HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-10-31, Page 5OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS The proceeds of this Loan will be used for War purposes only. need will lie repent wholly Ire Conceder ere OI 0E t'inesix ne 7.ar DOeraitrai CV CANADA offers for Fablic Subomiption tie; Viet. ry Loan 1918 0'3009000,000. 5/% Gold Bonds Bearing interest Men November lst, 1918, and offered in two maturities, the choice of which to optional with the subscriber as follows: 5 year Bonds due November 1st, 1928 10 year Bonds due November lot, 1933 Principal payable without charge at the Office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the Office of the Assistant Receiver General at liallfax, St, John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary and Victeria. Bonds may be registered no to principal or as to principal and Interest, at any of the above-mentioned °faces. Interest payable, without charge, half -yearly, May In and November 1st, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank. principel and Interest payable in Cold Denominations: 850, $100, 1500 and $1,000 Issue Price: 100 and Accrued Interest Income Return 5'4% per Annum Free from taxes -Including any income tax -Imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. The proceeds of the Loan will be used for war purposes only, including the purchase of grain, foodstuffs, mewl- .0,to dons and other supplies, and will bo spent wholly in Canada. Payment to be made as follows: 10% on application; 20% January 6th, 1919; 20% December Oth, 1918; 20%February 0111, 1919; 81,16% March Oth, 1019. The last payment of 31.10% covers 30% balance of principal and 1.18% representing accrued Interest At BM% from November 1st to due dates of the respective instalments. A full half year's interest will be paid un May lst, 1019. making the coat of the bonds 100 and Interest. Stiturriptions may be pad in full at the time of application at 100 without Interest; or on any 'Velment due date thereafter together with accrued interest at the rate of 5)S 5 per annum. This Loan Is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interest are a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. The Amount of this Issue is 5300,000,d00, exclusive of the amount (if any) paid for by the surrender of bonds of previous isSues, The Minister of Finance, however, reserves the right to allot the whole or any part of the amount subscribed in excess of $300,000,000. Conversion Priviledes Bonds of this issue will, in the event of future issues of like maturity, or longer, made by the Govenunent, during the remaining period of the War, other than isones made abroad, be accepted at 100 and accrued intermit, an tbe equivalent of cash for the purpose of aubscription to such issues. Payments All cheques, drafts, etc., covering instalments, are to be made payable to the Credit of the Minlater of Finance. Failure to pay any instalment When due will render previous payments liable to forfeiture, and the allotment to caneellatioe. Subscriptions must be accompanied by a deposit of 10% of the amount subscribed. Official Canvassers will forward sub- scriptions or nny branch In Canada of any Chartered Bank will accept subscription and Issue receipts. Subscriptions may be Paid In full at time of application at 100 without interest; or on any instalment due date there-, after together with accrued interest to thee of making payment in full. Under this provision, payment of subs:M:41one may be mads as follows: If paid in full on or before Nov, 18th, 1018, par without interest. or 100%. if remaining instalments paid on Dee. Oth, 1018, balance of 00% and interest, (890.48 per 3100,) If remaining instalments paid on Jan, 11)10, balance of 70% and interest, (870.80 per 8100.) 11 remaining instalments paid on Feb. Oth, 1019, balance of 50 and interest, (551.04 per 11100,) If remaining Instalment paid on Mar. Oth, 1619, balance of 80% and interest, (031.18 per 5100.) Denomination and Registration Bearer bonds, with coupons, will be issued in denominations of 550., 8100., 8500., and 51,000., and may be registered as to principal, The first coupon attached to these bonds WM be due on May ist. 1910. Fatly registered bonds, the interest on which is paid direct to the owner by Government cheque, will be Issued its denominations 01 005., 5100., 0500,, 81,000., 5,000., 810,000., 525,000., 300,000,, 3100,000., or any multiple 01 8100,000. Payment of Interest A full half year's interest at the rate of 5j4% per annum will be paid May lot, 1919. Form of Bond and Delivery Subscribers must indicate on their application the form of bond and the denominations required, and the securities oo indicated will be delivered by the bank upon payment of the subscription in tuff. Ewer bonds of this issue will be available for delivery at the time of application to subscribers desiroue of =slang payment in full, Bonds registered as to principal only, or fully registered as to principal and interest. will be delivered to subscribers making payment in full. CM FoOn as the required registration can be made. Payment 01 53 instalments must be made at the bank originally named by the subscriber. Non-negotiable receipts will be furnished to all subscribers who desire to pay by instalments. These receipts will bo exchangeable at subscriber's bank for bonds on any instalment date when subscription is paid in full. Form of Bonds Interchangeable • Subject to the payment of 25 cents for each new bond Issued, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons, will have the right to convert into bondo with Coupons and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert into fully registered bowie without 0400000, 00 any time, on application to the Minister of Finance or any Assistant Receiver General. Forma of application may be obtained from any Official Canal:Weer, from any Victory Loan Committee, or member thereof, or from any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank, Subscription Lists will close on or before November 16th, 1918 DIIPARTAWNT (11, FINANCE, OrzomA, October 28th, 1918. 10 .f Behind the Gun the Man • Behind the Man the Dollar Make Your 11' &Liars Fight the Hun 143 Xcrad fiews 4tems You are safe in looking out for -- A fuel shortage, Great allied Victory. Jubilee Singers Concert. The Bible Society Colleetore, Winter, perhaps long and severe Splencl,d resposuse to Victory Leann High priced, meat, eggs and butter, Tine Mitchell Advocate says ( -"At n 01091109 of the local (Triers on Monthly evenittg, 1"r 'Pro ech ewner of the s'eat- Mg and o ouling rinks, was poesent and Anemone ti that 1 e proposed 1 emovitog the 110110(1mg in 'tendon P e.isure was Welt', 81 to bear en the proprietor, and in the interest 01 the young people of itcheli, Mr. Treloch decided to tun the rink here one more seasen, alto: width he woofed teamster 11 (1) some other place," Scme' getnlenten erected Bo vessels rink but so'cl It afterward to Fired, Bur- t hill, who is the present owner. AN ORCHARD WORTH W 111,11 -In company vi 11 R R :hum vs, 1) iderich, a represe 'tally, or the Signal meat' a visit to :11e hospitahie home or Kenneth camel. 1, 13 11 C011, W1.5 Woosvanosis, Mr, C.11010011, W/10 IS 1).wher of T. H. Camerom of leogdoto, ly of Brus• 'tele, for some 104100 hes a reputation as; an es;nett epole grower, and at visit to 11 Ig ooduoid effoirled 1 delightful revela- tion of w int esti he clone with woeful and lutelligcut in the growl's); and markethig of the ',Hine Caned an fo eft Fle has aorto in orche'd and about g o.trees The erehind 10 chietl: le 3 vettenes, Northern Spv, tieldwm awl Hen I 1.,ve, The trws were pirated es years two awl 'a years ego Mr Cameron pot 1111(0 preatice some original ideas which he lied conceived awl which he hal since o'10 wed out with eminent 111cc18, De ts et, tem Itie sci lhol 011811 in pruning soul spr swim; and In cps the orchard ground in good, strong condi., tion and covered with a thick sod, The results are apples of a wonderful quality. uniformly good size and almost aosolute freedom from worms or senb. To be really appreciated, the fruit should be seen on the trees, which present st beau- tiful appearance of robust health and vivid coloring. 'Phis year Mr. Cameron will have erns barrels of p•cked apples He Ions sold the peek to G Anderson, the well known apple.dealer of Luck - now, who is sending then) to the Western noultef, whore they command ft high price. Brother In Decorated Lieut. J, W. Jeakins, adjutant of the Princess Pats and brother of Rev. (•Capt.) 0, E. Jeakins, of Brantford, and former Rector of St , Paul's Church, Clinton. has been decorated by the French Government with the. Croix De Guerre, Lieut, Jenkins has previously won the Military Medal. Postmastere Association .A Canadian Postmasters' ASsocia- lion has been formed in the Domin- ion, and this weeks' Gazette an- nounces that it has been incorporat- ed,1 11 Ontario, The objects of the as- sociation are to promote the welfare of its members to promote a better metual acquaintance among Caned-, ian postmasters, 5111) to collect and solicit funds for patriotic purposes. S, S. Convention Postponed The Ontario Sunday School Associ. Minn Convention, which was- to be held this week in Massey Hall, Tor- onto, has been indefinitely postponed. Hydro Association Meets On Oct. 31,, In the expectation that by Thurs- day, October 31, the danger from the influenza epidemic win have abated, the Ontario Municipal Electric Assoc - tattoo has been called to meet on that date et Toronto, to dtscUss variouS hydro-electrIC questIOns, Influenza. Some Interesting facts about its History, Prevention and Treatment Influenza, which is now sweeping over 'Canada from one end to the other, is a very old disease, It was known in ancient times 1)11) 10 early as 1510 it ()Ver. -ran the whole civilized wbrld. For centuries it has periodically swept over various parts of the world, The last great world epidemic was in 1 589-1 890 when it was generally known by the French name of la grippe. The disease has always travelled from east lo west, SYMPTOMS The symptoms are similar to those of of a heavy cold: more or less severe headache, cold ill the head and throat, fits of sneezing, flushed face, chills, Itches 811d pains In the back and limbs, pains In the eye- balls and behind the eyes general phys- ical depression, and temperature rising to between tOt and 104 degrees. As it is such an old HOW TO 111s:ease, doctors PREVENT IT 1 learned anaitigt.raelalYt deal about its prevention and treat- ment. The first principal of preven- tion is to keep away from those in- fected, and the seemid, to build up the germ resisting parts of the body by eating nourishing foods, dressing comfortably, getting lots of sleep, and by living in the open air and in bright, well -ventilated rooms as much 85 'possible, The mouth, throat and noSe should be systematic- ally and frequently disinfeeted by an- tiseptic inhalaticms, sprays and wash- es, Such preparations as chime - tone and astatine Are well adapted for this pnrpoSes,,,,. to 'righting previOus epidemics, doe has found quintile 11 uSeful preventive One grain of sulphate of quinine mix ed with (but not disolved in) a \Ville glassful of Cold Water makes an ex Cellent antiseptic gargle. The anti microbe properties of quinine are wel known its use as described above a once relieves the symptoms of sore throat, which result from the strain o the tight between the White blow' corpuscles and the invading germs 1n . * et t.1. f • 4, amilyi ... .,. .'" Meat Market 4. the tonsils—the body's first line o tielence. Quinine is also given Inter nally with success as a preventive. 11 one of the more recent outbreaks in EttroPc, an experiment was tried 11 %Welt The men of one squadron of a regiment of cavalry Were each given 7 grains of quinine in .0.; ounce of whiskeve daily for 22 days, whilst those of the other squadrons were given none. The latter squadrons had from 22 to, 44 eases of • inlluenza, whilst the squadron treated with qui- nine developed only 4 cases. Inhala- tions d oil of eucalyptus, thymol, oil of mountain pine and the like are also valuable as preventives. When a person is 1 OW TO struck by influenza TREAT IT only one course Iles open. That is lo take to bed with the least pos- sible delay, and call a doctor, Rest, warmth and quiet are three sovereign remedies of the primary disease, and the best preventive of its more eadly complications, of which pneumonia is the most frequent, While there is 00 specific for influenza, yet there are many drugs which play a useful part in relieving it, such as quinine, aspirin and various tonics, anti -neuralgic, anti- septic and heart medicines, to be pre- scribed by the physician in charge. The dietetic rules WHAT TO which apply to any EAT fever apply equally to influenza. Liq- uid foods at first, solids 1 little later on in a gradually ascending scale trom lightly boiled fresh eggs to ehicken, roast joints, etc, Water, cold or hot, may be sipped or "egg water" :nay be given, This excellent dish is pre- pared by blending with a pint of cold wafer, the whipped whites of from 2 to 4 'eggs, flavored with salt or cinna- mon, Then the animal broths may be given. There are many cases in which even the lightest foods are spurned with loathing and common sense must be used in adapting diet to the particular case in hand. (t) The sick PREC,AUTIONS should be separ- AGAINST arated from the INFLUENZA healthy This is especially impor- tant in the case of first attacks in the household. (2) Discharges from the nose and mouth should not be allowed to get dry on a pocket handkerchief or in- side the house, office or factory. They should 1t 'once be collected in paper or clean rags and burned. If this cannot be done, they should be drop- ped Into a vessel containing water. (3) Infected articles and rooms should he cleansed and disinfected, Use disinfectants everywhere, Wash the hands frequently. -= (4) Those attacked should not, on any account mingle with other people for at least a period of ten days from the commencement of the attack. In severe cases, they should remain away from work for a longer per(iod). s Special attention should be given to cleanliness and ventilation. Warm clothing should be worn, the feet should be kept dry and all un- necessary exposure avoided, f 1 8)1411 to aIcLIo 11, hal 1 1 lot Ye oosti 11 a. new Meta I sit Markel ill 1 lie 1 1.A81 I (Lit IlloOCK, CLINTON Mr. Onslow Crich received word on Tuesday that his youngest son. Victor Crich had won the Military Medal dur- ing the big drive around Labor Day. The joint meeting of the C, C. I. and Public School Boards on Wednes- day evening decided to hold no school for ;mother week, so that all pupils would be able to commence their work on Monday, Nov, 4th. Pte, Erskine Evans who is attached to the 1st Tank Battalion at Carling Heights Camp clone home to spend a week -end leave a week ago but took the prevailing influenza and has had his leave extended. A quiet wedding took place in Tor- onto on Monday, October 14, when Miss Margaret Besot% youngest daugh- ter of Mrs, Maria Easom, 120 Colborne street, London, and former residents of Clinton, and Mr, Niel Brown, of Mount Forest were united in marriage by the Rev. S, T. Bartlett. The bride is well known in Clinton having lived here a number of years, Tuesday of this week Mr, John Ransford, Prince and Ruler of Staple- ton celebrated his 71st birthday and is still trotting around like a two-year- old, His many friends were -busy offering congratulations upon his reaching that mature age. Friday's Toronto News makes the following reference to a nephew of Dr, Gunn, of town and who is also President of the Gunn—Langlois !Co J. G. Jones Wert Watchmaker Has tioltien 01 to Brussels and is prepared to do all kinds of Watch and Clock Work 'S0'001'0 may be tt capable time- keeper but by incompetent re - ;miring you hove lost faith in it, llring it to me, 18)110 repair be worst, weerked watch cw clock and will do it, reasonably. Work may it left at my 110,110. Call 'Phone No. 80 for informa- tion. eyes Tested and Glasses Supplied t lilitIssSi,s, + where I will keep it 011 0/00. 4' of the beet Meats I o In' (Jinni noel. st4 Will alsohandle al l kinds of t. 3: Smoked mod Cowed :1152114 111/11 a e. full line of Cooked :tient.. t Goode Delivered on Short Notice 1' to all parts of the town. + '7,' ,. + + ‘‘,- ill lo,' ploitsvil lo its,' Ve ;1 + 1share of the pal 11)1119(4' and wilt I .1.. guarantee 5111 isrACI. OW, 4., Cash Paid for Hides, Phone 63x 4.1: + + + + t+ 0, B. McDonald :—Col. John A, Gunn, C. M. G., D. S. 0., of Montreal, and son of Mrs. Donald Gunn, of Toronto, has re- turned from overseas on military duties, He is at present in town staying with his 'wither, Mrs. Don- ald Gunn, 3 Rosedale Road, and leaves early in the week for Mon- treal. In a few weeks he returns again to England. Mrs. Gunn re- mained in England where she has been engaged in Patriotic work ever since she went overseas, Col. Gunn, as a major of the 3rd Victoria Rifles, organized the 240 Battalion, C. E, F„ in Montreal, with rank as lieutenant -colonel, in tie fall of 1914, and took his regiment over- seas early in 1 91 5. .After training 11.1 England he led his battalion to the front in France, and saw coe- siderable service with it there, the unit gaining fame as a fighting unit. After serving at the front for a year or more Lt. -Col, Gun was re- turned to England, where he was given command of a Canadian train- ing depot, and was later on transferr- ed to other commands. He was a- warded the D. S, 0., for kis services in France, Clinton After an illness that Inas extended over the last 2 montiot, Miss ICitte Taggart, daughter of the late Alaleol to MeTaggm 1, died here Sunday of the home of her mother. Mee 11IrTag- gert Wan very gen (WOOS Mid pliblif,- spirited, one or the directom of the Horticultural Society itntl prominent in the wotnetes work of the Willis Presbyterian church. The litho; Win. MeTaggart, Toronto, was a brothel.. Her mother still occupies the family residence, and survived her also are 2 hi others, Morris MATRIMONIAL. -A t (i o'clock Wed- nesday moo ning, October Rith, the home of A:. El, and Nies, Lloyd, John St., Winglottn, was the scene of .a very • pretty wedding, when their daughter, Annie Olivia, was united in marriage to James Victor Haines, null Of Jno, R. and Mrs. Haines, of Mort is, township, Rev, 18. F. At onstemig, D. D., officiating. The bi ide, who was unattended wore a very pretty navy blue suit, with black hat and eorsage boquet. bliss Mae Lloyd, slater of the beide, played the wedding march, After a short, trip to points East, the happy couple will reside in Alortie township, and will be followed by the best wishes of a host of friends Tooff ILL AT ERICAPORTIL-W 11 Iv busy at Ills won k the inunitinn fac- tory in Beefing)), John 111111)1(1 Hopper was taken ill with Spanish influenza and came to his home on 8rd line where he surettin bed to the disease on Tintrealay morn i 119, October nth, De. ceased was it highly ;teepee eti young man and was in his 30th 70111. His death is made all the move sad because he was to be tnitheied in the next couple or weeke. Deo:eased is sut vi ed by his patients, 5 brothersand 3 sistaws who have the sympathy of 0 host. of Mende. The family wits neet• ly all sick with the influenza also. Miller& Was held Pi iday aft armee, Nemo tile retold 1111e0 of lois poi:volts, John and Mrs, lloppeti, inteneuent In., ing made in Deandon cemet el y mew Delgenve. Atwood SPR CARE5f AN 17SSEll 1451 510), daymourning, the 21st, lik-W. DP, 111111 Mrs. Huseer, of Hart ow, received cotblegt am informing tient or 11o. death of their 01,11, Spi...1 tittles Oarin.11, !fusser, of the Canadian hingino oucurred Saturday, Septetoolse, 101.11, Ile had been in Itingland alum) 2 months and W118 in 1011. 1 081119 in Betefoed, SIIMOIX, Tito 111 1 c Carman Husset, wits howl at honisyiiii, blast of Olial ham and was 20 pines, 1 tnont ht.; and 20 days old. In mid i to a gond public. 141)110)11 esolotentien, In, attended the loletooirel 0 gb 801101'1 alai the Cont,itiotat ion 001,101 11, row, ambit:Witting for Pharomtey 0,, June 1017 Since Sept onthee Iliat vear he WP8 lilploytni 1 V. Petah, (11119910, \Valket vire, 011 May 20th last he enlisted ctnd 111 Juni, 20101, he reported for oVellitetri sol ViCo. Ile WAS 40 y‘011 1114 111011 lir physique, Inung aloont 5 01. 11 incite., tall and weighing 175 pounds and Was in the hoot of }width, 1 IP 111111 1/1.111111 before medical examining Isom de and evevy time was in (lass A, mai was also a, young ;mot of 0o,.,,Ii 0,11 disposition tuul (An 1.1 Nu chateteter and was 91 "ally beloved 1' all who knew him, awl newe his death (100(11 (110 a thread*. shock 1,, his parents and family as they bail reeeived no intimation of his illness, A memorial 8000'101P was liehl in tho Methodist, (Atwell, Harrow, Sunday erter0000. Id'' 0', Dr, Crews, Windsor, of who0se 1.11110.11 Carman 59180 11, 5.00151' 01010' /toil Mato rizetabee of the eboit, gave an address, fie was aliSisll-111. kly 11.1.V. II. A. (1 1 111/11 111, H. A., of VVitiker- vitt°, 'old the local oilvegy. 11,w. 111'. Hues, o was; pastor of the 'gullet) 111.1.0 before going to Harrow, Winighttere The dent lo oi`tell'l Sal in park, ((o)., or A11110,, 11,1 fivaiii, elm of the late Stowed Melt 71,', :Well wait:, Wit" horo 111 lAringlintu 10 years, ngn, and ,Iii011 111051 Of iliS 101'5 k11-11.0, 1 enrolois were brought here and the ham mem made hi come- t el v. Goderien (41111,11 fort 11101,11. Frorl,vio,k Hgeool take the 1, of organist and eltoir oe, :thief, has Mem voteant eine,. Mr, Taylor 1,0i. Pied. 1' uhil 111.0, tihephioli and v1111(11..1., have ('turned to firldet tr h tt 1 a Ite no roaitienee, Sin 0..1.1 has oat ii...1.1.111,11 4 WO 11 11,11 IVil 11%• leuator Ttlall sil 1. (11..',01011 01 10•011, ,,f,1. 140. I(oitsberry. ae,..noe,ot in the Tr1111111 /311111. 1151111, WIII 1,1!(1 1.0. 10 115101 1.0' his death which took phtee in Londo)l, after a few days ilatmae from 111,' 1011.1.- 18l. (4 31. BIliot t returned home fl'11111 0'1110 1, She waa 0.141(1119 er Her ;laughter, :Vise Ivy hillbt helm via y 111 ',till' the z the I/ ist lilt is now ino- pl,Vi11 niegy. Cape (fellow, NI 01 , ht, romooly teem i14 .0) 11111V at (.11•Ining, ('1(1 I 1./..101 011, itto . bng 0,, t rot 11(1)7 2,1. It .111.1 ;01(0,1100 the or al, old '''Ile.:,' 14111111, 1.1 1. 11, ch.r la in tI,e best, 11'''! 11, mei spio 114 /1101111 ‘Vilson, I'M 111.1 1 1S -a11,011 14) 0010-.1 11111, W101 0',; 11,,. 11401 14 S..11,04 11101 0,.., ell 11, 1.1011100 As), hum 111,11 I 1100,1, 111 the ago. nti 77 1181,, 'pee 11,119 Iva. 111.'119111 1'' i.'I, 411,1 Id' Le: tt 0 io 3I/till:0A 0,111.41'1 y. His wife nod ilanglime, an. tivji•g in hoid,01011t151 1110141 11,,• 1 10 Li1111, .8. 11,''.' Alla Ills, win s01110 1000. 49,, WILS 13011(1 1.1.100,0.4y 1110111114.11., is 1111W cop°, 1 EE.1 as having died a his ‘,1; ends oil 0, 116'1 1711,, II 1180,14.4 J. P. A11.1 UP, 14 S.1.1111ift, having 11' (eyed tt old to this efftet. Limit Adam.- todislasi in the 211 I: Boit-co. in 1911 ion.1 alter Reining at Guelph wet,' 1915. 100e number of years ho Was 01 resident of titelei p; organist 1011(1 Choir (lit pet to EEr NE TO] ollerl cl hodiot clior-11 n,t,1 Of lerwartln (if St George'e v11111.11 Ile tees a must - elan of (ExEmpl 01 nod 0.11iii V. Listowel We•slcy \Yak, bed leo, eoncluded wot k .10dg11 at Fall 1040 1.,,, He rifileiated at I Mimi -Ville, AIIiOlcol, 10(1111 Chesley, Drayton and Row. 1V. E. Milleon. pastor of the illothodist Phut eh, loas deeidoel 1,0 ee. main in Listowel toutil th•• end et' hie year, 111 J une next, mid lute en ,co, Hied the Boatel. Rev Mr. Millson offered a good position, in ento ho connection wino the Soeia I and Nloral reform 091118 of 1111' clout eh and until a short time tog. it W11.5 not definitely known wleethon he would immediate- ly leave his work here oe not, Ilarrorh and Cadet 10,19111 Hay name Immo 0) '01 Taranto in an am °plane ot, Saturday, Oet. 10th, I100th(bllg 1111(1 Strndey aftet 'mon, Lieut. Dotetoelt, mhos is 1111 HIS1.1"Hc•toU ill I he R. A. F , gave 0 magnitieent exhibition 1,0 emote of the woe': the airmen do. Malti 1111,1 Witline• 00: ems were nowolvd with mit 1111.1,1,01i0 spec- tottots who woes. thrilled with the ex- hibition given. “Lemping. the loops," "epinning the tmee (lit -ea" and other st 1101 to wet e 11.1 for en tat 591111 setae. The eon I ol a oi5e1 he airrnitti Mal ,'f his 16).50011e oras It 1 evelat ion to many and the :Tor In I ore were delighted with what they saw 1.,1001, pai roalt and Cadet Hay relonitual to Leasith. Sco isilay af (autumn, malt 1 ng the 1'1'1)I01( 1119 in about all 1101111% 1.10111., 1 1111, Dolt IF you want t1,,What MAI. 01(11111141 Sol 91.01 lat'alls, give foe your order 01o11 you will appetteho emyr, to I. (11 every 0910.7. A 11Inteumetoi or 111,st ise• 055100 1111.51 11 1,1 VE..1 III fss, ef stone. 11 0-, the 0,1141 1,1,111 1., Ohoc 191105e 1000)0 to la 104 101,10 pairs. iS 1)0111 iV0•1'," 01 L.'s "earn in or- der te have it ere( 1,1 atf'111, S11111- 111001, that y..11 phi', ,) our order 'hi, 10011. Brussels Granite & Marble Works A. S. lit5letoEV, Piroprictor. 115111 IIILS tweii Itpla41.1, 11111.10110. 111 1 0,00115.01 1 1 '10. ITEMS OF INTEREST Short Readable Items for Our Readers The !Maud Revenue returns for the month of September sh94. a not in- crease over the corresponding month last year of LS 5 3.99 t, the total re- ceipts for the Innoll being $4,194,- 322, Excise hose s bfieught in 82,- (,'I,'''l, anti war taxes 81,462,540, Cralos are past 'nesters in the art of camouflaging. 0110 of their favorite devices is 0 o take advantage of their natural resemblance to certain rocks. A French army aviator, who is a naturalist as well, has observed that many insects follow ballots:is in their ascent. He has seen tiles go as high as 2,970 feet, after which they die. Grasshoppers cling to the basket of the tallloon until the air becomes too rarefied for thein, when they let. go and tall. lie s.0.s the swallows have a clothe'', time oatc11in8/ these insects, Wasinetun—Repogt•; that this year's cotton crop t'J.S estimated at 1 1,81 8,- 000 equivalent 5oo-pound bales, by the Deparment of Agriculture, basing its estimate cut the condition of the crop on Sept. 25, which was 54 per cent, of a normal. It is understood that Ford Motor 'Company has taken order for 8150,- 11011,000 of tanks. Production of tanks by England and United States will be rP rg ushreadmat an enormous pace next year. The Ford order is simpi> part of a big Major J, 0, Tolmie, member in the tontario legislature for the Windsor electoral district, who has been In France for more than two years, may arrive home at Christmas on furlough, xa,‘c..icieo.rding to a letter received by ills Fifty thousand jobs in Pennsylvania are available for wounded soldiers. No British bluejacket white abroad ship is permitted to whistle the na- btizi anthem or the -0ead March In Saul" unless it is being played by the At a special war savings week beld in Mauchline 097,622 was raised, an average of £40 per head of the popu- lation, During the last three weeks the following quantities of sugar have been shipped to whole sale and retail grocers; Ottawa, 1,1 50,000 pounds; Montreal, 2,835,700 pounds; Toronto 3,258,700 pounds; Calgary, 1,010,000 pounds. Judging from these quan- tities of sugar going to the private consumers there must be a consider- able amount of houSe-hold hoarding going on, which should stop at once, The Quebec Legislature has been called to meet on December 1 7, Completing the Home Circle There is no other force more t effective in making the home at- traotive Meal music. Every member of the family is Irresistibly drawn " by good =Sic. The supplies;this welding link in hundreds of Canadian bonus. Thosewho desi re to be bound down to no limited number of artists in their choice a records choost the Brant.olaybecause it plays all records equally well. Those who desire aphonagrimh Ina ease that is in keeping with the other beautiful furnishings of their homes, find in the Brant.ola that combination of art and science that marks thcwork of masters.' The Brant.ola is a truly beautiful bi. strument to see and hear. The Branbola is made in seven different styles. Finished in Walnut, Peeled Oalt or Mahogany, 10 will play any make of disc record. Ask your dealer to demon- strate this beautiful instrusekt to rah 1,474.11.tataR. JOHN OLIVER Brussels SaLATeratlitti SAUD. trump BRANTFORD, CANADA DISPRIellIons