HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-11-7, Page 3From Erin's Green Isle'
For Autumn
Happenings in the Emerald Ittl el
Interest to Irish -
Nearly one hundred acres of flax
Were grown by the farmers in the
Atlhy district this year.
A serious shortage of cured bacon.
is being experienced by the provision
trade oe Dublin,
The death took place recently of
Sir Henry Lynch posse, of Atlha-
vnllie, Bahr, Comity Mayo.
The 1-.t._+ Mandell 1C. Moore, D.L.,
J.P., of Barna Parlc, Tipperary, Ieft
en estate valued at $22,403.
Owing to the increased demand
for turf in the Clones district prices
are now tate highest on record.
Preliminary negotiations are on
fl of for the establishment of a dock-
yard on a large scale at Wexford.
English wool buyers say that the
clip of home-grown Irish wool this
year is the best within memory,
Mary O'Donnell, of Tipperary, was
fined ten shillings for having in he
possession three military blankets,
The Board of Trade Journal states
that the value of Gm fish caught on
the Irish coast sin July amounted to
£at "0,
Moine are being made in the Mid-
lands and West of Ireland to estab-
lish depots for the, manufacture of
peat bricks,
Dr: Joseph Kidd, who died recent-
ly at Meetings, England, at the ad-
vanced age of ninety-fcur years, was
n native of T.imeriek.
Full naval and Solitary honors
were u•corded the r mains of En -
either Rea( dmir•,l Lister, who wits
buried at Ou-ewl:own.
The Military Medal hat: been
awarded to J. Net. h.Ke t neat, Royal
Fusiliers, formerly a hooking cleric
at Theme/men pati;:anger station.
The sum of .e5,r1n1 was - realized
et a fete ;riven in the City Hall, Bel-
fast, nn behalf of the Red Greet; and
the Ord`: of Sl. John of Jcrusnlem,
The Department of Agriculture
will eller this month a number of
cerhpctitions in the cultivation and
handling of fax
Aerodrome contractors from Great
Britain are -tet present in Dublin, for
the purpose of employing Wren fur
their work in England.
To supply the need, o fthoMidiands
and the West of Ireland coal mines
in Roscommon are being developed
on n large scale,
While Meting an aeroplane, Lieu-
tenant Rexton, R,A,F„ of Attlee, co.
Louth, fell n distance of seventy feet
and received fatal injuries.
The new find of coal seams itt the
Bleb 'Midianite pronhieees to give an
abundant yield and relieve the coal
rit t. tion in Irelai.
.Private ate .Tames Duffy, V.C., Royal
Inl iskillinr Fusiliers, Leterkonny, is
taking part in a recruiting campaign
in his or:n and 'surrounding counties.
The message accompanying a pearl
for the Red Cross necklace was "in
gratitude for a chaplain husband and
six brothers serving."
Owing to a strike among the em-
ployes of the builders, hotels, print-
ing offices and coaehmakers, nearly
nineteen thousand workers are now
idle itt Dublin.
Captain George Baird Moffat,
R,A,M,C., Belfast, has been awarded
the D.SA, for service in the Ger-
man South African campaign,
Gunner Nathaniel Curry, R,F.A.,
who died recently in the military hos-
pital, Victoria Barracks, Belfast, was
buried with full military horrors.
Thigh Wright, mtinager of the
Stephen Green Motor, Company; was
lined 525 tt Dublin for using petrol,
contrary to the Motor Spirit Order.
At a parade of the troops in Vic-
toria Barracks, Belfast, the G.O.C.,
Col. e. C. Bassett, presented a nunr-
bait of awards for service in the field,
• Foch at Work.
I confess, says an English writer',
that when I first saw Foch, in the
midstof a group roe of distinguished
g p
Frenchmen, I was astonished tit his
"civilian"- -alntost professorial—as-
peek, I had expected a more martial
figure. Ile seemed more the student
than the warrior. . Yet, in the
quiet of his plain little office, the
marble forehead and eyes of steel
nusterely bent over a little book in
which he le jotting orders of the day,
be seems a living incarnation of Roe
din's "'i`Itinker" 071 the steps of the
Paris Paaftheon-.-strong and absorbed.
The telephone on the table in front
of: the hanging reap, marked with
great lilies, ins the only objects other
than the simple furniture, lightened'
by the cheap cretonne curtains at the.
window. The telephone is the buten
with which the marshal moves arm -
les and commands Myriads of men.
Do not Ile artificial preservatives
or "canning compound," 'l'h.ey are
not only baneful to health, but un-
eecese any,
r A double-breasted coat, with the cuffs
belt and pockets straps slipping
through slashes. Suitable for school
or play. McCall Pattern No. 8520,
Girl's Coat, In 7 sizes, 2 to 14 years.
Price, 20 cents.
Prose reports say that the salmon
von in the rivers of northern British
Columbia is especially heavy this year•,
leisllei•u,en bite been reeking fabulane
Beck of 11101oet egrieaaltlnal
nc•hievetnent, great or small, 'iter` is
n hum nn 11 erns 1. story. All too -
often it is the hest thing which pelmet-
eal 5nen think OP:.getting. Tht oases
where ,t is obtained, however, it is
the part which sticks ell the reader's
Mind and earl ee the :.i;hr • home
For the miss at school a serge .4tresa
ie, always most desirable, combined
with a contrasting material at the col-
lar. McCall Pattern No. 85(16, Misses'
Drees. In 4 sizes, 14 to 20 years.
Price, 20 cents.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or from
the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto,
Dept. W.
The war i$ doing something for
civilization. It es estimated that
table waste in Toronto has been re-
duced 75 per cent. since 1014,
q -zc
From the War
Conies the news that
the AutoStrop Safety
Razor is helping offi-
cers to maintain the
high morale - of the
soldiers. .
Nothing makes a
soldier feel lnol.'e like
hittiself than a clean,
velvety shave --this is
only. possible With an
A.utoStrop. Because
of its sclf•atrdpping
feature it is the only
razor that is always in
perfect condition.
Price $5.00
Aticadan; stern cverncitere
oze, isoshrsta told ,tauter
Aletostle/t, oversea.` by fired
shiesrrg, ieredInaIl,
AutoSti op
SafetyRAZOR' Co.,
53.87 Dube Street
Apply a few d. ops then lift
corns or oellusey off with
THE MATERIAL LOSSES ARE fingcre—no pain.
French and Belgium Cities Celebrate
End of Four Years of Privation
and oppression.
Douai, in its waste and desolation,
is a sad sight, Moving pictures of the
city should be taken su that the world
could see for itself sights which Dan-
rot be described.
The streets are filled with furniture
and articles of n11 kinds. It might
be said that in Douai all the insane
asylums had been opened and that
madmen in their fury had -taken de-
-light in destroying everything, The
material losses are incalculable,
,eche stained glass windows in the
Church of St. Peter have been
smashed, and the great organ has
beer broken up. Religious erne -
melts were found scattered about
the floor of the church. The City
Hall, where the German command
ant had his quarters, was pillage
end sacked. Mose of tile painting
in the museum were taken away, bu
fortunately the belfry was undam
Roubaix and Turcoing yosterda
celebrated their deliverance from
the enemy, and it was like a Christ-
mas, New Year's Eve and Fourth o
July all rolled into one. Tears
joy intermingled with_ shouts o
Iaughter, while the population sang
and danced and waved flags.
The tem Mike went completely
wild with emti'n and joy. Ther
were. lcisses, hugs find handshake
for every `British soldier. On thei
windows houseeviveq had pasted pis
tures of french and British military
celebrities torn from magazines.
There was good reason for-. Rou
baix and Turcoing to celebrate the
end of four long years of hardship
privation and appressinn, The
swashbuckling Germans had gone
leaving in their wake as much ruin
•- s they could do. Nearly every
home let the city had been sacked,
aril things that could not be carried
away were destroyed,
Systematically Burglarized.
The Germans were piqued at being
forced to leave the towns, and they
went to extreme lengths to defile,
destroy told steal. Roubaix and Tur-
coing were systematically burglarized,
Roubaix suffering the most. In Rou-
baix the Germans cut fine leather
seats from chairs, ripped pictures
from their frames, and even took the
cloth covering on mattresses. Appar-
ently they went through the fine old
hen e' of the city with the idea of
seeing haw much they could wreck the
interiors. In many places the •Ger-
mah.(• seemed to go into a house and
deliberately break up everything they
could lay their hands on.
For mites around Roubaix and
Terming the countryside leas been
singed and scorched by the red heat
of war. Broken cannon, rusted
rinse, pieces of shell, barbed wire,
and the bayonets and other equipment
of soldiers are scattered all about.
Them are miles of mangled fields,
whet the shell craters are so thick
thstt it is impossible to tell where -one
begins and the other leaves off. Ileo
and there are old machine gun mounds
of stone, concrete. and dirt, The trees
UM leafless, many andhave been
chewed to pieces by flying shells and
Just. think! You can
lift off any corn or cal,
Inc without pain or
A (•lndianati titan die•
covered this ether cum -
pound and mane! it
freezone. Any drug.
gig will sell at tiny bot-
tle of freezona, like Here
el,own, for very little
cost. You apply a few
drops directly upon a
tender corn or callus,
Instantly tate soreness
disappears, then short.
ly you will find the corn
or callus so loose that
you can lift it right
Freezone is wonder-
ful. It dries instantly. It
doesn't eat away the
corn or canna, but
shrivels it up without
even Irritat ng the surrounding skin.
Hard, soft or corns between the toes,
ea as well as painful calluses, lift right
t off. There is no pain before or after-
' wards, If your druggist hasn't
freezone, toil him to order a -small bot•
Y lie for you front his wholesale drug
British Seaplane Dropped Bomb
Squarely in Centre of Deck.
I The destruction of a German des -
e, Moyer by a British seaplane is
s' geaphically told by Captain Ptutl
r Bowsher, who observed the unequal
occurrence from the cockpit of a fast
British bombing plane.
Ile was flying Of the Belgian roast
-; when he saw two British maclrues
front of him.
"Suddenly," he writes, "the front
machine turned to the richt and be-
, gan to fly toward the coast. Its oc-
cupants had evidently seen something
of importance. Looking below I saw,
' a few miles from the Zeebrugge mole,
six little shapes which seemed sia-
1 tionary on the gray sea.
"They 'were German destroyers
which were itt reality steaming at
top speed toward the coast. Gradual-
ly the seaplanes drew nearer and
nearer, and soon were but a few miles
from tate land.
I "Near the front inedible nppenrcd
la small black ball of smoke. Another
appeared and another, and I could
hear the sharp crack of bursting
l shells,
"Now, however, they were almost
over the destroyers, which were be-
ginning to zig-zag as the danger of
' iho coming attack was realized.
"I saw six black cylinders drop
1 spinning from the front machine.
Areae the destroyers appeared tlhe
white smoke and spray of a heath.
Another followed, and another. Then
on one of the destroyers a great red
,flash appeared and the centre oe the
boat was left clouded in smoke, Its
'attacker had scored ono direct hit.
"I shouted excitedly to the pilot as
one of the destroyers dropped out of
lino and made swiftly for its mortally
wounded consort.
"The airplanes returned to report.
A patrol, returning a few hours later,
!stated that they bad seen five Ger-
' man desro ers returningtoward
Ostend. At that time the sixth, torn
and shattered, lay with many another
twisted and rusted companion under
the sea,"
Immense Value of Woodpeckers in
• Preserving Our Forests.
Of the many thousands of kinds of
binds in North America the downy
woodpecker is perhaps most helpful
to man. Long ago nater° selected
him to be the chief caretaker, the
physician and surgeon, of the tree
world. In The Spell of the Rockies
Mr. Enos A. says rill is
1 sthat
y five hun-
dred kinds of insects prey upon the
oak. These aggressive pests form
warrior armies with which the wood-
pecker constantly dontenda,
In this incessant struggle with in-
sects the woodpecker has helpful as-
sistance from many other bird fam-
ilies. Ile 1-nlnself gives general at-
tention to hundreds of kinds of in-
sects, but be specializes on those that
injure the tree internally. Ile is a
distinguished specialist: the instru-
ments for tree surgery are intrusted
to his keeping, and with these he each
year performs innumerable success -
lel surgical operations.
The downy woodpecker, the small -
t member of a :fanily of twenty -
our distinguished species, is the hon-
ored one. Between his attacks on the
concealed enemies of the trees he
finds time to prey freely upon cater-
pillars and other enemies that :feast'
on the loaves and blooms. He appears
most content. when he is dose to the I
haunts of man, and he spends mucin
of his time caring for our orchards
and cleaning up our shade trees.
Fortunately for the forest, Dr,1
Woodpecker, during his ceaseless
hound of inapertiolt and service, gen-
orally discovers infested�•trees. Ifit
one woodpecker is not equal to the
situation, many concentrate tet this f
insect -breeding place; and here they I
remain until the last dweller in dark- r
tress is readied and devnured. So ,
important aro these birds that the
shooting 01' a aitngto one may allow t
Inserts to waste acres 0f finest,
Rejoicings at Bruges.
Seems of happiness at Bruges
eclipsed those 01 Lille following the
liberation of the two cities. During
the occupation of Bruges by the Ger-
rams, the pedple there were not ale
leveed 'to receive news from the outer
world or from their friends inside
the German lines, unless the news
was handled by the German officers.
Bruges was fined enormous mums
an various occasions, the correspon-
dent says, and everything made of.
brietal was taken away. The city was
searched ton • '
tr times for copper. The
ivories at Bruges were robbed of everts
scrap o£ machinery. The Germans
paid for frothing except food and
`prink, and then only in paper money.
The town itself is intact, and the a'il
belfry and the front of the Hotel de
'Ville are nninjur'ed. Most of the pie.
tures remain in the gallery, and
Bruges seems to be as restful as in
the old days, except that all the
bridges are gone. German ntiites
completed the work done by British
terpedoos which were launched at the
submarine base at Bruges,
Carried King on ,Shoulders.
The men, women and children of •
Ostend were so overjoyed when the
Ring and Queen. of Belgium landed
there on Oct, '17, that many of them
heartily kissed the rulers of the lib-
erated town, King-A.lbert and Vice -
Admiral Keyes, of the British Navy,
says the Dover correspondent of the
Daily Marl, were carried to the town
hall on the shoulders of men in the
large crowd which greeted the King
and Queers at the landing. All ordin-
ary bonds of restraint were loosed in
the happy delirium of the occasion.
the Queen walked to the city hall
surrounded by n great crowd of chile
Wo coneemc more sugar than is
good for us, as a rule. Improve your
diet and acquire seine new ploasuros
of the breakfast table by using a M.
Ile salt instead of a lot of sum on
your grapefruit and cereals,
Many Have Been the Conflicts in the
"`Cockpit of Europe,"
11 is fitting that the war for the
world's freedom should be fought in
the -Cockpit of Europe," which for
more than e thousand years has been
the. scene of epoch -malting battles.
There is scarcely tt foot on all the
long battle-i'rout in Flanders and
France that has not echoed to the
1Tanie of armed hosts.
Lille and Lens, St, Quentin, Laon,
and lth=�ime around which the tide of
battle is raging to -day, are all old-
time battlegrounds. Lille was cap-
tured by Louis XIV., and was stoutly
deferdecl in 1792 against the Aus-
trians. In 1048 Lens was the scene
of a great battle in which the French
routed the Spaniards. At St, Quentin,
en August 10th, 11117, the army of
Philip II. gained a victory over the
French; and the Germans, under Von
Goebert, defeated the French in 1871,
Laon was the centre of fighting in
the religious and League wars again-
st England, and at Laon Blucher de-
feated the French in the year 1814,
Near Rheims, in whose cathedral
French kings have received their
crowns, Napolean thrashed the Rus-
sians in 1814. At Courtrai the Fiem-
ings•put to flight a French army twice
their strength on July llth, 1302.
And et Roulcrs, near Ypres, tate
French, under Piehegru and Macdon-
ald, defeated the Austrians in 17`94,
At Amiens the Germans, under
Manteufel, defeated the French forty-
eight years ago; and at Nancy Chas.
the Bold was defeated by the Swiss
in 1477.
From Lens and Arras you can see
.Agincourt, the scene of the historic
battle of 1415; also Fontenoy, where
the French routed the allied English,
Dutch, Ilanoverians, and Austrians in
1745; the Sedan, the scene of the bat-
tl s in 157(1 'which led to the downfall
c,f the French Empire.
Nenr laruesels there ere many fam-
When Summer Fled.
Summer had a rose roof
And windows bright with light,
And sweetest rivers singing by,
And dreams of dawn and night;
And all sweet things and shining
Made music in their flight.
She wasn't Winter's sweetheart,
Although he wooed her so,
And he made for her a prison
Walled 'round with -bills of snow;
But Summer said; "Love keeps the
They open, and I go!"
--- -ter---
Triniad'a L•inLmolit Cures Gariret in COWS
Not Even a Germ..
A country school teacher was mesh-
ing her monthly check at the bank.
The teller apologized for the filth
condition of the bills, saying: "I hop
you are not afraid of microbes."
"Not a bit," answered the school
ma'am; • "I'nl sure no microbe cool
live on my salary." -
Late Winter in Russia.
An unusually late. winter in North-
ern Russia was ushered in by a heavy ,
fall of snow, says an Archangel des-
patch of Oct. 20. The Deena and Vaga -
Rivers, which usually are closed at -
this date, are still ice free. The allied
soldiers are being equipped with semi -
Arctic uniforms, including sheepskin
greatcoats and Arctic felt boots.
7Sinard+s LiuLateat cares Dititemptr.
Northern Ontario and New Bruns-
wick potatoes have proved to bo the
best, for seed and will he llctensively
used next year. H-arwich tend Bien -
theins growers, in Kent county, have
decided to import large quantities of
seed from New Ontario, one grower
alone taking a car load.
e 11 F;NAiRAJ. Ji1,Arz SEIT.H'. RLOID
vX Urns., hnthwelt. Ont.
i Y and lob printing plant in Eastern
Ontario, nsurance carried $1,500. Will
en for $1,'100 on quick sale. Bon 09.
'Wilson Publishing Co.. Ltd., Toronto. t
A druggist can ot,ta.in an intitaaiou
of MINA1tDt b LINIMENT from 11 To-
ronto house at tt very Iow pri•^e, and
have it labeled his own -product. •
�itazcr \1 ,,'SPL:PF.1i P'UU. sALis i
in A'eur Unca -(t Owner gi405 to 1
France. Will ail .10000. Worth double
teat um%t t Ant -1c J'. Jr„ al,, tivnsoa
rubllshin^; en., Limited, Toronto.
ons battlefield, of other days, among This greasy incitation is the poore_t —sx°R� nvrrvrAovtB rasa °AEha
them Waterloo; Quatro Bras where ono we have yet seen of the mans; Gc'r ui lc 1 tua E eerier sxux'ir (*
e ce xir ince'; glazed s"annlete,
1<rhrlborough defeated the French and that every Tom, Bich- and Immo lea- tri lin nate., wove ir. nem nen
Bar:miens; Ligny, where Napoleon tried to introduce. t[_ ,4...tir,,
punished the Friesians in 1811; Tir- Ask for M1NAFW'h lied you 1::11 e,., zarrecr name nates
it=mont, where Dumouriez thrashed it
the Austrians in 1793; and Steen-
kerke, where the French beat the Al-
lies in 1191.
Iaxcr rt, 1riiURS. LUMPS. ETC.,
:eternal and czta:nal, cured with-
out ruin by our hotne treatment 'Wilts
us bei'ore too late. Itr, tlllutan Medical
t•a, 7d^�tte-t Cltinat.00d, Ont.
Jimmy giggled when the tet:clier
read the story of the Ikolnan who
swam across the Tiber three time e-
fore breakfast. "You cio not doubt' a •�v. 2ploi'•�i.s ih
Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to trained swimmer caulaf do treat de cs3 Jt� P''* USN
remove tan, freckles, sallowness you, James?" "No, ma'am," arts 2adili , �r Eeasy?
wered Jimmy, "but I wn,tdered icy w . � a to
lour grocer 11as the lemotcs and any Ice `didn't matte it four -and get Teich p�i:C- =t ,r.�151
drug store or toilet counter will slip-
the oleic his tluthe were 011." is .h 11 L tt'a 1f,itu."`. Use,
ply you with three ounces of orchard
white for a few cents, Squeeze the emeard•a Llaiaieet Clues neeinhe.ia.
Juice if two fresh lemons into a bottle,
then put in the orchard white and A private ec::nl.,tit mill be granted
shake well. This ntaicee a quarter pint a eihyea;• permit -by the I'ium,n,r,n
of the very best lepton skin whitener do.•Crnahent to grate reirale. r lit the , c
and complexion beautifier known. Alas- Northv, ear Territories. 'fir ., e
sage this fragrant, creamy lotion daily — "
into the face, neer`, arms and hands If you are temeerving ice try keep. '
and Just Roe how freckles, tan, salluw- ing the butter in tt bowl of water.'apS t d PIERCING
nese, redness and roughness disappear Cover the butter with a piece of mus- DAkVAfel+a(l�'�
and how smooth, soft and clear the lin, the edges of which should rest
skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless, in the water in the outer vessel.
and the beautiful results will surprise
The New Crusader.
In feudal days the brave Crusaders
At eight sueeeceive times, to free the
Wherein the Lord of Life had lain in
From fierce usurping foreigners be-
With pilgrim's blood, whose constant
will and bent
Were exercised to find p,•ogressive
For Allah's faith so lately taught to
Where Abraham had pitched his
nightly tent. '
Among the rest, the Lion-hearted
Of thine own island, sadly turned
With hands uplifted, like the ones
who pray,
But thou, dear Allenby, of whom I
Hast web atoned for failures of the
By setting free tite Holy Land at Net,
When ordering goods by mall send a
Dominion Express Money Order.
The Mother,
Site packs a box with soldier souks
and sweets,
And as she hums sbi hears the door-
bell ring—
A eablegrautl
She staggers back and stares
At what she's packed; picks up a hit
of string•
And twists it slowly in her trembling
' lay up the horse, $2.50 n bottle
Mee out iho sociis she finished late et druggists or delivered. 'Boole I R free.
last Right, ABSORIIINit, OR., for mankind—an
Whilst yet the cablegram was on itt Antiseptic liniment for braises} cute wounds,
way-- strains, painful, swollen reins or glands, It
Caresses them, and reads the trews hcals Anel soothcs'.r $1.25 a bottle at drug.
again; gists or postpaid, "Will tell you more if you
•Tia died of wounds the twentieth of write.
May." •
Wf,tsTailtllia,tt`Q,F..Srri:,maevn...,Ytnea,gat s'
iNrtor�,r,c cad 13 ,orbin^. are, art tn:uc is Cada
Mittara's Liuititont Cures Ooidn, &e.
Get your :meets do liquid shape, for
t1 re new Victory Loan.
This amine?, London, Onta•i e lens
ransfornted 400 vr.runt lots int') prier,
ens. This area, some 200 Terex,
ormerly grew tlothieg but weeds.
"When yell have spoken thhe wrr3 it
cignns over you. When it is un-,
gpeken you reign ever it, ,..Atretie.
011 0X-B1AOR 511055
aerratuY CORP RATIOS] L IseRra,CAa4n1.
'Youdon'tnecd mcreury,potase
or any other strong mineral to
cure pimples caueed by poor
blood. Take Extract of Roots --
druggist calls it "Mother Seigel's
Curative Syrup—and your skin
will clear up as fresh as a baby's.
It willsweotenyour stomacitand
regulate your bowels." Get tha
gamma,. 505 and $1,00liottlea.
1 At drugstores. S
A Cure tor Pimples
Red ices Alumni Enlargements;
Thickened, Swollen Tissues,
Cubs, Filled Tendons, Sore.
tress 'from Bruises or wtrainal
stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain.
Mee not blister, remove the hair or
l�wlil?, No. it ---'18
Give way before the pene-
trating effccta of SI-oan's
So do ;hose rhautnatic twinges and
the loin-aciaes of lumbago, the nerve -
inflammation of nenritis, the wry neck,,
the joint wrench, the ligament sprain,
the nnisele strain, and the throbbing
The case of apnlyhtg, the quickness
of relief, the positive results, the
cleanliness, and the economy Of
Sioan's Liniment make it universally
preferred. Made in Canada.
On Hands and Fingers, Could
Not Work, Cutioura Healed.
"After vaccination I was affected
With skin trouble on my left arm and
later it set in In both hands;
and my fingers. I suffered so
much I was unable to do any
kind of work, and It used to
keep me awake at night. X
•cu) suffered an awful itching and
burning, and my lingers west
1 "i had the trouble over twentyefivo
years when I read of Cutlet/re Soap
and Ointment. 1 tried it with success
so I bought more, and nowmy hands
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Chombly, Canton, Que., Mar. 25, '17.
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