', r 14''11 ..
l.,a.n1, If
114.4.1„!d 1,11111•
I1, `I '1.4'
li+•r^ I1.'. 1',rnn'p
Get an Goiner ring
1.1.,. .:n „! p t1 or. t, [i ':.h1
di-lri,•t '441 r„711.1., it' l,14jr44'IV 1'.
",14 t"•'1.1 11; 11 'In 11 t','uLl1 ;1,4•
1) 14,11"1:-1
fud, , It 4. n"., ;S:I14.1,10114,
:1, 1'11.h11"'.[n fl,t., ')I1l,t1ttn.
I 1'!i„ t'1:f• 14,411.•1414". ,h''l,,11al,
14, 41„11.11 1,4111. 1111', :;41111 1100
( L p nrd Il..yti4'i,1 vll-
11 ., fee 1'-I ii+: 41 111.111' .11 rill:.ge,
!, + to..411.4.44,1 au 1.
1 e I .,.i 1 F,,,,, .W1 -
"If ifi,w 1 , 4.41
1 tl l Uut'.
4 '.tun1111n,
'I,U 111 ' 14 :117-1414411
1'1.444 „ I. .44,.44.1 1141: 11 I;.
1„1' I.
114gig. ....1.0.,111 s1'1 1i''r" In'.t t, -.!flit,
*12:, 0,111
1'1 -.-t \l
4C; ..111', 11 1+.414( 4 1,[11
•.i4'. 1,1(1:;p',
111.1 u. I• ,:1 1(i)',
dtpl',, 111at
. T 44 ni•e ri4
1'N1'I'Ic To HELP
Y kf 4 111 lij 11
cry � _�.Kt... .. - .•,w.y� .. ���., '��
:1 milling, tiur„hty S4.10.4,l srhabtt•s
0414.1 00r11l1)e1 4 or Young People's :\aNu-
ei'tl.inu, nl' Angiirau, i'te;1(y1141hltn,
Bapti"4- \1••Ihn,lil't 41)1,1 O(1lgregal.h'n11l
('hal414,•1:1,'e rn•1'I„'1,11inu nu 1t 1111111
which 1.15 the 1141re.fn141 pn11'''' 1,t•
1011111114/ 4" bnn41 tlo• 1'1'14•1 r h,etn
O),•) 1.11,''f"p1 44 4'•.114(41 11(4' lauur1(es
tt' ex1,•nd their 10ia,.iou emtk, and
e('nllll. tllm't(t i nu 141.• 11,1144111 1f (111111 )'It
Ineu,Lrr, till. Iwv,' l'1(llwl al Ih" hrnnl,
••Psrr•' r 4'11011 Itt Inr 'r ane 4,..44,1" ha
Ih.' rr•• 111:11 will help 41'•ae1.1 Ihn 11111
1:'0, , i "ll ;1•'4tov 'i,41(r:0i11
milli„1, ,t• Mar 1411 14:74 11111v,• 11 tt
rep; 0,114, Zinn of tto' •bi,•id 4" he pre•
4„1..;•d 1.''44.11 44) 1,Ic rhAr4.'Ln(bse•r
0.14 i4 44'.('1i,
Attention is directed to a recent announcement published
in the Press by the Military Service Branch, Department
of Justice, regarding extensions to be granted to men
It is pointed out that this DOES NOT IN ANY WAY
REGISTRAR TO REPORT to Depot Battalions and who
have thereafter received leave of absence from the Military
Once a man has been ordered to report for duty by the
Registrar he leaves the jurisdiction of the Registrar and comes
under that of the Department of Militia and Defence, and is to
be considered as a soldier. This applies to men of the 20 to 22
Class who have been ordered to report by the Registrar in
virtue of the cancellation of exemptions by Order -in -Council of
the loth April last, as well as to those ordered to report in the
usual way on refusal of claim for exemption, or on expiration
of exemption granted.
All men, accordingly, who have been ordered to report, and
are therefore SOLDIERS, and who have subsequently been
ggrr'asated harvest leave by the military authorities, MUST,
THAT LEAVE, unless they are notified to the contrary by
their Commanding Officer or by general notice published by
the Department of Militia and Defence,
riti h
The Victory Loan is a bridge
over which the farmers of Can-
ada drive their hogs, their cattle,
their grain and all their surplus
crops to the profitable British
For, the money raised by the
Victory Loan enables Canada
to give credit to Great Britain.
And only by means of that cred-
it can Great Britain buy the
products of Canada's farms.
Therefore, when you come for-
ward at your country's call and
loyally lend your money that
Canada may continue her vig-
orous prosecution of the war,
you are also benefitting your-
e to th
self and the whole farming
It is the duty of every earnest
Canadian not only to invest
heavily in Victory Bonds 1918,
but to work among his neigh-
bors to make the loan a success.
Before the subscription lists
close, every man should realize
the sterling character of the
investment; the good interest
return of 511%; the undoubted
security offered in the Bonds of
this wealthy nation; and the
vital importance to all classes of
people, particularly to the farm-
ers, of the Victory Loan 1918.
i' r 411 444111 In l(nua ahml 1111111•
1,5,L•111. .1 i$,•0 Viet. 11rt111,, t.1iye
1,1•• yuAt' nr(ler 11,11 you will
141 n' •4.11,• My lint k i(i ,•t'ei y wily.
.1 H 4'.114(04'(0 (n' 111:Like) 14 move
1 x11 ,j'i t .4 1'111414' 1 pirnil nl' 5114e„
4 -• 4 11,' 14•,) 11 E 1,1ll f' (1) 1.11nse 11 hose
1. 1111"1 10 1(1 i;;h4 '41 ynnrs.
1. 1. 4 n ively nrrrc5u1 p, 111 111'•
1, 1,,,4-c it et4 rle)1 next- 4141101'
r 1. 1 i, I y „( 141.4.444• yni.l• nl•d, 1•
B aissels Granite & Marble Works
• A. 8, Wda5 V, Prbprfetor,
Issued by Canada's 'Victory Loan Committee in
co-operation with the Minister of Finance of
the Dominion of Canada.
Eight billion dollars are to he rais-
ed by taxation in the United States
this year, 'Phis will amount roughly
to 430 per head or 91100 per family.
A gond (teal ,tf the total is to be rais-
ed by taxation of incomes. incomes
below 54,000 are exempt in tine case
of single men and up to 53,000 in the
case of married teen. nn an in-
come of 53,5000 the national tax wilt
be 530. The rate increases with the
amount of income, ;1101 men with 510,
000 a year wil pay 5845 to the Na-
tional Government, President Wil-
son out of his salary of 575,000 will
pay hack to the Government 524,594
in taxes, and the ratan with 55,000,000
a year will be allowed to retain less
than one and one-half million for him -
The Anrcrican income tax is lower
on small incomes than the British
rate but is heavier on larger incomes.'
'rhe live million dollar mats in the
United States has to hand over 704%
of his income to the Qoyettltitaif
while his British brother is taxed only
53 1-3 per cent.
in additions to income tax there is
a war profits tax as well in the Unit-
ed States. The "war -profits" tax is
80 per cent On 1116 income 'of a cor-
poration after an exemption of three
thousand dollar's in addition to its
average earnings for the lire war per-
iod, 1931 1912, an 1911, has been
inheritances are taxed by a system
of surtaxes equivalent t(1 a tax -rate of
6 per cent on estates between 550,000
and 5150,00, and A0 per cent on
estates ever 510,000,000,
Mottled 'Pandora, addraeeed to the Postmaster
(10nerel, will be received at (WAWA until
noon, on lrrirlav, the 2211d day or Nnvam:1er,
1118, for 111to nnnveyanee of 1-144 1111141pty'9
Mnila, men proposed oanln'01t for f'011r yeni'e
aux thole per weals, nv0)'. Walton No. .4 '111'01
Route, from 1 1110 tat of April 1010. Printout
notices containing Further information 115 1.0
0nn411101amf propoeed Uontrpet m111 be noon
and Holl' Po'f•ms of 'render may 4114 ohtate(d at
the the Post mutes of wntt,n bruas01R um
Blyth, and 115 the olA.ie of the Poet Oliloo L1.
seeder. ORAS, 10. H, 1(5474TrIFOITDR,
Post OMBooiaepeetoe,
London, 11th 4•080148', 1618,
Farre for Sale
IPi n(41104 n11111,1110 W14 or lirnsaole, on the
41)11 Lino. Good soil, titllM( and well 'Penned,
(44,nd bank barn and frame) dwelling. O 1e11
for an ober at sneer) nor nem leer farther
particulars write AV A. (11 141 illaT,
fil1 Xenia et , Toronto, (int,
For Sae
Hnms0nnd'lote, mnitni111ng 01 I10rea, 1111 6140
Vilh(ge nr Ih'nnhren)t, the property of the late
pe, agoraItrann,100(yoreaket•solo. Prelim
41 051,, 14141)4rl ni4 hvo s4 11,,. PoaaoaaisIl 111)111(1
ha green ❑t mine. 11'114 I'l(I'f,b11
ar rtioulnra op.
()11;y 1111 M1I Iia. 7'11f1H (',154)14(1)( til' 51 OAElaitme,
Itben5t(ll'a 5710(0 or Umtata 4441'a A gnat( Brown,
Farms for Sale
Macros of hmdl for Halo, one film Loi. 111,
North half (lon, 44, 414,,,',ia lltWltahlp, containing
Moores. Tler4 51.e an 1h11 prrnlisn0 a gond
frame bonen, hank barn 41)0110 16„ also a driving
alma with 11g pout mlllmvmnth, a hay burn
with 0e»0,4t, Htal(li,4g 14,4)1 It frame Inman not
used, 1rmm1 is 10 11 ginepinto or anitdvntion
and 15 wn1inr0d with 11 s,rin crook and well
with windmill. Also 114 Lot, 0041,8, eon.
tattling 102 anr11 In 000 grana, well 4551050/1 by
spring ; 1 notes hardwood 151011, good Orelara
rota enm11 house. nese farina are i1, first,
01000 condition and will be sold aapareto or to.
other atr0naonMi10 }1.1005, Apply, for fur.
Einer panttoulnra, to art, ,Toho 1Nollroy, 111x•
ooatrttt of estate of JohnhtoEtroy, Blyth i', O,
or Boit, 8llarareed, Walton P, 0,